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N. Dello Russo Et Al - Water Production Rates, Rotational Temperatures, and Spin Temperatures in Comets C/1999 H1 (LEE), C/1999 S4, and C/2001 A2

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The Astrophysical Journal, 621:537544, 2005 March 1

# 2005. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

N. Dello Russo
Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064; and Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 690, Greenbelt, MD 20771

B. P. Bonev
Ritter Astrophysical Research Center, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606; and Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 690, Greenbelt, MD 20771

M. A. DiSanti and M. J. Mumma

Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 690, Greenbelt, MD 20771

E. L. Gibb
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556

K. Magee-Sauer
Department of Chemistry and Physics, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ 08028

and R. J. Barber and J. Tennyson

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK Receivvd 2004 September 10; accepted 2004 November 7 e

ABSTRACT Water hot-band lines were detected in comets C/1999 H1 (Lee), C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), and C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) in the 2.9 m spectral region using high-dispersion (k=k $ 2 ; 104 ) infrared spectroscopy with NIRSPEC at the W. M. Keck Observatory. The density of H2O emissions in this spectral region, the spectral coverage and resolution of NIRSPEC, and uorescence models developed for these hot bands enabled the determination of H2O production rates, rotational temperatures, and ortho-to-para ratios (OPRs) in these comets. Previous studies revealed clear diversity in the volatile organic chemistries of these comets, suggesting that they may have formed in different regions of the early solar nebula. The nuclear spin temperature of H2O as derived from its OPR is another possible indicator of cometary formation temperature and region. Nuclear spin temperatures for H2O were derived on one date in comet S4 and two dates in Lee and A2. Derived spin temperatures for H2O in these comets are !30, 3015 , and 234 K for S4, Lee, and A2, respectively. Measurements are consistent with a possible link between 6 3 nuclear spin temperatures and volatile abundances, but studies of more comets and continued improvements in water hot-band uorescence models are needed to more stringently test this. Subject headingg: comets: general comets: individual (C/1999 S4, C/2001 A2, Lee (C/1999 H1)) s infrared: solar system techniques: spectroscopic

1. BACKGROUND Knowledge of the composition and structure of the cometary nucleus is essential for understanding the formation and evolution of volatile material within our solar system. An important focus of current research is the degree to which the composition of precometary ices varied with distance from the young Sun. Based on dynamical arguments it is believed that Oort Cloud comets formed in the giant planets region of the nebula between 5 and 40 AU (see Oort 1950; Dones et al. 2005). Molecular abundances in the nebula both in the gas phase and on ice mantles critically depend on the temperature and thus would have varied signicantly with distance from the Sun. In addition to temperature gradients, ices and gases in this region were subjected to differing degrees of radiation processing (specically UV and X-ray). For these reasons, Oort Cloud comets are expected to possess a range in volatile abundances reective of their chemically diverse formative regions. Emerging observational evidence supports this diversity. The methanol abundance in comets shows a wide range (<0.2% 6% relative to H2O), with Oort Cloud comets showing both 537

the lowest (LINEAR C/1999 S4) and highest (Austin 1990 V, C/1996 B1) values in this range (Mumma 1997; Mumma et al. 2001a; Bockelee-Morvan et al. 2001; Biver et al. 2002). Similar diversity is seen in the abundances of hypervolatiles CO ($1%15% for the native ice; Feldman et al. 1997; DiSanti et al. 2001, 2003; Mumma et al. 2003) and CH4 ($0.2%1.5%; Gibb et al. 2003). Water is the dominant ice in comets, so in the context of the overall volatile chemistry, it is important to accurately determine H2O production rates. We have developed a technique for directly measuring gas-phase H2O abundances in cometary comae from ground-based observatories based on infrared nonresonance (hot-band) uorescence. Since hot-band emissions radiate to vibrational levels that lie well above the ground state, they are in general not strongly extinguished by terrestrial water. Thus, observing these transitions requires no specic cometary Doppler shift. This method has been routinely used to directly detect and determine H2O production rates in comets for about the last 10 years (Mumma et al. 1995, 1996, 2001a, 2001b; Dello Russo et al. 2000, 2002a, 2002b, 2004; Weaver et al. 1999a, 1999b; Brooke et al. 2003).



