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Present continuous

- actiunea se desfasoara in mod continuu in momentul vorbirii

- folosim adverbele: now; right now; at the moment, still ( inca)
- se formeaza din Sb + am/ is/are ( to be ) + verb+ ‘ing’
e.g. I am working now.

Interrogative sentence: am; is; are+ Sb + verb + ‘ing’

e.g. What is he doing in his room?
e.g. Are your parents watching TV at the moment? Yes, they are ; No, they aren’t

Negative sentence: Sb + am not; isn’t; aren’t + verb + ‘ing’

e.g. They aren’t playing on the computer.

- present continuous este folosit pentru actiuni temporare ( perioada de timp limitata)
e.g. Tom is learning Japanese these days.
e.g. Don’t take the hammer away. My father is still using it.

Present continuous/ progressive as future:

- folosit pentru planuri si aranjamente personale
e.g. I’m having a party next Saturday. Can you come?
e.g. What are you doing tonight?

Present continuous/ progressive + ‘always’ – folosit pentru a ne referi la obicei/

comportament iritant
e.g. Your mother is so annoying. She is always asking me about my private life and I can’t
stand that.
e.g. Keep your dog away from my garden. It is always eating my chickens.
Present tense simple

Prezentul simplu este folosit pentru a exprima:

a) o actiune care se desfasoara in mod obisnuit, repetat
b) folosit pentru a descrie adevaruri generale – ‘Water boils at 100 degrees
c) actiuni cu sens de viitor, aranjamente stabilite in mod oficial, orare, itinerarii,
evenimente din calendar- ‘Next year school starts on September

Se folosesc adverbe sau expresii precum: usually, always, often, every, sometimes, at
weekends, on Saturday, occasionally

e.g. We wear a uniform at school every day.

La persoana a III-a singular ( he, she, it ) verbul primeste terminatia ‘S’
e.g. He always forgets his English notebook on his desk.

Verbele terminate in ‘o, ch, sh, x, ss,s,z’ primesc terminatia ‘ES’

e.g. Christine does her homework every afternoon.
Sandra watches TV and goes out when she finishes her lessons.

Interogatia (question)
DOES- la persoanele HE, SHE, IT + VERB LA INFINITIV ( fara terminatie)
e.g. Does she enjoy listening to pop music? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t

DO- la persoanele I, YOU, WE, THEY+ VERB LA INFINITIV ( fara terminatie)

e.g. Do you brush your teeth every day? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
Where do your friends live?

Negatia ( negative sentence)

Subiect+DON’T ( I, YOU, WE, THEY) + VERB LA INFINITIV ( fara terminatie)
e.g. I don’t ( do not) get poor marks every week.


( fara terminatie)
e.g. She doesn’t care about her friends.

- Stative verbs(not used in continuous tenses-describe states, not

actions)hate,like,love,need,prefer,want(emotions verbs); verbs of senses-
- Believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know,remember,seem,
- E.g. Ken is being very rude.(at the moment, not normal behaviour)

- This soup tastes horrible! (taste-have a particular flavour); Why are you tasting the
sauce?(test the flavour)
- I think you are mad. (have an opinion); Im thinking of leaving the country.
Past tense simple

Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat intr-un moment
bine definit din trecut si care s-a incheiat definitiv. Se foloseste cu: yesterday, last, ago, the
other day, at that time.
E.G. They were here last week.
Where were you last month?
He wasn’t happy when he met them.
Exista doua categorii de verbe:
A. Verbe regulate – primesc terminatia ‘ed’ la trecut
e.g. I worked very hard for the English exam last week.
He arrived five minutes ago.
B. Verbe neregulate – au trei forme
( infinitive, trecut si participiu trecut)
e.g. We saw her in the street the other day.
I met my friends and went for a walk in the park.

Did +Subiect + verb la infinitiv scurt
e.g. Did you talk to him when he was here last month? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t
When did he get up yesterday?
Negativ- Subiect+Didn’t + verb la infinitive scurt
e.g. I didn’t know anything about them.
We didn’t watch TV too much last night.

Pentru actiuni care s-au desfasurat in trecut si nu mai au loc in prezent folosim ‘used
e.g. Charlie used to be a very good swimmer when he was in college. (…obisnuia sa fie...)

Pentru actiuni care au repercursiuni si in prezent folosim ‘ be / get used to + verb ing’(a se
obisnui cu..)
e.g. I’m used to waking up at 6 am every day.
I got used to driving on the left in England.
e.g. Julie has never got used to eating olive oil.
Past tense continuous

Exprima o actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut. Se traduce cu imperfectul

din lb. romana.Se foloseste cu: yesterday at this time, last Monday at 6, yesterday at 2,
Se formeaza din:
was / were + vb.’ing’

e.g. I was jogging yesterday at this time.

They were walking at 4 o’clock yesterday.
Exprima o actiune in desfasurare intrerupta de o alta actiune.

e.g. I was having lunch when the mailman came.

Exprima doua actiuni paralele care s-au desfasurat in trecut.
e.g. While I was surfing the net, my sister was reading a book.

Was / Were + Sb+vb’ing’
e.g. Was Paula making her bed when you entered the door?
Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t

Sb+wasn’t / weren’t +vb.’ing’
e.g. They weren’t answering their teacher’s questions when I opened the door.
Present perfect simple

Actiunea a inceput in trecut, nu este definita in timp, nu s-a incheiat si are legatura cu
prezentul. Se traduce in limba romana cu perfectul compus (am citit, m-am intilnit…). Se
foloseste cu urmatoarele adverbe si prepozitii: just, ever, never, already, lately (in ultima
vreme), recently, so far (pana acum), always, often, yet (inca – in propozitii interogative si
negative), for (de – arata durata unei actiuni), since (de, din – arata momentul inceperii
actiunii). This is the first/second...time+have/has+vbIII/ed-e.g. This is the second time he has
visited (he’s visited)London.

Se formeaza din: Sb +have / has(he/she/it) +vb’III/ed’

e.g. They have just left. Tocmai au plecat.
We have been friends for a long time. Suntem prieteni de mult timp.
He has come here many times this year.
She has always loved you.
We have often visited England.

Interogatia: Have / has +Sb+vb.’III/ed’?

e.g. How long have you been here?
Has she arrived, yet?
Negatia: Sb+haven’t / hasn’t +vb ‘III/ed’
We haven’t seen each other too often lately.
Miss Ryan hasn’t started her work so far.
I haven’t met anyone yet who can run as fast as him…..sau…..I’ve yet to meet anyone
who can run as fast as him.

Present perfect continuous

Exprima o actiune care a inceput in trecut, se desfasoara sin in prezent, poate si in viitor. Se
traduce cu indicativul prezent din limba romana. Se foloseste cu ‘for / since’.
Se formeaza din Sb + have/has + been + vb’ing’

e.g. I have been living here for 20 years. Locuiesc aici de 20 ani.
She has been learning English since she first went to school. Invata engleza….

Interogatia: Have / has +Sb + been + vb’ing’

e.g. How long have you been reading? De cat timp citesti?
Has Kevin been cleaning the room for an hour? Yes, he has.

Negatia: Sb+ have / has + been + vb ‘ing’

e.g. We haven’t been playing our musical instruments since you came.
Garry hasn’t been smoking for a long time.

- folosim present perfect continuous pentru a arata o actiune incompleta, sau recent
e.g. Where have you been? I’ve been picking strawberries. Pe unde ai fost? Am cules capsuni.
Past perfect simple

- actiunea s-a desfasurat in trecut inaintea altei actiuni tot din trecut.
- se traduce cu mmcp, sau perfectul compus
- se foloseste cu – by the time / when, already, before, by ( pina la)
- se formeaza din:
SB + HAD + VB. III / ‘ED’
- e.g. By the time she arrived, I had already finished my lessons.
(? ) e.g. Had he finished reading when you called him? Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.
Neg. I hadn’t finished my report when you arrived.
Inversiunea – No sooner ( nici nu...) + had + sb + vb III / ‘ed’......than ( ca) .....past tense
e.g. No sooner had she arrived than she left in a hurry.
Hardly, Barely, Scarcely – ADVERBE NEGATIVE ( de- abia, cu greu) +
had + sb + vb III / ‘ed’......when ( ca) .....past tense
e.g. Hardly had he entered when she arrived

Past perfect continuous

Exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat in mod continuu si neintrerupt inaintea altei actiuni tot
din trecut. Se foloseste cu for / since.

Se formeaza din Sb+had+been+vb’ing’

e.g. I had been studying for 2 hours last night when you called me. Invatam de 2 ore……
I wasn’t able to meet my friends last night because I had been working hard all day and I
felt exhausted. Nu am putut sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii mei aseara pentru ca lucrasem foarte
mult toata ziua si ma simteam frant de oboseala.

