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Gemstone Magickal Properties

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Gemstone Magical Properties

Agate: Agate comes in many forms, colors, and textures. Although each type has additional
benefits, Agate promotes strength, courage, longevity, healing, protection, love, and is used for gardening.

Amber: Related to the elements of Fire and Earth and the planetary body of the Sun, Amber
cleanses negative energy by converting it into positive energy. Amber utilizes the powers of luck, health, protection, beauty, and strength. It brings warmth, light, and clarification to the solar energies of the body. Amber is a tree sap hardened naturally over thousands of years, sometimes millions. True Amber tends to be blemished, uneven in color, and very light weight. Do not confuse True Amber with New Amber being sold on the market which is man-made. Being made of resin, Amber is very fragile and should not be held near heat or chemicals.

Amethyst: Amethyst is the "stone of spirituality and contentment". It balances the energies of
the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies. Clears the aura and bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace. Also known as the "stone of meditation". Used in the treatment of hearing disorders, strengthens the skeletal system and posture. Also used to treat nervous disorders, digestive tract, heart, stomach, skin, and teeth. Stabilizes mental disorders.

Aventurine: Aventurine is a wonderful stone for vitality, growth, and confidence. It is

connected to the elements of water and earth. Aventurine is also connected to opening and healing the heart chakra.

Bloodstone: Bloodstone is a great gemstone for enhancing strength, bringing about courage,
as well as stimulating vitality. Bloodstone is a source for purification of the body, which is connected to the element of earth. It also plays a healthy role in balancing the Root (1st) chakra.

Carnelian: Carnelian is a form of red-toned Agate that is connected to the element of Fire and
to the planetary body of the Sun. Its powers include protection, peace, health, courage, sexual energy, action, vitality, confidence, and precision. This is a stabilizing stone to have present in the household as it brings balance to all situations involving groups. Carnelian is a wonderful stone to have in the workplace, as it enhances self-confidence.

Cat's Eye: Cat's Eye is a name given to a form of Quartz or Chrysoberyl that has a reflective
effect similar to the pupil in the eye of a cat. Therefore, Cat's Eye can be a characteristic given to any stone that has this feature present. Cat's Eye is connected to the element of the Earth and promotes wealth, beauty, and awareness. It dispels unwanted energy and increases visual capabilities in those with poor eyesight.

Emerald: Emerald is a form of beryl and comes in many different qualities. Therefore,
inexpensive pieces can easily be found. Emerald is related to the element of Earth and the planetary body of Venus. It promotes love, money, exorcism, and is known as the "Stone of Successful Love". It's beneficial in the use of enhancing eyesight and stimulating mental powers.

Fluorite: Fluorite is known as the "stone of discernment". It discourages chaotic growth. Helps
produce order in the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems. Balances the positive and negative aspects of the mind. Useful in the treatment of colds, flu, staph, and strep infections as well as cankers, herpes, ulcers, and similar infections. Also useful in the early stages of tumors. Prevents RNA & DNA damage while treating bones and structures of cells.

Garnet: Garnet can be found in many colors ranging from red to green and yellow to orange. It
is connected to the elements of Earth and Fire and the planetary body of Mars. Garnet promotes healing and protection and is considered the "Stone of Health and Commitment".

Hematite: Hematite is connected to the elements of Earth and Fire and the planetary body of
Saturn. It is both grounding and healing, yet allows great room for spiritual growth, manifestations, and divination. It is considered the "Stone of the Mind".

Jade: Although there are many types of Jade (Serpentine, Nephrite, etc.), most commonly Jade
is connected to the element of Water and the planetary body of Venus. Jade promotes love, longevity, wisdom, healing, prosperity, and money. It is also a good gardening stone.

Jasper: Jasper comes in all sorts of colors and patterns (Brecciated, Dalmatian, Fancy, Green,
Ocean, Picture, Rainforest, Red, Yellow, etc.), each with additional attributes. However, Jasper in general is known as the "supreme nurturer". It helps us assist others and provides protection. Balances your energies of the physical and emotional. Jasper is used in the treatment of tissue deterioration of internal organs, including disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and stomach. Soothes nerves and helps regain sense of lost smell. Promotes health.

