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- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 1

# Man is a social animal Greek Philosopher

# Nature necessity = man =: society -- impel =c

# Man behaviour =: physical social forces - determined =c =- =-= =+- -=+-= =-

# Social phenomena ~-=: =-=-= + = =- +- =-== society + -~- ~=+ /
++ ===- =- = - === (In totality =) society + ===- -- =+-

# Mans social behaviour =: explain =c

# Society is the web of social relationship.

# Sun =-+ = --- sociology + + +c

# Sociology is the mother social service of other social service.

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Chapter 1

The term sociology was coined (used) by Auguste Comte, a French Philosopher, in 1839,
who is one of the founding fathers of sociology. Others three are Max Webber, Ermile Durkhiemade
and Herbert Spencer. Auguste Comte introduced to the term sociology in his famous book The
Course Of Positive Philoshopy. The teaching of sociology as a separate discipline started in 1876 in
the USA; in 1889 in France. The department of sociology/anthropology was established in 1981 in
Nepal, under the chairmanship of Chaitayjaat Mishra at TU.
Sociology is the youngest of all the social science. The word sociology is derived from the
Latin word societo meaning society and the Greek word logos meaning study or science.
Thus, the etymological meaning of sociology is the science of society. Sociology is the study of
mans behaviour in groups or of the interaction among human beings of social relationship and the
processes by which human group activity takes place. In general, the major subjects of the sociology
are society and human behaviour. Therefore, we can say sociology is not only study of mans
behaviour, it is the science of society, or of social phenomena, it studies of the relationships between
man and his environment. Sociology is also the scientific study of the structural of socialize and
Now we may come to conclusion that sociology is concerned with human relationship, its
emphasis is on the social aspect of these relationships. Its real subject matter is social relationship.
The basis of social interaction or social processes is social relationships. Man becomes a social
animal only when he enters into social relationship. The different aspects of social life viz. political
in economic are but the expressions of social relationship economic are but the expressions of social
relationships. The sociologists attempt to discover the evolution of society, its systems and
structures, the development of social institutions and their functions, the customs and rules regulating
social relationships, and the phenomena of social change.

Some of the definitions of sociology are given below:
1. Sociology is the study of human interaction and interrelationship their condition and
consequences. M. Gimsberg
2. Sociology is the science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social action.
Max Weber
3. Sociology may be defined as a body of knowledge about human relationships. - J.F. Cuber
4. Sociology is a body of learning about society. It is a description of ways to make society
better. It is a social ethics, a social philosophy. Generally, however it is defined as a science
of society. W.F. Ogburn
Sociology is a science of society of social relationship, study of social life, study of human
behaviour in group, study of social action, forms of social relationship, social groups or social

On the basis of these definitions we may conclude the science of society and society is the
web of social relationship. Thus, sociology is the science which studies the social relationships that

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 3
happen in the process of interaction and interrelation among individuals in social groups. Therefore,
forms of social relationship is the subject matter of society.

Scope of Sociology
# V.F. Calbertoon: === --- (Flexible Science) = +s- c, == +- ==~ -c +- ==- -c

Formalistic School Synthetic School
# - =--- ---
# ==- - -=- =-
# Forms of social relationship
# Special science
# === --- -
# ===+ +- += ===- =- +c
# ===+ =--+ === ---+ ===- =- -
# ==-- -= ===+ ----+ ==-= =-+ c-
# =-- == -=- =+ --

Nature of sociology:
1. It is an independent science, not treated as the branch of other science.
2. Related to other social sciences like economics, political science, psychology, history,
anthropology, dealing with the various activities.
3. Aims to get the knowledge of social phenomena and it may apply the proper knowledge for the
welfare of human society.
4. It doesnt deal with each and every events that takes place in the society, rather it tries to make
generalization on the basis of the study of some related events.
5. Silence on the question of value as a discipline, it cant deal with the problems of good and bad,
right or wrong.
6. Based on rationalism and empiricism.

1.1 Scope of Sociology
There is no one opinion about the scope of sociology. It is difficult to determine just where its
boundaries begin and end. It is maintained by some that sociology studies everything and anything
under the sun.
In the broadest sense, society is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their
conditions and consequences. Thus, ideally, sociology has for its field the whole life of man in
society. But this is too wide a scope for any science to deal with properly.
There are two main schools of though among sociologists on this issue:
1. Specialistic or Formalistic School:
1. This group of writers headed by German Sociologist Simmels view.
2. Simmel demarcates sociology sociology clearly from other branches of social study and confines
it to the enquiry into certain defined aspects of human relationship.
3. They regard society as pure and independent.
4. According to Simmel, society is a specific social science which describes, classified, analyses
and delineates the form of social relationship.

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5. Smalls View: The scope of sociology is the study of the general forms of social relationship,
behavour and activities, etc.
6. Max Webers View: Sociology concerned with the analysis and classification of types of social
7. Sociology studies are specific aspect of social relationships i.e. their forms in their abstract
nature, and not in any concrete situation. Bottles example
8. If school has limited scope of sociology to the abstracted study of the forms of social

Criticism of Formalistic School:
1. It has narrowed the scope of sociology.
2. Abstract forms separated from concrete relations cannot be studied.
3. The conception of pure society is impractical.
4. Sociology alone does not study social relationships.

Synthetic School
1. This school wants to make sociology a synthesis of the social sciences or a general science.
2. This group is headed by Durkheim, Hebhouse and Sorokin.
3. Durkheims View: Sociology has three principal division viz. a) social morphology b) social
physiology c) General sociology
4. The study of relationship between the different aspects of social phenomena: Sorokims view.
5. Recently a sociological seminar was held in America which gave a general outline of the scope
of the sociology. Alex Inkeles has put it as follows:
a) Social Analysis b) Primary Concepts of Social Life
c) Basic Social Institution d) Process

The scope of sociology is very wide. It is a general science but it is also a special science. As
a matter of fact, the subject matter of all social sciences is society.
Formalistic (short form)
Sociology deals with same topic as other sciences deal but from different angles of different
modes of social relationship.
This school of thought has been criticized as it has unreasonably narrowed the field of
It advocates sociology as the synthesis of social science. All the aspect of social life are inter-
related. The specific study of a particular aspect of the social event is not enough to describe the
event and hence sociology should study the social life from various aspects and in totality.

== += + ===+ ---+ |== ---+- ---+ += ---+ =--- c, - = =--+ - +
=+ -

# Every science and there is a basic unity internally between every social science and sociology.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 5

# Sociology also seen separate with other science but internally there is also mutual relationship
among these science.

1.2 Relationships of Sociology with other sciences
Social is a science of society as a whole. It studies the social life as a whole. Due to the
complexity of social life, it is impossible to isolate social problems from the whole range of human
experience. The life of man is many-sided. There is economic aspect, as aesthetic aspect, a religious
aspect, etc. Therefore, sociology can understand social life as a whole with the help of other social
sociology and other social sciences have much in common. Recently, there has been a gradual
coming together of various disciplinary. There is a certain kind of relationship between sociology
and other social sciences.

Sociology and History
1. Both of them are social sciences.
2. Schoolars are accepted. Strong relationship between both social sciences.
3. History is sociology of past tense.
4. Sociology is a history of present tense.
5. Sociology has achieved support to explain the present events by helping ancient event of
6. For example:
i. History studies of the war
ii. Sociology analysis its socio-impact

Sociology History
1. Sociology is a general science which
focuses on all types of social relationship.
1. History is a special science which only
focuses on historical events.
2. Sociology is related to present phenomena. 2. History is related to past events.
3. Sociology is the science which studies the
abstract phenomena.
3. History is the science which studies the
concrete events.
4. Sociology finds are experimented. 4. Historical findings are not experimental.

Sociology and Economic
1. Economic relation is an aspect of social relation; this point view explains that both sciences are
inter-dependent with each other.
2. The fact that society is influenced by economic factors while economic processes are largely
determined by the social environments clearly proves that the relationship between sociology and
economics is very intimate.


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Sociology Economics
1. Sociology studies the social relationship. 1. Economics studies the economic
2. Sociology studies all the aspects of social
2. Economics studies only the economic
aspect of social life.
3. Sociology is a general science. 3. Economics is a special science.
4. Sociology deals with the group. 4. Economics deals with the individual.
5. Sociology is a science of only recent
5. Economics is much older than sociology.

Sociology and Political Science
Sociology and political science are closely related to one another. Political science is a branch
of social science dealing with the principles: Organization and Government of Human Society. It is
rightly said that without the sociological background, the study of political science will be
Sociology is also dependent upon political science for its complete study. The special study
of political science is done by this subject.

# Sociology and political science have been very closely related to each other till recently.

# The two subjects have even now much in common.

# Political science is branch of social science dealing with the principles of organization and
government of human society.

# The forms of government, the nature of governmental organs, the laws and sphere of the state
activity, which are the subjects of political science, on the one hand, and these are determined by the
social process which is subject of sociology on the other hand. \

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 7
Branches of Sociology
Sub-division of Sociology

Social life is composed by so many social aspects. All these aspects are the subject matter of
sociology. So, naturally sociology has many branches which are determined by various social
aspects. Sociology has covered all the aspects of social life and society. It is going to be very popular
subject in the upcoming days due to its accessibility to every parts of social life. So, sociology has
succeeded to open its own specialized branch. The major branches of sociology are given as follows:
1. Historical Sociology: It studies the historical events which are related with society and man. It
employs historical and comparative study method. Its study methods are historical and
2. Sociology of Knowledge: It is recently developed. It studies the knowledge which is social
product. This branch argues that human knowledge is influenced by human society and its
3. Sociology of Education: It studies the academic institution and organization. Its focus point of
study is system of education or college or school.
4. Sociology of Ecology: It is related with environment. Its subject matter is now to impact of
environment on living beings.

Life of the society is indispensable for the complete study of the society as a whole. The
differences between sociology and political science are as follows:
Sociology Political Science
1. Sociology is the science of society.
2. The scope of sociology is wide.
3. Sociology deals with social man.
4. Sociology is a general science.
5. Sociology is the study of both organized
and unorganized communities.
6. Sociology deals with conscious and
unconscious activities of man.
7. Sociology goes behind this assumption
and tries to explain how and why man
becomes a political being.
1. Political science is the science of state.
2. The scope of political is very limited.
3. Political Science deals with political man.
4. Political Science is a special science.
5. Political science deals with organized
communities only.
6. Political science deals with conscious
activities only.
7. Political science starts with the
assumption that man is a political being.

Sociology and Psychology
Social psychology deals with mental processes of man considered as a social being. It studies
particularly the influence of group life in the mental development of individuals. On the other hand,
sociology studies the various kinds of groups which compose the society.
Social psychology has to depend on sociology to understand properly human nature and
behaviour as it is sociology which provides the necessary mate of societies to which individuals
belong. As a result of the close relation between sociology and social psychology Karl Pearson does
not accept the two as separate sciences.

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Some differences between sociology and social psychology are as follows:
Sociology Psychology
1. Sociology deals with the social process of
human society.
2. The scope of sociology is wide.
3. Sociology is a general science.
4. Experimental method is not possible in
sociological study.
5. Group is the unit of analysis in the
1. Psychology deals with the psychic
process of human being.
2. The scope of psychology is limited.
3. Psychology is a special science.
4. Experimental method is useful in
psychological study.
5. Individuals are the unit of analysis in

Sociology and Anthropology
Sociology and anthropology are so closely related sciences that they often appear as two
names for the same field of enquiry. Sociology is the science of society and anthropology is the
science of man. Both society and man are complementary to each other. Anthropology is mainly
divided into two categories:
1. Physical Anthropology 2. Cultural Anthropology
The subject matter of sociology and cultural anthropology are more or less the same. Both of
them study culture, marriage, family, kinship, religion, etc. Due to this close relationship between
these two, there is combined department of sociology and anthropology at most of the universities of
the world.

Differences between Anthropology and Sociology
Anthropology Sociology
1. Anthropology is the study of whole
society. It studies its political, legal
problems, family organization, religions,
art, industries and occupation.
2. It studies the primitive society.

3. Anthropology studies cultures which are
small and static.
4. Anthropology is the study of man and his
culture as they developed in times long
5. It participates observation method.
6. Anthropology is not concerned with
social planning. It does not make any
suggestions for the future.
1. Sociology studies only its particular
aspects. The main focus of sociology is
social interaction.

2. It does not studies only primitive study
but studies modern society too.
3. Sociology studies civilizations which are
vast and dynamics.
4. Sociology studies the same phenomena as
they are at present.

5. It employs sampling method.
6. Sociology is concerned with both social
philosophy and social planning.

Sociology of Law: It was developed in Europe. This branch of sociology studies the interrelationship
and interaction among the law society and social institution. It studies the law as major formal means
of social control.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 9

Rural Sociology: It studies the rural society with scientific way, which developed in America.
According to A.R. Dasai, Rural sociology is the science of rural society.

Urban Sociology: It studies the industrial society to which we call urban society.

Industrial Society: It studies related with industrial relations and industrial activities of man.

Economic Sociology: It is also recognized as sociology of economic life. It studies these kinds of
complex activities which are related with production, distribution, exchange, consumption and

Political Sociology: It is developed for study and search of political process, organizations,
institution with sociological point of viewer perspective.

Other Branches:
Sociology has many branches which are mentioned below:
a) Sociology of Religion
b) Sociology of Military
c) Sociology of Crime
d) Sociology of Art
e) Sociology of Medicine
f) Sociology of Communication
g) Sociology of Recreation
h) Sociology of Sexual Behaviour
i) Sociology of Social Evils
j) Sociology of Caste
k) Sociology of Small Group
l) Sociology of Psychology
m) Sociology of Service
n) Sociology of International Relation
o) Sociology of Development & Planning

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# Human being + civilization + development == =--= society, events, groups, castes, etc +
==+= observation and thinking start =+ +:c
# It is a new science or a science of recent origin
# Sociology has short history but long past Robert Biersted (Social System)
# August Comte = =~ +c explain =+
# He predicted that man would become the master of his social destiny as soon as he developed a
science of society.
# Pleto (according to plan) Republic (427-347 BC)
# Aristotal (status) Ethics (384-322 BC) and Politics (about law)
# Confucius Analects
# Sociology =: separate discipline + += ===-+ =-- ~- 1839 = August Comte = ~|+ -
# Sociology + development = America + ==- ~=+ c Germany England.

Primary Stage
# 400 years ago, Unani (Greek Philosophers) have introduced sociological thoughts.
# Father of Pal science Aristotle
# Father of History Herodotus
# Philoshophy = ==: =+ ~+ ===+ +:c
# Cicero, St. Augustine, Lucretius, etc
# The study of social relationship was determined by political aspects.
# They were either attacking or defending their own social system.

Second Stage
# 13 century is considered to be second stage.
# Ones life is found to be full of religious blind beliefs.
# This is also called as conservative age.
# One believes more in religion and magic in this stage.
# Dante, Thomas The social system existing at the time was the divinely sanctioned one.

Third Stage
# 15 century is considered to be third stage.
# Machiavelli, Sir Thomas More, vico scientific investigation of social phenomena, Hobbes,
Malthus, Montesque, The spirit of laws, losseacy, etc.
# Scientific methods are found to be applied to study the society.
# Political science, economic, psychology, social psychology are found to be developed.

Fourth Stage
# This stage initiates from 19
# Simple methods are developed to study the society.
# August Comte introduced social physics man goes progressively through three stages of
social development theological, meta physical and scientific. Man has now reached the
scientific stage. But his thinking about society was still in the meta physical stage.
# Darwins simple to complex survival of the fittest

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 11
# Herbert Spencer who was one of the most brilliant Englishmen of modern times, who used
these principles of the survival of the fittest and natural scientific to the field of sociology.
# Graham Wallace, Hebhouse in England and Giddings, Cooley, mead and Dewey in America all
tried to interpret social evolution in psychology terms in their own ways and fields.
# John Stewart Mill introduced Ethology in this science.
# Syensar gave a book name sociology.
# Carl Marks 1948, Communist Manifesto
# Max Webber is considered as interpretative sociology.
# During 20
century, sociology has a rapid pace in its development.
# A most important development of sociology takes place in France, German, England, America.
# France Hukhim - Emphasised on the reality of society, Rusho
# Germany Webber sociology as comprehensive science of social action, Marks
# America Somenar, Ward, Thomas, Maikaib, etc.
# Sociology + += --- -=-+ =++- ~|+ c
a. Critical Theory
b. Phenomenology
c. Ethnimethodology
d. World System Theory
e. Bio Sociology
1. Sociology in India- 1919 in the university of Bombay but it was in 190 that its study as a separate
discipline was started.

century famous sociologists are:
1. G. Sinmel
2. C.H. Colley
3. Giddings American small, young, Merten, Tallcal, Pearson
4. Mcjver
5. Spencer, Hobhouse, Westmark England
6. Mark
7. Hukhim

New Sociologists are:
1. A.O. Wilson (1975)
2. J. Turmer (1995)
3. Coser (1956, 1996)
4. I.Wallerstein (1979)
5. H. Garfinkel (1967)
6. Coolins (1975), etc

Unit 2

Culture Lag:

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It is the time taken for the material culture to be adopted in non material culture. Cultural lag
refers to the imbalance in the rate and speed of change between these two parts of culture.

2. If it comes in short note, then write down on these basis:
1. What is culture?
2. Types of Culture
3. Ogburn Definition on Culture
1. The first user of this term cultural lag is Ogburn in 1922 at his book social change. He divided
culture into two parts. One is material and other is non-material.
Definition: The strain that exists between two correlated parts of culture that change at unequal
rate of speed may be interpreted as a lag is in the part that is changing at the slowest rate, for the
one lags behind the other. For example: Bad Tea, Snacks, Lunch and Dinner.

Major Points:
1. +- +- ---+ ==+- ===- + -c == + =-= - +- - -c- = -+ += =
== -+= =+- +~+ =-= =c
2. ==- -+ -=- ~- ===-+= -=+- === ~= =:|+ -- ==+ +== =+-
=--= === -+--= -c
3. ===-= ====: -= =a-+ ==-+ += =- =c =-- - ===, ====- ===, ==
===, :=
4. =++ =+- === =-=-+ ==- -:-, = - ==-+ =-=-= -+- ==++ =-- -
== =-- |== -- -~: =-- -- ++= -, == - === +- |== --- -:-, = - ==+
-+- =- ++= -

Chapter 2
Language of Sociology

Language of Sociology:
1.1 Sociology and Culture
Meaning of Society:
In common parlance, the word society is usually used to designated the members of specific
in group, persons rather than the social relationships of these groups. Thus, we speak of a Hindu
Society. Sometimes, the word is used to designate institution when we speak of Arya Samaj
(Society) or Brahmin Samaj. Thus, usually, it refers to tangibles rather than observations, to specific
rather than norms. In sociology, the term society refers not to a group of people but to the complete
pattern of the norms of interaction that arise among them. People are valuable only as agencies of
social relationship. They are things. A society is intangible; it is a process rather than a thing,

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 13
motion rather than structure. The important aspects of society is the system of relationships, the
pattern of norms of interaction by which the members of the society maintain themselves. Society
exists only where social beings behave toward one another in ways determined by their recognition
of another. There is relationship between a typewriter and a desk, between the earth and the sun,
between the fire and smoke, etc. Each of these is affected by the existence of the other but the
relationship is not a social one. There is no intangible sense of awareness between typewriter and

Some definitions of society are as follows:
1. According to Giddings, Society is the union itself, the organization, the sum of formal
relationships in which associating individuals are bound together.
2. According to Melver and page, Society is a system of usages and procedures of authority and
mutual aid of many grouping and division, of control of human behaviour and liberties. This ever
changing complex system is called as society. It is the network of social relationships and it is
always changing. (Book Society)
3. According to Ginsberg, A society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations or
modes of behaviour which mark them off from others who do not enter in these relations or who
differ from them in behaviour.
4. According to Professor Wright, Society is not a group of people, it is the system of relationships
that exists between the individuals of the group.

On the basis of these definitions, we may conclude that society is web of social relationships.
Society consists of the mutual interactions and mutual interrelations of the individuals but it is also a
structure formed by these relations. It is a pattern, a system and not the people.
Characteristics Features of Society:
1. Society is Abstract: Society is not a group of people. It is the web of social relationships created
in the process of interaction among the people. Therefore, society can be felt and realized but not
seen. It is not tangible to see and touch. It is intangible and invisible. Thus, society is an abstract
2. Mutual Interaction and Awareness: Society is the web of social relationships. It refers to the
reciprocal contact between two or more persons. An individual is a member of society so long as
he/she engages in the relationship with other members of society.
Social interaction is made possible because of mutual awareness. Society is a network of
social relationships. All relations are not aware of each other. Thus a social relationship implies
reciprocal awareness.
3. Likeness and Difference in Society: Likeness therefore is an essential pre-requisite of society.
According to Maclver, society means likeness. The sense of likeness was focused in early
society on kinship, which is real or supposed blood relationship. In modern societies, the
conditions of social likeness have broadened and in the principle of nationality or one world.
Likeness refers to similarities. People have similarities with regards to their needs, works, aims,
ideals, values, outlooks towards life and so on.
But this sense of likeness does not exclude diverging a variation. Society also implies
difference and it depends on the latter as much as on likeness of all people were exactly alike,

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their social relationships would become very much limited. They would contribute reciprocally,
little give and take. In social life, there is indefinite interplay of likeness and difference of co-
operation and conflict of agreement and dissent. People differ from one another in their ability,
potentiality, attitude, etc. However, difference alone cannot create society. It subordinates to
4. Interdependence: Social relationships are characterized by interdependence. For example,
family, the most basic, social group, is based upon the interdependence of man and woman. One
depends upon the other for the satisfaction of ones needs. The area of interdependence upon one
another also grows on. Today, not only individuals are interdependent upon one another but
every community, social groups, societies, nations are also interdependent.
5. Co-operation and Sub-division of Labour: Co-operation is also essential to constitute society.
Without co-operation society cannot exist. Unless people co-operate with each other, they cannot
live a happy life. For want of co-operation, the entire fabric (walls) of society may collapse.
Primarily, likeness and secondarily different create the division of labour. Division of labour
involves the assignment to each unit or group or specific share of a common task. Division of
labour is possible because of co-operation. Thus, co-operation and division of labour have made
possible social solidarity or social cohesion.
6. Society is Dynamic: Society is not static, it is dynamic. Change is ever present in society.
Change ability is an inherent quality of human society nor society can ever remain constant for
any length of time.
7. Permanent Institution
8. Conflict in Society
9. Social Control
10. Liberty

The concept of culture is very complex because it is used in different meaning. Sanskriti is
the Sanskrit term for the English word, culture. Both Sanskrit and Sanskrit are derived from
Sanskar, meaning ritual performance.
Culture is the important part of human life. People are acquired different types of culture by
their ancestors. It is an internal object of human life by which human became matured. The meaning
of culture is the act of refinements. In this way the meaning of refinement is the process of
adaptation of social characteristics. All these system of elements which contributes to make social
being to individuals is culture.
In social anthropology, the word culture means knowledge that is knowledge about those
aspects of humanity which are not natural but which are related to that which is acquired. In other
words, culture refers to those abilities, norms and forms of behaviour which are acquired by a person
as a member of society.
Some of the definitions of culture are as follows:
1. According to E.B. Tylor, Culture or Civilization taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that
complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral law, custom and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 15
2. According to Malinowski, Culture is the handwork of man and the medium through which he
achieves his ends.
3. According to Maciver and page, Culture is the expression of our nature in our modes of living
and thinking in our everyday, inter-course in art, in literature, in religion, recreatin and in
4. According to Herskovits, Culture is the man-made part of environment

On the basis of these definitions, we may conclude that culture is the acquired characteristics and
these acquired characteristics passed from one generation to another society and culture are closely
related concepts. There can be no culture without a society and no society without culture. Acquired
characteristics passed from one generation to next through the process of socialization. Thus, what is
important in the definition of culture is that social inheritance or tradition should be included. Thus,
Ralph Linton says that culture is social heredity. It refers to the entire complex of what man does and
thinks as a member of society.
There are two types of culture:
1. Material Culture
2. Non-material Culture

1. Material Culture: All man-made physical objects are considered as material culture. It is
manufactured and modified by man. It includes technologies, instruments, consumer goods, etc.
Example: banking system, currency system, TV computer, etc.
2. Non-material Culture: All man-made intangible cultural traits, such as technical skills, norms,
knowledge, beliefs, language, attitudes, etc which are passed down from generation to generation
is called non-material culture.

5. Characteristics of Culture:
1. Culture is learnt behaviour; it is not inherited biologically.
2. Culture is transmissive by the means of reading, writing, speaking.
3. Culture is social.
4. Culture is dynamic and adaptive.
5. Culture is ideal.
6. Culture is continuous.
7. Culture is symbolic.
8. Culture is shared.
9. Culture is man-made.
10. Culture is gratifying.
11. Culture is super individual and super organic.
12. Every society possesses a distinctive culture.
13. Language is main vehicle of culture.
14. Culture is basic component of shaping personality.
15. Culture is a way of life.

i. Culture (Evolution)

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a. Creationary Culture
b. Evolutionary Culture

a. Creationary Culture: It is religious, not scientific. It is based on belief. E.g. Evolution of earth
by God.
b. Evolutionary Culture: It is based on scientific facts.

# Elaborate society is a social control
# Definition of society
# Nature of society

Controls are necessary for the organization of society. Control upon an individuals behaviour is
not meant to destroy his liberty but to promote and protect it.
Society has its own rules and regulations, morals, norms are kept in such a way that we are bound
to obey that, religious things, believe system, religion such that not eating beef, opening shoes while
entering into the temples, etc.

Types of Society:
1. Hunting and Gathering Society
People were basically nomadic.
2. Tribal Society
Generally consists of leader, having own culture and distinct language, they are against the
3. Agrarian Society
This is the first economic society. Man started to do farming.
i. Slash and burn does not use tools only burn the plant for the fertilizers.
ii. Use of tools only oneself of more the share to neighbour.
iii. Commercial farming
4. Industrial Society
Modern society started from 18
century. England is the first country (1760-1830)

Characteristics of Industrial Society:
Emergence of modern family set-up
Economic institution
Division of labour
Social mobility (for upliftment)
Women rights
Human rights

Unit -2
1.3 Community and Institution
Meaning of community

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 17
Whenever the members of any group, small or large, live together in such away that they
share not this or that particular interest, but the basic conditions of a common life; we call that group
a community. It is inevitable that people who ever any length of time resides in a particular locality
should develop. Social likeness should have common social ideas, common traditions and the sense
of belonging together. This fact of social living and common specific area gives birth to community.
Etymologically, the word community is the combination of two latin words, com and
munis. Here, com means together and munis means serving. Thus, the etymological meaning
of community is serving together.
Community is a concentrated settlement of people in a limited territorial area with which they
satisfy many of their daily needs through the system of interdependent relationships. A community is
a self conscious social unit and a focus of a group identification.

Some definitions of community are as follows:
1. A community is a social group with some degrees of we felling and living in a given area.
2. A community is an area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence. R. M.
3. A community is a group or collection of groups that inhabits a locality. Ogburn and Nimkoff
4. A community is that collectivity the members of which share a common terristial area as their
base of operation of daily activities. Talcott Pearson

On the basis of above definitions, we may conclude that we find two approaches to the meaning
of community. One is a really based conception of the community emphasizing its ecological aspect
and others have adopted psychological emphsis in their thinking about the community. The
community therefore is a circle of people groups who lived together and belong together having
common center of interest and activities.

Elements of a community
1. Group of people: Community is a group of people whenever the individuals live together in
such a way that they share the basic conditions of a common life.
2. Locality: The group of people forms a community when it begins to reside in a definite locality.
A community always occupies a territorial area. Among the village people, there is unity because
they reside in a definite locality. Due to definite locality, people have achieved help to develop
social contact, they gives protection and security. It helps to promote and fulfill their interest.
3. Community Sentiments: It refers to the feeling of belonging together. The members must be
aware of their staying together and should share common interests. Locality alone is not enough
to form a community without the sense of identification, a sense of belongingness and the sense
of living and sharing common interests.
4. Stability: A community is not transistor lie a crowd. It essentially includes a permanent life in a
definite place.
5. Naturality: Communities are not made or located by an act of will but are natural. An individual
is born in a community.

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6. No Legal Status: A community is not a legal person. There are no assigned duties or rights
enforced by the law.
7. A Particular Name: Every community has some particular name. For example, Newar
Community, Tharu Community, etc

The bases (elements) of community are locality and community sentiment.

Difference between Community and Society
Society Community
1. It is a web of social relationship.

2. Society is abstract.
3. A definite geographical area is not
4. Community sentimental or we feeling
may or may not be present.
5. Society involves both likeness and
difference. Common as well as diverse
interests are present.
6. The objective and interest of society is
more intensive and varied.
7. Society is a wide term. It can include
more than one community.
1. Group of people living in a particular area
with we feeling.
2. Community is concrete.
3. A definite geographical area is essential.

4. The community sentiment is very much
5. It is based on likeness. There is common
interest and objective among the
6. The object and interest is comparatively
class intensive and varied.
7. Community is smaller than society.

2.3 Institution
Meaning of Institutions
In ordinary speech or writing, people often use the word institution to mean an organization
with some specific purpose as a public or charitable institution.
Sociologically, institutions are forms of procedures. Every organization depends upon certain
recognized and established set of rules, traditions and usages. These usages and rules array may be
given the name of institution. They are the forms of procedures which are recognized and accepted
by society and govern the relations between individuals and group. Thus, marriage, education,
economic state and religion are the main institutions.
Some definitions of institution are as given below:
1. An institution consists of a concept (idea, notion and interest) and a structure. Summer
2. An institution is the organization of several folkways and mores into a unit which serves a
number of social functions. Green
3. A social institution is a structure of a society that is organized to meet the needs of people
chiefly through well established procedures. Bogardus
On the basis of above mentioned definitions, it can be said that social institution is that part of the
society which maintains social order through well established procedures.

Characteristics of Institution:

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 19
1. Institutions are the means of controlling individuals.
2. It depends upon the collective activities of men.
3. It has some proceedings which are formed on the basis of customs and dogmas (doctrines put
forward by authority to be accepted without questioned)
4. It has more stable than other means at social control.
5. Every institution has some rules which must be compulsorily obeyed by the individual.
6. Institutions are formed to satisfy the primary needs of men. It has social recognition behind it.

There are the following points of differences between institution and community:
Institution Community
1. Institution is an organization of rules,
traditions and usages.
2. Institution is a structure of society to
fulfill some specific needs.

3. Institution is abstract.
4. Individuals are not the members of
5. Every institution is concerned with one
particular aspect of life.
6. Institution is based upon the collective
activities of human beings.
7. Institutions are born in a community.
1. Community is a group of people.

2. Community is a group of people living in
a particular locality and possessing
commonly sentiment.
3. Community is concrete.
4. Individuals are the members of
5. Community is concerned with social life
as a whole.
6. Community is based on mutual
7. Community grows itself.

1.2 Tribe, Cost and Ethnicity
Although the term tribe is widely used in reference to the preliterate people in many parts of
the world, there is no commonly accepted and satisfactory definition of the world.
The word tribe ordinarily suggests simple folks living in hills and forests who are little in
form of the outside world. It signifies coloured full people famous for their dance and song.
A tribe is a group of local communities which lives in a common area, speaks a common
dialect and follows a common culture. Gillin and Gillian
It is a social group united by religion, custom, etc and living as a community under one or
more chiefs.
Tribe is also known as a social group defined by the territory they occupied.

Characteristics of Tribe:
I. Simple Technology
II. Primitive Economy
III. Prevalence of Animison
IV. Homogeneity of Culture
V. Geographically separated i.e. live in unapproachable area.
VI. Unable to establish or cognition with other population.

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Caste is known as any of the hereditary Hindus social classes. It is a corporate social unit
which is generally defined by marriage and occupation.
Caste is delivered from Spanish world casta which means seed or hereditary. Due to caste,
Hindus are divided in different categories. It creates the sense of untouchability. The first user of this
world caste is Gracia de Orta.

Definitions of Caste:
1. When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may called it as caste. C.H.Colley
2. Caste is the freezing of social classes by means of endogamy and heredity ascribe status.
3. When a status is wholly predetermined so that men are born to their group without any hope of
changing it, then the class takes the extreme form of caste. Maciver and Page.

Features of Caste (Characteristics):
a. Hardly changeable, non-transferable.
b. Defined birth
c. Restriction on marriage, occupation, fooding, social relationship
d. It helps in division of labour
e. Segmental division of society
f. Social hereditary

Merits and Demerits of Caste

Ethnic group is any group of people who set themselves apart from other groups with whom
they interact or co-exist in terms of some distinctive criteria such as linguistic, race, culture, etc.
Basically, ethnic groups are considered to be lower than the caste group. To be ethnic group,
there must be two causes. They must be able to differentiate their thinking from other group.
Ehinicity is basically a physiological. It is a concept of applying the dichotomy (wel they).
For e.g. Tharu can be called ethnic group if we separate them from other groups.

1.9 Association and Group
Meaning of Association:
Merits Demerits
a. Occupational security
b. Spirit of co-operation
c. Identification
d. Endogamy (social purity)
e. Integration of the country
f. Cultural division
a. Inequality in society (discrimination)
b. Untouchability
c. No mobility in occupation
d. Racial discrimination
e. Lower position for castes and vice versa

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 21
An association is a group of people organized for a particular purpose or a limited number of
purposes. These people must be organized ones i.e. there must be certain rules for their conduct in
the group. They must have a common purpose of specific nature to pursue.
Thus, trade union, music club, political party, etc are the examples of association. Association
may be formed on several bases. For example, on the basis of duration i.e. temporary, permanent; on
the basis of power i.e. sovereign like state, semi-sovereign like university and non-sovereign like
clubs; on the basis of function, i.e. biological like family, vocational like trade union, etc.

Definitions of Association:
1. Association is usually a working together of people to achieve some purpose. Bogardus
2. An association is an organization deliberately formed for the collective pursuit of some
interest or set of interests which its members share. Maciver
3. An association is a group of social beings related to one another by the fact that they posses or
have instituted in common organization with a view to secure a specific end or specific ends.

On the basis of above mentioned definitions, we may conclude that an association is a group of
people with a common interest organized for fulfillment of certain goals.

Characteristics of Association:
1. It is a group of people united for a common purpose.
2. Association represents common interests.
3. It requires co-operative spirit, that means people work together to achieve definite purpose.
4. People organize themselves for a common goal or definite aims.
5. Association is universal.
6. Temporary nature: After the fulfillment of the goal, the association will be automatically
7. It is based on rules.

Types of Association:
a. Voluntary Association
An association in which membership is based on deliberate choice and from which one may
resign is called Voluntary Association. E.g. Teacher Union, Trade Union.

b. Involuntary Association
An association in which membership is based on the birth or membership is compulsory
rather than choice is called Involuntary Association. E.g. Family

Meaning of Group:
Man is a social animal. He cannot live in isolation. He passes his daily life largely by
participating in groups. Therefore, groups mean Any collection of human beings who are brought

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into social relationships with one another, Society consists of group, a social group exist between
two or more people, are in direct or indirect contact and communication.
Some definitions of group are followings:
1. A social group is a system of social interaction. H.M. Johnson
2. Any collection of human beings who are brought into human relationship with one another.
Maciver and Page
3. Whenever two or more individuals come together and influence one another living, they may be
said to constitute a social group. Ogburn and Nimkiff

On the basis of above mentioned definitions, it may be concluded that the social group is a
collection of individuals who stand in regular and relatively permanent relationship.

Characteristic of Group:
a. Groups are universal.
b. Groups are the collection of individuals.
c. Mutual awareness and interaction.
d. We feelings
e. They develop same kind of common interest.
f. Develop similar behaviour.
g. Group norms (guided by all there we feeling, common interest)
h. Group unity and solidarity
i. Group is dynamic undergoes change
j. It may be stable or unstable i.e. some groups are permanent while others are relatively temporary.

