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The St.

Paul s Circular
February, 2012 Volume 7, Issue 1 - ashes

From the Desk of the Dean . . .

When I was growing up, we children were expected to do chores around the house. The chore list included things like loading and unloading the dishwasher, sweeping the kitchen and dining room floor, folding laundry, clearing snow. We also had two working fireplaces in our house, and one of the winter and spring chores was cleaning the ashes out of the fire place. Next to cleaning out the smelly fish aquarium or scrubbing the toilets, this was perhaps the least desired chore that my brother and sister and I wanted to pull from the chore list basket. It was messy and dirty and involved shoveling ashes from the winter burning of wood into a box and taking it outside to the shed. The ashes would end up floating in the air like talcum powder and get on the rug, which would mean vacuuming the carpet (an additional chore!), and doing laundry since I would get covered in ashes while doing the chore (yet another chore!), wiping down the mantle and doing the dusting (and yet another chore!). humanity and mortality. They are used in the beginning of the season of Lent to mark our awareness of our finitude and our need for repentance. We begin our journey to Easter with the sign of ashes, an ancient sign, speaking of the frailty and uncertainty of human life, and marking the penitence of the community as a whole. (p.282, Book
of Alternative Services, 1985)

We remember that we are formed of the earth and to earth we shall return. On Ash Wednesday we courageously face into the fact that life on earth ends, and that we who are formed of the earth will return to the earth. When one sees ones mortality and need for mercy, one then sees ones life differently. Death makes life even more valuable. When we know we are dying, we live differently. Ashes and the associated acts of repentance (taking stock and cleansing ourselves) can restore in us the awareness that life is gift and Gods mercy is great. Reminded of our mortality and our complete dependence on the God who created Ash Wednesday by Jennifer Ste Marie. us and who gives us everlasting Pulling cleaning the ashes life, our Lenten journey opens us to a deeper meaning from the fireplaces always meant doing at least of life and merciful grace. Ashes always mean more. three additional chores. Ashes were to be avoided. Being fully human takes great courage. Facing our Ashes always meant more than just cleaning the mortality takes great courage. Choosing to change fireplace. and to turn away from destructive behaviour and from Ashes as a symbol in the Christian tradition always those things that we do that separate us from God mean more than simply the smear of ash on the foretakes great courage. Ashes combined (see page 2) head on Ash Wednesday. They represent our

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Ashes (contd.): with self examination, prayer, fasting, confession and giving back to God, spending time with Gods word and wisdom is the Lenten journey of the soul. This is challenging and hard work. It is deeply rewarding work. It starts with ashes. A smudge of a cross on the forehead of burned palm crosses opens doors to a deeper relationship with oneself and with God. Ashes and the beginning of Lent in the Ash Wednesday liturgy invite us to a deeper experience of living in God and as Gods. The outcome of this holds great hope. The concluding prayer offered after the imposition of Ashes and Confession contains these words: Accomplish in us O God, the work of salvation, that we may show forth your glory in the world. (p. 285, BAS) May we be instruments of Gods grace and may this prayer be answered in us. May we not avoid the task of Lenten work that leads to salvation, mercy and glory. A blessed and holy Lent to you. Peace. Your Dean,

Ash Wednesday
Once in winter, I stood, white flakes brushing my face. With white fingers, I waited with the others. We shivered on the steps . . . stuck out our tongues to catch snowflakes - so cold they would burn. Soon the big doors would open on smoke and candles, and a cold thumb would brush my forehead with a cross of ashes. "Dust to Dust" he would mutter, while snowflakes melted in my hair.
Author unknown.

Soul Gardening Exercises for Springtime

Editors note: Terry Hershey was a Protestant minister who planted a flower, resulting in a career shift. Hershey currently lives on an island off Seattle, making a living as writer, as a lecturer on gardening and spirituality, and as a landscape designer. In his book, Soul Gardening: Cultivating the Good Life (2000; Augsburg Fortress), he presents his reflections in four sections: spring, summer, autumn and winter; at the end of each chapter are suggestions for soul gardening exercises. Some of the exercises for spring are adapted here. Exercises for other seasons will appear in future issues of The Circular.

Put a comfortable chair in a garden, on a porch or under a tree. Sit for a while. Let your thoughts cascade and flow. Dont try to sort or assess. Most importantly, dont justify the time you just gracefully and lavishly wasted. Practice the Sacrament of the Present Moment wherever you are - be it lounging on a porch, scrunched into in an airplane seat, in the living room looking at the window sill, etc. Pay attention to the details, the colors, the smells, the textures, the sounds. Then, close your eyes and recreate the scene in your mind with as many details as you can remember. Let the silence join you. One day a week, take off your wristwatch and deposit it in an unused drawer. If youre lucky you may forget where you put it. Sanctify the ordinary by pondering the mundane. It may take practice. Choose an ordinary event in your day. Intentionally stop what you are doing. Notice the details. Touch. Listen. Entertain memories that are evoked. Think about the worlds of wonder from your childhood. What did those worlds look like? How did you get there? Go on a garden tour - in your own backyard. Look again at the sagging plant in a clay pot, the hedge that needs trimming, the place where the cat curls up for a nap. Look again through a childs eyes - the overgrown shrub becomes a secret fort . . . If you have a garden space, share it with a friend, a child, a senior citizen, a person with a disability, or a person with no garden. Enjoy the garden through their eyes. Get up early one morning and listen to the dawn.

