Catalunya Turisme Ornitologic
Catalunya Turisme Ornitologic
Catalunya Turisme Ornitologic
Mediterranean landscapes
Urban areas
Catalan cuisine,
an additional incentive
tables, game and fowl, and wild mush- Terra Alta, Conca de Barberà, Costers cover a country at the same time and
rooms predominate, whilst nearer the del Segre, Empordà-Costa Brava, Pri- to enjoy its culture, cuisine and its
coast, fish and shellfish are the order orat, Alella, Pla de Bages, Montsant people.
of the day, often accompanied by rice, and Catalunya. Catalan cava, a spar-
fresh vegetables and salads. kling wine produced using the cham- Enjoy your stay!
Today’s vineyards are the direct penoise method, is one of the coun-
descendents of the small-scale wine try’s main exports and is largely
production, once common throughout produced in the comarques (counties)
Catalonia, which dates back many of El Penedès.
centuries. Today, the quality of Cata-
lan wines is widely recognised and in Birdwatchers as nature-lovers trav-
all there are 11 recognised wine-pro- el the world largely in search of birds:
ducing regions (known as denomi- Catalonia, however, offers not only this
nació d’origen: Penedès, Tarragona, possibility, but also the chance to dis-
Ebro Delta
Catalonia’s ornithological paradise
The Ebro Delta is one of Europe’s great birdwatching sites. It is one of the most important wetlands in the
western Mediterranean and the mixture of sea, river and underground waters guarantee important levels of
biological diversity. The Ebro Delta Natural Park offers visitors facilities and services that make observation
of the sheer number of birds and bird species present in the delta a truly gratifying experience.
This great river delta of over 320 km2, personality. Away from the coast, the The Ebro Delta is famous world-
formed where the river Ebro forks dur- landscape is dominated by large tracts over as a site of great natural and or-
ing the final few kilometres of its jour- of rice paddies whose personality var- nithological interest: the world’s larg-
ney to the sea, is the most important ies with the seasons — ochre-tinted est colony of Audouin’s Gulls shares
wetland in Catalonia and one of the in winter, flooded in spring and verdant the stage with one of the most impor-
most significant in the whole of the green in summer. The coast itself is tant populations of the Mediterrane-
Mediterranean. littered with large lagoons, salt marsh- an subspecies witherbyi of Reed
The vast flatness of the deltaic plain, es, dunes and sand-flats, whilst small Bunting and the second largest Iberi-
presided over from afar by the impos- stands of riparian woodland still line an colonies of both Greater Flamingo
ing mountains of Els Ports, has its own the river and its main channels. and Glossy Ibis .
Ebro Delta 7
When to visit nearby reedy canals. A good spot is occasionally, Little and Baillon’s
the cycle lane that circumnavigates Crakes. Purple Swamp-hens are com-
Any time of the year is good for bird- the western and northern part of the mon at L’Illa de Buda, Canal Vell, Riet
watching in the Ebro Delta. Breeding Tancada lagoon. Other species such Vell and L’Encanyissada, where they
birds can be found in spring and sum- as Night, Squacco and Purple Herons are best seen in the afternoon. In re-
mer, whilst spring and autumn are the can appear almost anywhere. In re- cent years Red-knobbed Coots intro-
best times for finding birds on pas- cent years a solid breeding nucleus duced from wetlands in Valencia have
sage. At the end of autumn, large of Great White Egrets has developed been seen regularly, above all at the
numbers of wintering birds begin to and in spring over a hundred of these Canal Vell lagoon from the observa-
arrive, above all many thousands of herons can be found scattered around tion point at Pont del Través.
wildfowl, Cormorants and waders. the delta, above all on L’Illa de Buda Species of wader such as Avocet,
and El Garxal. It is worth mentioning Black-winged Stilt and Collared Prat-
Spring also the regular presence of a couple incole can be found almost anywhere
of Western Reef Herons (or hybrids
In April, Balearic Shearwaters are still between this species and Little Egret)
around offshore, best seen from the around the Tancada lagoon or be-
Alfacada beach or the Trabucador tween this lagoon and El Trabucador. OUTSTANDING BIRDS
sand spit. Great Bitterns show them- Other species to be found in this area
selves at dusk at the Canal Vell la- include Eurasian Spoonbill, migrating
goon, Riet Vell or between the Alfaca- storks, Glossy Ibis (between L’Illa de
da and L’Illa de Buda (especially from Buda and L’Alfacada) and Greater Fla- Balearic Shearwater (H)**
the observation tower) and around the mingo. Little Bittern (N)***
Pont del Través observation point. This Amongst the raptors, some of the Squacco Heron (N)**
later site is excellent for viewing good most interesting spring species in- Purple Heron (N)**
numbers of herons and the sizeable clude Montagu’s Harrier hunting Purple Swamp-hen (R)***
concentrations of duck (above all, around the fields known as Erms de Audouin’s Gull (M)****
Red-crested Pochard) that build up Casablanca and Short-toed Eagle and Lesser Crested Tern (M)*
here. Black Kites on migration almost any- Red-necked Nightjar (M)**
Once into April and May, Little Bit- where in the delta. Savi’s Warbler (N)**
terns are easy to see in the reed-beds The rice paddies and lagoon edg- Moustached Warbler (H)*
of Canal Vell and L’Encanyissada or in es hold Spotted Crakes, as well as,
8 Ebro Delta
in the delta: try the roads through the former is easy to find at El Goleró and are not rare and are easy to spot on
fields around the Tancada lagoon or El Trabucador, whilst the latter fre- nocturnal expeditions by car (south
in the area known as El Nen Perdut quents the beaches and flooded rice from Sant Jaume d’Enveja) or in towns
near Riumar. Temminck’s Stint is reg- paddies. The commonest terns -Gull- such as Deltebre and Poblenou, where
ular in the flooded rice paddies and billed, Sandwich, Common and Little- they can be seen flying over the
Marsh Sandpiper can be found at El are to be found at El Fangar, where a rooftops. Red-necked Nightjars are
Garxal and El Goleró. couple of pairs of Lesser Crested Terns also easy to locate in the evening or
Rare species of wader that turn up regularly breed and can be seen from at night on the road from L’Ampolla to
regularly include Pectoral Sandpiper May into summer. Whiskered Terns the Marquesa beach and on the Camí
in the ride paddies or at El Goleró, are common along the delta’s canals de l’Inglés (a dirt track) between Am-
Broad-billed Sandpiper in the shallow and rice paddies. posta and Sant Carles de la Ràpita.
