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16 Bibliography

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BOOK REFERENCES 1. 2. Dei I Hawkins, Consumer Behavior, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2007 Dr. B. Balaji, Services Marketing and Management, S. Chand & company Ltd. New Delhi, 2007 Robert R. Heller, The Complete guide to Modern Mangement, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2000 C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, New Age International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005 P. N. Arora, Statistics for Management, S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi, 2007 6. Donald R. Cooper, Pamel S Schindler, Business Research Methods, The Mc Graw Hill Companies, 2006 R. Panneerselvam, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004 Leon G. Schiffman, Consumer Behavior, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007






JOURNAL REFERENCES 1. Dr. S. Arumugasamy, Growth of Telecom Services in India Facts for You, February 2007, p. 37 2. Aditya Kuber, Hold on! Let me click a Photo Digit, Jan 2005 p.98

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59. Nokia sold 300 crores cell phone, Dhinakaran, Feb 15, 2007 p.10 60. Norman, Donald A. The Psychology of Everyday Things. Basic Books New York, NY, 1988. 61. Nystrom, H. Technological and Market Innovation: Strategies for Product and Company Development. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U.K. 1990 62. Ozakaki. S (2004), How do Japanese consumers perceive wireless ads? A Multivariate analysis. International Jouranl of Advertising. p.23 63. Olson, Eric M., Walker, Orville C. Jr., and Ruekert, Robert W. Organizing for Effective New Product Development: The Moderating Role of Product Innovativeness, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59:48-62, (1995) 64. Pinaki Paul, 105 Connections a Minute Business Today, Aprill 9 2006, p 95 65. Porter, Michael. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press. New York, NY, 1980 66. Perry, Tekla S. Among the Classics: The VCR, IEEE Spectrum, 25:112-115 (1988) 67. Q2 May 2004 report: "The Contribution of mobile phones to the UK Economy Mobile Operators Association (MOA) 68. Rahul Sachithanand, Shaleen Agrawal, Trends the connected, Business today, April 26, 2006 p.17 69. S. Revathi, Dr. S. Padmavathy, Preference in cellular service providers in the post liberalization era, Indian Journal of marketing pg. no. 6-10, 20 February 2005 70. Rulke. A. Iyer & Chiasson. G. (2003), The Ecology of Mobile Commerce Charting a Course for Success Using Value Chain Analysis. In B. Mennecke & T.

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71. Rogers, Everett M. Diffusion of Innovations. New York: The Free Press. 1962. Cox, Donald F. Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior. Harvard University. Boston, Ma, 1967 72. Robinson, William T., Fornell, Claes and Sullivan, Mary. Are Market pioneers intrinsically stronger than later entrants? Strategic Management Journal. 13:609624 (1992) 73. Rastogi.A.B. (2003), The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2001-02, India Infrastructure Report, 2003, Oxford University Press, pp. 65-68 74. Dr. V.M. Selvaraj, A study on Consumer Behaviour Towards Cell phone users in Thoothukudi City, Indian Journal of Marketing, May 2005, p.25 75. Shivani Lath, A Report on Mobiles Business Today, October 8 2006, p. 38. 76. Shaleen Agrawal, Talk gets Cheaper Business Today, July 16 2006, p. 185. 77. A. Suryanarayana, What is Troubling Hutchison Whampoa? ICFAI Reader February 2004, p. 53. 78. "Steve Jobs: Theres Sanity Returning," Newsweek, May 18, 1998, 48-52. The Mobile Future. eMarketer (2005, 20/Sept) 79. Schoormans, Jan P. L., Ortt, Roland J., and de Bont, Cees J. P. M. Enhancing Concept Test Validity by Using Expert Consumers, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12:153-162, (1995) 80. Dr. Sanjeev Panandikar, Mr. Rahul Rajput, Comparative study on service quality of Mobile operators: An approach of multidimensional profile analysis, Indian journal of Marketing August, 2005 p. 3

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Website References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. www. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Name 2. Sex 3. Age (in yrs.)