Types of Group:
I. Primary and Secondary Group (C.H. Cooley)
II. In-Group and Out-Group (Summers)
III. Organized and Unorganized Group
IV. Formal and Non-formal (informal) Group.
V. Voluntary and Involuntary (family) Group (Dwight Sanderson)

Primary and Secondary Group:
The term primary group was introduced by C.H.Cooley in his book Social organization.
Later on, sociologists like Davis, Ogburn, Macivers and other introduced the term secondary group.
The classification of groups into primary and secondary is made on the basis of nature of
social interaction, social contact and degree of intimacy among the concern.

a. Primary Group:
Primary group is a small group in which few persons come into contact with one another. The
intimacy among the people is relatively high. (For example: family, kinship, neighbourhood, friends,
pees group) It is the nucleus of all social organizations. It is a small group in which a small number
of persons come into direct contact with one another and they meet face to face or mutual help,
companionship and discussion of common question.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 23

b. Secondary Group
Secondary group is a social group of others than those of primary group. It is more larger and
formal then the primary group. The intimacy among the member is relatively low. Example:
corporation, political party, factory, etc.

The differences of primary and secondary group are as follows:
Primary Group Secondary Group
1. It is based on face to face relation, mutual
aid, co-operation and companionship.
E.g. family, pees group, kinship
2. Social relationship of the primary group
is direct, face to face, personal, non-
specialized and non-economic.
3. On the basis of size: primary group is
comparatively smaller.
4. On the basis of locality: primary group is
localized and restricted to a small area.
5. On the basis of communication: The
means of communication within a
primary group is oral, direct, and quick or
they stayed together in a small area.
6. Group interest: Group interest in primary
group is non-specific.
7. Co-operation: Co-operation in primary
group is direct and natural as they stay
together with the band of personnel
8. Group structure: Group structure of
primary group is informal, not particular
about their rights, status and prestige.
9. Rights and Duties: In primary group,
there are no rights and duties.
10. Durability: Primary group is relatively
durable and permanent.
1. It is based on formal and indirect
relationship. E.g. corporation, factory,
army, etc.
2. Social relationship of secondary group is
indirect, non-intimate, specialized and
economic, impersonal.
3. Secondary group is bigger than primary
4. It is not restricted to small area or wide or
a vast area.
5. The communication within the secondary
group is indirect and formal.

6. Group interest in secondary group is
specific interest.
7. Co-operation in secondary group is
indirect and intended to serve a particular
(thing) need.

8. Group structure is formal, particular and
regulated by rights, duties and rule.

9. In secondary group, there are rights and
10. Secondary group is relatively undurable
and may be temporary or permanent.

1.b Co-operation and Conflict
The behaviour of each individual is affected by the behaviour of others. This interaction is the
essence of social life. Behaviour systems grow out of interaction.Without interaction, there would be
no social or group life.
Thus social interaction refers to the entire range of social relationship, wherein there is
reciprocal stimulation and response between individuals. Social contact is one of the essential
conditions of social interaction which can be positive as well as negative. They are positive when

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they lead to benevolence, co-operation, mutual understanding and assimilation. They are negative if
they create hatred, jealousy and conflict.
Here, we have addressed about co-operation and conflict as a social interaction-process.

Latin Word
Co together
Operari work
It is thus joint activity in pursuit of common goals or shared rewards. It is goal oriented and
conscious form of social interaction. It involves two elements: i. common end and ii. Organized

Definitions of Co-operation
1. Green defines co-operation as The continuous and common endeavour of two or more persons
to perform a task or to reach a goal that is commonly cherished.
2. Co-operation is a form of social interaction where in two or more person work together to gain a
common end. Merill and Eldredge

Types of Co-operation
i. Direct Co-operation
ii. Indirect Co-operation
iii. Primary Co-operation
iv. Secondary Co-operation
v. Tertiary Co-operation

i. Direct Co-operation: If two or more than two people work together for a common purpose, then
such type of co-operation is direct. E.g. moving a pile of stones or pushing a motor car out of the
ii. Indirect Co-operation: If the individual are working for a common purpose in different places,
then such type of co-operation is indirect. For example, carpenters, plumbers and masons co-
operate to build a house.
iii. Primary Co-operation: It is the co-operation which we are co-operating within family, neighbour,
kinship, and friend-circle. The co-operation prevails among them.
iv. Secondary Co-operation: The co-operation prevailing among the secondary group such as in
professional group, political group is termed as secondary co-operation.
v. Tertiary Co-operation: Such co-operation is found in the interaction between various big and
small groups to meet a particular situation. Thus RPP and UML join together to defeat NC in
election, it is tertiary co-operation. In such type of co-operation, the attitudes of the co-operating
parties are purely opportunistic.

It is an ever present process in human relation. Conflict being a form of struggle between the
individuals or group takes place whenever a person or group seeks to get awarded by eliminating or

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 25
destroying not by surpass compilators but by preventing themselves from effective competition.
Conflict is in other words, a competition in its more occasional, personal and hostile forms.
1. It is the process of seeking to monopolize rewards by eliminating or weakening the compitators
Horton and Hunt
2. Conflict is the social process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly
challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence. Gillin and Gillian

Characteristics of Conflict:
I. Conflict is a conscious action. It is a deliberate intent to oppose.
II. Conflict lacks continuity.
III. Conflict is a personal activity.
IV. Conflict is universal.

This was given by George Simmel.
I. War
II. Feud
III. Litigation
IV. Conflict of impersonal ideas

I. War: Desire to gain the material interest.
II. Feud: Injustice done to one group by another.
III. Litigation: Judicial struggle to protect the rights.
IV. Conflict of impersonal ideas: Conflict for an ideal

Gillin and Gillin has mentioned five types of conflicts, which are:
I. Personal
II. Racial
III. Class
IV. Political
V. International

Conflict is a fundamental human and societal trait, social evolution and progress.

H.T. Majundar has mentioned the following positive functions of conflict:
a. Conflict tends to stiffen the moral and promote the solidarity in the group.
b. Conflict, concluded with victory, leads to the enlargement of the victor group.
c. Conflict leads to redefinition of value system.
d. Conflict may lead to change in the relative status of the conflicting parties.
e. Conflict may lead to a new consensus.

Negative Functions:

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1. Increases bitterness
2. Leads to destruction and bloodshed
3. Leads to intergroup tension
4. Disrupts normal channels of co-operation
5. Diverts members attention from group objectives

Distinctions between conflict and co-operation
Co-operation Conflict
1. Joint activity towards a common goal or
shared rewards.

2. Done consciously or unconsciously
3. It is universal and continuous.
4. Brings positive results
5. Leads towards progress
6. It is a basis of social life. Society cannot
function without it.
1. Seeks to monopolize the rewards by
weakening or destroying other
2. Always consciously.
3. Universal but not continuous.
4. Brings negative result.
5. It harms, destroys and retards process.
6. It is not a fundamental thing for the

1.8 Competition
Meaning of Competition:
Competition is the most fundamental form of social struggle. It is the natural result of
universal struggle for the existence. It is based on the fact that all people cannot satisfy all their
1. Competition is the striving of two or more person for the same goal which is limited so that all
cannot share. Biesanz
2. Competition is a contest to obtain something which does not exist in a quantity sufficient to
meet the demand. Bogardus

Characteristics of Competition
i. Impersonal Struggle: Interaction without social contact. When the individuals compete with each
other, not on personal level but as members of groups, such as business, social or cultural
organizations, tribes, etc the competition is called impersonal.
ii. Unconscious Activity: Competition takes place on the unconscious level. For example student
iii. It is Universal: It is found in every society and in every age.

1. Social Competition: It is a fighting for the social status or living status. It is for the job
identification of person in the society.
2. Economic Competition: Production, distribution and consumption these are the processes for
the economic object. Hence, the competition prevailing production, distribution and consumption
3. Political Competition: To secure the power of the state.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 27
4. Cultural Competition: Religious factor, dress factor, etc.

Difference between Competition and Conflict
Competition Conflict
1. Seeks to monopolize awards by
overtaking all rivals.
2. It may be consciously or unconsciously.
3. Universal and continuous.
4. Lead to positive or negative results.
Healthy competition always brings
positive results.
5. Concentrated in goals. It is impersonal in
1. Seeks to monopolize a reward by
weakening or eliminating the rivals.
2. It is a conscious activity.
3. Universal but not continuous.
4. Leads to negative result.

5. Concentrated in person than object, hence
it is personal in nature.

Assimilation: It is the process by which members of the minority group gradually modify their ways
of life to conform to the pattern of dominant culture. It is concerned with the absorption of culture by
another. It brings change in cultural pattern.

Adaptation: (Biological Change)
It is the secret ability of an individual in making something suitable to use or to modify the
situation to use or to modify to the situation. It is selective process of environment because of over
population competing for limited resources.

Enculturation: (Adopting the culture of own group)
The process by which an individual adapts to rich culture and lunched to fulfil his status and
goal is enculturation.

Acculturation: (Adopting the culture of other group)
The process of transferring the culture from one group to another is acculturation.

1.7 Roles and Status
The human society is the network of social relationship of its members and their activities.
The various needs of the members of the society can be fulfilled by when they worked together, co-
ordination, their talents, abilities and strength and weaken.
Each individual perform different function in the society. Some are doctors, some are teacher
and engineers, and so on. A society can function well if all the individuals do the jobs assigned to
them in a proper way. Members of the society occupied different places and different
An individual cannot do al the jobs, nor are all the jobs assigned to a single person. Hence the
task performed by an individual makes up the role is expected to play in the society. Since a role is a
set of expectation, it therefore, implies that one role cannot be defined without referring to another.

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There cannot be a parent without a child. In this sense, roles are a series of rights and duties. That is,
they represent reciprocal relations among individuals.

1. A role is a function of a status Young and Mark
2. A role is what an individual does in the status he occupies Robert Bierstedt
3. Role is a pattern of behaviour expected of an individual in a certain group or situation| -
4. Role is the expected behaviour associated with a social status Dunean Mitchell

On the basis of above definition, we many conclude that role is the functional aspect of status
which is a pattern of behaviour expected of an individual in a certain group. Status defines the role.
Role is the functional part and status is the position.

Characteristics of Role:
1. Every individual is bound to play certain roles.
2. Role playing is obligation for each other.
3. Some roles are shared by many people. E.g. teacher, voters, students.
4. Some roles are in acted or played by very few people.
5. Voluntary role (some rules that we choose to play) some roles are voluntary; eg. Brother in law
of family, some roles are involuntary that is not transferable.

This term was first introduced by Dalph Linton (1936)
Society is understood in term of network of social interaction and interconnection. In any
interaction every body cannot be expected to respond in a similar manner. Every body has its own
identity even before entering any social situation.
The identity of an individual in the society refers to his/her status.
Status is a term used to designate the comparative amounts of prestige, difference, respect
accorded to persons who have been assigned different roles in a grouper community. The status of a
person is high if the role is considered important by the group. If the role is regarded less high, its
performer may be accorded lower status. Thus the status of a person is based on social evaluations.

a) Status is a position is in a society or group afforded by group affiliation group membership or
group organization. Robert Bierstedt
b) Status is a place in a particular system that a certain individual occupies at a particular time
Ralph Linton
c) Status is a position occupied by a person, family or kinship group in a social system related to
other, it determines rights , duties and other behaviours. Duncan Mitchell

Types of Status

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 29
a. Ascribed Status: When we gain something by birth that is called ascribed status of caste,
religion, son, daughter of family, citizen.
b. Achieved Status: Something that are worked out to achieve, that is achieved status. For
example educational status, professional status
c. Assumed Status
d. Generic Status
e. Specific Status: parent + son

Nature of the Status
1. Social status is determined by socio-culture system.
2. Each individual perform role of some status in different way.
3. There are some external symbols to identify the symbols.
4. Every status has its own rights, duties and obligations.
5. Status are basis of social satisfaction.
6. Status are governed by norm. However, some norms are common to all while some are specific
and varies with person and situation.
7. An individual may have several statuses.
8. Status differs with the degree of importance. It also differs according to time and space.

Some statuses are more important than others in deciding the position in society.
i. Status exercise on influence upon choosing the career of an individual.

Inter-relationship between status and role
1. Status is a position in a society while role is its functional part.
2. Status is a sociological concept, phenomena and role is a concept of social psychological
Status is given by society. It is fixed thing; Even though we have some status but each
individual play different role. They are not stable. Talents, creativity, ability all are psychological
aspects depend upon role.
3. Role is a relation term.
E.g. Doctor is playing role against the patient. So it is a relational term.
An individual plays a role in relation to another persons role which is attached to a
counter position.
e.g. teacher and student , lawyer and client
4. Both status and role are dynamic and ever changing; when status changes, it changes a role of
a person.
5. Though status and roles are co-relative phenomena, sometimes it is possible to have one
without another.

1.5 Norms and Values:
The word was first introduced by M.Sherif in his book The psychology of social norm

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Norms come from Latin word normal to give definite shape to any object by the
A norm is the standard of behaviour and pattern setting limits individuals behaviour. It is a
group shared expectation. It determines guidelines and control human behaviour. It is a group shared
standard of behaviour which maintains social order through regulation of human behaviour.
Norms are based on social values which are justified by moral standards.

A norm is an abstract pattern held in the mind that sets contain limits for behaviour. H.M.
Norm refers to the group shared expectation. Young and Mack
Norms are rules developed by a group of people that specify how people must, should, may. Should
not, must not behave in various situation. Lelie Larson and Garman.

On the basis of above mentioned definitions, we may conclude that social norm is a rule or
standard of behaviour and created by regularities of behaviour and accepted by society.

Types of norms
i. Personal norms
ii. Social norms

Characteristic of Norms:
i. Social norms are universal. It is found in all society.
ii. Norms are related to factual order.
a. Normative Order: Religious belief
b. Factual Order: Scientific explanation based on fact
iii. Norms are relatives to situation and groups.
iv. Norms are normally internalized by the people.
v. Norms varies with different societies.
vi. Guideline for society
vii. No uniformity in norm
viii. Social control
ix. Formal and Informal
Some social norms are formal or written; the violator of this kind of norms will be legally
punished, e.g. constitution and different laws of state. Some norms are informal and unwritten. It
is a kind of traditional. The violation of the norms will be legally punished, e.g. drinking liquor
(alcoholic drink) by Brahmins.

a) A normless society is impossible.
b) Norms assist survival.
c) Norms guide behaviour of an individual.
d) Norms permit efficient functioning.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 31
e) Norms help to maintain the social order.
f) Norms give cohesion to the society.
g) Norms help self control.

Condition of Norm Formation
1. Geographical structure and condition of the country.
2. Essential needs or basic requirements.
3. Incarnation of Great man.
4. Control of emotion or instinct.
5. Confusing or misleading situation

Types of Norms (According to Kingslay Davis)
a. Folkways (=+-): Folkways is associated with the name of Willim Graham Summer (1840-
1910). He was teacher of yale. In first he involve to teach political economy but later he changed his
interest to sociology.
Folkways are like products of natural forces which men unconsciously set in operation. They
are recognized ways of behaviour.
b. moves: When folkways become compulsion, then it is called mores. People are enforced to follow
the folkways by Hookeor Crooke (t-)
c. Custom: In one word procedure.
d. Religion
e. Law: Law restricts our activities. All the norms are enforced by law.
In society, our concern is with social value. Social values are cultural standards that indicate
the general deemed desirable for organized social life. These are assumptions of what is right and
important for society. They provide the ultimate meaning and legitimacy for social arrangement and
social behaviour.
The term value represents constituent parts of social structure. Social values form an
important part of culture as well. The values account for the stability of the social order. For
example, in trait sacrifice, service, kindness in government form, freedom, dignity of labour,
customs, social equality, democracy, freedom, etc.

Values are group conception of the relative desirability of the things. Leslie, Larson, German
A value is a belief that something is good and worth while. It defines what is worth having and
worth striving for. Michael Haralamber
Values provide the general guidelines for the behaviour of the people. C.N. Shakar Ram

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Values represent wide range of ideas about the ends that men should pursue in their life. The values
of a society provide goal or ends for its member to aim for.

a. Social values are collective.
b. Social values are universal.
c. Values are social in nature.
d. Social values are different at different times and different societies.
e. Values are learnt.
f. Values gratify (to fulfil) human beings.
g. Values may conflict with each other.
h. Social values are abstract.
i. Social values are accepted by most people which are
j. There is agreement about social values in the group concerned with community welfare and
social needs.

Unit Three
Fundamental Concepts in Sociology

a. Social System
System: In simple words, system is an orderly arrangement. For example, system in the human body.
There are various parts of human body which have their own fixed places and are arranged in a
particular manner which is called organic structure. Each part of the structure has a particular
function to perform. On the basis of these functions they are inter-related with each other and interact
upon one another.
Main features of system are:
1. System is not a unitary concept. A system is made of different parts which together constitute a
2. Mere collection of these parts does not make a system.
3. The arrangement of these parts should create a pattern.
4. There is functional relationship among the parts of system.
5. The plurality of parts creates unity.

1. Natural : Inorganic/Organic
2. Man Made : Mechanical/Personality/Cultural/Social System

3.1 Social System
Individual groupInstitutionOrganizationAssociation

Forms social structure

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 33
Which forms social system

Meaning of social system: A social system is an orderly and systematic arrangement of social
interactions. It is a network of interactive relationships. The constituent parts of social system are
individuals. He participates in interactive relationships. He influences the behaviour of other
individuals and is influenced by the behavoiur which is controlled by social institution in the society.
The various groups are the coherent parts of an independent whole. On the basis of their interaction
and inter-relationship they create a pattern which called social system.

A social system may be defined as the plurality of the individuals interacting with each other
according to shared cultural norms and meanings. W.F.Ogburn

A social system basically consists of two or more individuals interacting directly or indirectly in
bounded situation. - According to sociological concept.