bays and Terek Sandpiper at El Gol- Scops Owls are common in the Breeding passerines include Less-
eró. delta’s scattered trees, above all in the er Short-toed and Short-toed Larks
Slender-billed and Audouin’s Gulls holiday-home complexes of Riumar behind El Garxal in the fields next to
are common throughout the delta: the and Els Eucaliptus; likewise, Barn Owls La Tancada, Cetti’s Warbler along the
Ebro Delta 9
Nearby areas
with other species
If you stay for more than a few days
you may want to explore the nearby
mountains, where Bonelli’s Eagle,
Blue Rock Thrush, Orphean Warbler
and Cirl Bunting all breed. It is also
worth heading for the fishing port of
L’Ametlla de Mar in the afternoon
when the fishing trawlers return to
port accompanied by thousands of
gulls and Balearic and Levantine
• In summer and autumn mosquito Roman aqueduct in Tarragona. © J.M. Borrero
repellent and sun cream are essen-
• Given the myriad of roads and tracks Discover the area some of the most interesting sites in
that criss-cross the delta, we rec- the region.
ommend the use of one of the maps The history, culture and economy of If you enjoy visiting historical re-
provided by the information centres. the Terres de l’Ebre, as this south- mains, the archaeological remains of
• Drive carefully and avoid accidents ernmost part of Catalonia is known, the Roman city of Tarraco lying with-
with animals. have always revolved around the riv- in the modern-day city of Tarragona
• Some tracks and roads may become er Ebro. Here, the Ibers and then both (declared a UESCO World Heritage
impracticable or impassable after the Romans and Arabs laid down roots Site) are a must.
storms. and so it is not surprising that the pass Tortosa is the delta’s capital and
• Special regulations apply in protect- of time and the intermixing of so many has a noteworthy Gothic and Renais-
ed areas. cultural influences have left their mark sance old quarter. If you are there in
on the region in the form of an impor- the second fortnight of July, be sure
tant cultural legacy. The following are to participate in the Festa del Renaix-
ement (Renaissance Festival), in
which almost 4,000 participants rec-
reate the city’s past splendour.
Olive mill and cellar of the agricultural cooperative of el Pinell de Brai © Georama The city of Reus, a dynamic com-
mercial and economic centre, boasts
an exceptional Modernist architectural
legacy in the form of work by Domè-
nech i Montaner, including the Institut
Pere Mata and the Casa Navàs. In the
recently inaugurated Gaudí Centre in
Reus one may also discover the work
of another world famous architect,
Antoni Gaudí, one of Reus’s most il-
lustrious sons.
Inland, a cultural trail –La Ruta del
Císter- visits the Cistercian monas-
teries of Santes Creus and Poblet,
the latter another UNESCO World Her-
itage Site and still with an active com-
munity of Benedictine monks.
The comarques of El Priorat and
Terra Alta are characterised by their
traditional agricultural systems and
Ebro Delta 11
vineyards. Wine lovers should not fail The Costa Daurada with its shal- theme park - an added incentive to
to visit an area whose denominacions low seas and fine golden sands (hence visit the area for those travelling with
d’origen are recognised the world over its name) is a popular coastal area with families.
as producers of robust high quality tourist towns such as Salou, famous
wines with a high alcohol content. for its proximity to the Port Aventura
Aiguamolls de l’Empordà
birdwatching made easy
The Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park has some of the best birdwatching facilities in the whole of the
Iberian Peninsula: itineraries designed for each different habitat, hides, observation points and bird
information updated on a daily basis in the park information centre. This relatively small reserve contains a
large number of habitats that include salt marshes with rush- and reed-beds, saltwort scrub, freshwater
lagoons, riparian forest, meadows, Mediterranean scrub, beaches, a shallow bay and former rice paddies
transformed into damp grazing pastures. The geographical situation of these aiguamolls (marshes) ensure
that at the peak of the migration season a large number of birds and bird species –above all, passerines-
pass through this Natural Park.
Most of the aiguamolls is flat and a mountains with open cork-oak for- es in the Iberian Peninsula for seeing
number of easy and relaxing walk- ests and tracts of scrub that surround Levantine and Balearic Shearwaters,
ing itineraries, suitable for all types the aiguamolls are home to a number Little Crake, Red-throated Pipit and
of birdwatchers, cross the park. The of breeding birds not found in the Red-footed Falcon.
marked routes skirt the coastal la- park itself.
goons through areas of reed-bed, salt There is thus a great diversity of
marsh, riparian forest and a few areas species on offer in quite a small area;
of low scrub. The Mediterranean moreover, this is one of the few plac-
Aiguamolls de l’Empordà 13
When to visit
This wetland is especially recom-
mendable during migration periods in
the months of April-May and Septem-
ber-November. In winter there are
large concentrations of duck, along
with small groups of geese, Greater
Flamingos and Common Cranes in the
How to get there There are a number of hides adapted for wheel-
The Aiguamolls de l’Empordà are 61 km from Girona- chair users and wheelchairs can be borrowed from the
Costa Brava Airport and 147 km from Barcelona. Cortalet information centre. The centre and its perma-
Access from Barcelona: nent exhibitions are fully accessible in wheelchairs.
Motorway AP-7 Barcelona-La Jonquera. Junction El Cortalet information centre
4 (Figueres). Take road signposted to Roses as far as Ctra. de Sant Pere Pescador a Castelló d’Empúries,
Castelló d’Empúries. km 13
The bus company Sarfa (Tel. 902 302 025) runs 17486 Castelló d’Empúries
regular buses from Barcelona to Figueres. From Fi- Tel. 972 454 222
gueres, the same company runs local services to Cas- Opening times: all year from 09.30 to 14.00 and 16.30
telló d’Empúries. The Cortalet information centre is to 19.00.
2 km from Castelló d’Empúries.
Line Ca2 RENFE (Barcelona-Girona-Figueres-Port-
bou). From Figueres, private car or bus to reach the • El Cortalet has a documentation centre, temporary
Natural Park. and permanent exhibitions and provides a guiding ser-
Infrastructure and services vice. Marked bicycle paths cross the Natural Park.
In the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park there are
14 hides and five observation points.
Nearby areas Pals where the coastal morphology preserved narrow streets are full of
with other species is much gentler. classy small shops, art galleries and
The Costa Brava has always been artists’ studios.
Visitors who stay for a few days might a target for tourists, since the first The cultural calendar of the Costa
consider a visit to the nearby moun- artists ‘discovered’ it at the begin- Brava and the towns in the adjoining
tains of Serra de l’Albera, where they ning of the twentieth century and the hinterland include the internationally
should look out for Short-toed Eagle, Barcelonan bourgeoisie adopted it as famous music festivals at Cap Roig,
Tawny Pipit, Black-eared Wheatear, a favourite site for their second Porta Ferrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols),
Orphean and Dartford Warblers and homes. Tourism is the mainstay of the Torroella de Montgrí and Peralada.