: : : Male/Female Below18/ 18 25/ 25 40/ 40-60/ Above 60 Single/ Married SSLC/Matric/CBSE/ITI/Diploma/ Higher Secondary/Under graduation / Post Graduation/ Others Business/Service/Student. If in service please specify, private/Government/ Public sector/ others Below Rs. 5000/ Rs. 5,000 10,000/ Rs.11,000 month 20,000/ Rs. 21,000 25,000/ Above Rs.25,000 1 year/ 2 years/ 3 years/ 4 years/ Above 5 years Small Size (3 members)/ Medium Size(3-5 member)/ Large Size(above 5 members)

4. Marital Status

5. Educational Qualification :

6. Occupation

7. Average income per

8. Years of Experience in using cell phone 9. Family Size


Why do you prefer mobile phone service? General use/ Easy contact/ Prestige/ Quick Communication/ Official purpose/ Contact while traveling/ Cost Economy/ Any time contact/ Develop business/ To curtail telephone expenses/ Any other


Is mobile more useful than that of landline? Yes/ No, If yes, Specify the reasons: Mobility/ Absolute Necessity/ Status Symbol/ Providing more service/ Any time contact/ contact while traveling


Give your opinion about the utility of cell phone when compared to landline. Very High/ High/ Neutral/ Low

ABOUT CELL PHONE HAND SET 13. How do you get your cell phone? Given by Employer/ Self bought/ Gifted/ any other Which media of advertising attracted you to buy the instrument? Television/ Newspaper/ Radio/ magazine/ Friends/ Others Name the first recalling cell phone brand. Nokia/Seimens/ Sony Ericson/Motorola/Samsung/LG/ Tata Indicom/RIM How many cell phone do you possess? One/Two/Three/More than three. If one, Which brand of Cell Phone set do you possess? Seimens /Sony / Nokia / Motorola/ Samsung / RIM/ LG Any other (Pl. Specify) [ ] What sort of cell phone handset do you have? Ordinary/ Camera Phone/ Video Camera Phone / Any other If more than one, Name the cell phones owned by you and rank them according to the frequency of use (highest to the lowest requency) 1.---------- 2.--------------- 3. ----------- 4. --------------- 5. ------------20. Which is the best aspect in your Cell Phone set? Aesthetic/ Brand Name/ Sound Quality/ Price/ video/ Special features/Others if any specify If you intend to change your cell phone, Which cell phone set would you own next time? Seimens/ Sony / Motorola/ Samsung/ Nokia /RIM /LG / Others (Pl. Specify)









How much budget will you make while changing or buying a new Cell phone set? Below Rs. 5000 / Rs.5,000 - 10,000 / Rs.10,000 15,000 / Above Rs.15000


How would you rate the below mentioned schemes and offers on the time of buying a cell phone on a scale of 1 to 3 (3, very much, 1 not at all) 3 2 1 Discount Schemes [ ] [ ] [ ] Exchange Offer [ ] [ ] [ ] Complementary Gifts [ ] [ ] [ ] Finance Schemes [ ] [ ] [ ] Give the over all satisfaction towards your mobile set: Attributes Price of Handset Appearance of the set Weight of the set Multi function Settings Longevity of the set Battery Capacity Audio & Video Resale value of the set Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied



Rank the following benefits that you derived exclusively because of Subscribing telephone for your business: 5 4 3 2 1 Increase in sales Improved customer relation Reduction of traveling cost Reduction in debt collection period

Increase in the good will of the firm Product diversification Decrease in communication expenses because of owning a telephone Geographical expansion Quick and accurate communication Obtaining market information


What all features you will look while changing or buying a new Phone set? Sound Quality/ No. of models/ Brand Name/ Price / Warranty / After Sales Service/ Any other (Pl. specify)


ABOUT CELL PHONE CONNECTION: 26. Name the sim card brand owned by you. BSNL / Aircel/ Airtel / TataIndicom / RIM/ Vodafone List the number of sim cards owned by you. One/two/three/ above three Which type of cell phone connection do you have? Postpaid/ Prepaid If it is Prepaid, What are the reasons for preferring Prepaid cards? Recharge cards available at various rates/ Various offers available/ Grace period allowed for incoming calls/ charge per call is less/ Recharge can be done at our convenience If it is Postpaid, What are the reasons for preferring Postpaid cards? Easy to get connection/ Only once identity proof is required/ Less rent/ Reasonable talk time/ Payments can be made online or through banks Name the media which influenced you to prefer this connection? Television/ Newspaper/ Radio/ magazine/ Friends/ Self/ Others How long you are using this cell connection? 1 year / 2 years/ 3 years/ 4 years/ 5 years/ Above 5 years If more than one, Name the cell connections owned by you and





31. 32. 33.

