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Abortion Persuasive Essay

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Abortion Pro-life activists all over the world consider abortion to be a murder and the easiest way to fix one's mista es! I tend to view it as one of the "reatest human tra"edies! No woman #lans to terminate #re"nancy in her life! $owever% even the most effective contrace#tives fail sometimes! I"norance% loneliness and immaturity of these women often lead to decisions that result in untimely and unwanted #re"nancy! All #eo#le ma e mista es! &hat society often misunderstands is that not a sin"le woman wants to ma e an abortion! They do it% because circumstances demand it! Both o##onents and #ro#onents of abortion have reasonable ar"uments! The o##onents believe that sacred human life starts at the very conce#tion! They believe that the fetus% not bein" an extension of the mother's body is an e(ual and authentic human life% thus abortion is immoral! On the other hand% #ro#onents of abortion believe that any woman has a ri"ht to decide whether to ma e an abortion or continue a #re"nancy and be obli"ed to brin" u# a child for ei"hteen years without any re"ard for the ex#ressed will or desire! I am not in favor of abortion! I do not want any woman to have one! I want them to use effective contrace#tives and stay safe! I would li e #eo#le to be mature and res#onsible for what they do! $owever% I am not a"ainst women to ma e their choices! I want women who are tra##ed by circumstances% who cannot afford havin" a baby or who survived violence to avoid unwanted #re"nancy! In my o#inion there is no ri"ht or wron" side in this discussion! )very case is individual! I now that un#lanned children are often unha##y% abandoned or sim#ly ne"lected! I now also that ma in" abortions ille"itimate will not #revent women from havin" them! I also understand that un#lanned #re"nancy is a bi" crisis for a woman and not everyone has enou"h stren"th and #rudence to ma e ri"ht decisions! The both "rou#s *#ro-life and #ro choice+ re#resent their o##osite o#inions as absolutes without reco"ni,in" the "ray area in between!


The o##onents of abortion claim that abortion consists in ta in" away human life! It-s difficult for me to disa"ree with that! One can call the baby in different ways. fetus% fertili,ed e""% embryo% etc / but what it really is% is a human life! Thus I a"ree that abortion ends a life! $owever% it is wron" to call abortion a murder! In my o#inion abortion should be viewed as one of the most an"uished decisions in which human bein"s stru""le to do the best in tryin" circumstances! It should not be viewed factually and coldly on the one hand and 0ud"mentally on the other hand! I thin it is necessary to try to see the "rey matter between two o##osite o#inions and admit that every case is individual% thus no "eneral statement is #ossible!

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