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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA), Vol. 31, e043, 36 pages (2014).

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The Dawes Review 3: The Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets and

Brown Dwarfs

Jeremy Bailey1,2
1 School of Physics, University of New South Wales, NSW, 2052, Australia
2 Email:

(Received January 10, 2014; Accepted September 20, 2014)

The last few years has seen a dramatic increase in the number of exoplanets known and in the range of methods for
characterising their atmospheric properties. At the same time, new discoveries of increasingly cooler brown dwarfs have
pushed down their temperature range which now extends down to Y-dwarfs of <300 K. Modelling of these atmospheres
has required the development of new techniques to deal with the molecular chemistry and clouds in these objects. The
atmospheres of brown dwarfs are relatively well understood, but some problems remain, in particular the behavior of
clouds at the L/T transition. Observational data for exoplanet atmosphere characterisation is largely limited to giant
exoplanets that are hot because they are near to their star (hot Jupiters) or because they are young and still cooling.
For these planets there is good evidence for the presence of CO and H2 O absorptions in the IR. Sodium absorption is
observed in a number of objects. Reflected light measurements show that some giant exoplanets are very dark, indicating
a cloud free atmosphere. However, there is also good evidence for clouds and haze in some other planets. It is also well
established that some highly irradiated planets have inflated radii, though the mechanism for this inflation is not yet clear.
Some other issues in the composition and structure of giant exoplanet atmospheres such as the occurrence of inverted
temperature structures, the presence or absence of CO2 and CH4 , and the occurrence of high C/O ratios are still the subject
of investigation and debate.
Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres – brown dwarfs – planetary systems – techniques: spectroscopic

The Dawes Reviews are substantial reviews of topical areas known brown dwarfs. The recently discovered Y dwarf class
in astronomy, published by authors of international stand- have temperatures as low as ∼300 K (Cushing et al. 2011).
ing at the invitation of the PASA Editorial Board. The re- The important processes that occur in these atmospheres
views recognise William Dawes (1762–1836), second lieu- are also similar as these are determined primarily by effective
tenant in the Royal Marines and the astronomer on the First temperature. Molecules, chemistry and clouds are important
Fleet. Dawes was not only an accomplished astronomer, but in determining the opacities and hence structure of all these
spoke five languages, had a keen interest in botany, min- objects. At any temperature below about ∼2 000 K, solid
eralogy, engineering, cartography and music, compiled the and liquid condensates can start to form, resulting in con-
first Aboriginal-English dictionary, and was an outspoken siderable complications compared with higher temperatures
opponent of slavery. where only gas phase processes need to be considered. More
complex molecules such as methane (CH4 ) become impor-
tant and the excitation of high vibrational and rotational lev-
els mean that vast numbers of spectral lines are needed to
It is appropriate to consider the properties of extrasolar planet model the opacity. The modelling of these atmospheres thus
and brown dwarf atmospheres together because they have presents new challenges compared with those encountered in
many similarities. Planets and brown dwarfs cover similar conventional stellar atmosphere models, and these challenges
temperature ranges and have similar radii. Planets extend up are largely common to the modeling of both exoplanets and
from very low temperatures (such as those of the ice giants brown dwarfs. The differences between giant exoplanets and
Uranus and Neptune in our Solar system) to effective tem- brown dwarfs include the generally lower mass (and hence
peratures of ∼3 000 K in hot Jupiters, while new discoveries gravity) in exoplanets, and the difference in environment. An
are continually pushing down the temperature of the coolest exoplanet orbits a star, and the stellar illumination can have a
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2 Bailey

significant influence on its structure and properties, particu-

larly for close in planets such as hot Jupiters. The presence of
the host star also impacts on our ability to observe the planet.
While some observations can be easier for planets than brown
dwarfs (e.g. determining mass and radius), spectroscopy to
characterise the atmospheres is usually extremely challeng-
ing for exoplanets while relatively straightforward for brown
The structure of this review will be to begin with looking
at brown dwarf atmospheres. This reflects the fact that these
are better observed and understood objects, without the com-
plications that are introduced by the presence of the host star
in exoplanet systems, but nevertheless illustrate many of the
processes that are also important in giant exoplanets. Exo-
planet atmospheres will be considered next, with a brief look
at the giant planets in our own solar system as a guide. Ob-
servations relevant to atmospheric structure and composition
are now being obtained by a number of methods primarily
for giant exoplanets. These will be outlined and the results
of these methods discussed.
The next section will look at the modelling of brown dwarf Figure 1. Evolution of effective temperature for objects from 0.0005 to
and exoplanet atmospheres. The techniques are very simi- 0.1 M⊙ based on the models of Baraffe et al. (2003). The red tracks are for
lar for both classes of objects. A final section will look at stars with masses above the hydrogen burning limit. The magenta tracks are
the possibilities of detecting extrasolar habitable planets and for brown dwarfs, and the blue tracks are for objects below the deuterium
searching for signatures of life on such planets. burning limit (planets or sub brown dwarfs) The tracks plotted from top to
bottom are masses of (Stars: 0.1, 0.09, 0.08, 0.075 M⊙ ) (Brown Dwarfs:
0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.015 M⊙ ), (Planets: 0.01, 0.005, 0.003,
2 BROWN DWARFS 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005 M⊙ ).

tually stabilises to a near constant value. However, for brown

2.1 History and properties
dwarfs the effective temperature continues to decrease with
The existence of brown dwarfs was predicted long before they increasing age. It can be seen from this diagram that a de-
were recognised observationally. Kumar (1963) and Hayashi termination of effective temperature alone is not sufficient to
& Nakano (1963) showed that there was a lower limit to the determine whether an object is a star or a brown dwarf. An
mass of a main-sequence star below which hydrogen burning object with Te f f = 2 200 K, for example, can be a young
could not occur. Kumar referred to the objects below this brown dwarf or an older star.
limit as ‘black’ dwarfs, but the name ‘brown dwarf’ proposed This age-mass degeneracy complicated the early observa-
by Tarter (1975) is the one that has been adopted. More tional search for brown dwarfs, and while several candidates
recent models set the hydrogen burning mass limit at 0.072– were found (e.g. GD165b Becklin & Zuckerman 1988) it was
0.075 M⊙ for a solar composition and somewhat higher for not possible to confirm them as brown dwarfs. That changed
lower metallicities (Chabrier & Baraffe 1997; Burrows et al. in 1995 with the discovery of Gl 229b (Nakajima et al. 1995;
2001). Oppenheimer et al. 1995), an object sufficiently cool to be
Because brown dwarfs do not have a continuing nuclear unambiguosly a brown dwarf, and with the use of the lithium
energy source, their evolution is a process of cooling and test to confirm the brown dwarf nature of several objects
decreasing luminosity with age. Unlike stars on the main se- in the Pleiades cluster (Rebolo, Zapatero-Osorio, & Martin
quence whose properties are determined primarily by their 1995; Rebolo et al. 1996; Basri, Marcy, & Graham 1996).
mass, the temperature and luminosity of a brown dwarf The lithium test (Rebolo, Martı́n, & Magazzu 1992) relies on
are determined by both mass and age. This is illustrated the fact that lithium is destroyed by nuclear reactions down
in Figure 1 where the effective temperatures of low mass ob- to masses just below the hydrogen burning limit. Since cool
jects with masses between 0.0005 and 0.1 M⊙ are plotted as a dwarfs are fully convective, lithium would be removed from
function of age. The evolutionary models used here are those the photosphere if these reactions occurred. Hence the pres-
of Baraffe et al. (2003) but similar general trends would be ence of lithium in the spectrum can be used to confirm that
obtained with other recent models (e.g Chabrier et al. 2000a; an object is a brown dwarf.
Burrows et al. 2001; Baraffe et al. 2002; Saumon & Marley The deuterium burning mass limit which is at about 13 MJ
2008). or 0.0125 M⊙ (Saumon et al. 1996; Burrows et al. 1997;
The four tracks at the top of Figure 1 are for objects mas- Chabrier et al. 2000b) is usually considered to be the lower
sive enough to be stars, so their effective temperature even- mass limit for brown dwarfs. Objects below this mass limit
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 3

Figure 3. Equilibrium composition of a gas with solar elemental abun-
Figure 2. Radius and surface gravity (log g in cgs units) as function of mass
dances as a function of temperature at two different pressures using the
for the models of Baraffe et al. (2003) at ages of 1 Gyr, 5 GYr and 10 Gyr.
chemical model of Bailey & Kedziora-Chudczer (2012).
that orbit stars are generally agreed to be designated as
planets. There is less consensus on how to refer to object The number of ultracool dwarfs1 has increased rapidly
below this mass limit that do not orbit a star. While these over the years since the recognition of the first brown dwarfs
are sometimes referred to as ‘free-floating planets’ (Lucas & in 1995. Most of the objects have come from deep surveys
Roche 2000; Delorme et al. 2012) it has also been argued such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS — Fan et al
that such objects should not be referred to as planets but 2000; Hawley et al. 2002) and the Canada-France Brown
as ‘sub-brown dwarfs’ or some other designation (see Boss Dwarfs Survey (CFBDS — Delorme et al. 2008a; Albert
et al. 2003; Basri & Brown 2006, for a discussion of the et al. 2011) and particularly from infrared surveys such as the
issues involved in this controversy). Deep Near-Infrared Sky Survey (DENIS — Delfosse et al.
The electron degeneracy in the cores of brown dwarfs 1997; Martı́n, Delfosse, & Guieu 2004), the 2 Micron All
results in their radius varying little with mass as can be seen Sky Survey (2MASS — Kirkpatrick et al. 2000; Burgasser
in Figure 2. All brown dwarfs (except at very young ages) et al. 2002, 2004), and the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey
have radii not far from 0.1 R⊙ or about 1 Jupiter radius. (UKIDSS — Pinfield et al. 2008; Burningham et al. 2010,
A consequence of this is that surface gravity (g = GM/R2 ) 2013).
varies with mass from more than 1 000 m s−2 (log g = 5 The most recent additions have come from the Wide-field
in cgs units) to around 30 m s−2 for Jupiter mass objects as Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE — Wright et al. 2010). This
shown in the lower panel of Figure 2. Earth orbiting NASA mission surveyed the entire sky at four
Brown dwarfs are objects whose atmospheric composition wavelengths (3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 µm). The first of these
is dominated by molecular gas, as opposed to atoms and ions wavelengths probes a deep CH4 absorption band in brown
in the case of hotter stars. This is apparent from Figure 3 dwarfs. WISE has proved effective in identifying the coolest
which shows the chemical equilibrium composition of a solar brown dwarfs. It has led to the discovery of many T dwarfs
composition gas (using the abundances of Grevesse, Asplund (Kirkpatrick et al. 2011; Mace et al. 2013) and to the first Y
& Sauval 2007). It shows the division of the material by dwarfs (Cushing et al. 2011; Kirkpatrick et al. 2012; Tinney
mass fraction into ions, atoms, gas-phase molecules and solid et al. 2012).
or liquid condensates as calculated by the chemical model Other recent discoveries from WISE are that of a binary
of Bailey & Kedziora-Chudczer (2012). It can be seen that brown dwarf (Luhman 2013) and an extremely cool brown
molecules become dominant over atoms for temperatures dwarf (Luhman 2014) both at distances of around 2pc. WISE
below about 3 500 K. Helium and other noble gases persist J104915.57−531906.1 (also known as Luhman 16) consists
as atoms at all temperatures, but other elements are mostly of an L7.5–L8 primary and T0.5–T1.5 secondary (Burgasser,
in the form of molecules. Below about 2 000 K condensed
phases start to appear, and become a significant fraction of 1 Ultracool dwarf is a name normally used for objects with spectral type later
the material. At lower pressures, as shown in the lower panel, than about M7, which could potentially be brown dwarfs, but could also
the pattern is similar but shifted to lower temperatures. be stars

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4 Bailey

Sheppard, & Luhman 2013; Kniazev et al. 2013). Its bright- TiO and VO bands, changes in CrH and FeH bands (CrH is
ness and proximity are likely to make it an important ob- strongest at L5) and the alkali metals, with Cs I and Rb I
ject for future detailed studies. WISE J088510.83−071442.5 lines increasing in strength to later types.
(Luhman 2014) appears to be the coldest brown dwarf known Spectral classification of L dwarfs in the near-IR is
based on its absolute magnitude and colours. These two sys- discussed by Reid et al. (2001), Geballe et al. (2002) and
tems are the closest brown dwarf systems, and the third and Nakajima, Tsuji, & Yanagisawa (2004). Kirkpatrick et al.
fourth closest systems to the Earth (after the α Centauri sys- (2010) defined a set of spectral standards for the near-IR for
tem and Barnard’s star). spectral types M0 – L9. The near-IR region shows broad
absorption bands of H2 O increasing in strength towards later
spectral types.
2.2 Brown dwarf spectral sequence
While methane in the 1–2.5 µm region is not seen un-
The study of brown dwarfs has led to a significant exten- til spectral type T, the stronger methane ν3 band in the
sion of the traditional spectral sequence from O-M that was 3.3 µm region is observable in late L dwarfs (Noll et al.
adopted more than 100 years ago (Cannon & Pickering 1901). 2000; Schweitzer et al. 2002; Stephens et al. 2009).
Objects such as GD 165B and Gl 229B clearly had quite dif- The physical basis for the M-L transition is thought to
ferent spectra and were cooler objects than any M dwarfs. be the formation of condensates. At temperatures just be-
This was recognised by the adoption of the new spectral low 2000 K the condensation of Ti bearing species such as
classes L and T. The motivation for this and the reasons for CaTiO3 (perskovite) and Ti2 O3 removes TiO from the gas
the choice of those letters are described by Kirkpatrick et al. phase, and at slightly lower temperatures VO condenses as
(1999). The sequence has been further extended by the recent solid VO (Burrows & Sharp 1999; Lodders 2002). Species
recognition of even cooler objects that have been assigned to such as enstatite (MgSiO3 ), forsterite (Mg2 SiO4 ), spinel
the new spectral class Y (Cushing et al. 2011). (MgAl2 O4 ) and solid iron also condense and these produce
Figure 4 shows the main features of the spectral sequence the dust clouds that are necessary to explain the spectra and
from M9 to T7.5 with the main absorbing species indicated. colours of L dwarfs (Allard et al. 2001; Marley et al. 2002;
Tsuji 2002)
2.2.1 M dwarfs
The M spectral classification has been recognised from the 2.2.3 T dwarfs
early days of astronomical spectroscopy. While most M The T dwarf class is characterised by the appearance of
dwarfs are stars, young objects of late M spectral types can methane (CH4 ) absorption features in the near-IR region (1–
be brown dwarfs (as shown in Figure 1). The modern clas- 2.5 µm) . Methane first becomes apparent in early T dwarfs
sification scheme for M-dwarfs is based on that of Boe- due to features at 1.67 and 2.2 µm which represent the Q-
shaar (1976) extended by Boeshaar & Tyson (1985) and branches of the strongest methane bands 2ν3 at 1.67 µm and
Kirkpatrick, Henry & McCarthy (1991) to spectral type ν2 + ν3 at 2.2 µm. This is accompanied by weakening of the
M9.5. The Kirkpatrick et al. (1991) spectral classification CO absorption at 2.3 µm.
is based on the spectral region from 630–900 nm. The At later types broad methane absorptions develop due to
spectral standards chosen for late M types are listed in the complex methane band systems, the octad (8 ground-state
Table 1. bands in the 2.1–2.4 µm region; Hilico et al. 2001) and the
The M spectral class is characterised by the presence of tetradecad (14 ground-state bands in the 1.6–2.0 µm region;
bands of TiO and VO. TiO bands increase in strength up to Nikitin et al. 2013a). These ground-state bands are associ-
spectral type M6, and VO becomes strong in the latest types. ated with large numbers of hot bands. Methane absorption
In the near infrared (near-IR) M dwarfs show broad ab- is also present at around 1.4 µm (the icosad – 20 ground-
sorptions due to H2 O centred around 1.4 and 1.9 µm increas- state bands) and 1.15 µm (the triacontad – 30 ground-state
ing in strength with later spectral types. Late M dwarfs also bands). Bailey, Ahlsved, & Meadows (2011) provides a more
show Na I and K I absorptions in the 1.15–1.25 µm region. detailed description of the methane spectrum.
FeH absorption is present in the Wing-Ford band at 1 µm as In late T dwarfs the broad CH4 and H2 O absorptions
well as the E-A band in the 1.6 µm region (Hargreaves et al. deepen and combine to leave a spectrum defined by approx-
2010). CO absorption is present at 2.3 µm. imately triangular peaks at 1.08 µm, 1.27 µm and 1.58 µ
(the ‘windows’ between the deep absorptions), as well as
2.2.2 L dwarfs a weaker peak at about 2.1 µm. T dwarf spectra are also
The L dwarf class is disinguished by the weakening and shaped by the collision-induced absorption due to H2 – H2
disappearance of the TiO and VO bands that are distinctive pairs (Borysow 2002; Abel et al. 2011) which depresses the
of M dwarfs. TiO has disappeared by L6 and VO by L4. 2 µm peak, and by the far wings of very strong Na I and K I
A classification scheme for L dwarfs based on the optical lines in the optical (Burrows & Volobuyev 2003; Allard et al.
spectral region (630–1000 nm) is described by Kirkpatrick 2003) which absorb at wavelengths up to ∼1 µm.
et al. (1999). It lists spectral standards for classes L0 to L8 Classification schemes for T dwarfs based on near-IR spec-
(see Table 1) and classification is based on the weakening tra, were developed by Burgasser et al. (2002) and Geballe
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 5