Labradorean: Known as the "temple of the stars", Labradorean is used in the treatment of
brain disorders to stimulate mental activity. It also relieves stress & anxiety and promotes healthy digestion.

Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is a rich blue stone which is very prized throughout the world. It is
connected to the element of Water and the planetary body of Venus. It promotes fidelity, joy, protection, courage, healing, and psychism. Lapis Lazuli is also known as the "Stone of Total Awareness".

Mahogany Obsidian: Known for eliminating energy blocks and fulfilling aspirations,
Mahogany Obsidian also relieves tension. It's useful in healing by allowing clarity of the ailment or cause of disease.

Malachite: Malachite is connected to the element of Earth and the planetary body of Venus.
Known as the "Stone of Transformation", it is used as an equalizing and balancing friend. It represents fidelity in love and friendship, as well as loyalty. It is also said to boost the immune system.

Moldavite: Moldavite is connected to the element of Storm and celestial bodies other than this
Earth (unknown origin). It is theorized that Moldavite fell from the sky, creating a strew field

approx. 14.7 million years ago. This powerful stone often has a "flushing effect" on some users. This can include a temporary, yet distinct headache, nausea, and red flushing of the skin. Although not believed to be harmful, this very short term effect tends to have wonderful results in cleansing the body and auric field. There are huge amounts of fake Moldavite on the market, so be cautious who you purchase from. It is an excellent meditation stone, often used at the heart, third eye, and crown chakras. This powerful stone has an extremely high vibration and helps to promote rapid spiritual evolution and transformation.

Moonstone: Moonstone represents balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. Used for
"new beginnings", hoping, and wishing. Helps in understanding destiny and cleanses negativity from chakras. Travelers stone for protection. Promotes calmness and awareness. Used to treat skin, hair, eye, and fleshy organ deterioration. Eliminates toxins from the body and assists in digestive and elimination disorders. Enhances fertility and eases childbirth. Good for insomnia, water disorders, insect bites, and circulatory disorders.

Onyx: Onyx is connected to the elements of Earth and Fire and the planetary bodies of Mars
and Saturn. It promotes inner strength, focused attention, will power, discipline, reason, and defense magic. Onyx is known for reducing sexual desire when need be.

Opal: Opal is connected to all elements and all planetary bodies. It intensifies emotions, even
those of a negative nature, and should only be used during well controlled processes. It enhances power and brings luck, money, purification, as well as strength to the memory. It is used in astral projection and is considered the "Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes".

Quartz Crystal: Quartz is known as the "stone of power". It enhances and protects the aura,
aids in circulation, and promotes emotional stability. It can be used in the treatment of vertigo, burn pain & blistering, skin disorders, digestive disorders, kidney disorders (including bladder infections & dysfunctions). It is the most popular of all quartz crystals and the most common.

Rainbow Obsidian: Rainbow Obsidian is known as the "stone of pleasure". Brings light and
love into ones life. Helps one recognize their spirituality. Brings gratification and enjoyment.

Rhodochrosite: Rhodochrosite is connected to the elements of Fire and Water and the
planetary body of Mars. It promotes emotional healing, discovery of lost memories, self-love, compassion, energy, and peace.

Rhodonite: Rhodonite is connected to the elements of Earth and Fire and the planetary body
of Mars. It promotes peace, compassion, love, generosity, altruism, and anti-confusion. It's used in discovering and developing hidden talents.

Rhyolite: Represents change, variety and progress. It lights the soul's creativity and breaks
through barriers of the mind to a joyous state of knowing. Also strengthens body and mind and helps us learn self-potential. Self-realization. This "stone of resolution" is great for meditation. Used in the treatment of chills, rashes, and disorders of the veins and skin.

Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is the "stone of gentle love", emitting calming, cooling energy and
gently removing negativity. Helpful in locations of the heart chakra. Used in spiritual atonement. Heals emotional wounds. Used to clear fluids in the cells and releases impurities. Also used in the treatment of vertigo, kidney disorders, and adrenal glands. As an elixir is reduces wrinkles on the skin. Decreases coughs and soothes bronchial and lung areas. Helps diminish burns and relieves blistering due to heat.

