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Manuals / Brands / Mercedes-Benz Manuals / Engine / OM 470 Euro VI / Operating instructions manual / PDF



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Engine System
General Information
Engine Overview
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Engine system
Protection of the environment
Assembly equipment
Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts
Modifying the engine output
Safety/emergency running program
Correct use
Implied warranty
Stored data
Qualified specialist workshop
Further applicable documents
General information
Engine overview
Exhaust gas aftertreatment overview
Electronic engine management
BlueTec ® exhaust gas aftertreatment
Exhaust gas recirculation
Warning and indicator lamps
Operating safety
Safety measures
Notes on electronic systems
Staff qualifications
Organisational measures
Preparation for operation
Starting and stopping the engine
Switching the continuous brake on and off
Idling speed
Climate control
Operational monitoring
Warning and indicator lamps
Operating instructions
General notes
Important safety notes
OM 470, OM 471 and OM 473 Euro VI
Operating Instructions

Warning notes make you aware of dangers
which could pose a threat to your health or
life, or to the health and life of others.

H Environmental note
Environmental notes provide you with infor-
mation on environmentally aware actions or

i These symbols indicate useful instructions

or further information that could be helpful to
X This symbol designates an instruction
you must follow.
X Several consecutive symbols indicate
an instruction with several steps.
(Y This symbol tells you where you can
page) find further information on a topic.
Y Y This symbol indicates a warning or an
instruction that is continued on the
next page.
Familiarise yourself with your engine system
and read the operating instructions before you
use the engine system. This will help you to
avoid endangering yourself or others.
The standard equipment and product descrip-
tion of your engine system may vary, depending
on individual specifications. This is described on
the data card.
The engine systems are constantly updated to
be state of the art.
Mercedes-Benz reserves the right to make
changes to the following:
Rtechnical features
Descriptions may therefore differ in individual
cases from your engine system.

4705843681 É4705843681!ËÍ
2 Contents

Warning and indicator lamps ................. 27

Index ....................................................... 3 Operating instructions ........................... 34
Refuelling ............................................... 37
Introduction ........................................... 6 Winter operation .................................... 39
Engine system ......................................... 6
Protection of the environment ................. 6 Maintenance ........................................ 41
Assembly equipment ............................... 6 General notes ........................................ 41
Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts ................. 6 Service products .................................... 42
Modifying the engine output .................... 7 Cleaning and care .................................. 47
Safety/emergency running program ....... 7
Correct use .............................................. 7
Implied warranty ...................................... 7 Decommissioning ............................... 49
Stored data .............................................. 7 General notes ........................................ 49
Qualified specialist workshop .................. 8 Decommissioning for up to 6 months .... 49
Further applicable documents ................. 8 Decommissioning for longer than 6
months .................................................. 49

At a glance ............................................. 9
General information ................................. 9 Troubleshooting .................................. 50
Engine overview ..................................... 10 Important safety notes .......................... 50
Exhaust gas aftertreatment overview .... 12 Bleeding and draining the fuel system ... 51
Electronic engine management ............. 13 Electrical fuses ...................................... 52
Jump-starting ......................................... 53
BlueTec® exhaust gas aftertreatment .... 15
Troubleshooting ..................................... 54
Exhaust gas recirculation ....................... 15
Warning and indicator lamps ................. 15
Technical data ..................................... 61
Safety ................................................... 17 Identification plates ............................... 61
Data card ............................................... 61
Operating safety .................................... 17
Engine data ............................................ 62
Safety measures .................................... 17
Notes on electronic systems ................. 17
Staff qualifications ................................. 18
Organisational measures ....................... 18

Transport, installation ........................ 19

Transport ............................................... 19
Installation ............................................. 19

Operation ............................................. 21
Preparation for operation ...................... 21
Starting and stopping the engine ........... 23
Switching the continuous brake on
and off ................................................... 25
Idling speed ........................................... 25
Climate control ...................................... 26
Operational monitoring .......................... 26
Displays ................................................. 26
Index 3

A Correct use ............................................ 7

Corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze
AdBlue®/DEF agent .................................................... 43
Consumption ................................... 36
Gauge .............................................. 27 D
Important safety notes .................... 38
Refuelling ......................................... 38 Data card .............................................. 61
Service product ............................... 46 Data storage in the vehicle
ADM (FR (drive control) unit) ................ 9 Fault data ........................................... 7
Assembly equipment ............................ 6 DEF/AdBlue®
see AdBlue®/DEF service products
B Description of the engine ..................... 9
Battery (vehicle) Diagnostics connection ...................... 18
Jump starting ................................... 53
Bleeding the fuel system Fuels ................................................ 44
Bleeding the prefilter with a hand Low outside temperatures ............... 45
pump ............................................... 52 Refuelling ......................................... 37
Braking Diesel particle filter
Continuous brake ............................ 25 Automatic regeneration ................... 35
Engine brake .................................... 25 Blocking regeneration ...................... 35
Retarder ........................................... 25 Filter replacement ............................ 36
Buzzer ................................................... 37 Important safety notes .................... 35
Starting manual regeneration .......... 36
Dimensions .......................................... 62
Disposal of service products .............. 42
Capacities ............................................ 64 Driving mode
Care products ...................................... 47 Idling speed ..................................... 25
Charge current .................................... 26 Driving tips .......................................... 34
Checking the fluid level ...................... 21 Diesel particle filter .......................... 35
Checking the water level in the fuel
prefilter on the chassis frame E
Fuel prefilter .................................... 22
Electronic engine control
Cleaning and care
see Engine management
Engine cleaning ................................ 48
Electronic engine control unit ............ 26
High-pressure cleaning .................... 47
Emergency running program ................ 7
Notes on care .................................. 47
Consumption Engine
Capacities ........................................ 64
AdBlue®/DEF .................................. 36
Cleaning ........................................... 47
Fuel .................................................. 34
Data ................................................. 62
Oil (engine) ...................................... 36
Data card ......................................... 61
Continuous brake
Data plate ........................................ 61
Important safety notes .................... 25
Modifying the power output ............... 7
Oil consumption ............................... 36
Mixing ratio ...................................... 43
Operating data ................................. 63
Service product ............................... 43
Rectifying faults ............................... 54
Topping up ....................................... 22
Running-in period ............................. 34
Coolant additive .................................. 43
Starting ............................................ 23
4 Index

Stopping .......................................... 24 I
Engine brake ........................................ 25
Engine data .......................................... 62 Identification plate .............................. 61
Idling speed
Engine data card .................................. 61
Engine .............................................. 25
Engine description ................................ 9
Installation ........................................... 19
Engine idling speed ............................. 25
Engine management ........................... 13
Engine oil
Consumption ................................... 36 Jump-starting ....................................... 53
For winter operation ........................ 42
Mixing .............................................. 43 M
Oil change ........................................ 43
Topping up ....................................... 43
Engine overview .................................. 10 Notes ............................................... 41
Mercedes-Benz Service Centre
Engine speed ....................................... 26
see Qualified specialist workshop
Exhaust gas aftertreatment ............... 15
Exhaust gas aftertreatment identi-
fication plate ........................................ 61
Oil (engine)
F For winter operation ........................ 42
Oil change ........................................ 43
Scope of use .................................... 42
Additives .......................................... 45 Oil pressure ......................................... 26
Consumption ................................... 34
On-board diagnostic interface ........... 27
Diesel ............................................... 44
Operating data ..................................... 63
Refuelling ......................................... 37
Operating instructions
Fuel filter with water separator
General notes .................................... 8
draining ............................................ 52
Operating safety .................................. 17
Fuel grade ............................................ 45
Operating safety and registration
Fuel system
Changes in engine performance ........ 7
Automatic bleeding .......................... 51
Implied warranty ................................ 7
Manual bleeding .............................. 51
Fuses Operational monitoring ...................... 26
Checking and replacing a safety Organisational measures ................... 18
fuse .................................................. 53
Important safety notes .................... 52 P
Personnel ............................................. 18
G Poly-V-belt
Gauge Replacing ......................................... 58
AdBlue®/DEF .................................. 27 Routing ............................................ 58
Preparing for starting operation
Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts ............. 6
see Starting operation
Protection of the environment ............. 6
High-pressure cleaning ....................... 47 Q
Qualified specialist workshop .............. 8
Index 5

R Engine, general ................................ 15

Warning buzzer .................................... 37
Weights ................................................ 62
AdBlue®/DEF .................................. 38 Winter diesel ........................................ 45
Fuels ................................................ 37 Winter operation ................................. 39
Requirements of the personnel ......... 18
Rev counter .......................................... 26
Roadside Assistance ........................... 50
Running the vehicle in ........................ 34

Safety and emergency running pro-
gram ....................................................... 7
Safety precautions .............................. 17
Service products
AdBlue®/DEF .................................. 46
Coolant ............................................ 43
DEF/AdBlue® .................................. 46
Diesel fuel ........................................ 44
Disposal ........................................... 42
Disposing of AdBlue®/DEF .............. 47
Engine oil ......................................... 42
Fuel additives ................................... 45
General notes .................................. 42
Purity of AdBlue®/DEF .................... 47
Storing AdBlue®/DEF ...................... 47
Specialist workshop .............................. 8
see Starting (engine)
Starting (engine) .................................. 23
Stopping and switching off the
engine ................................................... 23

Technical data
Dimensions ...................................... 62
Filling capacities .............................. 64
Operating data ................................. 63
Weights ............................................ 62
Tightening torques .............................. 65
Transport .............................................. 19

Warning and indicator lamps
Electronics ....................................... 27
6 Introduction

Engine system Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts

In these Operating Instructions, the term H Environmental note

"engine system" refers to the combination of the
engine and exhaust gas aftertreatment unit. The Daimler AG also supplies reconditioned
engine and the emission control system are assemblies and parts which are of the same
parts that require certification. The engine sys- quality as new parts. For these, the same war-
tem is certified as one unit with the engine and ranty applies as for new parts.
exhaust gas aftertreatment unit assemblies as
well as the AdBlue® supply system. If you use parts which have not been approved
by Mercedes-Benz, the operational safety of the
engine system may be jeopardised. This could
Protection of the environment lead to malfunctions in safety-relevant systems.
Use only genuine Mercedes-Benz parts or parts
of equal quality. Only use parts that have been
H Environmental note approved for your engine type.
Daimler AG has a declared policy of compre- Mercedes-Benz checks genuine Mercedes-Benz
hensive environmental protection. parts for:
The objectives are to use the natural resour- RReliability
ces which form the basis of our existence on RSafety
this planet sparingly and in a manner which RSuitability
takes the requirements of both nature and Despite ongoing market research, Mercedes-
humanity into account. Benz is unable to assess other parts. Mercedes-
Benz therefore accepts no responsibility for the
You too can help to protect the environment
use of such parts in Mercedes-Benz vehicles,
by operating your vehicle in an environmen- even if they have been officially approved or
tally responsible manner. independently approved by a testing centre.
In Germany, certain parts are only officially
Information and notes on driving in an environ- approved for installation or modification if they
mentally responsible and fuel-saving manner comply with legal requirements. This also
can be found in the "Operating notes" section applies to some other countries. All genuine
(Y page 34). Mercedes-Benz parts meet the approval
requirements. The use of non-approved parts
may invalidate the vehicle's general operating
Assembly equipment permit.
This is the case if:
These Operating Instructions describe all mod- Rthey result in a change to the vehicle type
els and all standard and optional equipment from that for which the vehicle's general oper-
available for your engine system at the time of ating permit was granted
publication of the Operating Instructions. Coun-
Rthey pose a possible risk for road users
try-specific deviations are possible. Note that
your engine system may not be fitted with all Rthey adversely affect the emission or noise
features described. This also applies to safety- levels
relevant systems and functions. Therefore, the Always specify the assembly system ID number
equipment on your engine system may differ (AGS ID), the engine number and the number of
from certain descriptions and illustrations. the exhaust gas aftertreatment unit when order-
All of the components in your engine system are ing genuine Mercedes-Benz parts. You can also
listed in the data card of your engine system. find these numbers on the data card
Data card (Y page 61). (Y page 61).
If you have any questions relating to vehicle
equipment or operation, please consult any
Mercedes-Benz Service Centre (Y page 8).
Introduction 7

Modifying the engine output Correct use of the engine system also requires
adherence to the instructions in these Operat-
ing Instructions. This also requires compliance
Increased power could: with the maintenance intervals and the profes-
Rchange emission levels sional execution of maintenance work. Please
Rcause malfunctions observe the Workshop Information System
Rlead to consequential damage
(WIS) (Y page 8).
The operating safety of the engine cannot be
guaranteed in all situations.
Implied warranty
Any tampering with the engine management
system in order to increase the engine power
output will lead to a loss of warranty entitle- Observe the notes in these operating
ments. instructions on correct operation of your
assembly as well as on any possible damage
to the assemblies. Any damage to your
assembly which arises due to culpable
Safety/emergency running program breaches of these notes, is not covered by the
implied warranty.
The engine is equipped with an electronic
engine management system that monitors the
engine and the exhaust gas aftertreatment unit Stored data
and has a self-diagnostic system.
If the electronic control system detects a mal- Several of the electronic components in your
function, one of the following measures is auto- engine system contain data memories.
matically implemented after an appraisal of the
malfunction: These data memories temporarily or perma-
nently store technical information about:
Rfaults during operation are indicated by the
Rthe engine system state
corresponding warning lamp (Y page 27).
Rin conjunction with the electronic engine Revents
management system, fault codes with addi- Rmalfunctions
tional information can be shown on a display. In general, this technical information docu-
Rthe system switches to a suitable backup ments the state of a component, a module, a
function for the continued, albeit restricted, system or the surroundings.
operation of the engine. This includes torque This includes, for example:
and engine speed limitation, for example, as Roperating conditions of system components.
well as road speed limitation or constant For example, fluid levels
emergency running speed.
Rthe vehicle's status messages and those of its
individual components, e.g. speed, decelera-
tion in movement, accelerator position
Correct use Rmalfunctions and defects in important system
The engine system may only be installed as con- Rthe vehicle's reactions and operating sta-
tractually specified. tuses in special driving situations
The manufacturer of the end product is respon- Rambient conditions, e.g. outside temperature
sible for the correct installation of the engine
and the exhaust gas aftertreatment system in This data is exclusively technical in nature and
the overall system. can be used to:
The engine and the exhaust gas aftertreatment Rassist in the detection and rectification of
system may not be modified. In the event of faults and defects
modification, Mercedes-Benz does not accept Ranalyse vehicle functions, e.g. after an acci-
responsibility for any damage arising as a result. dent
8 Introduction

The data cannot be used to trace the vehicle's Further applicable documents
When you use one of the available services, These operating instructions describe all mod-
technical information may be read from the els and all standard and optional equipment
event data memory and fault data memory. available for your engine system within the
Services include, for example: scope of delivery of Daimler AG. The installation
Rrepair services of the engine system into the vehicle may
Rservice processes
require additional operating instructions adap-
ted to the vehicle and the appropriate use
Rimplied warranty and guarantee cases thereof. These additional operating instructions
Rquality assurance will be provided by the vehicle manufacturer
The information is read out by employees of the (manufacturer of the end product). The addi-
service network (including manufacturers) tional operating instructions will describe, in
using special diagnostic testers. Further infor- particular, the functions specific to the installa-
mation is available there if required. tion and operation, the use of such functions as
After a fault has been rectified, the information well as warning and control mechanisms.
is deleted from the fault memory or is continu- To use the engine correctly, you also require the
ally overwritten. Maintenance Booklet.
Always keep these documents together with the
engine/vehicle. These documents should be
Qualified specialist workshop passed on to the new owner if you sell the
When carrying out maintenance work, you
Only have work carried out on the engine
require access to the Workshop Information
electronics and its associated parts, such as
control units, sensors, actuating components System (WIS) via the Internet. This access is
and connector leads, at a qualified specialist subject to a fee.
workshop. Vehicle components may other- Current information on the system and prices
wise wear more quickly and the vehicle's can be found at this web address: http://
operating permit may be invalidated. Click on
"EPC, WIS/ASRA" in the "Service and parts
A qualified specialist workshop has the neces- information" tab and then on "WIS".
sary specialist knowledge, tools and qualifica-
You can log in by clicking on "Register" on the
tions to carry out the work required on the
engine to a professional standard. This is par- right-hand side.
ticularly applicable to work relevant to safety.
Observe the notes in the Maintenance Booklet.
Always have the following maintenance work
carried out at a qualified specialist workshop:
Rwork relevant to safety
Rservice and maintenance work
Rrepair work
Rmodifications as well as installations and con-
Rwork on electronic components
Mercedes-Benz recommends you visit a
Mercedes-Benz Service Centre, (see addresses
in the publication details on the inside of the
back cover).
General information 9

General information The engine brake is a decompression brake. It

has a controlled exhaust valve which gives it
high braking power. The engine brake is con-
The engine is a four-stroke, water-cooled diesel
trollable in steps or modulated.

At a glance
engine with direct injection.
The cylinder liners with long-term cylinder
The engine is equipped with a common rail die- socket below in the crankcase lend the engine
sel injection system, cooled and regulated its compact design.
exhaust gas recirculation and exhaust gas tur-
bocharging with charge-air pressure control. There is a water separator integrated into the
fuel filter housing.
Turbocharging is by means of single-stage
exhaust turbocharging.
The valve gear has two camshafts at the top,
which are driven via a gearwheel drive. Common rail diesel injection system
The engine features a single-piece cylinder The engine features a diesel injection system
head. In the cylinder head there are two inlet that uses the Amplified Pressure Common Rail
valves and two exhaust valves per cylinder. The System (APCRS). This minimises the fuel quan-
valves are arranged symmetrically. The sym- tity required for combustion. The advantage of
metrical valve arrangement is optimal for com- this system is that the pressure in the rail and
bustion. the high-pressure lines is relatively low. The fuel
The exhaust gas aftertreatment unit is charac- pressure is increased as required in a second
terised by the following technologies: stage inside the injector by a pressure trans-
ducer. This has a particularly positive effect on
Rthe diesel particle filter (DPF)
material strain and thus on component durabil-
Rdiesel oxidation catalytic converter (DOC) ity.
Rselective catalytic reduction (SCR) with
ammonia slip catalytic converter
10 Engine overview

Engine overview
At a glance

OM 471 engine overview

: Rail
; Oil filter
= Fuel filter
? Fuel hand pump
A High-pressure fuel pump
B Diesel fuel metering unit for active regeneration of diesel particle filter (DPF)
C Power-steering pump
D External engine start/engine stop button
E Air compressor
F Drain plug for water separator
G Dipstick
H Oil pan
I Coolant thermostat
J Charge-air pipe (cold)
K Coolant pump
Engine overview 11

At a glance
OM 471 engine overview
: Exhaust gas recirculation cooler
; Exhaust gas recirculation pipe (cold)
= Charge-air pipe (hot)
? Refrigerant compressor
A Belt tensioner for poly-V-belt
B Alternator
C Fan clutch
D Fan
E Fresh air intake from air filter
F Crankcase ventilation system
G Starter motor
H Exhaust gas turbocharger
I Exhaust pipe to exhaust gas aftertreatment unit
J Nozzle unit for regeneration (DPF)
12 Exhaust gas aftertreatment overview

Exhaust gas aftertreatment overview

At a glance

: Exhaust gas pressure sensor upstream of the diesel oxidation catalytic converter
; Exhaust gas temperature sensors downstream of the diesel oxidation catalytic converter (top,
= Cover for diesel particle filter access (maintenance)
? Exhaust gas outlet
A Exhaust gas temperature sensor upstream of the diesel oxidation catalytic converter
B NOx sensor on exhaust gas aftertreatment unit inlet
Electronic engine management 13

At a glance
: Mounting bracket
; Mounting bracket
= Control unit for NOx sensor on exhaust gas aftertreatment unit inlet
? Exhaust gas aftertreatment control unit (ACM)
A Exhaust gas temperature sensor downstream of the SCR catalytic converter
B NOx sensor on exhaust gas aftertreatment unit outlet
C Control unit for NOx sensor at exhaust gas aftertreatment unit outlet
D Exhaust gas aftertreatment unit inlet
E Exhaust gas temperature sensor downstream of the diesel particle filter
F Exhaust pressure sensor after diesel particle filter
G AdBlue® or DEF metering unit

Electronic engine management The control units are connected in an electronic

network. Data is exchanged via CAN (Controller
Area Network).
The engine system is equipped with an elec-
tronic engine management system which com- In addition to the engine, the exhaust gas after-
prises the following control units: treatment and the vehicle-side connection, the
electronic engine management system also
REngine management control module (MCM) monitors itself.
RDrive control system unit (CPC) Depending on the malfunctions or failures which
RExhaust gas aftertreatment control unit occur, warning and indicator lamps are activa-
(ACM) ted (Y page 15). The malfunction is stored in
the fault memory and if necessary a safety and
14 Electronic engine management

emergency mode is automatically selected In optional fan regulation, the solenoid valve
(Y page 26). If the electronic engine manage- on the fan clutch is activated according to
ment control detects a fault, the fault code is coolant temperature.
stored in the control units. It can then be read by
At a glance

RInstrument cluster display

a qualified specialist workshop (Y page 8) using For the displays in the instrument cluster, the
a diagnostic tester. engine management control module (MCM)
detects the following:
REngine oil level
Engine management control module REngine oil temperature
(MCM) ROil pressure
The engine management control module (MCM) RCoolant temperature
is located on the side of the engine. It acts as an REngine speed
interface between the electric and electronic
components on the engine and the drive control
system unit (CPC) on the vehicle.
Drive control system unit (CPC)
The engine management control module (MCM)
has many functions: The drive control system unit (CPC) is installed
RInjection control of the common rail diesel in a protected location in the vehicle by the vehi-
injection system cle manufacturer. It acts as an interface
between the electric and electronic compo-
The engine management control module nents on the vehicle and the engine manage-
(MCM) calculates the optimum start and ment control module (MCM) on the engine.
quantity of injection, taking the torque
demand from the drive control system unit The drive control system unit (CPC) has many
(CPC) into account. functions:
All of the data required for this, e.g. power RCalculation of torque demand
output or data which serves to protect the The drive control system unit (CPC) registers
engine, is stored in the engine management the driver's requirements. For example, the
control module (MCM). position of the accelerator is detected by the
RRegulation of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) drive control system unit (CPC). A torque
The ratio between the mass of recirculated requirement is calculated from that and sent
exhaust gas and the fresh air mass is pre- to the engine management control module
cisely regulated over the entire engine speed (MCM) via the CAN connection.
range. In doing so, information and limitations from
RCharge-air pressure control optionally connected control units such as
RControl of the active regeneration of the die-
the gearbox control, retarder control, ABS
and ASR are taken into account.
sel particle filter (DPF)
ROutput of displays and indicator signals which
During the active regeneration phase of the are displayed in the instrument cluster
diesel particle filter (DPF), the engine man-
RMonitoring of coolant level, charge current
agement control module (MCM) controls the
metering unit. This ensures that the diesel and air filter, for example
fuel is intentionally injected into the hot RLegal speed limitation
exhaust gas flow via an injector. REvaluation of start request
In the subsequent reaction in the exhaust gas The engine starting process is initiated once a
aftertreatment unit, a great deal of heat is corresponding start request is present (igni-
generated. The deposited soot is burned to tion lock or external engine start/engine stop
ash in the diesel particle filter (DPF). button).
RControl of the engine brake
The engine management control module
(MCM) controls the engine brake as required
by the drive control system unit (CPC).
RFan regulation
Warning and indicator lamps 15

Exhaust gas aftertreatment control Daimler invalidates the engine's operation cer-
unit (ACM) tification/approval.

The exhaust gas aftertreatment control module

At a glance
(ACM) is secured to the exhaust gas aftertreat- Exhaust gas recirculation
ment unit with a bracket or is secured to the
vehicle in a protected location. It regulates and
controls the exhaust gas aftertreatment system. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) serves primarily
to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide prior to
Functions of the exhaust gas aftertreatment exhaust gas aftertreatment. This serves to com-
control module (ACM): ply with emissions limits.
REvaluation of sensor signals Exhaust gas is added to the fresh air being
The sensor signals of the directly connected drawn in or charged so that the concentration of
sensors are evaluated. Data provided via the oxygen in the combustion mixture is reduced.
CAN by the engine management control mod- Combustion deteriorates if the concentration of
ule (MCM) and the control units for the NOx exhaust gas in the combustion mixture is too
sensors is also evaluated. high.
RAdBlue®/DEF injection The emission of soot particles, carbon monoxide
Calculation of the required amount of (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) increases.
AdBlue®/DEF and supply of AdBlue®/DEF by Conversely, the emission of nitrogen oxides
actuation of the SCR delivery pump. (NOx) would increase if the concentration of
fresh or charged air were too high.
Injection by actuation of the AdBlue®/DEF
metering unit.
RMonitoring and control of the regeneration of
the diesel particle filter (DPF) Warning and indicator lamps
The diesel particle filter (DPF) is subject to per- Important safety notes
manent monitoring of the load. If necessary,
active regeneration is initiated. If you ignore warning and indicator lamps, you
will not be able to recognise failures and mal-
functions in components or systems. Driving/
braking characteristics may be different and the
BlueTec® exhaust gas aftertreatment operating and road safety of your vehicle may be
limited. Have the affected system checked and
The exhaust gas aftertreatment system is acti- repaired at a qualified specialist workshop.
vated immediately after the engine is started Always observe the warning and indicator lamps
and remains activated during engine operation. and follow the corresponding corrective actions
It ensures that the pollutant emissions in the (Y page 27).
exhaust gas are reduced to the limits stipulated
in the emissions standard.
Exhaust gas treatment is carried out by: Overview
Rselective catalytic reduction (SCR) with
ammonia slip catalytic converter The display format for indicator and warning
lights is vehicle-specific. When doing so, also
Rdiesel oxidation catalytic converter (DOC)
observe the notes in the vehicle operating
Rthe diesel particle filter (DPF) instructions. The symbols listed below are
In order to ensure correct operation of the examples and may differ from those symbols
exhaust gas aftertreatment system, only oper- displayed in the vehicle.
ate the engine/vehicle with the AdBlue® reduc- In the event of a fault or warning, a warning lamp
ing agent. AdBlue®/DEF is not refilled as part of or indicator lamp lights up automatically.
the maintenance work. You should therefore top Depending on the priority of the fault or warning,
up the AdBlue®/DEF tank regularly. the warning and indicator lamps light up in dif-
Operating the vehicle without AdBlue® or with ferent combinations.
another medium that has not been approved by
16 Warning and indicator lamps

During the display check, the indicator lamps Indicator Description

are briefly actuated after the ignition is switched lamp
At a glance

The following warning and indicator lamps may é Cruise control

be available on the instrument panel: (optional)
Indicator Description È Speed limiter
lamp (optional)
red Engine stop I Power take-off engaged
Ù Engine system malfunction
; Engine diagnostics MIL
· Emissions-relevant malfunc-
tion of the exhaust gas after-
treatment system or
AdBlue®/DEF supply

(lit con- Torque operating restriction


(flash- Vehicle speed operating

ing) restriction

 Diesel particle filter malfunc-

É Diesel particle filter regenera-
Ê Diesel particle filter regenera-
tion block
# Charge current
Ø AdBlue®/DEF reserve level
5 Oil pressure too low (engine)
4 (lit Engine oil level low
4 (flash- Engine oil level too low
, Coolant level too low
? Coolant temperature too high
à Continuous brake active
Notes on electronic systems 17

Operating safety rectly) can cause irreparable damage to the

control units.
RTighten diesel injection system connec-
G WARNING tions to the prescribed tightening torque.
If you do not have the prescribed service/
RWhen drying paintwork, do not exceed a
maintenance work or necessary repairs car- temperature of 80 † (e.g. in the drying

ried out, this could result in malfunctions or oven) as this can cause damage to the
system failures. There is a risk of an accident. engine control unit.
Always have the prescribed service/mainte- ROnly use the appropriate testing probes
nance work as well as necessary repairs car- when taking measurements from electrical
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop. connectors (e.g. a Mercedes-Benz connec-
tion set). Telephones and two-way radio
The operating safety of an engine system devices that are not connected to an exter-
depends on its professional installation in the nal aerial can cause malfunctions in the
overall system (vehicle). As the driver, you also electronics and thus endanger the operat-
affect the safe operation of the engine. ing safety of the engine.
Through compliance with the prescribed main-
tenance intervals, you fulfil part of the require-
ments for safe operation of the engine. Warning stickers
However, safe operation of the engine also If you remove any warning stickers, you or oth-
depends upon its proper use and care. This ers could fail to recognise certain dangers.
includes, for example, regularly checking the oil Various warning stickers are attached to the
level. engine system. Their purpose is to make you and
others aware of various risks.

Safety measures
Notes on electronic systems
Damage to the engine can also lead to personal
injury. In order to avoid engine damage, the fol- Important safety notes
lowing safety precautions must be adhered to.
ROnly start the engine with the batteries
firmly connected. Modifications to electronic components, their
RDo not disconnect the batteries when the software as well as wiring could affect their
engine is running. function and/or the operation of other net-
RDo not use a super charger to start the worked components. This could in particular
engine. also be the case for systems relevant to
RCarry out jump-starting with separate bat- safety. They might not function properly any-
teries only. more and/or jeopardise the operational
RTake note that the battery cable terminals safety of the vehicle. There is an increased
must be removed before super charging risk of an accident and injury.
the batteries.
Do not attempt to modify the wiring as well as
RPlease note that the "+" and "-" terminals on electronic components or their software.
the batteries must be disconnected when Always have work on electrical and electronic
carrying out electric welding work.
components carried out at a qualified special-
RThe control unit connectors may only be
ist workshop.
connected/disconnected when the electri-
cal system is switched off.
The general operating permit for your vehicle
RIncorrect control unit-power supply polarity could be rendered invalid If you carry out mod-
(e.g. by connecting up the batteries incor- ifications to electronic components, their soft-
ware or wiring.
18 Organisational measures

Electromagnetic compatibility carrying out maintenance and repair work must

be observed.
The electromagnetic compatibility of the engine
system's components has been checked and i Further measures may be required for per-
certified according to the currently valid version sonnel, depending on national regulations.
of Directive ECE-R 10. Comply with the relevant applicable regula-
tions in your country.

Diagnostics connection
Organisational measures
The diagnostics connection is used for connect-
ing diagnostic equipment at a qualified special- The operator must determine the responsibili-
ist workshop. ties for operation, maintenance and repairs.
G WARNING Give the Operating Instructions and the Main-
tenance Booklet to the personnel that are
If you connect equipment to a diagnostics charged with operating or carrying out work on
connection in the vehicle, it may affect the the engine.
operation of vehicle systems. As a result, the Instruct personnel on how to operate the engine
operating safety of the vehicle could be affec- using the Operating Instructions. When doing
ted. There is a risk of an accident. so, put special emphasis on safety-relevant
information. This is particularly important for
Only connect equipment to a diagnostics con-
personnel that only work occasionally on the
nection in the vehicle, which is approved for engine.
your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz. Always keep the Operating Instructions and the
Maintenance Booklet readily accessible, in the
If the engine is switched off and devices con- area of engine operation.
nected to the diagnostics connection are being
used, the starter battery can become dis- In addition to the Operating Instructions, other
charged. general, country-specific, legal and other bind-
ing regulations on accident prevention and envi-
Connecting devices to the diagnostics connec- ronmental protection must be adhered to.
tion can, for example, cause the emissions mon-
itoring information to be reset. As a result, there Please also observe the information in the addi-
is a possibility that the vehicle will not fulfil the tional operating instructions. These will be pro-
requirements of the next legally prescribed vided by the vehicle manufacturer.
emissions test.