Figure 4. Spectra of ultracool dwarfs from M9 to T7.5. The species responsible for the main absorption features are indicated. Spectral
data is from Burgasser et al. (2003), Cushing, Rayner, & Vacca (2005), Geballe et al. (2001), Geballe et al. (2002), Leggett et al.
(2000), Leggett et al. (2001), Leggett et al. (2002), Rayner, Cushing, & Vacca (2009), Ruiz, Leggett, & Allard (1997)

et al. (2002) and the two schemes were unified in Burgasser pressure, with CO being more stable above this temperature,
et al. (2006a). That work gives a set of spectral standards and CH4 being favoured at lower temperatures. However, the
for T0–T8 (see Table 1). The main features used for classifi- transition is also associated with a clearing of the dust clouds
cation are the increasing depths of the H2 O and CH4 bands that are important in L dwarfs (Allard et al. 2001; Burgasser
towards later classes. A parallel optical classification scheme et al. 2002).
based on the 630–1010 nm region is described by Burgasser
et al. (2003) and is based on some of the same spectral stan- 2.2.4 Y dwarfs
dards used in the near-IR. The possible existence of objects even cooler than the T
The transition from L to T is associated with the switch in dwarfs was investigated in models by Burrows, Sudarsky,
chemical equlibirum between CO and CH4 (Lodders 2002; & Lunine (2003). Among the features suggested as marking
Burrows & Sharp 1999) that occurs at about 1400 K at 1 bar the transition to a new spectral class, were the appearance
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6 Bailey

Table 1. Mean properties and spectral standards for late M to Y dwarfs

Teff MJ MH MK Spectral standard Refs

M7 2 633 10.31 9.94 9.50 2MASS J16 553 529−0 823 401 (Gl 644C, vB8) 1, 7
M8 2 520 10.99 10.40 9.88 2MASS J19 165 762+0 509 021 (Gl 752B, vB10) 1, 7
M9 2 465 11.80 11.15 10.62 2MASS J14 284 323+3 310 391 (LHS 2924) 1, 7
L0 2 438 11.69 11.04 10.46 2MASS J03 454 316+2 540 233 2, 7
L1 2 329 11.87 11.26 10.66 2MASS J07 464 256+2 000 321 2, 7
L2 12.18 11.45 10.82 2MASS J13 054 019−2 541 059 (Kelu-1) 2, 7
L3 1 948 12.81 11.97 11.26 2MASS J1 1463 449+2 230 527 2, 7
L4 1 801 12.83 12.14 11.25 2MASS J11 550 087+2 307 058 2, 7
L5 1 686 13.44 12.61 11.96 2MASS J12 281 523−1 547 342 2, 7
L6 1 501 14.12 13.05 12.00 2MASS J08 503 593+1 057 156 2, 7
L7 1 446 14.67 13.70 12.89 2MASS J02 059 240−1 159 296 2, 7
L8 1 445 14.68 13.77 13.05 2MASS J16 322 911−1 904 407 2, 7
L9 14.33 13.48 12.73 2MASS J02 550 327−4 700 509 3, 7
T0 1 370 14.24 13.52 13.17 SDSS J120 747.17+024 424.8 4, 7
T1 14.37 13.81 13.62 SDSS J083 717.21−000 018.0 4, 7
T2 1 328 14.43 13.88 13.58 SDSS J125 453.90−012 247.4 4, 7
T3 2MASS J12 095 613−1004 008 4, 7
T4 1 251 15.04 14.41 14.13 2MASS J22 541 892+3 123 498 4, 7
T5 1 185 14.43 14.66 14.81 2MASS J15 031 961+2 525 196 4, 7
T6 1 001 15.22 15.56 15.77 SDSS J1642 414.37+002 915.6 4, 7
T7 820 15.54 15.97 16.01 2MASS J07 271 824+1 710 012 4, 7
T8 638 16.43 16.82 16.93 2MASS J04 151 954−0 935 066 4, 8
T9 565 18.39 18.77 18.89 UGPS J072 227.51−054 031.2 5, 8
Y0 371 20.09 20.60 20.70 WISE J173 835.52+273 258.9 5, 8
Y1 WISE J035 000.32−565 830.2 6

References. First reference is to adoption of the spectral standard, and the second reference is to the source of the mean absolute
1. Kirkpatrick et al. (1991), 2. Kirkpatrick et al. (1999), 3. Kirkpatrick et al. (2010) 4. Burgasser et al. (2006a), 5. Cushing et al.
(2011), 6. Kirkpatrick et al. (2012), 7. Dupuy & Liu (2012), 8. Dupuy & Kraus (2013)
Mean effective temperatures are from the data of Figure 6. Spectral standards are those adopted for optical classification up to spectral
class L8, and for near-IR classification for L9 and later. Near-IR spectral standards for earlier types can be found in Kirkpatrick et al.
(2010). Spectral data is available for download for most of these objects (and other late-type dwarfs) at:
SpeX Prism Spectral Libraries (A. Burgasser)
IRTF Spectral library (M.R. Cushing)
—∼spex/IRTF Spectral Library/
L and T dwarf data archive (S.K. Leggett)
NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey (I.S. McLean)
Keck LRIS specra of late-M, L and T dwarfs (I.N. Reid)

of NH3 absorption, the condensation of H2 O clouds, and the several more Y dwarfs and added a spectral standard for the
development of redder near-IR colours reversing the trend Y1 class (see Table 1). Other reported Y dwarfs are WISE
in T dwarfs. A number of of very cool dwarfs were found J1639−68 (Tinney et al. 2012) and the white dwarf com-
in the CFBDS and UKIDSS surveys (Warren et al. 2007; panion WD 0806−661 B (Luhman, Burgasser, & Bochanski
Delorme et al. 2008b; Burningham et al. 2008). Lucas et al. 2011; Luhman et al. 2012). The high proper motion ob-
(2010) reported the discovery of an even cooler object UGPS ject WISE J085 510.83−071 442.5 (Luhman 2014) has ab-
0722−05 which they suggested should be classified as T10, solute magnitude and colours suggesting it is the coolest
and could in the future be regarded as the first example of a known Y dwarf with an effective temperature of 225 –
new spectral type. 260 K.
In 2011, Cushing et al. (2011) reported the ‘Discovery of All Y dwarfs are very faint objects (J mag of 19 or
Y-dwarfs’. Several objects identified using the WISE satellite fainter) and so the quality of available spectra are lim-
were found to be of later spectral types than UGPS 0722−05. ited. They resemble the late T dwarfs, but the ‘window’
They reclassified UGPS 0722−05 as the T9 spectral stan- features (particularly that at 1.27 µm) become increas-
dard, and classified six new objects as Y dwarfs with WISE ingly narrow with later spectral types. The NH3 absorp-
1738+27 as the Y0 standard. Kirkpatrick et al. (2012) report tions expected at ∼1.53 and ∼1.03 µm are not seen at
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 7

the levels predicted by equilibrium chemistry (Leggett et al.


2.3 Photometry
Photometric data on ultracool dwarfs in the near-IR is avail-
able for a large number of objects. The database of L, T
and Y dwarfs at, for example, lists 1 281
objects most of which have JHK magnitudes. When interpret-
ing photometric data at JHK it is important to note that there
are several different JHK systems in use. In particular the
2MASS (Carpenter 2001) and MKO (Simons & Tokunaga
2002) systems are both widely used in brown dwarf research.
The 2MASS system uses a significantly shorter wavelength
and narrower Ks band compared to the K band of the MKO
system. Transformations between the systems derived from
data on stars (Carpenter 2001) are unlikely to be valid for
the unusual energy distributions seen particularly in the T
dwarfs. Stephens & Leggett (2004) provide a set of transfor-
mations between photometric systems specifically for L and
T dwarfs that can be used if the spectral type is known.
Much of the energy in ultracool dwarfs is in the mid in- Figure 5. Colour magnitude diagram (J−K against MK ) for late type
dwarfs. Most of the data is taken from Dupuy & Liu (2012). Data on
frared, and photometry for these wavelengths has become in-
late T and Y dwarfs is from Dupuy & Kraus (2013) and has been roughly
creasingly available from Spitzer/IRAC (Patten et al. 2006; converted to the 2MASS system according to Stephens & Leggett (2004).
Leggett et al. 2007, 2010) and the WISE all sky catalog Additional data on earlier type M dwarfs has been added from the compi-
(Wright et al. 2010). lation of Reid (∼lnr/cmd.html) based on photometry
These objects are relatively nearby and so parallax mea- from Leggett (1992) and converted to the 2MASS system using relations in
Carpenter (2001).
surements of good quality are generally feasible allowing
absolute magnitudes to be derived. Conventional CCD par-
allax methods can be used for the earlier type objects (e.g.
Liu et al. 2006; Looper et al. 2008) showing that the effect is
Dahn et al. 2002; Vrba et al. 2004; Andrei et al. 2011). In-
a real intrinsic features of the L/T transition.
frared parallaxes can be measured for the latest type objects
(Tinney, Burgasser, & Kirkpatrick 2003; Dupuy & Liu 2012;
Marsh et al. 2013). The recent compilation by Dupuy & Liu
2.4 Effective temperatures
(2012) includes absolute magnitudes in the near and mid in-
frared for 314 objects with known parallaxes. Mean absolute The effective temperature of ultracool dwarfs can be deter-
magnitudes from this compilation in the MKO JHK systems mined by two main methods. The first way is to use photom-
are given in Table 1 supplemented by those of Dupuy & etry and parallax measurements to determine the bolometric
Kraus (2013) for the latest spectral types. luminosity. A temperature can then be derived if the radius is
Figure 5 shows the J−K against MK colour magnitude known. We don’t have direct radius measurements for most
diagram for M to Y dwarfs. A distinctive feature of the di- of these objects, but as shown in Figure 2, models predict that
agram is the behaviour at the L/T transition. Generally the the radius of brown dwarfs varies little with mass and age,
J−K colour becomes slowly redder with later spectral types so model based radius constraints can be used to determine
through M and L, but then rapidly turn bluer through the effective temperature.
early T spectral types. The limited photometry available for The other way to determine effective temperatures is to fit
Y dwarfs suggests a turn back to redder colours. observed spectra to those predicted by model atmospheres.
In the J band a significant brightening with later spectral This is likely to be most reliable if the observations cover
type can be seen (Dahn et al. 2002; Tinney, Burgasser, & a large wavelength range that includes a substantial fraction
Kirkpatrick 2003). In the mean data of Table 1 it can be seen of the luminosity, and for brown dwarfs this means includ-
that types L9 to T2 are all brighter at J than L6 and L7. Tsuji ing the mid-IR as well as the near-IR (e.g. Stephens et al.
& Nakajima (2003) suggested that this may be an artifact 2009).
of observing objects with different masses and ages, and not Figure 6 is a compilation of effective temperature mea-
a feature seen in a single cooling track. Studies of binary surements from the literature using both of these methods.
brown dwarfs whose components straddle the L/T boundary, It shows reasonable agreement betwee the various determi-
however, show ‘flux reversals’ where the cooler component nations. A feature of this diagram is that, while the general
is brighter in the 1 – 1.3 µm region (Burgasser et al. 2006b; trend is decreasing temperature with later spectral type, the
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Figure 6. Effective temperatures plotted against spectral type. The effective Figure 7. The L/T Transition. Over the small range of effective temperature
temperatures are determined from bolometric luminosities (Vrba et al. 2004; from 1200–1500 K the observed colours and spectral types of ultracool
Golimowski et al. 2004; Nakajima, Tsuji, & Yanagisawa 2004; Dupuy & dwarfs (black) vary through a large range. Models (red and blue lines, see
Kraus 2013) or from fitting models to observed spectra (Stephens et al. section 4.4) show much more gradual changes. The data for this plot are that
2009; Leggett et al. 2011; Cushing et al. 2011; Sorahana & Yamamura of Table 1. Model results are from the BT-Settl models (Allard et al. 2007,
2012; Rajpurohit et al. 2013). Optical spectral types are used up to L8, and 2012) for log g = 5 (solid red line) and for a 3 Gyr isochrone (red dashed
infrared spectral types for L9 and later. Late T and Y dwarf spectral types line), and the Unified Cloudy Model (Tsuji 2002, 2005) for log g = 5 and
are from Kirkpatrick et al. (2012). Spectral types are shown with error bars Tcr = 1800 K (blue line).
of ±0.5 subtypes. Mean values are given for spectral types that had more
than 3 measurements. Where no error estimate was given in the original
publication an error bar of ±100 K has been shown.

ations are quasi-periodic with periods of a few hours. The

temperature actually changes little over the L/T transition variability is generally attributed to rotational modulation
from about L6 to T4. This suggests that the spectral changes either due to patchy clouds, or magnetic spots.
seen over this range are due to the clearing of dust rather than Two early T dwarfs have been observed to show larger am-
to the direct effect of changing temperatures. plitude variability (Artigau et al. 2009; Radigan et al. 2012).
The mean effective temperatures for each spectral type In the case of the T2.5 dwarf 2MASS 2139+02 an amplitude
from the data of Figure 6 have been included in Table 1. of up to 26% was observed with a period of 7.72 hours. The
The L/T transition shows up particularly clearly when the large amplitude in these early T objects is suggested to be
near-IR colours and spectral types are plotted against effec- indicative of patchy cloud regions arising during the clearing
tive temperature using the mean values given in Table 1. The of clouds associated with the L/T transition as suggested by
J−K and J−H colours and the spectral type all vary dra- Marley, Saumon, & Goldblatt (2010). A further example re-
matically over the effective temperature range from 1200– ported recently (Gillon et al. 2013) is variability in the cooler
1500 K, and show much less variability at other temperatures component of the 2 pc binary brown dwarf WISE J1049−53
as shown in Figure 7. The changes are thought to be mostly (Luhman 16).
due to the disappearance of dust clouds as the atmospheres Buenzli et al. (2012) have reported Spitzer and HST obser-
cool, but it is not clear why this should appear as such a sharp vations of variability with a 1.4 hr period in the T6.5 dwarf
transition. Cloud models (to be described in Section 4.4 — 2MASS 2228−43, confirming a ground-based detection of
the red and blue lines) show much more gradual changes than this period by Clarke et al. (2008). They find phase shifts be-
those observed. tween variations at different wavelengths which can provide
a probe of the vertical atmospheric structure.
Recently Crossfield et al. (2014) have used time resolved
2.5 Variability
near-infrared spectroscopy around the rotation period to de-
Variability has been reported in a number of L dwarfs (Clarke, rive a global 2D map of the brighteness distribution of Luh-
Tinney, & Covey 2002; Koen 2006; Lane et al. 2007; Heinze man 16B using Doppler imaging techniques. The map reveals
et al. 2013). The amplitudes are typically ∼1% and the vari- structure that may be due to patchy clouds.
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 9