Interogativ : had+sb+been+vb’ing’
e.g. How long had they been playing when their parents arrived?
Negative: sb+had+been+vb’ing’
e.g. Last night I hadn’t been writing for so long when you appeared.
Future simple
- folosim prezentul simplu pentru actiuni care se vor intampla in viitor, actiuni despre care
stim, sau avem informatii ca vor avea loc.
Se formeaza din Sb+ shall(pt. pers I / We) / will + vb.’inf’
e.g. I think Roger Federer will win the Championship at tennis next year. (he is a very good
tennis player).
e.g. Will they come back home soon? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. / will not
e.g. I won’t/ shan’t tell her the sad news.
- folosim viitorul simplu atunci cand luam o decizie la momentul vorbirii
e.g. I think I’ll have a vegetable salad.
The baggage looks very heavy, I’ll carry it for you.

Be going to – a intentiona sa(intend to…)…., a avea de gand sa…….o sa….

- folosim ‘be going to’ pentru a prezice ceva ce se va intampla, pe baza a ceea ce vedem,
simtim, auzim, ori avem dovezi despre ceea ce urmeaza sa se intample.
e.g. I’m going to faint. (I feel awful now). O sa lesin (ma simt ingrozitor acum)
- Watch out! You are going to hit that tree! (actiune inevitabila)
- folosim ‘be going to’ pentru decizii luate inainte de momentul vorbirii (planuri, intentii)
e.g. I’m going to study literature at University. Intentionez sa studiez……

Future continuous
- exprima o actiune ce se va desfasura in mod continuu intr-o perioada bine definita din
viitor, urmata de un adverb sau o locutiune adverbiala precum: next week at this time,
tomorrow at 5, from 2 to 4 pm next Sunday, tomorrow at 8, this time next Monday, all
day tomorrow, all the time, etc.
- se formeaza din Sb+will / shall(I/We)+be+vb.’ing’
e.g. I will be visiting the British Museum next Saturday at 6 o’clock.
Next week at this time we’ll be lying on the beach.
Will / Shall+sb+be+vb’ing’?
e.g. Will you be reading tomorrow at 2? Yes, I will / No, I will not / won’t
Negativ: Sb+won’t / shan’t+be+vb’ing’
e.g. He won’t be watching a movie tomorrow at this time.
- folosim viitorul continuu (sau prezent continuu) pentru a ne adresa in mod politicos cuiva
atunci cand ne referim la un eveniment legat de viitor.
e.g. What time will you be coming to baby-sit ? We have to be at the theatre by 8 o’clock.

- be about to+vb’infinitiv’ – a urma sa….., a fi pe punctul de a…

e.g. They are about to leave.
- be on the point / verge of+vb’ing’ – a fi pe punctul de a…, a urma sa…
e.g. Hurry up, guys! The train is on the point of starting!
- be to ( I am to…) / be due to (urmeaza sa…) – este folosit pentru a ne referi la aranjamente
formale, oficiale, instructiuni formale si pentru a da ordine.
e.g. Garry is to sing on the stage.
The plane is due to take off in 5 minutes.
Future perfect simple
- exprima o actiune care se va fi desfasurat intr-un anume moment din viitor.
- Se formeaza din Sb+will+have+vb’III/ED’
- Dupa ‘when, by the time, as soon as, until, before, after, by, once – folosim prezent
simplu sau present perfect simplu (cand dorim sa evidentiem incheierea unei actiuni)
e.g. I will have finished my homework by the time he gets back home. Imi voi fi terminat
temele cand se va intoarce acasa.
e.g. When she has completed her job, they will have already left.
Interogativ: will / shall +sb+have+vb’III/ed’
e.g. Will they have written the letters by 2 tomorrow?
Negatia: Sb+won’t / shan’t + have +vb’III / ed’
e.g He won’t have finished his job by tomorrow night.

Future perfect continuous

- arata de cat timp se va fi desfasurat o actiune intr-un anumit moment din viitor. Se
foloseste cu ‘for / since’.
- Se formeaza din Sb+will / shall + have + been +vb’ing’
e.g. I will have been watching the film for an hour when my father comes home. Voi privi la
film de o ora cand se va intoarce tatal meu acasa.
? Will you have been watching the film for so long when I call you ?
Negatia: I won’t have been watching the film for so long by the time you call me tonight.
SO and SUCH=atat de/asemenea
- Le folosim pentru a accentua un aspect. Sunt mai intense/puternice decat ‘very’
- So+adjective – e.g. It was so interesting!
- Such+adjective+substantive-e.g. He is such a clever boy!
- Plural=There were such interesting books.
- This is such beautiful weather!

Too (prea)/enough(destul/suficient)

e.g. Tony is too slow to win the race. He isn’t fast enough to win the race.

So=si mie/si lor (propoz affirmative)
Neither=nici mie/lui(prop neg)
I like French. So do I. So does she.
I liked English. So did I.
He’s seen (has seen) the film. So have I./so has he
I’ll call Harry! So will I!

I don’t read this kind of books. Neither do I.
I didn’t see it. Neither did I.
Tom hasn’t arrived. Neither did Mary.
He won’t come in time. Neither will Garry.

Either/or (ori….ori/sau…sau); neither/nor (nici…nici); both(amandoi)

e.g. I liked neither the film nor the book./I didn’t like either the film or the book.
Neither Tom nor Mary has called, yet. (se acorda cu singularul desi in vorbirea informal se poate
folosi si pluralul)
Both of them arrived in time.

Întrebările disjunctive

Întrebările disjunctive sunt cele care se adaugă la sfîrşitul propoziţiei şi se

traduce în limba romănă prin „,nu-i aşa?” sau „aşa-i?” Această întrebare
este utilizată atunci cînd interlocutorul se aşteaptă ca persoana cu care
discută să fie acord cu el. El îşi exprimă ideia, întrebînd în acelaş timp.
Cand in prima propozitie vb este la afirmativ, in a doua parte folosim
negatia timpului respectiv.


propoziţia Verb Pronume

You know Bob Wilson, don’t you? Yes, I do.

Mary is from Chicago, isn’t she? Yes, she is.

Jerry can play the piano, can’t he? Yes, he can.

negativă afirmativă

You don’t know Bob Wilson, do you? No, I don’t.

Mary isn’t from Chicago, is she? No, she isn’t.

Jerry can’t play the piano, can he? No, he can’t.

e.g. She lives in New York, doesn’t she? He lived here, didn’t he?
He didn’t live here, did he?
They have just arrived, haven’t they?
- somebody, someone, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody la prezent, vb primeste la pers. III
s/es, dar in disjunctie se folosesc la plural.
- E.g. Everybody is here, aren’t they?
- Nobody is here, are they?
- Somebody has just called you, haven’t they?
- Nobody has called you, have they?
- Exceptii: Let’s go, shall we? / I am tired, aren’t I?
- Positive Imperative-Be careful,will you/won’t you?
- Negative imperative: Don’t stop singing, will you?
- This/that is=e.g. This is Paul’s pen, isn’t it?
- These/those are brave men, aren’t they?

Reported/Indirect speech (Vorbirea indirecta)

1. prezentul de la vorbirea directa poate ramine neschimbat la vb. Indirecta
e. g DS ( DIRECT SPEECH ) She is a teacher.
IS ( Indirect speech ) She says she is a teacher.

2. prezentul ( simplu sau continuu ) de la vorbirea directa se transforma in past

( simplu sau continuu)
e.g I live in London. He said he lived in London. ( a zis ca locuieste in Londra )
I am going home. She told me she was going home.

3. Past tense ( S/C) SI Present perfect ( S/C) se transforma la vb. Indirecta in Past
perfect ( S/C)
e.g. He left yesterday. She told me that he had left the day before.
I was working. She said she had been working.
I have seen her many times. She said she had seen him many times.
She has been studying for 4 hours. He said he had been studying for 4 h.
4. future WILL se transforma in WOULD, SHALL IN SHOULD.
e.g. I will call you tomorrow. She said she would call me the next
I’ll be waiting for you. He said he would be waiting for me.
5. Must – ‘ I must finish this before I go.’ He said he must finish it before he went.

6. folosim ‘whether’ in loc de ‘if’ ( daca ) atunci cind avem de ales intre mai multe
e.g. She asked me whether I was going home or not. ( M-a intrebat daca
merg acasa sau nu)
7. cind ne referim la un adevar general folosim intotdeauna timpul prezent.
e.g. Our teacher told us that the earth is round.

Vorbirea directa ___________________ Vorbirea indirecta

- now then
- today that day
- yesterday the day before, the previous day
- last week the week before, the previous week
- tomorrow the next day, the following day
- next month the next month, the following month
- can could
- may might

Imperativul se realizeaza cu infinitivul lung al verbului – e.g. I told her to close the door.
Negatia la imperative se realizeaza cu ‘not to + verb infinitiv’
e.g. I told her not to close the door.
e.g. She suggested having a party / that we should have a party.

- Actiunea se rasfrange asupra subiectului – BY (complement de agent-de catre)
- E.g. – Who is the child brought to school by? He is brought by his father.

