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Academy of Magical Arts: 2008 Magician Membership Application

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Membership in the Academy is limited to per-
■ I hereby apply for Magician Membership
in the Academy of Magical Arts. ACADEMY OF MAGICIAN
sons who are 21 years of age or over. The Please enclose/attach the appropriate amount for the month in MEMBERSHIP
applicant must be of good moral character, be
financially responsible —and most important,
which you apply. This covers your entrance fee and first year dues.
■ Jan.: $715 ■ April: $592 ■ July: $469 ■ Oct.: $346
■ Feb.: $674 ■ May: $551 ■ Aug.: $428 ■ Nov.: $305
be sincerely interested in magic and willing to
■ Mar.: $633 ■ June: $510 ■ Sept.: $387 ■ Dec.: $264
assist promoting magic and magicians.
Annual renewals will become due each January 1. Dues are
Applicants for Magician Membership must be presently $495. Applicants for Magician Membership must be
sponsored by a Magician Member of the sponsored by an Academy Magician Member. Magician
Academy who is in good standing. applicants must appear before the Membership Committee for
an interview. At that time they will be expected to demonstrate
their magical abilities. The Committee usually meets in the
The Academy of Magical Arts is a non-profit
Magic Castle on the first Monday of every month. Applicants
social organization incorporated by the State should call and confirm that they will be present. Applicants
of California. It is devoted to the advance- must fill out the “Magic Background” section of this form and
may attach additional documents demonstrating their magical
ment of the Art of Magic. The Magic Castle is
the home of the Academy. The Academy is
governed by a Board of Directors, elected
every two years by and from the Magician NON-RESIDENT MAGICIAN
Membership. Only Magician Members are eli- MEMBERSHIP FEES
gible to vote or hold office in the Academy.
■ I hereby apply for Non-Resident Magician Membership
Magician Members are afforded all privileges in the Academy of Magical Arts.
including the use of our library and admit- Please enclose/attach the appropriate amount for the month in
tance to magic lectures. which you apply. This covers your entrance fee and first year dues.
■ Jan.: $320 ■ April: $281 ■ July: $242 ■ Oct.: $203
■ Feb.: $307 ■ May: $268 ■ Aug.: $229 ■ Nov.: $190
■ Mar.: $294 ■ June: $255 ■ Sept.: $216 ■ Dec.: $177
Payment Type:
Annual renewals will become due each January 1. Dues are
■ Check made payable to Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. presently $155. Applicants must fill out the “Magic
Background” section completely and must have the application
■ Credit Card — Type _______________________________ signed by an Officer of the Magic Club to which they belong.
Non-Resident Magician Membership applicants are those Academy Of Magical Arts, Inc. Academy Of Magical Arts, Inc.
Card Number _______________________________________ applicants who reside outside the California counties of
Name as it appears Los Angeles, Riverside, Ventura, Orange and San Bernardino. 7001 Franklin Avenue 7001 Franklin Avenue
on the card _________________________________________ Applicants agree to provide proof of permanent non-residency Hollywood, California 90028 Hollywood, California 90028
if requested by the Membership Committee. (323) 851-3313 Ext. 301 (323) 851-3313 Ext. 301
Expiration Date ___________________ *Applicants must supply a valid telephone number and best time to
call them with this application.

Rev. 1-08
APPLICATION MAGIC BACKGROUND It is my understanding that membership, if granted, entitles me to
Please Print Required For Magician & Non-Resident Magician Memberships Only
Please Check: the privilege of using any and all of the facilities and services
■ Magician Member Years Interested In Magic: ___________________________________________ available for my membership category, that the Academy may offer
■ Male ■ Female
during the continuance of my membership. My membership is subject
■ Non-Resident Magician Member ■ Professional ■ Semi-Professional ■ Hobbyist ■ Collector
■ Married ■ Single ■ Other___________________ to the rules and regulations set forth in the current Bylaws and
Other Magical Organizations To Which You Belong: Standing Rules of the Academy of Magical Arts. I understand
■ Check here if you want a duplicate card for your membership in the Academy constitutes a personal privilege extended
Date: Amount Enclosed/Attached: $
spouse/domestic partner. only to the person to whom the membership card is issued. Cards
may not be transferred or used by any person other than the person
Applicant’s Name: Do you wish mail addressed to: ■ Home ■ Business whose name appears on the card. I also understand that this mem-
bership does not entitle me to any rights, shares or securities of any
Check here if you’ve taken an Academy Of Magical Arts
Where did you hear about this membership opportunity? person or corporation, which may now or hereafter own, operate,
Name Of Spouse/Domestic Partner: Magic Class: ■ Basic Magic I ■ Basic Magic II ■ Basic Magic III
Please check only one: maintain or manage said Academy. If this application is disapproved
Other Magic Education: by the Academy, all funds deposited herewith shall be immediately
■ Member ■ Magic Club ■ Magazine Ad
Home Address: refunded and this agreement shall be cancelled and will be null and
■ Magic Shop ■ Special Invitation Type of Magic you’re interested in: void.
■ Stage ■ Close-up ■ Mental ■ Comedy ■ Children I may resign from the Academy at any time by giving written notice
City: ■ Other __________________________________________________________________
to the Academy, I agree to pay any dues or other charges for which I
Are you transferring from Associate to Magician? ■ Yes ■ No
am be liable and may have incurred prior to or upon such resignation,
State: Zip:
SPONSOR INFORMATION If Yes, Give Member Number: _____________________________________________ I shall not thereafter be subject to any further dues or additional
charges. At no time shall I be entitled to a refund of any sums paid
Please give a brief synopsis of your magical history and interests: by me for entrance fees or dues. If legal action is necessary or an
Home Telephone: Best Time To Call: (For additional space attach your magical resume or other documents to application)
attorney employed to collect any of the payments due on this agree-
Member Name:
ment or any obligations to the Academy of Magical Arts, reasonable
Email Address: attorney fees and costs shall be added to the amounts due.
Academy Magician Member Number:
I hereby make application to become a member of the Academy
Birthday (Month / Day/Year): / / of Magical Arts, Inc. and if accepted, I agree to abide by the Academy
Telephone: rules as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, with or
without notice. Permission is hereby granted to the Academy of
Reference For Non-Resident Magician Membership Magical Arts to use my professional/stage name and picture for
publication in the Academy’s Newsletter, Magazines or other
Occupation: Academy publicity materials.
Club Official:

Business Address: Office Held:

Signature Of Applicant:
City: Telephone:
State: Zip: Magic Club:
Committee Chair Signature:

Work Telephone: Best Time To Call: City:


■ Approved ■ Disapproved 01.08

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