3.1 History and properties

Since the discovery of the first planets orbiting normal stars
(Mayor & Queloz 1995; Marcy et al. 1997) the rate of dis-
covery has steadily increased to more than 1 800 confirmed
planets according to The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
( — Schneider et al 2011) as at July 2014.
In addition more than 3 000 planet candidates have now
been found by the Kepler mission (Batalha et al. 2013).
The latter are not yet confirmed planets, but it is estimated
that the false positive rate for Kepler planet candidates is
likely to be ∼10% (Morton & Johnson 2011; Fressin et al.
While there are a large number of planets, observations
of their atmospheres are much more difficult than for the
brown dwarfs just considered. The vast majority of planet
detections and observations are by indirect methods, such
as radial velocity measurements of the host star, and transit
measurements. These provide information on the orbit, mass
Figure 8. Temperature profiles of the Solar system giant planet atmo-
and radius (for transitting planets). However, apart from a spheres from Voyager radio occultation measurements (Lindal 1992), and
small number of directly imaged planets, we don’t yet have from the Galileo probe for Jupiter (dashed line – Seiff et al. 1998).
the capability to resolve planets from their stars in order
to measure their spectra. At present most of our data on
the spectra of exoplanets comes from analysis of unresolved 3.2 Solar system giant planets
planets that require extracting signals that are a small fraction We do, however, know of several giant planets that have been
of that from the host star. studied in considerable detail, the giant planets in our own
A recent review of exoplanet detection methods is given Solar system. It is useful to briefly review their properties. All
by Wright & Gaudi (2013). All methods currently used are the giant planets have atmospheres composed of hydrogen
subject to biases. The radial velocity (RV) technique that has and helium and are enriched in heavy elements with respect
been used for the majority of exoplanet discoveries favours to the solar composition. In the case of Jupiter measurements
the detection of massive planets and short period orbits. The with the Galileo probe show C, N, S, Ar, Kr, and Xe enriched
majority of RV detected planets are therefore giant planets, by factors of 2 to 4 relative to solar abundances (Owen et al.
but at short periods this method can detect planets down to 1999; Wong et al. 2004). Carbon is enriched relative to its
a few Earth masses. When corrections are made for incom- solar value by 7 times in Saturn (Flasar et al. 2005) and
pleteness the statistics show that planet frequency increases by 30–40 times in Uranus and Neptune (Lodders & Fegley
for decreasing mass (Howard et al. 2010; Wittenmyer et al. 1994).
2011). This is consistent with the increasing planet frequency All the Solar system giant planet atmospheres have directly
at small sizes shown by analysis of the Kepler planet can- measured temperature structures from radio occultation mea-
didates (Howard et al. 2012). Ground-based transit searches surements (Lindal 1992), and from the Galileo probe (Seiff
(e.g. Bakos et al. 2004; Pollacco et al. 2006) are strongly et al. 1998) in the case of Jupiter (see Figure 8). All the plan-
biased toward finding large short period planets (i.e. hot ets have clouds with the main cloud deck at about 0.75 bar
Jupiters). in Jupiter (Banfield et al. 1998; Kedziora-Chudczer & Bailey
Our current ability to characterise exoplanet atmospheres 2011), 2.5 bar in Saturn (Fletcher et al. 2011) and ∼2 bar in
is largely limited limited to giant planets and to planets Uranus and Neptune (Irwin, Teanby, & Davis 2010).
with high temperatures (T > ∼1 000 K). In most cases Near-IR spectra of the giant planets are shown in Figure 9.
these are hot Jupiters, i.e. massive planets that are hot be- All of these are dominated by absorption band systems due to
cause they are close to their star, or are directly imaged methane (CH4 ) centred around 1.15, 1.4, 1.7 and 2.3 µm, and
massive planets that are hot because they are young plan- are bright in the window regions between these absorptions.
ets still cooling. There are a few cases of lower mass In this respect the spectra resemble those of late T dwarfs, and
planets, for example Neptune/Uranus mass planets such as the T9 dwarf UGPS 0722-05 is shown in Figure 9 for com-
GJ 3470b and GJ 436b and two examples of transiting parison. Jupiter also show absorption due to NH3 at around
super-Earths, GJ 1214b (Charbonneau et al. 2009) and HD 1.55 µm. All the planets also show collision induced absorp-
97658b for which characterisation observations have been tion due to H2 – H2 pairs, which at these low temperatures
made. shows up as a distinctive broad feature at around 2.12 µm.
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10 Bailey

Figure 10. Spectra of the direct imaged planets (or planetary mass objects)
2M 1207b (Patience et al. 2010), HR 8799b (Barman et al. 2011a) and HR
Figure 9. Near-IR reflected light spectra of the Solar system giant planets 8799c (Konopacky et al. 2013). The CO bandhead at 2.3 µm is apparent in
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (plotted as radiance factor I/F). The all three objects as well as H2 O absorption at ∼1.9 and ∼1.4 µm.
data are from IRIS2 on the Anglo-Australian Telescope as described by
Kedziora-Chudczer & Bailey (2011). The red curves show the weak K-band
spectra of Jupiter and Saturn scaled up by factors of 10 and 20. The spectrum
of the T9 dwarf UGPS 0722-05 is shown for comparison using data from around its primary object (Soter 2006). 2M 1207b is usually
Bochanski et al. (2011). referred to as a ‘planetary mass object’ in recent literature.
The classification of such objects as planets also depends
on the masses determined by application of evolutionary
This depresses the brightness in the methane window that models, and this critically depends on the age. Marois et al.
would otherwise be present at around 2 µm, and makes all (2010) use age ranges from 20 – 160 Myr for HR8799 to de-
the planets quite faint in the K-band compared with the J and rive masses for the planets in the range 5 – 13 MJup placing
H bands. them most likely below the deuterium burning limit. How-
Other species present in the atmospheres at trace levels and ever, an age as high as ∼1 Gyr is suggested by asteroseis-
detected in longer wavelength spectra include PH3 and AsH3 mology methods (Moya et al. 2010) which would make the
in Jupiter and Saturn (Fletcher et al. 2011), and hydrocarbons objects brown dwarfs rather than planets. A number of recent
such as C2 H2 and C2 H6 in the stratospheres (Hesman et al. studies based on dynamics (Moro-Martı́n, Rieke, & Su 2010;
2009; Greathouse et al. 2011). Sudol & Haghighipour 2012) and a direct radius determina-
tion for HR 8799 (Baines et al. 2012) favour a young age and
planetary masses for the companions.
3.3 Observing exoplanet atmospheres Near-IR spectra have been obtained for 2M 1207b (Mo-
hanty et al. 2007; Patience et al. 2010), the HR 8799 planets
3.3.1 Direct spectroscopy of resolved planets (Bowler et al. 2010; Barman et al. 2011a; Oppenheimer et al.
A number of ‘planets’ have been discovered through direct 2013; Konopacky et al. 2013) and β Pic b (Chilcote et al.
imaging of young objects using ground-based adaptive optics 2014). Spectra of 2M 1207b and HR 8799 b and c are shown
or the Hubble Space Telescope. These include the companion in Figure 10. The spectra show the CO bandhead at 2.3 µm,
of the brown dwarf 2MASSW J1207 334−393 254 (usually and H2 O absorption at 1.4 and 1.9 µm (deepest in HR 8799b).
referred to as 2M 1207b — Chauvin et al. 2005), and the four CH4 absorption is either absent or possibly weakly present
planets of HR 8799 (Marois et al. 2008, 2010). in HR 8799b. The spectral features are similar to those of
The classification of some of these objects as planets is mid to late L dwarfs, which would imply objects of Teff
controversial. Although 2M 1207b was announced as the first ∼1400–1600 K.
directly imaged extrasolar planet by its discoverers, it can be However, photometry of 2M 1207b shows it to be very
argued that it is not a planet because it orbits a brown dwarf, red in J−K and underluminous compared with L dwarfs
not a star, or because it is unlikely that it formed through the (Figure 11). This led Mohanty et al. (2007) to suggest that
normally understood planet formation process from a disk grey extinction by an edge-on disk may be the cause of the
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 11

Figure 12. Carbon monoxide cross correlation signal for τ Boo b (Brogi
et al. 2012) as a function of systemic velocity (Vsys ) and radial velocity
amplitude of the planet (KP ). A 6.2σ signal is seen at KP = 110 ± 3.2 km
s−1 corresponding to an inclination i = 44.5◦ ±1.5 and a planet mass MP =
5.95 ± 0.28MJup — Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers
Ltd: Nature, 486, 502–504, ⃝ C (2012).

Figure 11. Colour magnitude diagram for 2M 1207b and the b, c and d
planets of HR 8799 (photometry from Chauvin et al. 2005; Marois et al.
2008; Mohanty et al. 2007) compared with field M, L and T dwarfs (from
not confirmed (Charbonneau et al. 1999; Leigh et al. 2003a)
the same data sources as Figure 5). and is inconsistent with the subsequent infrared detections
by Brogi et al. (2012) and Rodler, Lopez-Morales, & Ribas
(2012). These studies set upper limits on the geometric albedo
underluminosity. Photometry of HR 8799b show that it is of τ Boo b of 0.3 at 480 nm (Charbonneau et al. 1999) and
similarly underluminous. Barman et al. (2011b) have shown 0.39 over 400–650 nm (Leigh et al. 2003a). Other reflected
that it is possible to model the spectrum of 2M 1207b with light studies for a number of the brighter hot Jupiter systems
a cool (Teff ∼1 000 K) model by including clouds and a (Collier Cameron et al. 2002; Leigh et al. 2003b; Rodler,
departure from chemical equilibrium due to vertical mixing Kurster, & Henning 2008, 2010; Langford et al. 2011) result
that inhibits the formation of methane. Similar models have in similar upper limits on geometric albedo.
been fitted to the spectra of HR 8799b (Barman et al. 2011a) Much more successful have been similar studies in the
and c (Konopacky et al. 2013). near-IR where it is possible to search for specific molecular
Spectroscopy of β Pic b in the H band (Chilcote et al. absorption features either in the transmission spectrum dur-
2014) taken with the Gemini Planet Imager shows spectral ing transit (Snellen et al. 2010a) or in the thermal emission
structure indicating H2 O absorption and atmospheric model from the planet (which does not require a transiting planet).
fits give Teff = 1 650 ± 50 K and log g = 4.0 ± 0.25. In these studies the telluric and stellar absorption features are
A detection of methane (Janson et al. 2013) has been re- removed as best as possible and the remaining signal is cross
ported in the planetary mass companion GJ 504b (Kuzuhara correlated with a template spectrum. The large radial veloc-
2013). This was achieved using Spectral Differential Imag- ity amplitude of the planet causes the absorption features to
ing with the HiCAIO adaptive optics camera on the Subaru shift with orbital phase, so that a cross correlation peak can be
telescope. The companion was found to be much fainter in searched for as a function of radial velocity amplitude (KP )
the CH4 absorption band at ∼1.7 µm than in other bands and systemic velocity (Vsys ) as shown in Figure 12 (Brogi
indicating a deep methane absorption comparable to that in et al. 2012).
late T dwarfs. The method determines KP and thus provides a direct
measurement of the planet’s mass and the orbital inclination,
3.3.2 High resolution cross correlation techniques removing the sin i uncertainty for non-transiting planets. If
Spectral features due to an unresolved extrasolar planet can the planet is transiting the results can be checked against
be detected using high-resolution spectroscopy, and cross those determined from transit analysis. The systemic velocity
correlation techniques to pick out the faint signal due to is also determined and should agree with that measured for
the planet from the much brighter contribution of the host the host star. Table 2 list the detections reported. For two
star. The technique was first used to attempt to detect the objects (τ Boo b and HD 189733b) there are independent
reflected light signal in high-resolution optical spectra of results from two studies that are in good agreement.
hot Jupiters. A possible detection of a planetary signal in Most of the objects observed in this way are hot Jupiters,
τ Boo was reported (Collier Cameron et al. 1999) but was but essentially the same method has also been applied to the
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12 Bailey

Table 2. High-Resolution Cross Correlation Detections

Species KP MP
Planet Detected (km s−1 ) (MJup ) Reference

HD 209458ba CO 5.6σ 140 ± 10 0.64 ± 0.09 Snellen et al. (2010a)

τ Boo b CO 6.2σ 110 ± 3.2 5.95 ± 0.28 Brogi et al. (2012)
τ Boo b CO 3.4σ 115 ± 11 5.6 ± 0.7 Rodler et al. (2012)
τ Boo b H2 O 6σ 111 ± 5 5.9+0.35
−0.20 Lockwood et al. (2014)
51 Peg b CO/H2 O 5.9σ 134.1 ± 1.8 0.46 ± 0.02 Brogi et al. (2013)
HD 189733b CO 5.0σ 154+4
−3 1.162+0.058
−0.039 de Kok et al. (2013)
HD 189733b H2 O 4.8σ 154+14
−10 Birkby et al. (2013)
HD 189733b CO 3.4σ 154 Rodler, Kürster, & Barnes (2013)
HD 179949b CO/H2 O 6.3σ 142.8 ± 3.4 0.98 ± 0.04 Brogi et al. (2014)
β Pic b CO 6.4σ Snellen et al. (2014)

a Transmission spectrum during transit. All others are dayside emission detections.

directly imaged exoplanet β Pic b (Snellen et al. 2014). In eclipse depth measured in the Spitzer/IRAC bands (3.6 µm,
this case it was possible to detect rotational broadening of 4.5 µm, 5.8 µm and 8.0 µm). There are also a number
about 25 kms−1 in the CO cross correlation signal indicating of measurements at shorter wavelengths from ground-based
a rapid rotation for the planet. telescopes. The broad band eclipse depth results are sum-
All detections so far are either for carbon monoxide or wa- marised in Table 3. This lists secondary eclipse depths mea-
ter. In HD189733b (de Kok et al. 2013) CO2 , CH4 and H2 O sured in the four Spitzer/IRAC bands and in the Ks band
were searched for in the 2 µm region but not detected. How- (2.15 µm). Where there are multiple measurements in a band
ever, H2 O was detected in HD 189733b using longer wave- the one with the smaller quoted error is listed, but references
length (3.2 µm) observations (Birkby et al. 2013). While CO to all measurements are given. The ‘Other’ column lists other
is expected to be strong feature in these planets, part of the bands in which eclipse depths have been measured and the
reason it is most easily detected may be that as a diatomic references to these are also given.
molecule it has a simpler spectrum and better quality line For a few of the brighter systems it is possible to go fur-
lists. Difficulty in detecting other species may, in part, be due ther and obtain spectra of the dayside emission using the
to errors in the template spectra due to problems with the secondary eclipse depth. Such results are listed in Table 4.
line lists, such as errors in line positions (see discussion in Figure 13 shows the combined data from broad band and
Barnes et al. 2010) and incompleteness. Methane line lists spectroscopic observations for some of the best studied
used for atmospheric modelling are known to be missing cases.
many hot bands that are needed at the high temperatures of With secondary eclipse data of sufficient quality it is
these objects. possible to map the brightness distribution across the disk
of the planet (Williams et al. 2006). This has been at-
3.3.3 Secondary eclipse photometry and spectroscopy tempted for HD 189733b by Majeau, Agol, & Cowan (2012)
The secondary eclipse (or occultation2 ) occurs when a planet and de Wit et al. (2012). The results show a bright spot
passes behind the star. If the planet is sufficiently bright a shifted east from the subsolar point in agreement with
measurable dip in the light curve is seen, and the fractional results from the full phase light curve (Knutson et al.
depth of the dip is a direct measurement of the flux from 2007a)
the planet as a fraction of that from the star. In most cases While the infrared secondary eclipse shows the thermal
such measurements detect thermal emission from the day- emission from the planet, observations of the secondary
side of the planet, and so contrasts are greatest at infrared eclipse at visible wavelengths can show the planet through
wavelengths. light reflected from its star. However, if the planet is very hot,
The first detection of a secondary eclipse was made at thermal emission may still be present even at visible wave-
24 µm for HD 209458b using the Spitzer Space Telescope lengths. Table 5 summarises measurements so far, mostly
(Deming et al. 2005). Since then a substantial number of from observations with Kepler, in a broad band covering
mostly hot Jupiter type systems have had their secondary 400–850 nm. These observations provide a measure of the
geometric albedo of the planet, and show that some of these
2 Referring to this event as the secondary eclipse is consistent with standard planets are quite dark, while others have geometric albedos
terminology for eclipsing binary systems. The term occultation for this
event is suggested by terminology used in the Solar system for e.g. the up to ∼0.4. In the case of HD 189733b observations have
phenomena of Jupiter’s satellites, where eclipses, occultations and transits been made with STIS showing the planet to be dark at 450–
all occur, and eclipse is reserved for the case where a satellite passes into 570 nm, but with an albedo of 0.4 at 290–450 nm, the blue
the shadow of the planet. Both terms are used in the exoplanet literature
with secondary eclipse being more common. colour being indicative of a Rayleigh scattering haze (Evans