Characteristic of Social System
a. Social system is based on social interaction.
b. The interaction should be meaningful.
c. Social system is a unity.
d. Individual in the system behaves according to their shared cultural norms and values.
e. Individuals in the system acts towards a common goal.
f. The parts of the social system are related on the basis of functional relationship.
g. A social system has its own boundaries to distinguish it from other social system.
h. Social system is dynamic and has an environmental aspect.

Elements of Social System
I. The act: Social action is a process of social system. It must have some action or procedure to be
II. The actor: The action is performed by the actor who holds a status and performs the role.
The actor learns to act as for the process of socialization.
III. Roles and status: After holding the status in the society the person start playing the role.
IV. Belief and knowledge: The belief and knowledge comes under social under social culture system.
This exist in the person while playing the role.
V. Goals, objectives and ends: We perform all the function for goals.
VI. Authority powers and rights: Having the definite status has got authority power, and rights to do
certain job that is related according to his/her status.
VII. Sanctions: The thing that is approved by the societies that the required things can be done without
any objections or say which society wants it to be done. It is provided by the society and has to be
sanctioned by the culture.
VIII. Facilities: The things that is provided by the society for making the ones life easier in a day to day

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3.2 Social Structure
Social structure is a basic concept in sociology. Still there is no unanimity of opinion on its
definition. The word structure original meaning refers to some sort of ordered arrangement of parts
of components.
The term social structure being one of the basic concepts of sociology is applied to almost
any ordered arrangement of social phenomena. The term becomes relatively popular in sociological
studies. Following the work of Herbert Spencer who was fascinated by the biological analogist (i.e.
organic structure and evolution) and applied the term structure in the analysis of society.
Society has a structure of its own. Its units are groups, institutions, associations and
organizations. When men relate themselves to each other, they establish a structural form. Social
structure is made up of these structural forms which are arranged in an interrelated way to enable the
society to function in a harmonious manner.
Recently the word structure not only represent the ordered arrangement rather if it is used to
refer to the interrelationship between the component parts of any whole. Even though the parts of
structure changes in time, the social structure maintains the continuity by the replacement of unit. In
conclusion, social structure is the organized pattern of inter-related rights and obligations of persons
or group in a system of inheritance.

Social structure is the term applied to the particular arrangement of the inter-related institution,
agencies and social pattern as well as the status and roles which each person assumes in the group.
Talcott Pearson

Social structure is an arrangement of a person in relationship institutionally defined or control
regulated. - Redeliffe Brown

On the basis of the above definition, we may conclude that social structure is the pattern of
inter-related status and goals formed in a society at a particular time and constituting a relative stable
set of social relations analyzed in terms of status, roles, social, norms and social institution.

Basic Elements of Social Structure
a. Person or Sub-groups of various types
b. Roles and Statuses
c. Cultural Values and Norms
d. Institution

a. Social structure is abstract or invisible.
b. It is composed of various components e.g. person, institution, culture, norms and values.
c. Social structure is relatively stable or static phenomena. However, its parts may change but the
social structure remain same.
d. It is a flexible concept.
e. Some social structure are eliminated in time when it proves to be insignificant.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 35

b. Social Process
Society is the network of social interaction and interrelationship, which automatically signifies
the social relationships that exist among the people. Such as the relationships between the teacher
and student, sun and father, leader and follower merchant and customs, between friends and enemies,
etc. Such relationship is the fundamental features of the human society. Social relationship involve
obligation, status, reciprocal ends and means between two or more individual in mutual contact.
Thus social relationship may be studies by the kind or mode of social interaction which an
individual exhibits. This kind or mode of interaction which is the repetitive pattern in social life are
called social process. It is the fundamental way in which a man intact and built social relationship.

Social process are merely the characteristic way in which interaction occurs. Green
The term social process refers to the repetitive forms of behaviour which are commonly found in
social life. Horton and Hunt
Social process means the various modes of interaction between individuals or groups including co-
operation and conflict, social differentiation and integration development, arrest and decay.

On the basis of these definitions, it may be concluded that social process is the repetitive
pattern of social interaction found in social life.
Acculturation, Enculturation, Assimilation, Integration and Differentiation are all social
Acculturation: Acculturation refers to the process through which modification in one culture is made
by another culture. (First hand contact) changes in the original cultural patterns of both groups.
Acculturation is that changing process through culture-contact in both groups.
Contra-Acculturation Stage: Between two culture, when creates hate controversy.
Enculturation Stage: Self adaptation rich culture
Trans-culturation Stage: Give and take cultural trait in two group.

- In this process one cultural group adopts others cultural traits natural process by pressure
domination process.
- Neither he may be native nor foreigner by the impact of other culture.
- He creates mix culture.
- In early time, concept of acculturation used to use, as contact of ethnic culture with modern
culture in which ethnic culture would be changed.
- It is two way process in which both culture group are followed by same common cultural traits or
- It is the one part of the process of assimilation. For its two cultural groups should on. For its two
cultural group should come in first hand contact.
- One is affected by other.
- It brings change in way of life in group.
- The process of culture transmission is called acculturation.

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- Maintain their originality but changes in their way of life.
- When two culture came into first hand contact, then one culture is covered by other and adopted
groups life will be changed.

Family: The family is the most important primary group and in society and most elementary unit of
human life. It is one of the social institutions where in two meaning of family, two mature adults of
opposite sex with or without children and other members live together in aunia.
The word family has been taken from the Roman Word, famulus, meaning a servant. In
Roman law, the word denoted the group of producers and slaves and other servants as well as
members connected by common descent or marriage.
It is the primary group of the society. It is the first environment to which child is exposed. We
are under the influence of the family from birth to death. The family thus is a biological unit
implying institutionalized sex relationship between husband and wife. It also forms an economic

Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children. Merill
Family is a socially recognized unit of people related to each other by kinship; marital and legal
ties. Anderson and Parker
Family is the only organization which man has brought from wild stages. B. Malinowski

Characteristic of Family
a. Family is the universal institution.
b. The structure of family is based on form of marriage.
c. It provides common residence.
d. It fulfils the economic provision.
e. It is a system of nomenclature.
f. It is a mating relationship.

a. On the basis of Size
i. Nuclear Family: A nuclear family is that family which consists of husband and wife with or
without unmarried children. The children leave the parent house as soon as they are married. A
nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of the elder.
ii. Joint Family: It consists of husband, wife, children and their mother and father.
iii. Extended Family: It consists of husband, wife, children, their parents along with uncle, etc more
than 3 generations.

b. On the basis of Residence
i Patri-local family: In this type of family after the marriage, wife goes and lives in the house of
her husband.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 37
ii Matri-local famiy: After marriage, the husband goes to live in the house of his wife and parents.
This type of family is called matri local family.
iii Neo-local family: When the newly married coupe lie separately from their parents house, it is
called as neo-local family.

c. On the basis of lineage:
i. Patrilineage Family: The family where lineage goes through fathers side is called patrilineal
family. This is the most common type of family around the world.
ii. Matrilineage Family: The family where lineage goes through mothers side is called matrilineal
family. Where a woman is believed to be ancestor of the family. The rights of each member of the
family depend on his relation to the mother. Khasis Cost

d. On the basis of authority:
i. Patriarchal Family: Last decision maker is only the father or male dominates the family.
ii. Matriarchal Family: Last decision maker is only the mother. It is followed by Mongolian Family.

e. On the basis of Marriage:
i Monogamous: The family with one husband and one wife at a time is called monogamous
ii Polygamous: An individual has multiple spouses at a time. This type of family is divided into
two. In this kind of family, one man marries many women at a time.
iii Polyandrous: The family of one wife with several husbands is called polyandrous family.

Function of the family
Maciver and Page divide the function of the family into two categories:
i Essential Functions
a. Satisfaction of sex
b. Procreation and Child rearing
c. Provision of a home
ii. Non-Essential Functions
a. Economic
b. Religious
c. Educational
d. Health
e. Recreational
f. Civic
g. Social Control
h. Socialization

3.2 Caste
Caste is known as any one of the hereditary; Hindu social classes. It is a corporate social unit
which is generally defined by marriage and occupation.

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Caste is derived from Spanish word Casta which means seed or hereditary. Caste concept
concerns with Hindu society. Due to this concept, Hindus are divided into different categories. It
creates the sense of untouchability. The first user of this word caste is Gracia de Orta.

Definition of Caste
1. When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may cal it a caste. Cooley
2. When status is wholly predetermined so that men are born to their lot without any hope of
changing it, then class takes the extreme form of caste. Maciver
3. A caste is a closed class. Majumder and Madan.

One of the basis of above mentioned definition of case, it may concluded that the caste is such a
social group which is determined by birth and there is no mobility of up and down. So, it is a system
of closed stratification.

Features of Caste (Characteristics)
a. Hardly changeable, Non-transferable
b. Defined by birth
c. Restriction on marriage, occupation, fooding, social relationship
d. It helps in division of labour. (segmental)
e. Provides social security.
f. Social hereditary: According to caste the status of human being is identified.

Merits of Caste
a. Occupational security
b. Spirit of co-operation
c. Identification
d. Endogamy (Racial Purity)
e. Integration of country
f. Cultural division

Demerits of Caste
a. Obstacle in national unity
b. Inequality in society (discrimination)
c. Untouchability
d. No mobility in occupation
e. Racial discrimination
f. Lower position for lower castes and vice-versa.

3.2 Caste System in Nepal
Varna system in Nepal are described as for the classical religious book states. Eg.
Mahabharatm Manusmriti, etc.
According to the religious talk. The word Brahmin comes out of mouth of Brahman. They
teach Vedas, perform ritual practice.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 39
Cheetri comes out of arms of Brahma. They are involved in administration, security for war,
welfare of country.
Vaisya comes out of thigh of Brahma. They are involved in production and trade.
Sudra comes out of feet of Brahma. They are involved in serving all other above Vernas.
Varna Determine on the basis of Karma and Guna.

The caste system in Nepal, historically, have been systematized by Jayasthiti Malla around
century on the basis of Hindu ideology.
The classical model of Hindu caste hierarchy is as follows:

Caste system is one of the special feature of the Nepalese society and has become very close
and hard under which a person was able to achieve status not by its talents and quality but by its
birth. The caste system has become a symbol of ascribed status.
Caste system is an important determining factor of division in contemporary in Hindu society
in Nepal which has been divided into two:
a. Touchable
b. Untouchable
The caste system in Nepal is different from western world where it is defined mainly by the
racial differences where as in Nepal it is based on religious sanction under which there exist no
The caste system divides society into a large number of hereditary groups connected and
distinguished by one another by three characteristics:
a. Division of labour (occupation)
b. Separation in the matter of marriage and contact.
c. Ranks group relatively superior or inferior.

Caste system as presented in old national code during the regime of Jung Bdr. Rana has divided one
caste groups into 4 categories as given below:
Tagadhari Twice born caste (Brahmin and Chhetri)
Matawali Liquour drinking caste (Gurung, Rai, Limbu, Magar, etc)
Touchable The caste from which water cannot be accepted but their touch does not require
sprinkling of water.
Untouchable The cast from which water cannot be accepted but their touch does not require
sprinkling of water.

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Despite the differences today various caste and ethnic group are interrelated through
economic production, consumption, distribution. Recently, the occupation, caste and their function
have begun to change due to the change in socio-political environment.

3.2 Ethnic Group
Ethnic group is a social or cultural group which posses separate language, religion, tradition,
customs and remains as a part of the wider socio-political system. The ethnic groups often interact
and compete with other social group for share in economic and political activities. For example,
Limbu, Magar are the ethnic group in Nepal.
The term ethnic group is very vague and unclear what we call ethnic group in Nepal, may not
be ethnic group in other countries. It is used differently in different circumstances. In Nepal,
HMG/NG has identified 61 ethnic groups which is the pride of our country.

An ethnic group is distinct category of the population in a larger society, whose culture is usually
different from others. Moris Ginsberg
An ethnic group is generally conceived to be one whose members share a distinctive social and
cultural tradition, maintained within the group from generation, whether as part of a more complex
society or in isolation. This mode of social differentiation has its own distinguishing characteristics.
Maciver and Page

On the basis of these definitions, it may be concluded that the ethnic group is the group of
people who have distinguishing cultural characteristics and remain as a part of national culture.

Features of Ethnic group
As listed in HMG, National Council for the development of Nationalities (2057) brochure,
we can list out the following features of ethnic group:
i A distinct collective identity.
ii Communial or Political Organization
iii Own language, religion, tradition, culture and civilization.
iv Traditional homeland or geographical area/territory.
v Written or oral history
vi Having We feeling/ sense of unity
vii Have no decisive role in politics and government in modern Nepal and
viii Who declare themselves as Janjati
ix Indogamous

Nepal is a country of great cultural diversity. It has multiplicity of caste and ethnic groups
which has root from the very beginning of history when they had their own separate nation but now
these group have been brought together into a single nation which is called Nepal.
Groups is divided into two groups:
Race Language Group

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 41
a) Aryans Indo-Aryan Indo-Nepalese
b) Mongolian Tibeto-Burman Tibeto-Nepalese
The different groups such as Mongolians, Aryans and Indian tribes are merged into a single
nation. HMG/N has identified 61 ethnic groups.
Mountain 21
Hill 23
Inner Terai 7
Terai - 10

Caste and Ethnic Group of Nepal
1. Aryans of Hills Parbatiyas 41% of total population. They include
Brahmin - 12.9%
Chhetri - 16.1 %
Thakuri - 1.6 %
Kami - 4.7 %
Damai - 20%
Sarki - 1.5%
2. Hill people other than Parbatiyas 22.2% of total population (Mongolian). They include
Magar - 7.3 %
Rai - 2.7%
Gurung - 2.3%
Tamang - 3.5%
Thakali - 0.8%
Chepang - 1.0%
Sunuwar - 0.3%
Sherpa - 0.7%
Thami - 0.1%
3. The Newars 5.5% divided into 4 Verna and 64 caste Buddhist and Hindu
4. Terai people Madhesiya 29% along with Indian tribes - 29% of total population

# The social contact between Parpatiyas and Terai group people are relatively formal.
# Contacts between 2 group people, the degree of intimacy is less.
# Marriage between these two groups are not allowable.

Interrelation between Parbatiyas and Terai people
# Related economically, politically as a mode of living
# Culturally, tradition, custom, linguistic, they are separated

Interrelation between Parbatiyas and Mountain/Hill people
# No marriage
# Social contact relatively low
# Traditionally different

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# Choice of occupation of Mongolian is army
# Political structure of Mongolian is not active.
# Occupation of Parbatiyas is governmental jobs without army.
# Political structure of Parbatiyas is very active.

The interrelationship of Hill and Mountain Ethnic group is based on the criteria of superior or
inferior which also results in political and economic inequality.
The interrelationship among Terai ethnic group is also based on the feeling of superior and
inferior on the feeling of Alien culture which has prevented their participation in National
mainstream that has laid to a comparative poor social and economic status.

3.2 Religion
It is not an easy task to give a definition of religion which will satisfy everyone. Different
scholars have defined religion in various ways. Some have given that religion is attitude towards
superhuman power. Some have considered religion as a belief in power superior to man which are
believed to direct and control the course of nature of human life.
Thus there are numerous definitions of religion given by thinkers according to their own
conceptions. According their viewed, we may conclude that religion includes a belief in supernatural
or mysterious powers and that it expresses itself in overt activities designed to deal with those
In sociology, the word religion is used in a wider sense. Sociologists defines religion as
these institutionalized systems of belief, symbols, values and practices that provide groups of men
with solutions to their question of ultimate being.
To be more clear about religion, here are given some points which are associated with
a. A set of belief regarding the nature of the world.
b. Set of practices or rituals.
c. Guides man on how to behave or act in a given or particular situation.
d. Explain why things happen (How people birth , why dies.)
e. It involves the believe in God.

Religion is based on cultural deeds of man and has added a new dimension to human life and
human development. Basically, religion revolves round the faith of main in some supernatural forces
which we call God.
1. Religion is attitude towards superhuman powers. -Ogburn and Nimkoff
2. Religion is the belief in spiritual being. Taylor
3. Religion is a mode of action as well as a system of belief and sociological phenomenon as
well as a person al experience. B. Malinowoski

Characteristics of Religion
a. Belief on supernatural power
b. Various religious thoughts
c. Various religious activities

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 43
d. Sense of sacred/profane
e. Religious action and taboos
f. Worship and prayers.
g. Form of social control

Main Elements of Religion
a. Belief in Supernatural
b. Rituals
c. Symbols and Myths
d. Religious Behaviour
e. Taboos
f. Hierarchy

Different Religions in Nepal
1. Hinduism
It was originated in India and migrated to different parts of the world along with Indians.
There is no founder of Hinduism. It all came through the writings of Saint, Rishimuni. It is supposed
to have started from the third millennium BC (approx 4000 yrs) and is the oldest religion in the
world. It is supposed to have 700 million followers of Hinduism. It is a way of life. It includes why
people are living? For what people takes birth? Where will we reach after death? etc. The final
authority of Hinduism is Ved. There are four types of Ved.
a. Riga-ved (Oldest)
b. Sama-ved
c. Yajur-ved
d. Athr-ved

Authority of Hinduism (Guide the Hindu religion) Smriti
- Ramayan, Mahabharat, Geeta
- Puranas 18 and other sub-puranas
- Many dharma shutras

Assumptions of Hindu Religion
a. Universe is a big sphere composed of land, ocean, heaven, hell, etc.
b. It believes in life cycle. After death, the person returns.
c. Reincarnation =-- =--+ =--
d. Rebirth The soul after the death of a person posses into another body and again to another
then another and so on.
e. Karma The soul have to born again to reap the fruit of action.
f. Moksha This is the ultimate goal of life. The state of birthlessness and deathlessness. A
point of time in the journey of soul when it messages to infinite supreme soul.

3. Paths of Moksha (Key Concept)
i. The path of Karma action

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ii. The path of Gyana knowledge
iii. The path of Bhakti devotion

Four stages of life (Key Concept)
1. Bramacharya Ashram for first 25 years to gain education
2. Grihasthi Ashram till 50 years to household and wealth incoming
3. Vanaprastha Ashram After 50 years till 75 years for detach themselves from world activities.
To do try to abandon the household life for the sanyas ashram.
4. Sanyas Ashram Absolutely abandon of material life to eliminate the desire of life to achieve the
moksha. This period will be started after 75 years.