Ruby: Ruby stimulates the heart chakra. This "stone of nobility" encourages gentleness and
stability in economics. Used in the treatment of fever and heat disorders. Acts as a counter balance to stimulants such as caffeine. Helps in the formation of children in embryonic state. Used to heal the earth. Known as the "star of purity".

Sapphire: Sapphire is connected to the elements of Wind, Earth, and Water, as well as the
planetary body of the Moon. It promotes meditation, awareness, discipline, defense magic, creativity, sexuality, zest for life, and is known as the "Stone of Uniformity".

Shiva Lingam: Shiva Lingam's are said to have one of the highest frequency vibration rates
of all the stones on Earth. As such, the vibration is said to be perfect for purification purposes, whether at home, work, or in an area of sacred space. The shape of the stone represents male energy (knowledge) and the markings, which differ greatly from stone to stone, represent female energy (wisdom). Together the two elements signify the balance of male and female energies. In India, the only place where they're found, they're regarded as being sacred and holy stones.

Smoky Quartz: Smokey Quartz is known as the "stone of cooperation". It regulates the
bodys fluids. Clears organs in the solar plexus of congestion and works well with disorders of the hands and feet. Aids in depression.

Snowflake Obsidian: Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of perseverance and insight. It also

helps one to atone with spiritual guidance, past-life recall, and spirit communication. It works in accordance with the 1st and 6th chakras and is connected to the element of earth.

Sodalite: Sodalite, with its rich blue color, is great for accessing the subconscious and intuitive
abilities. Known for enhancing insight and mental performance. Sodalite is also helpful in deepening intuition. Connected to the element of air, Sodalite is used as a stimulant for the 6th chakra.

Sunstone: Sunstone is connected to the element of Fire and the planetary body of the Sun. It
promotes good health, protection, leadership, and benevolence, strength, and blessings. It's connected to masculine energy.

Tiger Eye: Tiger Eye is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity,
willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger eye is also a very protective stone, especially during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.

Tiger Iron: Composed of golden tiger-eye, red jasper, and black hematite. Used to assist in
creative endeavors and promotes artistic ability. Helps find havens of refuge when danger is present and stimulates physical vitality. Used to increase the white/red blood cells and strengthen muscular structure.

Topaz: Topaz is connected to the element of Fire and the planetary body of the Sun. It
promotes weight loss, money, positive & negative currents in the body, and is known as the "Stone of True Love and Success in all Endeavors".

Tourmaline: Tourmaline is known for its benefits such as improving self-confidence,

inspiration, balance between right and left sides of the brain, and healing. It brings wholeness and vitality to its wearer. Some colors of tourmaline are connected to emotional healing, sympathy towards others, and the essence of the plant kingdom.

Turquoise: Turquoise is connected to the element of Earth and the planetary bodies of Venus
and Neptune. It promotes courage, protection, friendship, healing, luck, and love.

Unakite: Unakite brings consciousness to the present. Balances the emotional body and helps
one deal with the past. Helps go "beneath" the physical symptoms of disease to find the root cause. Can enhance weight gain and is used in the treatment of the reproductive system, stimulating healthy pregnancies and facilitating the health of the unborn.

Yellow Jade: Yellow Jade is energetic and stimulating, yet mellow. It brings joy and
happiness. Teaches the interconnectedness of all beings. Yellow Jade aids the digestive and elimination systems of the body. Yellow Jade relates to the solar plexus (3rd chakra). Magical Properties of Stones Precious gems, crystals, certain metals, etc have been used as amulets or Talisman since nearly the beginning of time. The Magical Properties of Stones can be divided into two main categories. The first category is ACTIVE. This is the YANG or the MALE. And of course, equally important is the PASSIVE, the YIN, and the FEMALE. Neither is considered to more powerful than the other, since we need both equally to maintain balance and harmony. In the first category, ACTIVE, the colors that are associated with it are red, orange, yellow, yellow green and gold. The correspondences here are to fire, heat, warmth, Sun. Each of these used as a color of healing would have certain associations to parts of the body. To make use of the stones: Carry them with you, on your person, if possible, preferably beginning when the moon is waxing. You could make a necklace, bracelet, pendant, keychain, etc and attach the stone to it. You could also carry it in your pocket.