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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 13

Table 3. Secondary eclipse depth broadband measurements (%)

Planet Ks 3.6µm 4.5µm 5.8 µm 8.0 µm Other References

CoRoT-1b 0.336±.042 0.415±.042 0.482±.042 0.71 µm 1,2,3,4

CoRoT-2b 0.355±.020 0.500±.020 0.510±.059 0.71 µm 5,6,7
GJ436b 0.041±.003 <0.010 0.033±.014 0.054±.008 16, 24 µm 8,58
HD 149026b 0.040±.003 0.034±.006 0.044±.010 0.052±.006 16 µm 9
HD 189733b 0.147±.004 0.179±.004 0.310±.034 0.344±.004 16, 24 µm 10,11,12,59
HD 209458b 0.094±.009 0.139±.007 0.301±.043 0.240±.026 24 µm 13,14,15,62
HAT-P-1b 0.109±.025 0.080±.008 0.135±.022 0.203±.031 0.238±.040 16,17
HAT-P-3b 0.112+.015
−.030 0.094+.016
−.009 18
HAT-P-4b 0.142+.014
−.016 0.122+.012
−.014 18
HAT-P-6b 0.117±.008 0.106±.006 19
HAT-P-7b 0.098±.017 0.159±.022 0.245±.031 0.225±.052 20
HAT-P-8b 0.131+.007
−.010 0.111+.008
−.007 19
HAT-P-23b 0.234±.046 0.248±.019 0.309±.026 60
Kepler-5b 0.103±.017 0.107±.015 21
Kepler-6b 0.069±.027 0.151±.019 21
Kepler-12b 0.137±.020 0.116±.031 22
TrES-1b 0.066±.013 0.225±.036 23
TrES-2b 0.062+.013
−.011 0.127±.021 0.230±.024 0.199±.054 0.359±.060 24,25
TrES-3b 0.133+0.018
−0.016 0.346±.035 0.372±.054 0.449±.097 0.475±.046 26,27,28
TrES-4b 0.137±.011 0.148±.016 0.261±.059 0.318±.044 29
WASP-3b 0.181±.020 0.209+0.040
−0.028 0.282±0.012 0.328+0.086
−0.055 30,64
WASP-4b 0.182+.014
−.013 0.319±.031 0.343±.027 31,32
WASP-5b 0.269±.062 0.197±.028 0.227±.025 H 33,63
WASP-8b 0.113±.018 0.069±.007 0.093±.023 34
WASP-12b 0.339±.014a 0.419±.014b 0.424±.021b 0.694±.057b 0.701±.074b z, J, H, 2.3 µm 35,36,37,38,39,40
WASP-14b 0.19±0.01 0.224±.018 0.181±0.022 61
WASP-17b 0.229±.013 0.237±.039 41
WASP-18b 0.304±.017 0.379±.008 0.37±.03 0.41±.02 42,43
WASP-19b 0.287±.020 0.483±.025 0.572±.030 0.65±.11 0.73±.12 z, H 44,45,46,47,57,67
WASP-24b 0.159±.013 0.202±.018 48
WASP-26b 0.126±.013 0.149±.016 49
WASP-33b 0.244+.027
−.020 0.26±.05 0.41±.02 z 50,51,52
WASP-43b 0.181±.027 0.346±.013 0.382±.015 53,66,67
WASP-46b 0.253+.063
−.060 65
WASP-48b 0.109±.027 0.176±.013 0.214±.020 60
XO-1b 0.086±.007 0.122±.009 0.261±.031 0.210±.029 54
XO-2b 0.081±.017 0.098±.020 0.167±.036 0.133±.049 55
XO-3b 0.101±.004 0.143±.006 0.134±.049 0.150±.036 56
XO-4b 0.056+.012
−.006 0.135+.010
−.007 19

a Value from Croll et al. (2011) as corrected by Crossfield et al. (2012b)

b Values from Campo et al. (2011) as corrected by Crossfield et al. (2012b)
References 1. Deming et al. (2011), 2. Gillon et al. (2009), 3. Rogers et al. (2009), 4. Snellen et al. (2009), 5. Deming et al. (2011), 6. Gillon et al. (2010),
7. Snellen et al. (2010b), 8. Deming et al. (2007), 9. Stevenson et al. (2012), 10. Charbonneau et al. (2008), 11. Knutson et al. (2012), 12. Deming et al.
(2006), 13. Deming et al. (2005), 14. Knutson et al. (2008), 15. Crossfield et al. (2012a), 16. Todorov et al. (2010), 17. de Mooij et al. (2011), 18. Todorov
et al. (2013), 19. Todorov et al. (2012), 20 Christiansen et al. (2010), 21. Désert et al. (2011a), 22. Fortney et al. (2011), 23. Charbonneau et al. (2005),
24. O’Donovan et al. (2010), 25. Croll et al. (2010a), 26. Fressin et al. (2010), 27. de Mooij & Snellen (2009), 28. Croll et al. (2010b), 29. Knutson et al.
(2009a), 30. Zhao et al. (2012a), 31. Beerer et al. (2011), 32. Cáceres et al. (2011), 33. Baskin et al. (2013), 34. Cubillas et al. (2013), 35. Campo et al.
(2011), 36. Croll et al. (2011), 37. Crossfield et al. (2012b), 38. Zhao et al. (2012b), 39. Cowan et al. (2012b), 40. López-Morales et al. (2010), 41. Anderson
et al. (2011), 42. Nyemeyer et al. (2011), 43. Maxted et al. (2013), 44. Anderson et al. (2013), 45. Gibson et al. (2010), 46. Lendl et al. (2013), 47. Burton
et al. (2012), 48. Smith et al. (2012), 49. Mahtani et al. (2013), 50. Deming et al. (2012), 51. de Mooij et al. (2013), 52. Smith et al. (2011), 53. Blecic et al.
(2014), 54. Machalek et al. (2008), 55. Machalek et al. (2009), 56. Machalek et al. (2010), 57. Zhou et al. (2013), 58. Stevenson et al. (2010), 59. Agol
et al. (2010), 60. O’Rourke et al. (2014), 61. Blecic et al. (2013), 62. Zellem et al. (2014), 63. Chen et al. (2014a), 64. Rostron et al. (2014), 65. Chen et al.
(2014b), 66. Wang et al. (2013), 67. Zhou et al. (2014)

et al. 2013). Low albedos in the visible are to be expected for 3.3.4 Transit spectroscopy
clear atmospheres due to the broad sodium and absorption Observations during transit (or primary eclipse, when the
lines, whereas higher albedos can result if clouds are present planet passes in front of the star) also provide information
(Sudarsky, Burrows, & Pinto 2000). on the atmospheres. The depth of the primary eclipse is a

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Table 4. Dayside emission spectroscopy from secondary eclipses.

Planet Wavelengths Instrument Features Reported Reference

CoRoT-2b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Wilkins et al. (2014)

HD 189733b 5–14 µm Spitzer/IRS H2 O Grillmair et al. (2008)
1.5–2.5 µm HST/NICMOS H2 O, CO, CO2 Swain et al. (2009a)
2.0–4.1 µm IRTF/SpeX Emission feature at 3.3 µm Swain et al. (2010)
3.27–3.31 µm Keck/NIRSPEC No emission feature at 3.3 µm Mandell et al. (2011)
2.0–4.1 µm IRTF/SpeX Confirm emission at 3.3 µm Waldmann et al. (2012)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Crouzet et al. (2014)
HD 209458b 7.5–13.2 µm Spitzer/IRS Richardson et al. (2007)
1.5–2.5 µm HST/NICMOS H2 O, CH4 , CO2 Swain et al. (2009b)
TrES-3b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ranjan et al. (2014)
WASP-4b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ranjan et al. (2014)
WASP-12b 1–2.5 µm IRTF/SpeX Crossfield et al. (2012c)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Swain et al. (2013)
WASP-19b 1.25–2.35 Magellan/MMIRS Bean et al. (2013)
WASP-43b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Kreidberg et al. (2014b)

Figure 14. Transmission spectrum of HD 189733b from HST and Spitzer

transit observations, showing increase to the blue interpreted as due to a
Rayleigh scattering haze. — Figure 9 from ‘The prevalence of dust on the
exoplanet HD189733b from Hubble and Spitzer observations’, Pont, F. et al.,
2013, MNRAS, 432, 2917.

589.3 nm. Transit spectroscopy (other than studies of Na line

Figure 13. Dayside emission from WASP-12b, WASP-19b, HD189733b absorption) studies are listed in Table 6. In addition to these
and HD209458b based on data listed in Tables 3 and 4. Large symbols are spectroscopy observations there are numerous transit mea-
broad band measurements and smaller symbols are spectroscopic observa- surements in broad band filters, including measurements in
tions. the Spitzer/IRAC bands that extend coverage to longer wave-
lengths. HD 189733b is a particularly well studied system,
and the various space observations have been combined by
measure of the radius of the planet, and will be larger where Pont et al. (2013) to give the transmission spectrum shown
absorption is strongest. in Figure 14. It shows increasing absorption to the blue indi-
Spectroscopy during transits can reveal absorption fea- cating the presence of a Rayleigh scattering haze. Wasp 12b
tures in the transmission spectrum of the planet’s atmosphere. (Sing et al. 2013) also shows a similar increase to the blue
Transit spectroscopy samples the terminator of the planet and attributed to Rayleigh scattering from aerosols.
the long tangent path length means that it is sensitive to higher Transmission spectra in the near-IR for three systems are
levels in the atmosphere than dayside emission spectroscopy shown in Figure 15, showing water vapour absorption at
from secondary eclipses. ∼1.4 µm. As is conventional, these observations are plotted
The first detection of an exoplanet atmosphere was in as RP /RS (i.e. the radius of the planet divided by the radius
observations of the transits of HD 209458 (Charbonneau of the star as determined from the transit). This gives an in-
et al. 2002) that showed absorption in the sodium doublet at verted spectrum compared with conventional spectroscopy,
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 15

Table 5. Geometric albedo measurements from optical secondary eclipses.

Secondary eclipse Geometric

Planet depth (ppm) albedo Reference

HD 189733b (290–450 nm) 126+37

−36 0.40+0.12
−0.11 Evans et al. (2013)
HD 189733b (450–570 nm) 1+37
−30 0.00+0.12
−0.10 Evans et al. (2013)
HD 209458b 7±9 0.038 ± 0.045 Rowe et al. (2008)
Kepler-5b 21 ± 6 0.12 ± 0.04 Désert et al. (2011a)
19 ± 4 0.12 ± 0.02 Esteves et al. (2013)
19.8 ± 3.65 0.16 ± 0.03 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-6b 22 ± 7 0.11 ± 0.04 Désert et al. (2011a)
8.9 ± 3.8 0.059 ± 0.025 Esteves et al. (2013)
11.3 ± 4.2 0.07 ± 0.03 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-7b 47 ± 14 0.38 ± 0.12 Kipping & Bakos (2011)
42 ± 4 0.32 ± 0.03 Demory et al. (2011)
48 ± 3 0.35 ± 0.02 Demory et al. (2013)
46.6 ± 4.0 0.32 ± 0.03 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-8b 26 ± 6 0.14 ± 0.03 Esteves et al. (2013)
16.5 ± 4.45 0.11 ± 0.03 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-12b 31 ± 7 0.14 ± 0.04 Fortney et al. (2011)
18.7 ± 4.9 0.09 ± 0.02 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-13Ab 173.7 ± 1.8 0.33+0.04
−0.06 Shporer et al. (2014)
Kepler-17b 58 ± 10 0.10 ± 0.02 Désert et al. (2011b)
43.7 ± 6.4 0.08 ± 0.01 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-41b 64+10
−12 0.30 ± 0.08 Santerne et al. (2011)
60 ± 9 0.23 ± 0.05 Quintana et al. (2013)
46.2 ± 8.7 0.18 ± 0.03 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-43b 17.0 ± 5.3 0.06 ± 0.02 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-76b 75.6 ± 5.6 0.22 ± 0.02 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
Kepler-412b 47.4 ± 7.4 0.094 ± 0.015 Deleuil et al. (2014)
40.2 ± 9.0 0.11 ± 0.02 Angerhausen et al. (2014)
TrES-2b 6.5 ± 1.9 0.025 ± 0.007 Kipping & Spiegel (2011)
7.5 ± 1.7 0.030 ± 0.007 Esteves et al. (2013)

All measurements are with Kepler (400–850 nm) except for HD 209458b observed with MOST (350–700 nm) and
HD 189733b observed with HST/STIS.

since absorption features increase the apparent radius of the light is seen, variations will occur due to the change in the
planet. illuminated fraction of the disk, as well as due to phase angle
Measurements of the Sodium D-line absorption are listed dependent scattering processes (Seager, Whitney, & Sasselov
in Table 7. Results are listed here where the absorption is 2000). In some cases the light curves are complicated by el-
detected at greater than the 3-sigma level. There are also lipsoidal variations in the star (e.g. Welsh et al. 2010) or
a number of unsuccesful attempts at detections. Potassium the planet (e.g. Cowan et al. 2012b). Systems with full phase
absorption has been reported in XO-2b (Sing et al. 2011b). light curves at infrared wavelengths showing significant vari-
Atomic and atomic ion species have also been detected ation around the cycle are listed in Table 8. In addition full
in a number of transiting planets in the unbound portion phase light curves due to reflected light are observed in many
of the atmosphere, or exosphere. The best studied case is of the systems listed in Table 5.
HD 209458b where H I, C II, O I, and Si III have been Analysis of these light curves has been used to derive
observed (Vidal-Madjar et al. 2003, 2004; Linsky et al. 2010). maps of the temperature distribution of HD 189733b (Knut-
Exosphere detections have also been reported in HD 189733b son et al. 2007a) showing a hot spot offset from the substellar
(Lecavelier Des Etangs et al. 2010; Jensen et al. 2012) and point (consistent with models, see Section 4.1.3). In the case
Wasp-12b (Fossati et al. 2010). of Kepler-7b, the reflected light phase curve observed by Ke-
pler is interpreted as showing the presence of patchy clouds
(Demory et al. 2013).
3.3.5 Full phase photometry
As well as observations of the transits and eclipses, informa-
tion on a planet’s atmosphere can be obtained from observa- 3.3.6 Polarimetry
tions of the full phase light curve. In the infrared a hot Jupiter Reflected light from extrasolar planets will be polarised as a
will show variations around the cycle due to the variation of result of scattering from cloud and haze particles and from
temperature across its surface. In the optical where reflected molecules. Normal stars are generally found to have very
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Table 6. Transmission spectroscopy during transit.