rank them according to the frequency of use (highest to the lowest frequency) 1.---------- 2.--------------- 3. ----------- 4. --------------- 5. -----------34. What is the reason for preference of particular connection? Low rent/ Free SMS facility/ High talk time/ Availability of wide coverage/ Low rate per call/ Quick Linkage/ Concession during night/ Inter cell phone free talk/ Internet/ Downloading Which rate of recharge vouchers / Top up cards do you use frequently for your prepaid connection? Cost 331 551 1102 2204 3306 Always Some times Rarely Special Offer



Which type of rental value do you use frequently for your postpaid Connection? 140/ 350/ 500/ 1000/ 1500/ 2000/ any other

37. What do you like best in your Cell Phone connection? Low Rent [ ] High talk time [ 38. Free SMS Facility [ ] Any other Pl. specify. [ ]

Express your willingness to change the present cell phone connection. Yes/No If Yes, Which brand you select for next purchase. BSNL / Aircel/ Airtel / TataIndicom / RIM/ Vodafone


40. State the volume of incoming call on average per week LOCAL Below 20 20 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 150 More than 150 41. State the volume of outgoing calls on average per week? LOCAL Below 20 20 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 150 More than 150 STD ISD OUTSTATION


State the average number of faults occurred in your phone connection per month? Nil/ Up to5 / 5 to 10/ More than 10 State the nature of faults occur in your cell connection. Poor clarity of signal/signal interruption/disconnection /Delayed connectivity /Lack of coverage/ Billing system/ No problem If yes rank the problems: Problems Network Cross talk Delayed Connectivity Poor clarity of signal Disconnection Low Medium High




Rank the connectivity problems that occur while making calls. Low/Medium/High Rank the tower coverage problem found in the cell connection Low/Medium/High Rank the problem of disconnectivity while talking. Low/Medium/High




Rank the poor clarity in signals in your cell connections Low/Medium/High If complaint is made, what is the response? Fault not rectified for a longer time/ Fault rectified immediately/ Fault rectified in a Day/ any other State the average number of wrong calls received/sent in your cell phone per week? Received Nil Up to 5 5 to 10 More than 10 [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Sent [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]



51. In case of over billing, how will you react? Pay the money without clarification / Lodge a complaint with the customer care/ Pay the money as per rules and seek clarification from the bill section/ Any other

52. Give your opinion on the following head: Strongly Agree No Disagree Strongly Agree Opinion Disagree It is easy to get prepaid connection Delay in getting postpaid connection Convenient tariff packages available National wide connectivity can be accessed Services offered by BSNL is good Private connections preferred more due to free SMS Prepaid connection is good Postpaid connection is rarely preferred due to high rent Frequent changes in tariff rate is high Excess billing is done in BSNL Tower capacity of service providers are highly sufficient High connectivity problem between BSNL and other connections Verification procedure of private connections are high Cost of calls charged high


1. 2. 3.

Name Gender Age (in yrs.)

: : : Male/Female Below18/ 18 25/ 25 40/ 40-60/ Above 60

4. 5.

Marital Status

Single/ Married SSLC/Matric/CBSE/ITI/Diploma/ Higher Secondary/Undergraduation/ Post Graduation/ Others

Educational Qualification :


Occupation of parents

Agriculture/Teacher/Business/Service/ Govt. employee/ others Business/Service/Student. If in service please specify, private/Government/ Public sector/ others Below Rs. 5000/ 5,000 10,000/ 11,000- 20,000/ 21,000 25,000/ Above Rs.25,000


Main Occupation


Average income per month


Ownership of the shop used for this business Rent/Lease/ How long you are running this shop? 1 year / 2 years/ 3 years/ 4 years/ 5 years/ Above 5 years


10. List the Cell phone instruments available in your shop. Seimens/ Sony / Motorola / Samsung/ Nokia / LG/ Tata Indicom/ RIM/ Other (Pl. Specify)

11. State the average capital employed for the shop.

Particulars Amount (Rs.) Fixed Assets Land & Building Furniture OtherSpecific Assets Deposits Air conditioners Electrical appliances Display frames Total Fixed Assets Add: Current Assets Stock of Cell Phones Accessories: Battery Charger Cell Panel Head Phone Memory cards Handset Board Cellphone Covers Debtors: Cash: Total Current Assets Total Assets Less: Current Liabilities Bank O/D Creditors Short Term loans


[ C.A C.L.] Working Capital

[F.A + W.C] Capital employed


State the average sales frequency of cell phones per month 1-10/10-20/20-30/30-40/40-50 Give the rank of large selling cell phone set 5 Nokia Samsung LG Reliance Seimens Tata Indicom Sony Ericcson Motorola Others (Pl. Specify) 4 3 2 1