The St. Paul's Circular is the parish newsletter of St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral, Kamloops, BC, published four times each year: Lent/Easter; Pentecost; Fall; Advent/Christmas. Our aim is to glorify God by sharing stories about the ministries of our parish, both within and beyond our physical boundaries. The editorial board includes The Very Rev. Louise Peters, Sue Cane, Viki Engdahl and Chuck Kalnin.

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St. Pauls 50s Dinner & Dance

by Roger Parkes

Saturday, February 4th, parishioners gathered for a St. Pauls parish dinner. The theme for the evening was the 1950s. Many arrived in jeans, jackets, sweaters, dresses, poodle skirts and coats of the 1950s. Certificates were given to the best dressed male, female and couple. Nine people born in the 1950s attended the evening.
Best dressed couple Norm and Grace Atkinson.

The women dressed in 1950s attire.

The atmosphere for the evening was established with a 21st century juke box playing 1950s songs. Each table had a list of over 100 songs from that era. People could request a song from the list. Our very own DJ, Richard Cane, used his computer magic to make the songs come to life. He also played some YouTube videos of 1950s dancing, fashion, etc.

Emcee John Plowman kept the evening flowing with jokes and information. During the entertainment portion of the evening, Paige Danyluk sang two beautiful songs. Couples danced to the jive and waltz music of the 50s.

Paige Danyluk sang.

Nine who were born in the 1950s.

There were lots of compliments for the excellent meal which was provided by the kitchen team of Jim Waldie, Ron Sugiyama, Bud Forbes and Reid Albright. Helping to serve the meal were some of our youth, including Emily Brown, Avery Danyluk, Paige Danyluk, Melissa Green, and Adrian Zryd. A big thank you to them.

Proceeds from the evening were over $1400. The silent auction raised over half of that amount. Thank you to the donors, the purchasers and the auction chair, Barry Baskin. As the picture shows, it took a large group of men to put the evening on. Thanks to you all.
Photos: Roger Parkes.

Holy Table Holy Word

Alternative worship services were held on Saturday evenings during Advent. The services included the Eucharist, some time of silence, as well as prayer, meditation, chant and fellowship. Those attending greatly enjoyed a relaxed meditative atmosphere in which to worship. Holy Table Holy Word will resume during Lent. See page 14 for details.

The mens committee organized the event.

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from Cathedral Committee . . .

A Cathedral Committee potluck supper, followed by a short meeting, was held at the home of Margaret and Jim Mitchell. Thank you Margaret and Jim for your warm hospitality.

Reading Ministry
The St. Pauls Readers Group is a multi-generational group of parishioners who read the lessons and lead the psalm during Sunday services. In the future, the gospel readings will be included in their duties. If you wish to be part of this vibrant group, please contact Denise Anderson or the Cathedral Office.
Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Denise Anderson.

Discussion occurred relating to three options for the 2012 Budget to be presented to the Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th. Motion: That we accept the operating fund budget for 2012 which reflects a surplus of $8,670 and that we pay out the APCI loan with funds coming from our Reserve Funds. Carried. The capital campaign Light Up St. Pauls has met its goal. Those funds will be returned to our Reserve Funds.

Cathedral Committee
2012-2013 2012We are your servants O God; grant us understanding that we may know your will.

Clergy: Appointments: Treasurer: Secretary: Rectors Warden: Envelope Secretary: Peoples Warden:

Very Rev. Louise Peters Gordon Dove Veronica Mountfort Alison McKinnon Trish Waldie Verna Albright

Vestry Meeting - February 5th

After the 10:00 a.m. service and lunch, St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting was held in the parish hall, with Dean Louise beginning the meeting with her insights of ministry and life in the parish during 2011, commenting about the variety of acts of service and ministry in this place. Louise thanked the Wardens, Bishop Barbara, and the Cathedral staff: Norris & Heather Berg, Viki Engdahl, Ron Sugiyama and Melissa Green. She expressed thanks to Treasurer Bob King and Envelope Secretary Allison Ryder who were stepping down from those leadership roles. She also announced Bridget Jensen will be stepping down as Sunday School Coordinator at the end of June. Written reports were received, as were a video report about our youth and a verbal report on the workings of the Facility & Ministry Committee. The 2011 financial statement was approved. Louise made some appointments to Cathedral Committee. Other members to that committee were elected. The Vestry approved the five Lay Ministers of Word & Sacrament who are to be licensed by Bishop Barbara. A video about Sorrento Centre was shown. Gifts of appreciation were presented to Bob King and Allison Ryder. Greeting were sent to Bishop Barbara; and Jo-Lynn Forbes expressed thanks to Louise for her preaching, her teaching and her tending at St. Pauls.

Members at Large (terms end February, 2013): Chuck Kalnin John Ronald Jim Waldie Members at Large (terms end February, 2014): Barry Baskin Duncan McRae Elaine Parkes APCI Delegates: Joan Lukow Mollie Both

APCI Alternate Delegates: Chris Rose Sue Cane APCI Youth Delegates (chosen by youth group): Duncan Chalmers Sabrina Hammond

Lay Ministers of Word & Sacrament

Lay Ministers were approved by the vestry and are to be licensed by Bishop Barbara:

Verna Albright Ray Beal Bud Forbes Alan Leake Margaret Mitchell

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Sharing and Caring Ministry

The dedicated volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents to sort, wash, mend and display item are the backbone of the St. Pauls Thrift Shop. These ladies are truly angels in disguise: Grace Atkinson, Ella Beckett, Evelyn Clapperton, Dale Davis, Anne Goodall, Shirley Henderson, Elizabeth Kavanagh, Geri King, Shirley Lowe, Elaine Neen, Sheila Pierson, Iris Robinson, Fay Walton, Shirley Wellbourn and Betty Wilson. They sort and sell donations from the parish and community; and they give clothing and other goods to people who are down on their luck, travelers passing through Kamloops, newcomers to town who are between paychecks, street friends and the Out of the Cold shelter. During 2011, they have given the Cathedral $5,200 towards utility costs, the Clergy Discretionary Fund and the Youth Program; and paid $1,200 for the installation of the new insulated window in the upstairs office. Also, $3,200 was contributed to community groups, i.e. the Y Womens Emergency Shelter, the Youth Safe House and Christmas Amalgamated.
Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Elaine Neen.