Planet Wavelengths Instrument Featues reported Reference

CoRoT-1b 0.8–2.4 µm IRTF/SpeX/MORIS no TiO/VO Schlawin et al. (2014)

1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ranjan et al. (2014)
GJ 436b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Knutson et al. (2014a)
GJ 1214b 0.78–1.00 µm VLT/FORS1 Bean, Miller-Ricci Kempton, & Homeier (2010)
2.1–2.4 µm Keck/NIRSPEC Crossfield et al. (2011)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Berta et al. (2012)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 clouds Kreidberg et al. (2014a)
GJ 3470b 2.09–2.36 µm Keck/MOSFIRE Crossfield et al. (2013)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ehrenreich et al. (2014)
HD 97658b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Knutson et al. (2014b)
HD 189733b 1.4–2.5 µm HST/NICMOS H2 O, CH4 Swain et al. (2008)
0.55–1.05 µm HST/ACS haze Pont et al. (2008)
1.66–1.87 µm HST/NICMOS haze, no H2 O Sing et al. (2009)
0.29–0.57 µm HST/STIS haze Sing et al. (2011a)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Gibson et al. (2012)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O McCullough et al. (2014)
HD 209458b 0.3–1.0 µm HST/STIS H2 Oa Knutson et al. (2007b)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Deming et al. (2013)
HAT-P-1b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Wakeford et al. (2013)
HAT-P-12b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 clouds Line et al. (2013a)
0.52–0.93 µm Gemini/GMOS Gibson et al. (2013a)
TrES-2b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ranjan et al. (2014)
TrES-4b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Ranjan et al. (2014)
WASP-6b 0.48–0.86 µm Baade/IMACS Jordán et al. (2013)
WASP-12b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Swain et al. (2013)
0.7–1.0 µm Gemini/GMOS Stevenson et al. (2014)
0.3–1.7 µm HST/STIS+WFC3 aerosols, no TiO Sing et al. (2013)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Mandell et al. (2013)
WASP-17b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Mandell et al. (2013)
WASP-19b 1.25–2.35 µm Magellan/MMIRS Bean et al. (2013)
0.29–1.69 µm HST/STIS+WFC3 H2 O no TiO Huitson et al. (2013)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 Mandell et al. (2013)
WASP-29b 0.51–0.72 µm Gemini/GMOS Gibson et al. (2013b)
WASP-43b 0.52–1.04 µm GTC/OSIRIS Murgas et al. (2014)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Kreidberg et al. (2014b)
XO-1b 1.2–1.8 µm HST/NICMOS H2 O, CO2 , CH4 Tinetti et al. (2010)
1.1–1.7 µm HST/WFC3 H2 O Deming et al. (2013)
XO-2b 1.1–1.7 µm HST/NICMOS Crouzet et al. (2012)

a According to reanalysis by Barman (2007).

Table 7. Sodium (589 nm) detections from transit spectroscopy.

Planet Instrument Line depth Band Reference

HD 189733b HET/HRS 6.72 ± 2.07 × 10−4 1.2 nm Redfield et al. (2008)

HET/HRS 5.26 ± 1.69 × 10−4 1.2 nm Jensen et al. (2011)
HST/STIS 9 ± 1 × 10−4 0.5 nm Huitson et al. (2012)
HD 209458b HST/STIS 2.32 ± 0.57 × 10−4 1.2 nm Charbonneau et al. (2002)
HET/HRS 2.63 ± 0.81 × 10−4 1.2 nm Jensen et al. (2011)
Subaru/HDS 5.6 ± 0.7a ×10−4 0.3 nm Snellen et al. (2008)
HST/STIS 11 × 10−4 0.44 nm Sing et al. (2008)
HAT-P-1b HST/STIS 9.8 ± 3.0 × 10−4 3.0 nm Nikolov et al. (2014)
WASP-17b VLT/GIRAFFE 55 ± 13 × 10−4 0.15 nm Wood et al. (2011)
Magellan/MIKE 58 ± 13 × 10−4 0.15 nm Zhou & Bayliss (2012)
XO-2b GTC/OSIRIS 4.7 ± 1.1 × 10−4 5.0 nm Sing et al. (2012)

a 7.0 ± 1.1 × 10−4 (0.15 nm band), 13.5 ± 1.7 × 10−4 (0.075 nm band)

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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 17

Table 8. Full phase infrared photometry of exoplanets.

Planet Wavelength Amplitude (ppm) Reference

CoRoT-1b 710 nm 126 ± 33 Snellen et al. (2007)

υ And b 24 µm 1300 ± 74 Crossfield et al. (2010)
HD 179949 8 µm 1 410 ± 330 Cowan, Agol, & Charbonneau (2007)
HD 149026b 8 µm 227 ± 66 Knutson et al. (2009c)
HD 189733b 3.6 µm 1 242 ± 61 Knutson et al. (2012)
4.5 µm 982 ± 89 Knutson et al. (2012)
8 µm 1 200 ± 200 Knutson et al. (2007a)
HD 209458b 4.5 µm 1 090 ± 120 Zellem et al. (2014)
HAT-P-7b 400–850 nm 63.7 Welsh et al. (2010)
WASP-18b 3.6 µm 2 960 ± 90 Maxted et al. (2013)
4.5 µm 3 660 ± 70 Maxted et al. (2013)

& Matthews 2008). Lucas et al. (2009) reported upper limits

on the polarisation of τ Boo and 55 Cnc in a broad red band
(590–920 nm) and set upper limits on the geometric albedo
of τ Boo b and 55 Cnc e for Rayleigh scattering models.
Berdyugina et al. (2008) reported polarisation varying
over the orbital cycle of HD 189733b with an amplitude
of ∼2 × 10−4 in the B band. Wiktorowicz (2009), however,
found no polarisation variation in this system with a 99%
confidence upper limit of 7.9 × 10−5 in a 400–675 nm wave-
length range. Berdyugina et al. (2011) then reported further
observations that confirmed a polarisation variation, but with
a reduced amplitude of 10−4 in the U and B bands and much
lower amplitude in the V band. They claim the data is con-
sistent with that of Wiktorowicz (2009) when the different
wavelengths are taken into account.
While HD 189733b is a system in which polarisation might
be expected in view of the Rayleigh scattering haze seen
in transmission spectroscopy (Pont et al. 2008, 2013), the
reported polarisation amplitudes are too large to be easily
explained. Berdyugina et al. (2011) report that the polari-
sation is consistent with a Rayleigh-Lambert model with a
Figure 15. HST/WFC3 observations of the transmission spectra of geometric albedo of ∼0.6 and ‘scattered light maximally po-
HD209458b and XO-1b (Deming et al. 2013) and HAT-P-1b (Wakeford larised’ (i.e. 100%). However, in Rayleigh scattering models
et al. 2013) showing absorption at ∼1.4 µm attributed to H2 O. The spec- a layer sufficiently optically thick to produce a high geomet-
trum of the brown dwarf Kelu-1 showing the same absorption feature is
ric albedo has a maximum polarisation of only about 30%
shown for comparison in the bottom panel. The exoplanet spectra are in-
verted compared with the brown dwarf spectra since absorption features (Buenzli & Schmid 2009) as a result of depolarisation due
increase the radius of the planet as seen in transit observations. to multiple scattering. Lucas et al. (2009) used Monte-Carlo
scattering models to predict a maximum polarisation ampli-
tude of 2.6 ×10−5 for HD 189733b.
low intrinsic polarisations (Kemp et al. 1987; Bailey, Lucas,
& Hough 2010). In a hot Jupiter system the polarisation 3.4 Atmospheric structure
in the combined light of the unresolved star and planet is
expected to be in the range 10−5 –10−6 (Seager, Whitney, & 3.4.1 Inflated atmospheres
Sasselov 2000), and will vary around the orbital cycle with One result of transit observations is that many hot Jupiters
the changing phase angle. are ‘inflated’, with radii significantly larger than predicted
While the expected polarisations are small, polarisation is a by models (Baraffe, Chabrier, & Barman 2008, 2010). This
differential measurement that can be made to high sensitivity inflation is found to be correlated with the level of stel-
wth ground-based telescopes, and instruments capable of lar irradiation, with inflation becoming apparent for planets
measuring stellar polarisation at the one part per million receiving incident flux greater than 2 × 108 erg s−1 cm−2
level have been developed (Hough et al. 2006; Wiktorowicz (Miller & Fortney 2011; Demory & Seager 2011).
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18 Bailey

Weiss et al. (2013) have used data on 138 exoplanets to presence of TiO or VO in eclipse or transit spectroscopy in
derive empirical relations between radius, mass and incident any of these systems.
flux as follows: Knutson, Howard, & Isaccson (2010) argue that the pres-
ence of an inversion correlates with the activity of the host
RP /R⊕ = 1.78(MP /M⊕ )0.53 (F/erg s−1 cm−2 )−0.03 (1) star, with the temperature inversions being found for planets
for MP < 150M⊕ , and orbiting inactive stars, whereas the non-inverted atmospheres
occur in planets orbiting chromospherically active stars.
RP /R⊕ = 2.45(MP /M⊕ )−0.039 (F/erg s−1 cm−2 )0.094 (2) However, Madhusudhan & Seager (2010) have inves-
tigated the degeneracies between thermal inversions and
for MP > 150M⊕ . molecular abudnances, and find it is often possible to fit
The reason for this inflation is still debated. Guillot & both inversion and non-inversion models given the limited
Showman (2002) showed that the inflated radii could be un- data points available from Spitzer photometry.
derstood if ∼1% of the stellar flux received by the planet
was transferred into the deep atmosphere below the photo-
sphere. The observed relationships between inflated radii and 3.5 Composition
incident flux appear consistent with this idea. However, it is
unclear what is the mechanism for transferring energy into 3.5.1 Water vapour, carbon monoxide and methane
the interior. Mechanisms for inflated radii include downward Analogy with brown dwarfs of similar temperatures dis-
transport of mechanical energy by atmospheric circulation cussed in Section 2 suggests that the most important species
(Showman & Guillot 2002), enhanced opacities that help to in the near-IR spectra should be H2 O, CO and CH4 . From the
trap heat in the interior (Burrows et al. 2007a), dissipation of discussion in Section 3.3 and Tables 2– 6, it will be apparent
thermal tides (Arras & Socrates 2010), and tidal heating due that H2 O and CO are indeed detected in quite a number of
to a non-zero eccentricity (Jackson et al. 2008; Ibgui, Bur- giant exoplanet systems by a variety of different methods.
rows, & Spiegel 2010). The Ohmic dissipation model (Baty- Evidence for these molecules is found in spectroscopy of
gin & Stevenson 2010; Perna, Menou, & Rauscher 2010) uses direct imaged planets (Section 3.3.1), from high resolution
the interaction of atmospheric winds and the planetary mag- cross correlation methods (Section 3.3.2 and Table 2) and
netic field to induce electric currents that heats the interior. from secondary eclipse (Section 3.3.3, Table 4) and transit
Rauscher & Menou (2013) have modelled the process using (Section 3.3.4 and Table 6) spectroscopy.
a 3D model (see Section 4.1.3) and find that ohmic dissipa- The data on CH4 is less clear. Although it is reported,
tion can explain the radius of HD 209458b for a planetary for example, in the NICMOS transmission spectrum of HD
magnetic field of 3–10 G. However, Rogers & Showman 189733b (Swain et al. 2008), high resolution cross correlation
(2014) used 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the studies at the same wavelength do not detect it (de Kok
atmosphere of HD 209458b and found Ohmic dissipation et al. 2013), but do detect CO. This suggests a departure
rates orders of magntiude too small to explain the inflated from equilibrium chemistry due to vertical mixing as also
radius. suggested by Knutson et al. (2012) based on Spitzer phase
3.4.2 Temperature structure The spectra of directly imaged planets shown in Figure 10
also show CO, but at best very weak evidence for CH4 . These
The dayside spectra of hot Jupiters as defined by the Spitzer
IRAC colours (Table 3 and Figure 13) have been used to are all objects that are cool enough to be in the T dwarf range,
but actually show spectra more like those of L dwarfs. The
derive information on the atmospheric temperature structure.
If temperature decreases with height then the spectrum shows lack of CH4 once again indicates non-equilibrium chemistry
absorption features due to its atmospheric molecules, but a (Barman et al. 2011a, 2011b; Skemer et al. 2014; Zahnle
& Marley 2014). Departures from equilibrium chemistry are
temperature inversion can cause the same features to appear
in emission. A constant temperature (isothermal) atmosphere discussed further in Section 4.2.2.
would shown no spectral features. Recently, however, CH4 has been detected photometrically
in the very cool (∼600 K) planetary mass companion GJ 504b
The presence of a temperature inversion was first sug-
gested in the infrared spectrum of HD 209458b (Knutson (Janson et al. 2013) as described in Section 3.3.1
et al. 2008; Burrows et al. 2007a) where a bump in the spec-
trum at 4.5 and 5.8 µm can be understood as water vapour 3.5.2 Carbon dioxide
in emission. A number of other cases have been suggested Up to a few years ago CO2 was not considered to be an im-
based on Spitzer photometry. It has been suggested that in- portant species for exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres
versions result from absorption of starlight by an absorber as its predicted equilibrium abundance is quite low. Then
high in the atmosphere. Suggestions for the absorber include Swain et al. (2009a) reported an absorption feature at 2.0 µm
TiO and VO (Hubeny et al. 2003; Fortney et al. 2008) or in the NICMOS dayside emission spectrum of HD189733b
photochemically produced sulfur compounds (Zahnle et al. that they identified as CO2 . This is a relatively weak CO2
2009). However, observations have so far failed to detect the band. It has never been seen in brown dwarfs, for example,
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 19

whereas the much stronger CO2 band at 4.2 µm has been seen atmospheric abundances could be set. Other recent studies of
(Yamamura, Tsuji, & Tanabé 2010; Sorahana & Yamamura the emission and transmission spectra of WASP-12b (Sing
2012). et al. 2013; Swain et al. 2013; Mandell et al. 2013) do not
Fitting the NICMOS feature at 2.0 µm in HD189733b clearly detect any molecular species and do not significantly
as a CO2 band results in CO2 mole fractions ∼10−3 (Mad- constrain the C/O ratio.
husudhan & Seager 2009; Lee, Fletcher, & Irwin 2012; Line Line et al. (2013b) have investigated the ability to deter-
et al. 2012). This is several thousand times higher than the mine C/O ratios using retrieval models (see Section 4.1.2)
expected chemical equilibrium abundance for solar compo- and find that with limited data this is very difficult and the
sition (Moses et al. 2011) or the observed CO2 abundances retrieved values are biased towards the solar value or a value
in brown dwarfs (Tsuji, Yamamura, & Sorahana 2011). In- of one.
clusion of non-equilibrium processes such as photochemistry
does not substantially increase CO2 abundances (Zahnle et al.
3.6 Clouds and hazes
2009; Moses et al. 2011). However, CO2 abundances are sen-
sitive to elemental composition increasing quadratically with The best evidence for cloud or haze3 in giant exoplanets
increasing metallicity (Lodders 2002; Zahnle et al. 2009). comes from observations of the resolved planets (or plan-
The high CO2 abundance is not clearly seen in other obser- etary mass objects) HR 8799b, HR 8799c and 2M 1207b
vations of HD189733b. In particular the much stronger CO2 where photometry and spectroscopy point to cloudy atmo-
bands at 4.2 µm and 15 µm are not apparent in the Spitzer spheres similar to those of L dwarfs as already discussed
secondary eclipse data. Fitting separately to the NICMOS in Section 3.3.1. A recent analysis by Skemer et al. (2014)
and Spitzer data, Madhusudhan & Seager (2009) found a including mid-infrared data concluded that patchy clouds as
much lower CO2 abundance from the Spitzer data consistent well as non-equilibrium chemistry (to explain the weakness
with equilibrium predictions. If a model is required to fit of the 3.3 µm CH4 band) were needed to fit the data for the
both the Spitzer and NICMOS data simultaneously, as in the HR 8799 planets, whereas a thick cloud model fitted the 2M
retrieval analysis of Lee et al. (2012) the result is a very high 1207b data.
CO2 abundance to fit the NICMOS data, and then a tightly HD 189733b has good evidence for a Rayleigh scatter-
constrained isothermal temperature profile in the upper at- ing haze that is visible in both the transmission spectrum
mosphere, which hides the strong 4.2 µm and 15 µm CO2 observed during transit (Pont et al. 2013) and in the reflec-
bands that would otherwise be present. tion spectrum from secondary eclipse (Evans et al. 2013).
An alternative interpreation is to disregard the NICMOS Rayleigh scattering (seen as an increase in radius to the blue)
2 µm feature, the only evidence pointing to a high CO2 abun- is also seen in the transmission spectrum of WASP-12b (Sing
dance in HD 189733b. Gibson et al. (2011) have argued that et al. 2013) and WASP-6b (Jordán et al. 2013).
NICMOS observations are too sensitive to the method of Demory et al. (2013) use an analysis of the optical phase
removing systematics to reliably detect molecular species. curve and secondary eclipse of Kepler-7b to conclude that
In that case it is possible to fit the remaining data on the clouds must be present and must have an inhomogenous
transmission and dayside emission spectra of HD 189733b distribution to explain the lack of symmetry in the phase
very well using equilibrium abundances as shown by Dobbs- curve.
Dixon & Agol (2013) who used the solar composition opac- The presence of clouds or hazes are suggested in some
ities from Sharp & Burrows (2007). other systems by essentially featureless transmission spectra
that lack features expected for a clear atmosphere such as
3.5.3 C/O ratios Na or H2 O absorption (e.g. Line et al. 2013a; Gibson et al.
A high C/O ratio was first suggested for the atmosphere of 2013a).
the highly irradiated hot Jupiter WASP-12b (Madhusudhan
et al. 2011) and Madhusudhan (2012) has suggested that
C/O ratio may be an important parameter for classifying ex-
oplanet atmospheres. If C/O is greater than 1.0 (the solar
4.1 Types of models
value is about 0.5) the chemistry changes substantially for
temperatures above about 1 500 K, since almost all the oxy- Exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres occupy a tempera-
gen combines with carbon to form CO, and the abundances ture range extending from that of the Solar system planets to
of other oxygen bearing species, including H2 O and TiO/VO that of the coolest stars. Modelling techniques for these ob-
are substantially reduced. The excess carbon also results in jects can thus adapt techniques both from traditional stellar
increased abundances of carbon species such as HCN and atmosphere modelling (e.g. Gray 2005) and those developed
C2 H2 .
Reanalysis of the secondary eclipse data on WASP-12b by 3 Inusing the terms ‘cloud’ or ‘haze’ here I have followed the terminology
Crossfield et al. (2012b), with corrections for the effects of used in the orignal reports. I am not aware of any accepted definition of the
difference between these two terms, and in this context they likely refer to
a contaminating star, concluded that the spectrum was well- the same types of particles but haze is usually thinner than cloud and often
approximated by a blackbody and that no constraints on its occurs at higher altitude.

