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August 2010 Newsletter

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I do not know why said the reed. There is no why at all.

We have been listening to the brook, me and my family, for ever so many thousands of years, and though the brook has been talking and singing all that time, I never heard him ask why about anything.

Wood Magic, Richard Jefferies.

fayetteville monthly meeting

website: meeting contact no.: 1-888-909-1110 Co-clerks: David Schoen 479-251-9255 & Elizabeth Bullock-Rest 479-283-0942

meeting for healing

Meets every Tuesday in the UCM sanctuary at 6pm. Requests to have the meeting at someones home are welcomed. Friends who have concerns they would like us to remember are invited to provide a name and a few words about the person or the situation to be brought to the healing circle. More information: Betty Blanch 479-582-9255 Maya Porter 479-872-8460

meeting for worship

Sundays 9am, UCM, 902 W. Maple Street. Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm, UCM Sanctuary. Note temporary venue changes: (see over) August 15th, Blair Center, Springdale. August 22nd, OMNI Center, Fayetteville.

Committee meetings are open to all with the exception of Ministry & Oversight. Contact the clerks for more info.

meeting with attention to business

Most first Sundays after worship.

communication activities after meeting

Most Sundays 10:45am for about 1 hour. Coffee and tea available. August 8th hiroshima & nagasaki Karen Takemoto will lead a worshipful commemoraton on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bombs; an event with family connections for her. August 15th healing A worship sharing led by Maya Porter. August 22nd education program August 29th friendly coffee house Quaker fellowship . . . with yummies. September 4thmeeting for worship with attention to business A spirit-led business meeting, all are welcome. Working meetings now take place at the home of Garin Wiggins. 479-575-9302 Meets 5pm 3rd Tues. of the month at UCM. Susan Schoen 479-251-9255


Gladys Tiffany 479-973-9049

meeting space
Susan Schoen 479-251-9255

ministry and oversight

Karen Takemoto 479-267-5822 Meets 5pm 4th Wed. of the month at UCM. Gladys Tiffany 479-973-9049

peace & justice

Q-life teens
Starts at around 5:00pm, Sundays, at Elizabeth Bullock-Rests home.


Saturday, September 4th, 5pm With Peter and Mary Elsie Marchant, a riverside picnic in the pavilion at Brentwood Community Park on old US 71 south of West Fork. 479-839-3317 Saturday, October 9th, 6pm At Elizabeth Bullock-Rests home on Elizabeth Street in Fayetteville.

venue try-outs
In our continuing search for a new venue for our meeting that will meet our need for disabled access we will be trying out a couple of possible sites. August 15th the meeting for worship and second hour will take place at the Lifestyles Blair Center, 5200 S Thompson just north of the NWA Mall; August 22nd meeting for worship and second hour will be at the OMNI Center, 3274 N. Lee Ave in north Fayetteville. To make these temporary changes a success our hospitality committee will need assistance, please contact them to offer your help.

quakers in the lobby

Register by October 15th for the Friends Committee on National Legislations Annual Meeting. It will be held November 11th 15th at the Washington Plaza Hotel in downtown Washington DC. Young adult friends are particularly invited to attend this year. The theme of the gathering this year will be Building on a Firm Foundation - celebrating our past while looking forward to a vital future. The cost is $295 per person ($250 for age 18-30).

Sunday, August 8th , 6pm The event marks the atomic bombings that ended WW II. All are welcome to join a simple slow procession (starting at the corner of Arkansas Avenue & Lafayette Street) to be led by peace cranes across campus to the University of Arkansas Fulbright Peace Fountain (west side of Old Main) for the evening program (7-8pm). The program includes live music by Still on the Hill, Amy Edie, Don Matt & Scott Thompson, Steve & the Recliners (with our David Schoen),. There will be a presentation by our Karen Takemoto entitled "The Personal Impact of War One Generation Later", a brief reading from the book Hiroshima, and a closing of silent meditation in honor of military & civilian war dead of all wars, including contemporary conflicts. The Fulbright Peace Fountain is in full shade by 7 PM. Chairs and cold water will be provided. 479-973-9049 Following the commemoration, at 8:30pm, the film "White Light / Black Rain: The Aftermath of the Hiroshima Nagasaki Bombings", will be shown at the OMNI Center. Cold beverages and refreshments will be served.

hiroshima/nagasaki commemoration

reach out
In August, Fayetteville Friends Meeting is having a food and groceries drive for Cooperative Emergency Outreach, goodhearted folks who supply those in dire need of emergency help with food, medicine and basic living needs. Bring your donated items to meeting and put them in the basket at the front door (itll be there every day this month). These are the kinds of things needed:FOOD: spaghetti & boxed foods; peanut butter & jelly; canned meat; canned fruits & vegetables; fresh, washed produce (are your gardens producing?). TOILETRIES: tampons; diapers & baby wipes; toothbrushes & toothpaste; toilet paper. CLEANING SUPPLIES: laundry soap; dish soap (small bottles); hand soap. MONEY: cash; check.

on the books
Our library is still in the process of being cataloged, please do not borrow any books until further notice. If you have books on loan please return them to Susan Schoen or Jane Purtle. Extra hands are also needed to stamp the books please volunteer and make it a stamping party!

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