Present simple – to be+vb III/ed

Present continuous – to be+being+vb III/ed – The book is being written now by him.
Past simple – was/were+vb III/ed – Who was the book written by?
Past continuous – The book was being written yesterday at this time.
Present perfect - have/has +been+vb III/ed – The book has just been written.
Past perfect – had/been+vbIII/ed – The book had already been written by last week.
- Future – will+be+vb III/ed – e.g. It will be written tomorrow.
- Future perfect simple-will have been +vb III/ed-By 5 o’clock tomorrow everything will
have been finished.
- Modals (can, may, must, need...)+be+vb III/ed- e.g. It must be done immediately.

The comparison of adjectives

a) adj. monosilabice ( scurte ) formeaza comparativul adaugand terminatia ‘ER’ la
e.g. small – smaller; big – bigger; young – younger ; la superlative ad. Term ‘THE –
EST’ ; e.g. small – smaller – the smallest; big – bigger – the biggest; young – younger –
the youngest
- pt membrii din aceeasi familie folosim la comparative si superlative – elder ( mai in
virsta) si ‘the eldest’ ( cel mai in virsta)
b) adj. bisilabice ( lungi ) – la comparativ ad. ‘more’ + adj si la superlativ ‘the most +
adj’; e.g. beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful; interesting-more interesting-the
most interesting

Comparative de egalitate
- as+adjective+as e.g. My room is as large as yours.
- I am as tall as my friend.
Comparativul de inferioritate – not as adj. as…/ less + adj.than ( decat) – special pt
adj lungi e.g. My exercise is not as easy as yours.
e.g. This book is less interesting than yours.

Adjective neregulate: good ( bun) – better – the best; bad ( rau) / ill – worse – the worst;
much/many – more – the most; little – less – the least ( cel mai putin );
far – farther -the farthest( referitor la distanta); far – further – the furthest (referitor la
distanta si timp)- e.g. We are waiting for further information – Asteptam informatii
- e.g. The front door is the farthest point the baby can reach when walking alone.
- ‘the late’ – mai inseamna si ‘decedat’
- dublu comparative=Constructia – the comparative…..the comparative ( cu cat….cu
atat…) e.g. the sooner the better
( cu cit mai curand cu atat mai bine)

- adj. care au gradul comparativ de superioritate pot fi precedate de cuvinte care

intensifica a lor calitate, precum: much, far, by far, a lot, a good deal
- e.g. Vegetables are much cheaper in summer than in winter.
- E.g. Now that she has a new job she is far more optimistic.
- Adjective+ing(pentru lucruri)-That book is boring.
- Adjective+ed(fiinte)-I got bored on vacation.
- Adjective order:
e.g. She has beautiful long brown hair.

- Primesc terminatia ‘ly’ – She sings so beautifully.
- Good=well; bad=badly
- E.g. I speak English well now.
- Fast=fast; hard=hard;
- E.g.He runs fast.
Conditional Clause ( If-Clause)
0 conditional-folosita atunci cand ne referim la o situatie care intotdeauna este adevarata.
- If a football player is shown a red card, he leaves the pitch.
If + Present Simple __________ Present Simple or Imperative
e.g. When it rains hard, everyone stays indoors.

Type I- acest tip de propozitie este numita Conditie probabila / reala (actiunea probabil se va
intampla acum sau in viitor)
- If + Present ____________ + future (will /won’t) or modal verbs (can/may/must)
e.g. If he walks so slowly, he will be late.
- If not = unless + vb. la infinitiv - apare la toate tipurile de conditionale schimbandu-se
numai timpurile specifice frazelor conditionale.
e.g. If he doesn’t invite her, I won’t come either = Unless he invites he, I won’t come either.

Type II
- acest tip de propozitie se refera la o conditie imaginara, ipotetica din prezent. Este
echivalentul conditionalului prezent din limba romana (as citi, ar invata, etc)
- If + past tense (simplu / continuu)____________ would (simplu / continuu) sau verbe
modale - could, might, should
e.g. If I had more spare time, I would go out with my friends.
If I were you, I would study hard.

Type III
- acest tip de propozitie se refera la o conditie imposibil de realizat; actiunea nu a avut loc.
Este echivalentul conditionalului trecut din limba romana (as fi citit, ar fi invatat, etc)
- If +past perfect _________ would have +past participle (verb III/ ‘ed’)
e.g. If you had learnt the new words, you would have got a better mark. daca ai fi invatat
cuvintele noi, ai fi luat o nota mai buna.
- se poate omite ‘if’si putem incepe propozitia cu ‘had’
e.g. Had I believed her for one moment, I wouldn’t have refused to help.

- were to’ - e.g. If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you do? De-ar fi sa te cer in
casatorie, ce-ai face?
- Were to have+vb III/ed=actiune trecuta=I I were to have met her…=De-ar fi sa o fi
Alte moduri de a realize o propozitie conditionala:
-providing (used more in speaking)=if

a) ‘but for’ =if it hadn’t been for=de n-ar fi fost

e.g. But for his help / If it hadn’t been for his help, we would have been in trouble.De n-ar fi
fost ajutorul lui, am fi avut necazuri.
b) ‘supposing’ il poate inlocui pe ‘if’ in vorbirea curenta
e.g. Supposing you won the football match, what would you do?
c) ‘happen to’ – e.g. If you happen to see Kelly, could you ask her to call me? / Should you
see Kelly, could you ask her to call me?
d) ‘if it were not / was not for’ – e.g. If it weren’t for Jim, this company would be in a mess.
De n-ar fi Jim…ar fi un dezastru.
Have Causative
- aceasta structura have / get something done se foloseste pentru a arata ca cineva face un
lucru pentru noi (pozitiv sau negative)
e.g. I had my car serviced last month. Mi-am reparat masina luna trecuta. (nu eu personal)
e.g. I’m having my hair cut.
e.g. He has had his wallet stolen many times.
- ‘get something done’ – se foloseste in special cand exista sentimentul ca un lucru trebuie
neaparat realizat, sau pentru a te adresa in mod imperativ
e.g. I must get my bike fixed.
e.g. Get your hair cut!
e.g. Your hair needs cutting.
- ‘get’ poate fi folosit in loc de ‘a fi’, pentru a realize constructia pasiva in vorbirea
e.g. Jack got injured at a football match.

- dupa verbe precum ‘say, believe, know, think, claim, seem, appear, rumour (a se zvoni)’
se foloseste constructia pasiva urmata de infinitiv present sau trecut, pentru a arata o
opinie generala

e.g. a) People think that Henry is the most generous person.

Henry is thought to be the most generous person.
He is said to live in Portugal.(present simple)
b) They believe that Garry is living in England
Garry is believed to be living in England.(present cont)=se crede ca el locuieste…
She is said to be the tallest girl.(pres simple)
c) People said that James left the country illegally.
James was said to have left the country illegally.(past simple)…s-a spus ca a
d) My relatives thought you were waiting for your boss.
You were thought to have been waiting for your boss.(past cont./present perfect
continuous)=s-a crezut despre tine ca il asteptai…
e) Everyone knows the fence was painted by little Jack.(passive-by)
The fence is known to have been painted by little Jack.=Se stie despre gard ca a fost
vopsit de …
Unreal tenses and subjunctives

1. Wish / If only
- exprima regretful, speranta, ceva ce dorim sa schimbam din present
- daca actiunea este prezenta folosim dupa ‘wish, if only’ timpul trecut
e.g. I wish you weren’t leaving. Mi-as dori sa nu pleci. ( You are living).
If only I had a new car. (I don’t).
She wishes she spoke German. (She doesn’t speak).
- daca actiunea este trecuta folosim dupa ‘wish, if only’ past perfect
e.g. I wish I had learnt English in school. (I didn’t learn).
If only I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate. Now, I’m sick.
- folosirea lui ‘would’ dupa ‘wish’=are sens de viitor/ descrie un obicei irritant
e.g. I wish you would stop smoking. You smoke too much.

2. It’s (high) time

- este urmat de timpul trecut (simplu sau continuu)
e.g. It’s about time you went to bed. It’s very late.
- poate fi urmat si de ‘for+pronume+to infinitiv’
e.g. It’s time for you to go to bed.

3. I’d rather / I’d sooner

- se comporta la fel ca ‘wish’
e.g. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in my room. (actiune prezenta)
I’d rather have lived in London when I had the chance. (actiune trecuta)
dar I’d rather stay / not stay home – este preferinta speaker-ului de a face ceva
4. As if / as though
- daca actiunea este reala folosim timpul prezent
e.g. He acts as if he is in charge. (He is in charge)
- daca este ireala folosim timpul trecut
e.g. He acts as if were / was is in charge. (He isn’t in charge)
- folosim past perfect pentru o actiune trecuta, ipotetica
e.g. You’re looking at me as if you hadn’t been there. Ma privesti de parca n-ai fi fost acolo.

5. – dupa verbele ‘decide, demand, essential, insist, offer, order, recommend, require, regret,
say, settle, suggest, suppose, think, urge, important, necessary, advisable’ folosim timpul
prezent, fara terminatia ‘s’ la persoana a IIIa singular, pentru o exprimare formala
e.g. They demanded that he leave at once.
- pentru o exprimare mai putin formala dupa verbele de mai sus putem folosi ‘should’
e.g. They demanded that he should leave.