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for modelling of the Earth and other Solar system planet Models based on essentially this procedure have been de-
atmospheres (e.g. Liou 2002). These two fields have devel- veloped for brown dwarf and exoplanet atmospheres (e.g.
oped largely independently and have significant difference Tsuji et al. 1996; Allard et al. 2001; Barman, Hauschildt,
in approach that are now becoming apparent, as methods & Allard 2001; Marley et al. 2002; Burrows, Sudarsky, &
from both fields are applied to the modelling of exoplanet Hubeny 2003). In order to model the atmospheres of these
atmospheres. cooler objects a number of additional complications have to
Howvever, the essentials of atmospheric modelling are be dealt with.
the same for all such objects. The VSTAR modeeling code At lower temperatures the composition becomes domi-
(Bailey & Kedziora-Chudczer 2012), for example, has been nated by molecules (as shown in Figure 3), and the calcula-
used successfully for objects ranging from terrestrial (Bai- tion of composition (or equation of state) becomes primarily
ley 2009; Cotton et al. 2012) and giant planets (Kedziora- a chemical model. Large numbers of chemical compounds
Chudczer & Bailey 2011) in the Solar system to exoplanets are potentially important and hence large chemical mod-
(Zhou et al. 2013, 2014), brown dwarfs and cool stars (Bailey els handling hundreds or in some case thousands of species
& Kedziora-Chudczer 2012). have been developed (e.g Lodders & Fegley 2002). (see
Section 4.2).
4.1.1 Stellar atmosphere type models As well as gas phase species, at temperatures below about
The traditional approach to stellar atmosphere modelling is 2 000 K condensates start to form and both modify the gas
typified by the ATLAS series of modelling codes (Kurucz phase chemistry, and can form clouds that contribute sub-
1970, 1993; Castelli & Kurucz 2004), and the MARCS mod- stantially to the opacity. As we have already seen clouds are
els (Gustaffson et al. 2008). Normally with such models the important in understanding the behaviour of L dwarfs and
starting point is an adopted effective temperature Teff , surface the L/T transition, and are also probably important in giant
gravity (usually specified as log g in cgs units), and metal- exoplanets. (see Section 4.4).
licity [M/H]. Grids of models can then be calculated for Molecules and cloud particles contribute to scattering of
different values of these parameters. The essential stages in light. Scattering is usually a relatively minor contribution
such models are: to the opacity of stellar atmospheres and is usually treated
using simplifying approximations such as that of isotropic
1. Start with an initial estimate for the pressure tempera- scattering. In the cooler atmospheres of brown dwarfs and
ture structure of the atmosphere specified at a number exoplanets scattering becomes more significant, and more
(∼40–80) of layers. rigorous treatments of scattering that accurately account
2. For each layer calculate the composition of the layer. for the non-isotropic phase functions may be needed (de
For hotter stars this primarily involves determining the Kok et al. 2011; Bailey & Kedziora-Chudczer 2012). (see
distribution of ionisation states for each element using Section 4.5).
Saha’s equation. For cooler stars some molecules be-
come important and their concentrations are calculated 4.1.2 Retrieval models
assuming chemical equilibrium. A different approach to modelling exoplanet atmospheres
3. Calculate the opacity (extinction coefficient) of each is shown in a number of recent studies (Madhusudhan &
layer at each required wavelength taking account of Seager 2009; Line et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2012; Benneke &
atomic absorption lines, molecular absorption lines Seager 2012; Line et al. 2013b; Benneke & Seager 2013) that
and continuum opacity sources such as bound-free adopt a retrieval approach. These approaches are similar to
and free-free absorption, collision induced absorptions, that used in remote sensing studies of the Earth atmosphere
Rayleigh and electron scattering. The wavelength range where temperature structure (e.g. Rozenkranz 2001) trace
must cover all wavelengths at which significant energy gas content (e.g. Buchwitz et al. 2005), and cloud properties
transport occurs. (e.g. Garnier et al. 2012) are routinely retrieved from satel-
4. Solve the radiative transfer equation to determine the lite observations, and similar techniques are used to study
radiative energy flux through each layer. the atmospheres of other Solar system planets from orbiting
5. Iteratively adjust the temperature structure of the spacecraft or Earth-based telescopes.
model, repeating steps 2–4 as required until the model These models seek to retrieve the temperature structure
is in energy balance. The total flux through each layer, and composition of the atmosphere directly from observa-
including convective energy flux which is normally de- tions, rather than predict these using energy balance and
termined using mixing length theory (Henyey, Vardya, chemical models as in the approach described above. Thus
& Bodenheimer 1965) must equal σ Teff . only steps 3 and 4 of the modelling procedure are needed
in the forward model. A number of different approaches to
The spectrum of the star can then be obtained, either from the retrieval process have been used. Madhusudhan & Sea-
the last iteration of the model if opacities and radiative trans- ger (2009) search in a large grid of models covering a wide
fer are calculated with sufficient resolution, or from a separate parameter space. Lee et al. (2012) use an iterative optimal
spectral synthesis model. estimation procedure. Line et al. (2013b) investigate several
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 21

different approaches to retrieval (Optimal Estimation, Boot- accuracy, but band-averaged opacities can lead to substantial
strap Monte Carlo, and Differential Evolution Markov Chain errors.
Monte Carlo). A review of atmospheric circulation models for exoplan-
Benneke & Seager (2012, 2013) use a somewhat differ- ets is given by Showman, Cho, & Menou (2010). Features
ent approach where the temperature profile is not retrieved, predicted by such models are the presence of a superrotat-
but is determined by a self consistent model requiring ra- ing jet in the equatorial regions with wind velocities of 1–4
diative and hydrostatic equilibrium and allowing for con- km/s. This can cause an eastward displacement of the hottest
vection. The model can therefore be described by a small region from the substellar point which is consistent with ob-
number of parameters (planet-to-star radius ratio, cloud-top servations of HD 189733b (Knutson et al. 2007a, 2009b).
pressure and Bond albedo) as well as the mole fractions of Models that specifically aim to simulate the atmospheres
molecular species. The models include cloud and haze layers of HD 189733b and HD 209458b have been given by Show-
and retrieval uses a Bayesian Nested Sampling Monte Carlo man et al. (2009) and an example of the predicted temperature
method. structure and winds is given in Figure 16 and show reason-
able agreement with observed day-night phase variations in
Spitzer photometry of HD 189733b (Knutson et al. 2007a,
4.1.3 3D models of hot Jupiters 2009b).
All the models considered so far are 1D models that describe Dobbs-Dixon & Agol (2013) have used a 3D model of HD
the structure of the atmosphere with a single one dimensional 189733b including wavelength dependent radiative transfer
profile. Such models cannot represent dynamical effects and to make predictions of the transmission spectrum, dayside
diurnal variations. For hot Jupiters which all receive strong spectrum, and phase curves that are in good agreement with
irradiation from their star, the structure is expected to vary the observations.
substantially around the planet and can be very different on
the dayside and nightside. 4.1.4 3D models of brown dwarfs
A number of studies have looked at full 3D models of Studies of atmospheric circulation in brown dwarfs have
the atmospheric circulation (General Circulation Models or been made using 3D models and analytic theory (Show-
GCMs) for hot Jupiters. A GCM typically consists of a dy- man & Kaspi 2013) and shallow water models (Zhang &
namical core (usually adpated from an Earth atmosphere Showman 2014). These show atmospheric circulation with
model) that numerically solves the equations that govern at- horizontal wind speeds up to 300 m s−1 , and vertical mixing
mospheric circulation over a three dimensional grid of points. that could help to explain the disequilibrium chemistry and
These equations can either be the ‘primitive equations’ that patchy clouds near the L/T transition (see Section 2.5).
include the approximations of vertical hydrostatic equilib-
rium and a shallow atmosphere as used by Showman et al.
(2009) and Rauscher & Menou (2012) or the full equations 4.2 Atmospheric chemistry
that avoid these approximations as used by Dobbs-Dixon 4.2.1 Equilibrim chemistry
& Lin (2008) and Mayne et al (2014). Initially simplified
Chemical models for brown dwarf and exoplanet atmo-
schemes were used to represent the forcing from the illumi-
spheres aim to predict the chemical composition in the atmo-
nating star (e.g. Showman & Guillot 2002; Cooper & Show-
sphere given the pressure, temperature and elemental abun-
man 2005; Menou & Rauscher 2009) but more recent models
dances. Normally this is based on the assumption of chem-
include a radiative transfer model and are therfore coupled
ical equilibrium. This can be achieved by solving a system
radiative-dynamical models.
of equations for the mass balance of each element and for
Because of the need to perform radiative transfer solutions
the overall charge balance using the equilibrium constants of
for each grid point and time step, radiative transfer methods
formation for each compound (e.g. Tsuji 1973; Allard et al.
for GCMs generally need to be simplified compared with
2001; Lodders & Fegley 2002). An alternative, but equiv-
those used in the 1D models described earlier. Dobbs-Dixon
alent, approach is that of minimisation of the total Gibbs
& Lin (2008) used a grey model described by a single mean
free energy of the system (Sharp & Huebner 1990; Sharp &
opacity. Heng, Frierson, & Phillips (2011) and Rauscher &
Burrows 2007).
Menou (2012) use dual-band radiative transfer, dividing ra-
In either case the required data is available in compilations
diation into incoming shortwave radiation from the star, and
such as the National Institute for Standards and Technology
outgoing longwave radiation from the planet. Showman et al.
(NIST)-JANAF thermochemical Tables (Chase 1998) and
(2009) use the correlated-k method (see Section 4.3) with 30
similar Tables such as Barin (1995) and Robie & Heming-
wavelength bins. Dobbs-Dixon & Agol (2013) use a similar
way (1995). These tables list the equilibrium constants of
set of 30 bins but use band-averaged opacities rather than the
formation K f and Gibbs free energy of formation ' f Go for
correlated-k method. The radiative transfer in all these cases
a large number of compounds as a function of temperature.
uses a two-stream approximation. Amundsen et al. (2014)
The two are related through
has tested the accuracy of some of these approaches and find
that correlated-k and two-stream methods give reasonable ' f Go = −RT ln K f (3)

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Figure 16. Temperature (colourscale in K) and winds (arrows) at the 30 mbar level for a 3D general circulation model simulation of the
atmosphere of HD 189733b. (Figure 4, Showman, A.P. et al., Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters: Coupled Radiative-Dynamical General
Circulation Model Simulations of HD 189733b and HD 209458b, The Astrophysical Journal, 699, 564. reproduced by permission of the

Where R is the gas constant. The required thermochemical CH4 becomes more abundant than CO only for temperatures
data for gas phase species can also be derived from spectro- below about 400–600K depending on the effects of vertical
scopic constants. mixing. Ammonia is also sensitive to gravity but insensitive
Chemical models predict the abundances of gas phase to mixing making it a potetnial proxy for gravity.
species, ionised species and the formation of liquid and solid Chemical models for hot Jupiter atmospheres using a
condensates. The thermochemical models can also predict chemical kinetic approach that can include the effects of
quantities such as the mean molecular weight, the specific photochemistry have been explored in a number of studies
heat and the adiabatic gradient, the latter two quantities be- (e.g. Zahnle et al. 2009; Line, Liang, & Yung 2010; Line et al.
ing needed for mixing length convection theory. 2011; Moses et al. 2011; Venot et al. 2012; Agúndez et al.
2014) (see also review by Moses 2014). There remain some
4.2.2 Departures from equilibrium differences between model predictions for species such as
Departures from equlibrium chemistry can occur as a result CH4 and NH3 due to uncertainties in reaction rates and trans-
of photochemistry or vertical mixing if these processes oc- port parameters (see discussion in Moses 2014 and Agúndez
cur at a faster rate than the collisional processes that tend et al. 2014), but generally these models show enhancements
to restore equilibrium. A non-equilibrium correction to the of a number of species in the upper atmosphere due to pho-
equilibrium abundances of CH4 /CO and NH3 /N2 due to ver- tochemical effects. Most of these models consider C, N and
tical mixing (Saumon et al. 2003) has been adopted to explain O containing species. The model by Zahnle et al. (2009)
the observations of these species in brown dwarfs. A similar includes sulfur species and explores the photochemical pro-
nonequilibrium treatement is used by Barman et al. (2011a) to duction of HS (mercapto) and S2 as possible absorbers that
model the exoplanet HR8799b. Cooper & Showman (2006) could contribute to stratospheric heating.
have found that similar departures from CO/CH4 equilibrium
occur in tidally-locked hot-Jupiters.
4.3 Spectral line absorption
Zahnle & Marley (2014) have explored the disequilib-
rium abundances of CH4 /CO and NH3 /N2 in brown dwarfs Absorption lines due to rovibrational and electronic transi-
and self-luminous giant planets using a chemical kinetic ap- tions of molecules are the most important features of the
proach. They find that the low gravity of planets strongly spectra of brown dwarfs and planets. Species that are impor-
discriminates against CH4 , and that in Jupiter mass planets tant include H2 O, CO, CH4 , CO2 and NH3 , metal oxides such
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 23

as TiO and VO, metal hydrides including FeH, CrH, MgH, Hargreaves, Li, & Bernath (2011, 2012a) have provided
CaH and TiH, and carbon species such as CH, CN, C2 , HCN line lists based on laboratory measurements of NH3 lines at
and C2 H2 (particularly in carbon rich atmospheres). temperatures from 300 ◦ C to 1 400 ◦ C over the wavelength
Large numbers of vibrational and rotational levels can range from 740–4 000 cm−1 .
be excited at the temperatures of a few thousand degrees
encountered in ultracool dwarfs and hot Jupiters. This leads 4.3.3 Methane (CH4 )
to a requirement for large line lists containing many millions
Methane has been the most problematic of the important
of lines such as the BT2 (Barber et al. 2006) computed line
species in exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres as far as
list for H2 O.
line data is concerned. Significant recent progress has been
The spectral line data are used in models to calculate the
made with modelling (e.g. Rey, Nikitin, & Tyuterev 2013;
absorption in each atmospheric layer. This can be done using
Nikitin, Rey, & Tyuterev 2013b; Yurchenko et al. 2013) and
on-the-fly line-by-line calculations (Allard et al. 2001; Bai-
a large computed line list for hot methane has very recently
ley & Kedziora-Chudczer 2012) which has the advantage of
been developed (Yurchenko & Tennyson 2014)5 . Yurchenko
being the most accurate and flexible method and resulting in
et al. (2014) have shown that using this line list it is possible
high-resolution model spectra. However it is also the most
to obtain good model fits to the methane bands in the near
computationally intensive approach.
infrared spectra of brown dwarfs that could not be fitted with
A faster approach is to precalcuate opacity tables (Sharp
older line lists, such as those based on the Spherical Top
& Burrows 2007; Freedman, Marley, & Lodders 2008) that
Data System software (STDS Wenger & Champion 1998).
are then interpolated for the actual models. However, this
Another computed line list for hot methane has been reported
can lead to inaccuracies if the wavelength bins are made too
by Rey, Nikitin, & Tyuterev (2014) but is limited to wave-
large. A widely used appoach in Earth atmosphere modelling
lengths longer than 2 µm.
is the correlated-k (or k-distribution) method (Goody et al.
Much improved line lists for the 1.26–1.71 µm region at
1989), which allows the use of larger wavelength bins while
temperatures from 80–300 K have been developed recently
retaining accuracy. Recently correlated-k techniques have
from extensive laboratory measurements at cryogenic and
been used in exoplanet retrieval models (Lee, Fletcher, &
room temperature (Wang et al. 2012; Campargue et al. 2012a,
Irwin 2012) and in hot Jupiter GCMs (Showman et al. 2009).
2013). These lists, and earlier versions of them, have been
Sources of spectral line data for the important species have
used successfully for modelling the spectra of Titan (Bailey,
been discussed in detail in a number of recent papers (Sharp
Ahlsved, & Meadows 2011; de Bergh et al. 2012; Campargue
& Burrows 2007; Freedman, Marley, & Lodders 2008; Bailey
et al. 2012b) and Uranus (Irwin et al. 2012; Bott, Kedziora-
& Kedziora-Chudczer 2012; Tennyson & Yurchenko 2012).
Chudczer, & Bailey 2013). An improved low temperature line
These also discuss related continuum absorption processes
list has also been developed for the 2 µm region (Daumont
and the handling of line shapes. The reader is referred to
et al. 2013). These lists have been incorporated into the new
these papers for detailed information, and the discussion here
2012 edition of the HITRAN database6 recently released.
relates only to recent developments.
Empirical line lists for methane measured at temperatures
from 300–1 400 ◦ C over the wavelength range from 2.0–
4.3.1 Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 10.4 µm have been provided by Hargreaves et al. (2012b).
The Carbon Dioxide Spectroscopic Databank (CDSD
Tashkun et al. 2003) previously available in 296 K and 1 000 4.3.4 SiO and HCN/HNC
K versions is now available in a 4 000 K version4 contain-
New line lists for SiO (Barton, Yurchenko, & Tennyson 2013)
ing lines to an intensity of 10−27 cm molecule−1 at 4 000 K
and HCN/HNC (Barber et al. 2014) have recently been pub-
for four isotopologues over the range 226–8310 cm−1 (628
lished by the ExoMol group.
million lines).
New computed line lists for CO2 and its isotopologues at
296K and 1 000K (the Ames-296K and Ames-1000K lists) 4.3.5 Collision induced absorptions (CIA)
have been described by Huang et al. (2013, 2014). The collision induced absorption of H2 - H2 and H2 - He pairs
are important contributors to the opacity of brown dwarfs
and planets. Updated data on these absorptions have recently
4.3.2 Ammonia (NH3 )
been provided by Abel et al. (2011, 2012) as described in
A computed line list for ammonia at temperatures up to 1 500 Saumon et al. (2012). This data as well as other CIA datasets
K and containing more than 1.1 billion lines for frequencies have been recently made available in a new section of the
up to 12 000 cm−1 (the BYTe list) is described by Yurchenko, HITRAN database (Richard et al. 2012).
Barber, & Tennyson (2012).

5 available at
4 at 6

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4.4 Condensates and clouds sizes of 50–100 µm fit the data best. This is much larger than
the grain sizes used in most other models which are around
Condensed phases (i.e. solids and liquids) begin to condense
1 µm or smaller.
out of the gas when temperatures drop to around 2 000 K
Ackerman & Marley (2001) describe a cloud model based
and lower. These condensates can form clouds that can sig-
on a balance between turbulent diffusion and sedimentation
nificantly alter the opacity and hence the structure of the at-
in horizontally uniform cloud decks. The model involves a
mosphere. Chemical models (Section 4.2) can predict which
scaling factor fsed that describes the efficiency of sedimen-
species will condense (these include oxides, silicates and
tation and typically ranges from 1 to 5. Small fsed values
iron) and the amounts of condensed material produced. How-
produce thicker clouds and match observations of L dwarfs
ever, it is harder to predict what size particles will be produced
and higher values are found for later type T dwarfs (Stephens
and whether they will remain in place as clouds or fall under
et al. 2009).
gravitation (precipitation, sedimentation or rain-out).
The BT-Settl models (Allard et al. 2007, 2012) use a cloud
Lorenz-Mie scattering theory can be used to predict the
treatment based on a model for cloud microphysics from
optical properties of the cloud particles. In the general case
analysis of solar system atmospheres (Rossow 1978) that
these include the extinction coefficient, the single scatter-
predicts timescales for condensation, sedimentation and co-
ing albedo (the fraction of light that is scattered rather than
agulation. These are compared with the turbulent mixing
absorbed) and the phase function that describes the angular
timescale to predict grain densities and sizes.
distribution of scattered light. These are needed as inputs for
Woitke & Helling (2003, 2004) and Helling & Woitke
solving the radiative transfer equation (Equations (4) and (5),
(2006) have developed a kinetic (non-equilibrium) model
Section 4.5).
for the nucleation, accretion, gravitational settling and evap-
oration of dust grains. A version of this cloud model has
4.4.1 Clouds in brown dwarfs been integrated with the PHOENIX stellar atmosphere code
Two limiting cases were considered in the COND and (Hauschildt & Baron 1999) to provide the DRIFT-PHOENIX
DUSTY models of Allard et al. (2001). The COND mod- models for substellar atmospheres (Helling et al. 2008a).
els include condensate formation, which alters the chemistry A more detailed description of some of these different
by depleting elements from the gas, but did not include any cloud models and a comparison of their predictions in test
contribution of the condensates to the opacity. In the DUSTY cases can be found in Helling et al. (2008b).
models the condensed material is assumed to remain in place A specific aim of these models is to explain the changes
in equilibrium with the gas phase and form clouds of small that occur in brown dwarfs at the L/T transition as discussed
dust grains. The DUSTY models were found to be a good in Section 2. Figure 17 shows that the BT-Settl model (and
representation of late-M and early-L dwarfs, but at cooler other cloud models make simiar predictions) can explain the
temperatures they produce weakening of spectral features general trend seen in the near-IR colour magnitude diagram
and increasingly red colours in disagreement with the obser- of a swing from red to blue colours at the L/T transition. The
vations of L-T transition objects. models achieve this mostly because the cloud has a limited
The cloud-free COND models were found to be a fairly extent in temperature, and so for cooler models the clouds
good representation of mid to late T dwarfs, indicating that drop to layers below the photosphere where the effect on the
gravitational settling has largely removed dust from the atmo- spectra and colours become small.
spheres in these cases. However, neither of these two models However, all current models fail to match the details of
could account for the late-L to early T dwarfs. A number of the L/T transition. As can be seen in Figure 7 models fail
cloud models have now been developed that aim to repro- to reproduce the sharpness of the transition as a function
duce the behaviour of clouds through the full brown dwarf of effective temperature. Models also fail to reproduce the
spectral sequence. J-band brightening (see Section 2.3). The BT-Settl model
In the Unified Cloudy Model (Tsuji 2002, 2005), clouds also predicts J−K colours that continue to get bluer with
are assumed to be restricted to a small range of temperatures lower effective temperatures, while observations show fairly
between the condensation temperature Tcond and a critical constant J−K for mid to late T dwarfs (Figures 7 and 17).
temperature Tcr . Below the critical temperature it is assumed Cloud species that condense at lower temperatures (in-
that grains will grow to such a size that they will rapidly cluding Cr, MnS, Na2 S, ZnS and KCl) are considered by
precipitate under gravity. A fixed particle size (r = 0.01 µm) Morley et al. (2012), and found to be helpful in explaining
is used in the clouds. The critical temperature Tcr is an ad- the colours and spectra of late-T and Y dwarfs (Leggett et al.
justable parameter, with values in the range 1 700–1 900 K 2013).
providing a reasonable match to the observations.
Burrows, Sudarsky, & Hubeny (2006) describe a cloud
4.5 Radiative transfer
model that similarly restricts the cloud extent but includes
an exponential decay in cloud particle density at the upper Atmospheric models can differ significantly in their handling
and lower edges of the cloud. They investigate the effects of radiative transfer, particularly in regards to the treatment of
of various cloud parameters and conclude that cloud particle scattering. Radiative transfer involves the flow of radiation
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 25

It is the first term in Equation (5) involving the double

integral that significantly complicates radiative transfer. This
term has the consequence that the radiance in any one direc-
tion is dependent on the radiance in all other directions (since
any of these can potentially scatter into the line of sight). In
general it is then only possible to solve for the full angular
dependence of the radiation field in all directions.
To avoid this complication the handling of scattering is
often simplified, in some cases by ignoring it entirely, or
by using a simplified form for the phase function P such as
the assumption of isotropic scattering, and/or a simplified
form for the angular depedence of Iν such as the two-stream
approximation or the Eddington approximation. In stellar
atmospheres approximate methods can be justified by the
fact that scattering is generally of minor importance, and
where it does become significant, in the form of Rayleigh
scattering from molecules in cool stars, the phase functions
are at least forward-backward symmetric.
Where clouds are present, however, the phase functions
can be highly non-isotropic, and in the case of Solar system
planet atmospheres, radiative transfer methods that more rig-
Figure 17. Colour magintude diagram using the same data as Figure 5 orously handle multiple scattering with non-isotropic phase
compared with the predictions of model atmospheres using different cloud
functions are generally used. These include, in particular,
models. The BT-COND and BT-DUSTY models are updated version of
the COND and DUSTY models of Allard et al. (2001) with more modern versions of the discrete ordinate method originally due to
opacities. The BT-SETTL model is described by Allard et al. (2007, 2012). Chandrasekhar (1960) which has been developed into robust
The plotted lines are predicted synthetic magnitudes for the isochromes of and general radiative transfer solving codes such as DIS-
Baraffe et al. (2003) and Chabrier et al. (2000a). For BT-SETTL 1, 3 and ORT (Stamnes et al. 1988), SHDOM (Evans 1998) and LI-
5 Gyr isochrones are plotted as dotted, solid and dashed lines. For COND
DORT (Spurr 2001). DISORT is used by Bailey & Kedziora-
and DUSTY the 3 Gyr isochrone only is plotted.
Chudczer (2012) in the VSTAR code to model brown dwarf
spectra. Another appropriate method is the adding-doubling
through an atmosphere as determined by the processes of method (de Kok et al. 2011).
absorption, emission and scattering. The radiative transfer At present such methods are rarely used in exoplanet and
equation can be written as (Bailey & Kedziora-Chudczer brown dwarf atmospheric modelling, and this opens up the
2012): possibility of errors being introduced due to an oversimplified
treatment of scattering. This was investgated by de Kok et al.
dIν (τ, µ, φ) (2011) for the thermal emission spectra of exoplanets who
µ = Iν (τ, µ, φ) − Sν (τ, µ, φ) (4)
dτ found that substantial errors can be introduced by neglecting
where Iν is the monochromatic radiance (sometimes referred scattering, or by using an isotropic scattering approximation
to as intensity or specific intensity) at frequency ν, and is a where large particles are present.
function of optical depth τ , and direction µ, φ, where µ is
the cosine of the zenith angle, and φ is the azimuthal angle. 4.6 Polarisation
The source function Sν is given by:
! ! Scattering processes polarise light, so a full treatment of ra-
ϖ (τ ) 2π 1 diative transfer should take account of polarisation. Light
Sν (τ, µ, φ) = P(µ, φ; µ′ , φ ′ )Iν (τ, µ′ , φ ′ )dµ′ dφ ′
4π 0 −1 scattered from planetary atmospheres is expected to be po-
+ (1 − ϖ )Bν (T ) larised whereas the light of normal stars is mostly unpo-
larised (Bailey, Lucas, & Hough 2010), and this polarisation
ϖ Fν
+ P(µ, φ; µ0 , φ0 ) exp(−τ /µ0 ) (5) can potentially be used as a means of differentially detecting

planets in imaging observations (Schmid et al. 2005; Keller
where the first term describes scattering of radiation into 2006), and as a means of characterising extrasolar planet at-
the beam from other directions according to single scatter- mospheres by observing the phase variation of polarisation
ing albedo ϖ and phase function P(µ, φ; µ′ , φ ′ ), the sec- (Seager, Whitney, & Sasselov 2000; Bailey 2007). Polarisa-
ond term is thermal emission, with Bν (T ) being the Plank tion has also been measured in some brown dwarfs (Ménard,
function and the third term is direct illumination of the at- Delfosse, & Monin 2002; Zapatero Osorio, Caballero, &
mosphere by an external source with flux µ0 Fν and direction Béjar 2005; Tata et al. 2009) and is thought to result from
µ0 , φ0 (e.g. the Sun or host star). scattering in the dust clouds combined with either rotational
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26 Bailey