TABLE 1 Observing Circumstances R (AU) (AU) dot ( km s1)  cb (cm1) Itimed (minutes)

Vol. 621

UT Date




Lines Usede

C/1999 H1 ( Lee) 1999 Aug 19.6 ..................... 1.049 ... ... 1.076 ... 1.381 ... ... 1.348 ... 28.4 ... ... 29.0 ... KL_1 KL_2 KL_3 KL_1 KL_2 3364.2 3408.9 3457.3 3370.0 3439.8 2.5 ; 104 ... ... 2.5 ; 104 ... 4.52 ... ... 3.87 ... 8 10 8 24 24 33 (10) ... ... 25 (10) ...

1999 Aug 21.6 .....................

C/1999 S4 ( LINEAR) 2000 Jul 13.6 ....................... 0.804 ... 0.546 ... 54.9 ... KL_1 KL_2 3370.6 3442.2 1.5 ; 104 ... 19.3 ... 16 28 8 (3) ...

C/2001 A2 ( LINEAR) 2001 Jul 9.5 ......................... 2001 Jul 10.5 ....................... 2001 Aug 4.4 ....................... 2001 Aug 10.5 .....................
a b c

1.160 ... 1.173 ... 1.510 1.594

0.275 ... 0.282 ... 0.578 0.673

11.4 ... 12.4 ... 25.9 28.0

KL_1 KL_2 KL_1 KL_2 KL_2 KL_2

3368.8 3429.0 3368.7 3428.9 3428.7 3428.9

2.5 ; 104 ... 2.5 ; 104 ... 2.5 ; 104 2.5 ; 104

7.55 ... 8.06 ... 3.24 3.85

20 28 16 40 12 20

17 (6) ... 17 (6) ... 9f 10f

NIRSPEC is cross-dispersed, so each setting samples multiple orders. All water lines used in this study are within order 26. The central wavenumber of the order (each setting encompasses $50 cm1 per order near 2.9 m). The column burden of atmospheric water vapor in precipitable millimeters. d On-source integration time. e Total number of H2O lines used in the analysis (see Table 2 and x 3). Emissions that are a blend of more than one rovibrational water line are counted only once. The number of para lines used in the analysis is given in parentheses after the number of total lines used. f Emissions were co-added instead of analyzed individually.

The H2O molecule is organized into distinct species according to whether the nuclear spin vectors of the hydrogen atoms are parallel (ortho ladder, I 1) or antiparallel ( para ladder, I 0). The lowest ortho level lies 23.8 cm1 ($34 K) above the lowest para level, so the ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) of H2O is temperature-dependent. The OPR achieves the statistical equilibrium value of 3/1 for temperatures above $50 K, whereas para states are increasingly favored at lower temperatures. Once water molecules form, there is evidence that radiative and collisional processes are unlikely to cause conversion between spin states, so conversion times are thought to be very long. Theoretical studies demonstrate a radiative conversion time for H2 ($1020 s) exceeding the age of the universe, and laboratory studies determined a collisional half-life of $2 ; 1017 collisions, or about 3 yr at standard temperature and pressure (see Farkas 1935; Dodelson 1986; Mumma et al. 1993). Laser-induced uorescence studies of H2O itself show no evidence of nuclear spin state conversion during molecular collisions (Nela et al. 2000). Nuclear spin conversion can occur faster in other molecules (e.g., CH4; see Frayer & Ewing 1967); however, recent evidence suggests long nuclear spin conversion times for H2O that are more analogous to H2 than CH4 (Miani & Tennyson 2004). It is possible that nuclear spin conversion times for H2O will be better constrained in the near future. It has been known for some time that nuclear spin conversion may occur between ortho and para rotational levels close in energy via hyperne nuclear spin-rotational or spin-spin interactions (Curl et al. 1967). Recently, it has been suggested that this type of conversion could be observed experimentally, enabling the eventual development of a reliable nuclear spin conversion model for H2O (Miani & Tennyson 2004).

