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Cultural Heritage E06

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The cultural heritage of wetlands

Wetlands – a cultural

rom prehistoric times, many hundreds of gener-
ations of people have settled in and around wet-
lands, often transforming their wetlands into cultural
landscapes in which natural and human-made ele-
ments are uniquely combined. These landscapes are
living records of human occupation and represent an
invaluable cultural and historical heritage.
The cultivation of rice, for example, has created
a characteristic landscape in many parts of the world.
Originating in China 6,000 years ago and then
spreading throughout Asia, rice cultivation heralded
the beginning of large-scale modification of wetlands

by humans. Rice fields, now found in many other

parts of the world as well, are highly productive agro-
ecosystems and have made a fundamental contri-
A traditional fish trap off Pulau Sembilan in Peninsula Malaysia,
bution to the development of Asian societies. In a common sight in shallow coastal waters in southeast Asia.
Binong on the island of Java, Indonesians have been
growing rice for thousands of years; this cereal grow-
ing, in combination with fish farming, has produced an Coastal and even some inland wetlands have
integrated exploitation of wetlands known as mani- supplied salt to human populations for thousands of
padi, providing families with an important source of years, and a diversity of extractive techniques have
animal protein as well as carbohydrates and at the evolved to suit local conditions. Because of its vital
same time creating a special- importance in cooking, as a pickling agent, and for
ized wetland environment. The obtaining several chemical products, salt has been
“The wetland rice terraces of the Philippine of economic significance to wetland communities
landscape is often Cordilleras, which follow the throughout history. The saltmarshes of Uyuni in
natural contours of the steep Bolivia and the Atacama Desert in Chile are out-
a truly cultural
mountains, provide another re- standing cultural landscapes that have been modi-
landscape, reflecting markable example of a living, fied by generations of salt mining activities. In coastal
the close relationship cultural landscape – genera- areas, and also farther inland, salt is extracted
between humans tions of farmers have main- through evaporation of water with a high salt content,
and wetlands over tained the terraces over 2,000 in a process in which the “four basic elements” are
years, creating a cultural land- reflected: the water that provides the salt; the soil for
scape of such beauty that the building walls and dams; the air that contributes to
area was accepted as a World evaporation and turns the windmills that pump the
Heritage Site in 1995. In fresh- water; and the heat of the sun. This can be observed
water wetlands in the Mediter- in the salt flats of Petatlán in the state of Guerrero,
ranean basin, rice has been grown for centuries, Mexico, in the salt pans of the Guérande Ramsar site
constituting the basic food for a large portion of that in France, and in the numerous salinas around the
population and creating a specialized food culture in Mediterranean, many of which were first exploited by
these regions. the Romans.
In estuaries, contact between freshwater from
upriver and marine water produces a high nutrient
level for the natural reproduction and growth of
prawns, shrimps and other crustaceans, as well as
shellfish and fish, and more recently, for coastal aqua-
culture activities that may not always be sustainable.
In many parts of the world there are examples of wet-
land landscapes that fishermen and seafood gather-
ers have created with their fishing traps and platforms
– from the rías of Galicia in Spain, the estuaries of the
Salúm in Egypt, the Saloum River Delta in Senegal,
to Manila Bay in the Philippines, these human-made
structures form unique cultural landscapes.

Similarly, in the world’s arid areas, the human
For 2,000 years, the high rice fields
need to exploit water has often created a fascinating of the Ifugao people in the Philippines
have followed the contours of the
cultural landscape through ancient water manage- mountain, creating a cultural landscape
ment practices. In Algeria, the Oasis de Ouled Saïd, of great beauty.

a newly-designated Ramsar site, is maintained by res-

idents of the oasis community through the construc-
tion of a fouggara, a traditional, human-made water place that is so important to people, whether or not
distribution system. This ingenious method unites they live or work in a wetland, and they constitute an
underground water sources and distributes the water important component of a nation’s cultural heritage.
through a complex system of small channels, under a A growing recognition of this heritage is reflected at
traditional social mechanism, to the families cultivat- national, regional and international levels, for exam-
ing date palms, cereals and vegetables in the oasis. ple, in the development of strategies and regulations
Fouggaras, still in use today in Iran, Iraq and Morocco by a number of countries to conserve cultural land-
as well as Algeria, are thought to have originated in scapes, the adoption of the European Landscape
Persia and been introduced to the Maghreb during the Convention (the Florence Convention) by the Coun-
Arab conquest of the 7th century. cil of Europe in July 2000, and developments in
The wetland landscape is often a truly cultural recent years within the World Heritage Convention
landscape, reflecting the close relationship between to bring greater recognition to cultural landscapes
humans and wetlands over millennia. Commonly, (see the fact sheet “The World Heritage Convention,
such landscapes deliver that intangible sense of cultural landscapes and wetlands”).

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