Exemple tipice de subjonctiv present:

Come what may – Fie ce-o fi

So be it – Asa sa fie
God bless you – Dumnezeu sa te binecuvanteze
God forbid – Fereasca Dumnezeu
Suffice it to say... – Este de ajuns sa se spuna…
God forgive you – Sa te ierte Dumnezeu
Be damned – Du-te dracului!
Modal verbs
Can (could)/ be able to
- exprima capacitatea fizica sau intelectuala de a efectua un lucru – I can swim 2 km.
- Can you drive? Yes, I can / No, I cannot / can’t
- He can’t speak English fluently.
- Exprima permisiunea in limbaj informal – Tony, can I talk to you for a second?
- Expr. posibilitatea in present sau viitor. ‘She can be in her room’ / he can be reading in
his bedroom.
- Can’t - exprima imposibilitatea – He can’t leave because it’s raining heavily.
- Be able to se poate folosi ca inlocuitor al lui ‘can’ – He was able to speak German last
year. / She will be able to spend more time with us.
- could – arata o posibilitate mai putin sigura in present sau viitor – He could bring her
along. Ar putea sa o aduca si pe ea.
- Could – pentru a face sugestii – We could go to the cinema instead – am putea…

May / might
May – exprima permisiunea, exprimare formala – Teacher, may I come in?
- posibilitatea - he may be ill / do you think she may be waiting on the corridor?
- Constructia may / might + try – Try as I might, I could not pass my driving test.=
Although I tried hard, I couldn’t pass…
- might implica idea de indoiala crescuta – He might come but I doubt. s-ar putea sa
vina dar ma indoiesc.
- Un repros – you might have told me about the incident. Ai fi putut sa-mi spui…

Must / have to
Must – obligatie impusa de vorbitor – Pedestrians must cross the street on the zebra only.
- O deductie logica in present – He has made an important discovery. He must be proud
of it.
- Mustn’t – interdictia – you mustn’t cross the street when the traffic light is red.
- Must- siguranta – He must be my teacher. Sunt sigur ca e…
- HAVE TO- exprima o obligatie venita din exterior – I’m afraid I have to give you
some bad news.
- Obligatii curente pe care cineva trebuie sa le duca la indeplinire – My father has to
work 8 hours a day, but he doesn’t have to work on weekends.
- Had to – se foloseste pt. a exprima o obligatie anterioara momentului vorbirii - he had
to wait for a long time.

Shall – exprima o oferta sau o propunere – Shall I open the door?

- un ordin sau o indicatie oficiala – Candidates shall not bring any printed materials into
the exam room.
- Un sfat – Shall we take this way? Ar fi bine s-o luam pe aici?
- Cererea unei pareri – Let’s start the meeting, shall we? / Shall I take the floor, or will
you – sa iau cuvintul, sau il iei tu?
Should / ought to
Un sfat moral – you should see that film. Ar trebui…
Instructiune – all visitors should show a library pass in order to be accepted in the reading
- nesiguranta – Should I leave or should I go?
- Critica unei actiuni – You shouldn’t eat so much late at night.
- Odd / strange / funny + should – It’s strange that you should be staying in the same
- In case + should/present – I’m taking the umbrella in case it should rain/in case it

Will – o cerere politicoasa – Will you be quiet, please? – Vrei sa…

Need – a avea nevoie, trebuie

- arata lipssa obligativitatii – Need I come, too? You needn’t come / you don’t need to
come. He needn’t get up so early if he doesn’t like to.
- I didn’t need to spend any money on these books because I found them in the library
– actiunea nu a avut loc pt. ca nu a fost necesara
- I needn’t have spent any money on these books because they can be found in the
library. – actiunea deja a avut loc, desi nu trebuia

Dare ( a indrazni) – in propozitii interrogative – How dare you talk to me like that?
I daresay – indraznesc sa spun / presupun

Past modals
e.g. He can’t have failed the exam – E imposibil sa fi picat examenul
She must have left the country – Sunt sigur ca a plecat din tara

- apare numai cind adverbele sunt la inceputul propozitiei

- No sooner, hardly, barely scarcely – had +Sb.+vb. III / ‘ed’ ...than / when +past tense
e.g. Never have I heard a weaker excuse !
e.g. Not only did he fail to report the accident, but also later denied that he had been
driving the car
e.g. Rarely had I had so much responsability.
- ‘only’ – se foloseste de obicei cu past – Only after posting the letter did I remember that
I had forgotten to put on a stamp.
- la fel sunt: only later, only then
- under no circumstances, on no account, at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until, not
only – Not until I got home did I realize that I had the wrong umbrella. (pina n-am ajuns acasa
e.g. On no condition are they to open the fire.(sub nici o forma... be to-urmeaza sa…)
- ‘little’ – sens negativ sau restrictiv – Little does the government appreciate what the results
will be./ Little did it appreciate…
- ‘so’ si adjectiv cind verbul principal este ‘be’ – So devastating were the floods that some
areas may never recover.
-‘such’ + be – inseamna so much / so great – Such was the force of the storm that trees were
- ‘as’ – We were short of money, as were most people in our neighbourhood.
- if they were to escape = Were they to escape
- If the police had found out = Were the police to have found out
- If you should hear... = Should you hear...
- If he has cheated = Should he have cheated...
- If I had known = Had I known, I would have protested strongly.

Loc: at; in within

In-(in) indica spatiul sau interiorul – in a country, in a room... He lives in New York
At- (la)indica un punct din spatiu sau un loc mai mic – at home, at work
Within – (in, intre – formal) indica pozitia - Many important documents are kept within the
walls of the museum
By(linga, la) – indica vecinatatea imediata – by the window
Beside; next to (linga;la; alaturi; aproape de) – indica apropierea imediata –
Near; close to (linga,aproape de) – indica apropierea in general
Against (lipit de; rezemat de)
Over (deasupra)
Under (sub;dedesubt)
Above (deasupra) si below (dedesubt) – arata ca un obiect se afla mai sus sau mai jos decit
On top of (pe) si underneath (sub) arata ca un obiect il atinge pe celalalt
In front of (in fata)
Before (inaintea; in fata)
Behind (in spatele)
After (dupa) – indica ordinea – He walked after his wife
Between – intre – un obiect se afla intre mai multe obiecte daca numarul acestora este definit
– Our school is between the hospital and the museum
Among (intre;printre) – un obiect se afla intre mai multe obiecte – There is a dictionary
among these books.

To - (la) – miscarea pina la un punct – He came to our house.
Into (in) – They went into the house
Onto (pe) – miscarea pe o suprafata – He walked onto the stage.
Towards (spre; catre) – They walked towards the river.
In a car (in masina); on the train (in tren) / by car (cu masina – cu un mijloc de transport)
Through (prin) – indica traversarea si patrunderea – Don’t walk through the park
Across / Over (peste) – indica numai traversarea – The train went over / across the bridge
Up and down (in sus si in jos)
Past (pe linga) – Walk past the hotel...
By (pe linga) – indica o miscare fara oprire sau cu intrerupere scurta – They drove by the lake
without stopping
Around (in jurul) – she walked around the house
About (in jurul; prin) – They came at about 9.
Off (de pe; de la) – exprima desprinderea de pe o suprafata – The glass fell off the table –
paharul a cazut de pe masa
Out of (din) – She came out of the house.
From (de; de la) – She came home from school.

At night; at dinner; at the weekend (noaptea; la cina; in weekend)
On Sunday (duminica); on New Year’s Day (in ajun de anul nou); on the first day of March
In the morning (dimineata); in August; In summer (vara); in 2008; in the 21st century
By – (nu mai tirziu de; pina) – by the end of the week
Before – inainte de
From – to (de la pina la ) – exprima relatii de timp sau directie – She stayed with us from July
to/till September
Till; until (pina la) - He worked until noon.

During (in timpul) – We were in Bucharest during summer.
For (de; timp de ) – indica durata unei actiuni neintrerupte – We stayed there for 4 weeks last
Throughout / all through (tot timpul) – It rained throughout the summer.
With (cu) / Without (fara)
Like (ca) – exprima o asemanare - he is like his father.
By hand – de mina; by bus; on foot (cu autobuzul; pe jos); on TV/ on the radio (la tv...)
Because of; on account of; from; out of; through– din cauza ca – She was late on account of
the heavy traffic – A intirziat din cauza traficului
In spite / despite –(in ciuda; cu toate)/ with all – Despite the bad weather / In spite of the bad
Except for; but (cu exceptia) – Everybody left but me.
Thanks to
On time – (exact la timp) / in time (la timp – devreme)
At the end – la sfirsitul
In the end – in cele din urma (finally)far away – departe / away from – departe de
Due to - datorita
Look at – a privi la
What is he writing about? Despre ce scrie?
What are they playing with? Cu ce se joaca?
Verbs followed by ‘ing’

- adore, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider, contemplate, deny,

detest, dislike, enjoy, fancy, finish, imagine, involve, keep, mention,
suggest, miss, permit, practise, recommend, resent, resist,
understand; can’t bear / stand, can’t help
e.g. He recommended us going in the mountains.
Do you fancy taking that trip?
- the following verbs: advise, allow forbid, permit, recommend + ‘to
infinitive’ when they have an object
e.g. I don’t recommend you to go to that resort.