Nature totems, which includes stones are said to lose their effectiveness if you do not handle them. Use them, handle them, warm them with your breath. When the time comes that a stone no longer works, pass it on to someone else, or return it to the earth. Red stones are associated with the blood stream and the heart. It has been used to heal wounds or stop bleeding. It also aligns subtle bodies. It is associated with love and compassion. It enhances the imagination. People that suffered from anemia or lacking energy used to wear red stones as amulets. You can use this stone in defensive magick. Use it to send negativity that was directed at you back to the original sender. Red is said to increase mental processes and forms a barrier against dangerous desires and whims. Also a great all-around good luck stone. The pink stones fall under the red shades category and are associated with love and beauty. A pink stone can make a powerful love drawing amulet. It is also great for soothing the mind, body, and emotions. It can give the body extra strength when needed. It has also been used to increase beauty, especially the skin and complexion. It is associated with the SOUTH, and MARS. Yellow is associated with the mind and healing or speaking. It aids in mental growth and helps with increased speed in learning. It also enhances the bodys' healing energy, diminishes self-destructive tendencies, and helps to raise self-esteem. Lightheartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. Heightens visualization and communication abilities. Great for aid in writing, public speaking, travel. A protective stone, and good for healing, especially disorders of the stomach, nervous system, and skin. Back in history, Yellow was used to arouse the person or calm the nerves. The East and Mercury. Orange being the combination of red and yellow symbolizes drive and cleverness as well as shrewdness in business and personal dealings. It aids in the ability to see through plots and intrigues. The color peach, falls under the shades of orange and this is an all-around good luck stone. Peachy colored stones are useful in spells to increase feelings of self-worth or personal power. This stone attracts success, and is a good protection stone. The southeast and Jupiter. Gold has been associated with the Sun and its' curative powers. It is said to aid in the enhancement of brain functions. It can give a person a more positive outlook on life. Besides enhancing the emotional body, it strengthens the will. Helps one's ability to work with others harmoniously. Some of the stones are the TIGERSEYE and CATSEYE as well as the PYRITES (Fool's Gold). Sun stones are generally beautiful, but flashy and are wonderful for protection against all types of danger. It is useful in divination, promotes wealth and prosperity, increases energy flow throughout the body, and is a great help during illness. Tiger Eye can strengthen your convictions and

create courage and confidence. Due to this metals softness and pliability, it was used for crafting intricate amulets and jewelry. Stones of this color are said to give the wearer the power of the Sun. The stones that show the "EYE" were believed to give 'second sight'. Copper influences the flow of blood. It also supplies strong energy to both the body and the mind. It is said to aid metabolism and helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns physical and emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Copper is a strong conductor of energy. On the PASSIVE side we have the softer colors. Blue stones are used for cooling fever and calming the mind. It is said to aid in inducing sleep. Blue stones were believed to cure high blood pressure, sooth pain and aid with abscess or infection. It is said to enhance the clarity of the mind and aid creative self-expression. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention. Aligns the body, mind and spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Also associated with loyalty and a soothing love. Balances the physical, emotional and mental health. It also helps to banish fears and phobias. Inspiration, peace, calmness, love. The West, Taurus and Virgo. Green Stones are said to strengthen the heart, liver, kidneys, immune system, nervous system. Green is an earth color and is a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. It aids in the alignment of subtle bodies, enhances dreams, meditation, and gives us deeper spiritual insight. Represents the divinity within us, prosperity, love, kindness, tranquility, balance, healing, patience. Green is a strong emotional balancer. It aids in releasing anxiety and fear. Other qualities include: clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing. Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to particular color of stone. Yellow-green stones can be used to rid oneself of negative self-image, feelings of inadequacy, shyness, or shame, and can be used to aid them in acceptance of love, comfort, and support. Green stones are also used in spells for money, riches, prosperity, luck, grounding, and balancing. Purple or violet is a combination of red and blue and it is associated with mysticism and the spiritual realm. It enhances right brain activity, is a powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps mental disorders. It calms and prevents explosive tempers as well as induces sleep. Other qualities are its' ability to cut through illusion and enhance psychic abilities. It has calming, strong protective qualities. Healing, divine love, inspiration, intuition. Purple was also used as a cure for the cold. This is my birthstone color. The amethyst is said to keep one from becoming drunk. It is associated with the Southwest and Neptune or Pisces.