Ortolan, Cirl and Rock Buntings. local economy and infrastructures As in other coastal comarques in
and tourist services are thus well Catalonia, the fish- and shellfish-
developed. based local cuisine is an additional
Recommendations A few miles south of the Aigua- attraction that visitors should not fail
molls de l’Enpordà near the town of to try. The suquet de peix, a fish and
• In summer and autumn be sure to L’Escala lie the extraordinary ar- lobster stew, and many varieties of rice
apply mosquito repellent. chaeological remains of Em- dishes are just some of the local culi-
• Large groups or those with special púries. On this beach over 2,500 nary delights impregnated with the fin-
needs should contact the park be- years ago the Greeks first set foot in est flavours of the Mediterranean.
fore visiting. the Iberian Peninsular and founded
a colony they named Emporion –
‘market’ in Greek–, which was later
Discover the area to become the Emporiae of the Ro-
mans. Thus, it was on this privileged
The Aiguamolls de l’Empordà are site on the Mediterranean that the
very near another area of birdwatch- Hellenisation and Romanisation of
ing interest, the Cap de Creus Natu- the Peninsula began. A walk through
ral Park. Both areas lie within L’Alt these perfectly signposted ruins of
Empordà, the most northerly comar- this archaeological park, which also
ca in Catalonia, better known as part has excellent facilities and informa-
of the Costa Brava. The name brava tion services, is highly recommend-
refers to the abrupt cliffs that pro- able.
tect the numerous coves that dot this A visit to the city of Girona is equal-
coastline; nevertheless, there are ly recommendable. A stroll through the
parts of the Costa Brava such as the old cathedral and Jewish quarter is
Bay of Roses and the long beach at an unforgettable experience. The well-
Estany d’Ivars
wetland and steppe birds
L’Estany d’Ivars i Vila-Sana is a large lagoon lying in the heart of the Lleida cereal plain. Recently restored,
this lagoon is home to many of the typical wetland species found in southern Europe; moreover, the dry
fields surrounding the lagoon (or just a few kilometres away) provide an excellent opportunity to search
for some of the steppe birds that, with a few exceptions, are found only in the Iberian Peninsula in Europe.
This combination of habitats makes it possible to see a large number of bird species in and around Ivars
in a very short space of time.
The lagoon lies in an inwardly drain- (irrigated or otherwise) hold the typi- cies only found in southern Europe,
ing basin, two-kilometres long and one cal birds of these habitats. Just 7 km albeit in small numbers. It’s a good
wide. In the middle there is a good away lie the dry plains of Belianes, an idea to combine a visit to Ivars with a
growth of aquatic vegetation (reeds excellent representation of the pseu- visit to the area of Belianes, where a
and rushes) and a number of small do-steppe habitats that were once so group of steppe species that are gen-
islets with trees. The itinerary that cir- typical of central Catalonia and an area erally very scarce in Europe can be
cles the lagoon passes by three hides with an exceptionally interesting flora. found.
and an observation platform. Away The lagoon provides easy obser-
from the lagoon, the cultivated fields vation of a number of wetland spe-
18 Estany d’Ivars
When to visit in small number here and Great Reed not difficult to track down Purple
Warblers, easily observed from the Swamp-hens, a species that has col-
Ivars is especially interesting during hide at the beginning of the main itin- onised the lagoon and which is ex-
migration periods (late spring and erary. pected to increase in number in the
autumn). In summer it is also worth A number of pairs of Montagu’s coming years.
visiting the cereal steppe around Be- Harriers breed within a few kilome- As spring draws to a close in early
lianes and, a little further afield, around tres of the lagoon; it is also easy to June, families of Purple Swamp-hens
Alfés and Mas de Melons, above all in see Red-necked Nightjars in the parade in front of the viewing points,
the early morning. evening sitting on the tracks that cross the young birds being led by their par-
the driest areas of the zone or flying ents. This is also a good time to enjoy
Spring-summer around the lagoon itself. Amongst the the spectacle offered by the Black-
passerines, Cetti’s Warbler and Zitting head Gulls, whose colony here is one
At the end of March and beginning of Cisticola are abundant and there are of the largest in Catalonia. It is thought
April the remaining wintering birds mix a few pairs of Penduline Tits, which that Mediterranean Gulls have bred
with the first spring migrants, includ- breed in the poplar trees in the vicin- within this gull colony.
ing Black-winged Stilts, one of the few ity of the lagoon. In the fields around the lagoon you
waders that breed in the lagoon. Also Amongst the resident species, will come across species such as
visible are the Little Bitterns that breed once the breeding season is over it is White Stork, which breed in the bell-
Estany d’Ivars 19
towers of the nearby villages, and Resident species of interest here heading for the cereal steppes of
Spotless Starling, abundant in the ir- include Red-legged Partridge, Stock Alfés-Castelldans and Alfarràs-Al-
rigated and non-irrigated fields and Dove, Sardinian Warbler and South- guaire. Here you should come across
around the lagoon itself. ern Grey Shrike. breeding species such as Short-toed
Other species present in the area Both migration periods bring a Eagle, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Short-
include Red-legged Partridge, Melo- number of scarce species including toed Lark, Tawny Pipit, Black and
dious Warbler and Woodchat Shrike: Red-footed Falcon to the area. Black-eared Wheatears, Lesser Grey
look for them in the field margins or It is well worth completing a bird- Shrike, Blue Rock Thrush and Rock
anywhere there are a few trees or tall ing visit to Ivars and Belianes by Sparrow, some of which basically
How to get there The whole itinerary is ideal for wheelchair users.
The village of Ivars is 39 km from the city of Lleida and There is a small information point in the lagoon
132 km from Barcelona. car-park
Access from Barcelona: Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday 09.00 to 12.30
Motorway AP-2 Barcelona-Lleida. Junction 496 and 17.00 to 19.00. Saturdays, Sundays and public
Bellpuig-Ivars. holidays from 10.00 to 14.00 and 17.00 to 19.00.
The bus company Alsina Graells (Tel. 902 330 400) Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
runs a regular bus service between Barcelona and Llei- For more information:
da that stops in the village of Bellpuig. The lagoon is Consortium of L’Estany d’Ivars i Vila-Sana
9 km from Bellpuig and a taxi is needed to reach it. Consell Comarcal del Pla d’Urgell
Line Ca4 RENFE (Barcelona-Manresa-Lleida). From Av. Prat de la Riba, 1
Lleida, a car or bus (Alsina Graells) to Bellpuig. 25230 Mollerussa
Tel 973 711 313
Infrastructure and services
The lagoon has an observation point and three hides.
most outstanding of these castles is one of this military order’s most im- wish to visit the Fira de Teatre al Car-
that of Gardeny, which today houses portant fortresses. rer in Tàrrega, a street-theatre festi-
a Templars Interpretation Centre in a Theatre-lovers who head to Ivars at val that sees over 100,000 spectators
building that in the twelfth century was the beginning of September may also and 800 artists pack into this small city.