Four goals of life (Key Concept)
a. Dharma: Religion, duties
b. Artha : To earn money
c. Karma : To do good work
d. Moksha : Absolutely destroy of desire own self in the eleventh hour of life to get moksha. In
such a way to achieve moksha one must follow four stages of life.

Four Varnas
a) Brahmin
b) Chhetri
c) Vaishya
d) Sudra

3 God or Trinity
a) Brahma The creator
b) Vishnu The preserver
c) Shiva The destroyer

In the sixth century BC, Siddhartha Gautam took birth in Lumbini of Nepal. He is the founder
of this religion and he spread Buddhism in Nepal and India at initiation. This religion is based on the
teaching of Lord Buddha. Gautam was born as a prince pf Shakya Class of Lumbini. He was born
as a son of Suddhodhan and Mayadevi in 6
century. He took 7 steps on his birth to symbolize has
role as a universal monarchand left home and everthing at the age of 29 in search of truth and peace
of life. Although it arose from a rejection of Orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism retained reincarnation as
a fundamental concept.
Following his meditation rising through higher state of consciousness he attained the only
enlightment. Afterwards he began to teach his disciplines wondering from place to place.
Buddhism analysis human existence as made up of five aggregates which has subject to
continuous change. The five aggregates are:
a. Material body
b. Feelings

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 45
c. Perceptions
d. Predisposition
e. Consciousness

It denies the special role of God and denies the value of prayer and sacrifice to them.
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain NIRVANA and enlighted state where greed
ignorance, hatred, suffering of life come to an end.

Islam Arabic surrounder to the will of God. Muslims are the people who surrender to the
God. The religious text book of this religion is Quran which is in Arabic language.
They believe in only one God Allah who creates this world and takes care (runs) of it and
will sustain it to till the end. This religion was started in about 570 AD. ( But in some book written as
century). It has 1 billion followers in the world. It is the fastest growing religion of the world. The
basic infrastructure of Islam religion are:
a. Allah is the true God and Muhammad is his messenger.
b. All the Muslims are supposed to involve in ritual prayers.
c. Provide help/shelter to the needy and poor people.
d. Fasting during the Ramajan period/month.
e. They must visit (or pay a visit) to the sacred place of Allah i.e. Macca in Arab at least in
his/her lifetime.

Pray 5 times a day
a) dawn fair of sub
b) noon zuhr
c) mid afternoon asr
d) sunset maghrib
e) evening isha

Festivals of Nepal
Festivals are one of the main attractions of Nepalese life. The entire year has a series of
festivals in Nepal.
Festivals preserve the religious belief, social customs and they bring people together.
Festivals represent various phases and outlook of social life. These countries old traditions
are both a display of religious devotion and an express of joy of life.

Dashain Festival of joy
* It is the biggest, major and specious festival of Nepali society.
* Celebrated by both Hindu and Buddhist.
* It is celebrated during last of September or early October for about almost 15 days.
* Worship of Goddess Durga who save people from the evils and her different forms, trumph of
Durga over Mahisashur.
* Flying kite (Reason behind this spiritually connect with ancestor)
Every day at home

On Friday at Masjid

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* Navaratri symbolizes the 9 nights of war.
day : Ghatasthapana
Establishing the holy water, Jamara
day : Fulpati
The fulpati brought to the Dashain Ghar from Gorkha Palace to the Hanuman Dhoka.
day : Asthami
The sacrifice of goat, buffalo, chicken and duck and the blood of stained animals is sprinkles
on God.
day : Navaratri
Same as Asthami
day : Dashami
The day of victory of Ram of Ravana
Day of Tika and Blessings

# Favourable and pleasant season of the year.
# Family get together
# Schools, colleges are in holiday
# Bonus of 1 month salary

Tihar : Festivals of Lights
# 2
biggest festival just after 15 days of Dashain
# Celebrated in late October or early November
# Worship of Laxmi the Goddess of Walth on 3
day of Tihar
# Celebrated for 5 days known as Yama Panchak
day crow messenger of Yama
day dog gatekeeper of Yama
day Laxmi/Cow
day Ox/Maha Puja
day brother for long life and prosperity
* Bhailo 2
and 3
* Deusi 3
and 4

On the 3
day of Laxmi Puja, every home and temple is graced by Candles lights. It is
believed on Laxmi puja day, the goddess Laxmi circles as own and sees that the homes are cleaned
and lights are lifted on her honor. If she is pleased, she will grant prosperity through out the coming
year. Bhailo and Deushi are played on this day.

Holi The festival of Colors
- Celebrated during March.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 47
- Celebrated to enjoy the victory of Pralahad over Holika. Prahlad was the son of King
Hiranyakashap, Pralahad was the devotee of Lord Vishnu. He was attempted to kill too many
ways but was protected by Lord Vishnu.
- This colorful festival starts with the eraction of caremonical pole called chir and celebrated days.
- Being celebrated by throwing different colors and water.

- Celebrated in February in the honor of Lord Shiva.
- Shiva Great God Mahadeva resides on Himalayas and dwells in thousand of idols and
monuments out of which Pashupatinath is of great importance.
- 1008 names of Lord Shiva
- Shiva according to Sanskrit Literature has 1008 names and shows himself of cuntless
manifestations. On the 14
day (Feb) of moon.
- Offering of leaves, flowers and fruit of bel (Margoas)as per the belief it secures their place in
Kailash; the residence of Lord Shiva.
- Many devotees from Nepal and India pay visit to the Lord of living creature Pashupatinath

Teej Festival of Woman
- Celebrated in September
- Celebrated for 3 days
- For married woman a blissful conjugal life prosperity and progress of her husband purification
of body and soul.
- For unmarried woman good, loving and caring husband.
- On the first day, married and unmarried woman both join together for marry making dancing and
singing for lavish food called Dar Khane Din in Nepal.
- Next day they keep on fasting, go for worship of Pashupatinath offering flowers, incense prayers.
- Third day called Rishi Panchami pay visit to different deities.
- They sprinkle holy water for 360 times and brush with datiun 360 brushers.

Gai-Jatra Festival of Cows
- Typical Nepali festival, started by Pratap Malla to console his queen or make her happy who was
in grief or sorrow by the demise of her son.
- Cows and boys wearing the masks are taken around the streets of Kathmandu.
- Each cows and boys represent the number of members of family who died in preceding year.
- It is believed that on this day the gate of heaven is opened for all.
- The participation in Gaijatra is aimed usher the spirits of deceased members to the heaven.
- Gaijatra is build to have started to console the queen that not only her son many other sons had
died in the year and hence to please her this festival was started by the king the tradition of which
has been in continuous existence till death.
- This festival signifies the human obligation towards their ancestors and the deceased family

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Janai Poornima 6
3 pairs different significance, oaths
oath one will respect my parents
oath one will respect guru
oath one will respect dharma

3.4 Socialization
Q. What is socialization and discuss its importance in human life?
The process of learning and internalizing the social values and norms by an individual is
called as socialization.
Socialization I a process by which we learnt to become the member of society, human
community and internalized the values and roles of the society into which we are born. Every society
has its own weights and means of giving social training to the new born members so that they
develop their own personality and this social training is called socialization.

1. Socialization is the process of working together of developing group responsibilities or being
guided by the welfare needs of others. Bogardus
2. Socialization is the process by which an individual learn to conform to the norms of the group.
W.F. Ogburn

Characteristics of Socialization
a) Socialization is a universal process, it happens everywhere.
b) Socialization is the process of learning social norms and values.
c) It is a life long process i.e., from birth to the death
d) Socialization is related to time and space.
e) It is a process of becoming the functioning member of the society.
f) It is a process of cultural transmission.

Stages of Socialization
According to Sigmund Freud,
a) Oral stage (0-18 months) communicate with mouth
b) Anal Stage (18 months -4 yrs) develop the concept of dress, how to eat
c) Oedipal Stage (4 yrs 13 yrs) gender demarcation Oedipus/ electra complex
d) Adolescence Stage (13 yrs 19 yrs) Personality develop with child age
e) Young Stage (19 yrs 24 yrs) Need of guidance
f) Adult Stage (24 yrs 60 yrs) No need of guidance
g) Old Stage (60 yrs +)

a) Primary
b) Anticipatory
c) Developmental

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 49
d) Re-socialization

According to H.M. Johnson
a) Infancy/Childhood From birth till 11/12 years
b) Adolescence till 22/25 years
c) Adult till 60/65 years
d) Elderly till death

Agents of Socialization
a) Primary or Informal Agents
i. Family ii. Peer group iii. Kinship iv. Neighbour v. Marriage
Family Tradition, culture, custom, rights, love, kindness, language, sacrifice, service, co-
Peer group class, values, discipline, co-operation, competition, leadership
Kinship Family, peergroup
Neighbour support, praise, consolation, hate
Marriage familial/social responsibilities

b) Secondary or Formal Agents
i) Educational Institutions technical/formal education
ii) Economic Institutions loss and profit, trade, production, distribution, consumption
iii) Political Institutions Rights, leadership, law, justice, injustice/power
iv) Religious Institutions religion, sin, purity, moral, character
v) Professional Institutions duties, rights and profession
vi) Literature Institutions
vii) Media Institutions
viii) Information and Communication Technology

3.5 Social and Cultural Change

Change in interaction and interrelation and function is called social change. When change in
functioning is called social change.
Change is the law of nature. Nature is always changing and is never restful. Change is present
in all the society at all the times. As society is not a static phenomena rather than a dynamic entity.
Social changes occur in all the society.
Any alternation or difference or a modification that takes place in any object or situation or
methods may be defined as change, social change may be referred to as change in human interaction
and inter-relating.
Social change is such alteration or occur in social organization i.e. structure and function of
society. The social change obviously mean the change in the system of social relationship.


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a) Social change is a term used to describe variation in, or modification of, any aspects of social
processes, social pattern, social interaction or social organization. M.B. Jones
b) By social change is meant only such alteration as occurred in social organization that is
structure and function of society. Kingley Davis
c) Social change may be defined as a new fashion or mode, either modifying or replacing the old,
in the life of a people or in the operation of a society. H.T. Mojumdar

On the basis of these definitions, we may conclude that social change refers to the modifications
which take place in the life patterns of people. It may concern the change in network of social
relationship. It does not refer to all the changes going on in the society. The changes in art, language,
technology, philosophy, etc may not be included in it. Thus social change will mean variations of
any aspect of social processes, social patterns, social interactions or social organizations.

Characteristics of Social Change
i) It is a universal phenomenon.
ii) It is a continuous process.
iii) It is a temporal.
iv) It is environmental
v) The speed of social change is non-uniform.
vi) It is unpredictable that is it may take place in any direction
vii) Social change shows chain reaction sequences
viii) Social change results form the interaction of a number of factors.
ix) It may be planned or it may not be planned.
x) Complex phenomenon

Factors or causes of Social Change
a) Conflict
b) Social Problems
c) Revolution
d) Cultural Change

a) Geographical
b) Economical
c) Demography
d) Political
e) Technology

Obstacle for Social Change (Why do people resist the change?)
a) Ignorance and habit
b) Affection towards old culture
c) Fear towards new thing
d) Vested, interest
e) Imperfection of new invention/technology

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 51

Cultural Change
- Change in language, dress, music, culture and traits
Social change is the change as occur in social organization that is structure and functions of
Social change is a part of the broader category known as cultural change. Cultural change is
broader than social change as social change is just part of it. All social changes are cultural change
but all cultural changes need not necessarily be social change. Cultural change can be called social
change when they affect human relation and social organization and cause variation in it.

Definition of Cultural Change
1. The cultural change embraces all changes occurring in any branch of culture including art,
science, technology, philosophy, etc. as well as changes in the forms and rules of social
organization. Kingsley Davis
2. Cultural change is the modification or discontinuance of existed tried and tested procedures
transmitted to us from the culture of the part, as well as the introduction of new procedures.
Davis Dressler and Donald Carns

In conclusion, we can say that any changes under the realism of culture are called cultural
change. It is dynamic not static. Therefore, changes in culture are occurring.

Process of Social and Cultural Change
1. Innovation
2. Diffusion
3. Evolution
4. Adaptation
5. Industrialization
6. Urbanization
7. Westernization
8. Modernization
9. Sanskritization
10. Acculturation
11. Globalization
12. Conflict

The process of turning a creative idea into a useful product, service or work method may be
defined as innovation. It is the process where by a new idea or object is introduced to a society
There are two forms of innovation:
a) Discovery
b) Invention

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a) Discovery is making known as sharing existence of an object or all the existence of an aspect of
reality with other.
b) Invention is introducing something which is newly created with others.

Diffusion: Diffusion refers to the process by which an innovated object methods or system or
procedure is spread from its origin, form where it is discovered or invented to the potential in users.
Just as technology and culture does not always discover itself and hence it adopt culture technology
and idea from others society or culture where it is existing. Diffusion occurs because each culture
contains some patterns, traits, technology methods which is unique to others.

Means of Diffusion:
a) Mass Media
b) Information and Communication Technology
c) Transportation
d) Tourism
e) Missionary Work

3.6 Social Stratification

The word stratification comes from the Geology. The social stratification by introduced by
Cone in 1940 AD in sociology. Stratification is simply the division of things.
The nature of society is heterogeneous. Some amount of inequality in properly, prestige and
paver are found in all societies throughout the world. Some are strong and some are weak. Some are
powerful and some are powerless, some are rich and some are poor. In this way, the society is
composed of various hierarchical relationship of people. In this sense, the process by which
individuals and groups are ranked in a more or less enduring hierarchy of status is known as
stratification. For example: owner and labour.
In all societies, there is a hierarchy of positions or groups of position called strata that are set
off from each other by the amount of property, power and honor they command to that condition
where societies are arranged into hierarchies of position or strate that command unequal amount of
property, power and honour, we give the term stratification.

Social stratification is based on following factors:
1. Karl Mark: Theory of economic determinism i.e. every individuals of society consists of two
classes i.e. Bourgeoisie and proliterate.
# Bourgeoisie: They are have group. They owned lands.
# Proliterate: They are not have group. That means they are workers. They own nothing.

2. Functionalist approach: Emile Ourkheim, Talcott Pearson.
According to this approach, society is divided on the basis of division of labour. What an
individual does in the society i.e. on the basis of their work). The talented ability of the person that a
man occupies the status and perform the different role. Some status are given as high privilege and
some are given as low privilege.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 53
The classification of the members of the society include superiority and inferiority, upper or
lower or high and low is termed as stratification.

1. Social stratification is a horizontal division of society into higher and lower social units
Kaymond Murray
2. The process by which individuals or groups are ranked in more or less enduring linearly (order)
of status is known as stratification. Ogburn and Nimkoff
3. A stratified society is one marked by inequality by differences among the people that are
evaluated by them as being lower and higher. Lundberg

On the basis of above mentioned definition, it may be concluded that social stratification is the
hierarchically organized structures at social inequality which is found in all societies.

a) It is social.
b) It doesnt represent biologically caused inequality but by property, prestige.
c) It is ancient age and some were main criteria.
d) It is universal.
e) Power, prestige, property, age, sex, etc are major factors for stratification.

There are two types of stratification. They are:
a) Close Stratification: Stratification which a person ascribed by birth e.g. caste, religion
b) Open Stratification: Stratification which a person achieve by his/her ability, intelligence,
capability, skills, etc.

The way of Stratification
1. On the biological basis

2. Socio-cultural basis

Need for Social Stratification
1. Division of labour
2. Social Equilibrium
3. Occupational Security

Demerits of Social Stratification
1. Narrows the opportunity for the individuals (Division of labour which becomes very complex
for the upliftment of the individuals)
sex race age birth Ethnicity
Economic Political Religious

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2. Brings social conflicts (Arise the conflicts between the grade of an individuals)

Gender: One of the major forms of stratification prevailing in Nepali society is based on the gender.
Gender is the most fundamental feature of human society. It is the biological differences that lead to
the existence of two sex i.e.
1. Male
2. Female
In Nepalese society, male and female are expected to perform different roles and discharge
different responsibilities. The mode of doing things status assigned the interest they hold and
ultimately the goals and aspirations of male and female are different.
The difference between male and female is not only biological but also cultural. In the
context of Nepal, male is the dominant sex where as females are (relatively less dominant) followers.
The major economic, house hold and other decisions are taken by male. However, there are certain
communities where females are dominant.
In the recent years the increasing education labour among females and the awareness of their
roles and status has accelerated the process of empowerment of woman to a large extent.

Age is another basis for social stratification in our society. It is on the ground of age that
individuals in the society are given different responsibilities, rights and are expected to perform
different social roles. In almost all the societies, classification of age-group may be found in
following age:
a) Infant
b) Adolescence/Childhood
c) Young
d) Adult
e) Old
The different age group categorized above are distributed certain privileges and are assigned
different responsibilities and duties in separate status.
For example: there must be more than or equal to 18 years for taking motorcycle license.

Social Problem
Social problem may be defined as any undesirable condition or situation that is judged by the
members of influential person within in community to be intolerable and which requires a group
action towards its constructive reform.
Society remains in the state of social equilibrium as long as its various parts. Function
properly when the social equilibrium is disturbed it results in social disorganization.
The term social disorganization according to Thomas and Zananiecki, who first develop this
term in their famous book The polish peasant in the Europe and America refers to the decrease in
the influence of existing social rules of behaviour upon individual members. As a result of this there
is a lack of cohesion in the society. According to them it is the process which automatically and
inabitablly create social problem.
Examples of social problem:

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 55
a) Juvenile Delinquency
b) Drug Addiction
c) Crime
d) Poverty
e) Divorce
f) Unemployment
g) Beggary
h) Mental illness
i) Over Population
j) Prostitution
k) Corruption
l) Suicide
m) Alcoholism

Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile an individual below the age of 16 years (normally)
Delinquency A kind of abnormality when a person deviates from the normal social life.