Brown stones give consolidation and a bringing together of plans. It counteracts restlessness and giddiness. It is a stabilizer of the mind and a giver of direction. Brown stones influence friendships, special favors, and aid in healing animals. It cleanses & protects the astral field; draws out distortion on all levels; It aids against hyperactivity & excess energy; grounding. It was associated with the North and Capricorn. White stones were used as purifiers and to remove poisons. Their magickal purpose is to aid in gaining affinity with the higher self and the soul or etheric body. White contains all the colors of the rainbow and it enhances the full spectrum of energies in body/mind/spirit. Associated with abundance, innocence, purity, faithfulness. A Master healer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. This full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness and dispels negativity in one's energy field and in environment. It receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation and magickal work. It has been loosely associated with the Moon. Black stones are said to offer protection and strengthen physical and etheric bodies. They are energizing, revitalizing. Black enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. It is slightly grounding. This is also the stone of abstract thinking, and self control. Seriousness is a characteristic associated with these stones. The black stones are associated with Saturn. One of my favorite stones is the HEMATITE. I have one hanging on the bedpost right over my head. It is a wonderful stone for grounding and centering yourself. It is also said to be useful in healing, and can draw illness out of the body. Its silvery, mirror-like surface is good for divination, especially scrying. This stone seems to me to fall in between the blacks and the silvers. Silver aids in healing as well as magical protection. It is also attributed with increasing psychic ability and intuition. It is said to influence change in people as well as instill a person with adaptability. Silver enhances mental function, aids circulation, strengthens blood, physically and etherically. It is said to relieve stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect.It is strongly associated with the Moon. Adventurine: Money, Healing, Creativity, Decisiveness, Growth and Success. Amber : Sun, Clarity, Confidence, Discipline, Memory, Uplifting Amethyst: Sobriety, Healing, decision making Black Tourmaline: Protection Diamond: Fidelity

Emerald: Mother Earth, Balance, Heart, Insight Fire Opal: Samhain Garnet: Gently Energy, Loyalty, Passion, Love, Self-Esteem Hematite: Grounding, Focus, Practicality, Clarity, Problem Solving, Confidence Ivory: Spiritual Protection Jade: Practicality, Wisdom, Attunement Lapis Lazuli: Third Eye, Wisdom, Truth, Psychic Ability, Healing, Strength Moonstone: Feminity, Balance, Soothing, Peace of Mind, Hormonal Balance, Selflessness Obsidian: Fire Onyx: Fertility Opal: Secrecy Pearl: Feminity, Focus, Peace of Mind, Purity, Gentleness Peridot: Repels Evil, Calming, Prevents Anger, Healing Quartz: Physical Energy, Balance Emotions, Brain, Intensifies other Gemstones, Magical Powers, Psychic Ability Quartz (Rose) : Sexuality, Calming, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love Quartz (Smokey) : Repels Negativity, Ground Energy Ruby: Repel Poisons, Vigor, Vitality, Courage Sapphire: Prophecy Sodalite: Clarity, Calming, Thought Tiger Eye: Courage, Protection, Grounding, Beauty, Gambling, Luck, Money, Physical Energy, Clarity Topaz: Healing, Protection, Calming, Creativity

Tourmaline: Electricity, Flexibility, Understanding, Objectivity, Calming Turquoise: Thought, protection, friendship, balance, strength, vitality

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