Els Ports
a land of raptors and small Mediterranean passerines
Els Ports Natural Park is an abrupt mountainous massif where the vagaries of the climate provide for
splendid and highly diverse forest cover that includes stands of northern trees species such as beech and
deciduous oaks. The birdlife of these mountains is equally diverse and includes a mix of rock-loving,
Mediterranean and more northerly species.
This imposing massif is characterised po pines and holm oak, with decidu- to be visited during just a few days’
by the contrast between its summits ous forests confined to the more hu- stay in the area.
and abrupt slopes, which reach well mid parts of these mountains.
over 1,000 m and peak at 1,442 m Birdwatchers will be thrilled by the
(Mt Caro), and the surrounding plains. great variety of raptors (vultures, ea-
Vertical faces and rock needles guard gles and falcons) and forest and
narrow gorges and defiles, where it is scrub-loving passerines that frequent
often easy to spot Iberian Ibex. The the area. The proximity of the Ebro
vegetation consists mainly of exten- Delta -extending at your feet from the
sive forests of black, Scots and Alep- heights of the Ports- allows both sites
Els Ports 23
When to visit as Melodious Warbler that do not ar- Sparrow and Rock Bunting, whilst
rive until May. Bonelli’s Eagle breeds on the taller and
Any time of the year is good for bird- In lower areas where the landscape least accessible cliffs.
watching, although the largest number is dominated by olive groves, scattered As you gain height you begin to find
of Mediterranean species can be farms and scrub you will find species species such as Tawny Pipit –above
found in spring and summer. such as Scops and Little Owls, Hoo- all in burnt areas- and Dartford War-
poe, European Bee-eater, Black-eared blers in scrub without tree cover, whilst
Spring-summer Wheatear, Orphean and Sardinian Griffon and Egyptian Vulture and Gold-
Warblers, Spotless Starling, Woodchat en Eagles haunt the highest peaks and
From mid-April onwards a good Shrike and Cirl Bunting. Nearby low plateaus.
number of summer visitors can be rocky outcrops are home to Thekla
found, although there are some such Lark, Crag Martin, Alpine Swift, Blue
Rock Thrush, Black Wheatear, Rock
24 Els Ports
Discover the area tre can include a visit to the Picasso those who want to stay close to Els
Centre: the artist’s comment that “all Ports.
Els Port Natural Park is geographical- I ever learnt about art I learnt in Hor- We also recommend a tour of the
ly very close to the Ebro Delta, but a ta”, speaks for itself. The months the neighbouring comarca of La Terra
world apart in terms of their morphol- young Picasso spent in Horta at the Alta. Often forgotten by tourists, this
ogy and character: the combination of end of the nineteenth century were area provides visitors with a number
the two sites –the interior mountains vital for his artistic development. of surprises such as La Ruta de la
and the plains of the delta- make for The scattered villages of the area Pau (the Peace Route) that visits some
a very attractive ornithological holiday. are small and relatively untouched: of the sites of the Battle of the Ebro,
The natural gateway to Els Ports is Arnes, Paüls and Mas de Barber- the final and definitive battle of the
the town of Horta de Sant Joan, ans barely have a thousand inhabit- Spanish Civil War.
where the Ports’ Ecomuseum will pro- ants each, but provide welcoming ru- Gastronomes should not fail to visit
vide wide-ranging information on the ral accommodation and local food for the Modernist cooperatives in Gan-
area. A stroll around the old town cen- desa and El Pinell de Brai, true tem-
ples to local wines and olive oils, the
two mainstays of the local economy.
The Picasso Centre in Horta de Sant Joan © M. Raurich
Cap de Creus
birds of sea and rock
The Cap de Creus Natural Park lies in the extreme north-east of Catalonia and consists of a large rocky
peninsula protruding into the Mediterranean between the towns of Llançà and Roses replete with numerous
coves and headlands, as well as the rocky ridges running inland as far as La Serra de Verdera. Its position
jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea makes this maritime/terrestrial protected area an excellent site for
seawatching, above all during migration periods. Indeed, bird migration is of great interest throughout the
whole peninsula and, in particular, in the surrounding mountains after days of strong winds.
Cap de Creus represents the final, rock sculptures. The area’s vegetation affected the vegetation, although there
eastern-most flourish of the Pyrenees is determined by relief features, the a few stands of pines and cork oaks
where the final peaks of this moun- regular strong northerly wind known in places.
tain chain plunge into the Mediterra- as La Tramontana, which in many Cap de Creus is an excellent place
nean. Geologically fascinating, the places hinders the vertical growth of for seawatching and for observing large
most complete series of metamorphic any forest formation, and the environ- numbers of birds on days of heavy mi-
rocks anywhere in Catalonia can be mental salinity of coastal areas. Most gration; as well, a number of Mediter-
found here, whilst on a more aesthet- of the area is dominated by Mediter- ranean specialities such as Pallid Swift,
ic note, the results of millennia of fold- ranean scrub formations and rock-lov- Orphean and Spectacled Warbler,
ing and erosive processes has pro- ing plants, above all in coastal areas. Black-eared Wheatear and Bonelli’s
duced a series of spectacular natural Over the years forest fires have greatly Eagle are also found in the area.
Cap de Creus 27
When to visit ean Storm-petrel and both Arctic and ing species in the area, and Orphean
Pomarine Skuas can be found, along Warbler, common, above all between
The most interesting times to visit are with good numbers of wintering Great Llançà and El Coll del Perer, where
during migration periods and/or in late Skua, Razorbill and Northern Gannet. many males can be heard singing in
spring (when the summer visitors have Inland, by April resident species unison in early May. Spectacled War-
arrived) and autumn. Nevertheless, such as Eagle Owl and Bonelli’s Ea- blers, on the other hand, return in
winter still provides for interesting gle are well into their breeding sea- March and can be found at Pla de
birdwatching. sons, whilst other raptors such as Gates. Dartford and Sardinian War-
Lesser Kestrel, most of which breed blers are resident and are common in
Spring-summer in the area around El Pení, do not re- any area with scrub; also found in the
turn to the area until the end of April. area are Southern Grey Shrike and
The first trans-Saharan migrants in- Other species that arrive during April Rock Sparrow.