Verbs + object + ‘ing’

- catch, discover, feel, find, hear, leave, notice, observe, spot, see,
want, watch
e.g. I don’t want her coming here.

Verbs + ‘to infinitive’

- afford, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, choose, dare, deserve, expect,
force, guarantee, help, hope, intend, manage, need, neglect, prepare,
pretend, refuse, volunteer, want, wish, yearn
(a tinji)
e.g. I refused to go there.

Verbs + object + ‘to inf’

- advise, allow, cause, command, encourage, forbid, force, get, invite,
leave, oblige, order, permit, persuade, recommend, remind, request,
tell, urge, warn
e.g. She encouraged me to take up the English course.

Verb (+ object) + infnitive without ‘to’

- had better, let, make, would rather
e.g. Mom, let me go, please.
- hear, make, see + to infinitive – in the passive: - We were made to tell
the truth.

Verbs + ing or to inf

- attempt, begin, can’t bear / stand, continue, hate, like, enjoy, love,
prefer, start
e.g. I started reading / to read a book.
- with vbs. of liking / preferance – the ‘ing’ form tends to refer to
general activities, and the ‘to inf’ to a specific activity.
e.g. I like playing football. (in general)
I like to play football every day. ( specific time)
Note – we use to-inf after ‘would like / love / prefer
e.g. I would prefer to see it.
I would like to be back in time.

Verbs with a change in meaning

Remember; Forget
1. I remember / forget taking the camera (looking back)
Please remember / Don’t forget to take the camera. (looking

Go on
2. Go on telling us the whole story . (continue)
He went on to become president. (do something next)
3. Mean
Managing well means communicating well. ( involves)
We meant to get up early. ( intended)

4. Regret
I regret not learning / having learnt English in school. (feel sorry)
I regret to inform you about that. (formal – in official letters)

5. Stop
She stopped drinking coffee 10 years ago. ( no longer do something)
He stopped to say ‘hello’ to her. (stop and change activity)

6. Try
Try taking this substance. (experiment; to see what happens)
Try to get more exercises. (make an effort)

Sense verbs – feel, hear, notice, see, smell, taste, watch, followed
1. object + ing – when we describe an action in progress or a
repeated action
e.g. I heard Sam singing a song.
2. object + to inf when we are describing a single or completed
e.g. I heard her sing a song.
The definite article – articolul hotarit – THE

- se foloseste inaintea unui subst care devine cunoscut pentru ca a mai fost mentionat
anterior – Now, children, open the books.
My house is not far from a river. Unfortunately, the river is
- inaintea subst cunoscute atit de vorbitor cit si de interlocutor – The garden is very
beautiful. / The editor asked about you.
- Inaintea subst care sunt evidentiate prin adaugarea unei expresii sau a unei prepozitii –
Who is the lady in black? / I’m going on holiday to the seaside.
- Inaintea unui subst la sing precedat de un adj – The injured man was taken to the
- Inaintea subst unice – the sun, the moon, the Earth, the sky, the Equator
- Inaintea unui subst care reprezinta o specie de animale, plante, sau o categorie de lucru
– The rose is the symbol of beauty and love / The nightingale is a singing bird –
privighetoarea este o pasare cintatoare
- Inaintea numelor proprii cu forma de plural sau a numelor proprii devenite subst
comune – The Tudors reigned in England for more than a century, between 1485 and
1603. – Tudorii au domnit… / Did you see the Rodin at the Tate gallery? – ai vazut
sculptura de Rodin…?
- Inaintea numelor de zile, luni, ani, anotimpuri, atunci cind se mentioneaza unul anume
– The year 2001 marked the beginning of a new millennium. / Did you know that in
the spring of 1954 the whole country was covered with snow till the month of May?
- Inaintea citorva nume de tari, provincii, regiuni sau orase – the Congo, the Netherlands,
the Yemen, the Sudan, the Crimea, the Riviera, the Ukraine, the Hague
- Inaintea unor nume de riuri, mari si oceane, insule, munti, deserturi – The Danube, the
Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel, the Carpathians, the Alps, the
Sahara Desert
- Inaintea unor denumiri geografice care include prepozitia ‘of’ – the United States of
America, the Gulf of Mexico, the Bay of Biscay (golful…), the Cape of Good Hope
(Capul Bunei Sperante)
- Inaintea puncelor cardinale – The train is going to the south. / the Middle East, the
West End, the West Indies
- Inaintea subst compuse care numesc perioade, evenimente si documente istorice – The
Stone Age, the Middle Ages, the Civil War, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
- Inaintea cladirilor oficiale – the Houses of Parliament, the White House, the British
Museum, the University of Bucharest
- Inaintea numelor de ziare si reviste – The Times, the Daily Mirror, The Sun…
- Inaintea numelor de vapoare – The Titanic was a luxurious cruise liner.
- Inaintea numelor de instrumente musicale – the guitar, the violin…
- Inaintea numeralelor ordinale – the first book, the second book…
- Subst – the former (primul din doi) / the latter (al doilea din doi)
- Inaintea adj. la gradul comparativ – urmat de prepozitia ‘of’ – She is the taller of the
two sisters.
- Inaintea adj. la comparativul dublu – the sooner, the better – Cu cit mai curind, cu atit
mai bine.
- Inaintea adj la superlative – the biggest – cea mai mare / at the last minute – in ultimul
- Inaintea subst collective derivate din adj – the rich (bogatii), the poor (saracii), the blind
(orbii), the deaf (surzii)
- To the hospital to visit… (purpose)-altfel nu fol ’the’ (got o school)
- Inaintea numelor de natiuni – the English – englezii; the Romanians
- Subst care nu primesc ‘the’ – North America, South America, South Africa

The Indefinite Article (articolul Nehotarit) – A/ An

- folosit inaintea unui subst numarabil la sing care este mentionat pt prima data – There
is a park not far from my house.
- folosit inaintea unui subst la sing care este folosit ca exemplu pt o clasa de finite sau
lucruri – A mother will always try her best to see her children happy.
- Inaintea numelor de profesie – He will be an engineer and I’ll be a doctor. ( daca se face
referire la un titlu sau functie, se omite – He hoped to be appointed chairman of the
company – spera sa fie numit presedintele companiei)
- inaintea unui subst la sing precedat de ‘as’ – She worked as a driver.
- folosit inaintea unui subst la sing care se refera la originea unor persoane, apartenenta
la religie ori partid politic – My first teacher was an American. / Margaret is a
- In expresii referitoare la preturi, viteza, frecventa timpului – These grapes are 50 cents
a kilo, an hour (pe ora), a day (pe zi)
- In propozitii exclamative dupa ‘What si Such’ – What a mess – ce mizerie/ He was such
a dear fellow- Era un om asa dragut
- A little – putin dar sufficient / Little – putin dar insufficient (se fol cu subst nenumarabile
– little sugar, coffee…)
- A few putin dar sufficient / Few – putin dar insufficient (se fol cu subst numarabile – a
few people, few books

The Zero Article- Articolul zero

- Inaintea numelor proprii – Have you met James Brown today?

- Inaintea subst care se refera la fam cuiva – mother, father, uncle, nurse
- Inainte de tari, provincii – England, Spain, New York
- Inainte de notiuni abstracte – power, knowledge (cunostinte), experience, wisdom
(intelepciune), freedom (libertate), time
- Inaintea subst nenumarabile – bread (pine), sugar (zahar), butter (unt), wine, whisky,
gold, silver, wood, grass (iarba), paper, oxygen
- Advice (sfaturi), furniture (mobile), information (informatii), luggage / baggage –
bagaje, news (stiri, vesti)
- Inaintea numelor de stiinte – He got first prize in Mathematics.
- Inaintea pl. subst numarabile cu sens general – Men and women should have equal

The noun (substantivul)