oblateness or a patchy cloud structure (Sengupta & Marley temperature of Teq ∼ 255 K currently, and lower in the past
2010). as the solar luminosity increases with time and was about
Polarisation is particularly useful for determining the na- 30% less early in the Sun’s history (Bahcall, Pinsonnealt, &
ture and size of cloud particles. A classic application of po- Basu 2001).
larisation was the analysis of the polarisation phase curve of The global average temperature of the Earth is, of course,
Venus by Hansen & Hovenier (1974) to determine that the higher than this at about T ∼ 288 K, with the difference being
clouds of Venus were composed of ∼1 µm radius sulfuric due to the operation of the greenhouse effect that traps some
acid droplets. of the outgoing radiation and causes the outgoing flux to be
Polarisation should also, ideally, be included in all radia- less than σ Teq4 . In general, from observations of the orbit of a
tive transfer modelling involving scattering, because even if planet we can determine S, but in most cases we won’t know
we are not interested in observing polarisation, neglecting the albedo a or the amount of the greenhouse effect, and so
polarisation can alter the resulting fluxes. Stam & Hovenier can’t directly determine the surface temperature of a planet
(2005) investigated this for reflected light from extrasolar from observations. According to Selsis et al. (2007) Teq must
giant planets and found that errors in geometric albedo of be less than 270 K for a planet to be habitable.
up to 9% could arise as a result of neglecting polarisation. Estimates of the locations of the edges of the habitable zone
In practice, however, polarisation is normally ignored in ra- have been made based on the assumption of an Earth-like
diative transfer calculations, because including polarisation planet with a CO2 /H2 O/N2 atmosphere using cloud-free 1D
would substantially slow down the computations. radiative-convective models. Kasting, Whitmire, & Reynolds
Polarisation in Earth-like planet atmospheres will be dis- (1993) gave the extent of the habitable zone from 0.95 AU to
cussed later in Section 5.4. 1.37 AU for our Solar system, with the inner edge being set
by the onset of the moist greenhouse process (Kasting 1988)
causing loss of water to space, and the outer edge being set by
cooling due to the formation of CO2 clouds. However Forget
& Pierrehumbert (1997) showed that CO2 clouds actually
The main focus of this review has been on the study of plane- cause warming and allow a more extended habitable zone.
tary atmospheres for which we have observations, and so far An upadated calculation is given by Kopparapu et al. (2013)
this has been almost entirely giant planets. The only excep- which sets the moist greenhouse inner edge at 0.99 AU, and
tions to this are the super-Earths GJ 1214b and HD 97658b. the outer edge at 1.67 AU based on the maximum greenhouse
Transit spectroscopy of GJ 1214b has been obtained (Bean criterion. On this basis the Earth is near the inner edge of the
et al. 2010; Crossfield et al. 2011; Berta et al. 2012; Kreid- habitable zone.
berg et al. 2014a) showing a featureless spectrum indicating These results can be scaled for other stars according to
an atmosphere either rich in water vapour, or with high al- S/S0 , the flux received by the star as a fraction of the solar
titude clouds. Transit spectroscopy of HD 97658b (Knutson constant and the effective temperature of the star. A habit-
et al. 2014b) also shows a featureless spectrum inconsistent able zone calculator for this puropse based on the results of
with a cloud-free solar metallicity atmosphere. Kopparapu et al. (2013) is available7 . The effects of differ-
In this section the potential for characterisation of Earth- ent planet masses on the position of the habitable zone are
like planets in the habitable zone of their stars is briefly considered by Kopparapu et al. (2014) who find that the in-
reviewed. ner edge moves so as to give a wider zone for higher mass
Recent studies using 3D climate models, however, have
5.1 The habitable zone
found the inner edge of the habitable zone at ∼0.95 AU
The habitable zone is defined as the range of distances from (Leconte et al. 2013) or ∼0.93 AU (Wold & Toon 2014),
its star at which a planet has suitable conditions for liquid significantly smaller than the 1D models described above.
water to be able to exist at its surface. In the absence of an The results assume an Earth-like planet and could be dif-
atmosphere the average surface temperature Teq of a planet ferent for other types of planets. Abe et al. (2011) have shown
is given by energy balance between radiation received from that a more extended habitable zone is possible for a desert
its star, and thermal radiation to space as: planet with limited surface water, and Zsom et al. (2013) find
(1 − a)S/4 = σ Teq4 (6)
a miminum inner edge for the habitable zone of 0.38 AU
for hot desert worlds. Pierrehumbert & Gaidos (2011) have
Where S is the total incident flux (W m−2 ) received from suggested that the greenhouse effect due to collision induced
the star (in the case of the Earth this is the solar constant absorption in molecular hydrogen could allow habitable con-
S0 = 1 361 W m−2 ), a is the Bond albedo of the planet ditions to be maintained out to 10 AU from a G-type star.
and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The factor of 4
comes from the fact that radiation received over an area of
π r2 is redistributed over the entire surface of the planet with
area 4π r2 . For Earth this calculation gives an equilibrium 7

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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 27

Table 9. Low mass planets in or near the habitable zone.

Period M sin i Radius
Planet Type Teff (days) M⊕ R⊕ S/S0 Reference

τ Cet e G8.5V 5 344 168.1 4.3 1.60 Tuomi et al. (2012)

HD 40307g K2.5V 4 956 197.8 7.1 0.62 Tuomi et al. (2013)
HD 88512b K5V 4 715 58.43 3.6 1.86 Pepe et al. (2011)
GJ 163c M3.5 25.63 6.8 1.34 Bonfils et al. (2013)
GJ 667C c M1.5V 3 350 28.14 3.8 0.90 Anglada-Escudé et al. (2012, 2013)
GJ 667C e M1.5V 3 350 62.24 2.7 0.33 Anglada-Escudé et al. (2013)
GJ 667C f M1.5V 3 350 39.03 2.7 0.58 Anglada-Escudé et al. (2013)
GJ 832c M1.5V 3 472 35.68 5.4 0.87 Wittenmyer et al. (2014)
Kapteyn b M1.0 3 570 48.616 4.8 0.4 Anglada-Escudé et al. (2014)
Kepler-22b G5V 5 518 289.9 2.38 1.09 Borucki et al. (2012)
Kepler-61b M0 4 017 59.88 2.15 1.26 Ballard et al. (2013)
Kepler-62e K2V 4 925 122.4 1.61 1.2 ± 0.2 Borucki et al. (2013)
Kepler-62f K2V 4 925 267.3 1.41 0.41 ± 0.05 Borucki et al. (2013)
Kepler-69c G4V 5 638 242.5 1.71 1.91 Barclay et al. (2013); Kane et al. (2013)
Kepler-186f M1V 3 788 129.9 1.11 0.32+0.06
−0.04 Quintana et al. (2014)

5.2 Habitable zone planets ets and obtain low resolution spectroscopy over the 6–20 µm
range for atmospheric characterisation and biosignature de-
Table 9 lists planets that have been reported as being in or
near the habitable zone with M sin i < 10M⊕ or R < 2.5R⊕ .
An alternative concept was the Terrestrial Planet Finder
Note that the planet of τ Cet is only reported as a tentative
Coronograph (TPF-C, Traub et al. 2006). This was envisaged
detection (Tuomi et al. 2012) and the reality of some of
as a space telescope with an 8 by 3.5 m elliptical mirror, us-
the planets of GJ 667C have been disputed (Gregory 2012;
ing advanced coronographic techniques to suppress starlight
Feroz & Hobson 2014). The reported habitable zone planets
at the 10−10 level. It operated at visible wavelengths and
of GJ 581 (Mayor et al. 2009; Vogt et al. 2010) have been
would be able to detect planets and carry out spectroscopic
excluded from the table based on the analysis of Robertson
et al. (2014).
Both Terrestrial Planet Finder missions (TPF-I and TPF-
Petigura, Howard, & Marcy (2013) have analysed Kepler
C) have now been cancelled by NASA, and the ESA Darwin
data to find 10 planet candidates with radii of 1–2 R⊕ and
mission study ended in 2007.
within a habitable zone defined by 0.25 < S/S0 < 4. Allow-
A further concept for starlight suppression involves the
ing for incompleteness they estimate that Earth-size planets
use of an occulter (or starshade) placed in front of the
in the habitable zone occur in 22 ± 8 % of stars. With the
telescope. The occulter must use a petal shaped design
narrower definition of the habitable zone discussed above
to suppress diffraction and be placed about 40 000 km
(0.99–1.67 AU, Kopparapu et al. 2013) this becomes 8.6%.
in front of the telescope (Cash 2006). An occulter could
be used in conjunction with the James Webb Space Tele-
scope (Soummer 2009) and/or with a dedicated space
5.3 Detecting and characterising earth-like planets
telescope as in the New Worlds Observer (NWO, Turn-
The direct detection and characterisation of Earth-like planets bull et al. 2012) mission concept. NWO would use
is far more challenging than for the giant planets discussed a 4m telescope and enable detection and spectroscopic
in Section 3. The contrast ratio between an Earth-like planet characterisation of exoplanets with R ∼ 100 over 0.3–1.6 µm.
and its star is ∼10−10 at visible wavelengths and ∼10−7 in The mission aims to achieve a 95% probability of detect-
the thermal IR (∼10µm). ing and characterising at least one habitable zone Earth-like
One concept is that of an infrared interferometer in space planet. A more recent starshade mission concept is the Exo-S
as first suggested by Bracewell (1978). This was developed mission described in Section 6.
into the Darwin (Cockell et al. 2009) and Terrestrial Planet Extreme adaptive optics systems on giant ground-based
Finder Interferometer (TPF-I, Beichman, Woolf, & Linden- telescopes are another potential approach to the detection and
smith 1999) mission concepts. These involved several in- characterisation of Earth-like exoplanets. However, a num-
frared telescopes flying in formation in space and combining ber of studies have concluded that such systems on currently
their light to achieve nulling interferometry, so that the light planned extremely large telescopes fall well short of the re-
of the star could be suppressed, and reveal the light of the quired sensitivity (Stapelfeldt et al. 2005; Mountain et al.
planet. These missions would have aimed to both detect plan- 2009). However, (Angel 2003) has suggested that detection
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28 Bailey

with a 20-m ground-based telescope and spectroscopic char- distribution. These ideas have been tested using observations
acterisation with a 100-m telescope should be feasible taking of the integrated Earth from the EPOXI mission with the
advantage of an Antarctic site. Deep Impact spacecraft (Cowan et al. 2009; Fujii et al. 2011;
Kaltenegger & Traub (2009) considered the feasibility of Cowan & Strait 2013). Langford, Wyithe, & Turner (2009)
characterising Earth-like planets using transit spectroscopy used lunar Earthshine measurements to detect photometric
from a 6.5-m telescope in space (e.g. the JWST). They found changes associated with the passage of the specular reflection
that the signal-to-noise values for all important spectral fea- glint spot from land to ocean.
tures were of the order of unity or less per transit. Liquid water clouds in a planet’s atmosphere could be de-
The situation for transit observations is much improved if tected through the presence of the primary rainbow which
the Earth-like planet is assumed to be in the habitable zone would appear as a peak in the phase curve at a phase angle of
of an M-dwarf rather than a solar type star. This leads to about 40 degrees. While the rainbow peak could be visible in
both a larger transit signal, since the star is smaller, and more the phase light curve, it is better defined, particularly for small
frequent transits. Pallé, Zapatero Osorio, & Garcı́a Mun̋oz cloud particles, in the polarisation phase curve (Bailey 2007;
(2011) conclude that detection of atmospheric features in Karalidi et al. 2012). The size of the disk integrated rainbow
transiting Earth-like planets could be possible in planets or- polarisation signal for the Earth has not been measured, but
biting very cool stars or brown dwarfs with the proposed in principle could be obtained from lunar earthshine polar-
42-m European Extremely Large Telescope. isation measurements. Current data however does not have
Snellen et al. (2013) have suggested the use of high resolu- sufficient phase coverage (Sterzik, Bagnulo, & Palle 2012;
tion cross correlation techniques (see Section 3.3.2) to detect Takahashi et al. 2013; Bazzon, Schmidt, & Gisler 2013).
oxygen absorption during the transit of an Earth-like planet
across a red dwarf star. They suggest this should be feasible
5.5 Biosignatures
with a ground-based telescope with an effective aperture of
∼100 m and suggest this could be an array of low-cost ‘flux The ultimate aim of such studies is to make observations
collectors’ which would not require high image quality. that would test for the presence of life on an exoplanet.
A number of potential biosignatures have been suggested
(e.g. Des Marais et al. 2002) and tests have been made to
5.4 Signatures of habitability
determine whether these are actually visible in observations
The presence of a planet within the habitable zone does not of the integrated Earth using spacecraft (Livengood et al.
necessarily mean that it has habitable conditions on its sur- 2011) or lunar Earthshine measurements (Woolf et al. 2002).
face. The best signature of habitability would be direct detec- Models of the integrated Earth spectrum have been presented
tion of the presence of liquid water. This is difficult to achieve by Tinetti et al. (2006) and Robinson et al. (2011).
using spectroscopy. While atmospheric water vapour can be The most important biosignature is generally considered
detected through absorptions in the near-IR or thermal in- to be atmospheric oxygen (O2 ) or ozone (O3 ). Oxygen is
frared, the presence of surface liquid water does not provide produced in the Earth atmosphere primarily by photosyn-
any clear spectroscopic signature. thetic organisms. Possible abiotic sources of atmospheric
A possible indicator of liquid water would be the presence oxygen that could lead to ‘false positivies’ have been dis-
of the ‘glint’ signal due to specular reflection from oceans. cussed (Schindler & Kasting 2000; Selsis, Despois, & Parisot
Williams & Gaidos (2008) modelled the light curves and po- 2002; Segura et al. 2007) but such cases appear to be unlikely,
larisation phase depenence for Earth-like planets and showed or can be excluded on the basis of other observations. Atmo-
that distinctive signals due to glint should be detectable for spheric O2 is detectable through a number of electronic ab-
planets with surface oceans. Robinson, Meadows, & Crisp sorption bands with the strongest being the A-band at around
(2010) used an Earth simulation to show that glint increases 760 nm. The longest wavelength O2 band with significant
the brigthness of the Earth by as much as 100% at crescent strength is the a-X band at 1.27 µm. The lack of O2 bands
phases. Zugger et al. (2010, 2011) modelled glint effects in- further into the infrared is a problem for life detection with
cluding polarisation and found that the glint signal becomes instruments that work optimally at near-IR wavelengths (e.g.
diluted and more difficult to detect when clouds, aerosols ground-based telescopes with extreme adaptive optics sys-
and surface winds are included. Cowan, Abbott, & Voigt tems that work best at longer wavelenths). However, in the
(2012a) show, however, that latitude dependent albedo varia- thermal infrared the band of ozone (O3 ) at 9.7 µm can be
tions produce a signal in the phase curve very similar to that used. This is also considered to be a good biosignature since
from glint, and therefore the glint signal may not be a reliable O3 is a photolytic by-product of O2 .
indicator of the presence of oceans. Methane (CH4 ) is another potential biosignature. On Earth
Another potential way of detecting the presence of oceans it originates largely from biological processes (methanogenic
is to use rotational changes in the brightness and colours archaea), but there are also possible abiotic sources such as
(Ford, Seager, & Turner 2001; Kawahara & Fujii 2010). serpentenisation. The simultaneous presence of both oxy-
Such observations can in principle determine the fraction gen and methane was suggested to be a good biosigna-
of ocean and land coverage and even provide maps of the ture by Lovelock (1965) indicating chemical disequilibrium.
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Atmospheres of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs 29

Methane has strong absorption bands at 7 and 3.3 µm and imaging over the 400–1 000 nm range. Exo-S should have the
a series of weaker bands through the near-IR. Segura et al. capability to detect Earth-size planets in the habitable zones
(2005) have suggested that CH4 and other reduced biogenic of about 20 Sun-like stars.
gases such as N2 O and CH3 Cl might be useful as biosigna- New facilities on ground-based telescopes include im-
tures in planets around M dwarfs where these gases would proved instruments for direct imaging such as the Gemini
have longer photochemical lifetimes than on Earth. Planet Imager (GPI Macintosh et al. 2012) and SPHERE
Another possible biosignature is the ‘red edge’, the sharp for the VLT (Bezuit et al. 2010). The new generation of ex-
edge in the reflectance spectrum from vegetation at around tremely large telescopes now under development will open up
700-nm. This is a strong signal in light reflected directly new possibilities with planned instrument such as EPICS for
from a vegetated area. However, in the integrated Earth, lu- the 42m E-ELT (Kasper et al. 2010) which will provide imag-
nar Earthshine observations show a maximum effect of a few ing, spectroscopy and polarimetry with a systematic contrast
per cent (Hamdani et al. 2006; Arnold 2008). Kiang et al. of 10−9 at 100 mas separation.
(2007) suggested that spectral signatures could be differ-
ent for photosynthetic pigments adapted for different stellar
types, and Sanromá et al. (2014) investigate the spectra of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the Archaean Earth when purple bacteria were widespread
This research has benefitted from the M, L, T, and Y dwarf com-
giving rise to a slightly longer wavelength signal.
pendium housed at Use was also made of the
L and T dwarf data archive of Sandy Leggett, the IRTF spectral li-
6 THE FUTURE brary and the Database of Ultracool parallaxes maintained by Trent
Dupuy. I thank Daniel Cotton and Brett Addison for valuable com-
The characterisation of exoplanet atmospheres has made sub- ments on the manuscript.
stantial progress over the last few years and some aspects of The work is supported by the Australian Research Council
their composition and structure are beginning to be resolved. through Discovery grant DP110103167.
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that remain. The major limitation is in the observational data
which are, in most cases, extremely limited in spectral resolu- References
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