Welcoming Ministry
The Greeters Group includes two dozen parishioners who offer a ministry of hospitality at the Sunday worship service by: making everyone feel welcome. assisting during the Offering and Eucharist. re-organizing the pews after the service.
Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Jim Freathy.

Praying Ministry
Prayer is an invitation to share one's daily life with God, as in return we are asked to share Gods. It may be the simple act of writing names on a piece of paper on your bathroom mirror or fridge. At the top of the stairs into the Cathedral are a brass bowl, slips of paper and pens. You are invited to PRINT the names and concerns of your heart so that they may be lifted up in prayer during the service. The bowl is placed on the altar by the person leading the Prayers of the People, and returned to the entrance at the end of the service. All are welcome to take a name or two home with them, to include with their own prayers. Prayers may be asked for all occasions: joys and blessings; thanksgivings; accidents; the sick and those in hospital; those awaiting, undergoing or recovering from surgery and other procedures; bereavements; etc. Privacy is respected. First names are fine, as are phrases such as our soldiers abroad. A group of eight presently take or are phoned names to pray for during the week. You do not have to join this group to take names to pray for. If you do wish to be part of this group - there are no meetings please contact Sheila Pierson at 250-828-1821.
Adapted from a ministry focus written by Sheila Pierson, used as a pew bulletin insert, Sunday, December 4, 2011.

Gardening Ministry
The Hands in the Dirt Gang continues this year at Chuck Kalnins yard in Brockelhurst. Its a St. Pauls project that grows vegetables to share with others with parishioners and with those in need. We gather in fellowship - to garden. We do have fun! This year again in February, seeds were shared with parishioners after the Sunday worship services. We thank Pacific Northwest Seeds in Vernon for their generosity. We do this by gathering to garden in fellowship, while having fun. Join us. Enjoy getting your hands into soil. Just come for the fellowship. Contacts are Jo-Lynn Forbes and Chuck Kalnin.

Sheltering Ministry
Out-of-the Cold continues in St. Pauls basement with significantly fewer overnight guests (227) compared to last year (318). There have been the same number of emergency nights, both years. There have been almost double the number who just have dinner compared to those who stay over as well. To date there have been 240 volunteer shifts totalling 835 hours.
Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Chris Rose.

Snowy Ministry
Seven Sun Peaks Ministry Team members take turns leading prayer services for the skiing public in the Chapel at Sun Peaks Ski Hill. Due to better promotion by the Ski Hill, attendance this season has increased.
Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Dwight Oatway.

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West Coast Trail Memories

by Ken Munro

Why would five North of 60 individuals consider the challenge of ladder climbing, mud-slogging and slipsliding on Canadas premiere world-class nature trail with the distinct possibility of camping on the ground in the rain? To the question is the answer Why not? The adventure began May 26, 2011, in a very early morning misty rain on Port Renfrews harbour dock. The Michelle Diana water taxi and her well-seasoned skipper were waiting there to take us on the 4 hour run to Bamfield along the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island. Choppy seas, packs of sea lions, a gray whale and her calf, mist, rain, lighthouses, waterfalls, rocky headlands, bright sunshine, woozy stomachs - we had it all - along with an experienced marine biologist/skipper as our guide. Bamfield in the brilliant sunshine is a scene to behold; however the trailhead lay six kilometers away. A local with a pick-up and spare box capacity solved the problem if not the letter of the law and we soon were ready to boogie. After paying for the privilege and assuming all the risk for this national adventure, we (except for one with previous experience) marched off into the unknown. For 12 kilometers, we trekked on beaches and through the forest to our first stop, Michigan Creek. Arriving later than planned, we found prime camping sites at a premium so we made do. It was early to bed and early to rise for more lay ahead. Day 1 was a cakewalk now onto Day 2 and 14 kilometers of trail. We now got to experience gravel beach-walking, slippery rock beach-walking, forest glens and even got to pull ourselves over a creek on a suspended cable car. Beach and trail walking have a view - if you dare lift your eyes from the ground. We gained valuable practice and knowledge climbing ladders with our 40 pound packs, crossing through muddy sections of uncertain depth and climbing over old growth former giants. The art of stepping lightly in mud and on questionable boardwalks improved with trail time. Day 2 culminated with a four-ladder (approximately 60 ft) descent to the Tsusiat Falls camping area. We nestled into a beautiful sandy site close to a rock bluff even while recognizing that the washroom facilities were across the stream and far away (especially for night-trekking). Day 3 began with more gravel beach walking, forest trails, windfall areas, gorgeous ocean vistas,

challenging slopes and only six kilometers later (32 kilometers in total) finally Nitinat Narrows and a little bit of heaven sunshine, pack off, relaxation, chairs, refreshments and the tastiest Dungeness crab around. With a 45-minute boat ride up Nitinat Lake to the village of Nitinat and a short hike to the Provincial Campground, we settled in for a relaxing evening reminiscing on the highlights so far. Day 4 involved hiking, hitch-hiking and finally catching our arranged transportation back to Port Renfrew where it all began. This leisurely day was a fitting ending to a short travel back in time. The raw beauty of the region is special, spectacular and challenging. Each person can say that they came, experienced and accomplished their goal without incident. This group of five North of 60 Dwight, Islay, June, Trev and Ken - shared another memorable time together as friends on a journey.


