-Dave Arch-
In an attempt to
help magic club
connect with each
other, I’ve created
(with the help of my
friend Steve
Nespor) The Magic
Club Discussion
I wanted a deck of
Showmanship For Magicians
question cards Curriculum
where the newest by Dave Arch
member of the club
could sit down with
the most veteran member of the club and have a meaningful conversation around a
topic related to magic.
Just print the following cards on colored paper card stock, cut the cards apart and you
might want to try it out with your members at an upcoming meeting.
The document is in MSWord so you can if you wish add to the deck with questions of
your own choosing - using the blank cards included in the template. By the way if you
choose to add to the deck, using the formula “If you could REALLY (any power a
magician seeks to emulate), what would be the most/least enjoyable aspect of
possessing that power?” will give you many scenarios to incorporate with the additional
Here are some ideas for its use in your club meetings
• In every instance I would encourage you to have your members select the
question card they wish to address from FACE UP cards to ensure they have a
question which they feel comfortable addressing
• Unless you have a magic club with seven or less members in attendance, I
would encourage you to break the attenders into multiple teams to ensure the
feeling of comfortableness among even your most introverted members and to
set up some variety in the use of the cards each time you bring them out for a
Ideas for variety in use follow
• Have each member of the group create a partnership with another member of
the group and each select a card – giving them three minutes each to address
the question they selected. This time limit is important (whatever you decide the
time limit to be) in order to keep your more talkative from dominating
• Have a small group of people each select a card and share their answer with
the rest of the small group
• Have a small group of people decide on one card and have everyone in the
circle share their answer to that one card
• When using the above idea, you might consider having small groups go visit
another group and share some of their answers
Dave Arc
Magic Club Leaders Blogge
P.S. The water droplet motif was selected for the cards as a reminder of the fact
that water to plants is a metaphor for connectedness among members to the
healthy growth of a magic club.