The plural: formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea terminatiei ‘s/es’

e.g. book-books; boy-boys; girl-girls
e.g. bush-bushes; kiss-kisses; box-boxes ( adaugam ‘es’ dupa substantivele terminate in ‘o,
ch, sh, x, s, ss,z’
e.g. country-countries dar toy-toys
- subst terminate in’f,/ fe’ formeaza pl in ‘ves’ e.g. knife-knives; wife-wives, wolf-wolves;
leaf-leaves; thief-thieves
DAR: chief-chiefs; cliff-cliffs; cuff-cuffs; grief-griefs; proof-proofs; roof-roofs
- ad. ‘s’ cind ‘o’ final este precedat de o vocala: radio-radios; cuckoo-cuckoos; kangaroo-
- cind ‘o’ este precedat de o consoana ad. term ‘es’ e.g. potato-potatoes; volcano-volcanoes
- subst. neregulate simple – man-men; woman-women; child-children; mouse-mice; goose-
geese; foot-feet; tooth-teeth; ox-oxen
- subst cu aceeasi forma la sing si pl : deer; game; reindeer; sheep; fish ( fol. ‘fishes’ doar
cind ne referim la diverse categorii- crap, stiuca)
- subst. Term. In ‘a’ primesc ‘ae’ la pl- alga-algae; vertebra-vertebrae
- ‘us’( sing)- ‘i’( pl) – octopus-octopi
- ‘us’/ ‘es’ – bonus-bonuses; chorus- choruses
- ‘um’/ ‘s’- millenium-milleniums
- ‘x’/’ces’ – index-indices
- ‘is’/’es’- oasis-oases
- ‘on’/’a’- phenomenon-phenomena
- literele, numeralele si abrevierile form. Pl. ad. Un apostrof si ‘s’ -1920’s, MP’s. In engl.
contemporana ad. decit un ‘s’- 1930s, Mt ( mountain)
- pl subst. Compuse- adaugam ‘s’ la ultimul element – classroom-classrooms; forget-me-not-
forget-me-nots; merry-go-round-merry-go-rounds (carusel)
- unele subst. compuse, alcauite dintr-un o constructie prepozitionala, ad. ‘s’ la
primul element
- looker-on- lookers-on ; mother-in-law-mothers-in-law ; passer-by-passers-by
- subst. compuse in care primul element este ‘man sau woman’ transforma la pl ambele
elemente –
e.g. man singer-men singers

- pl zero este folosit cu unele subst. in ‘s’ – barracks; headquarters; means; series; species-
This is an army barracks.

- subst. nenumarabile ( vazute ca un intreg)- sugar, coal, steel; advice, business, furniture,
homework, income, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, strength, work
( nu adaugam’s’)
- nume de boli- measles (pojar)- Measles is a catching disease.
- nume de stiinte si obiecte de studio term in ‘ics’- acoustics, economics- Acoustics is the
science of sound.
- elem. de jocuri: billiards, cards, dominoes, marbles ( Dominoes is just a game)
- unele subst proprii- Athens, Brussels, Naples, Wales, The Thames
- cuantificarea subst. invariabile se realizeaza cu: a piece of, an item of, a bar of, a bag of
: eg- a piece/slice of cake; a piece/loaf of bread; a piece/lump of sugar; a piece/roast of meat;
a piece/bar of chocolate/soap; a piece/stick of chalk; a piece/strip of land; a piece/an article of
furniture; a bit/blade of grass; a piece/ sheet of paper; a piece/word of advice; a piece of
information; an item/ a bit of business; a piece of work
- subst. cu forma numai de pl si se acorda cu verb la plural- binoculars, compasses, glasses,
scissors, trousers, spectacles, tongs, jeans, overalls, pants, pyjamas, shorts – e.g. These
trousers are very nice.
- folosite numai la plural- outskirts( periferie) He lives on the outskirts of the town. ( savings,
stairs, surroundings, thanks, valuables, contents, customs, goods, minutes-proces verbal,
pains-osteneala, spirits-dispozitie, wages-salariu, advice-sfaturi, advices-instiintari, avize)
- substantive folosite numai la pl- cattle, clergy, gentry, people, police, youth
- adjective sau participiile personale substantivizate- the poor, the rich, the sick, the wounded,
the handicapped- ‘The injured were taken to hospital’; The Alps; The Hebrides; the

Genul substantivelor
- brother-sister; earl-countess; gentleman-lady; lad-lass; lord-lady; monk-nun; nephew-
- actor-actress; count-countess; duke-duchess; god-godess; heir-heiress; host-hostess;
master-mistress; negro-negress; waiter-waitress; hero-heroine; bride-bridegroom
animale- stallion-mare; bull-cow; ram-ewe(sheep); boar-sow(pig); stag-hind(deer)---- lion-
lioness; tiger-tigress
- subst. nume de animale mici sint considerate neutre- I saw a frog by the lake.
- Cock-hen; dog-bitch; drake-duck; gander-goose, he goat-she goat; Jack-ass – Jenny-
- Tom cat-she cat

Cazul genitiv- ‘s
e.g. the girl’s dress; men’s clothes are less expensive; we keep the children’s toys here; the
drivers’ attention
- for goodness’ sake
- grupurile compuse si titulaturile compuse au marca genitivului ad. la ultimul cuvint – a
year and a half’s delay; my sister-in-law’s job
- 2 subst legate prin ‘and’ care reprezinta posesorii aceluiasi obiect ad. Marca genitivului
la ultimul cuvint – Tom and Mary’s parents( sint frati)
- daca obiectul nu apartine amindurora, marca genitivului o primeste fiecare- eg- Tom’s
and Mary’s friends
Folosirea genitivului sintetic- subst collective- the nation’s security; subst. ce denumesc
animale mari-the lion’s mane (coama leului); denumiri geografice si de institutii- Europe’s
future; subst. care denumesc unitati de spatiu, timp, masura- a mile’s distance, a pound’s
worth of sugar, a day’s journey
- for pity’s sake=te rog/fie-ti mila/pt Dumnezeu; for mercy’s sake=de mila
- unele pronume nehotarite – somebody’s advice; someboby else’s hat; another’s claim
- cind substantivul determinat este omis- St Paul’s ( cathedral)

folosirea constructiei cu ‘of’ – se fol cu nume de obiecte- the title of the book
- cu denumiri geografice urmate de nume proprii- the city of London
- cind dorim sa subliniem numele propriu – the sonnets of William Shakespeare
Spend, spend, spend!

What can I get/buy at the:

- bookshop: dictionaries, reference books, comics, novels, maps
- butcher’s: chicken, lamb, pork, mince, beef, chops
- chemist’s: shampoo, prescriptions, soap, aspirins, bandages, plasters, antibiotics
- jeweller’s: watches, rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets
- greengrocer’s:
fruit (oranges, apples, grapes, bananas, apricots, peaches, pineapple),
vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, onion, garlic, lettuce, cucumbers
cauliflower, eggplant, pepper), flowers, herbs
-bakery’s-white/black bread; baguette loaf, bagel, buns
Clothes: shirt, T-shirt, shorts, skirt, dress, blouse, top,
trousers / pants, jeans, underwear (panties), bra, tie, suit, hat, jacket, belt, socks,
sweater/jumper, coat, anorak, sweatshirt, sleeveless ,shoes, high heels, boots, sports shoes,
track- suit, sweatshirt, sneakers, trainers, footwear, scarf, gloves, cap, slippers, tights, dressing
gown, pyjamas, sunglasses, slippers, flip flops

- try on, changing room/fitting room, fit, suit, casual clothes/formal clothes, feel comfortable,
baggy clothes, tight clothes, in the sale, sold out, expensive, cheap/inexpensive,
cash-desk/check-out, cashier, change (e.g. here is your change), leave a tip, on the shelves,
push a trolley/cart, save money, make a shopping list, old-fashioned/unfashionable,
fashionable/trendy, look smart

Going shopping
Customer: So, I’ll take the shirt, the dress, these jeans and that jacket. Oh, wait a minute, is
this jumper in the sale?
Shop-Assistant: I think so. Yes, it is.
C: Could I try it on, please?
A: What size are you?
C: Twelve.
A: The changing rooms are over there.
A: Does it fit?
C: No, it’s a bit big. Do you have it in a ten?
A: No, I’m sorry, we’ve sold out.
Interviewer: What do you spend your money on when you have it, Tanya?
Tanya: Oh, holidays. I don’t spend anything for months. I just, save and save, then, when I
have enough, I go off for a week, or 2 or longer-somewhere I’ve never been before, or just
somewhere warm to relax. And when I’m not on holiday I spend money on books.
I: Travel books?
T: Yes, well, all kind of books, really.
I: David, what about you?
D: Well, I’m a student as you know, so I haven’t got much money, unfortunately. What I have
goes on music-CDs mostly.
I: What kind of music?
D: Everything-classical, jazz, pop. I also like going to pop concerts, but they cost a lot, so you
know, because the tickets are so expensive. I also love clothes, so if there’s a sale I buy casual
things-jeans, shirts, jackets-that sort of things.