Its SALE time again!

We have great prices on everything in the shop. We must make space for new items every week. Come and visit with us any Friday, 9:30 to 1:30. We would love to see you. This winter the donations have been coming in nonstop and we are so very grateful to everyone. However, more are always welcome. CLEAN, gently used items, please. Also, we ask you to keep your kitty cat from sleeping on top on your donation box allergies you know!

Thanks, in advance, from the ladies of the Thrift Shop: Anne, Betty, Dale, Elaine, Elizabeth, Ella, Evelyn, Fay, Geri, Grace, Iris, Sheila and the 3 Shirleys.
The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with me.
Leviticus 25:23; Jerusalem Bible translation.

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Blazer Night
On Friday, February 10th, St. Pauls held our annual Blazers Night as the hockey team hosted archrival Kelowna Rockets. Twenty-eight parishioners gathered at the ISC for the pre-game buffet, then the game. Fifteen youth also attended the game, bringing our contingent to 43. We helped cheer on the Blazers to victory. To the right: Our parishioners gather. Thanks are extended to Vic Bifano and the Blazers Organization for the donation of tickets.
Photo supplied by David & Kathryn Brisco.

by John Betjeman

Ministry Statements
St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral Visioning Day, 2003
St. Pauls is a joyful community of Christians who are rooted in the best of the Anglican tradition; hospitable; welcoming seekers; and responsive as a Christian community to the needs of others.

The Churchs Restoration In eighteen-eighty-three Has left for contemplation Not what there used to be. How well the ancient woodwork Looks round the Rectry hall, Memorial of the good work Of him who plannd it all. He who took down the pew-ends And sold them anywhere But kindly spared a few ends Workd up into a chair. O worthy persecution Of dust ! O hue divine ! O cheerful substitution, Thou varnishd pitch-pine ! Church furnishing ! Church furnishing ! Sing art and crafty praise ! He gave the brass for burnishing He gave the thick red baize, He gave the new addition Pulld down the dull old aisle, --To pave the sweet transition He gave th encaustic tile. Of marble brown and veind He did the pulpit make ; He orderd windows staind Light red and crimson lake. Sing on, with hymns uproarious, Ye humble and aloof, Look up ! and oh how glorious He has restored the roof !
From John Betjemans Collected Poems; enlarged edition compiled and with an introduction by the Earl of Birkenhead; first published 1958; third impression 1973; Butler & Tanner.

Facility & Ministry Sessions, 2011

The committee has developed the following statements formulated from congregational input during 2011 - about the ministries of St. Pauls. Ministry: Our ministry is the essence of what St. Pauls is about, and the focus of our energy and activities, as we share the Christian message. We have excellent, strong clergy, youth leaders, lay ministers and committed volunteers. Worship: We believe that St. Pauls offers a variety of forms of worship, with meaningful and rich liturgy, preaching and music. Outreach: We believe that all people, regardless of age, economic demographic or life situation, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Supporting services to the homeless and disenfranchised of our local and global communities, and being active in social justice issues, are critical to our ministry at St. Pauls. Education: We believe that lifelong learning and leadership development for all ages at St. Pauls is crucial. Community: We feel strongly that one of the key areas of ministry at St. Pauls is community, both the Cathedral community and the wider community. We strive to be inclusive in responding to the needs of our community, and pride ourselves on practicing generous hospitality as we strive to live up to our mission statement of being: Joyful, Rooted, Hospitable, Responsive. Environmental Stewardship: St. Pauls strives to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain the life of the earth.

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Facility and Ministry Update

by Bud Forbes

St. Pauls Discernment Day

by Chuck Kalnin

It has been a very rewarding and at the same time a frustrating year for our Facility and Ministry Committee members: Verna Albright, Jon Buckle, Roland Cobb, Gordon Dove, Bud Forbes, Jim Freathy, Alison McKinnon, Nancy Mutrie, Dean Louise Peters, Cathy Simpson, Jim Waldie, Ted Weddell and Dave Whiting. Part way through the year, Gordon left the committee due to health reasons and Cathy moved to Vancouver. The committee met ten times over the course of the year, mostly on Saturday mornings. Most of the committees time in 2010 focused on the facilities. Feeling we should look at what our ministry is before worrying about our facility, it became the main focus of this years work. To get feedback from the congregation, three short discussion sessions were held after Sunday services. The first one, on Sunday March 13th, had a topic of What are the Strengths of St. Pauls Ministries? The second session, April 10th, had the topic What are the Opportunities for Growth of the Ministries at St. Pauls? The topic of the third session, May 8th, was Wouldnt it be Great if We Could! Results of the discussions were reviewed, placing our ministries into five categories: Outreach, Education, Ministry, Worship and Community. The committee needed help to interpret this data and have some idea of the direction we should take, so decided a) to hire Paula Schmidt to help us with this task, and b) to have a Discernment Day to give the congregation an opportunity to help decide as to what direction we should go. Forty-five parishioners attended the Discernment Day, held Saturday, November 26th at the Hills of Peace Lutheran Church. Participants were asked to vote for the type of facility that would best suit our ministries. 59% of the participants voted to proceed on the path of looking at a new building. Paula has also made a number of other recommendations, which the Facility & Ministry Committee is forwarding to Cathedral Committee. If you wish to see the report in summary or complete form, please contact the Church Office. The congregation will have a chance to ask questions about the report at a special meeting, to be held after the service on March 4th. As mentioned earlier, the committee experienced some ups and downs on this years journey, but one thing for sure is that the members are to be congratulated for the tremendous amount of time and energy they have put into trying to make St. Pauls Cathedral a great place to worship.