Who are the customers of most selling cell instrument? Students/ Teachers/ Business men/ Government workers/ Agriculturists/ Public Sector employees/ Drivers/ Private Employees/ Labourers/ Others Why they purchase this fast moving cell phone? Sound Quality/ Quality/Clear Image/ High Battery capacity/ Precise and Handy/ No. of Brands / Brand Name/ Price/ Warranty / After Sales Service/ Any other (Pl. specify) List the number of fast moving cell instrument sold in a month. Below 50/ Below 100 / Below 250 / Below 500




Why do you think that consumer asks for a particular brand of cell phone? (Rate the following attributes on a 5 point scale 5 is max. & 1 is min.) 5 More Popular Influence Fits with personality Availability Promotional activities Price Quality 4 3 2 1


Attractive models Rank the attributes that urge to pile the stock of mobiles. Rank them on a 5 point scale of 5 max.& 1 is min.) 5 Company support Brand Image Customer Pull Promotional schemes Price Quality 4 3 2 1


List the number of other instruments sold in a month . Below 50 / Below 100/ Below 250 / Below 500 Why the last ranked cell phone does not move in the market? High Price / Not Attractive/ Battery problem/ Hand set board problem/ Low Brand image/ Poor quality/ Not precise & handy/ Frequent repairs occur/ Others Through which cell phone sales you gain more profit? Seimens/ Sony / Motorola/ Samsung/ Nokia/ Tata Indicom / LG / RIM / Other (Pl. Specify) Give the reason for more profit of the particular brand. Low Price/ Service/ Demand/ More Models/ High Profit Margin Which cell instrument company offers more after sale services? Seimens/ Sony / Motorola / Samsung/ Nokia/ LG/ Tata Indicom/RIM / Other (Pl. Specify) Indicate your satisfaction level with Nokia, regarding the following parameters (Rate these on 5 point scales where 5 is highly satisfied and 1 is highly dissatisfied) 5 Credit Timely Delivery Replacement Promotional Activities Commisions Complaint handling Company support Advertising 4 3 2 1







Which type of cell instrument do youngsters prefer?

Ordinary/ Ordinary colour/ Still camera phone / Video camera phone / FM set phone/ Any other pl. specify 26. How frequently the customer changes the cell phone set? 1-2 months / 3-6 months / 6mts- 1year/ above 1 year Which cell phone set do ladies prefer? Seimens/ Sony /Motorola/ Samsung/ Nokia/ LG/ Tata Indicom/ RIM / Others(Pl. Specify) The reason for the particular cell phone preference by ladies? Compact / No. of Brands / Brand Name / Price / Warranty / After Sales Service / Attractive/ Any other (Pl. specify) The price range of cell phone highly preferred by ladies < 4000 / 4000 6000 / 6000-8000/ above 8000 State the problems faced by dealers on the sales promotional activities 1. Some offers are made only by EASY CHARGE not by paper coupon 2. Some times the LAPU server may go down 3. No fixed offers for activation State whether the sales men have awareness about the different features available in different cell brands Aware/Not Aware State whether the frequent change of salesmen affect the sales Yes/No







SIM CARD DEALERS 1. Gender of sim card dealers Male/Female Age (in yrs.) : Below18/ 18 25/ 25 40/ 40-60/ Above 60 Single/ Married SSLC/Matric/CBSE/ITI/Diploma/ Higher Secondary/Undergraduation/ Post Graduation/ Others Below Rs. 5000/ 5,000 10,000/ 11,000- 20,000/ 21,000 25,000


3. 4.

Marital Status

Educational Qualification :


Income per month


How long you are running this sim card shop? 1 year / 2 years/ 3 years/ 4 years/ 5 years/ Above 5 years Total Investment for the shop. Below 1 lakh/1 lakh-3 lakh/ 3 lakh-5 lakhs/ Above 5 lakhs Specify the dealership for cell phone connections you possess? BSNL/ Aircell/ Airtel/ TataIndicom/ Hutch/ RIM Why you have started dealership for this cell connection? Familiarity/ Less Expensive/ Easy Availability/ Frequent offers/ Influenced by friends/ Loans arranged by service providers/ Earn more profit/ More Demand




10. Which Sim card is highly bought by the customers? BSNL / Aircel/ Airtel / TataIndicom / Vodafone/ RIM 11. Which brand gives more talk time facility in fewer rates? BSNL/ Aircel / Airtel / TataIndicom / Vodafone / RIM 12. What are the price ranges of sim cards available? 100-200 / 250-350/ 350 -500 / 500- 1000/ above 1000 13. Which range of simcard is highly preferred by the customers? 100-200 / 250-350 / 350 -500 / above 500 /life card


Which connection has the low price recharging coupons? BSNL / Aircel/ Airtel / TataIndicom / Hutch/ Reliance

15. Which type of connection is preferred much by customers? Post paid / Prepaid 16. Which connection has much advantage? Post paid / Prepaid


Who are the customers of BSNL? Students / Teachers / Business men / Government workers/Others Which connections do youngsters prefer BSNL / Aircell / Airtel / TataIndicom / Hutch/ Reliance


19. Why the youngsters prefer a particular cell connection? Free SMS /E-mail facility/ Friendship advantages / Easy to buy 20. What is the drawback for BSNL cell connection? Difficulty in getting connection/ Less coverage/ High Price/ free SMS 21. Which attribute attracts Airtel from other connections? More validity / Free SMS / Less Price/ Rate concession during specific time

22. Who is the major competitor for Post paid BSNL Excel? BSNL/ Aircel/ Airtel / TataIndicom / Hutch/ Reliance 23. In what way it is competing with BSNL? Easy availability / Less rent / High coverage / Low call charge / free SMS What is the price range of recharge coupons preferred by customers? 250-500 / 500-1000 / above 1000 Whether easy charge facility is availed from you by the customers. Yes/No If yes, what is the duration of money collected after easy charge Immediately after successful easy charge/Next day/Twice a week/ Weekly /Fortnight/ As per convenience





State the commission details received from each service providing company for selling sim card as well as topup/recharge cards.

Brand Aircel Airtel BSNL Vodafone 28.

Commission per sim (Rs.)

Recharge (per cent)

Rank the dealers satisfaction level on the sales promotion activities offered by different service providers. (5 as max. & 1 as min.) Ranking of Respondents Sales Promotional activities 5 Advertising and display aids Sales Meetings Contest Price off or buying allowances Special trade terms Credit facilities Commission 4 3 2 1

SIM CARD RETAILERS 1. 2. Gender of sim card Retailer : Age (in yrs.) : Male/Female Below18/ 18 25/ 25 40/ 40-60/ Above 60 Single/ Married Below 5th Std ./ 5th Std. to 8th Std./SSLC/ Plus two

3. 4.

Marital Status Educational Qualification

: :


Income per month

: Below Rs. 5000/ 5,000 10,000/ 11,000- 20,000/ 21,000 25,000


Years of experience in running the sim card business. One year/2 years/3 years/ 4 years/ 5 years/ above 5 years Total Investment initially made for the sim card shop. Below Rs.1000/1000-2000/ 2000-3000/ 3000-5000/above Rs.5000



Profile of the Outlet Grocery shop/ Medical shop/ Xerox/ STD Booth/ Fancy store/Stationaryshop/ Others Sim card brand highly preferred by the customers. BSNL/ Aircel/ Airtel / Vodafone State the sim card brand which gives high talk time facility BSNL/ Aircel/ Airtel / Vodafone State the price range of recharge coupons preferred by the customers. Below 250/ 250 500/ 500- 1000/ Above 1000 State the price range of topup coupons preferred by the customers. Below Rs.50/ Rs.50-100/Rs. 101-200/ Rs.201-300/Above Rs. 300





13. Whether easy charge facility is availed from you by the customers. Yes/No 14. If yes, what is the duration of money collected after easy charge Immediately after successful easy charge/Next day/Twice a week/ Weekly /Fortnight/ As per convenience


State the commission details received from each service providing company for selling sim card as well as topup/recharge cards Brand Commission for selling a sim (Rs) Recharge (%) Airtel Aircel BSNL Vodafone


What are the major problems met in purchase of cell phones? Financial problem/ Delay in transport/ Shortage in availability of cell phones having high demand/ Lack of storage place/ Insurance risk/Fluctuation in rates State the major problems found in marketing cell phones. Competition from Chinese and Korean sets/ Sound Quality / Price/ Brand Image/ Non availability of multi function facility at lower rates Rank the following problem found in cell phones. (Max. as 3 and min. as 1) 3 2 1 Battery Audio Picture clarity Display Handset Board



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