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Winchester Conspire Violate Civil Rights

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, God and Country Foundation, | Chaplain, Amos 5:15 Project - Remodel your Courts into True Halls of Justice.| Authorized Advocate of Jeffrey Washington | JURY TRIAL Next Friend, of daughter of murder victim Carlos Marshall | DEMANDED Plaintiff, Pro Se, In Forma Pauperis | versus | Case # 5:11CV00014 | or new Case # _____ John E. Wetsel, Jr., former Hitler trial judge, Grand Jury Tampering | John R. Prosser, illegal Alford Plea Defense Attorney, now retired judge | Paul H. Thomson, prosecutor 1986-2002, recently arrested ---> | LaNell Hockman, Court Reporter, and employee of Paul Thomson | David P. Sobonya, former Police Detective, investigated, now FBI | James K. Bailous, former Police Detective, twice terminated | Alexander R. Iden, prosecutor, 2002 to present, obstructed justice | Marc Abrams, #2 prosecutor, assistant to both Thomson and Iden | Randy Bryant, #2 defense counsel, assistant to John Prosser | Winchester Courts Criminal Justice System workers, past or present | Co - Conspirators, & Defendants | COMPLAINT (AMENDED or NEW, as JUDGE JONES DEEMS BEST) AS IN 2008 BROKEN GAVEL JUDGE CONVICTIONS, VIOLATIONS OF THE RACKETEER INFLUENCED CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS ACT 18 USC 1962(C) 1. Wetsel, Prosser and Thomson ruled the roost as a RICO in the Courts of Winchester for years, conspiring to subvert rules of Due Process and any sense of Justice or decency. On 10 January 2011, Thomson was arrested for Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering to cover-up phone records of a drug dealer, Jovel. On 21 January 2011, the same day the Plaintiff filed a Citizen Petition for Special Grand Jury naming John Prosser as a Respondent / Defendant, Judge Prosser announced a surprise, early retirement. On 15 February 2011, Wetsel conspired to cover-up wrongdoing and committed Jury Tampering by Perjury with his false statement filled Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions. On 17 February 1999, when LaNell Hockman attempted suicide, a Confidential Informant reported Paul Thomson is skimming money from drug dealers. On 17 December 1997, a Northern Virginia Daily news report revealed over $300,000 of drug money in a non-audited Police Account. On or after 5 October 1994, Thomson and Hockman, conspired to alter some Court Transcripts, a form of Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering to cover-up phone records of a drug dealer, Marshall.

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Prosser and Randy Bryant, if not also Wetsel, quietly aided and abetted that conspiracy of removing a witness, Amy Ruble, from the murder scene of drug dealer Carlos Marshall, who owed $1600 to Amy Ruble to pay for the phone she provided to the drug dealer. Police Detectives Bailous and Sobonya tampered with Evidence and Witnesses to frame as the gunman a Citizen who was a recreational drug user not a drug dealer, like Carlos Marshall and others that John Prosser knew and identified to Franklin Washington hours after the murder. The second string members of the Conspiracy team were Iden, Abrams, and Bryant, who in later investigations of the Jeff Washington case, conspired with false statements to conceal the facts of the case, and to cover up the truth. As does any Citizen, Plaintiff has a Right to the honest services of a Public Servant, yet both Wetsel and Iden, have concealed Truth from the Plaintiff, while others have committed other Felony offenses. Under 2010 Virginia Law 26-72, the Plaintiff can act as an agent and attorney for Jeffrey Franklin Washington, unable to afford yet more dishonest Bar licensed attorneys like Prosser & Bryant ($33,000), and others ($75,000 & $5000). 2. In Title 18 United States Code is an apt definition of the public service of John Wetsel, John Prosser, Paul Thomson, Alex Iden, and the others named in this ongoing Conspiracy: 1346. Definition of scheme or artifice to defraud For the purposes of this chapter, the term scheme or artifice to defraud includes a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services. 3. Since 15 February 2011 and before, Wetsel, Iden, et al, did injure Plaintiff Manship in the Due Process Exercise of his Rights to Equal Justice under this Constitution. 4. On 21 March 2011, before Plaintiff received the Judge Johnson ORDER of 18 March 2011, an experienced Private Investigator advised Plaintiff Manship that Federal Court Judges have authorized funds to assist an In Forma Pauperis litigant in the proper presentation of the case before the Court. With the Grant of In Forma Pauperis by Judge Jones, Plaintiff Manship herein makes a MOTION FOR COURT ASSISTANCE for a Private Investigator, much like the Court Interpreter to

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interpret a foreign language to here have an interpreter of the legal language demanded by the Court for Criminal or Civil Charges required for properly state a claim on which relief can be granted, so to avoid a repeat of the injustice of the Plaintiffs Court filing must be dismissed for failure to state a claim. A fair opportunity for a Citizens Relief from injustice is a duty of any Court, state or federal, and Rules of the Court must not be so dense as to trump the Rule of Law and render Justice blind to evil. 5. On 15 February 2011, Mr. Wetsel violated his trust as a judge by issuing to Jurors of the Winchester Grand Jury a Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions document that contained both false and misleading statements, that in effect was Jury Tampering by Fraud or Deception by the presiding judge, that did injure the Right of the Plaintiff to a fair and Due Process hearing before the Jurors in the Plaintiffs petition for a Special Grand Jury as is his Right under Virginia law. 6. Mr. Wetsel failed to honor minimal standard of Due Process, or fair play in the level playing field of our Courts, by his negligence in providing a copy of his Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions to Plaintiff Manship PRIOR to Manship testifying to the Grand Jurors, as Plaintiff requested in the second paragraph of his 4 February a.d. 2011 letter of reply to Judge Wetsels 25 January 2011 letter of response to the Plaintiffs 21 January 2011 Petition for Special Grand Jury. 7. The presiding judge, Mr. Wetsel, did NOT identify and prevent a Conflict of Interest by the Jury Foreman, Mr. Butler, who as Vice Mayor or City Councilman, had voted on Mr. Sobonya in a closed personnel meeting after a Police Internal Investigation of wrongdoing by Sobonya and allowed Sobonya to testify to the Grand Jury as an expert witness rather than as Defendant. 8. Two Defendants or Accused Parties in the Petition for Special Grand Jury, namely Mr. Iden and Mr. Sobonya, with the complicity of the presiding judge, Mr. Wetsel, conspired to undermine the testimony of Plaintiff Manship, by under the color of law playing on their positions of authority to manipulate Jurors decisions.

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Both Iden and Sobonya should have recused themselves so not to abuse their positions. Wetsel violated his duty to provide for a fair hearing by allowing such manipulations. 9. As reported on 22 March 2011 by both The Northern Virginia Daily and The Winchester Star, the presiding judge, Mr. Wetsel, in a pending Criminal matter before this Western District of Virginia federal Court, United States v. Thomson, allowed Defendant Mr. Thomson to totally unsupervised access to a Federal Witness, Lemuel Roberts, in the case against Mr. Thomson in the Jury Room of the Winchester Court on 8 March 2011, to aid and abet ongoing attempts at Obstruction of Justice by attorney Thomson, defendant. 10.In 2011, Thomson and the daughter of LaNell Hockman, Nanette Boden, have now been charged by Federal law enforcement authorities with Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering with ONE current drug dealer, Jovel, who owns a phone and phone records. After her arrest, with the aide of Boden, Paul Thomson has been charged with Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering with two more drug dealers with phones and phone records, one being Lemuel Roberts. Way back in 1994, Thomson and his mistress Court Reporter LaNell Hockman conspired to alter the Court Transcripts of 5 October 1994 to remove the name of Amy Ruble who owned the phone that drug dealer Carlos Marshall used, and had run up a bill of $1600 that she was demanding money from Marshall to pay. Leopards dont change their spots, and liar-lawyers like Thomson, Iden, Abrams, Bryant, Prosser and Wetsel dont change their spotty behavior. 11.The concerned Citizens who have contacted the Plaintiff to advance Truth and Justice in the Courts include (1) the mother of the child of the murder victim Carlos Marshall, where Defendants judge Wetsel, prosecutor Thomson, and defense counsel Prosser were the first string team of conspirators covering up the Truth of who killed her daughters father; (2) a former policeman and private investigator; (3) a second private investigator with extensive experience in over-turning false murder convictions; (4) a local business owner; (5) a limited Pro Bono lawyer, and (6) a close