Based on our knowledge to date, it is likely that H2O molecules do not undergo nuclear spin conversion during their long residence in the comet nucleus or after sublimation into the coma prior to photodissociation. Thus, nuclear spin temperatures (derived from measured OPRs in the coma) may be a measure of the chemical formation temperature of water in comets and could provide clues about the formation region and processing histories of cometary ices (Mumma et al. 1989, 1993). Measurements of H2O OPRs in comets were initially made in 1P/Halley and C/1986 P1 (Wilson) from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. OPR 2:5 0:1, equivalent to a spin temperature of 29 K, was derived for comet Halley (Mumma et al. 1987, 1989, 1993). Comet Wilson, however, showed an OPR 3:2 0:2, which is consistent with statistical equilibrium at a spin temperature greater than 50 K (Mumma et al. 1989). The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) observed the 2.62.9 m spectral region, which contains bands of H2O ( 3,  1, and hot bands) in comets C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and 103P/Hartley 2 (Crovisier et al. 1997, 1999). The spectral resolution was sufcient (k=k $ 1500) to resolve the stronger rovibrational lines. Based on ISO results, OPR 2:45 0:10 and 2.7 (corresponding to Tspin 28 and 35 K) were determined for Hale-Bopp and Hartley 2, respectively. These results conrm that H2O in comets can have spin temperatures of less than 50 K. Studies of H2O hot bands from ground-based observatories have the potential for more routine measurements of OPRs in comets. The targeting of hot bands and the use of sensitive high-resolution (k=k $ 2 ; 104 ) ground-based spectrometers enables the detection of multiple rovibrational lines. Here we determine H2O production rates, rotational temperatures, and OPRs for three Oort Cloud comets [C/1999 H1 (Lee), C/1999

No. 1, 2005



Fig. 1.Comparison of spectral residuals for comets C/1999 H1 ( Lee), C/1999 S4, and C/2001 A2 with best-t uorescence models. (a) Top: Spectral residuals for comet Lee on UT 1999 August 21.6, KL_2 setting (see Table 1). Bottom: H2O uorescence model (solid curve) for QH2 O 1:43 ; 10 29 s1, Trot 76 K, and OPR 2:3, convolved to the approximate resolution of the Lee comet residuals. (b) Top: Spectral residuals for comet C/1999 S4 on UT 2000 July 13.6, KL_2 setting (see Table 1). Bottom: H2O uorescence model (solid curve) for QH2 O 6:73 ; 1028 s1, Trot 73 K , and OPR 2:8, convolved to the approximate resolution of the S4 comet residuals. (c) Top: Spectral residuals for comet C/2001 A2 on UT 2001 July 10.5, KL_2 setting (see Table 1). Bottom: H2O uorescence model (solid curve) for QH2 O 4:30 ; 1028 s1, Trot 105 K, and OPR 1:8, convolved to the approximate resolution of the A2 comet residuals. Water hot-band lines are labeled o for ortho, p for para, and b for a blend of ortho and para. Unknown emission features are labeled with a question mark, and emissions due to OH are labeled in (c). The dashed curves superposed on the comet residuals are the 1  (photon) noise level.

coverage. Flux calibrations were obtained for each grating/ cross-disperser setting and were based on observations of standard stars through 3 and 5 pixel slits (corresponding to 0B43 and 0B72 slit widths, respectively), with corrections for slit losses included in our analysis. The data were processed using algorithms specically tailored to our comet observations. Application of these for data acquired with NIRSPEC has been described elsewhere (e.g., Mumma et al. 2001a, 2001b). Spectral frames were registered such that the spectral and spatial dimensions fell along rows and columns, respectively. Spectra were then extracted over any desired spatial extent and position along the slit. Atmospheric models were obtained using the Spectrum Synthesis Program (SSP; Kunde & Maguire 1974), which accesses the HITRAN-1992 Molecular Data Base (Rothman et al. 1992). SSP models were used to assign wavelength scales to the extracted spectra and to establish absolute column burdens for each signicant absorbing species in the terrestrial atmosphere. The detectability of emission lines near 2.9 m is particularly sensitive to the atmospheric water burden, which was notably high for S4 and A2 in July ( Table 1). Volatile emission features were separated from the continuum by subtracting the normalized atmospheric model from the comet spectrum row by row, yielding the net cometary molecular emission intensities along the slit (still convolved with the atmospheric transmittance function; see Fig. 1). The true line ux (Fline) incident at the top of the terrestrial atmosphere was determined by dividing the observed ux by the monochromatic transmittance (obtained from the fully resolved SSP model) at the Doppler-shifted line position. In this study, multiple lines from six different hot bands near 2.9 m were detected. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to obtain the rotational temperature, production rate, and OPR from measured line uxes, the uorescence efciencies (g-factors) for individual rovibrational lines are needed as a function of temperature. We have developed uorescence models for seven hot bands in the 2.9 m region based on the methodology discussed in Dello Russo et al. (2000, 2004). Figure 1 shows a comparison of best-t uorescence models to spectral residuals of comets Lee, S4, and A2. In this work, lines from six hot bands were detected near 2.9 m. The vibrational assignments for these six bands are 101001 (corresponding to  1+ 3  3), 101100, 200100, 200001, 110010, and 111110. Uncertainties in determining g-factors for these H2O hotband lines are discussed in detail elsewhere (Dello Russo et al. 2004). One problem is that laboratory measurements of absorption line strengths are not generally available for upward transitions from vibrationally excited states with energies higher than  2 (excitation energies exceed 4500 K for the next highest levels [020, 100, and 001], making it difcult to populate them signicantly in the laboratory). Therefore, theoretical calculations were performed using rst-principles variational nuclear motion calculations to determine Einstein A-coefcients. Energy levels and wave functions were calculated using program DVR3D (Tennyson et al. 2004) and the recent, spectroscopically determined, potential energy surface of Shirin et al. (2003). Einstein A-coefcients were then calculated using these wave functions and the ab initio dipole surface of A. E. Lynas-Gray et al. (2005, in preparation). These calculations used very highly converged wave functions, since they are part of a much more