cluding Short-toed Eagle and Wood- include Pallid Swift (easy to find in the
chat Shrike begin to arrive from late- towns of Port de la Selva, Cadaqués
March onwards, a period when the and Roses), Alpine Swift, Short-toed
final winter visitors such as Alpine Lark (regular but scarce breeder in the
Accentors around Sant Pere de Rodes area of Pla de Gates), Thekla Lark OUTSTANDING BIRDS
and Sant Salvador de Verdera, and (common resident in scrubby areas
seabirds including Levantine Shear- such as La Serra Verdera and, above
water (this is one of the best places to all, Sa Planassa), Crag Martin and
see this species in Catalonia), are still Red-rumped Swallow (about 30 Balearic Shearwater (M)**
to be found in the area. This shear- breeding pairs, best looked-for in Port Levantine Shearwater (M)**
water can be found in hundred-strong de la Selva, La Vall de Penida and Mas Bonelli’s Eagle (R)*
flocks mixed in with Balearic Shear- Boscà). Tawny Pipits can be observed Red-legged Partridge (R)**
waters until May-June; both species in the area of Pla de Gates from mid- Pallid Swift (N)**
then become much scarcer during the April onwards along with Black-eared Thekla Lark (R)***
summer. Wheatear and Rock Thrush, or else- Red-rumped Swallow (N)**
Most of the summer visitors arrive where with the abundant Blue Rock Black-eared Wheatear (N)**
during April, a month in which Cory’s Thrush. Regular migrants include Sub- Orphean Warbler (N)***
Shearwaters (above all off Cap de alpine Warbler, common in April and Spectacled Warbler (N)*
Creus itself and Cap Norfeu), Europ- May but not yet confirmed as a breed-
28 Cap de Creus
• Remember that the fierce norther-
ly wind (La Tramontana) can at
times make birdwatching extremely
tural and other events taking place in medieval centre, as well as a number tant town is Figueres. This lively town
the area; in the summer, it is used on of wine cellars producing wines from is home to one of Catalonia’s most
an irregular basis for concerts. the local denomincaió d’origen and a visited museums, the Dalí Theatre-
On the road down from the mon- castle, where the prestigious Inter- Museum, which provides visitors with
astery the road passes through the national Music Festival is held every a chance to explore the universe cre-
village of Vilajuïga –a name that re- summer. ated by this always surprising artist.
calls its Jewish past- en route to Cap de Creus lies in the comarca
Peralada. This village has a splendid of L’Alt Empordà, whose most impor-
a mountain of vertical cliffs and forests
rising from the plains
The massif of Montserrat –literally, ‘the jagged mountain’- is famous for its abrupt relief with a plethora of
sheer cliffs and pinnacles. The combination of these vertical rock walls, broken by the holm oak and pine
forests that creep vertiginously up the many clefts and fissures, and the surrounding agricultural plains,
provides birdwatchers with the opportunity to observe rock-loving species of birds and many Mediterranean
species more at home in scrub and open areas.
Montserrat © O. Alamany
The singular silhouette of the teeth- of confused and evocative rocky pin- Bonelli’s Eagle, Alpine Accentor, Blue
like pinnacles that form the complex nacles. Rock Thrush, Wallcreeper, Rock Spar-
silhouette of this mountain rises Birdwatchers will find here a mix row, Sardinian and Melodious War-
abruptly from out of a flat agricultural of species at home in rocky areas, blers, Southern Grey and Woodchat
landscape. Although the highest point some of which are rare in Europe, and Shrikes and Red-legged Partridge .
of Montserrat reaches just 1,236 m, many of the typical Mediterranean
the flatness of the surrounding coun- species that frequent the region’s
tryside accentuates the verticality of fields and woods. Thus, this is a good
the mountain as it rises up in a mass site for finding in close proximity
Montserrat 31
When to visit Warbler, Firecrest and Short-toed One of other specialities of the area
Treecreeper. Species such as Scops is Black Wheatear — a few pairs
Spring and summer are especially in- Owl and Golden Oriole are easier to breed locally between the town of
teresting, although winter is the best hear than to see. High up in the mas- Monistrol de Montserrat and Sant
time of year for seeing the cliff-loving sif –for example in La Vall del Torrent
winter visitors. de Santa Maria and beneath the ridge
of La Serra de les Paparres- Peregrine
Spring-summer Falcons and Bonelli’s Eagles fly over- OUTSTANDING BIRDS
Montserrat is best visited towards the In mid-May at the foot of the moun-
end of April when the resident spe- tain amongst a mosaic of fields and
cies’ breeding season is under full copses, Melodious Warblers are not Bonelli’s Eagle (R)*
swing -some of the earliest breeders uncommon; birdwatchers should look Red-legged Partridge (R)**
such as the Eagle Owl will already out for Southern Grey and Woodchat Alpine Swift (N)***
have chicks by this time- and once all Shrikes, the latter locally common in Alpine Accentor (H)*
of the mountain’s summer visitors open pine woodland and on the edg- Black Wheatear (R)*
have arrived. es of burnt areas. In cultivated areas Melodious Warbler (N)***
In the holm oak forests at the base with farm buildings –the haunt of Wallcreeper (H)*
of the mountain and in any pine or groups of finches and sparrows- look Southern Grey Shrike (R)**
oak forest in the valleys Bonelli’s War- out for Rock Sparrows and groups of Woodchat Shrike (N)***
bler is frequent and shares habitat with Red-legged Partridge. Rock Sparrow (R)***
resident species such as Sardinian
32 Montserrat
• Take care to not leave the marked
paths for your own safety and to
Wallcreeper © E. Hüttenmoser avoid damaging the natural vege-
The trail to the Holy Cave (La Cova you abruptly up the cliff faces to the Close to Montserrat, in the town
Santa) and the climb up to the her- main ridge. of Sant Fruitós de Bages, stands the
mitages of Sant Joan and Sant Jero- The hotel in the main Montserrat monastery of Sant Benet, an ancient
ni are ideal walks for those who wish complex and the cells that provide seat of the Benedictines, acquired in
to enjoy the marvellous views from the cheap but comfortable accommoda- the XIX century by the family of the
main ridge of the massif. Whilst for tion give birdwatchers the opportuni- painter Ramon Casas. Today it is a
those who don’t want to walk quite so ty to spend a number of days in this fascinating museum and not to be
far, the rack-and-pinion railways take unique site. missed.
The characteristic image of Aigües- forests, as well as a number of very days birdwatchers can hope to come
tortes is one of jagged peaks reach- humid mixed forests, uncommon in across many of the high mountain
ing up to 3,000 m, accompanied by the Pyrenees, where beech, birch and species that are absent from most of
dozens of mountain streams, water- aspen grow side-by-side. Europe that include forest, rock-lov-
falls and bogs. The giant calcareous Birdwatchers will find in Aigües- ing and alpine species.
spires of the two Encantats that rise tortes Pyrenean bird communities that
up from Llac de Sant Maurici are the within the Palaearctic essentially only
symbol of the park and its glaciated exist in mountainous regions such as
relief features. The main vegetation the Alps, Caucasus and a number of
types consist of mountain and Scots high mountain chains in Turkey and
pine, European silver-fir and beech the Balkans. In the space of just a few
Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici 35
When to visit in areas with human presence (near mountain pine forests; Ring Ouzels too
the mountain huts, for example). The breed in the highest mountain pine
Best at the end of spring and in sum- mountain pine and fir forests above forests, although after the breeding
mer. 1,800 m hold pairs of Tengmalm’s season is over (and depending on food
Owls and they can be heard at dusk availability), they can be seen in a
Spring-summer and at night during early spring — number of different habitats at lower
actually seeing them, however, is of- altitudes or even in alpine pastures.
