CPH Reviewer
CPH Reviewer
CPH Reviewer
- About 10,00 years ago, humans were Hunter-Gatherers.
- They had a short life span, not because of epidemics or illnesses.
- Their primary problem was finding enough food to eat (Cause of death).
- They lived and traveled in small groups and hunted and foraged for food.
- They barely have problems accumulating waste and with contaminated water and food
because they move a lot.
Little story:
Zeus crammed all diseases, sorrows, vices, and crimes that afflict humanity into a box. The box
was given to Epimetheus (husband of Pandora). Pandora was curious about what was inside
the box, Pandora waited for her husband to die before opening it. She opened the box, and
every disease, sorrow, vice, and crime spread.
During the bubonic plague, this is when quarantine and isolations were implemented.
• Travelers and merchandise that had potentially been exposed were isolated for a period of
time to ensure that they were not infected
• Italian word quarantena ~ 40- day period
• Quarantine: separation of an individual who has possibly been exposed to disease
• Isolation: separation of a person who has the disease
- Observations regarding common causes of death, higher death rates in men, seasonal
variation in death rates, and the fact that some diseases had relatively constant death
rates while others varied considerably.
- Estimated population size and rates of population growth.
- First, construct a “life table” in order to address the issue of survival from the time of
- Postpartum sepsis (puerperal fever) was a common occurrence and was invariably
- Ignas Semmelweis required all attendants to wash their hands with chlorinated water to
control the spread of infection.
- Oliver Wendell Homes Sr. advocated for medical reforms and was a strong proponent
of the idea that doctors and nurses could carry puerperal fever from patient to patient.
- He presented a paper entitled “The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever” at the Boston
Society for Medical Improvement
- He was instrumental in creating a central public health administration that paved the way
for drainage, sewers, garbage disposal, regulation of housing, and regulations regarding
nuisances and offensive trades.
- A community is a group of people who share a common place, experience, or interest.
These are people who live in the same are like a city, town, state, or country.
According to WHO,
- Community Health: Environmental, social, and economic resources are needed to
sustain emotional and physical well-being among people in ways that advance their
aspirations and satisfy their needs in their unique environment.
1. Primary healthcare/primary prevention
- Early avoidance and identification of risk factors that may lead to certain diseases and
- Examples: Immunizations, classroom teaching, awareness campaigns.
- Interventions during/when the disease hasn’t taken place yet.
3. Tertiary healthcare
- Patients need to be referred to specialists and undergo advanced medical treatment
- Refers to the health of the people or community.
- Deals with the medicine area.
➢ Under Medicine
➢ Under Public health
- A democratic instrument to create and sustain social change.
- Also defined as the process by which a community identifies needs, takes action and by
doing so develops cooperative attitudes and practices.
- Covers a series of activities at the community level aimed at bringing about desired
improvement in the social well-being of individuals, groups, and neighborhoods.
- Community work, community development, and community mobilization.