S4 (LINEAR), and C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)]. Derived H2O OPRs and volatile abundances in these comets are compared and discussed. 2. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA ANALYSIS Observations were performed with the NIRSPEC spectrometer (McLean et al. 1998) at the 10 m W. M. Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The observing circumstances are summarized in Table 1. At each grating setting, comet data were acquired using a sequence of four scans (source, sky, sky, source). For sky spectra the telescope was nodded on the chip, providing sky cancellation via pixel-by-pixel subtraction. The source and sky frames are taken in positions approximately one-quarter the distance from the top and bottom of the slit, respectively (1200 nod along the slit). On-chip nodding allows more time on source to be obtained at the expense of spatial


DELLO RUSSO ET AL. clear; however, we note that the aperture size at the comet (in km) was much smaller for A2 than for S4 and Lee ( Table 3). 3.2. H2O Production Rates The methodology and examples for generating Q-curves and determining production rates have been discussed in detail in our previous work (Dello Russo et al. 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002b; Magee-Sauer et al. 1999, 2002; DiSanti et al. 2001). These studies clearly dene the nucleus-centered and terminal (off-nucleus) production rates and the relation between them. For this work, production rates were determined within a nucleus-centered aperture (the size of the aperture is listed in Table 3). Since this raw nucleus-centered value underestimates the true production rate (Dello Russo et al. 1998), a correction factor based on the ratio of terminal to nucleuscentered production rates was applied. An accurate ratio can be obtained by summing all water lines within a grating setting and order and generating a Q-curve based on this sum. The ratio of terminal to nucleus-centered production rates from this Q-curve provides a correction factor by which the nucleuscentered Q for each line within a grating setting and order can be multiplied (we assume a constant Trot from the nucleuscentered to the terminal region). This method is assumed to be valid since all lines within a single grating setting will be equally affected by seeing, drift, and telescope defocusing. In grating settings with many weak lines, this technique has the advantage of obtaining higher signal-to-noise ratios for lineby-line production rates (compared with using the terminal Q for each line individually). Production rates were determined on two dates for comet Lee, on one date for S4, and on four dates for A2 ( Table 3). The derived water production rates are in agreement with those previously derived for comet Lee (on UT August 20.6; Mumma et al. 2001b) and higher than those derived for comet S4 (by $50%) based on two hot-band lines detected near 4.7 m on the same date (UT July 13.63; Mumma et al. 2001a). The primary reason for this discrepancy in S4 is that a rotational temperature of 50 K was assumed for H2O in Mumma et al. (2001b). When the rotational temperature derived from this work (73 K) is applied to the lines analyzed in Mumma et al. (2001b), the production rates agree within error. We note that in some cases, substantial differences exist between our derived water production rates and those derived by other techniques. Our revised water production rates for S4 are more than a factor of 2 higher than those inferred from observations of OH and H Ly close to the time of our observations (Farnham et al. 2001; Makinen et al. 2001). Our water production rates for A2 are consistent with those obtained from the Odin satellite over a range of dates just prior to our observations (Lecacheux et al. 2003), but are about a factor of 5 lower than those inferred from FUSE observations starting UT 2001 July 12.6 (Feldman et al. 2002). Disagreement with FUSE production rates is not surprising since the FUSE results likely reect increased comet activity due to an outburst on July 12 (Kysely et al. 2001; Morris et al. 2001). H2O production rates were determined in comet Lee using SWAS, but they are not directly comparable to our results since measurements were obtained at different times (Neufeld et al. 2000; Chiu et al. 2001). The differences between water production rates determined from different spectral regions (and different instruments, telescopes, etc.) impose problems that are not completely understood. As pointed out by Magee-Sauer et al. (1999), intercomparisons between results obtained from different

extensive study designed for modeling the spectrum of hot water. The full calculations will be reported elsewhere. Although Einstein A-coefcients were not determined in the laboratory, comets themselves may be used as ad hoc laboratories to test and improve the hot-band uorescence models. Table 2 lists the specic emission lines (single and blended) used in this analysis. For each comet on each date, the individual uxes from all measured lines were initially used in determining rotational temperatures and OPRs. Production rates were determined for each line individually based on the initially measured rotational temperature and OPR. Lines that gave systematically deviant production rates (i.e., higher or lower than the mean, at the 90% condence level [Hoel 1984] averaged over at least three separate measurements of the line) were excluded from the analysis, while lines for which there were less than three separate measurements were always included ( Table 2). Four lines were excluded for S4 and Lee on all dates, and three lines were excluded on the July dates for A2. No lines were excluded in the August A2 analysis ( Table 2). Production rates, rotational temperatures, and OPRs were then recalculated (excluding deviant lines) for all comets and on all dates ( Table 3). The presence of systematically deviant lines suggests errors in the rotational branching ratios in the uorescence models (derived production rates that were systematically high could also be caused by blending with unknown emissions). Improvements in dipole surface calculations are ongoing (A. E. Lynas-Gray et al. 2005, in preparation) and should reduce uncertainties in the hot-band uorescence models in the future. As more highresolution infrared measurements of these H2O lines are obtained, systematically deviant emissions can be identied to help improve uorescence models. 3.1. Rotational Temperatures Knowledge of the rotational temperature (Trot ) is needed to determine total production rates from individual line intensities. We estimate Trot in the ground vibrational level by comparing the transmittance-corrected H2O line uxes (Fline) with their calculated temperature-dependent g-factors (gline), using all measured lines in the 2.9 m region. At the correct rotational temperature, the quantity Fline /( linegline) should be independent of the average energy of the lower state of the transition (as weighted by their relative contributions to the upper state population) for all measured lines (where  line is the line frequency in cm1). Additional details regarding determination of Trot are given in Dello Russo et al. (2004). The rotational temperature was measured on two dates for comets Lee and A2 and on one date for comet S4 (results are summarized in Table 3). Rotational temperatures were measured within apertures centered on the nucleus and correspond to an average over the region of the coma sampled by the aperture ( Table 3). We note that gas rotational temperature is expected to vary in the coma with distance from the nucleus (Bockelee-Morvan 1987); however, the signal-to-noise ratio of individual H2O lines was insufcient to accurately determine Trot for off-nucleus extracts. The ability to sample multiple lines with a wide range of ground-state rotational energies enabled accurate determinations of Trot. Generally, the rotational temperature increases with increasing gas production rate and decreasing heliocentric distance (Rh). It is interesting to note the higher derived rotational temperature of H2O in comet A2 (in July) compared to Lee and S4, despite a lower H2O production rate and larger Rh. The meaning of the higher rotational temperature in A2 is un-

TABLE 2 H2O Lines Analyzed near 2.9 m Dates Detected (UT) Rest Frequency (cm1) 3347.907.................. 3348.355.................. 3358.922.................. 3360.990.................. 3362.310.................. 3366.554.................. 3371.692.................. 3372.754a ................ 3378.484a ................ 3382.100.................. 3387.541a ................ 3390.017a ............... 3390.039a ............... 3390.092a ............... 3394.076.................. 3397.628.................. 3399.368.................. 3404.243.................. 3404.997.................. 3409.203.................. 3410.577.................. 3411.613.................. 3412.924.................. 3415.699.................. 3417.659 ................ 3417.775 ................ 3422.329.................. 3426.582.................. 3428.303.................. 3434.330 ................ 3434.382 ................ 3434.399 ................ 3435.490.................. 3436.633 ................ 3436.643 ................ 3439.423.................. 3439.826.................. 3445.885.................. 3448.722 ................ 3448.742 ................ 3448.829 ................ 3449.376.................. 3450.294.................. 3451.089.................. 3453.154 ................ 3453.300 ................ 3454.689.................. 3456.445a,b .............. 3458.117.................. 3459.493 ................ 3459.529 ................ 3463.196 y ................ 3463.234 y ................ 3467.676.................. 3468.532 ................ 3468.631 ................ 3468.652 ................ 3468.754 ................ 3468.870 ................ 3472.285 y ................ 3472.357 y ................ Vibrational Assignment 101001 200001 200001 200001 101001 200100 200100 200001 200001 200001 101001 101100 200001 101001 200100 101001 200001 101001 101001 110010 101100 101001 200100 101100 200100 101001 101001 101100 200001 200100 101100 101001 200001 101001 101100 101001 200001 200001 111110 101100 101100 101100 200001 101001 101100 200100 101001 101100 101001 101100 101001 200100 200100 101100 101001 101100 200001 111110 101100 200100 111110 Rotational Assignment 220 331 322 423 303 404 313 414 212 321 322 431 313 422 221 322 202 303 212 313 404 515 212 331 414 413 414 505 221 330 111 220 101 202 110 221 303 414 330 441 624 725 313 404 212 321 303 422 312 423 322 413 202 313 615 716 212 211 211 322 414 431 212 303 322 321 404 413 533 634 101 212 111 110 220 221 515 616 606 707 616 717 524 625 110 111 413 422 202 321 110 221 211 220 422 523 000 111 431 532 111 202 322 331 313 404 413 514 202 211 505 606 101 000 312 413 515 616 432 523 322 423 Nuclear Spin Species Ortho Para Ortho Para Para Para Para Ortho Para Ortho Ortho Para Ortho Para Ortho Ortho Ortho Para Para Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Para Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Para Para Para Para Ortho Ortho Para Para Para Ortho Ortho Para Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Ortho Para Para Ortho Ortho Para Ortho Para Ortho Ortho Ortho Lee 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, None 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, ... ... 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 None 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, ... 1999 Aug 19.6, None 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, ... ... 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, ... 1999 Aug 21.6 None 1999 Aug 21.6 1999 Aug 19.6, ... ... 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 21.6 1999 Aug 19.6, ... 1999 Aug 19.6, None 1999 Aug 19.6, 1999 Aug 19.6, ... 1999 Aug 19.6, ... 1999 Aug 19.6 1999 Aug 19.6 ... ... ... ... 1999 Aug 19.6 ... 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 S4 None None None None None None 2000 Jul 2000 Jul None 2000 Jul 2000 Jul 2000 Jul ... ... None None None None None None None None None 2000 Jul None ... None None 2000 Jul 2000 Jul ... ... None None ... None None None None ... ... None 2000 Jul None 2000 Jul ... 2000 Jul 2000 Jul None None ... None ... None None ... ... ... ... None ... None None 2001 Jul 2001 Jul None None None 2001 Jul 2001 Jul 2001 Jul 2001 Jul None A2

9.5, 10.5 9.5, 10.5

13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6

9.5, 9.5, 9.5, 9.5,

10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 ... ...

21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6


13.6 13.6

21.6 21.6


21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6

13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6

None None None None 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug None 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug 2001 Aug 4.4, 10.5 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 ... None 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 None 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug ... ... 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 None ... 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug 2001 Aug 4.4, 10.5 None ... ... 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5 2001 Jul 9.5, 10.5, Aug ... None None None None ... None ... None None ... ... ... ... None ...

4.4, 10.5

4.4, 10.5 4.4, 10.5

4.4, 10.5

4.4, 10.5 4.4, 10.5

4.4, 10.5 10.5

Note.Asterisks () or daggers (y) indicate emissions that are combinations of two or more lines. a Lines excluded from the analysis for all comets on all dates (see x 3). b This line was detected and analyzed on three dates in comet 153P/ Ikeya-Zhang (C/2002 C1) and was suspected of being a blended emission ( Dello Russo et al. 2004), so it was excluded from this analysis since there are four total measurements of this line in our comet data archive (see text).



TABLE 3 Trot , Ortho-to-Para Ratio, and QH2 O for Comets Lee, S4, and A2 R (AU ) (AU )

Vol. 621

UT Date

Aperture Size

Trotb ( K)


Tspinb ( K)

QH2 O b,c

C /1999 H1 ( Lee) 1999 Aug 19.6 ........... 1999 Aug 21.6 ........... 1.049 ... 1.076 ... 1.381 ... 1.348 ... 420 ; 1710 ... 410 ; 1670 ... 806 4 8015 9 764 3 7610 6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 1.2 0.5 1.1 !23 !17 !23 !18 13.35 13.35 14.31 14.31 1.28 2.58 1.33 2.71

C /1999 S4 ( LINEAR) 2000 July 13.6 ........... 0.804 ... 0.546 ... 290 ; 680 ... 738 6 7319 12 2.8 0.3 2.8 1.4 !30 !18 6.73 0.56 6.73 1.19

C /2001 A2 ( LINEAR) 2001 July 9.5 ............. 2001 July 10.5 ........... 2001 Aug 4.4 ............. 2001 Aug 10.5 ...........