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neighbor of a Confidential Informant who revealed that Police Detective Bailous knew the Court Transcripts had been altered in the Jeff Washington case, the travesty that is the fundamental cause for the June 2010 Special Prosecutor to be named; with the CONNECTION being the 1994 Telephone Records of the Drug Dealer Carlos Marshall on the phone of Amy Ruble that led to the Thomson - Hockman Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering by altering of Court Transcripts to remove any mention of Amy Ruble, as proven by the hand-written notes of Defendants Prosser and Bryant, the same pattern as recent 2010 & 2011 Telephone Records Thomson Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering to remove Nanette Boden. 12. Like as is written in the BROKEN GAVEL INDICTMENT USDC WD La. 5:07 CR - 50097: A. AT ALL TIMES MATERIAL HEREIN: 1. The defendant, JOHN E. WETSEL, Jr., is a public officer holding a high-level, decision making position, namely a judge elected by the General Assembly of Virginia, serving in the 26th Judicial District of Virginia. On 15 February 2011, Wetsel did commit the Felony Act of Perjury by submitting a document with false statements to the Winchester Grand Jury to injure Plaintiff in his Right to Due Process in a legal proceeding before that Court body. The stated Cause is Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights for which Relief is sought is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man for Perjury and Jury Tampering, a judge who has violated the Trust of the Citizens of Virginia, and so is not entitled to any form of Judicial Immunity. Monetary damages to the Plaintiff as the Jury decides. a. Given that Plaintiff Manship wrote to Judge Wetsel on 24 October a.d. 2008, seeking the Judge to act in accordance with Virginia supreme Court Rule 1.1, to

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declare VOID Ab Initio the Paul Thomson prepared and seriously flawed Alford Plea Plea Agreement, signed in his Court on 28 February a.d. 1995. despite the fact that the Plea Agreement included two Abduction charges that Judge Wetsel on 15 December 1994 had written a letter to prosecutor Thomson stating did not apply in this case based on recent case law. And in paragraph 4 of the Thomson Plea Agreement that was COERCED upon Jeffrey Franklin Washington by a Conspiracy between Prosecutor Thomson, Defense Counsel Prosser, and blindeye acceptance of trial Judge Wetsel, was a provision where Washington could withdraw from the Plea Agreement if it was changed. AFTER SIGNATURE BY WASHINGTON, the PLEA WAS CHANGED as the two abduction charges were removed, as they had been removed BEFORE signing the Plea Agreements with John Doleman and others. That change invokes the escape clause of Paragraph 4, yet Washington was NOT given his Plea Agreement Contractual Right to withdraw from the Plea. While not online in the 2011 Rules of the Virginia supreme Court, the 2002 Michie printed book of Rules of Virginia supreme Court, on page 4 are five applicable paragraphs with titles: Time limit not applicable to orders void ab initio. Void Judgment. Void decree or order is a nullity This rule is not a limitation on power and authority of court to vacate void order. Judgments that are void may be attacked in any court at any time. b. Judge Wetsel ignored Plaintiff Manships letter, so Plaintiff Manship testified against Wetsel in the Courts of Justice Committees on 4 February 2009, to torpedo Wetsels ambitions to serve on the Court of Appeals of Virginia, yet John