Staff qualifications

If you do not have the prescribed service/
maintenance work or necessary repairs car-
ried out, this could result in malfunctions or
system failures. There is a risk of an accident.
Always have the prescribed service/mainte-
nance work as well as necessary repairs car-
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine should only be operated, maintained

and repaired by trained personnel who have
been briefed and authorised by the operator.
The prescribed minimum legal age for personnel
Installation 19


If you do not lift the engine as described, the
lugs intended for the purpose may be torn out
or snap. This may be the case especially if the
maximum permissible lug load is exceeded.
The engine could then drop uncontrolled,

Transport, installation
causing serious or even fatal injury.
Always make sure that:
Rthe engine is only lifted at the intended lift-
Example: using a cross member
ing points/lifting lugs. The engine may only be lifted using a cross
member with the chain/rope at 90° relative to
Rthe engine is only lifted and transported in
the horizontal engine.
the fitting position.
Rropes/chains are always routed vertically.
Ronly parts which are typically in the original
scope of delivery are attached to the

If you lift the engine at unsuitable points and/
or using unsuitable lifting gear, it may:
Rwork loose and fall off
Rswing uncontrollably as a result of a change : Example: belt-side lifting point
in the centre of gravity.
There is a risk of injury.
Lift the engine only at the lifting points provi-
ded using suitable lifting gear. Make sure that
there is nobody in the danger zone when rais-
ing and lowering the engine.

The engines are by default delivered filled

with oil. If the engine is transported at an
angle or on its side, oil could leak out. Only
transport the engine in the installation posi-
tion. ; Example: flywheel-side lifting point
Do not step on the engine or the exhaust gas
aftertreatment system. They may otherwise
become damaged. Installation

The engine system may only be installed as con-

tractually specified.
Observe the sections "Correct use" (Y page 7)
and "Modifying the engine output" (Y page 7).
Daimler AG provides the vehicle manufacturer
with comprehensive material, e.g. the installa-
20 Installation

tion guideline, for initial installation. The vehicle

manufacturer must take this into account. If the
engine is fitted after repair work, for example,
the information in the Workshop Information
System (WIS) must be taken into account
(Y page 8).
Observe the sections "Qualified specialist work-
shop" (Y page 8) and "Further applicable docu-
ments" (Y page 8).
Transport, installation

Please consult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre

if you have any questions (Y page 8).
Preparation for operation 21

Preparation for operation X Switch the ignition lock to the drive position.
X Wait for at least five minutes after switching
Engine with initial operation oil from off the engine.
the factory
i The current oil level information can only be
The engine is filled at the factory with an initial called up when the vehicle is stationary and at
operation oil. least 5 minutes after the engine was switched
These high-quality engine oils are beneficial to off. Then switch on the ignition and wait for
the running-in process. They also allow you to the lamp failure indicator.
make the first oil change in accordance with the
applicable oil change intervals. This eliminates To measure the oil level, the vehicle or
the need for special break-in oils and the addi- device must be on a level surface. If the oil
level is measured while the vehicle is on a

tional oil change otherwise required.
slope, false readings will be displayed
If the oil level is low, the 4 oil level low indi-
Checking the engine oil level cator lamp lights up
If the oil level is too low and the engine should
The engine is equipped with an electronic oil not be started, the 4 oil level too low indi-
level detection system. cator lamp flashes
If the engine is also equipped with a dipstick, X If necessary, use filler neck : to top up the
this is subsidiary to the electronic oil level meas- oil.
urement system.
Only use engine oil which has been approved for
the engine and which meets the specified SAE
Electronic oil level measurement – sys- classification (Y page 42).
tem description
The engine oil level sensor is installed in the oil Oil level messages via indicator lamp
pan for oil level measurement. The electrical
signals are detected in the engine management If the oil level is low the 4 indicator lamp
control module (MCM) and transmitted to the lights up. The oil level is low. Add oil. Use the
drive control system control unit (CPC). dipstick to determine the quantity to be added.
Output can be displayed by indicator lamps or i The missing amount should be refilled
on a matrix display when the engine is not run- immediately. If the engine oil level is too low,
ning and the ignition is switched on. the 4 indicator lamp flashes and the warn-
The engine oil level is not displayed while the ing buzzer sounds. The oil level is too low; do
engine is running. not start the engine and refill oil immediately.
Use the dipstick to determine the quantity to
be added.
Checking the oil level electronically
The oil level must be corrected immediately;
Do not add too much oil. If you add too much there is a risk of engine failure.
oil, the engine or the exhaust aftertreatment
unit could be damaged. Drain or siphon off
any excess oil. Oil level messages via matrix display
Check the engine oil level on a regular basis, e.g. The display of oil level messages is determined
daily before driving or each time you refuel. by the vehicle manufacturer. Please observe the
Please also observe the information in the oper- information in the operating instructions provi-
ating instructions provided by the vehicle man- ded by the vehicle manufacturer.
ufacturer. If the engine oil level is low, refill the quantity of
X Park the vehicle on a level surface.
missing oil shown in the display.
X Apply the parking brake.
If the engine oil level is too low, do not start the
engine and refill the quantity of missing oil
X Stopping the engine
shown in the display.
22 Preparation for operation

The oil level must be corrected immediately; Checking the decoupling element
there is a risk of engine failure.

Checking the oil level with the dipstick

Do not add too much oil. If you add too much
oil, the engine or the exhaust aftertreatment
unit could be damaged. Drain or siphon off
any excess oil.
Check the engine oil level on a regular basis, e.g.
before each journey or each time you refuel.
X Park the vehicle on a level surface.

X Apply the parking brake.

X Switch off the engine. Example: decoupling element between the engine
X Wait for approximately 5 minutes. and exhaust pipe
X Check the decoupling element of exhaust sys-
tem : for visible damage, such as cracks.
The decoupling element is a wear part and
must be checked regularly.
The decoupling element must be replaced
immediately if there is evidence of damage
and/or leaks. Traces of soot on the decou-
pling element signify leakage.
Have all faults and damage rectified. If neces-
sary, have the causes determined and rectified
at a qualified specialist workshop.

Checking the coolant level

X Check the coolant level as per the vehicle
operating instructions.
X Fill the cooling system if necessary. Only use
X Check the engine oil level with dipstick ;. coolant that has been approved for the engine
The oil level should be between the upper and (Y page 43).
lower marks on dipstick ;.
X If necessary, use filler neck : to top up the
oil. Checking the fuel level
Only use engine oil which has been approved for For checking the fuel level on the fuel gauge, see
the engine and which meets the specified SAE the vehicle operating instructions. Refuel if nec-
classification (Y page 42). essary (Y page 44).

Checking the water level in the fuel

prefilter on the chassis frame
H Environmental note
Dispose of the water-fuel mixture in an envi-
ronmentally responsible manner.
Starting and stopping the engine 23

these exhaust gases leads to poisoning. There

is a risk of fatal injury. Therefore never leave
the engine running in enclosed spaces with-
out sufficient ventilation.

If the oil pressure in the engine is too low, a

warning light lights up on the instrument
panel. The warning buzzer also sounds.
The operating safety of the engine is jeopar-
dised. Switch off the engine immediately.
Do not pull away as soon as the engine

Example: fuel prefilter on the chassis frame starts. Let the engine run in neutral for a short
time after starting, until there is sufficient
Function Page
engine oil pressure. Do not drive at high
1 Fuel prefilter engine speeds when the engine is cold.
This will prevent excessive wear and possible
2 Drain plug engine failure.
3 Inspection window Warm up the engine quickly by driving at mod-
erate engine speeds. Depending on the outside
4 Manual fuel pump temperature, the engine will reach its operating
5 Bleed screw temperature after approximately 10 to
20 minutes (Y page 63).
You can utilise the full engine power output once
If water has collected in inspection window =, the engine has reached its normal operating
drain fuel prefilter : on the chassis frame. temperature.
Drain fuel prefilter : on the chassis frame when The display format for indicator and warning
necessary; if there is a danger of frost, do this on lights is vehicle-specific. Please also observe
a regular basis. the information in the additional operating
Draining the fuel prefilter on the chassis frame instructions. These vehicle-specific operating
RPlace a collecting pan under drain plug ; instructions are provided by the vehicle manu-
RTurn drain plug ; open
X Start the engine using the key in the ignition
RPress manual fuel pump ? and collect the
lock or the external engine start/engine stop
fuel/water mixture button on the engine. Do not depress the
RTurn drain plug ; closed accelerator or clutch pedal while doing so.
For additional safety, the electronic engine man-
agement system is equipped with a function that
AdBlue®/Checking DEF supply only allows the engine to be started when the
transmission is in neutral (vehicle-specific).
For checking the AdBlue®/DEF supply on the
AdBlue®/DEF gauge, see the vehicle operating
instructions. Refuel if necessary (Y page 38). Starting the engine with the key
After starting, let the engine run at idling
speed until the oil pressure is displayed.
Starting and stopping the engine Switch the engine off after about five seconds
if no oil pressure is displayed. Find the cause.
Starting the engine The operating safety of the engine is in dan-
Combustion engines emit poisonous exhaust
gases such as carbon monoxide. Inhaling
24 Starting and stopping the engine

Stopping the engine

When switching off the equipment or parking
the vehicle, make sure that the exhaust sys-
tem does not come into contact with com-
bustible objects, e.g. dry leaves, grass or
other highly flammable materials.

If you switch off the ignition while the vehicle

Example: ignition lock

is in motion, safety-relevant functions are
g To insert/remove the vehicle key
restricted or not available. This can affect the
1 Steering wheel unlocked/radio position
power steering function and the brake boost-
2 Drive position (ignition)
ing effect, for example. You will then require
3 Start position
considerably more force to steer and brake.
X Secure the vehicle against rolling away. There is a risk of an accident.
X Deactivate power take-off.
Do not switch off the ignition while the vehicle
X Shift into neutral.
is in motion.
X To start the engine: turn the key in the igni-
tion lock to drive position 2. Stop the engine immediately, paying atten-
X Turn the key to start position 3 in the ignition tion to the road and traffic conditions if:
lock. Do not depress the accelerator pedal Rthe oil pressure falls or fluctuates signifi-
whilst doing so. cantly.
X When the engine has started, release the key. Rthe power output or engine speed decrea-
The idling speed is controlled automatically. ses and the position of the position sensor
i The engine idling speed is raised at very low (accelerator) remains constant.
outside temperatures. Rheavy smoke is emitted from the exhaust.
X If the engine does not start immediately: Rthe coolant or engine oil temperature rises
interrupt the starting procedure after no more steeply.
than 30 seconds. Rabnormal noises suddenly come from the
X Turn the key in the ignition lock back to the engine or exhaust gas turbocharger.
stop at key position g. X Stop the vehicle.
X Repeat the starting procedure after a waiting
X Secure the vehicle against rolling away.
period of approximately 1 minute.
X Shift into neutral.
X After three starting attempts, wait approx-
imately three minutes before trying again. Let the engine idle for approximately two
X If the engine fails to start: rectify the cause of minutes before switching off the engine if:
the poor starting characteristics Rthe vehicle has been driven for a prolonged
(Y page 54). period in retarder mode
X Observe the oil pressure gauge immediately Rthe coolant temperature is very high (over
after having started the engine. 100 †)
Rthe full engine power has been used, e.g.
Starting the engine with the external while driving in mountainous terrain or during
engine start/engine stop button combined operation
X To switch off the engine: turn the vehicle
X To start the engine with the external key in the ignition lock back to the stop at
engine start/engine stop button: position u.
(Y page 50).
Idling speed 25

i When the engine is switched off, the system If the continuous brake is deactivated and
may continue to run for a short while. Depend- the à indicator lamp in the instrument
ing on the installation position, operating cluster does not go out, have the continuous
state and ambient temperature, circulation of brake checked at a qualified specialist work-
AdBlue®/DEF is necessary for ensuring cool- shop.
ing. To do this the AdBlue®/DEF delivery
pump is actuated during this period.
Engine brake
Switching off the engine with the exter- The effectiveness of the engine brake depends
nal engine start/engine stop button on the engine speed. A high engine speed
X Switch off the engine with the external results in more effective engine braking.

engine start/engine stop button: Note the effective engine braking range marked
(Y page 50). on the rev counter (Y page 26).
The maximum permissible engine speed may be
restricted, depending on the vehicle application.
Switching the continuous brake on Observe the vehicle operating instructions.
and off At very low outside temperatures, the engine
brake has limited or no effect after the engine
has been started.
G WARNING Operation of the engine brake (see the vehicle
If you activate the continuous brake or shift to operating instructions).
a lower gear on a slippery road surface in
order to increase the engine's braking effect,
the drive wheels may lose traction. There is an Retarder
increased risk of skidding and an accident. Operation of the retarder; see the vehicle oper-
Do not activate the continuous brake and do ating instructions.
not shift to a lower gear in order to increase
the engine's braking effect on a slippery road
surface. Idling speed

The engine brake and retarder are used as a After the engine has been started, idling speed
continuous brake. is regulated automatically. The engine idling
You can utilise the engine's braking effect, par- speed may differ in certain operating conditions
ticularly on long downhill gradients if you: depending on the engine or on vehicles with
Ractivate the continuous brake
power take-off.
Rshift to a lower gear in good time
You can set the idling speed to between approx-
imately 500 and 800 rpm.
Slowly depress the brake pedal if the engine's
braking effect is insufficient when driving down- The engine idling speed is raised at very low
hill. outside temperatures.
Vehicles without a retarder are equipped with You can set the speed to the working speed via
only two brake stages. the electronic engine management system. This
makes it possible to drive auxiliary equipment
Operation of the continuous brake (see the vehi- such as pumps at their working speed. For set-
cle operating instructions). ting the working speed, see the vehicle operat-
The à indicator lamp in the instrument clus- ing instructions.
ter is lit when the continuous brake is active.
When ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) inter-
venes, the continuous brake is switched off. The
à indicator lamp in the instrument cluster
remains on.
26 Displays

Climate control Oil pressure

Air-conditioning system If the 1 indicator lamp does not go out or if it
lights up when the engine is running, switch off
Turn on the air-conditioning system at least the engine. Searching for and eliminating the
once a month for approximately ten minutes. cause of the malfunction (Y page 54).
The refrigerant compressor may otherwise be
H Environmental note Operating restrictions
Only switch on the air-conditioning system The electronic engine management system
when necessary. Fuel consumption increases monitors:

when the air-conditioning system is switched Remissions-relevant malfunctions in the

on. exhaust gas aftertreatment
Rmalfunctions in the electronic monitoring of
The air-conditioning system can only be oper- the exhaust gas aftertreatment system
ated when the engine is running. Operation of Rconsumption, level and quality of the
the air-conditioning system (see the vehicle's AdBlue®/DEF reducing agent
Operating Instructions).
Rthe efficiency of the catalytic converter in
accordance with the permitted thresholds for
nitric oxide emissions (NOx)
Operational monitoring Operating restrictions in the form of torque
Charge current reduction and thus output and speed limitation
may occur.
The charge current indicator lamp must go out
after the engine has started.
If the # indicator lamp does not go off or Displays
lights up when the engine is running, switch off
the engine. Searching for and eliminating the Rev counter
cause of the malfunction (Y page 54).
If you exceed the maximum permissible
engine speed, the warning tone sounds.
Electronic engine management You should not drive and change gear by the
sound of the engine, but according to the
The indicator and warning lamps must go out engine speed shown in the rev counter.
after the engine has started. Avoid driving in the red overrevving range.
If an indicator lamp or warning lamp does not go This could lead to engine damage.
out, or if it lights up while the engine is running, The engine speed display is the responsibility of
there is a malfunction in the electronic engine the vehicle manufacturer and is not necessarily
management system. supplied by Mercedes-Benz. Daimler AG recom-
Searching for and eliminating the cause of the mends that the vehicle manufacturer uses a rev
malfunction (Y page 54). counter divided by:
Each malfunction is stored in the system with its Roperational efficiency
own fault code. Temporary faults are also Rengine braking range
Rengine overrevving range
Fault codes can be read by a qualified specialist
workshop using a diagnostic tester (Y page 7). General notes on the rev counter:
Fault codes can be read by a qualified specialist Rkeep an eye on the rev counter while driving
workshop using a diagnostic tester (Y page 7). and stay within the economical operating
In some situations it may make sense to oper-
ate the engine outside the economical engine
Warning and indicator lamps 27

speed range, e.g. on uphill gradients or when tor lamp. Additionally, speed may be limited to
overtaking. approximately 20 km/h.
Rif you run the engine within the economical
engine speed range, you achieve low fuel con-
sumption and reduced wear Status display for European On-Board
Rin engine braking mode, drive in the middle Diagnosis (OBD)
engine speed range. The highest engine brak-
ing effect will be achieved just before the red The European On-Board Diagnosis status is sig-
overrevving range nalled on vehicles for a quick on-site check by
Rwhen driving downhill, make sure that the
engine speed does not enter the overrevving There are three successive signalling phases
range (marked red) shown by the ; indicator lamp. These com-