1.16 ... 1.173 ... 1.510 1.594

0.275 ... 0.282 ... 0.578 0.673

84 ; 340 ... 86 ; 350 ... 180 ; 720 210 ; 830

986 5 9813 8 1055 3 10512 7 70d 70d

2.5 2.5 1.8 1.8 2.1d 2.1d

0.4 1.0 0.2 0.6

3015 6 !19 21 2 217 4 ... ...

3.77 3.77 4.30 4.30 1.09 0.62

0.34 0.71 0.37 0.76 0.17 0.14

The aperture size in km (columns ; rows) at the comet where Trot, OPR , and QH2 O were determined. These extracts were centered on the nucleus. In units of pixels the extracts are 3 ; 9 for comets Lee and A2, and 5 ; 9 for comet S4. In units of arcseconds 3 ; 9 0B42 ; 1B74 and 5 ; 9 0B72 ; 1B74. b For Trot , OPR, Tspin, and QH2 O , the error bars for the upper values in these cells represent standard errors, and the error bars for the lower values in these cells represent the 95% condence level (e.g., Arkin & Colton 1970; Hoel 1984). For A2 in August, the errors bars in QH2 O represent the standard errors. The weighted average of OPRs on August 19.6 and 21.6 in Lee gives an average spin temperature of 3015 K (standard error). The weighted average of OPRs on July 9.5 and 10.5 in A2 gives an average spin temperature of 234 K 6 3 (standard error). c 28 1 The water production rate ; 10 molecules s . d Assumed rotational temperature or OPR. Assumed OPRs are based on a weighted average derived on UT 2001 July 9.5 and 10.5. Assumed rotational temperatures are based on Trot derived for HCN in A2 on UT 2001 August 4.4 ( K. Magee-Sauer et al. 2005, in preparation).

techniques may be misleading. Agreement between absolute production rates may in some cases be more coincidental than consistent because the various methods are subject to widely different observational approaches, beam sizes, (not always understood) systematic effects, and modeling assumptions and complexity. Simultaneous measurements of different species (as is the case with data obtained with NIRSPEC) can help eliminate some systematic errors. 3.3. Ortho-to-Para Ratio A sufcient number of both ortho and para lines were detected (see Tables 1 and 2) to determine OPRs for comets Lee and A2 on two dates and for S4 on one date ( Table 3). These OPRs represent an average in the coma within the given aperture size (see Table 3). The derived nuclear spin temperatures of water released from comets A2, Lee, and S4 are respectively 234 , 3015 , and !30 K (from a weighted average of the two 3 6 dates on which OPRs were measured in Lee and A2). Low spin temperatures measured in these comets suggest that their H2O likely formed on cold grains (with Tspin reecting grain temperatures), rather than from exothermic gas-phase reactions (Tielens & Allamandola 1987). Nuclear spin temperatures in comets A2 and Lee are much lower than derived rotational temperatures, suggesting that H2O OPRs are not reset to the coma gas temperature upon sublimation from the nucleus. We note that optical depth effects could simulate low OPRs; however, relevant transitions are optically thin outside a few kilometers (at most) from the nucleus (Dello Russo et al. 2004).

Spin temperatures have also been derived for NH3 (assuming that NH2 originates solely from the photodissociation of NH3) in comets A2 (251 K; Kawakita et al. 2002, 2004) and S4 2 (273 K; Kawakita et al. 2001, 2004). A comparison of these 2 results shows a possible correlation between spin temperatures for H2O and NH3 (spin temperatures for H2O and NH3 are within error in A2 and S4). However, a comparison in more comets is needed to establish a relationship (if any) between spin temperatures for H2O, NH3, and other species. We note that the smaller error bars reported in the aforementioned study are not directly comparable to ours because they were calculated in a self-consistent but different way. Kawakita et al. pointed out that they had used only the reciprocal errors (as determined solely from the error associated with each measurement; see, e.g., Bevington & Robinson 1992) in obtaining a mean OPR (and corresponding spin temperature) from two individual line measurements. The dominant error in our analysis is not the reciprocal error, but is instead the standard error of the mean (Bevington & Robinson 1992; Arkin & Colton 1970) for a given date. The standard error depends on the dispersion of the individual line measurements around their weighted mean value. While the reciprocal error usually reects photon or background noise within spectral extracts, the standard error of the mean encompasses additional effects, such as model uncertainties and the inuence of small-number statistics. 3.4. ComparinggOrtho-to-Para Ratios to Volatile Chemistries A comparison of water OPRs with volatile chemistries may provide insights into the formation region for ices in these

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TABLE 4 A Comparison of Volatile Abundances and Spin Temperatures in Comets S4, Lee, and A2 Relative Abundances (% with Respect to H2O)a Tspin (K) !30 3015 d 6 234 d 3


Comet S4b .................... Leec .................. A2e ...................