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Wetsel failed to honor Canons of Judicial Conduct to recuse himself as Presiding Judge over the Grand Jury convened on 15 February 2011. c. Judge Wetsel conspired to deny the Plaintiff fair access to the Grand Jury by writing and issuing to the Grand Jury instructions that contained (1) False Statements, (2) Misleading Statements, or (3) Statements based on out of date Court handbooks, all as part of a conspiracy with others named above, Iden and Sobonya, to wrongfully influence the deliberations of the Grand Jury of Winchester on 15 February anno domini 2011. And even in the mere proceeding as the presiding judge over this Winchester Regular Grand Jury where the Plaintiff was seeking a Special Grand Jury... composed of from seven to eleven citizens of a city or county, selected by the Circuit Court and summoned to investigate any condition which tends to promote criminal activity in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or ofcial. The Special Grand Jury, composed entirely of private citizens, is the one nonpolitical body with legal authority to make such investigations. d. Wetsel violated the Canons of Judicial Conduct in his Conflict of Interest as the trial judge on the case the Petitioner was seeking the Special Grand Jury to investigate. 2. The defendant, PAUL H. THOMSON, is a public officer holding a high-level decision making position, namely the elected Commonwealth Attorney from 1986 to 2002, and to date, STILL, an Officer of the Court as a member of the Virginia State Bar. Former Prosecutor Paul H. Thomson is related to a powerful political dynasty of Virginia, and for over two decades acted with the attitude of Commonwealth laws for

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common folk did not apply to him, as one of his fellow Commonwealth Attorneys said to the Plaintiff on 9 December 2010 after Manship spoke to the Criminal Justice Services Board, Yeah, Paul had an overly inflated view of himself. and then suggested the word, Hubris, the Greek word for Pride before the Fall. On or about 4 January 2011, Manship met with Virginia State Police Detective Martin Chapman to address the corruptions and conspiracy of the case of Thomson against Jeff Washington and report the Thomson is skimming money from drug dealers in the 02/17/1999 Police Notes. On 10 January a.d. 2011, Paul Thomson was arrested for Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, with Drug Possession charges added days later in a recent case, yet the same type of behavior Thomson practiced in his case against Washington. On 18 August a.d. 2009, Paul Thomson running chased Manship walking down the street, yelling at and making threats at Plaintiff Manship when as a Process Server, Manship gave Paul Thomson a Court document from Jeffrey Franklin Washignton. The Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, and threats to the Plaintiff in August 2009, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man for violations of law in 1994 on to this day. 3. The defendant, JOHN R. PROSSER, was an Officer of the Court as a member of the Virginia State Bar, on or before 16 August 1994, when he assumed the duty as Defense Counsel for Army Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington, until 1995 when he, Prosser, did the Fee, Plea, and Flee concept of Defense Counsel Advocacy, by undermining, and then leaving the case without pursuing any Appeal, and then Prosser was rewarded for his cooperation in the Alford Plea Agreement with his

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nomination to be judge, where Prosser was a public officer holding a high-level, decision making position, namely a judge elected by the General Assembly of Virginia, serving in the 26th Judicial District of Virginia. Thank God for small favors, a curious 11 days after Paul Thomson was arrested by Federal law enforcement authorities, and the same day, 21 January 2011, as the Petition for a Special Grand Jury of Plaintiff Manship where Judge Prosser was named as a subject for investigation, Judge Prosser submitted a surprise retirement letter to the Chief Justice of the Virginia supreme Court. On or about 25 July 2008, Plaintiff Manship, a man who has testified in 1990 before Congress on a bill to help the Coast Guard better fight the Drug War and in 2007-2008 had served as a Drug Demand Reduction Officer for the Civil Air Patrol, was by accident or by Divine Providence, in the Courtroom of Judge Prosser, to witness a fairly pretty white woman confessed to Guilt on TEN DRUG CHARGES, but then Judge Prosser strangely SUSPENDED ALL JAIL TIME ON ALL TEN CHARGES. That Sweetheart Deal by Prosser did not pass the smell test. Reports exist of attorney John R. Prosser being involved with drug use. Prosser failed to state a Conflict of Interest as Rudy Powells former counsel. After the arrest of former Commonwealth Attorney Paul Thomson by Federal agents on 10 January 2011, Petitioner Manship learned from a Confidential Informant who played football with Prossers son that many students at Handley High talked about the facts of the elder Prosser using cocaine. Petitioner seeks to find corroborating informants. Defendant Prosser self-admitted playing basketball with drug dealer Carlos Marshall, and Prosecution Police Interview with Rudy Powell testified on 17 August 1994,