Acts of Delinquency
- Running away from home
- Stealing
- Uses of vulgar language
- Immoral acts
- Spending time idly beyond limits
- Committing sexual offerices

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency
a) Broken homes not a complete family tends or forced to leave the family, lack of affection,
guidance, love( security)
b) Poverty lack of both or either parent for making money.
c) Company (bad) Imitation and influence
d) Mental Conflict complex (superiority or inferiority complex) thinking emotional disorder.
e) Dissatisfaction at home, schools, jobs or neighbours
f) Delinquent areas
g) Influence of motion picture/anedia

Youth unrest
The age after Juvenile Delinquency

Student power/ activities

Political Activities Agitation
educational Non-educational

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Causes of Youth Unrest
a) Defective education system
b) Improper socialization and family problems
c) Political, economic, social inequalities
d) Corrupt authority
e) Misuse of students by politicians
f) Unemployment
g) Lack of opportunity to express their abilities, talent, intelligence, skills
h) Lack of responsibilities/determination
i) Values conflict
j) Influence movies, media

However it is difficult to define beggar in a proper manner, a beggar is a person who ask for
alms or chairity and perform the action which derives the sympathy from others and who give them
something in return.
A person who ask for
1. Aims at public places
2. Aims moving door to door
3. One without a visible means of subsistence

Types of Beggar
a) able bodied adult
b) able bodied child (street children)
c) Hereditary beggar
d) Old/Incapable
e) Sick/Diseased beggar
f) Physically disable
g) Mentally retard
h) Religious (Jogi, Sadhu, Sanyashi)

Causes of beggary
a) Poverty
b) Unemployment (migrated rural)
c) Family disorganization/ lack of proper guidance
d) Physical/Mental disability
e) Old age
f) Favourable social/cultural tradition


- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 57
Poverty is essentially a relative concept or condition measurable in terms of the living
standards of a given society in a given time.
Poverty can be defined as three basis:
a) Amount of money required by a person to subsist.
b) Life below a minimum subsistence level.
c) Comparative well-being and ill-being.

1) Absolute poverty
2) Relative poverty

a) Individual Failure physically handicapped and mentally retarded
b) Unemployment - naturally poverty will lead
c) Inadequate Economic Development it cause the unemployment which naturally poverty
will lead.
d) Inflation It is the term of economics
e) Dependency on agriculture
f) Defective Political System
g) Illiteracy

It is the state of worklessness/condition of worklessness for a man fit and willing to work. It
is a condition of involuntary idealness. A condition where an individual is not in a state of
denumaritive occupation despite his desire to do so.

Causes of Unemployment
a) Population Explosion
b) Economic Depression
c) Vocational Unfitness
d) Technological Advancement
e) Strike and Lockout Bandh

Social Control
This concept of social control was introduced by E.A. Ross The Social Control 1901
Social control refers to the control of the society over its individuals for social harmony,
social solidarity and social order which is the necessary condition for the smooth functioning of the
society. Solidarity and social harmony is not automatic process to which must strive.

Social control refers to the system of devices where by society brings its members into conformity
with the accepted standards of behavoiur. E.A. Ross

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Social control is the pattern of pressure which the society exerts to maintain order and established
rules. Ogburn and Nimkoff

Need and importance of social control are as follows:
1. To control the individual behaviour
2. To maintain social security
3. For social co-operation
4. To establish social unity

Types of Social Control
According to E.A. Ross,
a) Formal Control
b) Informal Control

a) Formal Control: Means of formal control are law, military force, police force and administrative
devices (states).
b) Informal Control: Means of informal control are religion, family, sense of justice, morality,

According to Kimball Young,
a) Positive Control: The way one he is expected to perform the work, he will be rewarded i.e. it is
by reward
b) Negative Control: The way one he is not performing the work which he was expected to work
and not rewarded for his work if it is by punishment.

According to Karl Manheim
a) Direct Social Control: Family, neighbours, colleagues, triends, etc controlled by primary group.
b) Indirect Social Control: Controlled by secondary group, e.g. religion customs

Agencies of Social Control
1) law 2) education 3) coercion 4) propaganda 5) Folkways and meres
6) custom 7) religion 8) public opinion belief, ideology

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 59
Nepal : Figure

Official Name : The Kingdom of Nepal
Capital : Kathmandu
People : Nepali/Nepalese
Population : 2,31,51,423 (2001 B.S.) The Central Bureau of Statistics
Male : 1,15,63,921
Female : 1,15,87,502
Urban Area : 12%
Rural Area : 88%
# Population Density : 176 person per sq. km.
Length : 885 km
Breadth : 193 km
# Religious Affiliation
a) Hindus
b) Buddhists
c) Muslims
d) Christians
e) Others
# Life Expectancy : 59.7 yrs
# Literacy Rate : 53.74%
Male : 65.08%
Female : 42.49%
# Population Distribution
Mountain : 7.3%
Hill : 44.3%
Terai : 48.41%
# GDP (Gross Domestic Production) by economic sector
Agriculture, Forestry : 40.3%
Industries : 22.4%
Service : 37.3%

Nepal is a Himalayan Nation of South-Asia. Its importance lies in the strategic location
between two Asian giants viz. China in the north and India in rest of the directions. Nepal is a
landlocked country which plays a vital role in economic and political feature of Nepal. The northern
range is covered with snow over the year where the highest peak of the world Mount Everest stands.
The hill is capture by mountains, high peaks, hills and valleys while Terai is gangaitic plan and
consists of dense forest, national park, wild life and so on.
Nepal presents an example of being united in diversity over the history and has maintained it
crowd to be an independent sovereign state.
There are two ties systems of legislation in Nepal.
a) Upper House (Rastriya Sabha) 60
b) Lower House (Pratinidhi Sabha) 205

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There is no reliable information on historical part of Nepal. The written records dates back
only upto 6
century and a detail of historical account is available from 10
century BC prior to this
period only myths recorded in genealogical chronicles of kings is available.
Etymology of the word Nepal
Nepa : The name of the king of Gopal dynasty
Ne : A sage who was the role advise to the king
Ne : Home, pal wool in Tibetan Language

Define Society and Culture
Society is the composition of individual. It could be the composition of homogenous or
heterogeneous group but so far the national level society is concerned it is the composition of
heterogeneous group.
To have knowledge of historical, ideological and political dimension of Nepali culture, we
need to consider the following:
a) Ethnic diversity
b) Religious diversity
c) Variation of material art
d) Cultural harmony
e) Regional variation

a) Ethnic Diversity
1) Cultural group: caste/ethnic - cultural difference, linguistic difference, practices, dressing and
fooding pattern
2) Communal riots or clashes: Negroid/Cancasoid/Pakistan, India but Nepal doesnt face this
3) National Integration:
Mental unification of various ethnic group
Providing equal opportunities and chances to all ethnic group
Proper care of different institution of different ethnic group
Promoting inter-caste marriage system

b) Religious Diversity:
i) Brainchild of ethnic diversity
ii) No country in the world without religious homogeneity
iii) All ethnic group like Tamang, Magar, Rai, Limbu, Gurung are commonly known as Nepali
iv) Dual worship system exist in Nepal
v) Buddhist worship Hindu Gods and Hindu do visit Buddhist shrine.
vi) Observe national festivals like Dashain and Tihar by almost all groups.
Probability of economic

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 61

c) Material Art
i) Different temples, monasteries, monuments built by various ruler have become the cultural
heritage of Nepal.
ii) These heritages are not defined by which castes or ethnic groups it belong to, infact all these
are Nepalese. There is no my/our on their feeling. Rather Nepalese feeling is there.

d) Cultural Harmony:
i) Nepalese society has evolved out from the horizontal process and this process has been
responsible for the diversity as well as the integration.
ii) The history has played a vital role to develop the concept of Nepali nationalhood. That is
why it stands as a single and string and sovereign nation today.

It is the matter of loyality and emotion sentiments towards ones country.
The main pillars of nationalism are:
a) Hinduism
b) Monarchy as a symbol of unity
c) Nepali language
d) Mount Everest
e) National Anthem
f) National Flag

# Areas to be focused to consolidate or promote Nepali nationalism:
National migration different ethnic, religious, cultural groups are grabbed together.
To end social injustice/discrimination
To end economic exploitation
Revision of treaty
Chapter 5
Community Development

Suffering of Colonial country to become independent country shortage of economic.

Later on Harry and Truman who was the president of the USA in the 1849 A.D. develop the concept
of developed country, underdeveloped country and undeveloped country.

Development approaches:
1) Top-down model where the decisions are taken in the top level central.

Top level/Central

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After the second world war, when most of the countries have become independent but these
countries had faced great social economic problems. In this period countries had followed the top-
down model of development approach in which approach the community participation was ignored.
As a result of that, the top-down approach of development model becomes failure.
Without identified the problem of root level by the involvement of people, community and
without community participation, realized that any program of development cannot be successful.
Therefore, instead of top-down approach, bottom-up model emerged and the development of
community become possible.
The term community development has been defined by many authors in may ways
depending upon their educational background and qualification.
According to UNO, It is the process by which the efforts of the people themselves
are united with those of government authority to improve the economic social and cultural conditions
of communities, to integrate these communities into the life of the nation and to enable them to
contribute fully to national progress.

# Community development is one of the programs launched by government which involves the local
people participation.
Now the basic elements of community development.
1. People effort to find solution to their common problem.
2. Government and Non-Government Association
3. Reliance on their resources as much as possible.

The community may be defined as a process of social action in which people of a community
organize themselves for identification of their needs, for planning and for action to meet these needs
with maximum reliance on their own initiative and their resources, supplemented with assistance in
any form from government and NGOs.

Characteristics of Community Development
a) It focuses on a unit called community.
b) Initiation by groups, agencies, organizations or institution external to the community unit.
c) Emphasis on public participation.
d) Participation for the purpose of self help.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 63
e) Promotion of increased participatory decision making by the community members.
f) Equality in the distribution of end product.

Objective of Community Development
The community is made up of individuals and households which must be concerned with the
purpose of self fulfillment, development of human beings, environment and resources.

# self fulfillment i.e. development of human
- Skill development
- Education development
- Awareness development
- Trainings development

Either themselves or in collaboration with Government or NGOs.
a) To improve life on community level.
b) To develop all aspects of community living so as to avoid imbalance in different area of
c) To explore and use technical assistant available from outside.
d) To demonstrate special capabilities, projects and resource that may be useful to other
e) To co-ordinate with state and national development plan.
Community development which can be viewed as self-help approach to rural development was
introduced in Nepal in 1951 AD.

Community Development Program in Nepal
Community Forest Program
Community Medical Program
Agricultural Program
Sanitation Program
Poverty Alleviation Program
Income Generating Activities
Co-operative Program
Village Development Program

Community Participation Development Activities
Due to the failure of top-down model and increasing awareness of self-help community
participation development activities moved toward.
The word community denotes the social entity organized with some sense of identity a part of
being inhabitants of all localities.
The involvement of people in the physical work of implementing the development activities
to some degree of sharing of decision with the community.

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a) Identification Identification of the resources. Bridge is necessary. To built it, people
participation is indispensable.
b) Planning meeting, general assembly to start new program
c) Decision making from community people
d) Implementation local people to be involved
e) Evaluation

The community participation can be understood as the involvement of local population in
decision making implementing and evolution concerning on the development project for the purpose
of the social economic and other development activities.

Dimension of Participation
a) Involvement of all those affected in decision making about what should be done and how.
b) Mass contribution to the development effort.
c) Sharing the benefit of the program.
d) Local participation in the evaluation.

The role of community participation in many fields of development is now well organized. The
advantage forcing or arising from community participation is that government resources can be
complimented by the efforts made by the local communities.
My reasons for favouring community participations are as follows:
i) More will be accomplished.
ii) Services can be provided at lower cost.
iii) Participation has an intrinsic value for participation.
iv) Work as a catalyst for further development efforts.
v) Participation leads to a sense of responsibility for the project.
vi) Participation guarantees that a felt need is involved.
vii) Participation ensures that things are done in the right way.
viii) Uses of indigenous knowledge and expertise.
ix) Freedom from dependence on professionals.

Community Development Theory:
Community Development: Theories are based on the terms of questions, they attempt to answer.
There are five types of question and five types of related theories involve with guiding community
development types.

Questions Theory
1) What is? Descriptive Theory
2) Why is it? Explanative Theory
3) What would happen if? Predictive Theory
4) What would stimulate learning? Heuristic Theory
5) What should be done? Prescriptive Theory

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 65
Community Organizing for peoples empowerment
It is bringing people together and working with them to influence them in order to change the
prevailing system. This process has been often planned and managed by the people outside of that
community than by the community people themselves.

Benefits (Community Organizing)
a) It enables grass root groups to recruite new members.
b) Build leadership among them.
c) Plan and facilitate meetings.
d) Sustainable grassroot organization
e) Provides the grassroot groups for facilitate in fundamental system change.

Limitation (Difficulties)
a) Relative negligence in participation
b) Lack of emphasis on analyzing boarder social cultural, political and economical context.
c) Failurity in power, grass groups to address community issues on their own without support
from outside.

Community Development Approach
The concept of community development approach was elaborate by British Colonial
Government as a process intended to mobilize the labour of rural and urban communities in support
of National government objective to built social and physical infrastructure and increase self-

# Community development approach was first established in GHANA during 50s
# Extensively integrated in to Indias development plan
# General concept behind this is to mobilized the people and resource.
# Within the community development approach a more general strategy of development, activities
are carried out in the social economic and cultural fields.
# The principles are: (of community development approach)
a) To take into account the existing local socio-cultural conditions.
b) To start all activities from the felt need of population.
c) To promote self-help activities of the communities through various government services
for example forestry, health, education, agricultural
d) To mobilize and draw on local resources.

How do community development approach?
All the local level a network of community develop workers also known as change agents
are established to carry out all activities within the communities.
The central features of community development approach can be summarized as follows:
a) Establishment of co-ordination team at local level.

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b) Training and assignment of local community development workers also known as Change
c) Regular contact and dialogues between community development team and the local people.

Indigeneious and Appropriate Technology
Indigeneous technology refers to the set of knowledge and technologies existing and
developed around the specific indigeneous community in an area and develop by them through their
interaction with other people outside their area.
- Spiritual aspects
- Material aspects

Appropriate Technology
It may be defined as the technology that fit the social and environmental context prevailing in
a particular place and at a given point of time.

Technology with human face
It is a tool for people to use it within a community process of self determination and
sustainable development.

Appropriate Technology must meet following criteria (characteristics)
a) Technology that suits the needs and lifestyle of people using it.
b) Design of technology should involve the beneficiaries to the greatest extent possible.
c) Installation of technology should be rural based (that uses local skills and materials)
d) Enable local people to earn a living and increase their income and potential.
e) The cost to install, operate and maintain the technology should be within the economy rich of the
f) Should be fit and adopted to the local social and cultural environments.
g) Should be non-destructive to the natural environmental and ecosystem

Ecology and Environment
To mobilize local resources and to use of the local resources by the local people for the
increase of the life of nation.
Before launching any development program, we have to study about ecology and
environment for that which program can be fitted.
E.g. stopping trekking at Mt. Everest after studying its ecology and environment.

Characteristic of Primary Group
a) Physical Proximity: It makes the conversation of gestures, exchange of ideas and opinions
easy and possible.
b) Small size: Relationship can be intimate and personal only in a small group.
c) Stability: To promote intimacy of relationship, the primary group should be stable to some

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d) Similarity of background
e) Limited self-interest
f) Intensity of shared interests

Characteristics of Secondary Group
a) Formal and impersonal relations
b) Large in size
c) Option of Membership
d) Active and inactive members
e) Relation: The members of a secondary hardly meet face to face
f) Formal Rules: A secondary group is regulated by formal rules
g) Status of individual depends on his role
h) Goal oriented

Definition of Primary Group

Unit Three (Class-XII)
Meaning of Acculturation

Acculturation refers to the social process through which modification in one cultural group is
made by another cultural group. When both cultural groups come into first hand contact, both group
having different cultural traits are influenced by each other. Specially, in this two way process, most
of the non-literate cultures or undeveloped cultures are subordinated/influenced by developed
cultures, specially European culture. One cultural group adopt other cultural traits from other group
by will/natural process or pressure/ domination process.
The term acculturation was first used by American anthropologists during the 1930s in the
study of cultural and social change and the problems of social disorientation and cultural decline.
They defined acculturation as those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having
different culture come into first hand contact, with subsequent changes in the original cultural
patterns of both groups. Acculturation process may be unilateral or bilateral. It is a process but not a
phenomenon. It is the means of social and cultural change which is possible by result of continuous
changes in cultural pattern through the regular cultural contact. So, it is the transmission of culture as
well as one part of the process of assimilation. It changes in way of life group and adopts different
culture. For example, in our society Muslim women are influenced by Hindu womens culture in the
context of sharing vermilion. Similarly, most of the people of the US migrated from Europe having
different culture when all of them into first hand contact the new American culture came into

a) According to Wilbert E. Moore, The term acculturation has come to mean the transfer of
cultural or socio elements from one society to another.

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b) According to John Lewis, Acculturation is the process by which culture is transmitted through
contract of groups with different cultures, usually one having a more highly developed
c) According to Park and Burgers, Acculturation is the process by which one group of people learn
from another, whether the culture or civilization be gotten by initiation or by incalculation.
In briefly, it may be said that the acculturation is the social process on which culture is
transmitted. It may be unilateral or bilateral which happen in society when two different cultural
group came into first hand contact .Specially acculturation is accruing/happing between more
powerful developed society and underdeveloped, weaken society. It changes culture pattern of group
but save their originality.

Features of Acculturation
a) It is universal.
b) Nature of contact (First hand contact)
c) It is a process not a phenomenon
d) Acculturation do no unified two culture into one
e) It brings change in cultural pattern
f) It may be achieved by will or force both.