Going shopping
Dialogue 3:
I: What kind of souvenirs do you bring back from your travels, Tanya?
T: I usually buy something for the house and garden-you know, wooden parrots, big plant
pots for my garden, small rugs. But it can be difficult to bring souvenirs back. I once sat on a
15 hour flight with an enormous plant pot on my knee, so big I couldn’t see over the top. Then
at the airport, I put it down for a second and somebody fell over it and broke it.
I: Oh, no!
T: I wasn’t very pleased. I also love jewellery, so, for example, in South America, I bought
lots of earrings and necklaces.
I: And you David?
D: Music of course and whatever’s cheap-clothes in the States are cheap. I collect T-shirts.
Likes and dislikes
Talking points:
-talking about preferences and things you don’t like
-articles about best friends and family or friends
-useful language
Grammar: Past tense simple and continuous (used to, be/get used to+’ing’)

Useful language:
- I find it really boring/interesting/exciting, It sounds great,
- It works for me/That’s fine by me
- I like/enjoy/hate+’ing’
- I’m crazy about +’ing’,
- I can’t stand/can’t bear (nu suport)/ I don’t mind (nu ma deranjeaza), I can’t help (nu
ma pot abtine), I prefer+’ing’(do you mind my parking the car over there?)
- Never mind/it doesn’t matter/forget about it (nu conteaza/ nu are importanta
- What kind of_______? / ce fel de…
- Support(a sustine), take care of/look after (a avea grija de ), help each other ( a se ajuta
reciproc), get on (a se intelege), be in a good/bad mood, (a fi intr-o buna/rea
- feel like/fancy+’ing’ (vrei/doresti sa, ai chef sa…),
- apart from (in afara de)/ except for/but,with the exception of
- I suppose/think; argue/have an argument / quarrel (a se certa)/ fall out – Do you
usually fall out?
- get back together


Useful phrases and words:

-I’m hungry/thirsty, (mi-e foame/sete)
- I’m on a diet (sunt la dieta),
- I’m full (m-am saturat),
- enjoy yourself (pofta buna), help yourself (serveste-te), dish (fel de mancare), vegetarian,
starter/appetizer (aperitiv), main course (fel principal), dessert, fizzy drinks (bauturi
acidulate), juice (suc), soda(sifon; suc), a glass of beer/wine/water, medium-rare steak/ well-
done steak (friptura in sange/bine facuta), menu, waiter/waitress (chelner/chelnerita), leave a
tip (a lasa bacsis)
- lay –laid – laid (laying) – a pune, a aseza / set the table, wash the dishes/do the washing
up=a spala vasele, forks=furculite, knives=cutite, spoons=linguri, tea-spoons=lingurite
ladle (polonic), napkins (servetele), recipe (reteta), receipt=bon/chitanta,
cookery course=curs de gatit
order (a comanda), book a table (a rezerva o masa),reservation/booking=retinere/rezervare
I think I’ll have…, mashed potatoes (Cred ca voi servi piure), French fries/chips=cartofi
prajiti, green salad
- I’m afraid we don’t have any fruit left (ma tem ca nu mai avem fructe), a slice of pizza=o
felie de pizza, sandwiches, spicy chicken wings (aripioare picante de pui)
- It’s piece of cake=este simplu/usor
- Can I get you something to drink? Pot sa-ti aduc ceva de baut?

-Could I have a… (as dori…), pay the bill, soup, fried fish (peste prajit), pasta with cheese
and ham, still / sparkling water (apa plata/mineral), pancakes filled with chocolate (clatite
umplute cu ciocolata); apple pie=placinta cu mere
- the meal was wonderful;
- available- disponibil
- Shall I open the window? Sa deschid…? / Shall I help you?
- Will you be quiet, please? Vrei sa faci liniste?
- follow me-vino cu mine
- I don’t mind. It’s up to you. Nu ma deranjeaza. Depinde de tine.
- Can you catch the waiter’s eys ? Poti sa-i atragi atentia chelnerului ?
- house red=vin rosu ieftin
- as well=de asemenea


W: Good evening, sir.
K: Hi. We’d like a table for two, please.
W: Have you booked?
K: No, I’m afraid we haven’t. Are you very busy?
W: Could you just wait one moment and I’ll see what’s available? Yes sir, we’ve got a table
but it has been booked from half nine.
K: I don’t think we’d want to stay later than that. What’s the time now?
M: It’s now quite seven o’clock.
K: That would be enough time then, wouldn’t it?
M: Yes, fine.
W: Would you like to follow me? Here’s the menu. Can I get you something to drink?
K: What do you want to drink: wine, beer?
M: Um, I’m not sure. Could you just give us a moment, please?
W: Of course.
K: Wow! What a choice! Can you recommend anything?

M: They bring you lots of different dishes and then we can just share them.
K: That sounds all right. Which one shall we get?
M: I don’t mind. It’s up to you.
K: Ok, well, how about menu D? I quite like the sound of the coconut soup and the beef dish?
M: Ok, fine.
K: Do you know what lychees (fructe dulci) are?
M: Oh, they’re a kind of fruit, really nice and sweet. Are you happy having wine?
K: Yes, red or white?
M: I prefer red, myself.
K: Ok. Shall we just get a bottle of the house red, then?
M: Can you catch the waiter’s eye?
W: Yes, sir. Are you ready to order?
K: Yes, we’d like the set menu D, please.
W: I’m afraid you need a minimum of three people for that menu.
K: Oh, right, right.
W: You can either have this one, or there’s a vegetarian option, menu E.
K: What do you think? I don’t really want the vegetarian one, myself.
M: No, me neither.
W: So, menu A then?
K: Yes, please.
W: And to drink?
K: Could we have a bottle of the house red?
W: House red.
M: Yes and could we have some water, as well?
W: Still or sparkling?
M: Sparkling, if that’s ok with you, Kenny.
K:Yes, fine.


1. Continue the story:

A few days ago we went to Michelangelo’s-that Italian place you told me about.
Unfortunately, it was a disaster from start to finish. When we got there……
Getting around (travel to a lot of places)

Useful language:
-I appreciate it, thank you so/very much; I’m grateful to you; don’t mention it
-how can/could I get to the…; go straight on/ ahead, turn left/right, cross the street, go past
the…,take the first turning on…, get in the car/get on the bus, get off /out of the car, how far
is to…, it only takes you…, take off, land/ touch down, fine, by car/train, ride a bike, on foot
-do you know this area at all?
-you must have taken the wrong turning somewhere;
- do you know if this is the way to…, it’s down there somewhere;
- follow the signs to the city centre;
- you mustn’t cross the street when the traffic lights are red;
- it’s along that road on the left-you can’t miss it;
- get lost;
- good/bad sense of direction;
- it’s 2 kilometres to your destination;
- motorway (motorist)/freeway/highway; subway/underground/metro
-reliable (rely on/count on), quiet, comfortable, healthy, cheap, expensive, safe, interesting,
endanger/dangerous, noisy, slow

(tourist, passer-by, local)

T: Excuse me, could you help me?

P: Sorry?
T: Do you know if this is the way to the British Museum?
P: I have no idea. I’m not from here myself. I don’t really know the area. Ask this guy here.
Hey, excuse me mate.
L: Yes.
P:Do you know a place round here called the British Museum?
L: It’s down there somewhere. Down past the park, but I’m not sure whereabouts exactly.
T: Sorry?
L: I’m not sure where it is exactly, but it’s down there somewhere. Follow the signs to Hall
Green. Just keep going straight on down this road, straight on until you get to a park. Ask
someone else when you get there.
T: Ok, thank you very much.
L: No problem. I hope you find it.

It drives me mad!
I share a flat with a friend from work-Kate. She’s a nice woman and we get on very well, but
there is one thing we always argue about: cars! She loves her car. She goes everywhere in it.
Every day she drives to work and I cycle. She says that cycling is dangerous and dirty-you get
all hot and sweat and she thinks it’s hard and boring. Most days, we arrive at work around the
same time, but quite often she arrives later than me because of a car crash on the main road,
because of the traffic light, or because she couldn’t find a parking space.
I can only cycle past these traffic jams and problems, so it takes me more or less the same
time every day. I guess it can be a bit dangerous sometimes, but only because there are so
many cars, and anyway, I’ve never actually had an accident or fallen off my bike. And of
course cycling keeps me fit. If I don’t travel to places by bike, I prefer to go on the bus or on
the train. It’s just more relaxing than going in the car. In the car all you can do is listening
music or to the radio, but on public transport you can read, listen to your Walkman, write
letters, watch lots of different kinds of people, make new friends or just sleep!
Anyway, the thing Kate and I have been arguing about is the new charge the council is going
to introduce. They want to charge car drivers 5 pounds a day to go into the town centre. They
say this will stop people making journeys that they don’t really need to make. It will make the
streets safer, and it will cut pollution. Also the council have promised to spend the money
they make on improving public transport. I think it’s a great idea.

1. You are in a city and you don’t know it at all. Find a destination and write a dialogue
about directions using the new words and phrases.
Describing people

- quite/pretty/rather young, around/about twenty/in his twenties

-nice/cute, handsome/good-looking, wonderful, amazing, friendly,
-communicative, talkative, sympathetic
- easy-going/calm
- patient/impatient, generous, adventurous,
- naughty/ rude, mature, immature, lively, energetic, lazy
- thoughtful, shy, tidy,untidy
-straight/curly/wavy hair;
- slim, thin, skinny, plump, fat/obese
- be in a good shape/be fit
-appearance, look like/take after/be alike/be similar to
- we use look like to describe physical appearance, be like for person’s character
e.g. What does Peter look like?
He's tall, with dark hair, and he wears glasses.

e.g. What is Julie like?

