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Submitted by: BSNIII-B2 De Guzman, Stefan Praise Domingo, Beverly C. Dominguez, Kathleen Shayne A. Eclarinal, Miraflor R. Elbo, Diane Nette B. Felarca, Danica E. Galang, Jenniefer A. Garcia, Kristelle Ann V. Gonzales, Robbie K. Marquez, Norman Jose E.

Submitted to: Ms. Marilyn A. Cada, RN, MAN Research Adviser

Date submitted: February 6, 2011

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGOUND Introduction Contraceptive is the intentional prevention of contraception through the use of various devices, sexual practices, chemicals, drugs, or surgical procedures. There are basically two types of contraceptives, namely natural and artificial contraceptives. In worldwide study, people in most developing countries who have a deep perception regarding the practice of natural family planning were satisfied with the frequency of intercourse; whereas, in the two developed countries, one-third of subjects and half of their partners who practiced the method would have preferred more frequent intercourse. It might be argued that using artificial contraceptives (being cheap, effective, without side effects, and potentially/ particularly effective) are acceptable in areas of poverty and may become the selected family planning method for the Third World. The case for and against this may be argued and debated, but whatever the standpoint there, there is no doubt that it would be more efficient for the ongoing world debate on overpopulation, resources, environment, poverty, and health to be conducted against a background of truth rather than fallacy. Hence, it is important that the misconception that Catholicism is synonymous with ineffective birth control is laid to rest. In the Philippines, one of the most talked about topic nowadays is the issue about Reproductive Health Bill which packages several ideas including making contraceptives as essential medicines. With strong pillars from the government, its use shall be promoted as well as becoming available nationwide in national or local hospitals as well as other government health units. About 69% of Filipinos according to the Pulse Asia Survey agreed with the Bill, 7% opposed and 24% could not say if they agree or disagree with this Bill. With information dissemination of different contraceptive use to different age groups including teens, alarms the church about the use of this artificial

contraceptives and the Reproductive Health Bill quoting it and its supporters as anti-life. The passage of the proposed bill will give children proper knowledge and training in Reproductive Health which would surely contribute to more cases of abortion. While the proposed bill endeavor to consider the present world problem of population growth, they believe that this should not be remedied through the introduction of the bill as natural use of birth control can still be considered as the best approach to population control without resorting to abortion or blocking human right to life. In line with this, there are various health issues in Barangay Sta. Rita population, specifically pertaining to sexual health. With Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), teen pregnancy, and unintended pregnancies as contemporary public health concerns, there is a need to study and assess the different factors influencing their perception regarding sexual awareness. Review of sexuality education in Barangay Sta. Rita is important in order to assess their educational setting, characteristics of effective sexuality education programs, and public support for sexuality education. Additionally, an individuals knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding sexual health issues are important because of the influence these factors have on the society. Data collected from assessing an individuals attitudes regarding sexual health may predict future behavioral outcomes. Information to the use of different contraceptive methods is a major factor to the peoples beliefs regarding the different methods and the key to its widespread use; thats what the church is trying to prevent and is the passive method of government to control the rapid growth of our population. This study will be done accordingly in order to assess the knowledge of adolescents in Barangay Sta. Rita on artificial contraception and its use which is associated with current sexual health issues.

Theoretical Framework The following theories found significant to the research namely Cognitive Development Theory, Roys Adaptation Model Theory and Dorothy Johnsons Behavioral System Model. One theory in relevance to the research is the Cognitive Development Theory as proposed by Jean Piaget. It described the way children learn and think. In here, four stages of cognitive development were identified, namely sensorimotor stage, pre-operational thought, concrete operational thought, and formal operational thought. Accordingly, an individual must complete the first stage in order to progress to another stage; hence, a child must first learn to be aware of his/her thinking processes to get closer to adult thinking. With this theory, Piaget categorizes adolescence in the formal operational stage. During this stage, deductive, reflective and hypothetical reasoning are likely to happen, abstract concepts can be utilized. Decision-making is also common. Adolescents are more creative in thought, objective, realistic, and are less self-centered. Through life experiences as well as education, their learning is enhanced and developed. This theory is related to the study in terms of our clients level of awareness or knowledge with regards to Artificial Family Planning. As adolescents, they are now capable of thinking and rationalizing. Through this study, adolescents knowledge will be assessed and enhanced. Sister Callista Roys Adaptation Model Theory is also associated with the study. It consists of four major concepts wherein humans as adaptive systems became its major concept. This theory states that the person or group responds to stimuli from the internal or external environment through processes identified as the regulator & cognator subsystems. The regulator processes are essentially automatic while the cognator processes involve perception, learning, judgment, and emotion. This theory presents that there are also various factors which may affect an individuals level of awareness that is responsible for ones cognition as well as responses. This theory can be related with our research study since we are taking into consideration some factors influencing clients perception; in order to obtain a

deeper rationalization with regards to their level of awareness about the research topic. Moreover, this theory presents internal processes of selective attention such as learning (insight), problem solving, and decision making. These produces output responses (behavioral responses) which in turn becomes a feedback stimulus to the cognator subsystems. A positive effect of this is the promotion the integrity human system wherein the system as a whole is able to meet the goals in terms of survival, growth, reproduction, mastery and transformations of the system and environment. The last theory related to the study is the Behavioral System Model by Dorothy Johnson. Behavioral System is a pattern of actions that functions in regulating individual responses to reduce tension and maintain homeostasis of the system. Johnsons Behavioral System Model is often portrayed in a schematic representation. It is composed of four assumptions known to as the structural elements, generally stating that from every individuals behavior there is an observable output which can be seen on the seven subsystems: attachment or affiliative, dependency, ingestive, eliminative, sexual, aggressive, and achievement subsystems. The interaction of these four assumptions allows each subsystem to maintain a balance that is adoptive to individuals needs and since they are interrelated, a change in one subsystem affects all other subsystems. In relation to our study, we can see that an individuals level of awareness is related to most of the seven subsystems which generally affects ones behavior resulting to either a positive or negative outcome.

Conceptual Paradigm Input Process Output



Constructed survey forms and Questionnaire

Determined level of awareness of college students regarding artificial contracep Interview

ss on artificial family planning of adolescents. and Slovins formula, for the statistical treatment. entage, arithmetic mean, Standard deviation,

y planning



Conceptual Framework In the conceptual paradigm of the study, the inputs consist of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, highest educational attainment and religion. These were process by constructing a questionnaire, survey forms, interview as well as the use of percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Slovins formula for the statistical treatment. Through this, we will be able to have a reliable input on the level of awareness of adolescents in artificial family planning.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the level of awareness of the adolescents in Barangay Sta. Rita, Olongapo City. The study may answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following; 1.1. Age? 1.2. Gender? 1.3 Highest Educational attainments? 1.4. Religion? 1.5. Source of information regarding family planning methods? 2. To what extent is the level of awareness of the adolescent at Barangay Sta. Rita about artificial family planning methods: 2.1. Condoms? 2.2. IUD? 2.3. Diaphragm? 2.4. Cervical Cap? 2.5. Patch? 2.6. Pills? 2.7. Injectibles? 2.8. Implants?

2.9. Vasectomy? 2.10. Tubal ligation? 2.11. Others? 3. Is there a significant difference between the level of awareness of the adolescents in Barangay Sta. Rita as to the different characteristics of artificial family planning methods?

Hypothesis There is no significant difference between the level of awareness of the respondents and the type of family planning use.

Scope and Delimitation This study is conducted to determine the level of awareness of both males and females ages 15 to 19 years old regarding the use of Artificial Family Planning. It will be conducted within the vicinity of Barangay Sta. Rita. The researchers implemented this study at a period of ______________. This study is delimited to time and accessibility of the respondents and it is time bounded due to the availability of the subject in one semester.

Assumptions of the Study 1. Artificial contraceptives prevent pregnancy; 2. Artificial contraceptive like condom may help prevent sexually transmitted disease.

Significance of the Study The result of the study can be viewed on the following respective:

Nursing Education. The study of perception and awareness of people will widen the knowledge on the field of science, hence to disseminate information with regards to the attitudes and concerns of people about the study. Not only to control the health problems within the community but for the whole nursing profession as well. This can be used by the instructors in giving proper information and precautions. They will know the beliefs and understanding of their young regarding artificial contraceptive use and do their roles as educators to modify the beliefs of the youth. Student nurses will gain more knowledge that would be beneficial on educating people. In dealing with appropriate details, acknowledge comprehension about the issue and propose to conduct programs concerning proper education regarding reproductive health. Nursing Practice. This study will enhance nursing practice in terms of proper sexual education within appropriate action to false beliefs, idea, point of view and practices. The skills of medical staffs for them to share the knowledge acquired in this study. They will acknowledge the pulse and the degree of knowledge and beliefs of young adults and do the proper action to correct false beliefs and conduct seminars to teach them properly about artificial contraceptive methods. It can serve as an advantage for the community health to know the level of awareness and intellectual capacity of people in practicing population control for them decrease mistakes and possibility of unwanted/teenage pregnancy. Nursing Research. Research is needed to evaluate the occurrence of problem with regards to the research topic and to determine the impact of nursing care on the health of the people or to test out theory. They will know the major pulse of the youth if they agree or disagree about the use of artificial contraceptives and serve as basis whether they push through early education about reproductive health or not. In the field of research, it can contribute to the further development or improvement for the resolution to the problem. For the readers, it will also serve as a basis of information for future reference in seeking out identification of

answer to specific questions. Community. The concern of nurses is for peoples health for awareness, dissemination and prevention control. In most health community, it plays a significant role in bringing about health alertness and necessary changes to concentrate on this health issues. As they will have the chance to express and enhance their opinions regarding issues of reproductive health. They will also benefit from this study through acquiring teachings regarding the benefits of using artificial contraceptive methods. Through the accessibility and giving out information, it would help the community health personnel in providing proper way to lessen early pregnancy and control the increasing number of teenage pregnancy within the community. Furthermore, this study would serve as a tool in creating public awareness about the resolving and lessening the health related problem.

Definitions of Terms Adolescents. The period of life beginning with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and terminating with the cessation of somatic growth. The years usually referred to as adolescence lie between 13 and 18 years of age. ( Artificial family planning. It is the use of non-natural methods to avoid pregnancy. There are three main categories of artificial methods, the first being the barrier method. The barrier method prevents sperm from catching the egg such as a condom, sponges and cervical caps. The second method would be the hormonal method which when combining progesterone and estrogen will maintain a consistent hormone level in the body. The last form of artificial family planning is the sterilization method, which consists of a vasectomy for men, or a tubal ligation for females. Artificial family planning allows you to spread your pregnancies out and also allows you to plan how many children you want. (

Level of awareness. Conscious knowledge or a state of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness. ( Natural family planning. It is a term referring to the family planning methods approved by the Roman Catholic Church. In accordance with the requirements for sexual behavior maintained by this church, NFP excludes the use of contraception, as well as acts intended to end in orgasm outside the context of intercourse. Periodic abstinence and the natural infertility caused by breastfeeding are the only methods deemed moral for avoiding pregnancy. When used to avoid pregnancy, NFP limits sexual intercourse to naturally infertile periods: during infertile portions of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or after the menopause. Several methods may be used to identify whether a woman is likely to be fertile, which NFP users make use of to either try to avoid or to achieve pregnancy. (

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