November 26th: As we straggled into the Hills of Peace Lutheran Church, we were greeted by Verna Albright, who directed us to sign in and pick up our handouts. Bud Forbes welcomed us and outlined the day ahead. Dean Louise led us in worship and singing accompanied by Sue Cane on piano. The hymn petitioned us to be still - to look up and see - to come and teach - to reach out to speak, to sing, to act. (See page 13.) Bud introduced Paula Schmidt, our facilitator for the day. Members of the Facility & Ministry Committee gave presentations as to where we were in our facility journey and how we arrived there. We looked at ministry statements developed from previous work of the committee. These statements dealt with our ministry, worship, outreach, education and community. During the day, a sixth statement about environmental stewardship was added. Some previously determined limitations of our facility were reviewed. What effect do these limitations have on our ability to carry out our ministries in the future? During the morning, discussions focused on our ministry and on the three options in our facility journey: status quo, renovation and new building. Reid Albright and Jo-Lynn Forbes provided a wonderful lunch of soup and buns. They also ensured that there were refreshments and goodies for us throughout the day. The afternoon was used for the discernment part of our process. What facilities approach will be most effective in answering what St. Pauls is being called to do? At table groups, we delved into the pluses and minuses of each of the three options, in terms of each of the six ministry statements, as well as for our tradition and our finances. Our exercises and discussions culminated in a weighed vote as to which option we preferred. Which facility option would be best suited to our ministries? The results were: 2% for status quo, 38% for renovate and 59% for a new building. As the parish continues our facility journey, there is now a clearer direction in which to work. As the day wound down, Dean Louise again led us in worship and we shared the Peace of the Lord. Amen.

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November 26th - a day of discerning!

Photos in top loop from top left: Verna Albright greets Jim Mitchell and Mollie Both; Paula Schmidt leads a session; Jennifer Ste Marie talks with Nancy Mutrie; Sue Cane at the piano; Margaret Pearson, Jon Buckle, John Ronald and Dave Whiting seeing how the voting went; Margaret Mitchell was the scribe; lunch break with wonderful soup and buns; Paula Schmidt brings groups together with bells.

Bottom photos from immediate right: Reid Albright washes dishes in the kitchen; time to stretch, have coffee and talk; Dean Louise and Phil McVie help with the clean-up; discussion at a table group; reviewing the results of the exercise dealing with the pluses and minuses for each facility option. Photos: Chuck Kalnin.

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Easter Faith in a Violent World

About 70 people gathered Sunday, February 12th, to listen to the Very Rev. Peter Elliot, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, as he reflected on the Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver last June, the increasing reality of violence in our world, and what this might mean to us as Christians. In his talk, From Revenge to Resurrection: Easter Faith in a Violent World, he asked us to consider how we respond to violence.

The Very Rev. Peter Elliot, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver.
Photos: Chuck Kalnin.

Two Deans - Louise & Peter.

Peters presented his lecture in three parts: 1) From Palm Sunday to Stanley Cup Riot; 2) From Billy Graham to James Alison; and 3) Towards Restorative Justice. Peter said that, after the riots, the public was focused on revenge, but that we might look at the example of Jesus who, upon rising from the violence, offered peace. We also might respond to violence by moving from revenge to resurrection. Rather than just punishing those responsible, we might focus on healing victims - on healing communities. A time of questions and answers followed the lecture, as was a reception which was held in the parish hall.

Homelessness in Kamloops
The Kamloops Working Group on Homelessness gives direction and advice to the Provincial and Federal Governments, the City of Kamloops and community stake-holders on issues related to homelessness. Chris Rose is a member of that committee; whose mandate is:

Monthly Outreach Focus for 2012

Each month a member of the Peace & Justice committee will be preparing a bulletin board display and bulletin insert to inform parish members of current activities of these organizations and how you might GIVE-ACT-PRAY to support them. January February March April May June July August September October November December Out of the Cold Primates World Relief & Development Fund KAIROS Primates World Relief & Development Fund ASK Wellness SHOP Program Primates World Relief & Development Fund Kamloops Food Bank Primates World Relief & Development Fund Kamloops Food Bank Primates World Relief & Development Fund Elizabeth Fry Society Clergy Discretionary Fund

To make decisions related to homelessness, in consultation with Social Planning Council, Homelessness Action Plan, Leadership Council, and Changing the Face of Poverty. To make decisions concerning the administration of funding under the Homelessness Partnering Initiative. To educate on the importance of addressing the issue of homelessness in Kamloops.

Adapted from a report to St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th, by Chris Rose.

Earth Day - April 22nd

Be kind to our fragile planet home.

Narrative Budget for 2012

A Narrative Budget for 2012 was distributed at St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5, 2012. A narrative budget is a more descriptive and visual presentation of the budget. If you wish to see this document, please contact the Cathedral Office.

The crowning achievement of overcoming the fear of giving is the moment we experience the joy of giving. Its not so much about percentages or dollar amounts. Its more a condition of the heart. Opposite the fearful heart is not a courageous heart, as you might expect. It's a joyful heart.
Andy Stanley in Fields of Gold; 2004; Tyndale House.

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From Scarcity to Abundance

A stewardship committee has been formed, consisting of our Dean, the wardens and others, with terms of reference to provide visible, educational and informative materials to the community of St. Pauls in areas of Christian Stewardship during the year, and to assist the Wardens and Administration Committee with the parish wide stewardship focus/initiative during the month of November. From Scarcity to Abundance by David M. Ponting, an Anglican priest in the Diocese of Niagara, is a guide to parish stewardship. Its one of a few stewardship resources being gathered for reference and use at St. Pauls. Weve borrowed Pontings title for this space where we will offer articles and information dealing with various aspects of Christian stewardship: time - talent - treasure - creation.

Whats Christian stewardship anyways?

Websters: Stewardship is the office, duties and obligations of a steward. A steward is defined as one who actively directs affairs, i.e. a manager. Websters adds that stewardship is also the individuals responsibility to manage his/her life and property with proper regard to the rights of others. Donald McKim, Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms (1996; Westminster John Knox Press): Stewardship is the responsibility given to humans in creation for managing the resources of the earth. In the church, Christian stewardship involves the whole of life since all life comes from God and is to be lived for Gods glory. Wikipedia: The central essence of the biblical world view of stewardship is managing everything God brings into the believers life, in a manner that honors God and impacts humanity. Online Catholic Education Resource Center: Christian stewardship is a way of living in which we recognize that everything belongs to God. All resources must be used for Gods glory and the common good. It adds that the term stewardship is often associated with the words tithe, generosity and money. While these associations are not wrong, stewardship means much more than simply giving time, talent and treasure. Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Website: Christian stewardship is a vital and integral part of any Christian walk. Stewardship is how we say thank you for all the blessings in our lives and it is how we begin to live out a life of worship. Stewardship is the use of our time, our gifts of intelligence, towards the goal of following Christs example of goodness and justice for all people. Another internet site put it in the following words:

Lighting up St. Pauls

Last fall, a decision was made to replace the fluorescent light and exit sign fixtures in our facility. Our Reserve Funds were used to cover the cost of this upgrade. A capital campaign was then initiated in November to replace these monies. We are pleased to say that this campaign has been successful. In early January, we reached our goal of $12,500 and the monies are being returned to our Reserve Funds. Thank you to all who prayerfully and generously donated to this campaign.

Generosity of Spirit
St. Pauls Cathedral illustrates Generosity of Spirit. Givers do not give money TO the church, but THROUGH the church as a thanksgiving to God so as to touch the lives of other people in Christ's name. Some recent examples of this generosity are the Light up St. Pauls special appeal for funds to replace the old lighting fixtures; and All Soles Day, when parishioners were invited to donate new boots and shoes to share with our neighbours. The Cathedral also collects donations for outreach ministries, such as PWRDF, Kamloops Food Bank and the Clergy Discretionary Fund.
Adapted from A Narrative Budget for 2012, distributed at St. Pauls Annual Vestry Meeting, February 5th.

Questions to Ponder
What is your earliest memory of money as a child? Your happiest memory? Was money discussed in your family as you were growing up? Has your attitude towards money changed now that you are older? How?

Biblical stewardship is growing the kingdom using biblical principles.

Jesus understood that we worship a God of abundance, and that we must live out of a spirituality of abundance.
David M. Ponting in From Scarcity to Abundance ; 2005; Morehouse Publishing.

Volume 7, Issue 1 - ashes

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Oh, I give up! - A Prayer List for Lent

by Sue Cane

During a particularly challenging time of my life, when I often felt like giving up, I decided to try a new exercise for Lent giving up stuff. Only this time I wasnt planning to give up material things or tasty treats. Rather, I realized I needed to give up bad habits that had crept into my life over the years. I felt I needed to give them up to God, as in: Dear God, please take care of this stuff because it is really weighing me down, and I need the help of your broad shoulders. I first labelled an old tin can I give up for Lent. Then, on each of the 40 days in Lent, in thoughtful prayer, but without second-guessing myself too much, I wrote down on a small piece of paper what I planned to give up that day, and put the note in the can. My original intention had been to burn the papers inside the can at the end of Lent, and reduce them to ashes as an offering to God. However, I didnt do this, because I found my notes too useful to give up. I used them back then as daily reminders, and I still do. To the right is the prayer list I ended up with.

I give up: 1. fear about the future 2. regrets about the past 3. feeling sorry for myself 4. blaming others 5. puffed up or false pride 6. being right 7. complaining 8. pessimism 9. mean-spiritedness 10. becoming disheartened 11. whining 12. catastrophizing 13. ill health 14. doubt 15. timidity 16. procrastination in general 17. perfection 18. expectations 19. self-consciousness 20. being hard on myself 21. inattention 22. trying to do it all 23. frenzy 24. trying to act as if Im in my 20s 25. hiding my pain(s) 26. making the worst of things 27. being hard on myself 28. laziness re: exercising 29. wasting sunshine 30. fear of making decisions 31. going to bed late 32. forgetting to pray 33. doing too much each day 34. not taking the time to read a good book 35. judging others 36. fear of dying 37. guilt over needing to rely on medications 38. procrastination, especially regarding taking care of myself 39. trepidation 40. giving up Oh good here comes Lent again. I guess I can try again!

Friendship Friday
At the St. Pauls Friendship Friday gathering in November, Deanie Hanson and Viki Michaud spoke about the Interior Indian Friendship Society and about their Friendship Centre located on Parkcrest Avenue in Brockelhurst.
Photo: Rae Long.