CO 0.28 1.5 $3.5

CH4 0.14 1.0 $0.92.7

C2H6 0.11 0.65 $1.6

CH3OH <0.15 1.7 $4.0

HCN 0.08 0.18 $0.5

C2H2 <0.12 0.22 $0.4

a All volatile mixing ratios obtained from previous work are updated to reect water production rates derived from this work. b Mixing ratios are for UT 2000 July 13.6. Volatile production rates from Mumma et al. (2001a), except for CH4 (Gibb et al. 2003). c Mixing ratios are for UT 1999 Aug 21.6, except for CO, which was measured on Aug 20.6. Volatile production rates from Mumma et al. (2001b), except for CH4 (Gibb et al. 2003). d Spin temperatures based on a weighted average of two dates. e Mixing ratios for A2 are approximate. Date-by-date values for relative abundances in A2 are reported in K. Magee-Sauer et al. (2005, in preparation) and E. L. Gibb et al. (2005, in preparation).

comets. It has been argued that the volatile abundances in Oort Cloud comets likely reect the region in the solar nebula where they formed (see Mumma et al. 2001a). These three comets show diverse volatile chemistries ( Table 4), suggesting different formation regions. In particular, the depleted volatile abundances in S4 suggest its formation in a warm region of the nebula, perhaps near Jupiter (Mumma et al. 2001a), while enhanced abundances in A2 suggest its formation in a cold region of the nebula, perhaps near Neptune (K. Magee-Sauer et al. 2005, in preparation). The derived nuclear spin temperatures are consistent with formation of H2O in these comets in different regions of the solar nebula (perhaps consistent also with their different volatile chemistries). However, the results are not sensitive enough to rule out formation of H2O in these comets at similar temperatures (near 30 K) in the nebula, or in the presolar molecular cloud before formation of the solar system. It is not clear from this study whether or not measured OPRs are correlated with volatile abundances or provide insight into the formative region of comets, but studies of more comets and continued improvements in H2O hot-band uorescence models are needed to more stringently test this. 4. SUMMARY Production rates for H2O were derived in comets C/1999 H1 Lee (2 dates), C/1999 S4 (1 date), and C/2001 A2 (4 dates) based on the detection of multiple hot-band lines near 2.9 m with NIRSPEC at the W. M. Keck Observatory (Tables 2 and 3). Measurements of multiple lines having a range of lower state energies allowed the accurate determination of rotational temperatures in these three comets ( Table 3). We note that the retrieved rotational temperatures were highest in comet A2, although for these measurements its H2O production rate was the lowest, and it was at a larger heliocentric distance than Lee and S4. We also note that the geocentric distance of A2 was much smaller than for Lee or S4, so the region of the coma sampled for A2 was weighted closer to the nucleus ( Table 3).

Ortho-to-para ratios and associated nuclear spin temperatures for H2O were determined in these comets ( Table 3). The derived spin temperatures of water released from comets A2, Lee, and S4 are 234 , 3015 , and !30 K, respectively. Thus our 3 6 results are marginally consistent with the formation of H2O in these comets in different regions of the solar nebula, suggesting a possible correlation between the H2O nuclear spin temperatures and the diverse volatile abundances of these comets ( Table 4). However, the sensitivity of our measurements is insufcient to rule out formation of water in these comets at similar temperatures (near 30 K) either in the nebula or in the presolar molecular cloud. As more comets are sampled and H2O hot-band uorescence models are improved, the connection between volatile chemistries, OPRs, and formation histories should become clearer.

This work was supported by the NASA OSS Planetary Atmospheres Program under NAG5-10795 and NAG5-12285 to N. D. R., and the Planetary Astronomy Program under RTOP 693-344-32-30-07 to M. J. M. J. T. and R. L. B. were supported for this work by PPARC. We acknowledge the UCL HiPerSPACE computer center, where calculations of Einstein A-coefcients were performed. We thank Ian McLean and David Sprayberry for acquiring data on comet A2 on UT 2001 August 4. We thank Hal Weaver for helpful comments on the manuscript. Data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientic partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous nancial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very signicant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain.

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