Many different walks and treks are ten a different question when large Finally, Rock Buntings are found al-
possible in this National Park. One amounts of snow remain on the most anywhere in the area.
of the best begins in the car-park be- ground during early spring. Neverthe-
neath the lake of Estany de Cavallers less, just occasionally you might be
and climbs up through the forests able to locate one of these owls by its
and pastures that surround many of call in a dead pine even at the end of OUTSTANDING BIRDS
the Park’s glacial lakes. From here it spring or in early summer.
is possible to climb to one of the near- Commoner species you might find
by summits, some of which top the at any point of the walk include Red-
3,000 m mark, as you head towards billed and Yellow-billed Choughs, of- Lammergeier (R)**
Estany Negre and the Joan Ventosa i ten seen in large flocks around the Griffon Vulture (R)**
Calvell mountain hut, where you can highest mountains and occasionally Golden Eagle (R)**
stay overnight and thus spend more present around some of the mountain Tengmalm’s Owl (R)*
than one day in the area. huts. Around the lakes you should Ring Ouzel (N)**
Right from the beginning of the come across many Water Pipits, whilst Rock Thrush (N)*
walk you should keep your eyes open in rocky areas with vertical cliff faces, Wallcreeper (R)*
for raptors such as Lammergeier, Grif- Rock Thrush is a distinct possibility. Yellow-billed Chough (R)***
fon Vulture and Golden Eagle that fly Citril Finch is another of the speciali- Citril Finch (R)***
around the highest peaks here and ties of the area and groups of these Snowfinch (R)*
elsewhere in the National Park, even birds are common in and around
36 Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici
In the highest parts of this route – titude Ptarmigan are present, while the peak of Pic de Peguera and else-
which should only be undertaken with during the second half of August and where.
the appropriate equipment and if you beginning of September small groups
are in good physical condition- it is of Dotterel pass through on migration. Winter
worth looking for Snowfinch, a rare Summer and autumn are good
and very local breeder in this part of seasons for finding the scarce Wall- The main attraction of winter in the
the Pyrenees that is in fact best creepers around L’Estany de Cavallers, area is the chance to see flocks of
searched for in winter. Likewise at al- Snowfinch, for example along the road
Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici 37
blings present in winter in years in Lombardy Romanesque from the enced by its proximity to Gascony in
which this species migrates into the eleventh and twelfth centuries– France (pâtés and civets — blood-
Iberian Peninsula in good numbers. make these churches some of the thickened stews) and the availability
most beautiful anywhere in the Pyr- of local products such as trout and
enees. Today most of the wall paint- many types of wild mushrooms and
Recommendations ings that once decorated their inte- fruits.
riors have been removed to the For adventure-sports lovers, the
• Care must be taken during hikes in National Museum of Catalan Art in ideal centre is Sort on the Noguera
the high mountains: check forecasts Barcelona (MNAC), although many Pallaresa river, the capital of the
for bad weather and avalanche have facsimiles that have been re- comarca of Pallars Sobirà and one of
warnings, and bear in mind that for painted in situ. In all there are eight the best sites in Europe for white-
most of the year snow and freezing churches and one small hemitage, water canoeing and rafting.
temperatures make access into of which the churches of Sant Cli-
higher areas difficult. ment and Santa Maria de Taüll –both
• National Park regulations must be with slender square bell towers and
respected at all times. exceptional murals- are the best
known. The villages of Boí, Barruera,
Erill la Vall, Cardet, Coll and Durro all
Discover the area possess churches that are a part of
this important historical artistic her-
The area around the National Park and itage. The Romanesque Interpreta-
this sector of the Pyrenees in general tion Centre in Erill la Vall provides
has many other attractions for visitors guided visits.
that include numerous small moun- In the far north-east of the Catalan
tain villages, ski stations, spas, adven- Pyrenees lies the valley of Val d’Aran,
ture sports facilities and fishing. which, unlike the other Catalan
We recommend above all that you Pyrenean valleys, is Atlantic in char-
visit the Vall de Boí, a valley that is acter and runs northwards down to the
well known in artistic circles as the plains of Aquitaine in France. Linked
home to a magnificent collection of to Catalonia since the Middle Ages,
Romanesque churches that have this small region conserves its own
been declared by UNESCO as a language –Aranese- and a distinct
World Heritage Site. The purity of cuisine (for example, olla aranesa, a
their lines and consistency of style – meaty stew), which is heavily influ-
alpine birds from the very road
Strictly speaking, the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park lies within the pre-Pyrenees, although it is still home to a
good number of Pyrenean species of bird that are absent from much of Europe. The great advantage this
area has over other Pyrenean sites is that two roads (the road from Bagà to Coll de Pal and the road to Coll
de la Creueta) wind up high into the domain of the subalpine pastures. From these roads –and even from
your vehicles– it is easy to reach areas of mountain and Scots pine, high-level grazing and rocky outcrops
where some of the Pyrenees’ most sought-after species -Lammergeier, Yellow-billed Chough, Alpine
Accentor and Snowfinch- can be found.
The landscape of this Natural Park is Pedraforca, whose name reflects its and other birds such as Citril Finch,
one of the most spectacular in Cata- particular fork-shaped silhouette. Lammergeier and Rock Thrush that
lonia. The imposing cliffs of La Serra The attractiveness of the area to are the target of many foreign bird-
del Cadí-Moixeró run east-west for birdwatchers is due to the number of watchers.
over 30 km and peak the altitude of true alpine species that can be seen
Puig de la Canal Baridana (2,648 m), relatively well and easily here — even
a sharp contrast with the valley bot- from the very roads that cross the
toms to the south that lie at just area. This too is one of the best plac-
900 m. Also to the south rises the es in Catalonia to see Snowfinch in
best-known mountain of the area, winter –groups of up to 500 birds–
Cadí-Moixeró 41
When to visit from the highest mountain pine for- es along the road to Coll de Pal. Rock
ests and, in particular, from the Riu Thrushes are found in and around rock
The best time to visit is undoubtedly fir forest (which can be reached from outcrops in the highest parts of the
spring-summer and in autumn. A few the village via track that climbs to- massif, although they are most easily
of the special mountain species, wards Les Penyes Altes del Moixeró) : spotted from the road between Cas-
though, can still be found in winter. diurnal raptors include Lammergeier, tellar de n’Hug and La Molina, and
which may appear around the Xalet above all at Coll de la Creueta.