Ashes at Lent
In biblical tradition, and later in early and medieval Christian tradition, covering the head with ashes (or indeed sitting in ashes) is considered a sign of repentance, sorrow and mourning. Thus, the distribution of ashes is understood in many Christian churches to be an appropriate way to mark the beginning of the penitential season of Lent. Traditionally, the ashes are made by burning the palm leaves that had been blessed the previous year on Palm Sunday to mark the beginning of Holy Week. Ashes were also be used as a symbol of purification, and were mixed into special blessed water called Gregorian water to be used at the consecration of churches during the Middle Ages.
Joanne M. Pierce in The New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship; Paul Bradshaw, Editor; 2002; Westminster John Knox Press.

The Bible contains over 500 references to prayer, almost 500 references to faith, but there are more than 2,000 references to money and possessions.
David M. Ponting in From Scarcity to Abundance ; 2005; Morehouse Publishing.

Volume 7, Issue 1 - ashes

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Desert Spring
by Sandra Sugden

God Says
God says, Be still so you can hear the words that I whisper in your ear. If you will listen, you will know Im with you always where you go. God says, Look up and see the prize Ive placed right here before your eye. Find beauty in the things of earth, a cause for wonder and rebirth. God says, Come here! I need your voice. Please teach my people to rejoice. In who you are, in what you do, your life will show my love for you. God says, Reach out! The worlds in need and wants a word, a song, a deed. I send you forth to speak, to sing, to act for Christ in everything.
Words: Mary Bitner; tune: O Waly, Waly. Hymn sung at St. Pauls Discernment Day, November 26th.

I looked... with longing at the monochromatic majesty of the desert hills my home. The browns, the blacks the beige and the dust grey of the desert sage. Always different moving and changing with the play of light dancing across the surfaces of nooks and crannies, crevasses and plateaus. I looked... I looked with longing I looked with intensity. There is no flamboyance in my desert spring.. a hint, a subtle, hopeful promise of green? Perhaps. I looked...again with longing with hope with certainty for truly the hills were infused with green. They called me out those desert hills. Called me out of my winter doldrums; out of my cocoon of warmth out of my shelter of safety. Not flamboyant my desert hills; but softly green. I walked, and looked and looked again; from the black, the grey, the brown, the soft green, to the sudden flash of brilliant yellow. The promise of spring has been realized in the first appearance of a Johnny- Jump- Up. Not flamboyant my desert hills, But beautiful beyond breath. Thanks be to God.

Receiving Nature
On a clear night we can see the sky through the window stars too staggeringly numerous to count, and space so vast it cannot be fathomed. As morning dawns we hear birds and insects. They are praising the new day. We smell mown grass and honeysuckle. Leaves stir in the wind, whispering about joy. All around us is majesty. There is even majesty in the crabgrass growing in the flowerbeds. All is imbued with abundant life force. Each morning we are given a world to be in, to enjoy, to be opened by and grounded in. Can we ever truly receive this gift? How much joy can the heart behold?
A meditation by Gunilla Norris inSimple Ways: Towards the Sacred; 2008; Blue Bridge.

St. Pauls

Coffee House
February 24

Tea & Muffins

Friday, March 23rd
watch for details

Sunday, May 13th

coming in June Parish Picnic Strawberry Tea

dates to be announced

Mothers Day Dinner

watch for details

watch for details

Volume 7, Issue 1 - ashes

Page 14

Lent & Easter at St. Pauls Cathedral Lent/Easter Triduum & Easter Services
Maundy Thursday, April 5
7:30 p.m. Foot Washing and Eucharist

More Dates & Times


Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday, February 21st @ 5:00 pm Pancakes in the Parish Hall

Good Friday, April 6th

11:00 a.m. Cantata on the Cross with the Story of the Passion Cathedral

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 22nd @ 10:00 am Imposition of Ashes in the Chapel Wednesday, February 22nd @ 7:00 pm Imposition of Ashes in the Cathedral

Easter Saturday, April 7th

9:00 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter Cathedral

Easter Sunday, April 8th

5:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunrise Eucharist Holy Communion Holy Eucharist Beach Ave & Schubert Dr. Chapel Cathedral

Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 1st @ 8:00 am Holy Communion in the Chapel Sunday, April 1st @ 10:00 am Liturgy of the Palms in the Cathedral

St. Pauls 2012 Lenten Lecture Series

Rumours of Resurrection: Is There Life after Death?

Thursdays during Lent
lectures are at 12:15 p.m. in the Cathedral followed by a light lunch in the parish hall February 23 March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 5 Louise Peters Carolyn Ronald Graham Brownmiller Ivy Thomas Ron Tronson Barbara Andrews Brian Puida Mitchell

Holy Table, Holy Word

Saturday evening worship
7:00 p.m. during Lent
beginning February 25th a service of Eucharist & fellowship prayer - meditation - silence - chant

Holy Week Study

Three Marys
Mother - Lover - Friend
April 2nd - 3rd - 4th
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. OR 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the Cathedral
watch for details

World Day of Prayer

Friday, March 2

Let Justice Prevail

The theme was chosen by Malaysian lay women. Malaysia is a model of racial integration with its multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious community living in harmony with one another. Let us pray that this peaceful and harmonious atmosphere will prevail always. Kamloops Ecumenical Service
I:00 p.m. SW Community Baptist Church 700 Hugh Allan Drive in Aberdeen

Stained Glass Mystery?

Does anyone know what happened to the middle panel of the stained glass window at the east end of the Cathedral? At some point, a part on the lower right-hand side appears to have been scratched off. Please contact Alison (250-828-1365) or the office (250-372-3912) if you can tell us.

Volume 7, Issue 1 - ashes

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Upcoming Special Dates

February 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 8 10 15 17 22 23 24 29 31 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 13 3 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Saturday Thursday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Saturday 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. after service 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. tba 7:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Lenten Lecture: Louise Peters St. Pauls Coffee House Holy Table Holy Word PWRDF Sunday - Worship Service Lenten Lecture: Carolyn Ronald World Day of Prayer Holy Table Holy Word Discernment Report Discussion Lenten Lecture: Graham Brownmiller Holy Table Holy Word Lenten Lecture: Ivy Thomas Holy Table Holy Word Lenten Lecture: Ron Tronson Tea & Muffins Holy Table Holy Word Lenten Lecture: Barbara Andrews Holy Table Holy Word Holy Week Study: Three Marys Holy Week Study: Three Marys Holy Week Study: Three Marys Lenten Lecture: Brian Puida Mitchell Holy Eucharist & Foot Washing Celebration of the Lords Passion The Great Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Sunrise Eucharist Easter Sunday Holy Communion Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist Mothers Day Dinner Parish Picnic Cathedral Parish Hall Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral SW Com. Church Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Parish Hall Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral Schubert Drive Chapel Cathedral Parish Hall Pr. Charles Park



Monday 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. Thursday 12:15 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Friday 11:00 a.m. Saturday 9:00 p.m. Sunday 5:00 a.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday Sunday 5:00 p.m. after service

May June

Dates and times may change.

Ongoing at St. Pauls

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. after church 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. BCP Holy Communion BAS Holy Eucharist Sunday School Birthday Sunday: last Sunday of the month Holy Eucharist: first Sunday of the month Holy Eucharist: first Sunday of the month Out of the Cold Program: November to March Centering Prayer Holy Eucharist: every second Tuesday Cathedral Committee: fourth Tuesday of the month BCP Holy Communion Lectionary Bible Study Education for Ministry Out of the Cold Program: November to March Holy Eucharist: fourth Thursday of the month Choir Practice Friendship Friday: third Friday of the month Thrift Shop Mens Breakfast: last Saturday of the month
Dates and times may change.

Chapel Cathedral Parish Hall Parish Hall The Renaissance The Hamlets Lower Hall Cathedral Seniors Village Cathedral Chapel Cathedral Chapel Lower Hall Berwick on the Park Cathedral Upper Hall Lower Hall Upper Hall

St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral

Parish Founded 1884

360 Nicola Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2P5

phone: 250-372-3912


visit our blog at: Bishop: Rector & Dean: Honourary Assistant: Honourary Assistant: Honourary Assistant: Music Directors: Rectors Warden: Peoples Warden: Sunday School Coordinator: Office Coordinator: Youth Coordinator: The Rt. Rev. Barbara Andrews The Very Rev. Louise Peters The Rev. Sandra Sugden The Rev. Tom Sugden The Rev. Viktor Gundel Heather & Norris Berg Alison McKinnon Verna Albright Bridget Jensen Viki Engdahl Melissa Green

The Cathedral parish of St. Pauls strives to be a joyful, rooted, responsive and hospitable Christian community grounded in the Anglican tradition.
The submission deadline for the next issue of the St. Pauls Circular is Wednesday, May 16th. The theme for the next issue will be fire.

Chucks Chatter . . .
Did you burn a yule log this past Christmas? (The virtual one on Shaw Cable doesnt count!) If you did, you would have been left with some ash after the fire. Ash is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as a powdery residue left after combustion of any substance. One might assume that, after the heat is harvested, whats left is of little use and is merely to be thrown away. When we used to have a lot of cozy warm fires on cold winter months, it was my duty to clean out the fire pit. Its not necessarily a nice, pleasant chore. Traditionally it was believed that Yule log ashes had magical properties and were kept for good luck. Often, they were placed into wells to sweeten the water. Ashes were - and still are - spread on fields as fertilizer. I dug the ashes from our fire pit into our garden to help replenish the potassium content in the soil. The Oregon State University pamphlet, Wood ash from your yule log can help your garden grow, says that wood ash contains most of the thirteen essential nutrients the soil must supply for plants to grow. It goes on, When wood burns, nitrogen and sulfur are lost as gas, but calcium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements remain. The carbonates and oxides in the ash are valuable liming agents that can raise pH and help to neutralize acid soils. Where soils are acid and low in potassium, wood ash is beneficial to most garden plants. Indeed, if you look at a bag of commercial fertilizer, itll be identified with three numbers, e.g. 21-7-14. These numbers are the percentages of three specific elements: nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium. We might also think of ashes in different words such as residues or traces left behind. I thought this image might be useful as a metaphor for ones life experiences. After the fire an event wanes, as the glow fades, traces do remain - as memories. There may be some un-burnt, charred chunks, but, like wood ashes dug into the garden, there will also be a finer mixture of nutrients that will nourish new life. Memories affect future decisions. May we cherish and learn from them as we continue to journey and grow here on earth. Amen.

by Margaret Mitchell

Life that once was and is no more . . . Trees, forests, living things . . . Consumed by fire Now remnants - cold, drear, grey, lifeless Remains of what once was . . . Ashes . . ., end times, winter times . . . Yet . . . like the Phoenix, rises from the ashes new life, new growth, new birth . . . trees reborn, vibrant green in their newness . . . wildflowers joyous in their brilliant colours new beginnings, new life . . . Resurrection!!

St. Pauls Worship Services

Sunday Sunday Wednesday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. BCP Holy Communion BAS Holy Eucharist BCP Holy Communion

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