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within 24 hours of the murder of Carlos Marshall that Carlos had been beat up by out of town thugs on the basketball court. Defendant Prossers former client, Rudy Powell mentioned a local thugs name, Scott Jackson, but was immediately silenced by Defendant James K. Bailous, then the primary Winchester Police Detective in the case, but whose presence during the Police Interview was HIDDEN on the front page. Why HIDDEN? A page of notes in Prossers own penmanship that shows many reasons any competent counsel would have gone to a jury trial, yet he coerced a false form Alford Plea from his client Jeff Washington. The Plaintiffs Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man. 4. The defendant, David P. Sobonya, is a public officer holding a mid-level, decision making position, namely in recent years an FBI employee with access to Case files as a FOIA inquiry response employee, and until some months after a Winchester City Council Closed Session Personnel Committee meeting that followed a Police Internal Investigation demanded by Franklin Washington, father of inmate Jeffrey Franklin Washington, who is the victim of Evidence Tampering, by then Investigator Sobonya. Sobonya served as a Police Investigator in Winchester, Virginia from 16 August 1994 or before, until leaving the Winchester Police force in 2008. Police notes of 02/17/1999 show Investigator Sobonya was present at an emergency meeting with high-level city leaders within 20 minutes or so of learning from a Confidential Informant, that Commonwealth Attorney, now Defendant, Paul Thomson was: skimming money from drug dealers.

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Policeman Sobonya allowed Paul Thomson to remain in a position of trust. The Police Notes show Thomsons drug connection was reported to the FBI. No FBI investigation report is known to exist. Now Sobonya works for the FBI. Defendant FBI agent Sobonya was subpoened by Defendant Alex Iden to testify to the Winchester Grand Jury that met on 15 February 2011, an odd or unusual or improper procedure by Iden and Sobonya, if not quite illegal. Sobonya also did Evidence Tampering altering the proper completion of the GSR Tests, with slight variance in his notes of 1 and 8 September 1994, showing a coverup. Suborning Perjury, or Witness Tampering, is shown in Paul Thomsons Plea Agreements with several drug dealers. The Plaintiffs Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man. 5. The defendant, ALEXANDER R. IDEN, is a public officer holding a high-level decision making position, namely the elected Commonwealth Attorney from 2002 to present, previously a City Councilman (maybe one of the City Leaders who learned of Paul Thomson skimming money from drug dealers on 02/17/1999 ?) and prior to that, an Officer of the Court as a member of the Virginia State Bar. Since assuming office in 2002, Defendant Iden has been involved in a number of cover-up crimes in the Obstruction of Justice by his efforts blocking, or delaying, the release of Exculpatory Evidence in the case of innocent Army Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington. In the Winchester Police Chief letter of 28 July 1999, where the Bailous termination was mentioned, Chief Gary Reynolds also echoed Defendant Thomsons words that he, Thomson, had made a mess of the