Spring-summer de Coll de Pal almost at any moment
(but above all at midday) and other
The itinerary we recommend here large raptors such as Griffon Vulture
starts on the road from the village of and Golden Eagle. Grey Partridges OUTSTANDING BIRDS
Bagà to the mountain hut (xalet) at breed on Puigllançada and they are
Coll de Pal and then continues in the most often seen in groups in the au-
immediate vicinity. An alternative is tumn (October) along the path from
to visit sites on the northern side of Coll de la Creueta to the summit of Lammergeier (R)**
the massif such as the silver-fir for- Puigllançada. Griffon Vulture (R)**
est near the village of Riu in the Other common species in the Tengmalm’s Owl (R)*
comarca of La Cerdanya for species mountain pine forests of the area Alpine Accentor (H)*
such as Tengmalm’s Owl and Eura- above 1,700 m include Citril Finch Ring Ouzel (N)**
sian Treecreeper or, in winter, the (abundant in summer), Ring Ouzel Rock Thrush (N)*
road that crosses Coll de la Creueta (common in summer and even more Wallcreeper (M)*
and runs on toward the ski-town of so in autumn), Rock Bunting (common Yellow-billed Chough (R)***
La Molina. almost everywhere) and both Red- Citril Finch (N)***
From the end of winter and into billed and Yellow-billed Choughs, Snowfinch (H)*
early spring Tengmalm’s Owls call which are abundant in the high reach-
42 Cadí-Moixeró
• Care must be taken during hikes in
the high mountains: check forecasts
for bad weather and avalanche
warnings, and bear in mind that for
most of the year snow and freezing
temperatures make access into
higher areas difficult.
• Natural Park regulations must be
respected at all times.
Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangi- The Cadí tunnel connects Bagà to town is today famous for having the
ble Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. the broad open spaces of the plain of oldest pharmacy in Europe.
The small town of Bagà is the nat- La Cerdanya, once an important me-
ural gateway to La Serra del Cadí and dieval countdom. In 1659 at the Trea-
home to another curious traditional ty of the Pyrenees the kingdoms of
popular festivity, the Fia-Faia: on France and Spain decided to partition
Christmas night a series of large torch- the region, but left the town of Llívia
es are lit in the arched town square as small enclave of Spanish territory
amidst ritual music and dances. completely surrounded by France; this
Mont-rebei i la Terreta
a haven for vultures
The Mont-rebei gorge in La Serra del Montsec consists of a narrow canyon whose immense cliffs look down
on the river Noguera Ribagorçana; to the south the gorge opens out into a vast amphitheatre framed by
sheer, imposing cliff-faces. This itinerary passes through the gorge and provides access to cliffs that are a
haven for typical Pyrenean rock-loving birds — Red-billed Chough, Wallcreeper and a number of cliff-
breeding raptors. Further north lies La Terreta, an area dotted with thirty hamlets belonging to the municipa-
lity of Tremp (at over 300 km2, the largest in Catalonia), the capital of the comarca of El Pallars Jussà. In La
Terreta all four European vulture species can be seen here in a day, along with many other Mediterranean
and/or cliff-loving species including a number of different warblers.
The Mont-rebei gorge is unsullied by two itineraries described here pro- pension bridge you will have the
road, rail or power lines and the only vide, moreover, the chance to catch chance to come across a number of
way to visit the whole of this spectac- up with typical southern European interesting birds such as Egyptian
ular natural feature is to walk a rather species of birds such as Blue Rock Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, European
vertiginous path hewn out of the bare Thrush, Southern Grey Shrike and Bee-eater, Golden Oriole and Bonel-
rock. La Fundació Territori i Paisatge, Subalpine, Orphean, Dartford and li’s and Orphean Warblers. Further on
an NGO created under the auspices Bonelli’s Warblers. as you reach the gorge itself (and all
of the environmental protection pro- through it), keep an eye out for Alpine
gramme of the Caixa Catalunya sav- Swift, Crag Martin, Blue Rock Thrush
ings bank, owns 600 ha of land in and When to visit and Red-billed Chough. Up high look
around this natural wonder and na- for Griffon and Egyptian Vultures, Lam-
ture reserve; its conservation is thus In spring or autumn; in summer, high mergeier, Golden Eagle and Peregrine
assured. The area around the gorge temperatures mean that it is best to Falcon. As the gorge opens out and
and in the La Terreta is dominated by birdwatch above all in the early hours
Mediterranean vegetation, although in of the morning. In winter, temperatures
some shadier areas more Eurosiber- plummet and the summer visitors are
ian vegetation takes a foothold. At long gone. OUTSTANDING BIRDS
mid-altitude deciduous oak forest and,
above all, Scots pine, forests develop, Spring
while in sunnier areas Mediterranean
holm oaks are dominant trees. Not so To fully cover the area, you should try Lammergeier (R)**
far away there are a number of large both of the itineraries described here. Griffon Vulture (R)**
reservoirs with riparian and aquatic The first passes through the immense Egyptian Vulture (N)**
vegetation. Mont-rebei gorge on the eastern side Booted Eagle (N)**
You are all but guaranteed views of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, Short-toed Eagle (N)**
of Lammergeier and Griffon and while the other takes you to La Terre- Blue Rock Thrush (R)**
Egyptian Vultures, while in recent ta on roads that approach the Serra Wallcreeper (M)*
years observations of Black Vultures de Castellet and Serra de Sant Gervàs. Subalpine Warbler (N)***
have become ever more frequent. La The walk through Mont-rebei be- Orphean Warbler (N)***
Terreta also boasts excellent facili- gins at a small car-park known as La Rock Bunting (R)***
ties for viewing the local vultures. The Masieta. Between here and the sus-
48 Mont-rebei i la Terreta
Mont-rebei i la Terreta 49
• Be sure to be prepared for high tem-
peratures (take water!) in summer.
Adventure sports are also a pos- pleasures that you must be sure not will have the chance to witness one
sibility here and birdwatchers can try to miss: game stews, wild mushrooms, of the most curious of all Pyrenean
their hands at water sports (on any of cold meats and homemade cheeses festivities, the Baixada dels Raiers,
the area’s numerous reservoirs), are just some of the staples of tradi- a celebration and re-enactment of the
climbing, caving, fishing and hang- tional palleresa cooking and, washed tradition of transporting timber down
gliding. Traditional local crafts are alive down with quality wines and oils, pro- from the Pyrenees on the rough wa-
and well in many of the small villages vide a veritable feast each time you ters of the river Noguera Pallaresa.
of La Terreta and numerous artisans sit down to dine. This homage to the raiers, the rafts-
and craftsmen have set up their Nearby towns such as La Pobla men who steered their wooden rafts
workshops here. de Segur and El Pont de Suert, as downstream, ends with dinner and
Getting to know the local cuisine well as the interesting village of Àger, dancing to which all are invited.
–which will delight even the most de- are also worth a visit. If you are in the
manding of palates- is one of the area on the first Sunday in July you
Vall de Núria
bird-rich high mountains and forests
The valley of Núria is only accessible by rack-and-pinion railway from the town of Ribes de Freser or
on foot along paths through subalpine pastures and screes that have been hiked by generations upon
generations of Catalan walkers. A combination of paths and a whole day’s hike will allow birdwatchers
to enjoy the high mountain environments of this sector of the Pyrenees and catch up with some
of its most representative bird species.