Meaning of Assimilation
Assimilation is the process whereby persons and groups acquire the culture of other group in
which they come to live by adopting way of life(attitudes, values, patterns of thinking and
behaving).In this process, a minority group adopts the values and patterns of behaviour of a majority
group, ultimately becoming absorbed by the majority group. One cultural group absolutely
assimilates with other by changing their own culture of way of life.
Assimilation is the slowly process where different cultural groups come together and
assimilate into the dominating cultural group after then it develops the indistinguishable situation
among them because of same idea, perspective feeling of different group they are united and develop
into a united group. Some factors favouring assimilation are toleration, equal economic opportunity,
sympathetic attitude on the part of dominating group towards the minority group and nature of
contacts. According to Hayes, Assimilation is not process of interaction but it is the result of
interaction. So, it is the social and psychological process. For example, when the Magars of Nepal
came into first hand contact with Parbate People, Magar people started to adopt the way of life of
Parbate people. Gradually, they lost their own culture.

Definition of Assimilation
a) According to Bogardus, Assimilation is the process whereby attitudes of many persons are
united and thus develop into a united group.
b) According to Horton and Hunt, The process of mutual cultural diffusion through which person
and groups come to share a common culture is called assimilation.
c) According to Nimkoff, Assimilation is the process whereby individuals or groups once
dissimilar become similar and identified in their interest and outlooks.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 69
On the basis of above mentioned definitions, it is said that assimilation is a social interaction
through which persons and group acquire the culture of another group and persons. In short, in this
process, one person or group is absolutely absorbed with another group by forgetting their own
cultural pattern.

Characteristics of Assimilation
a) It is a social process. It is the result of social interaction between people of different cultures.
b) It is a gradual process. It is a slow and the speed depends upon the nature of contact between
different groups.
c) It includes sentiments and attitudes. It concerns with sentiments, attitudes and feelings of
different groups and communities.
d) It develops from acculturation. It gradually gives way to assimilation .
e) Unconscious Process: It is the unconscious process in which feelings, perspective, idea, attitudes,
etc of individuals are changed.
f) Continuous Process
g) Universal Process: Everywhere, every time and in every person it is continuing.
h) Assimilation is not simple but complex process.
i) It is a two way process.
- Kirant Hindu
- Kala Gora American

Basically, differentiation means difference between more than one group. Sociologically, it is
a social process in which groups or person charge from homogeneity to heterogeneity, whereas
homogeneity means quality of similarity or likeness of two or more individuals or groups in specific
aspects and heterogeneity indicates the quality of dissimilarity of difference of two or more
individuals or groups in specific aspects. In the evolutionary process, society and culture change
from simple to complex, from homogeneity to heterogeneity. So, it is the process by which one
group or person becoming separate from another.
Social difference of the individuals or group based on the biological or physical and social or
When people are different from one another on the basis of age, sex, stature (bodily height)
race and uneven distribution of physiological and mental talents in any substantial (structure)
population, these are the ascribed difference based on biology which cannot be changed. Similarly,
differentiation on the basis of socially achieved characteristics like profession, income, property,
prestige, power, belief, etc, these are achieved differences based on social and cultural performances.
Because of both ascribed and achieved differences, the roles of the individual are also different from
one to another. So, the role differentiation of the members of society based on ascribed and achieved
differences is called social difference. In the society, it creates conflict among more groups on the
one hand. On the other hand, it contributes to the continuity and maintains of the whole society.


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a) Dictionary of Sociology: Differentiation refers to a process whereby sets of social activities
performed by one social institution become split up between different institution.
b) According to V.(Vilfredo) Pareto, Societies have moved from an undifferentiated homogenous
state to differentiated heterogeneous one. In brief, it is a process of homogeneity to
c) According to Bidya Bushan, Differentiation represents an increasing specialization of the parts
of a society giving greater heterogeneity within the society.

In conclusion, differentiation denotes the process of becoming separate from one another. It is a
process of homogeneity to heterogeneity whereby the two pats of society develop in separate forms
which also contribute to the continuity and maintain of the whole society.

Differences between Acculturation and Assimilation
Acculturation Assimilation
1. It is a conscious process.
2. It changes in cultural pattern of group or
3. It is a simple process.
4. It does not unite two cultures into one.

5. Group or person adopts same cultural
traits by from another natural and
dominant process.
6. It focuses in first hand contact between
two different cultural groups.
7. It is an interaction
8. It is the primitive stage for assimilation.
1. It is an unconscious process.
2. It changes in way of life in group or
3. It is a complex process.
4. It does assimilate between one another
culture group.
5. Specially minority group with majority
group by facilitating or retarding factors.

6. It concerns with minority group and
majority group.
7. It is the result of interaction.
8. It is the optimum point of acculturation.

Meaning of Integration
The term integration is derived from Latin word integrate. Here, integrate means to unite
or to integrate into a whole. In sociology, the first scholar to use the term integration is Robert E.
Angel. He defines integration as a process and an end product.
Society is the system of interrelationships and interconnected between structural components
of society. In society persons are bound together and dependent upon each other in these system. In
every society, we fined differentiation and integration process. According to R.K. Merton we can
find the strain towards amomie which refers to a condition where the continuity of the society has
broken down to some degree as well as the strain towards consistency is called integrating process.
Through these concepts the different elements of society are bound together to maintain social
Integration is therefore, the harmonizing or unifying process whereby the various structural
components of society are properly organized. It does not involve similarity at various structured
parts what is essential for integration is that certain values must be accepted as common and the

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 71
different institutional agencies should preserve and promote these values. The aim of integration is to
maintain a harmonious and active relationship between the various structural components of society.
But absolute integration is a myth specially in country like Nepal.

1. Integration is an organization rather than homogeneity. Gillin and Gillin
2. Integration refers to the process by which different races come to have closer social economic
and political relationship. Bidya Bhushan

On the basis of these definitions, we may say that integration is the process in which the
individual experiences a sense of belonging to social norms, values, belief and one of the ways to
minimize tension and conflict in the society.

Problems in integration:
a) Complexity of society
b) Cultural heterogeneity
c) Rapidity of change
d) Tendency of Persistence (continue exist)

Meaning of Gender
The word gender is new being used sociologically or as a conceptual category and it has been
given a very specific meaning. In its new incarnation gender refers to the socio-cultural definition of
man and woman, the way societies distinguish man and woman assign them social roles.
The concept of gender enables us to state that sex is one thing, but gender is quite another.
Everyone is born male or female and our sex can be determined simply by looking at our genitalia.
Basically, sex is biologically defined, whereas gender is socially defined. Thus, sex refers to
the biological fact that a person is either a man or a woman. Gender refers to socially learned traits
associated with and expected of man or woman. Therefore, to be male or female is a matter of sex,
but to be masculine of feminine is a matter of gender. Thus, gender is the socially and culturally
created differences in the behaviour role and the status of men and women. In gender differences the
status of man and woman perpetuate the attitudes of male dominance and superiority and female sub-
ordination and inferiority. Thats why mens roles and statuses in society are productive whereas
womens are not more than supportive. Gender is also one of the basis of social stratification. It
divides society into two segments, masculine and feminine.

Sex Gender

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1. Sex is natural
2. Sex is biological. It refers to visible
differences in genitalia and related
differences in procreative function.
3. Sex is constant, it remains the same
4. Sex cannot be changed.
1. Gender is socio-cultural and man-made.
2. Gender refers to masculine and feminine
qualities, behaviour patterns roles and
responsibilities, etc.
3. Gender changes from time to time,
culture to culture, even family to family.
4. Gender can be changed.

Definition of Gender
1. According to Arm Oaklery, Gender is a matter of culture; it refers to the social classification
of men and women into masculine and feminine.
2. According to Ember and Ember, Differences between females and males that reflect cultural
expectations and experiences is called gender differences.
3. According to Smith, Gender is the socially and culturally determined differences in
behaviour, roles and status of men.

In conclusion, we can say that gender is social, cultural or psychological term which is
determined by social and cultural by which socially created role differences between males and
females. It does not concerns only women but it also concerns different role and behaviour of
both male and female assigned by society and culture. It studies about masculine and feminine
which can be changed.

Characteristics of Gender
i) It is dynamic. (It changes from time to time)
ii) Differences on social, cultural and psychological pattern.
iii) Gender relation vary from place to place
iv) In gender, males position is higher than female or male is always dominant over females
v) It is changeable.
vi) It is the totality of norms and values, status and roles of individual sex.

4.3 Class
In sociologically, class denotes to the social class. Specially, in industrial societies, it is a
type of social stratification. In simple term, social class is that group of people who have equal
property, prestige, power, income, occupation, education and qualification in a society. Classes are
related to one another in terms of inequality or hierarchy.
Social class produces of social stratification in which a persons social status depends upon
his or her achievement. Membership of a class in not inherited as in the case of caste system. So, the
boundaries between classes are never rigid.
Karl Marx who is one of the founding fathers of sociology, had divided the capitalist society
into two classes on the basis of ownership and non-ownership of property. One is bourgeoisie and
the other is proletariat. The bourgeoisie class wants to exploit to the proletariat whereas proletariat
wants to be free from the exploitation of bourgeoisie. The relationship between two classes is a

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 73
hostile. In this sense, the focal point for the class is an economic factor on the basis of Marx but
economic factor is not only enough. There are other factors like social, educational, etc.
a) By social class, we mean one or two or more broad groups of individuals who are ranked by the
members of the community in socially superior and inferior positions. Ogburn and Nimkoff.
b) A social class is a culturally defined group that is accorded a particular position or status within
the population as a whole. Lapiere

Characteristic of Social Class
1) Hierarchy of group: The society is divided into different classes such as upper class, middle
class, lower class, house class, homenot class, etc/
2) Class consciousness: All the individuals of class are very conscious about their class interest and
aware of fulfilling their interest.
3) Gap between two groups: Due to the unequal distribution of the production of society there is a
vast gap between the classes.
4) Vulnerability of conflict: According to Karl Max, there is conflict in relation between rich class
and poor class. Rich class exploit the poor people whereas poor people want to be free form that

Caste and Class
Caste Class
1) It is a closed system.
2) Caste is determined by birth.

3) Caste is ascrib-oriented
4) There is restriction on choice of
5) Caste is endogamy.
6) It is mostly found in Hindu society.
1) It is an open system.
2) Class is determined by individuals
3) Class is achieved oriented
4) No restriction on the choice of occupation

5) Class is not endogamy
6) It is found throughout the world

3.2.2 Enculturation
Meaning of Enculturation
Enculturation is a process of social interaction which emphasized ones own culture. The word
enculturation is derived by American anthropologist Herskovits. In this process, people acquire
personality and learn the various culture of their society. It refers to the process of learning by which
human beings follow their traditional norms, values, customs. It is a life long process which starts
from the birth of an individual.

a) The aspects of the learning experience that makes off man from other creatures and by
means of which he achieves competence in his culture may be called enculturation.
b) Enculturation refers to the process of acquiring the cultural traditions of a society.

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Characteristics of Enculturation
a) It is also universal process and society specific.
b) It helps to preserve ones own culture.
c) It is social in nature.
d) It is the social process in which cultural elements transfer from one generation to another or
one group to another.
e) It is the process of learning.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 75
Nepalese Cultural History

Brief Introduction to Nepalese Cultural History

Before the unification of Nepal, the Kathmandu Valley used to be called Nepal. So, its unification in
the 18
century by Prithivi Narayan Shah, Nepals history is known as the history of the Kathmandu
Valley. Reference to Nepal is found in the famous Hindu epics Mahabharata and Puranas, and in the
Buddhist and Jain scriptures which established the indiependent entity (politically and territorially).
The Vamshavalis or Chronicles, help us to know about the oldest part of the history, written during
the 14
century. According to the Vamshavalis, the Gopalas, the Abhiras and the Kiratas ruled over a
long period of time. The documented history of Nepal begins with the Changu Narayan Temple and
its inscription of King Manadeva I (i.e. AD 464-505) of the Lichhavis dynasty. It is found that the
Kirants, the Vrijis, the Shakyas, the Koliyas, Mallas, Lichhavis, Abhirs, Guptas and Thakuris were
all lost among aboriginals of the Kathmandu Valley in making of Newars. Gopal, Abhir and Kirat
dynasties were the ancient rulers of Nepal.

Division of the History of Nepal
i) Rule of Gopala Kings (Khas) c. 900 BC 700 BC
herders (cattle, sheep and goats)
ii) Rule of Mahisapalas (Kirantas) c. 700BC 625 BC
(buffalo herders)
iii) Rule of Kirat kings c. 625 BC AD 100
iv) Rule of Lichhavis kings AD 880-1768
(Rule of Shah kings)
Rana or Oligarchy Rule AD 1846-1951
Panchayat Partyless Political System AD 1960-1990
Democratic Multiparty Political System AD 1990 onwards

Because of lack on evidence and any inscriptions, the Kirat period is known as the dark
period in Nepalese history.

Kirat Period
The Kirat period is the dawn of Nepalese history. The Kirat period is a dark or prehistoric
period of Nepalese history. No proof has been found regarding the antiquity of the Kirat people.
Kiratas are mentioned in the Mahabharata; they are of Tibeto-Burman families living between the
Himalayans and Gangetic plain. According to some scholars, the term Kirat is a corrupt form of
Kiriyat, meaning fort or town. The ancient people who used to reside in forts began to be called
Kiratas. Others think that these people moved at night along the mountainsides or in bad, dirty
places, called Kira or Kila. Some think that the forerunners of the Indus Valley civilization were the
Kiratas. The Rig Veda refers to a battle between Aryans and Kiratas at Allahabad in the of course of
Aryanzation of India. There is no doubt that the Kiratas are non-Aryans. As to the original home of

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the Kiratas, there are divergent views. Some scholars believe the Kiratas belong to Mongolia.
According to Hindu literature, they are placed with China or Chinese (say, the crude form of Tibeto-
Burman). Others connect them with Samer or Egypt. When they were defeated in their original
homeland they migrated towards the east. One section moved towards central Asai, and the second
towards India. In India, when they were defeated by Aryans, they took shelter in the Himalayan
regions, entered the Kathmandu Valley and carving out their kingdom there, likely in the 8
or 7

century BC. There had emerged a great civilization of Kiratas. Although unclear, 26 or 29 Kirati
rules ruled and were contemporary with Pandavas, the Buddha and Ashoka. The first kirat king was
Yalamber During the rule of Jitedasti, seventh ruler of the Kiratas, Buddha visited Nepal and
Buddhist culture and art were grafted in the Kathmandu Valley.
The Lichhavi period is known as the golden period in the history of Nepal. Lichhavis
migrated to Nepal around 250AD from north Bihar in India. Manadeva I was the son of
Dharmadeva. Lichhavi rule continued smoothly until the beginning of seventh century; when the
father of Mandeva I died. Amshuverma of the Thankuri family was a talented, influential officer at
that time. He became the king, ending Lichhavi dynasty rule. Anshuverma was an able administrator.
He opened trade routes to Tibet. One of his daughters, Bhrikuti, was married to the Tibetan ruler
Songsten Gampo. She was instrumental in spreading the teachings of Buddha in Tibet and China.
Then, after the death of Amshuverma, Guptas, one of the noble families in the valley rose to power.
They were in power for twenty two years. Then Narendra Dev of the Lichhavi dynasty terminated
the Gupta rule in about AD 645. Narendra Dev (c. 645-681) initiated friendly relations with China
and his successors laid the foundation of friendship with India by entering into matrimonial alliances
with Indian royal family. The rule of Narendra Dev began an era of prosperity and after 630 years of
rule the Lichhavi collapsed with King Raghavadeva in AD 880.

Lichhavis and Their Cultural History
Kiratas kings ruling in the Kathmandu Valley were gradually suppressed by the Lichhavis.
The rulers of Vaishali established a new state in the Himalayas in the early centuries of the Christian
era. They were Lichhavis.
During this period a cultural metamorphosis of sorts took place. The conquerors assimilated
some cultural practices and some works of the conquered people, but they also enforced a system
and institutionalized the Hindu religion among the people of the Nepal Valley. Transformation of the
indigenous culture had begun.
Some offshoots of the Lichhavis started worship Pashupati. Some idols were worshipped as
Shiva in some form. Later, Pashupati was worshipped by the Buddhists as Avalokitsvara. The
existence of Hindu monarchs, predating Buddhist missionaries, is inferred from the Kushana
(Mathura) school of art in early sculptures and tera-cotta images. Mandevas pillar inscription (c. AD
464-505) at the Changu Narayan temple is regarded as the first written and recorded chronicle.
During this period, the Lichhavis had already established feudal patterns, brought Aryan
Brahmanic tradition, the Sanskrit language and also artistic features from India.
Hinduism and Buddhism were practiced side by side, and they influenced the culture of the
valley. The coexistence of and intermingling of these two religions can be best illustrated by the fact
that King Manadeva was a devout Hindu but patronized Buddhist centers. His great grandfather

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 77
Vrasadev was a devout Buddhist who laid the foundation of Swayambhu Stupa, the most important
Buddhist monument of Nepal.
The Lichhavis chronicles spans almost six centuries, from AD 300 to 879. Those who were
concentrated around Vaishali in India slowly penetrated the valley, which was then ruled by the
Kirata people. During that period the Kiratas had come from the east, and Tibetans came from the
north. The Lichhavis rose in eminence and consolidated their position. During the 6
and 7

centuries there were weak kings with powerful Samanta (noblemen) who ruled in practices.
Prominent examples are the Ahir-Guptas and Samanta Amshuverma of the late 5
and early 6

centuries. This ended when Narendeva came to power. Finally there came the Nepal Sambat, the end
of the Licchavi Period in 879.
Two major factors are responsible for the prolific development of culture during the Lichhavi
period. First, Lichhavi rulers were not only tolerant of all ideas, religions and thoughts but also
patronized all works of art and culture liberally. Second, they maintained their kingdom as a trade
route between India, Tibet and China and Kathmandu became the center of trade. The uncensored
traffic of ideas and flow of trade contributed intellectually as well as economically to the
development of culture during this period.
Another factor that shared and contributed to the promotion and development of the culture in
Kathmandu Valley was agriculture. The valley replaced the practice of shifting cultivation and
people became settled agriculturists. Geometrical farming knowledge is reflected in the temple
architecture as well as in the iconography of Nepal. Moreover, abundant crops in the valley gave
artisans ample resources and leisure to indulge in arts and festivals. In addition, their feudal masters
were wealthy enough to support arts and crafts. Thus there was a great impetus for the development
of art and architecture.
By the beginning of the 5
century, the Lichhavis had established an absolute monarchy in
the valley. The government was administered according to the laws contrary to those based in the
tribal administration before the advent of the Lichhavis. Institutins were set up to regulate and govern
the liaison between the ruler and the ruled. Religious congregations as well as panchalika (local
units) enjoyed autonomy. Beneficial public work was carried out by the state using wealth generated
from levied taxes. Land tenure was regulated and was the basis of the current land system.

Social, Religious and Economic Life under the Lichhavis
Conquests of various parts of Nepal by Manadeva paved the way for the social unity of the
country. The Lichhavis preached love and affection among the members of the families. Sons were
urged to show devotion to their parents. The wives were urged to think about the attainment of the
merits of their husbands. The Varna system sank its roots very deep into the Nepalese society. Yoga
teaching had a great impact. The five principles of conduct Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya
(veracity), Asteaya (non-convetousness), Brahmacharya (continence) and Aparigraha (frugal living)
known as Yamas, were expected to be strictly followed. Any deviation from them was supposed to
be the greatest crime. Theft, adultery, murder, sedition and association with such deeds were the five
crimes stemming from such deviation. If these crimes were committed, one was liable to be deprived
of wordly possessions and even ones body.
Manadeva had three queens, demonstrating that the rich could have many wives. The general
masses preferred monogamy.

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Women were highly respected in the society. They took part in social activities. Rajyavati,
the mother of Manadeva, used to take interest even in administrative matters. She was a great source
of inspiration to her son. The Lichhavi period is regarded as the golden period of the history of

Monuments of the Lichhavis
The political border of Nepal was extended greatly during the period. In order to run the
administration they built monumental buildings like Kailashkut Bhavan and Managriha.

Administrative System
Although the kings were the final authority, suggestions were sought from people. A kind of
ministry existed and the country wad divided into several administrative units. The system was
called Panchali. Power was decentralized. Justice was carried out through the legal codes.

International Relations
The Lichhavis had a very good diplomatic relations with India, Tibet and China. The
marriage of the princess Bhrikuti (the daughter of Amshuverma) was a very good step. During this
period culture, religion, society and art influenced the lifestyle of the people.

Religious Systems
Saivaism and Buddhism coexisted in the society. The Lichhavis were Hindus but did not
prohibit Buddhism. The kings had respect for all religions. Many temples, stupas and chaityas were
constructed. Stone taps (sprouts), wells, roads and monasteries were also constructed in many places.

Medieval Nepal and the Malla Dynasty
Before 600 BC, there existed the small petty states of the Malla kings near the boarder of
Nepal and India. These republican kingdoms were Kushinagar and Pawa in India. Buddha, at the
time of his death, had reminded his beloved disciple Ananda about he importance of the Mallas. This
suggests that the Malla were there during the last days of the Buddha.
After the Mahanirvan of the Buddha, King Ajatasatru of Magadh defeated the kingdoms of
the Lichhavis and Shakyas. As a result of their defeat, these groups migrated to the Himalayan region
in the north. During this period, the Mallas moved toward the mountains and Lichhavis fled to the
Kathmandu valley. During 13
century AD, there was a strong Malla kingdom in Dullu in far
western Nepal. This suggests that the Lichhavis were ruling the Kathmandu Valley, there was a
community called Malla ruling in the Karnali Basin of far western Nepal.
King Manadeva I of the Lichhavi dynasty had earlier defeated the Mallas of the west, so
these Mallas were waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. Eventually the Mallas became
stronger, while the Lichhavis became very weak and the Mallas took the Kathmandu Valley.
Arimalla was the first Malla king. He ruled from 1201-1216. There was a king named
Harishingdev who belonged to the Karnatak dynasty of South India. His capital was Simaraongarh.
During the period of Harishingdev, the Muslim King Gayasuddin-Tuglak of Delhi attacked
Simaraongarh. Due to this fear of defeat Harishindev came to the Kathmandu Valley in order to take

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 79
At that time in the Kathmandu Valley the area was ruled by both Arimalla and Rudra Malla,
and then they were jealous of each other and were fighting for the power. When Rudra Malla died he
had no son, so to avoid civil war Harisinghadev was made the king of Bhaktapur. Harisinghadev had
brought with him the communities of Brahman, Vandel, Acharya Jaisi, Vaidya, Rajak and Khadgi.
These communities are still found in Nepal.
The attack or invasion of the Muslim king Samasuddin destroyed may temples and
monuments in the Kathmandu Valley in AD 135.. Later Malla kings renovated several temples and

Jayasthiti Malla (A.D. 1380-1395)
King Jayasthiti Malla was a very ambitious king. He was a great king, politician and reformer
and he was a lover of literature and able administrator. During his reign, he revolutionized the social,
political, economic and religious life of Nepali society. His name is recorded as the social reformer
in the annals of Nepal. During his time, many communities of different castes from Terai had
migrated to Kathmandu. Tantrism was developing in the society, and the traditional religious system
was deteriorating. Because of the deteriorating social system, values and customs were at stake.
People were becoming undisciplined and economic conditions were very bad. In the meantime, there
were earthquakes, quarrels and revolts which had weakened the economic system of Nepal. Malla
took strong steps to control such events with multiple reforms.

Reforms of Jayasthi Malla
Social reforms
Malla stratified the whole society according to the Varna system into various castes and sub-
castes based on the ancient system of Hindu philosophy. The basis of the caste system was
maintained according to hierarchy, occupation and commensality.
The Newar community was also divided into the various castes and sub-castes on the basis of
the same Varna system. Malla made strict rules for each caste and sub-caste regarding food,
settlement, birth and marriage practices.

Religious reforms
Jayasthiti Malla was a religious minded king. He constructed many temples and shrines and
established trusts for their management and renovation.

Reforms in art
During Jayasthiti Mallas time, the Newari and Sanskrit languages developed equally. Poems
were written in Sanskrit. He asked scholars to write drams about Ramayan and asked to show these
to the people. He was very fond of songs, music, dances and paintings.

Economic and other reforms
Jayasthiti Malla began to systematize laws. Criminals were punished on the basis of their
merits and demerits. Fines were taken from such criminals. He divided the land on the basis of its
productivity into four categories: Abbal, Doyam, Sim and Chahar. He started the modern system of
measurement by creating measuring units such as Mana, Pathi, Pau, Dharni, etc.

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Yaksha Malla (A.D. 1428-1482)
Yaksha Malla extended the territory of Nepal upto Morang, Gorkha and Bhot. He surrounded
Bhaktapur with brick walls. He traveled to the various religious places of India and constructed many
temples, like the Dattatraya temple of Bhaktapur. He also initiated construction on historical
buildings and shrines. He was an able administrator. He was a lover of literature. He had seven sons
and one daughter.
After his death, the Kathmandu Valley was divided into three kingdoms: Kathmandu, Patan
and Bhaktapur. After this Nepal started to break into pieces. His sons were trying to get more power
and money and so there was internal dissension, court conspiracy, factionalism and internal discord.
This led to the weakening of Malla rule.

Modern Period (A.D. 1768 onwards)
Most historians of Nepal date the beginning of modern Nepal history from the year 1769.
However, according to Ludwig F. (Stiller) SJ, this is not fully satisfactory. The year 1769 marks the
end of Malla rule in Kathmandu but the thrust that created modern Nepal began long before in 1744.
It was then that Prithivi Narayan Shah, King of Gorkha, conquered Nuwakot and took the first step
towards the conquest of the Kathmandu Valley. To conquer the three kingdoms of the Kathmandu
Valley, Prithivi Narayan Shah had to motivate and finance his army.
Traditionally, in the hill states, all government service was paid by land-grants called Jagir.
Soldiers were paid through their captains, to whom a Jagir was assigned. Prithvi Narayan Shah
adopted the traditional Jagir system so that not only the officers commanding companies of soldiers
received land grants, but each single fighting man was given a land grant proportional to his rank. A
land grant was an enoromous status symbol in Nepal at that time. In one stroke, Prithvi Narayan
Shah not only financed his campaign but creatd the motivation that would drive his troops to conquer
the kathmandu Valley.
This encouraged him to weld his army into a fighting force. His army captured rifles form both
Muslims and Brithish who came to support the Malla kings in 1763 and 1767, respectively, to
intervene against Prithvi Narayan Shah. He had than a well-disciplined, tough fighting force that was
also the best armed in the hills. Prithvi Narayan Shah ruled through military governors. To each he
gave strong general guidelines. He expected each of his governors to use their own native
intelligence in administering those guidelines. The result was a decentralization of rule that allowed
local governors to adapt to local conditions. This unified Nepal more and more.
He followed a powerful practice called pajani, Pajani was an annual review of individual
performance, followed by dismissal, promotion, transfer, or reappointment. The Pajani, combined
with the kings power to bestow or withdraw land grants, gave the king absolute control of the
government, pajani become a powerful political tool to control and unify the people.
After the death of Prithivi Narayan Shah in 1755, factionalism among the ruling family grew.
The kings who succeeded him enjoyed very short reigns. From 1806-37, the total power of the state
was in the hands of chief minister who was not a member of the royal family. After the death of
Prithivi Narayan Shahs eldest son Pratap Singh Shah, his daughter-in-law (Prataps widow)
Rajendra Laxmi and his younger brother.

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 81
Bahadur Shah entered immediately into a struggle for power that created the first cracks.
Rajendra Laxmi died in 1785, at a very young age, and Bahadur Shah become regent. Bahadur Shah
added more, territory, to Nepal with a minimum of warfare. However, factionalism within the groups
of Rajendra Laxmi and Bahadur Shah was becoming a plague. Administration was weak and
Another characteristic of this period was the increasing running of land by the state under the
Jagir system. The army was financed by Jagir and, as the army grew in size, more and more land was
assigned as military Jagirs and was alienated. All Jagier lands remained under the ultimate control of
the state and the state retained jurisdiction over all those who lived on Jagir lands. The Jagir-holder
had the right to collect taxes, decide judicial cases, and give appropriate fines. Punishment, like
Panch Khat, was inflicted, which could take the life, limb, or property of the accused. Jagir-holders
had the right as well as appropriate compulsory, unpaid labour form their talents. The Jagir-holder
was himself responsible to a manger. This meant that those living on Jagir land were under the
jurisdiction of a hired manger in almost all activities that were a part of daily village life.
Later on, Jagir lands were limited and Jagirs becomes prizes to be sought.
After 1811, a Hulak (postal) and communication system was started in Nepal.
The Anglo-Nepal war of 1814-16 was a turning point in Nepals history. Nepal lost the whole area
west of the Mahakali River, the Terai, and the area between the Mechi and Terai Rivers in the east.
The root cause of the Anglo-Nepal war was misunderstanding and fear. In 1814, the Nepali and
British had overlapping claims to land in Nepals central Teria. There were no maps and clear
claims, so there was war. In addition, Nepal was obliged to accept the presence of the British in
Kathmandu. This was as unwelcome to the Nepali people as the loss of territory.
From the time of the Anglo-Nepal war onwards, the government of India eagerly sough Gorkha
recruits. In fact, access to Gorkha recruits become the primary objective of Nepali and British armies
in October and November 1814 was quite fascinating, as it impressed the British. Neapli men and
women fought with gallantry and bravery. The Gorkha Brigade would never have existed had the
Nepali soldiers of 1814-16 not made such a lasting impression on British officers and men.
During that time Bhimsen Thapa was prime minister and was defended by the British. Bhimsen
Thapas power began to crumble in 1832, after king Rajendra Bikram came of age.

Prithivi Narayan Shah (A.D 1722-1775):
King prithvi Narayan Shah was a great king of the Shah dynasty. His unification of Nepal is
significant not only from the nationalistic point of view but internationally as well. He defeated all
who came in his way, whether Nepali rulers, Muslims, or British. He was man of noble though and
gave valuable advice to future generation. His Divine Instructions or consels (Dibya Upadesh)
have frequently guided Nepals national and foreign policy.
Prithvi Narayan Shah regarded his unified kingdom as inhabited by different people. He said, It
is with great travail that I have acquired the kingdom. and My Kingdom is a garden in which four
castes and thirty-six sub-casts blossom forth.
He believed in the preservation and integrity of Nepal. He said, The kings treasure is but the
people. And Ministers (Kajis) should be appointed according to the will of the people. At a time
when the whole Asian subcontinent was ruled by dictatorship, he emerged as a liberal king whose
concern was peoples concerns. He was practical economist. He favored national industries run using

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Nepali raw materials. He emphasized national trade, art, culture, saying, Nepal is a yam (stone or
root) between two boulders. He respected merit and wisdom and rewarded a qualified solder with
promotion in rank. He patronized scholars and poets. On the whole, King Prithvi Narayan Shah was
great warrior, diplomat, and patriot.

Court Politics:
Nepal has a rocky time after the death of King Prithvi Narayan Shah. His successor died after a
short rule. During the following regimes Nepal saw many external and internal conflicts and paid a
high price. For some time the Nepali kingdom expanded, but during this period shrunk to its present
size. It had hardly recovered form foreign invasion when internal conflicts started. Intrigue brewed
when the warriors met together and desired power. They exploited the immature king and others of
the royal family.
The greatest victim was Bhimsen Thapa. Bhimsen Thapa was born in Gorkha. He was an able,
faithful, and loyal courtier and brave warrior, and he is known as a hero of Nepal. However, this king
was weak and had two queens. One queen, Rajendar Laxmi, supported Pandey faction, and the other
queen, Samrajya Laxmi, supported Bhimsen Thapas faction. On Bhimsens instigation, the Pandey
lands were confiscated and Pandeys prestigious position in the palace was eclipsed. Later, with the
help of senior queen Samrajya Laxmi, the Pandey brothers come back into power. They unseated
Bhimsen and was charged to have given poisonous medicine to the senior queens youngest son in
July 1837. Then Bhimsen Thapa was harassed and put in jail, where he committed suicide when he
could no longer get justice.
After Bhimsen Thapa, Queen Samrajya Laxmi supported the pandey Faction, and later Mathbar
Sing become prime minister after the death of Laxmi in 1841, Mathbar Singh retried the case of
Bhimsen Thapa and proved him and other Thapa innocent. He took revenge on the pandeys. He
created a new standing army for his own defense, which frightened the king and queen. To get rid of
Mathbar Singh, the queens favorite Ganga Singh and his own nephew Junga Bahadur were involved
in a plot to kill him. Jang Bahadur killed Mathbar Sing on 17 May 1845 by calling him to the palace
on the pretext that the queen had got colic (Severe stomach pain).
Ganga Singh enjoyed excessive power in the court because of his sexual relations with the queen.
That is why he was not liked by the king, the crown prince, and other countries. Ganga Singh was
assassinated by Lal Jha in 1846 in his prayer room. His death made way for the rising Junga Bahadur
and the automatic rule of the Ranas for a century in Nepal.

The Kot Massacre (Kot parva):
Queen Rajendra Laxmi of Rajendra Bikram Shah sought help from Junga Bahadur to revenge the
death of Gagan Singh, Jung Bahadur than called an assembly of all the countries, unarmed, at Kot to
find the assassin. When they gathered in the courtyard at midnight Saturday, September 15, 1846,
Junga Bahadurs armed forces surrounded the place and killed almost 400 countries including Bir
Kishore Pandey and Dalbhanjan pandey. Thus all the opposing nobles were killed on one spot. One
month after the Kot massacre, the queen wanted to kill Junga Bahadur in Bhandar Khal, but Junga
Bahadur discovered the conspiracy beforehand and escaped.

Nepal and the East India Company:-

- By Ram Prasad Pokhrel (Teaching Assistant, Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar) / - 83
From ancient time, Bhote (Tibet) depended on Malla currencies. Coins were illegally minted in
Bhote, which created conflict between Bhote and Nepal. It resulted in war in 1789. The Chinese was
to get Rs 100,000 but later agreed to give only 50,000 as compensation.
The British East India Company wanted to have trade and commercial activities through Nepal
with Tibet and China. Tibet was a potential area to sell woolen goods made in England and to export
raw wool to England because woolens from Tibet used to be available in large amounts. Musk deer,
vegetables, and minerals could also be exported to Britain. For all these purposes, the British were
watching Nepal and Tibet. There was a possibility of attack. Therefore, Nepal sought help from
British due to a fear of China. Nepal negotiated and made an agreement with the British East India
Company. According to this agreement, the company would give Nepal 2.5 percent of the custom
charged to the goods exported and imported from Nepal. This agreement was signed by Bahadur
Shah in 1 March 1792.
In 1802, on the 30
of October, another agreement between Rana Bahadur Shah and the East India
Company took place in Varanasi. After this agreement Rana Bahadur was given [Indian] Rs 80,000
annually and the British were allowed to establish an embassy in Kathmandu.

War with the East India Company and Nepal (1814-16):
Nepal had a difference of opinion with the East India company regarding the ownership of a strip
of land in the western Terai, particularly of the Butawal and Seoraj. The outcome of the
disagreement was a war with the British. The British launched their attacks on the Nepali frontiers at
Nalapani, the westernmost part of Neapl, in 1814. Though the Nepali were able to inflict heavy
losses on the British Army on various fronts, the larger army and superior weapons of the British
proved to be too strong. The Nepali Army evacuated the areas west of the Mahakali River, and
ultimately the Treaty of Sugouli was signed with the British in 1816. Among other things this treaty
took away a part of Nepali Terai, and the rivers Mahakali and Mechi were fixed as the countrys
western and eastern boundaries. From the time of this Anglo-Nepal war onward, the government of
India sought Gorkha recruits.

The Rise of Jung Bahadur Rana:
Junga Bahadur rose to power after the Kot Massacre in 1846. He had entered the court in 1840 when
he participated in the hunting group of King Rajendra and was made caption due to his gallantry and
courage. When he knew of King Rajendra Bikram Shahs plans in exile to do away with him, he
placed the Crown Prince Surendra on the throne and received the approval of many countries as well
as British India. He exercised all powers.

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