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The Medical Collegeof Pennsylvania
term applied to diffuse noninfectious bilateral renal dis-
Bright's Disease
like the term. "For this disease," he wrote, "we have no appropriate
name. I wish we had. Some call it granular degeneration of the kidney,
but the epithet granular is not always applicable. It is most familiarly
known, both here and abroad, as Bright's kidney, or Bright's disease;
after the eminent physician who in 1837 [sic; should be 18271 first
described it, and showed its great pathological importance. These are
odd-sounding and awkward terms; but in the lack of better, I must
employ them."
Why did the naming of this new disease pose a problem, and lead
to a new way of naming diseases? One obvious answer is the rec-
ognition, already noted, that no one morbid appearance defined
Bright's disease. But I would argue there was more to it than this.
Bright's disease required a new sort of naming because it represented
a new, nineteenth-century, way of thinking about and defining disease.
A patient had Bright's disease if he had at least some of the following:
certain symptoms, such as dropsy; certain physical findings, such as
a hard pulse, or a pericardial rub; certain morbid changes in the
kidney, if he came to autopsy; and-perhaps most novel in the 1820s
and 1830s-a primordial laboratory abnormality, albuminous urine.
The last two of these elements-albuminuria, morbid changes of the
kidney-could only be detected by the physician. So this sickness is
no longer mainly the patient's disease: it's also the physician's disease,
Dr. Bright's disease. Bright recognized that not all these elements
were present in every such patient. For example, case 4 of his 1836
"Cases and observations illustrative of renal disease accompanied with
the secretion of albuminous urine" provides "a strong example of the
disease of the kidney passing to its most fatal period, without the
slightest symptom of dropsical effusion-a state of things, which,
above all, is apt to throw us off our guard" (Bright 1836). Gradually
it would become clear as well that some patients might progress to
renal failure without ever showing important albuminuria. Others
might display profound anasarcaand albuminuria although their kid-
neys show no defect to the naked eye or even to the light microscope.
Bright's disease then may be said to have been understood as a way
of getting sick through your kidneys. It was a term presumably useful,
even indispensable, to most physicians. It was a term which I suppose
(without strong evidence) gradually became in some way comprehen-
sible and useful to patients.
By 1950 the term Bright's disease evidently lost much of this
intracranial bleed as the terminal cause of death; the kidneys are pale
and soft with a "motley granulation."
Edematous and convulsive, poor Drudget may stand in for all the
victims of advanced Bright's disease before the invention of dialysis.
I might have chosen a patient that Robert Tyson, an American au-
thority on Bright's disease, presented to students on 20 October 1892
at University of Pennsylvania Hospital. She was a 55-year-old woman
whose massive "collection of fluid ruptured the skin." She had al-
buminuria and granular casts in the urine, and was treated with milk
and caffeine (Swan 1890-1893). Tyson sometimes used pilocarpine,
often his beloved "hot-air bath," and even venesection in refractory
cases of Bright's disease (Tyson 1881, 120-23, 137-47). Or I might
have described Thomas Addis's (1948) patient from the 1930s, the
young physicist whose case (possibly a composite) is poignantly and
instructively narrated in GlomerularNephritis. Over many years Addis
helped prolong this patient's useful life with diet, simple medications,
small Southey's tubes to drain tissues, and encouragement. Eventually,
edema and nausea announce that the disease has entered a conclusive
stage, confirmed by changes in urinary sediment, albuminuria, and
measures of azotemia. Finally, Addis offers paraldehyde to ease the
death of the young man, edematous, nauseated, and exhausted with
terminal uremia. Any of these cases and countless others recorded
reveal the patient's experience of renal disease in earlier times, and
the physician's struggle to cure or palliate it.
Nephritis in Threes
the term "nephritis" entered use by 1840 and the task of classifiers
reduced to adding the appropriate modifiers.
The story of the superceding and competing classifications is far
too tedious to explore except in the broadest of strokes. Oddly,
nephrologists and pathologists looking at altered kidneys have always
favored as much as possible a tripartite organization, either seeking
simplicity or emulating Dr. Bright. Virchow in 1858 suggested "par-
enchymatous nephritis," "interstitial nephritis," and "amyloid de-
generation" (Bartels 1877; Tyson 1881, 79-84). George Johnson in
1873 proposed the separation of an acute form (acute nephritis); and
three chronic varieties: "red granular kidney," "large white kidney"
and "lardaceouskidney" (which is the same as amyloid kidney). Osler
in his influential text favored "acute Bright's disease," "chronic par-
enchymatous nephritis," "chronic interstitial nephritis" with amyloid
dispatched to its own pathological category (Osler 1909, 686-703).
In the twentieth century, the extremely influential monograph by
Volhard and Fahr in 1914 provided a fresh-but still trinitarian-
organization: degenerative diseases, "the nephroses";inflammatorydis-
eases, "the nephritides"; and arteriosclerotic diseases, "the nephro-
scleroses." Thomas Addis (1928) of Stanford University offered a
modification of this last framework which gained some popularity:
"hemorrhagic Bright's disease," "degenerative Bright's disease," and
"arterioscleroticBright's disease." (Even today nephrologists seek first
to place a new case of renal parencyhmal disease into one of three
broad categories: glomerular disease, tubulo-interstitial disease, or
vascular disease.)
The point is that nineteenth-century physicians interested in
Bright's disease relied on gross and microscopic pathology to organize
their thinking and teaching about the disorders. Increasingly, ex-
amination of the urinary sediment aided clinicians, for the sick kidney
accommodatingly sheds bits of itself into the urine. Thus, all later
nineteenth-century texts on Bright's disease contain extensive discus-
sion of casts,often carefully illustrated. Sediment examination extended
histologic diagnosis to the living patient, as would renal biopsy be-
ginning in the late 1940s. Chemical examination, such as blood urea
measurement, though precociously commenced by Bright's collabo-
rators, lay nearly dormant until the invention of simpler assays in the
early twentieth century.
ESRD-Disease of Entitlement?
The introduction of dialysis and renal fellows into this discussion leads
to the last term to be investigated: "ESRD"-end-stage renal disease.
It is, perhaps, the strangest of all labels applied to those with diffuse
renal disease.
In 1948 Henry Christian published a small book on renal disease
which he could still title Bright's Disease. In the same year appeared
Thomas Addis's GlomerularNephritis, which movingly recounts one
Acknowledgments: This study was supported in part by grants from the Amer-
ican Philosophical Society. The author is grateful for specific suggestions
from Richard J. Baron, Russell C. Maulitz, and Charles E. Rosenberg. The
influence of the last named on the intent of this paper will be evident to
readers of Professor Rosenberg's works.
Addresscorrespondenceto: Steven J. Peitzman, M.D., Departments of Medicine
and Community Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, The
Medical College of Pennsylvania, 3300 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA