Bordas DoubleHarpSpain 1987
Bordas DoubleHarpSpain 1987
Bordas DoubleHarpSpain 1987
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Early Music
strung, it seems logical to assume that the difficulties Even before Venegas and Cabez6n brought forward
posed by a chromatic instrument with a single rank their works, Alonso Mudarra had included a piece for
made it necessary to adopt this practical solution at an organ or harp, the Tiento ix, in his Tres libros de mzisica
early stage. Perhaps Bermudo already knew the cross- en cifra para vihuela (1546), where it figures at the end of
strung double harp, and may have had this instrument the third book (see illus.2). This piece is intabulated in
in mind when he wrote about a 'new shape': the earliest known tablature for organ or harp, in
La segunda imperfection que tiene la harpa (y no es la menor) es which the 14 lines and 15 spaces represent together
acerca de los tamaFios de las cuerdas. Por hazer la harpa de la the 29 white keys of the organ or the same number of
forma que ahora tiene. quedaron las cuerdas desproporcionadas y diatonic strings of the harp, and where the sign 'I'
con mala harmonia. placed on the line or space corresponds to the note to
The second imperfection which the harp has (and not be
the played." In a brief introduction to this piece,
least) concerns the size of the strings. In order to make the
harp with the shape it has now, the strings were left out of S-IVCt PP HA M A y Y OIANO,,W
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3 (left) The Presentation of Christ in the Temple: painting (detail) 4 (above) El transito de San Hermenegildo: painting (detail) by
by Diego Valentin Diaz (early 17th century) (Museo Provincial de Alonso Vasquez and Juan de Ucedo (c1603-4) (Museo de Bellas
Pintura. Valladolid) Artes. Seville)
difference that they used musical notes instead of harp to be published in Portugal: it appeared in Lisbon
numbers (it is also worth remembering that Mudarra in 1620.
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6 Diferencias de las folias (Anonymous), from Cifra para arpa (beginning of the 18th century) (Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. MS 816. f.3v)
Franciscan Pablo Nasarre-should be added to the list The leading role played by the harp in the Spanish
for the value of its organological descriptions.28
Baroque is closely related to the particular character-
Despite the date of its publication, the Escuelaistics
musicaof organological development in some Spanish
was probably written before 1638, and therefore instruments, which diverged from the pattern found
properly belongs with the work of Ribayaz andthroughout
Huete. the rest of Europe. In general terms, one of
Nasarre provided in his book specific particulars
the causes of this separate development can be traced
about the construction of the 'arpa de dos 6rdenes',
to the tradition, revered among Spanish musicians, of
which he describes as having 29 diatonic and
'trio' of polyphonic continuo instruments-the
chromatic strings, or 19 if the lowest string was tuned
organ, harp and vihuela (or guitar)-during the 16th to
the early 18th centuries. For the same reasons, 'old
to Eb.29 The ideal proportions of the harp, as proposed
by Nasarre, are in agreement with those found in instruments like the curtal remained in use
until 1),
surviving late 17th-century instruments (see Table the opening years of the 20th century, and the
and, besides the proportions and measurementsmonacordio
of the was still manufactured as late as the mid-
soundbox, his discussions deal with topics such19th ascentury to serve as a rehearsal instrument for
student organists. On the other hand, plucked key-
tablature systems, tuning methods, accompaniment,
board instruments, generically termed clavicordio in
transposition, and the materials used for constructing
the instruments. Spain, did not enjoy the same degree of popularity, as
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attested by number
the of Italian and French musicians,of
lack brought to wo
their Spain by royal and noble patrons,
construction established them- th
century. In selves
brief, the
by attaining important positions dou
in institutions
impulse in such as the royal chapel. The introduction of tim
Bermudo's Italian
16th century.fashions aroused
While a controversy amongthe
Spanish music- ha
importance ians;
in partlythe
out of concern rest
for the consequencesof of E
completely competition
supersede by foreign musicians, but also because
the of
of the their adherence to Spanish traditions of musical
accompanying fun
with harpsichord. the
aesthetics. One of the main points of disagreement,
especially among theoreticians, was the appropriate-
The decline ness
of the
of new instrumental groupsharp
performing during
The process the
of liturgy. Despite the advocacy of most of
decline those
traditional musicians
continuo inst
that held ecclesiastical posts that the use of
the adventthe of new
traditional instruments (organ, harp,instr
archlute etc)
violins, oboes, flutes and horns, that were associated should be maintained, their importance decreased,
with the pervasive Italianate musical fashions. During
and by 17 50 the harp had practically disappeared from
the musical chapels.
the reign of the Bourbon Felipe V (1700-46), a good
8 Arpa de dos ordenes by Ivan de la Tore (see Table 1. no.4): (a) detail of maker's stamp; (b) side view (Avila. Monasterio cister
Santa Ana; photo Gloria Collado)
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the translation of this article and for his suggestions during Recibi ... Una Arpa grande de dos ordenes de alamo blanco perfilada de
Hebano y Marphil con cinco viriles en los lazos con molduras de Hebano qe
its preparation.
la hizo Antonio Hidalgo violero a quien por ella se pagaron quinientos RI
en que se taso En 31 de Heno de 1615...