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Washington case. In that same letter, Police Chief Reynolds also suggested that an investigation be conducted by the Attorney General or the Supreme Court, as long as the facts were presented. No such investigation was ever conducted of Thomsons drug connections or his other mess, and Iden did not clean up the mess when he was elected in 2001 to replace Thomson, indeed Iden conspired to cover-up its crimes. The Plaintiffs Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man. 6. The defendant, MARC ABRAMS, is a public officer holding a mid-level decision making position, namely second to the elected Commonwealth Attorney, both Thomson and Iden, from on or about 16 August 1994 to present, and prior to that, an Officer of the Court as a member of the Virginia State Bar. Defendant Abrams has been involved in a number of cover-up crimes in the Obstruction of Justice by his efforts blocking, or delaying, the release of Exculpatory Evidence in the case of innocent Army Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington. The Plaintiffs Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man. 7. The defendant, RANDY BRYANT, is a public officer as a Substitute Judge and as an Officer of the Court as a member of the Virginia State Bar. Defendant Bryant has been involved in a number of cover-up crimes in the Obstruction of Justice by his efforts blocking, or delaying, the release of Exculpatory Evidence, and writing false statements to the Virginia supreme Court, in the case of innocent Army

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Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington. The Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this man. 8. The defendant, LANELL HOCKMAN, is a functionary of the Court as a Court Reporter entrusted to honestly and completely transcribe the Court record. Defendant Hockman has been involved in a number of cover-up crimes in the Obstruction of Justice by her efforts blocking, or delaying, the release of Exculpatory Evidence in the case of innocent Army Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington. The Cause is Violation of the Trust of the Citizens, Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, the Relief sought is is for the U.S. Attorney to assist the Plaintiff to prosecute and convict this woman. 9. The Defendant, James K. Bailous, was a public officer holding a mid-level, decision making position, namely served as a Police Investigator in Winchester, Virginia until he was terminated in 1999, near which time Defendant Paul Thomson protested to Police Chief Gary Reynolds the surprise termination of Investigator Bailous. A revised personnel action removed the stain of termination from the Bailous file. Bailous was later terminated from the Berryville Police Department, reportedly for being caught having sex with a citizen in the back seat of a police cruiser. Similar antics by Bailous outside of his uniform circulate about the town of Winchester. The wife of Police Investigator Bailous was a first cousin to Murder suspect John Doleman, so to avoid Conflict of Interest, Bailous should NEVER have been involved in the case. Transcripts show Bailous was secretly present on 17 August 1994 when witness Rudy Powell said that John Doleman did it, and later

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Doleman had a POSITIVE Gun Shot Residue Test, yet Policeman Bailous steered the investigation toward the innocent Army Veteran Jeffrey Franklin Washington. A conspiracy of Police Investigator Bailous whose Conflict of Interest from the beginning on or about 16 August 1994, is simply appalling. Bailous silenced witness Rudy Powell after he identified a white man, Scott Jackson as a likely white gunman, while identifying John Doleman as the man who did it, yet the Bailous crimes were allowed and covered-up by Police Investigator Sobonya, who covered-up the testimony of Kristen Black about a white man named Scott who gave the murder victim $1000.

Northern Virginia Daily ace reporter Alex Bridges wrote in his article on 16 February about the 15 February 2011 Grand Jury: The eight-person panel came out of the secret deliberations after more than three hours. Spokesman Michael Butler, a former city councilman, told Wetsel that, after examining evidence presented to them , they did not wish to be impaneled as a special grand jury. That clue - former city councilman with added research reveals unstated Conflicts of Interest of the Jury Foreman of the 15 February Regular Grand Jury of Winchester. The presiding judge, John Wetsel, despite his two days of back to back Hitler comparisons to Army Veteran Washington, and having been PREVIOUSLY RECUSED from this Washington case, failed to self-recuse, and now refuses to allow the Motion for Rehearing to proceed in his letter to Plaintiff Manship dated February 18, 2011.

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In short, Wetsel as presiding Judge by his actions to Obstruct Justice in the Grand Jury process joined in a Conspiracy with others to Violate the Civil RIghts of Plaintiff Manship and Citizen Washington. In Title 18 United States Code is an apt description of the legal service of John Wetsel, Paul Thomson, Alex Iden, John Prosser, and others in this ongoing Conspiracy: 1346. Definition of scheme or artifice to defraud For the purposes of this chapter, the term scheme or artifice to defraud includes a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services. Defendant Wetsels Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions written on or before 15 February 2011, are Violation of Perjury laws, if not laws against Jury Tampering, for several good and sufficient reasons: (1) One, Judge Wetsels document contains FALSE statements. (2) Two, Judge Wetsels document contains MISLEADING statements. (3) Three, it appears that Judge Wetsel in his Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions referred to an out of date Virginia supreme Court Handbook for Grand Jurors. The current edition is dated October 2010, and was referenced by Manship in both his original Petition and his letter of 4 February a.d. 2011 required by the 25 January Wetsel Letter of Instructions. (4) Plaintiff Manship in the second paragraph of his letter of 4 February a.d. 2011 to Judge John E. Wetsel, Jr. and Clerk of the Court Terrence Whittle, that Petitioner letter required by the letter of Judge Wetsel dated 25 January 2011, specifically stated: Your second paragraph refers to it is the policy of this Circuit. I request to receive a copy of that Circuit Court policy, whether an

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instruction or a manual so I may be fully informed and thus able to do my best to advance Justice. (5) At or about 3:04 p.m. on 4 February a.d. 2011, with a witness present, Petitioner Manship face to face asked Clerk of Court Terrence Whittle for a copy of the Circuit Court Policy, whether instruction or manual. Clerk Whittle said he did not have any such local Circuit Court instruction regarding Grand Jury functioning. (6) In spite of the request prior to the convening of the Grand Jury of Petitioner Manship, timely submitted to both Judge Wetsel and Clerk Whittle, Due Process was violated by the presiding judge, John Wetsel, in his failure to provide IN ADVANCE of the meeting with the Grand Jury, a copy of the Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions authored by Judge Wetsel. Judge Wetsel conspired

to undermined this fundamental Citizen Right by his false and misleading statements covered in the veil of Judicial Supplemental Grand Jury Instructions as part of a conspiracy with Defendant Iden and Defendant Sobonya to subvert the good purpose of the rarely used provision of the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia for a common citizen to Petition his fellow Citizens on a Regular Grand Jury to Order the Court to convene and impanel another group of fellow Citizens as a SPECIAL GRAND JURY summoned to investigate any condition which tends to promote criminal activity in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or official. The Special Grand Jury, composed entirely of private citizens, is the one non-political body with legal authority to make such investigations.

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Such Special Grand Jury must be able to be formed by the Regular Grand Jury without deceptive instructions or other impediments by any current or former Public Servant, whether that be a local or state or federal law enforcement agent such as Defendant Sobonya or Defendant Bailous, a former or current Prosecutor like Defendants Iden, Defendant Abrams, or Defendant Thomson, or a former or current Judge, such as Defendant Wetsel or Defendant Prosser. 10.BROKEN GAVEL is the legal code name for the conspiracy of two judges and a bondsman who were prosecuted beginning 10 October 2007 and convicted in the Western District of Louisiana under the direction of a black man named Donald Washington. 11.BROKEN BALANCE or BROKEN JUSTICE are fitting options for code names for the conspiracy of two judges, Wetsel and Prosser; two elected local prosecutors, Thomson and Iden; an assistant prosecutor; and two policemen, in the Western District of Virginia, all named above, in their ongoing un-balanced conspiracy to cover-up crimes all the way back to 16 August 1994, exposed by a black man named Franklin Washington and by the Plaintiff. 12.Donald Washington served as a U. S. Attorney. Franklin Washington served as a factory worker. As George Washington, Plaintiff serves teaching We the People, that in OUR Courts, federal courts or state courts ~~ position, power or privilege are not rightly determinants for advancing Justice, while for the pauper, Justice is denied. 13. For this Civil Right of uncorrupted access of a Citizen to a Special Grand Jury, and Freedom for Justice to prevail, I continue to pray and serve as a Journalist for Justice and Minister for Justice, and herein seek the Relief of the United States Attorney and United States Courts. Respectfully submitted, James Renwick Manship, Sr., Chaplain God and Country Foundation G. Washington: do my Duty to God and Country

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Amos 5:15 Project: Hate evil and love the good. Remodel your Courts into True Halls of Justice. Box 76, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121-0076 703-NRA-1776 EXHIBIT A Paul Thomson threatened Plaintiff Manship when he received this Court document Motion for Trial by Jury of AUG 18 2009 that addressed many of the same Violations of Law by many of the same parties named in this Federal Court document nearly two years later, after nally one man, Paul Thomson so has been subject of a State investigation and arrested by Federal law enforcement authorities on 10 January 2011.

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, James Renwick Manship, Sr., hereby certify that everything contained in this Petition is true to the best of my knowledge, and that the original of this

was mailed or delivered in person by a third party to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Winchester and copies of the original were mailed to or served by a third party to individual Defendants below, this 29th day of March in the Year of Our Lord Jesus, the 2011th.

James Renwick Manship, Sr. Date: 29 March a.d. 2011

Copies To Named Defendants: Mr. Paul Thomson,(former Commonwealth Attorney)15 South Braddock Street Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. John E. Wetsel, Jr., Presiding Judge (former trial Judge who compared accused to Adolf Hitler, twice in two days) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. John Prosser, (former Defense Counsel, now judge) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. David Sobonya, (former Winchester Police Investigator): FBI, 170 Marcel, Winchester, VA 22601 c/o Chief of Police, Winchester Police Department, 231 E Piccadilly St. Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. James K. Bailous, (former Winchester Police Investigator) address unknown, sent care of: c/o Chief of Police, Winchester Police Department, 231 E Piccadilly St. Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. Alexander R. Iden, (Commonwealth Attorney) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. Marc Abrams, (Assistant Commonwealth Attorney) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601 Mr. Randy Bryant, (! Circuit Court Clerk Terry Whittle) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601 Mrs. LaNell Hockman, (! Circuit Court Clerk Terry Whittle) 5 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA 22601

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Penmanship of Prosser - multiple indicators of innocence of his client Jeffrey Franklin Washington, yet Prosser, Thomson & Judge Wetsel together coerced an Alford Plea.
A Ski Mask was found NEAR the crime scene with a WHITE MAN hair ber inside. Six Witnesses and Policemen say there was a White Man gun man. Jeff Washington is a Black Man.

Penmanship of Prosser ~

Rudy says Doleman did it. Doleman is a Black Man, and Scott Jackson is white. Rudy Powell on 17 August 1994 mentioned Scott Jackson, was immediately silenced by Detective James Bailous, whose wife is rst cousins with John Doleman. Scott gave $1500 cash in envelope to Carlos is MORE data than either Rudy Powell stated in Police Interview of 17 August 1994, or Carlos girlfriend, Kristin Black interview with Police on 23 August 1994. Where did Prosser come up with the extra insider facts?

Rudy says Doleman did it. Later Doleman is POSITIVE on Gun Shot Residue Test. 1. Doleman told me JW not involved, YET AFTER PLEA DEAL with Paul Thomson, says Jeff Washington was the gunman, HOWEVER, Doleman tested POSITIVE for Gun Shot Residue, while Washington tested NEGATIVE. NO EVIDENCE AGAINST Jeff Washington, THUS A FALSE ALFORD PLEA U.S. supreme Court TWO-PART TEST: (1) Evidence against the accused, and (2) Competent Counsel. Based on this case review, of MANY JW NOT GUILTY witnesses, WHY did Defense Counsel Prosser brow-beat Mrs. Washington to BEG her son Jeff to take the Alford Plea of Paul Thomson? Is such behavior Competent Counsel??
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Broken Gavel or Broken Balance or Broken Justice RICO Complaint against Winchester!

Petition for Writ of Mandamus for Proper Rehearing on Petition for Special Grand Jury!

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