Sumalo Chapter 12 12
Sumalo Chapter 12 12
Sumalo Chapter 12 12
Chapter I
Human needs a certain amount of sleeps in order to function
correctly (Okano et al., 2019). Sleep deprivation is a condition
characterized by inadequate or insufficient sleep sustained over a
period of time. It occurs when an individual consistently fails to
obtain the amount of sleep that they need (Better health, 2014). For
most adult, the amount of sleep needed for best health is 7 to 8
hours each night. When you get less sleep than that, as many
people do, it can eventually lead to many health problem (Johns
Hopkins Medicine, 2024) including individual’s mental well- being
and mental capacity. Therefore, its crucial to look into how sleep
can cause a great impact on students learning.
Academic performance is a representation of knowledge,
skills, and attitude as it is considered as one of the key factors in
their future careers. It is determined by the willingness to change,
adaptability, complex decision-making, learning from mistakes, the
change of controlled belief and choices (Feldman et al., 2016).
Additionally, Carroll and Garavalia (2004) defined it as a student’s
ability to complete academic assignment, and it is assessed using
objective criteria such as final course grades and grading points
average .
Sleep deprivation can result in greater procedural errors.
Insufficient sleep negatively affects the nervous system, resulting in
poor brain function. Thus, due to cognitive decline being associated
with sleep deprivation, academic performance is often decreased
(Guadiana & Okashima, 2021). In Southeast Asia, Philippines ranked
first among countries with 56% of Filipinos getting less than seven
hour of sleep everyday (GMA, 2024). 73% of US high school
students don’t get enough sleep, with 44% reported sleeping for 6
Research Objective
This study aims to explore the effects of sleep deprivation on
the academic performance of Grade 12 students of Matiao National
High School. By examining this issue, students can better
understand the relationship between these variables.
Specifically, it aims to:
1. Determine the respondent’s profile in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
1.3 Number of Hours Sleep; and
1.4 Reason why Grade 12 students are Experiencing Sleep
2. Determine the level of students’ sleep deprivation in terms of:
2.1 Alertness, vigilance and simple attention;
2.2 Sensory Perception;
2.3 Emotional Processing;
2.4 Learning and Memory; and
2.5 Executive Functions.
3. Determine the level of students’ academic performance in terms
This study will test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of
1. There is no significant relationship between students’ sleep
deprivation and their academic performance among Grade 12
students of Matiao National High School.
(Lim and Dinges, 2008; Lim and Dinges, 2010). During a normal day,
alertness remains relatively stable throughout typical waking hours
in a healthy rested
The study demonstrated that PSD produces variable effects on
the cognitive status of medical students as reflected by the
decrease in P300 amplitude and latency. Alertness of medical
students seemed to show an improvement as reflected by the
decrease in RT. This was contrasting to our study, where RT and
latency of P300 was found to be significantly more in comparison to
be baseline, signifying decrease in alertness and attention (Mishra
et al.,2020). Saturday night in a discotheque showed the most
prominent nocturnal vigilance decrease, even when the effect of
alcohol consumption is covaried. The effect of social activities on
vigilance levels was also associated with different lengths of time
spent awake and the different time in which subjects performed the
vigilance task. Attention usually refers to a more focused activation
of cerebral cortex that enhances information processing but one
aspect, sustained attention, is used synonymously with the most
common usage of vigilance. While focused attention, divided
attention, and shifting of attention, as well as executive control of
attention, are all important, sustained attention is the aspect closely
related to the alertness systems and the only attentional aspect that
will be discussed in detail (Oken et al., 2006).
Sensory Perception. In contrast to the voluminous literature
on the effects of sleep deprivation on alertness, vigilance and
attention, surprisingly less research has focused on how lack of
sleep affects sensory and perceptual processes. Some of the major
findings in this realm will be discussed next.
Sensory-perceptual alteration can be defined as when there is a
change in the pattern of sensory stimuli followed by an abnormal
response to such stimuli. Such perceptions could be increased,
decreased, or distorted with the patient's hearing, vision, touch
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the independent variables and dependent
variable of the study. The first variable is sleep deprivation that has
the following indicators: alertness, vigilance and simple attention,
sensory perception, emotional processing, learning and memory
executive functions (Killgore, 2010). The second variable is
academic performance and its indicators are: educational
Student’s Sleep
Figure 1
Conceptual VIgilance and
Framework Showing the Variables of the Study
Simple Attention
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Sensory Perception
Student’s Academic
Emotional Processing
Self- reported
Academic efficacy
limited time for the distraction thing. Parents can set boundaries by
limiting the screen time.
School administrator. This research will provide them information
that will assist in developing strategies on how to address the issue
of sleep deprivation of their students to promote good academic
performance. Teachers. This study will inform them on what are
the reasons that the students commits sleep deprivation, and help
them to chose the proper teaching strategies or methods to reduce
the students sleep deprivation.
Future Researchers. The result of this study can give future
researchers an opportunity to explore and conduct the relationship
between sleep deprivation and academic performance. The success
of this research will provide significant information that will be
useful for future researchers to study sleep deprivation on learning
and academic performance.
Definition of Terms
To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms
are defined herein.
Academic Performance. Academic performance is defined
as students’ ability to carry out academic tasks, and it measures
their achievement across different academic subjects using
objective measures such as final course grades and grading point
average (Busalim et al. 2019. In this study, it will be defined as
educational expectation, parents involvement, self-reported grades,
and academic- self efficacy (Mulhall, 2002).
Sleep Deprivation. Sleep deprivation occurs when a person
is not able to get enough sleep. The amount of sleep needed to feel
refreshed and function well depends on the individual and varies
across the ages. Getting enough sleep every night is important.
Some experts also believe that sleep gives our body a chance to
repair itself, so the lack of sleep can have harmful health effects
Chapter II
Research Design
Research Locale
Research Instrument
never manifested.
Data Collection
Statistical Tools