Cristina Bordas is researching the history of Spanish instru-
ments, especially keyboard instruments, harps and their I received ... a large 'arpa de dos 6rdenes' [made] of white poplar
with ebony and ivory purflings, five parchment roses [?] in the
makers. She is also preparing a project about the instrument apertures, with ebony mouldings, made by the violero Antonio
makers of Madrid. Hidalgo, who was paid for it five hundred reales [the price], in which
it was valued. 31 January, 1615 ...
'J. Bermudo, Declaraci6n de instrumentos musicales (Osuna, 1555/ The document (Mn (Fondos Barbieri) MS 14043/153-5) is signed by
R1957), f.cxiv Juan de Sanmartin, curtal (bajon) and harp player in the royal
2J. Bermudo, op cit, f.cxv; A. Mudarra, Tres libros de muisica en cifras chapel. A calfskin cover was made for this instrument, measuring
para vihuela (Seville, 1546), book 1, f.xii; facs edn by Chanterelle two and a quarter varas in height (189cm), and two-thirds in width
(Monaco, 1980), p.49. See also F. A. Barbieri, Cancionero musicalde los (56cm). The 1616 account (Madrid, Palacio Real [Mp], Leg.902) is
siglos XV y XVI (Madrid, 1890), p. 170, and the edition of Mudarra's signed by Lope Machado, harpist in the royal chapel; a leather cover
Tres libros de musica by E. Pujol, Monumentos de la miisica espafiola, was also made for this harp, measuring over seven hand-spans in
vii (1949, 2/1984), p.31. length (over 147cm), and less than half a vara in width (less than
3Bermudo, op cit, f.cxiv 42cm). Bearing in mind that these measures are not exact, the
4lIbid, f.cxii proportions between the length and width of the two harps appears
SIbid to be the same, 1 : 3, 5; the 1615 instrument, however, seems to be
6L. Venegas de Henestrosa, Libro de cifra nueva para tecla, harpa y excessively large.
vihuela (Alcala de Henares, 1557); H. de Cabez6n, Obras de muisica '7Jobernardi, op cit, f.22
para tecla arpa y vihuela de Antonio de Cabezon ... recopilades y puestas s'The text of this document (Mp Leg.5236) reads as follows:
en cifra por Hernado de Cabe6in su hijo (Madrid, 157824).
En 15 de Agosto dia de na sefiora se encordo una arpa de una orden toda y
7Michael Morrow suggests-in 'The Renaissance Harp', EM, vii se pusieron los botoncillos y clavixas... Este dia se hizo un templador de
(1979), pp.501ff-that the six chromatic notes could be an alter-
hierro para dicha arpa que costo 10 reales...
native tuning to the corresponding diatonic one.
8Pujol, op cit, pp. 17f. Tablatures intended solely for the keyboard The 15 August, the day of Our Lady, a single harp was fully strung,
had appeared as early as c1460 (that is, the Buxheimer Orgelbuch); and the [upper] pegs and [lower] wooden pegs were put on ... This
and earlier forms indicating notes by means of letters are found in day an iron tuner was made for the said harp, and it cost ten reales ...
the 14th-century Robertsbridge Codex (British Library, Add.28550). 9gJovernardi, op cit, f.23
See W. Apel, The Notation of Polyphonic Music 900-1600 (Cambridge, 20E. S. Morby, ed., Lope de Vega. La Dorotea (Madrid, 1980), p.191
Mass., 5/1953), p.40 for a list of 15th-century German keyboard 21Some examples of the sources that call for the harp as an
tablatures. Mudarra's system, nevertheless, besides being the first to obbligato instrument are: the eight villancicos dating from the end of
appear in Spain, is also the first intended to serve for either the the 17th century in Mn MS 3882 (nos.5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 30 and 31);
organ or the harp. the great number of works from the late 17th and early 18th centuries
'Facs. edn of Mudarra, op cit, p.249; Pujol, op cit, p.43 surviving in the cathedrals of several Spanish cities such as
'0Facs. edn of Mudarra, op cit, p.18; Pujol, op cit, p.31 Salamanca (see D. G. Fraile, Catalogo del archivo de mntsica de la
"T. de Santa Maria, Libro llamado Arte de tafier fantasia assi para
catedral de Salamanca (Cuenca, 1981), pp.621f) or Valencia (see
J. Climent, Fondos musicales de la regi6n valenciana, i [Valencia, 1979]).
tecla como para vihuela y todo instrumento en que se pudiera tafier a tres y
For references to other collections see Kastner, 'Harfe und Harfner',
a quatro voces y a mas (Valladolid, 1565); see, for example, ff.3v, 12v,
14v and 22. p.169.
12M. Rodrigues Coelho, Flores de musica para o instrumento de tecla22G.
& Sanz, Instruccion de mtusica sobre la guitarra espafiola y metodo de
harpa (Lisbon, 1620) sus primeros rudimentos hasta tafierla con destreza (Saragossa, 1674,
'3Modern edn of Flores de musica by M. S. Kastner, Portugaliae
musica, i (Lisbon, 1976), p.ix. See also idem, 'Harfe und Harfner23L.
in Ruiz de Ribayaz, Luz y norte musical para caminar por las cifras
de la guitarra espafiola y arpa... (Madrid, 1677), p.32
der Iberischen Musik des 17. Jahrhunderts', Natalicia Musicologica
Knud Jeppesen (1962), pp. 167f. 24Ibid, p.25
25Ibid, p.33
'4Tratado de la mussica por el Dr Dn Bartholom6 Jobemardi (Madrid,
1634), Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, [Mn] MS 8931. The following 26Mn MSS 816 and 2487. A copy of the latter, written in a 19th-
reference to added strings, dated around 1590, appears incentury
Luis hand, bears the signature MS 13417.
Zapata's Miscelanea (Mn MS 2790, f.318v-319): 27D. Fernandez de Huete, Compendio numeroso de zifras armonicas,
con theorica, y practica. para harpa de vna orden, de dos ordenes, y de
Invencion nueva es bemoles y semitonos con afiadidas y entretegidas
organo (first part: Madrid, 1702; second part: Madrid, 1704). Fernandez
querdas en las harpas
de Huete mentions in his book a further (third) part, which remains
Flats and semitones with added and interwoven strings are aunknown. new
invention in the harps
28p. Nasarre, Escuela mtusica segtun la prdctica moderna (Saragossa,
Although the term 'interwoven' (entretegidas) suggests strings arranged
1723-4); facs. edn with a preliminary study by L. Siemens (Saragossa,
in a cross-strung fashion, the ambiguity of the phrase forces a
similar possible interpretation on the references from Bermudo and 291bid, first part, book 3, p.331
Venegas de Henestrosa. 301677 account: Mn (Fondos Barbieri), MSS 14018/11; 1739
"sThe only iconographic source of the 'arpa de dos ordenes'account:
has (Mp Caja 72), Leg.6, no.4
recently come to light. It appears in The Presentation of Christ in the
Temple by Diego Valentin Diaz (early 17th century) now at the Museo
Provincial de Pintura, Valladolid; see illus.3.
Footnotes continued on p.163
b b b
Key to Table I
and composer Francisco A. Barbieri, former owner of this harp,
Harp (1) No maker's stamp; only the soundbox survives. It is now
housed in the Museo del Pueblo Espafiol, Madrid.
rd -the city where this instrument was made. The musicologist
presented it to the Museo Arqueol6gico de Madrid in the last years
of the 19th century, but today its whereabouts are unknown. Two
(2) No maker's stamp. According to R. P6rez Arroyo, this harp
derives from a convent in Avila and is now in the private collection photographs form the only surviving record of this instrument; it is,
of Alejandro Mass6, apparently, of the larger type.53 See illus.9.
(3) Stamp: MD (surmounted by a crown) / FRANCISCO DE LEON. (6) Stamp: JSP FER / NANDEZ / EN VD [Joseph Fernandez en
It is assumed that the initials MD stand for Madrid. Francisco de Valladolid]. This is held at the museum in the Convento de la
Encarnaci6n, Avila. The neck has pegs for two cross-strung ranks,
Leon served as violero in the royal household from 1668 until his
death in 1679. According to Perez Arroyo, this harp also comes from but the soundboard has only 29 wooden pegs for a single rank. It is
a convent at Avila, and is, likewise, now in Mass6's private possible that either the neck or the soundboard may have belonged
collection.5 to another harp, and could have been used for a contemporary
repair job, presumably to render a broken instrument playable. See
(4) Stamp: MD (surmounted by a crown) / DEL REY / GUITARRERO
/ IVAN DE LA TORE: this is probably the violero Juan Garcia de illus.
la 10.
Torre, who passed his guild examination at Madrid in 1689.52 This (7) Stamp: Esta Arpa se hizo el ahio de 1704 / y la hizo Domingo
instrument is housed in the Cistercian monastery of Santa Ana,Pescador. The stamp has been discovered in the course of a recent
Avila. See illus.8. restoration; the instrument is housed at the Convento de la
Encarnacion, Avila.54 See illus. 11.
(5) Stamp: IVAN LOPEZ, followed by the monogram for Toledo,
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