She is reliable, pleasant and helpful. She is like a friend.

- lose one’s temper, go red/ blush, go bald/lose hair, freckles, pimples/spots, dimple
-eyebrows, eyelashes/eyelids, cheeks, lips, teeth,
moustache, beard, chin, forehead, nostrils
-what I like about…; in spite of/despite+ing; be interested+ing; silly/stupid; ripped jeans
- what’s more/moreover/furthermore/in addition to
- although/even though
- however, on the one hand, on the other hand, in conclusion/all in all, in my
opinion/from my point of view, as far as I’m concerned
Adjective order: opinion, size, age, shape, colour,origin, material, purpose, noun
-beautiful long straight dark hair; a strange old wooden chair

My sister takes after my mum but people say I take after my dad. He’s a travel consultant and
he’s got his own business. He’s always nice and friendly.
My mother shows her feelings more. She works as a barmaid in a wine bar and she is quite
attractive. She’s got dark hair and a nice face with dark brown eyes. My sister is funny and a
bit different. She changes the way she dresses every week. I am not very interested in fashion-
I like my jeans and my old clothes. When we were young we had fights about silly little
things. She sometimes hit me so I ripped up her posters and threw her clothes on the floor.
My parents are divorced but they get on quite well. I live with my dad but my mum lives very
near and I see her about three times a week. I get on brilliantly with my dad-we can talk about
everything. He’s very easy-going and not strict, but he keeps me under control.
Personal reports:
Justin Harrison
In spite of his enthusiastic and friendly nature, Justin is far too emotional. His romantic ideas
often amuse the rest of the class and he gets very upset because of their behavior. This is a
pity because he is intelligent and often shows initiative.
John Brown
Although John tries his best he is not very intelligent. He does not seem able to show
initiative, and because he isn’t very decisive he is not making much progress.

Describe someone
I would like to describe my sister. My sister, Kelly is eighteen, she’s medium-height, not so
tall, she’s got beautiful long wavy blonde hair, big green eyes and narrow forehead. Her nose
is medium-size and she’s got full lips. She used to be a little bit chubby but now she is slim.
She is in a good shape because she goes to the gym twice a week. Kelly takes after my mum
but people say I take after my dad. My sister and I get on well and we rarely argue. I know
that she is always there for me and I can count on her at any time. She’s a confident person
and she’s the only one who I share my thoughts with. She’s never let me down. Kelly is a
funny person and makes me laugh a lot. At the same time she is very energetic and I’m quite
jealous of her.
On the other hand Kelly’s not adventurous at all, she doesn’t like to take risks. However, at
school she is sometimes a bit talkative but very hard-working. She helps her colleagues with
the homework and gives them useful pieces of advice. Whats’s more she is very helpful,
reliable and she’s friendly with the others and has never fallen out with anybody.
I love my sister the way she is and I’ve always looked up to her.

1. Describe a person you like and write as much as possible about his/her physical
appearance as well as his/her personality(150-200 words)
2. Write a personal report about three classmates. See the model above.
Me and my body
General theme: health
Skills: reading and speaking
Useful language
Grammar: modals-must/have to; can/be able to; may, might/be allowed to; should/had

Useful vocabulary:
-take exercises/vitamins/sports, lose weight/put on weight, stay healthy/health, cut down on,
have a sweet tooth (like very much), junk food (mincare de proasta calitate),
-at the doctor’s-she’s got stomachache/
- I’ve got a( bad) cold/ flu/ rash, sprained/twisted his/her ankle;
- a cough, my nose is running, sneeze, high temperature/ fever,
- sore throat, a headache, a backache, a pain in the leg, feel awful, feel dizzy, my stomach
hurts, hot lemon tea
-aspirin, lozenges, lie down, x-ray, have a check-up, make an appointment, get a prescription,
health insurance – you’d better

The sleeper
James Phillips is sleeping. He fell asleep quite suddenly in the middle of our interview.
Normally, I would feel angry if someone did this to me. I would think ‘How rude! Am I
boring you?’, but with James I feel sorry for him because James is suffering from narcolepsy.
It is a medical condition which makes people feel tired all the time. When you suffer from it,
you can’t stop yourself from sleeping and when you fall asleep, it is almost impossible to
wake you up. I tried to wake James up by shouting at him and ringing a loud bell, but he just
continued sleeping. His wife, Michelle, told me he would probably sleep for an hour or more.
Usually he sleeps between 16 and 20 hours a day. What makes it worse is the fact he often has
terrible nightmares while he sleeps.
For a long time nobody realized James was ill. When he was younger, James often overslept
in the morning and was late for school-although he didn’t usually sleep at school. He often
couldn’t do his homework because he usually went to bed at 5 or 6 in the evening. His
teachers just thought he was lazy and he often got bad grades. After leaving school, his illness
got worse. He lost several jobs, or he was found asleep at his desk. Then, one day, he fell
asleep while he was driving. He crashed into a wall and broke his arm. He was lucky he didn’t
kill himself. He finally went to the doctor to ask for help. He was told he had narcolepsy. That
was 10 years ago. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the condition and doctors aren’t even
sure what causes it. Five years ago he met his wife, Michelle, when they were both doing a
computing course. Michelle says, ’He’s a really good-looking guy, so I was surprised he
didn’t already have a girlfriend. Then I found out why! He didn’t actually come to the first 3
dates we arranged because he was sleeping. I wasn’t going to give him another chance, but
then he explained his problem and how the narcolepsy is worse when he was very nervous-
for example when going out with a beautiful girl for the first time. I couldn’t say no after that,
could I? He’s intelligent, he’s got a great sense of humour and he’s basically a normal guy-it’s
just that he can’t do certain things like drive or have baths or travel on his own because he can
fall asleep at any moment. It’s all right, though, because I’m not the kind of person who likes
to go out very late, anyway. I’m a bit shy. I like to spend time on my own, so we’re a good
‘So don’t you ever get fed up with his sleeping?’ I ask her.
‘No, not really,’ she replied, ‘although the other week, we went out for dinner to celebrate our
third wedding anniversary. It was a really lovely restaurant. It was really romantic. We
ordered our meal and I just went to the loo for a moment. When I came back, I found him
asleep with his face lying in a plate of salad. I was a bit fed up then, I must say, but then the
food was fantastic and he woke up in time for the dessert, so it wasn’t that bad!’
Sample letter

How are things going on with you? What’s the weather like with you? It’s awful here.
It’s rained every day so far in October.
It was really good to get your letter. Your school sounds much more interesting than
mine! And I was really amazed to hear about the mountain-climbing trip you did.
Weren’t you scared when it started to snow?
My big news is that I’ve been invited to a party in London. I’ve never been to a party in
London before. I’m really excited. Also I’ve been selected for the school basketball team.
It’s not surprising-I’m the tallest girl in school. But I’m really pleased because we have a
great team at school, and there’s a lot of competition to get in it. Is there a basketball
team at your school?
As usual, nothing much has happened in my family. Oh, yes! I didn’t tell you – my mum
has gone on holiday with a friend of hers called Margaret. My dad isn’t very happy
about that. My brother has started working in a shop on Saturdays. Have you got a
Saturday job? I just can’t wait to see you.
Write and tell me all your news!
Best wishes,

Useful language
Beginning the letter
- Many thanks for your letter (it was really nice to hear from you)
- It’s been such a long time since we wrote to each other
- How are you and your family

Introducing the topic

- You remember I told you in my last letter
- I know you’re waiting to hear all about (my holiday)

Ending the letter

- Once again, (thanks very much for your help)
- Give my love/regards to your family
- Please drop/write me a line soon
- I look forward to meeting you / I can’t wait to meet you
- Best wishes, Love, All the best

Keep in touch

Formal letter
- Begin by saying why you are writing (don’t begin by saying who you are)

- Make a clear connection between your letter and the task. Don’t repeat the words

- List your complaints clearly, using linking words to connect your actual complaint
with the details

- If you expect a reply to your letter finish with

- ‘I Iook forward to hearing from you soon’ on a separate line

- Do not use contractions (e.g. I’m writing…) and use a formal style (e.g. I am
delighted; I received…)

Useful language
- I am writing to you about (several problems related to …)

- I have been waiting for…

- To make matters worse…

- I would be grateful if you could…

- I am writing in response to…

- I would like to know more about…

- With reference to your letter… I enclose further details

Model answer
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to complain about a short holiday I had recently, which was organized by
Citybreaks. I was dissatisfied with several things.

First, your advertisement promised a hotel in a central location, whereas in fact the hotel
was a long way from the city centre. You also said that all the rooms would have a river
view, but my window just looked over a car park, which was very noisy. I also had to pay
extra for dinner, although the advertisement had stated that it was included in the price.
To make matters worse, I had no choice of which show to go to. I had wanted to go to a
new musical, but the only ticket offered to me was for one which I had seen already.

I had been looking forward to my holiday very much, but it was completely ruined by
these problems. I therefore feel that you should refund half the cost of the holiday in
compensation for my disappointment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Jack Freeman

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