Ridling speed is set automatically depending
mence when the ignition lock is switched to the
on the coolant temperature drive position and end when the engine is star-
Rwhen the vehicle is stationary, the engine is
running and the transmission is in neutral, the The first phase is the instrument cluster display
engine increases throttle only slowly check. The indicator lamp lights up for approx-
imately 5 seconds and then goes out for approx-
imately 10 seconds. The second phase indicates
the system check status. The indicator lamp
AdBlue®/DEF level either lights up again for 5 seconds or flashes for
approximately 5 seconds. It then goes out for
The AdBlue®/DEF display is the responsibility of approximately 5 seconds.
the vehicle manufacturer and is not necessarily
In the third phase, the indicator lamp indicates
supplied by Mercedes-Benz. Daimler AG recom-
whether any emissions-related malfunctions
mends that the vehicle manufacturer uses an
have been detected.
AdBlue®/DEF gauge and an AdBlue®/DEF indi-
cator lamp for the AdBlue®/DEF reserve level If no emissions-relevant malfunctions are detec-
Ø. ted, the indicator lamp lights up briefly and then
goes out for approximately 5 seconds. This
The AdBlue®/DEF reducing agent is required for flashing sequence is repeated until the engine is
reduction of engine emissions. started.
The operating permit is invalidated if the vehicle If an emissions-relevant malfunction is detec-
is operated without AdBlue®/DEF. The legal ted, the indicator lamp flashes three times and
consequence of this is that the vehicle may no then goes out for approximately 5 seconds. This
longer be operated on public roads. flashing sequence is repeated until the engine is
If the AdBlue®/DEF level has sunk to approx- started. The indicator lamp remains lit for
imately 10%, a warning lamp lights up on the approximately 15 seconds after the engine is
instrument panel. Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank started.
in good time (Y page 38). The indicator lamp lights up and remains lit after
If the gauge is ignored and the AdBlue®/DEF the engine is started if:
level drops further to approximately 2.5%, Ra serious emissions-related malfunction is
engine power output may be reduced. detected.
If the AdBlue®/DEF tank is run dry, the event is Ran emissions-relevant malfunction is still
stored and signalled when starting the engine as present after a longer period has elapsed
an emissions-relevant fault by the ; indica- since detection.

Warning and indicator lamps

Warning and indicator lamps – causes/consequences and solutions
The display format for indicator and warning lights is vehicle-specific. Please also observe the
information in the vehicle operating instructions. The symbols listed below are examples and may
28 Warning and indicator lamps

differ from those symbols displayed in the vehicle. Depending on the priority of the fault or warning,
the warning and indicator lamps light up in different combinations.
If you ignore warning and indicator lamps, you will not be able to recognise failures and malfunctions
in components or systems. Have the affected system checked and repaired at a qualified specialist

Warning and indicator lamps

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The r indicator lamp A serious fault in the engine system has been detected.
lights up red. X Immediately stop the vehicle/device while paying attention to the

traffic conditions and contact a qualified specialist workshop.

The Ù indicator lamp Impermissible operating conditions have been detected in the engine
lights up. system.
One of the following systems is malfunctioning:
Rengine cooling
Rengine management
Rdiesel injection system
Rdiesel particle filter
X If further indicator lamps are displayed, take the combination of
lamps (see below) into account when evaluating the cause.
X Have the systems checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

The ; indicator lamp After you have switched the ignition lock into the drive position, the
flashes when the ignition indicator lamp indicates the status of the European On-Board Diag-
is ON. nosis (OBD) by means of a sequence of flashes (Y page 27).
X If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp goes out after the
engine is started.
The ; indicator lamp An emissions-relevant fault has been detected.
lights up. X If further indicator lamps are displayed, take the combination of
lamps (see below) into account when evaluating the cause.
X Have the exhaust gas aftertreatment system checked at a qualified
specialist workshop.
The operating permit is invalidated if you continue to use the vehicle.
If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp only goes out after
further test routines. The system check may involve several engine
starts, hours or journeys without a malfunction.
The # indicator lamp A malfunction has been detected in the electric power supply.
lights up. X If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp goes out after the
engine is started.
X If the indicator lamp does not go out or if it lights up when the engine
is running, have the cause of the malfunction repaired at a qualified
specialist workshop.
Warning and indicator lamps 29

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The 1 indicator lamp A malfunction was detected in the supply of engine lubricating oil. The
lights up. operating safety of the engine is in danger.
X Stop the vehicle immediately, paying attention to road traffic con-
X Switch off the engine.
X Apply the parking brake.
X Check the engine oil level (Y page 21).
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

The + indicator lamp A malfunction in the coolant circuit has been detected. The coolant
lights up. level is too low.
X If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp goes out after the
engine is started.
X If the indicator lamp does not go off or lights up when the engine is
running, switch off the engine.
X Check coolant level (Y page 22).
X If this does not help, have the malfunction rectified at a qualified
specialist workshop.

The ? indicator lamp A malfunction in the coolant circuit has been detected. The coolant
lights up. temperature is too high.
X If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp goes out after the
engine is started.
X If the indicator lamp does not go off or lights up when the engine is
running, switch off the engine.
X Check coolant level.
X If this does not help, have the malfunction rectified at a qualified
specialist workshop.
If you do not observe the instructions, engine performance and torque
may be limited.
The 2 indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the engine oil level. The engine
lights up. oil level is low.
X The indicator lamp lights up after the electronic oil level measure-
ment has been completed and a "low oil level" has been determined.
X Correct the engine oil level (Y page 21).
X If this does not help, have the malfunction rectified at a qualified
specialist workshop.
The 2 indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the engine oil level. The engine
flashes. oil level is too low.
X The indicator lamp lights up after the electronic oil level measure-
ment has been completed and "oil level too low" has been deter-
X Do not start the engine.
X Correct the engine oil level (Y page 21).
X If this does not help, have the malfunction rectified at a qualified
specialist workshop.
30 Warning and indicator lamps

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The ý indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the continuous brake.
lights up. X The indicator lamp lights up after activation of the continuous
X Please also observe the information in the vehicle operating instruc-
X If the indicator lamp does not go out after deactivation or if it lights
up permanently, there is a malfunction.
X Have the malfunction rectified immediately at a specialist work-

The ™ indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the cruise control function.
lights up. X The indicator lamp lights up after activation of cruise control.
X Please also observe the information in the vehicle operating instruc-

The È indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the variable speed limiter.
lights up. X The indicator lamp lights up after a speed limit was activated by the
speed limiter.
X The active speed limit is shown in the vehicle display.
X Please also observe the information in the vehicle operating instruc-

The È indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows that the speed set by the speed limiter has
flashes. been exceeded.
X The maximum speed (speed limit) set by the speed limiter is being
exceeded by more than 3 km/h. If necessary, reduce speed by
adaptive braking.
X The speed limit set by the speed limiter was temporarily deactivated
by kickdown and may be exceeded. By briefly switching to idling
position, the set speed limit is reactivated.
X Please also observe the information in the vehicle operating instruc-

The I indicator lamp The indicator lamp shows the status of the power take-off.
lights up. X The indicator lamp lights up after engaging power take-off.
X If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp goes out after the
power take-off is switched off.
X Please also observe the information in the vehicle operating instruc-

The  indicator lamp Regeneration of the diesel particle filter is possible.

lights up. X Deactivate the regeneration block (Y page 35) and drive on a
motorway or for a longer distance until the indicator lamp goes out.
X Start manual regeneration (Y page 35).
Warning and indicator lamps 31

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The  and ٠indi- The diesel particle filter is in need of regeneration.
cator lamps are lit. X Deactivate the regeneration block (Y page 35) and drive on a
motorway or for a longer distance until the indicator lamp goes out.
X Start manual regeneration (Y page 35).

The  indicator lamp The diesel particle filter has reached its soot saturation limit.
is flashing and Ù is lit. X Immediately start manual regeneration (Y page 35). Otherwise,
the diesel particle filter can only be cleaned or exchanged at a

qualified specialist workshop.

The  indicator lamp The diesel particle filter is full. Regeneration is no longer possible.
is flashing and Ù and X Stop the vehicle as soon as possible, paying attention to road and
are lit. traffic conditions.
X Clean the diesel particle filter as soon as possible or have it

The Ê indicator lamp Regeneration of the diesel particle filter is blocked.

lights up. X In order to enable automatic regeneration of the diesel particle fil-
ter, deactivate the regeneration block as soon as possible
(Y page 35).

The É indicator lamp High exhaust gas temperature due to manual or automatic regenera-
lights up. tion.
X Observe precautions when parking the vehicle (Y page 35).

Only vehicles with the AdBlue®/DEF reserve warning light

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The Ø indicator lamp The AdBlue®/DEF reserve level has been reached.
lights up. X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank.

The · and Ø indi- The AdBlue®/DEF level has dropped to below 10%.
cator lamps are lit. X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.

If you do not observe the instructions, engine performance may be

The ·, Ø and The AdBlue®/DEF level has dropped to approximately 2.5%. Reduced
indicator lamps are engine output is active. The engine torque is limited to a maximum of
lit. 75% across the whole engine speed range. The limitation will take
effect the next time the engine is started.
X Adapt your driving style.
X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.

If you do not follow the instructions, a speed limitation may be

32 Warning and indicator lamps

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The ·, Ø and The AdBlue®/DEF level has dropped to approximately 0%. The vehicle
indicator lamps are speed limiter has been activated. Vehicle speed is limited to approx-
flashing. imately 20 km/h. The limitation will take effect after the vehicle has
been stationary.
X Adapt your driving style.
X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.

The ; and · indi- An emissions-relevant malfunction in the exhaust gas aftertreatment

cator lamps are lit. system or in the AdBlue®/DEF supply has been detected.

X Have the exhaust gas aftertreatment system checked at a qualified

specialist workshop. Have the malfunction rectified immediately. If
you do not, engine output may be reduced and, in addition, speed
may be limited to approximately 20 km/h.
If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp only goes out after
further test routines. The system check may involve several engine
starts, hours or journeys without a malfunction.
The ;, · and You have not rectified an emissions-relevant malfunction that has
indicator lamps are been detected in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system or in the
lit. AdBlue®/DEF supply.
Reduced engine output is active. The engine torque is limited to a
maximum of 75% across the whole engine speed range. The limitation
will take effect the next time the engine is started.
X Adapt your driving style.
X Drive carefully to the nearest qualified specialist workshop and
have the malfunction rectified immediately.
If you do not follow the instructions, a speed limitation may be
The ; and · indi- You have not rectified an emissions-relevant malfunction that has
cator lamps are lit and been detected in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system or in the
is flashing. AdBlue®/DEF supply.
Speed limitation is active. Vehicle speed is limited to approximately
20 km/h. The limitation will take effect after the vehicle has been
X Adapt your driving style.
X Drive carefully to the nearest qualified specialist workshop and
have the malfunction rectified immediately.
When the AdBlue®/DEF tank is filled or the fault is rectified, full engine power will be available again.
If the system check does not detect any other faults, the indicator lamps go out after the system's
status indicator. The system check may involve several engine starts, several hours or several
journeys without a malfunction.
If the system check does not detect any other faults, the indicator lamps go out after the system's
status indicator.
Warning and indicator lamps 33

Only vehicles without the AdBlue®/DEF reserve warning light

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The ; and · indi- An emissions-relevant malfunction in the exhaust gas aftertreatment
cator lamps are lit. system or in the AdBlue®/DEF supply has been detected.
X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.
X If this does not help: have the exhaust gas aftertreatment system
checked at a qualified specialist workshop. Have the malfunction
rectified immediately. If you do not, engine output may be reduced
and, in addition, speed may be limited to approximately 20 km/h.

If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp only goes out after
further test routines. The system check may involve several engine
starts, hours or journeys without a malfunction.
The ;, · and You have not rectified an emissions-relevant malfunction that has
indicator lamps are been detected in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system or in the
lit. AdBlue®/DEF supply.
Reduced engine output is active. The engine torque is limited to a
maximum of 75% across the whole engine speed range. The limitation
will take effect the next time the engine is started.
X Adapt your driving style.
X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.
X If this does not help: drive carefully to the nearest qualified spe-
cialist workshop and have the malfunction rectified immediately.
If you do not follow the instructions, a speed limitation may be
The ; and · indi- You have not rectified an emissions-relevant malfunction that has
cator lamps are lit and been detected in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system or in the
is flashing. AdBlue®/DEF supply.
Speed limitation is active. Vehicle speed is limited to approximately
20 km/h. The limitation will take effect after the vehicle has been
X Adapt your driving style.
X Top up the AdBlue®/DEF tank immediately.
X If this does not help: drive carefully to the nearest qualified spe-
cialist workshop and have the malfunction rectified immediately.

When the AdBlue®/DEF tank is filled or the fault is rectified, full engine power will be available again.
If the system check does not detect any other faults, the indicator lamps go out after the system's
status indicator. The system check may involve several engine starts, several hours or several
journeys without a malfunction.
If the system check does not detect any other faults, the indicator lamps go out after the system's
status indicator.
34 Operating instructions

Operating instructions Vehicle version

Running-in The following components affect fuel consump-
Vehicles Rtyres, e.g. tyre pressure, tyre condition, tyre
Observe the device manufacturer's running-in
Radd-on equipment and vehicle cab version,
e.g. open platform, box-type body, platform
The running-in period of the engine has a signif- with tarpaulin, bus body
icant effect on the vehicle, especially with
Rdrive trains and the number of axles
regard to:
Rratio of the drive assemblies, e.g. transmis-
Rservice life sion and axle reduction ratio

Roperating safety
Radditional equipment, e.g. air-conditioning
Reconomy system, auxiliary heating, power take-offs
Observe the following notes during the running-
in period up to 2,000 km (30 operating hours): Operating conditions
Ravoid subjecting the engine to full load.
The following operating conditions affect fuel
Rrun in the engine with care, using differing
speeds and engine revs.
Rtopography, e.g. driving on level routes or in
Ravoid high engine speeds.
mountainous terrain
Rdo not drive at more than ¾ of the maximum
Routside temperature and weather conditions
road speed for each gear.
Roperating conditions, e.g. operation under
Rchange gear in good time.
arduous conditions, long distance or short
Rdo not shift down to brake the vehicle.
distance driving
Rfor vehicles with automatic transmission, do
Rgross vehicle weight
not depress the accelerator pedal beyond the
Rregeneration of the diesel particle filter
point of resistance (kickdown).
After 2,000 km (30 operating hours), you can
gradually bring the vehicle up to full road speed Maintenance
and increase engine speeds. Fuel consumption and assembly wear depend
on how often maintenance is carried out. Reg-
ular maintenance increases safety and lowers
Fuel consumption fuel consumption. Keep to the maintenance
intervals. Always have maintenance work car-
General notes ried out at a qualified specialist workshop.
Fuel consumption depends on:
Fuel type
Rthe vehicle version
Rthe operating conditions The fuel grade also affects fuel consumption.
Rmaintenance Use of lower fuel grades and/or non-approved
fuel additives will increase fuel consumption.
Rdriving resistance
When refuelling, ensure that you are filling the
Ryour driving style appropriate fuel grade (Y page 44).
For these reasons, exact details about any sin-
gle engine's fuel consumption cannot be provi- Driving resistance
The principle forms of driving resistance are
incline, rolling and aerodynamic resistance.
Driving resistance varies depending on e.g. vehi-
cle weight and vehicle speed. Remember that
driving resistance increases with vehicle speed.
Operating instructions 35

Fuel-saving driving styles If too many particles collect in the diesel particle
filter, the  indicator lamp in the instrument
H Environmental note cluster lights up. The exhaust gas aftertreat-
Only switch on the air-conditioning system ment system prompts you to start manual
regeneration. Manual regeneration lasts
when necessary. Fuel consumption increases approximately 30 minutes up to a maximum of
when the air-conditioning system is switched 60 minutes (Y page 36).
If you drive the vehicle predominantly over
You can keep fuel consumption at low levels short distances or with low loads, the regen-
with your driving style: eration period may be considerably
increased. Therefore, the fuel consumption
R increases and the range of exhaust system

Rdo not depress the accelerator when starting functions may be impaired.
the engine
If you do not observe this instruction, you risk:
Ravoid frequent cold starts
Ra reduction in engine performance
Rdo not warm up the engine while stationary
Rspeed limitation
Rswitch off the engine when waiting in station-
ary traffic Rhaving to replace the diesel particle filter

Ravoid frequent and heavy acceleration

Ravoid adaptive braking by driving with fore- Automatic regeneration
sight When the É indicator lamp lights up in the
Rdrive in an even and considered manner instrument cluster, automatic regeneration of
Rensure that the engine speed is economical the diesel particle filter is in progress.
(green area of the rev counter) (Y page 26) Automatic regeneration can begin either while
Ravoid speed peaks the vehicle is in motion or stationary.
Ravoid frequent speed changes, in particular at Automatic regeneration only begins when all
high speeds operating conditions have been fulfilled, such as
Rshift gears according to requirements sufficiently high engine oil and exhaust temper-
Ravoid frequent gear changes
atures, for example. If an operating condition is
no longer fulfilled while regeneration is in proc-
ess, the É indicator lamp goes out and the
regeneration process is interrupted. When all
Diesel particle filter operating conditions are fulfilled again, the
regeneration starts again automatically. There-
Important safety notes fore, avoid interruptions in driving as long as the
É indicator lamp is lit.
Flammable material such as leaves, grass or
i During regeneration, engine noise and idling
speed may change.
twigs may ignite if they come into contact with
hot parts of the exhaust system or exhaust
Regeneration block
gas flow. There is a risk of fire.
Park the vehicle so that no flammable mate- If you need to prevent the raised exhaust tem-
peratures which occur during regeneration, e.g.
rial can come into contact with hot vehicle
if you are driving into a hazard area, you can
components. In particular, do not park on dry block regeneration. Automatic and manual
grassland or harvested grain fields. regeneration can then no longer be started and
any current regeneration will be interrupted.
During automatic and manual regeneration, Only switch on the regeneration block for the
extremely hot exhaust gases escape from the duration of the hazardous condition. If you have
exhaust pipe. Maintain a distance of at least switched on the regeneration block, regenera-
one metre to other objects, e.g. parked vehi- tion remains disabled even after starting the
cles, in order to avoid damage to property. engine again. This can result in a large number of
36 Operating instructions

particles collecting quickly in the diesel particle i The engine speed may rise and the engine
filter. noise may change while regeneration is in
X To switch on/off: press the Ê button or process. Observe the increased engine speed
switch. when operating with an engine-connected
When the Ê indicator lamp lights up, power take-off.
regeneration is disabled. i If the electronic motor management system
prompts you to carry out manual regeneration
Starting manual regeneration when the outside temperature is low, start
regeneration before parking the vehicle.
Manual regeneration lasts approximately If you park the vehicle without regenerating,
30 minutes up to a maximum of 60 minutes. you can only begin manual regeneration after
Manual regeneration is started via the É the engine warming-up phase.

button. Start manual regeneration after a thawing

You can only start the manual regeneration if: time of up to 60 minutes if:
Rthe  indicator and warning lamp has RAdBlue®/DEF is frozen
prompted you to do so or Ryou have parked the vehicle without regen-
Rthe regeneration block is not active erating
X Stop the vehicle, paying attention to road and
traffic conditions, and keep the engine run- Changing the filter
While doing so, maintain a distance of at least G WARNING
1 metre to other vehicles, other objects and Direct contact or inhalation of soot particles is
all flammable materials.
hazardous to health. There is a risk of injury.
X Apply the parking brake.
X Shift into neutral.
Have the diesel particle filter replaced at a
qualified specialist workshop.
X Remove your foot from the accelerator.
X Press the É button for approximately If, in an exceptional circumstance, you have to
3 seconds. replace the diesel particle filter yourself,
Manual regeneration only begins if: observe the corresponding workshop informa-
Rthe engine oil and exhaust temperatures tion (Y page 8), work safety and accident pre-
are sufficiently high vention regulations. Wear gloves and a dust pro-
RAdBlue®/DEF is not frozen tection mask. Pack and seal the removed diesel
Rthe system is functioning without problems
particle filter in the original packaging. Label the
removed diesel particle filter and under no cir-
The É indicator lamp lights up in the cumstances leave it unpacked in the open.
instrument cluster and the engine speed is
When regeneration is finished:
AdBlue® consumption
Rthe É indicator lamp in the instrument
cluster goes out AdBlue® consumption accounts for up to 5% of
Rthe engine speed is reduced to idling speed fuel consumption, depending on engine use.
Regeneration is automatically interrupted if you:
Rengage a gear Engine oil consumption
Rrelease the parking brake
After running-in the engine, oil consumption
Rswitch on the regeneration block
may reach 0.2% of the vehicle's actual fuel con-
Rswitch on a power take-off sumption.
The interruption reduces the engine speed to More arduous operating conditions and
idling speed. increased distance covered could result in
engines exceeding this oil consumption value.
Refuelling 37

Warning buzzer G WARNING

If the warning buzzer sounds and the 5 sym- Fuel is highly flammable. Improper handing of
bol on the instrument panel is displayed, the fuel creates a risk of fire and explosion.
engine's operating safety is jeopardised. Avoid fire, naked flames, smoking and creat-
Do not pull away, or stop the vehicle as soon as ing sparks under all circumstances. Switch off
possible, paying attention to road and traffic the ignition and auxiliary heating before car-
conditions. You could otherwise damage the
engine. rying out work to the fuel system. Always wear
protective gloves.
The warning buzzer sounds depending on the
vehicle if:
Ryou exceed the maximum permissible engine

speed. If you mix diesel fuel with petrol, the flash
Rthe engine speed or vehicle speed is too high point of this fuel mixture is lower than that of
when changing gears. pure diesel fuel. When the engine is running,
Rthe coolant level is too low or the maximum components in the exhaust system may over-
permissible coolant temperature heat unnoticed. There is a risk of fire.
(Y page 63) is exceeded. The operating Never refuel with petrol. Never add petrol to
safety of the engine is jeopardised.
diesel fuel.

Only refuel using commercially available,

Refuelling sulphur-free diesel fuel that conforms to the
European standard EN 590 as of 2010, et seq.
Fuels (max. 0.001% sulphur by weight) (10 ppm).
Important safety notes The following fuel types are not permitted:
Rsulphurous fuel with a sulphur content
G WARNING greater than 0.001% (10 ppm) by weight
Fuels are poisonous and hazardous to health. Rmarine diesel fuel
There is a danger of injury. Raviation turbine fuel
Do not swallow fuel or let it come into contact Rheating oils
with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not inhale fuel Rfatty acid methyl ester FAME (bio-diesel
vapours. Keep fuels out of the reach of chil- fuel)
dren. These fuel types cause irreversible damage to
the engine and the exhaust gas aftertreat-
If you or others come into contact with fuel, ment system, as well as also significantly
observe the following: reducing the expected service life.
RWash the fuel off any affected areas of skin
Do not use petrol to refuel vehicles with a
with water and soap immediately. diesel engine. Even small amounts of petrol
RIf you get fuel in your eyes, rinse them thor- result in damage to the fuel system and
oughly with clean water immediately. Seek engine.
immediate medical attention. Do not switch on the ignition if you acciden-
RIf fuel is swallowed, seek immediate medi- tally refuel with the wrong fuel. Otherwise, the
cal attention. Do not induce vomiting. fuel will enter the fuel lines. Notify a qualified
specialist workshop and have the fuel tank
RChange any clothing that has come into and fuel lines drained completely.
contact with fuel immediately.
Do not add any special fuel additives to the
A higher fuel sulphur content accelerates diesel fuel.
the ageing process of the engine oil and can
damage the engine and exhaust system.
38 Refuelling

Special fuel additives can lead to: If AdBlue®/DEF comes into contact with pain-
Rmalfunctions ted or aluminium surfaces when filling the
tank, rinse the affected area immediately with
Rdamage to the catalytic converter plenty of water.
Rengine damage
Do not mix additives to AdBlue®/DEF. Do
AdBlue®/DEF is not a fuel additive and must not dilute AdBlue®/DEF with tap water. This
not be added to the diesel tank. If could destroy the exhaust gas aftertreatment
AdBlue®/DEF gets into the diesel tank, this system.
could lead to engine damage.
Always close the AdBlue®/DEF tank prop-
H Environmental note erly. Otherwise impurities may get into the
If fuels are handled improperly, they pose a exhaust gas aftertreatment system and dam-

danger to persons and the environment. Do age it.

not allow fuels to run into the sewage system, Make sure that you do not overfill the
the surface waters, the ground water or into AdBlue®/DEF tank. Otherwise, the AdBlue®/
the ground. DEF tank could be damaged at very low tem-
Please observe further information on diesel
fuel in the "Service products" section H Environmental note
(Y page 44). Using fuels which have not been Dispose of AdBlue®/DEF in an environmen-
approved causes irreversible damage to the tally responsible manner.
engine and the exhaust gas aftertreatment sys-
tem, as well as also significantly reducing the When opening the AdBlue®/DEF tank, small
expected service life. amounts of ammonia vapours could escape.
Ammonia vapours have a pungent smell and are
Before filling the tank particularly irritating to:
If you are using drums or canisters to refuel Rskin
the vehicle, you should filter the fuel before Rmucous membranes
adding it. Reyes
This will prevent malfunctions in the fuel sys- The vapours may cause a burning sensation in
tem due to contaminated fuel. the eyes, nose and throat as well as irritation of
X Switch off the engine. the throat and watering eyes.
X Secure the vehicle against rolling away. Avoid inhaling ammonia vapours. Only fill the
X Observe the fuel grade (Y page 44). AdBlue®/DEF tank in well-ventilated areas.
X Regularly check the fuel prefilter with heated AdBlue®/DEF should not come into contact
water separator for condensation with skin, eyes or clothing, and should not be
(Y page 22). swallowed. Keep AdBlue®/DEF out of the reach
of children.
If you come into contact with AdBlue®/DEF,
AdBlue®/DEF observe the following:
Rimmediately wash AdBlue®/DEF from your
Important safety notes skin with water and soap.
Rif AdBlue®/DEF comes into contact with your
Do not allow diesel fuel to run into the
AdBlue®/DEF tank. You could otherwise eyes, rinse your eyes with clean water imme-
damage the exhaust gas aftertreatment sys- diately. Seek medical attention immediately.
tem. Rif you have swallowed AdBlue®/DEF, imme-
diately rinse your mouth with water and drink
Only use AdBlue®/DEF in accordance with
DIN 70070/ISO 22241. Do not use any addi-
Winter operation 39

plenty of water. Seek medical attention Coolant preheating

Rchange clothing that has come into contact G DANGER
with AdBlue®/DEF immediately. There is high voltage in the 230 V power
AdBlue®/DEF is not refilled as part of the main- socket if:
tenance work. Top up the tank regularly during
Rthe 230 V power supply is being established
vehicle operation or at the latest when the first
event message is displayed on the electronic Rthe residual current circuit breaker is
engine management system. switched on
You will find further information on If you or another person, particularly a child,
AdBlue®/DEF in the "Service products" section reach into the power socket, you could
(Y page 46).

receive an electric shock. There is a risk of
fatal injuries.
Before filling the tank
Do not reach into the power socket and keep
X Switch off the engine. children away from it. After connecting to the
X Secure the vehicle against rolling away. 230 V power supply, make sure that the resid-
X Switch off the auxiliary heating. ual current circuit breaker is functioning cor-
Always refill at least 10% of the AdBlue® tank rectly.
volume, as smaller amounts may cause mal-
functions. There is an electrical heating element fitted to
the engine for coolant preheating. Coolant pre-
heating serves to help the engine reach operat-
ing temperature sooner.
Winter operation
Thanks to a shorter cold-start phase, the engine
Notes for winter operation is operational sooner and engine wear and tear
is reduced.
At very low outside temperatures, make The electrical heating element has power con-
sure that the engine oil added is of an appro- sumption of up to 1.5kW at 230V power supply.
priate SAE classification. Using engine oils The supply of electrical power is provided by an
that are not suitable for very low outside tem- external (230V) power socket.
peratures may result in engine damage.
Please also observe the information in the oper-
Before the start of the cold season, make sure ating instructions provided by the vehicle man-
that: ufacturer.
Rthe coolant contains sufficient antifreeze
(Y page 43) Batteries
Rthe fuel used is suitable for winter use
(Y page 44) Only perform the jump-starting procedure
when the engine and catalytic converter are
Rthe SAE class of the engine oil used is in
cold. Otherwise, the gas system or the cata-
accordance with outside temperatures lytic converter could be damaged.
(Y page 42)
Observe the notes in the vehicle Operating
Instructions on jump-starting your vehicle
Jump-starting from another vehicle.
G Warning Always aim to achieve the full charge status. You
can do this by means of careful maintenance
Fluid or gaseous ignition aids react immedi- and low electrical consumption. The cold start
ately with fuel vapours and are highly flam- capacity is reduced when it is very cold. For
mable. There is a risk of explosion. example, at -10 † it is only around 60% of the
Do not use fluid or gaseous ignition aids to normal capacity.
start the engine.
40 Winter operation

Diesel fuels
Notes on diesel fuel at low temperatures
(Y page 45).
General notes 41

General notes H Environmental note

If circumstances require you to do some main-
G WARNING tenance work yourself, you must observe the
Before carrying out maintenance or repair environmental protection requirements.
work, you must read the relevant sections of When disposing of service products, e.g.
the technical documentation relating to main- engine oil, you must comply with the legal
tenance and repair measures, e.g. the Oper- requirements. This also concerns all parts,
ating Instructions and workshop information. e.g. filters, that have been in contact with ser-
In particular, first familiarise yourself with the vice products.
legal regulations, e.g. work safety and acci- Dispose of empty containers, cleaning cloths
dent prevention regulations. and care products in an environmentally
You could otherwise fail to recognise dangers responsible manner.
and injure yourself or others. Observe the instructions for care products.

Always have maintenance work carried out at Do not let the engine run longer than neces-
a qualified specialist workshop. sary when stationary.

Like all technical equipment, the engine system

G WARNING requires care and maintenance.
If you do not have the prescribed service/ The scope and frequency of maintenance work
maintenance work or necessary repairs car- depends mainly on:
ried out, this could result in malfunctions or Rthe widely varying operating conditions.
system failures. There is a risk of an accident. Rthe service products used.
Always have the prescribed service/mainte-
nance work as well as necessary repairs car- i All maintenance intervals and work refer to
genuine Mercedes-Benz parts. They also refer
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop. to accessory parts and service products that
have been expressly approved by Mercedes-
G WARNING Benz for the engine.
Limbs could be crushed or trapped if the Inspection and maintenance work requires spe-
engine is started unintentionally during ser- cial skills that cannot be acquired by reading
vice or maintenance work. There is a risk of these Operating Instructions. Always have this
injury. work and maintenance work carried out by a
qualified specialist workshop.
Always secure the engine against uninten-
Have any work that is carried out confirmed with
tional starting before carrying out mainte- an entry in the Maintenance Booklet. This proof
nance or repair work. of regular maintenance is always required for
any warranty claims.
G WARNING Instructions and important information on car-
Cloths or other flammable materials left in the rying out maintenance work can be found in the
engine compartment can ignite if they come Workshop Information System (WIS) on the
Internet. Make sure that you have access to this
into contact with the exhaust system or parts information when carrying out maintenance
of the engine that heat up. There is a risk of work. Information on WIS (Y page 8).
fire. After carrying out maintenance work, Please also observe the maintenance instruc-
make sure that no extraneous flammable tions for special accessories.
material is left in the engine compartment or When working on the vehicle, comply with all
on the exhaust system. safety regulations, such as operating instruc-
tions, regulations concerning hazardous mate-
rials, environmental protection measures, work
safety and accident prevention regulations.
42 Service products

Service products further information from any Mercedes-Benz

Service Centre.
Important safety notes i Information about service products which
G WARNING have been tested by Mercedes-Benz and
approved for your engine system can be
Service product can be poisonous and haz- found in the Mercedes-Benz Specifications
ardous to health. There is a risk of injury. for Service products on the Internet at:
Observe the instructions on the respective
original container when using, storing and dis- i The specification and availability of lubri-
posing off service products. Always store ser- cants may vary. Individual lubricants may no
vice products in the sealed original container. longer be available, especially for older
Always keep service products out of the reach engines. Ask any Mercedes-Benz Service
of children. Centre for information (Y page 8).

Special additives (except approved fuel

additives) are neither required nor approved Engine oils
for use with approved service products. Addi-
tives may cause damage to major assemblies. Notes on engine oils
Therefore, do not mix any additives with ser-
Engine oils other than those of the quality
vice products. You are responsible for the
specified in this Operator's Manual are not
results of using fuel additives.
H Environmental note The oil quality is crucial for the function and ser-
Dispose of service products in an environ- vice life of an engine. Based on highly exacting
mentally-responsible manner. tests, Mercedes-Benz regularly approves engine
oils which fulfil the current technical standards.
Service products are: Only use engine oils in accordance with
Sheet No. 228.51 or 228.31 of the Mercedes-
Rfuels (e.g. diesel)
Benz Specifications for Service Products.
Rlubricants (e.g. engine oil, transmission oil,
Engine oils according to Sheet No. 228.51 have
grease) a higher quality standard and have a favourable
Rcoolant, antifreeze effect on:
RAdBlue®/DEF, reducing agent for the exhaust
Rlength of oil change intervals
gas aftertreatment system
Rengine wear
Approved operating fluids fulfil the highest qual-
Rfuel consumption
ity standards and are documented in the
Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Prod- Rexhaust emissions
ucts. Therefore, only use service products Before delivery, the engine is filled with oil in
approved for the vehicle. Information about SAE class 5W-30 (Y page 21).
approved service products is available from any Check the vehicle assemblies for leaks regu-
Mercedes-Benz Service Centre (Y page 8). larly. If fluid loss is identified, e.g. by oil drops on
You can recognise operating fluids approved by the parking area, have the cause of the fluid loss
Mercedes-Benz by the following inscription on rectified at a qualified specialist workshop.
the container:
RMB-Freigabe (e.g. MB-Freigabe 229.51) Scope of application
or Multi-grade oils complying with Sheet
RMB-Approval (z. B. MB-Approval 229.51) No. 228.51 or 228.31 can be used all year
Other labels and recommendations relating to round.
the quality or indicating that the product meets
a certain specification are not necessarily
approved by Mercedes-Benz. You can obtain
Service products 43

Oil change Adding/topping up the engine oil

If you mix engine oils with differing oil There is a risk of damage to the catalytic
grades, the change interval for the engine oil converter or to the engine if too much oil is
is reduced in comparison to mixtures of added. Have excess oil drained off.
engine oil of identical grade. When topping up, Mercedes-Benz recommends
Therefore, only mix engine oils of differing that you only use engine oil of the same grade
grade in exceptional circumstances. To pre- and SAE class as the oil filled at the last oil
vent damage to the engine, the maintenance change.
intervals must be adjusted accordingly. Check the oil level before topping up the engine
If the SAE class (viscosity) of the engine oil oil (Y page 21).
used is not suitable for continually low outside
temperatures below -20 †, this could cause Miscibility of engine oils
engine damage.
The specified temperatures of the SAE class The benefits of high-quality engine oils are

always refer to freshly added oil. Engine oil diminished if you mix them.
ages during driving due to soot and fuel resi- Engine oils are differentiated according to:
due. This impairs the characteristics of the Rengine oil brand
engine oil, particularly at low outside temper- Rquality grade (Sheet No.)
RSAE viscosity class
If the outside temperature is under -20 †,
Mercedes-Benz strongly recommends using If, in exceptional circumstances, the type of
engine oils of SAE class 5W-30 or 0W-30. engine oil currently used in the engine is not
available, another mineral or synthetic engine
Use only all-season oils. oil may be used. Make sure it is approved for
Please observe the following: if you top up with
an engine oil of a lower quality, the maintenance
interval corresponding to the lower quality
(Sheet No.) must be used. The maintenance
interval is reduced. If you top up with an engine
oil of a higher quality, the maintenance interval
is not altered.
Observe the notes in the Maintenance Booklet.

Engine oil SAE classes (viscosity)
X Select the SAE class (viscosity) of the engine G WARNING
oil to suit the average outside temperatures The cooling system is pressurised, particu-
for the time of year. larly when the engine is warm. If you open the
Oil change intervals are dependent on the fol- cap, you could be scalded if hot coolant
lowing: sprays out. There is a risk of injury.
Rthe operating conditions of the vehicle Let the engine cool down before you open the
Rthe grade of the engine oil used cap. Wear gloves and eye protection. Open
The maximum oil change interval can only be the cap slowly to release the pressure.
achieved by using engine oils of particularly high
quality in accordance with Sheet No. 228.51 of G WARNING
the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service
Products. The classification of oil change inter- If antifreeze comes into contact with hot com-
vals is specified in the Maintenance Booklet. ponents in the engine compartment, it may
ignite. There is a risk of fire and injury.
44 Service products

Let the engine cool down before you top up The water in the coolant must meet certain
the antifreeze. Make sure that antifreeze is requirements, which are often fulfilled by the
use of drinking water. The water must be treated
not spilled next to the filler neck. Thoroughly if its quality does not meet the required stand-
clean the antifreeze from components before ards.
starting the engine. Please note the Mercedes-Benz Specifications
for Service Products, Sheet No. 310.1.
Do not operate the vehicle if the coolant Mixtures with other corrosion inhibitors/anti-
level is too low. Otherwise, the engine may be freeze agents are not permitted.
A coolant that ensures anti-corrosion/anti-
freeze protection and other important protec- Diesel fuels
tive effects is filled at the factory.
The coolant is a mixture of water and corrosion Important safety notes

The corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze in the coolant G WARNING

has the following properties: Fuel is highly flammable. Improper handing of
Rheat transfer fuel creates a risk of fire and explosion.
Ranti-corrosion protection Avoid fire, naked flames, smoking and creat-
Rcavitation protection (protection against pit- ing sparks under all circumstances. Switch off
ting) the engine and, if applicable, the auxiliary
Rantifreeze protection heating before refuelling.
Rraising the boiling point
Leave the coolant in the engine cooling system G WARNING
all year round – even in countries with high out- Fuels are poisonous and hazardous to health.
side temperatures.
There is a danger of injury.
Check the corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze con-
centration in the coolant every six months. Do not swallow fuel or let it come into contact
Renew the coolant at the interval specified in the with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not inhale fuel
Maintenance Booklet. vapours. Keep fuels out of the reach of chil-
When you have to refill coolant, only use dren.
approved corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze agents If you or others come into contact with fuel,
(Y page 64). Please note the Mercedes-Benz observe the following:
Specifications for Service Products (Y page 42).
This prevents damage to the engine cooling sys- RWash the fuel off any affected areas of skin
tem and engine. with water and soap immediately.
Mix the water and the corrosion inhibitor/anti- RIf you get fuel in your eyes, rinse them thor-
freeze agents outside of the coolant circuit and oughly with clean water immediately. Seek
only then add the mixture to the cooling system. immediate medical attention.
When renewing the coolant, ensure that it con-
RIf fuel is swallowed, seek immediate medi-
tains 50% corrosion inhibitor/antifreeze by vol-
ume. This corresponds to antifreeze protection cal attention. Do not induce vomiting.
down to Ò37 †. RChange any clothing that has come into
Do not exceed 55% by volume (antifreeze down contact with fuel immediately.
to approximately Ò45 †). The heat dissipation
and antifreeze may otherwise be negatively If you are using drums or canisters to refuel
affected. the vehicle, you should filter the fuel before
If there is a loss of coolant, do not top it up by filling.
using only water, but also add an approved cor- This prevents malfunctions in the fuel system
rosion inhibitor/antifreeze agent. caused by contaminated fuel.
Service products 45

Only refuel using commercially available, of damage, fuel may also not escape until the
sulphur-free diesel fuel that conforms to the engine is running. There is a risk of fire and
European standard EN 590 as of 2010, et seq.
(max. 0.001% sulphur by weight) (10 ppm).
The following fuel types are not permitted: Never heat fuel system components. Contact
a qualified specialist workshop to rectify the
Rsulphurous fuel with a sulphur content
greater than 0.001% (10 ppm) by weight malfunction.
Rmarine diesel fuel
At low outside temperatures, paraffin separa-
Raviation turbine fuel tion may cause the flow properties of the diesel
Rheating oils fuel to be insufficient.
Rfatty acid methyl ester FAME (bio-diesel To prevent operating problems, diesel fuel with
fuel) improved flow properties is available in the win-
These fuel types cause irreversible damage to ter months.
the engine and the exhaust gas aftertreat- Winter diesel fuels are reliable down to outside

ment system, as well as also significantly temperatures of −22 † in Germany and other
reducing the expected service life. Central European countries. You can normally
use winter diesel fuel without problems at the
A higher fuel sulphur content accelerates outside temperatures expected in the country
the ageing process of the engine oil and can where it is on sale.
damage the engine and exhaust system.
Fuel additives
Fuel grade
When necessary, use only approved fuel
i Certain countries have diesel fuel with vary- additives.
ing sulphur contents. Diesel fuel with low fuel-
sulphur content is sold in certain countries There is otherwise a risk of impaired engine
performance or engine and catalytic con-
under the name "Euro diesel".
verter damage. The use of appropriate fuel
Information about current country-specific sul- additives is your responsibility.
phur contents can be obtained from any
Mercedes-Benz Service Centre(Y page 8) or can Do not add any petrol or kerosene to diesel
be found in the Mercedes-Benz Specifications fuel to improve its flow characteristics. Petrol
for Service Products in accordance with Sheet or kerosene impairs the lubricity of the diesel
No. 136.2. fuel. This can cause damage to the injection
system, for example.
Water content For lower temperatures, the engine can be
The maximum permissible water content at the equipped with a fuel preheating system. This
point of transfer between vehicle and engine improves the flow characteristics of the diesel
must not be greater than 200 mg/kg. If the fuel according to the output of the installed
water content is higher, an additional water sep- heater.
arator must be fitted on the chassis. Fuel additives used to improve flow character-
If the engine is operated with increased istics are flow improvers.
amounts of dirt and water, an additional fuel Do not add flow improvers to winter diesel fuel
prefilter with a water separator must be fitted on guaranteed to operate down to −22 †. The cold
the chassis. flow properties of the fuel may deteriorate as a
consequence of the flow improver.
Diesel fuels at low temperatures
If you heat fuel system components, e.g. with
a hot-air gun or naked flame, these compo-
nents could be damaged. This can cause fuel
to escape and ignite. Depending on the type
46 Service products

AdBlue®/DEF Avoid inhaling ammonia vapours. Only fill the

AdBlue®/DEF tank in well-ventilated areas.
Important safety notes AdBlue®/DEF should not come into contact
with skin, eyes or clothing, and should not be
G WARNING swallowed. Keep AdBlue® out of the reach of
AdBlue®/DEF must not come into contact children.
with skin, eyes or clothing. If you come into contact with AdBlue®/DEF,
observe the following:
RIf AdBlue®/DEF comes into contact with
your eyes or skin, rinse affected areas with
Rimmediately wash AdBlue®/DEF from your
skin with water and soap.
clean water immediately.
Rif AdBlue®/DEF comes into contact with your
RIf AdBlue®/DEF is swallowed, immediately eyes, rinse your eyes with clean water imme-
rinse your mouth out with a lot of clean diately. Seek medical attention immediately.
water and drink plenty of water. Rif you have swallowed AdBlue®/DEF, imme-

RChange clothing that is soiled with diately rinse your mouth with water and drink
AdBlue®/DEF immediately. plenty of water. Seek medical attention
RIf allergic reactions occur, consult a doctor
Rchange clothing that has come into contact
immediately. with AdBlue®/DEF immediately.
Keep AdBlue®/DEF out of the reach of chil-
dren. High outside temperatures
Only use AdBlue®/DEF in accordance with G WARNING
DIN 70070/ISO 22241. Do not use any addi- If the AdBlue®/DEF tank cap is opened at high
temperatures, ammonia vapours may escape.
If AdBlue®/DEF comes into contact with pain-
ted or aluminium surfaces when filling the Ammonia vapours have a pungent odour and
tank, rinse the affected area immediately with particularly irritate:
plenty of water. Rskin
The terms "Urea" and "DEF" (Diesel Exhaust Rmucous membranes
Fluid) are also used for "AdBlue®".
If the AdBlue®/DEF tank is full of AdBlue®/DEF,
pressure compensation may occur when the The vapours may cause a burning sensation in
tank lid is unscrewed. AdBlue®/DEF may spill the eyes, nose and throat as well as irritation
out. Therefore, open the AdBlue®/DEF tank lid of the throat and watering eyes.
carefully. If AdBlue®/DEF spills out, immedi- Avoid inhaling ammonia vapours.
ately wash the affected area with plenty of
water. The chemical composition of AdBlue®/DEF can
When opening the AdBlue®/DEF tank, small break down if it heats up to 50 † over a long
amounts of ammonia vapours could escape. period (e.g. as a result of direct sunlight on the
Ammonia vapours have a pungent smell and are tank). This creates ammonia vapour.
particularly irritating to:
Rskin Low outside temperatures
Rmucous membranes AdBlue®/DEF freezes at a temperature of
Reyes approximately −11 † .
The vapours may cause a burning sensation in Depending on equipment and country, the
the eyes, nose and throat as well as irritation of AdBlue®/DEF supply system of the vehicle may
the throat and watering eyes. be heated; see the vehicle Owner's Manual.
Winter operation is thus guaranteed at temper-
atures below −11 † .
Cleaning and care 47

Additives, tap water Ensure that AdBlue®/DEF is always pure to

avoid malfunctions in the exhaust gas after-
Do not mix additives to AdBlue®/DEF. Do treatment system.
not dilute AdBlue®/DEF with tap water. This If AdBlue®/DEF is pumped from the tank, e.g.
could destroy the exhaust gas aftertreatment during repairs, do not use this fluid to refill the
system. tank. Otherwise the purity of the fluid would no
longer be guaranteed.
Containers made of the following materials
are not suited to storing AdBlue®: Cleaning and care
Raluminium Notes on care
Regular care helps to maintain the value of the
Rcopper alloys engine.

Runalloyed steel Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use
Rgalvanised steel care products that have been tested and
If stored in these types of containers, constit- approved for Mercedes-Benz. You can obtain
uents of these metals may dissolve and cause these care products from any Mercedes-Benz
irreparable damage to the exhaust gas after- Service Centre (Y page 8).
Only use containers made of the following mate-
rials to store AdBlue®: High-pressure cleaning
RCr‑Ni steel in accordance with H Environmental note
DIN EN 10 088-1/2/3
Only wash your vehicle at a wash bay
RMo-Cr‑Ni steel in accordance with
designed for this purpose. Dispose of empty
DIN EN 10 088-1/2/3
containers and used cleaning products in an
environmentally responsible manner.

The exhaust gas aftertreatment system may

Disposal only be cleaned when it is cool. The sensors
can otherwise be damaged.
H Environmental note
When cleaning, never point the water jet at
Dispose of AdBlue®/DEF in an environmen- the exhaust pipe. The system may otherwise
tally responsible manner. be damaged.
Observe laws and regulations on the disposal of When using a high-pressure cleaner, keep a
AdBlue®/DEF in the country concerned. minimum distance between the high-pres-
sure nozzle and the engine parts. Otherwise,
parts of the engine may be damaged.
Observe the following minimum distances:
Impurities in AdBlue®/DEF, e.g. due to Rabout 70 cm with round-spray jets
other service products, cleaning products or Rabout 30 cm with 25° flat-spray jets
dust, may lead to:
Rabout 30 cm with concentrated-power jets
Rincreased emission values
Rdamage to the catalytic converter Keep the water jet moving constantly while
cleaning. In this way, you will avoid causing
Rengine damage
Rmalfunctions in the exhaust gas aftertreat-
Do not point the water jet at:
ment system.
Relectrical components
Rplug connectors
48 Cleaning and care


Cleaning the engine

Observe the following notes when cleaning
the engine. This avoids malfunctions and
damage to the engine.
RWhen using high-pressure or steam clean-
ers, do not point the spray directly at elec-
trical components and electric cables.
RMake sure that no water enters the air
intake and ventilation openings.

RTreat the engine with preservative agents

after it has been cleaned. When doing so,
protect the belt drive system from the pres-
ervative agent.
ROnly use wax-based protective agents for
engines that comply with Sheet No. 385.4
of the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for
Service Products.
In addition, observe the notes in the "High-pres-
sure cleaning" section (Y page 47).
Decommissioning for longer than 6 months 49

General notes Depending on the vehicle's equipment:

Rwith the air-conditioning system switched on
Special measures are required to decommission Rwith the heating activated
the engine/vehicle. Rwith the auxiliary heating switched on
Information about batteries: if the engine/ The monthly engine start can be omitted if the
vehicle is to be out of use for longer than three engine was operated with FAME-free fuel (B0
weeks, disconnect the negative terminal on the diesel fuel/with no bio-diesel content1) and sub-
battery. This prevents the batteries from being sequently decommissioned.
discharged by no-load current consumers.
The engine oil level and the coolant level must
If the engine/vehicle is to be out of use for a be checked before every engine start. On vehi-
longer period, remove the batteries and store cles/devices with a water separator on the fuel
them in a dry and well-ventilated area. filter or fuel prefilter, additionally drain the water
Recharge batteries every 3 months at the latest. separator, if necessary. Upon starting and while
Ensure that there is adequate ventilation when the engine is running, observe the oil pressure
recharging. Check the battery fluid levels before as well as the coolant temperature.
and after charging and if necessary correct Measures prior to recommissioning:
them. For further information (Y page 39).
Rfit and connect the battery

Rcheck that the electrical system is functioning
Decommissioning for up to 6 months
Rcheck cables, hoses and lines for tears and
When decommissioning an engine/vehicle,
Rcheck the engine oil level
keep it in a covered, dry and well-ventilated
area. The room temperature should not fall Rcheck the oil level in the steering and hydro-
below -10 †. static fan drive
Measures prior to decommissioning: Rcheck the coolant level and correct it, if nec-
Rclean the engine/vehicle thoroughly
Rcheck the AdBlue®/DEF level
Rremove any patches of corrosion from the
Rcheck the fuel level
Rchange the engine oil and oil filter if the last oil Rstart the engine and leave it running at
change was carried out more than 20,000 km medium engine speeds until it is at operating
(or around 300 operating hours) ago temperature (coolant temperature). While
doing so, observe the indicators for oil pres-
Also change the engine oil and oil filter if the sure, coolant temperature and oil tempera-
oil is more than 12 months old. ture
Rcheck and adjust the level of coolant or renew
Rvehicles with auxiliary heating: activate the
coolant auxiliary heating and check operation
Rcheck and correct the corrosion inhibitor/
Rcheck operation of the steering and brakes
antifreeze agent content in the coolant
Rcheck whether maintenance is due and if nec-
Radd AdBlue®/DEF until the tank is full to pre-
essary carry it out
vent AdBlue®/DEF from crystallising.
Rdrain the water separator for the fuel system
Measures during decommissioning: Decommissioning for longer than 6
Start the engine at least once a month and leave months
it running for 15 - 30 minutes at around
900 rpm. If the vehicle is to be decommissioned for longer
than 6 months, further measures are required.
For additional details, consult a Mercedes-Benz
Service Centre (Y page 8).

1 Further information can be obtained from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

50 Important safety notes

Important safety notes When working on the vehicle, always comply

with all safety regulations, such as operating
instructions, regulations concerning hazardous
G WARNING materials, environmental protection measures,
If you do not have the prescribed service/ work safety and accident prevention regula-
maintenance work or necessary repairs car- tions.
ried out, this could result in malfunctions or Be aware of the road and traffic situation when
system failures. There is a risk of an accident. working on public roads and secure your posi-

tion accordingly.
Always have the prescribed service/mainte- Apart from careful operation and maintenance
nance work as well as necessary repairs car- of the engine it is also important that malfunc-
ried out at a qualified specialist workshop. tions be rectified in good time.
You can rectify certain malfunctions yourself,
G WARNING (Y page 54).
There are moving components in the engine Have malfunctions that you cannot eliminate
compartment. Certain components may con- yourself rectified at a qualified specialist work-
tinue to move or suddenly move again even
after the ignition has been switched off, e.g.
the radiator fan. There is a risk of injury.
External engine start/engine stop
If you have to carry out work in the engine button
Rswitch off the ignition
Rnever touch the dangerous areas surround-
ing moving components, e.g. the rotation
area of the fan
Rremove jewellery and watches
Rkeep items of clothing and hair, for exam-
ple, away from moving parts.

Limbs could be crushed or trapped if the
You can start and switch off the engine using the
engine is started unintentionally during ser- external engine start/engine stop button.
vice or maintenance work. There is a risk of
Before starting the engine
X Turn the key to the drive position in the igni-
Always secure the engine against uninten-
tion lock.
tional starting before carrying out mainte-
X Shift into neutral.
nance or repair work.
X Secure the vehicle against rolling away.
X Deactivate power take-off.
Certain engine components can become very Starting the engine
hot. There is a risk of injury when carrying out X Press external engine start/engine stop but-
work at the engine. ton : until the engine starts.
Where possible, allow the engine to cool down
and only touch the components described
Bleeding and draining the fuel system 51

Starting the engine and increasing the Bleeding the fuel system without a
engine speed fuel prefilter on the chassis frame
X Hold down external engine start/engine stop
button : until the desired engine speed is Bleed the fuel system with the manual fuel pump
achieved. on the engine.
The engine starts and runs at engine idling Do not bleed the fuel system with several
speed. starting procedures. You could otherwise
After about 3 seconds, the engine speed damage the starter motor.

increases. After releasing external engine X Switch the ignition lock to the drive position.
start/engine stop button :, the engine con-
tinues to run at the currently set speed. X Shift into neutral.

The engine speed can be increased up to the X Unscrew the fuel tank filler cap.
limiting speed.
X If the engine does not start immediately:
interrupt the starting procedure after no more
than 30 seconds.
X Repeat the starting procedure after a waiting
period of approximately 1 minute.
X After three starting attempts, wait approx-
imately three minutes before trying again.
X If the engine fails to start: rectify the cause of
the poor starting characteristics
(Y page 54).
X Observe the oil pressure gauge immediately
after having started the engine. X Press handle of manual fuel pump : at the
main filter approx. 250 times in the space of
Stopping the engine approx. 3 minutes or until you feel significant
X Press external engine start/engine stop but- resistance.
ton : again. X Within approximately 5 seconds, press the
external engine start/engine stop and start
i When the engine is switched off, the system the engine.
may continue to run for a short while. Depend- X If the engine starts, run the engine at
ing on the installation position, operating
increased engine speed.
state and ambient temperature, circulation of
X If the engine does not start, repeat the pro-
AdBlue®/DEF is necessary for ensuring cool-
ing. To do this the AdBlue®/DEF delivery
pump is actuated during this period. X Tighten the fuel tank filler cap.

X Turn the key to the start position in the igni-

tion lock and hold it. Do not depress the
Bleeding and draining the fuel system accelerator pedal whilst doing so.
i The starting procedure is automatically can-
Bleeding after refuelling a fuel system which has celled after approximately 40 seconds.
been run dry is performed manually by means of X Repeat the starting procedure after a waiting
the manual fuel pump. period of approximately 1 minute.
Bleeding with a heated fuel prefilter with a water X After three starting attempts, wait approx-
separator fitted on the chassis: imately three minutes before trying again.
X Bleed the fuel prefilter with water separator X If the engine starts normally, depress the
on the chassis before bleeding the fuel circuit accelerator pedal several times.
on the engine side . The fuel system is completely bled.
52 Electrical fuses

Bleeding the fuel system with a fuel Draining the fuel filter
prefilter on the chassis frame
H Environmental note
H Environmental note Dispose of the water-fuel mixture in an envi-
Dispose of the water-fuel mixture in an envi- ronmentally responsible manner.
ronmentally responsible manner.

X Place a collector under drain plug :.

Example: fuel prefilter on the chassis frame X Turn drain plug : open.
If water has collected in inspection window =, X Collect and drain the fuel/water mixture until
drain fuel prefilter on chassis frame : before pure fuel flows.
bleeding. Drain fuel prefilter on chassis X Turn drain plug : closed.
frame : regularly.
Draining the fuel prefilter on the chassis
Electrical fuses
X Place a collector under drain plug ;.
X Turn drain plug ; open. Important safety notes
X Press manual fuel pump ? and collect the
fuel/water mixture.
X Turn drain plug ; closed. If you manipulate, bridge or replace a faulty
fuse with a fuse of a higher amperage, the
Bleeding using the manual fuel pump of the electric cables could be overloaded. This may
fuel prefilter on the chassis frame
result in a fire. There is a risk of an accident
X Unscrew the fuel tank filler cap. and injury.
X Place the collector underneath fuel prefil- Always replace faulty fuses with specified new
ter :.
fuses of the correct amperage.
X Unscrew bleed screw A.
X Press manual fuel pump ? repeatedly until The individual electrical circuits are protected
the fuel escaping at bleed screw A is free of by safety fuses or automatic circuit-breakers.
bubbles. Blown fuses or defective automatic circuit-
X Tighten bleed screw A. breakers must be replaced by equivalent fuses
i If there was no fuel in the fuel tank, press with the fuse ratings recommended in the fuse
manual fuel pump ? again until there is allocation chart. Fuses with the same fuse rating
noticeable resistance. are the same colour.
You can obtain further information from any
i Then bleed the fuel circuit on the engine Mercedes-Benz Service Centre (Y page 8).
using the manual fuel pump at the main filter
as described under "Bleeding the fuel system The vehicle-specific fuse allocation chart is pro-
without a fuel prefilter on the chassis frame". vided by the vehicle manufacturer.
If the newly inserted fuse also blows, have the
cause traced and rectified at a qualified special-
Jump-starting 53

ist workshop, e.g. a Mercedes-Benz Service Wear eye protection.

X If a circuit fails, switch off the consumer
equipment and switch the ignition lock to
position 0. Keep children away.

Checking and replacing a safety fuse
Observe this Owner's Man-
X Pull the fuse out of the module using the pliers ual.
and carry out a visual inspection.
X If the fuse wire has melted, replace the blown
fuse with a spare fuse.
X Switch on consumers and check that they G WARNING
function correctly. Battery acid is caustic. There is a risk of injury.
If the safety fuse burns out again, have the elec- Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Do
trical system checked at a qualified specialist
workshop. not inhale any gases released from the bat-
tery. When carrying out maintenance work on
the battery, wear acid-resistant protective
Jump-starting clothing, particularly protective eyewear, pro-
tective gloves and an apron. Do not lean over
Important safety notes the battery. Keep the batteries out of the
reach of children.
If you come into contact with battery acid,
Comply with safety precautions and take pro-
observe the following:
tective measures when handling batteries.
Rimmediately rinse battery acid off skin thor-
Risk of explosion
oughly with clean water and seek immedi-
ate medical attention.
Rif you get battery acid in your eyes, rinse
Fire, naked flames and them thoroughly with clean water immedi-
smoking are prohibited ately. Consult a doctor without delay.
when handling the battery.
Avoid creating sparks. G WARNING
Battery acid is caustic. During charging and jump-starting, explosive
Avoid contact with the skin, gases can escape from the battery. There is a
eyes or clothing. risk of an explosion.
Wear suitable protective Particularly avoid fire, naked flames, creating
clothing, in particular sparks and smoking. Ensure there is sufficient
gloves, an apron and a face ventilation while charging and jump-starting.
mask. Do not lean over a battery.
Immediately rinse acid
splashes off with clean
water. Consult a doctor if
54 Troubleshooting

Observe the following notes. You could oth- Vehicles without a jump-starting con-
erwise damage the battery or electronic com- nection point
ponents in the vehicle:
Rdo not use a battery quick-charge unit for
Rif you use a mobile battery charger (battery
device with mains power stage), remove

the mains plug before jump-starting.

Ronly have jump-starting provided by vehi-
cles with a 24 V system.
Ruse jump leads which are protected against
polarity reversal and with a wire cross sec-
tion of approximately 35–50 mm2 and insu-
lated terminal clamps.
Rif the outside temperature drops below Connecting the jump lead
Ò10 †, a discharged battery could freeze.
Do not start the engine under these cir- X Remove the battery compartment cover.
cumstances. Let the battery thaw out first. X First, connect the positive terminal clamp of
the jump lead to the positive terminal of the
Do not connect the negative terminal clamp other vehicle's battery and then to the q
of the jump lead to the chassis frame. Other- positive terminal of the starter battery.
wise, engine or transmission components can X First, connect the negative terminal clamp of
be damaged. the jump lead to the negative terminal of the
When you remove the jump leads, let the other vehicle's battery and then to the ±
engine of the vehicle being jump-started idle. negative terminal of the starter battery.
This avoids damage being caused to the vehi- X Assisting vehicle: run the engine at a high
cle electronics. speed.
X Start the engine and allow it to idle.

Disconnecting the jump lead

General notes
X First, disconnect the negative terminal
Observe the instructions relevant to safety and clamps of the jump lead from the negative
protective measures when handling the battery. terminals.
After jump-starting, have the batteries checked X Remove the positive terminal clamps of the
at a qualified specialist workshop. jump lead from the positive terminals.
X Make sure that the vehicles are not touching.
X Apply the parking brake.
X Switch off all electrical consumers.
X Turn the key to position 0 in the ignition lock.

Engine problems
If you do not have the prescribed service/maintenance work or necessary repairs carried out, this
could result in malfunctions or system failures. There is a risk of an accident.
Always have the prescribed service/maintenance work as well as necessary repairs carried out
at a qualified specialist workshop.
Troubleshooting 55

Apart from careful operation and maintenance of the engine it is also important that malfunctions
be rectified in good time. You can rectify certain faults yourself.
Have malfunctions that you cannot eliminate yourself rectified at a qualified specialist workshop
(Y page 8).
Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The drive pinion does not The battery is not sufficiently charged.
turn or turns too slowly. X Charge the battery.

The connecting cable to the starter motor is loose.
X Tighten the cable on the terminal. If necessary, solder on a new

The earth connection to the battery is loose.

X Tighten the cable on the terminal. If necessary, solder on a new
The starter motor solenoid switch is faulty or the starter motor is
X Have it checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine does not The fuel tank is empty.

start or stalls again X Refill the fuel tank (Y page 37).
The fuel filter is blocked.
X Replace the fuel filter element.

The fuel prefilter contains water.

X Drain the fuel prefilter.

The fuel prefilter is blocked.

X Replace the fuel filter element.

There are leaks or there is insufficient pressure in the low-pressure

fuel circuit.
X Check for leaks (visual check), replace the seals if necessary.
X Have the fuel pressure tested at a qualified specialist workshop.
Replace the seals.
Engine fails to start when The fuel is not resistant to cold.
the ambient tempera- The flow properties of the diesel fuel are inadequate due to paraffin
ture is low. separation.
X Malfunctions resulting from paraffin separation can be corrected by
warming the entire fuel system, e.g. by parking the vehicle in a
heated area.
X Refuel with winter fuel (Y page 45).

The engine oil viscosity is incorrect.

X Alter the engine oil viscosity to the conditions of use (Y page 42).
X If the engine does not start after another attempt, have the cause
traced and rectified at a qualified specialist workshop.
56 Troubleshooting

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The engine stops inad- The power supply to the engine management (MCM) or the exhaust
vertently. gas aftertreatment (ACM) control modules is interrupted, or there is a
short circuit in the wiring.
X Check the electrical fuses
X Have the power supply checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

There are leaks or there is insufficient pressure in the low-pressure

fuel circuit.
X Carry out a check for leaks (visual check).
X Have the fuel pressure tested at a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine is in emer- There is an interruption in the engine management (MCM) control
gency running mode. cluster data flow.
X Check the battery terminals on the battery and the connectors on
the control units for secure seating and corrosion.
X Read out the control unit's fault memory.
X Have it checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine surges, There is a malfunction in the gas system.

vibrates or runs irregu- X Carry out a check for leaks (visual check).
X Read out the control unit's fault memory.
X Have it checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine's output is The air filter is dirty or blocked.

poor (lack of power). X Replace the air filter element.

The charge-air temperature is too high; the exterior of the charge-air

cooler or engine radiator is dirty.
X Clean the exterior of the charge-air cooler and engine radiator.

The coolant temperature is too high.

X Check the temperature sensor; replace if necessary. Check the fan
X Check the thermostat and replace as necessary. Consult a qualified
specialist workshop.

Malfunction in the fuel system (blocked, leaking).

X Visual inspection for leaks.
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

Poor fuel grade

X Use the specified type of fuel and fuel grade (Y page 44).

The charge-air system is leaking; the hose clip on the charge-air hose
is loose or damaged.
X Check the charge-air system for leaks.
X Check the charge-air pressure sensor and, if necessary, replace.
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.
Troubleshooting 57

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

An operating restriction is activated due to an emissions-relevant
X Observe the notes on warning and indicator lamps (Y page 27).

There is an interruption The cause must be established in a qualified specialist workshop.

in the tractive power.

X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine braking The cause must be established in a qualified specialist workshop.
effect is poor. X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.
Fuel consumption is too See the operating notes in the fuel consumption section (Y page 34).
high. X If the problems cannot be fixed, consult a qualified specialist work-

The engine gets too hot There is not enough coolant in the coolant circuit.
(according to the coolant X Add coolant and bleed the system.
temperature gauge).
The coolant temperature sensor or display is faulty.
X Replace the sensor or display.

The poly-V-belt is damaged.

X Replace the poly-V-belt.

The fan does not switch on correctly.

X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine radiator is dirty on the inside; the engine radiator is very
dirty on the outside.
X Clean the engine radiator.

The thermostat is faulty.

X Check and replace as necessary.
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

Indicator lamps do not The lamps are faulty or the electrical cables are interrupted.
light up at IGNITION ON. X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

The charge current indi- The poly-V-belt is slipping.

cator lamp lights up X Check the belt tensioner function.
when the engine is run-
X Check that the poly-V-belt contact surfaces are not torn, damaged,
oily or glazed. Replace the poly-V-belt if necessary.

The poly-V-belt is torn.

X Replace the poly-V-belt.

The alternator or sensor is faulty.

X Check the alternator or sensor.
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.
58 Troubleshooting

Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

The engine is "knock- The engine is misfiring.
ing". X The wrong fuel or fuel of lower quality has been refilled (see the
service products section on diesel fuel) (Y page 37). Exchange the
fuel in the tank.
X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

The engine is "knock- There is bearing damage.

ing". X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

There are abnormal The air intake pipe and exhaust gas pipe are leaking, causing a whis-
sounds. tling noise.
X Rectify the cause of the leak and, if necessary, replace gaskets.

The turbine or compressor wheel is scraping the housing; there are

foreign objects in the compressor or turbine housing; bearings have
seized on the rotating parts.
X Have the exhaust gas turbocharger checked at a qualified specialist

The valve clearance is excessive.

X Check and adjust the valve clearance.

The poly-V-belt is slipping.

X Check that the poly-V-belt contact surfaces are not torn, damaged,
oily or glazed. Replace the poly-V-belt if necessary.

Replacing the poly-V-belt

If the poly-V-belt is torn or shows patterns of
damage, it must be replaced.
The tensioning device is spring-tensioned.
When it is loosened or tightened, there is a
risk of injury from crushing or entrapment in
pretensioned parts.
RAlways carry out work on the tensioning
device with extreme care.
RMake sure that the tool is handled cor-
Troubleshooting 59

Belt profile

Engine with triple-belt system (fan on crankshaft)
: Refrigerant compressor or replacement pul-
Engine with a dual-belt system (high-set fan) ley
: Refrigerant compressor or replacement pul- ; Guide pulley
= Coolant pump
; Guide pulley
? Belt drive B (fan)
= Coolant pump
A Tensioning pulley belt C
? Belt drive B (fan)
B Guide pulley
A Guide pulley
C Belt drive A
B Belt drive A
D Crankshaft
C Crankshaft
E Crankshaft (fan)
D Crankshaft (fan)
F Belt drive C
E Alternator
G Alternator
F Guide pulley (tandem tensioner)
H Fan
G Guide pulley
I Guide pulley
H Tensioning pulley belt B (tandem tensioner)
J Tensioning pulley belt B (tandem tensioner)
I Tensioning pulley belt A (tandem tensioner)
K Tensioning pulley belt A (tandem tensioner)
60 Troubleshooting

Belt drive A Belt drive C

: Refrigerant compressor or replacement pul- : Fan
ley ; Belt drive C tensioner (fan)
; Guide pulley = Crankshaft
= Coolant pump ? Poly-V-belt
? Poly-V-belt
A Guide pulley Fitting/removing poly-V-belts
B Crankshaft
C Alternator
X Insert the spanner, with the handle and exten-
sion attached, 15 mm into the tensioner.
D Tensioning pulley (belt drive A)
X Swing back the tensioner.
X Check that both the tensioner and the belt
pulley are in fault-free condition. Check for
such defects as worn bearings in the ten-
sioner, tensioning pulley and guide pulleys
and for wear of the tooth profile on the belt
X Replace faulty parts.
X Route the new poly-V-belt over all belt pulleys
except the tensioning pulley (observe the
poly-V-belt routing shown in the illustration).
X Remove the spanner and check for correct
seating of the poly-V-belt on the belt pulleys.

Belt drive B
: Tensioning pulley (belt drive B)
; Guide pulley
= Poly-V-belt
? Crankshaft
A Guide pulley (tandem tensioner)
Data card 61

Identification plates Information on the exhaust gas after-

treatment identification plate
Engine data plate
The identification plate for the exhaust gas after-
The engine data plate and the data plate for the treatment unit contains the following data:
exhaust gas aftertreatment unit must be legible
when installed in the vehicle.

Technical data
Example: exhaust gas aftertreatment identification
: Position of engine data plate : MB item number
; Exhaust gas aftertreatment unit ID number
Information on the engine data plate = MB certification number
The following data is contained on the engine ? MB ZGS number
data plate in the form of numbers stamped
directly onto the crankcase:
Data card

The data card forms an integral part of the docu-

ments belonging to the engine and should
always be kept with the Maintenance Booklet. It
contains details about the design of the engine
and the exhaust gas aftertreatment system,
including special features.
The data card describes the scope of delivery
from the Mercedes-Benz factory. Later changes
to the scope of delivery are not recorded on the
data card.
Example: engine data plate Conversion parts on the engine system which
: Manufacturer's name change the scope of the engine delivered by
; Engine model designation Mercedes-Benz should be reported to
Mercedes-Benz. Once the documentation has
= Engine number
been updated in VeDoc, an updated data card is
supplied. This helps to prevent incorrect order-
ing of replacement parts.
Exhaust gas aftertreatment identifi- The following is absolutely necessary when pro-
cation plate curing genuine Mercedes-Benz parts:
The exhaust gas aftertreatment identification Rthe data card or
plate is located on the upper side of the exhaust Rthe complete engine number and the number
gas aftertreatment unit. of the exhaust gas aftertreatment unit
62 Engine data

Engine data OM 470 OM 471 OM

Dimensions and weights
A = engine mm2 1551 mm2
All data refers to the standard version of the length with mm
respective engine type. Deviations may occur, fan
depending on the engine equipment and instal-
lation situation in the vehicle/device. B = engine mm2 1130 mm2
width mm
Dimensions C = engine mm2 1245 mm2
height mm
Technical data


OM OM 471 OM 473
Engine kg2 kg2 kg2
weight DIN
70020 - GZ

Example: engine length

Example: engine width and height

2 No information at time of going to print.

Engine data 63

General data
All data refers to the standard version of the respective engine type. Data for other versions is
available on request.
Engine Engine type OM 470 OM 471 OM 473
Assembly model 470.9 471.9 473.9
Type In-line engine with exhaust gas recirculation and charge-air
pressure control
Combustion prin- 4-stroke direct injection diesel

Technical data
Number of cylin- 6 6 6
Bore 125 mm 132 mm 139 mm
Stroke 145 mm 156 mm 171 mm
Engine capacity 10,700 cm3 12,800 cm3 15,600 cm3
Firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 1-5-3-6-2-4 1-5-3-6-2-4
Type of cooling Forced circulation cooling
Direction of rota- Anti-clockwise
tion (when looking
at the flywheel)
Valve Intake valve 0.40 mm +/- 0.40 mm +/- 0.40 mm +/-
clear- 0.05 mm 0.05 mm 0.05 mm
Exhaust valve 0.60 mm +/- 0.60 mm +/- 0.60 mm +/-
0.05 mm 0.05 mm 0.05 mm
Engine brake 4.6 mm +/- 4.6 mm +/- 4.6 mm +/-
0.05 mm 0.05 mm 0.05 mm
Starter Starter Electric Electric Electric
Voltage 24 V 24 V 24 V
Output 7.0 kW 7.0 kW 7.0 kW
Cold-start limit Ò30 † (battery charge capacity 75%)
Alterna- Voltage 24 V 24 V 24 V

Operating data
Maximum-permissible engine braking speed Approx. 2300 rpm
Engine speed for maximum engine torque (engine Approx. 1100 rpm
model series: 470.921, 471.944, 471.946)
64 Engine data

Rated power at rated engine speed (engine model ser- Approx. 1600 rpm
ies: 470.921, 471.944, 471.946)
Idling speed Approx. 500 rpm
Oil pressure at idling speed Minimum 0.7 bar
Coolant tempera- Normal operation Approx. 85- 95 †
Maximum permissible tempera- 110 †
ture of coolant (automatic torque
limitation up to 50 % from 103 †)
Technical data

Capacities and service products

i Observe the notes on service products (Y page 42)
Capacity approx- Service product (Sheet
imately No.3)
Engine with OM 470 Approx. 34 l/ 35 l/37 l Engine oil (Sheet No.
oil filter 228.31/.51)
(depending OM 471 Approx. 37 l/ 39 l/40 l
Further details, see
on the oil OM 473 Approx. 42 l/ 47 l (Y page 42)
Fuel system Fuel tank4 Diesel fuels in accord-
ance with DIN EN 590 as
of 2010 ff (Sheet No.
Further details, see
(Y page 37)
Exhaust gas AdBlue®/DEF tank4 AdBlue®/DEF in accord-
aftertreat- ance with ISO 22241 -1
ment system (Sheet No. 352.1)
Further details, see
(Y page 46)
Sealing bead of the anti- - Biolube L spray
freeze membrane on the
AdBlue®/DEF filter
Cooling sys- Amount of OM 470 Approx. 25 l Corrosion inhibitor/anti-
tem coolant in OM 471 Approx. 32 l freeze (Sheet No. 325.5)
the engine OM 473 Approx. 33 l or premixed coolant
(Sheet No. 326.5). Water
Corrosion inhibitor/anti- Approx. 50% by volume quality (Sheet No. 310.1)
freeze agent volume
down to Ò 37 °C

3 Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products.

4 Installation on the vehicle. Designed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Engine data 65

Capacity approx- Service product (Sheet

imately No.3)
Corrosion inhibitor/anti- Max. 55% by volume
freeze agent volume
down to Ò 45 °C
Engine com- Protective wax - Wax preservative (Sheet
partment No. 385.4)

Tightening torques

Technical data
All threads on mechanical components and the corresponding contact surfaces must be clean,
smooth and coated with engine oil. Other lubricants lead to substantially different tightening tor-
The tightening torques are the same for OM 470, 471 and 473. An exception is made for the cooling
system (see table).
Engine Cylinder head cover screw on camshaft housing 20 Nm
Valve clearance setting Counternut to the rocker arm 50 Nm
adjustment screw
Engine brake setting Counternut on the engine 50 Nm
brake rocker arm adjustment
Screw of TDC inspection hole cap on the flywheel housing 30 Nm
Cranking device screw on the timing case 30 Nm
Fuel system Fuel filter cap on the fuel filter module 55 Nm
Fuel prefilter cap on the fuel filter module 55 Nm
Water separator Drain plug Tighten
Oil circuit Drain plug on oil pan without M20 x 1.5 65 Nm
bayonet connection (threa-
ded) M22 x 1.5 70 Nm
M26 x 1.5 85 Nm
Drain plug on the oil pan with bayonet connection (snap-in joint Tighten it
with spring pre-tension) as far as it
will go
Oil filter cap on the oil/coolant module 55 Nm
Cooling system Coolant drain plug on the oil/coolant module 55 Nm
OM 470
Cooling system Drain fitting on crankcase M18 x 1.5 30 Nm
OM 471 and OM

3 Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products.

66 Engine data

Exhaust gas Filter housing on the pump module 80 Nm

Diesel particle filter V-band clamp on the exhaust gas after- 20 Nm
treatment unit
Diesel particle filter ribbon cable clamp on the exhaust gas 18 Nm
aftertreatment unit
Air dryer Granulate cartridge on the air dryer 15 Nm

Tightening sequence for the cylinder

Technical data

head cover
The cylinder head cover screws must be tight-
ened in the correct tightening sequence in the
same order as described below.
Publication details

Further information about Mercedes-Benz

engines and Daimler AG can be found online at:

Documentation team

Should you have any questions or suggestions

regarding this manual, you can reach the tech-
nical documentation team at the following
Daimler AG, HPC: CAC, Customer Service,
70546 Stuttgart, Germany
Daimler AG: not to be reprinted, translated or
otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, with-
out written permission from Daimler AG.

Assembly manufacturer

Daimler AG
Mercedesstra e 137
70327 Stuttgart

As at 11.08.2016

Order no. 6462 9883 02 Part no. 470 584 36 81 Edition 12-16

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