The majestic peak of Puigmal lage of Queralbs, mixed deciduous sibilities for attractive walks in a true
(2.910 m), the highest in the eastern forests with a smattering of Eurosibe- high-altitude Pyrenean environment.
Pyrenees, and a circ of other high rian tree species –oaks, beech and Birdwatching and walking can be
peaks -Noufonts, Nou Creus and ash- are the order of the day. Riparian combined by walking up to Sanctuary
Finestrelles- rise high above the gla- forests and the cliffs of Roques de and catching the rack-and-pinion train
ciated valley of Núria and its sanctu- Totlomón and the south face of the back to Ribes de Freser, or by catch-
ary. The climb up to these summits peak of Torreneules complete the va- ing the train to and from the Sanctu-
can be tackled from Fontalba along riety of habitats present. ary to conserve your energy for the
paths that pass through mountain pine The whole area is of interest to climb to the high summits.
forests and over screes. Lower down, birdwatchers due to the presence of
between Ribes de Freser and the vil- high-mountain species and the pos-
52 Vall de Núria
When to visit vehicle here and continue on foot to above there is an area of rocks that is
the Santuari de Núria. worth checking for Alpine Accentor
From mid-spring to the end of sum- In Queralbs itself look out for Crag and Ptarmigan. Exceptionally, in au-
mer. Autumn and winter bring some Martins and Dippers, as well as Marsh tumn groups of up to 100 Alpine Ac-
of the high-level species down into the Tits in the oakwoods near the village centors can be found here.
valleys, although when there is snow and Rock Bunting from the track up The path on to the sanctuary at
on the ground make sure you are well to Fontalba. As you climb, stop now Núria passes through pine forests
equipped if you venture up high. and then to check out rock outcrops where you should listen out for Ring
for Rock Thrush and as you gain even Ouzel and Citril Finch. At any point
Spring-summer more height and begin to enter the along this path Lammergeier or mixed
mountain pine forests, scan the skies flocks of Red-billed and Yellow-billed
The recommended itinerary starts in for Griffon Vulture and Golden Eagle. Choughs may fly over. The valley
the village of Queralbs, where you The pastures at Collada de Fon- around the sanctuary also has large
should pick up the track that winds talba itself are home to many Water numbers of Water Pipits and from here
up to Collada de Fontalba: leave your Pipits and Black Redstarts, while just you can pick any of a number of paths
Vall de Núria 53
for rowing. Nature-lovers who want to Mare de Déu de Núria are held, that modation and a number of good res-
explore further can sleep in one of the large numbers of people make the taurants that delight with their local
four mountain huts in the area. journey up to the Sanctuary; on this cuisine.
1931 saw the inauguration of the day tradition demands that local peo- If you are interested in Roman-
rack-and-pinion railway which ple and visitors alike dance the esque art, then there is plenty to in-
unites Ribes de Fresser and Núria. Sardana, the Catalan national dance. terest you: aside from the small vil-
Even today it is the only form of trans- Núria lies in the comarca of El Ri- lage churches that are often still used
port that can reach the Sanctuary: pollès, an area with many other at- for worship, a must are the monas-
there are no roads or track and this is tractions for visitors. Small villages teries of Santa Maria de Ripoll and
one of the secrets of the silence that such as Queralbs, Planoles and Ven- Sant Joan de les Abadesses. The
reigns in this valley. tolà still preserve their rural moun- façade and cloister at Ripoll and the
Really it is only on days such as 8 tain charm and there are many sculptures at Sant Joan are veritable
September, when the festivities of the establishments offering rural accom- master works of their kind.
Culinary specialities include the
local cold cuts and in the autumn wild
mushrooms, perhaps the most grat-
ifying way of sampling the aromas of
the forests that cover much of the
The rack railway, the only form of transport to Núria, climbs over 1,000 m on its 12.5 km
journey to the sanctuary at Núria © N. Cañas
The Llobregat Delta is totally flat and then spend the afternoon in the city. even during a quick visit- perhaps one
is today covered by an assortment of On the other hand, if you have already of the large number of rare Nearctic
cultivated land, small stands of ripar- travelled around Catalonia you can and Asian species of birds that have
ian forest, coastal pinewoods, marsh- spend the last few hours of your stay been observed in the delta by the re-
es, lagoons and beaches with dune before going to the airport in this sin- serve staff.
vegetation that are home to breeding gular spot. Here you will find species
species such as the Kentish Plover. such as Balearic Shearwater, Little
Its proximity to the city of Barcelo- Bittern, Little Crake and Moustached
na makes a morning visit perfectly Warbler that are generally difficult to
possible and allows birdwatchers to see in Europe, and, with a little luck -
56 Delta del Llobregat
When to visit
Any time of year is interesting, but
above all spring and winter.
by Lluís Domènech i Montaner that – climb the mountain of Tibidabo for nationally famous artist’s work is on
has been declared a World Heritage wonderful views of the city at your display in a white, spacious build-
Site. This architect also designed the feet. If you are with young children, ing designed by his close friend, the
Ciutadella Park, home to the City’s the fun park on the top of the moun- architect Josep Lluís Sert.
Natural History Museum and its zo- tain is an added reason for visiting. – or look and listen for the many bird
ological collection. – discover the Romanesque murals species that breed in the city, such
– visit the surprising and unique works conserved in the MNAC — the Na- as the parakeets that breed in the
of Gaudí. His most ambitious work, tional Museum of Catalan Art. Due Ciutadella Park, Passeig de Colom
La Sagrada Família, although not to its size and quality, this collection and in the central promenade of
yet finished, is the undisputed sym- is considered as unique in the world. Avinguda Diagonal, the street that
bol of the city and reflection of its – visit the Joan Miró Foundation in bisects Barcelona from the hills to
dreams and aspirations. the Montjuïc Park, where this inter- the sea.
Species list 61
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D.L.: B-24.563-2008
The reproduction in whole or in part, copying by any means including information technology, distribution, public diffusion
or transformation of this work in any way is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the editor, Consorci
Turisme de Catalunya, and infringements will be subject to the appropriate legally established sanctions.
Tutisme de Catalunya would like to thank the following people and institutions: David Bigas, Gerard Bota, Ferran López,
Raimon Mariné, Jordi Prieto, Ajuntament de Tremp, Consorci per a la Protecció i la Gestió dels Espais Naturals del Delta
del Llobregat, Consorci Estany d’Ivars-Vila-sana, Francesc Giró, Albert Martínez-Vilalta, Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i
Estany de Sant Maurici, Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Parc Natural de Cadí-Moixeró, Parc Natural del Cap
de Creus, Parc Natural dels Ports, Parc Natural de Montserrat.
In collaboration with: