● Definition
● An experiment is a process that, when
performed, results in one and only one of
many observations. These observations are
called that outcomes of the experiment.
The collection of all possible outcomes for an
experiment is called a sample space.
● Definition
● An event is a collection of one or more of
the outcomes of an experiment.
● Definition
● An event that includes one and only one of
the (final) outcomes for an experiment is
called a simple event and is denoted by Ei.
● Definition
● A compound event is a collection of more
than one outcome for an experiment.
● Let
■ F = a person is in favor of genetic engineering
■ A = a person is against genetic engineering
■ FF = both persons are in favor of genetic engineering
■ FA = the first person is in favor and the second is
■ AF = the first is against and the second is in favor
■ AA = both persons are against genetic engineering
● Definition
● Probability is a numerical measure of the
likelihood that a specific event will occur.
● Classical Probability
● Definition
● Two or more outcomes (or events) that
have the same probability of occurrence
are said to be equally likely outcomes
(or events).
Total outcomes = 2 x 3 = 6
● Definition
● Marginal probability is the probability of a
single event without consideration of any
other event. Marginal probability is also
called simple probability.
P (M ) = 60/100 = .60
P (F ) = 40/100 = .40
P (A ) = 19/100 P (B ) = 81/100
= .19 = .81
● Definition
● Conditional probability is the probability that an
event will occur given that another has already
occurred. If A and B are two events, then the
conditional probability A given B is written as
● P ( A | B )
● and read as “the probability of A given that B has
already occurred.”
● Definition
● Events that cannot occur together are said
to be mutually exclusive events.
● Definition
● Two events are said to be independent if the
occurrence of one does not affect the
probability of the occurrence of the other. In
other words, A and B are independent
events if
● either P(A | B) = P(A) or P(B | A) = P(B)
P(A and R) = 0
● Definition
● Let A and B be two events defined in a
sample space. The union of events A and B
is the collection of all outcomes that belong
to either A or B or to both A and B and is
denoted by
● A or B
● Addition Rule
P(sum is 5 or 7 or 10)
= P(sum is 5) + P(sum is 7) + P(sum is 10)
= 4/36 + 6/36 + 3/36 = 13/36 = .3611
a) Let
F = a person is in favor of genetic engineering
A = a person is against genetic engineering