1) Experimental Laboratory, Cancer Research Center, Cancer Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Afshar Hospital, School of Medicine, Yazd University
of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran
Abstract- Wound healing in the skin depends upon the availability of appropriate trace metals as
enzyme cofactors and structural components in tissue repair. The present study is a part of a series of
experimental investigations to examine the influence of Bentonite on skin wound healing. Surgically
induced skin wounds in 48 young adult male rats were exposed topically to Bentonite (12 round wound
and 12 incisional wound) and control wounds (12 round wound and 12 incisional wound) received de-
ionized water only. Skin wounds (round and incisional) treated with Bentonite exhibited no significant
difference in margins with erythema and edematous changes. Scab and wound debris was more
extensive and persisted for at least 7 days after surgery in control group (P < 0.05). Skin wounds
exposed to Bentonite exhibited a mild retarded re-epithelialization, the treatment wounds were
characterized by a prominent central mass of inflammatory cells, cell debris and wound exudate. The
intense infiltrate of lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes and fibroblasts extended from the wound
margin into the region of the panniculus carnosus muscle and hypodermis. Vascular dilatation and
dermal oedema were prominent features of these wounds. External utilization of Bentonite for wound
healing is safe and feasible, and we finalized that macroscopic healing of wound that treated by
Bentonite was superior versus control group.
Acta Medica Iranica, 44(4): 235-240; 2006
© 2006 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
components (3). Recent studies in the rat model have Table 1. Analysis of bentonite by X-ray distribution.
demonstrated that as wounds heal, local Major phase
concentrations of zinc, calcium, copper and Montmorillonite
magnesium change according to the phase in the Minor phase
wound healing cascade and associated biochemical 1. Illite-Montmorillonite [K-Al4(SiAl)8O20(OH)4,XH2O]
events (4). Clinical observations in humans and 2. Nontronite-15A [Na0.3Fe2Si4O10(OH)2,4H2O]
experimental studies have demonstrated that 3. Albite [(Na,Ca) Al(Si3Al)O8
deficiencies in the availability of these metals, 4. Hslloysite-7A [Al2Si2O5(OH)4]
imbalance in local concentrations, or defects in
metabolism are potential causes of defective or Full-thickness wounds
nonhealing wounds (5, 6). Rats were anaesthetized by Ketamine 50mg/Kg
The present study is a part of a series of and Xylazine HCL 5mg/Kg and all subsequent
experiments designed to investigate the action of wounding procedures were carried out on a heated
bentonite on skin wound healing in the rat model. table. The dorsal region of the animal was shaved
and sterilized using 70% alcohol. Using sterile 1 cm
MATERIALS AND METHODS punch biopsies, a full-thickness excisional wound
(round wound) and 1 cm longitudinal full thickness
Animals wound (incisional wound), (4, 10) were created on
Male young adult rats, SD (250+/-50 g body each dorsolateral flank equidistant from the midline.
weight) were used in all experiments. Rats were Wounds were separated by a margin of at least 15
housed in groups of four in plastic solid-bottomed mm. Each wound region was digitally photographed
cages provided with sterile dust-free bedding and at the indicated time intervals, and the areas of the
temperatures of 22 ± 2 °C, relative humidity of 45– wounds were calculated by PhotoShop software,
55%, and 12 h:12 h day/night cycles. All version 7.0. Changes in the wound areas were
experiments on animals were performed in expressed as the percentage of the initial wound
accordance with UK legal requirements. areas. After preparation of Bentonite (2 gr/5cc H2o),
the covering was applied in round and incisional
Chemicals wound in case group and the treatment was repeated
Type of mineral elements of the bentonite was 10 days until the end of the experiment.
distinguished in previous studies: commercial term Measurements of the inner wound edge were
for clays containing montmorillonite type minerals repeated on days 3, 5, 7 and on day 10 to enable
(7), Na 0:33[Al1: 67 Mg 0:33] Si4 [OH]2 (8), Native calculation of wound closure as a result of re-
hydrated colloidal aluminum silicate clay (9). epithelialization. Bentonite treated and control rats
The principle constituent is montmorillonite. after 10 days and wound sites excised. The tissue
However, other minerals such as illite, kaolinite and was preserved in 10% phosphate buffered formalin
nonargillaceous detrital minerals can be present. for histology and haematoxylon and eosin stained
Most bentonites appear relatively pure and other sections. Comparable numbers of control animals
mineral contributions rarely exceed 10%. received de-ionized water only.
Cristobalite is often present. Montmorillonite
compositions frequently vary either in its lattice Clinical assessment of wounds healing
structure or in the exchangeable ions present. We During and the end of the treatment wound sites
analyzed Bentonite by X ray distribution that were examined daily for evidence of hemorrhage,
summarized in Table 1. Bentonite functions as an ulceration, scab formation, suture loss or other
absorbent, bulking agent, emulsion stabilizer, changes. For this, wound outlines were transferred to
opacifying agent, suspending agent-nonsurfactant, software capable of determining the area and the
and viscosity-increasing agent-aqueous in cosmetic extent of wound closure expressed as a percentage of
formulations (9). the original wound size: % wound closure = 100×
Table 2. Clinical observation of wound healing (ring and long) that expose to Bentonite compared to control group after 7 days.
Round wound Wound healing Inflammation
Bentonite group 10 (83.3%) 4 (33.3%)
Control group 5 (41.6%) 4 (33.3%)
Incisional wound Wound healing Inflammation
Bentonite group 11 (91.6%) 5 (41.6%)
Control group 4 (33.3%) 6 (50%)
Bentonite is widely used in many, many successful treatment for exposure to chemical
industries. However, what make it unique for warfare. One Army emergency livestock protocol
consideration in natural medicine are its very unique calls for immediate administration of bentonite
properties. When properly hydrated, it creates and internally to counter effects of radiation poisoning in
sustains its own subtle electromagnetic field livestock (food sources). The immunotoxicity of
(negatively charged particles). It has extremely Bentonite through environmental and dietary
powerful Absorptive properties, i.e. it attracts and exposure is recognized in humans and experimental
holds to its surface many toxic substances. U.S. animals (15-17). Beck and Bignon dosed peritoneal
Army studies show that bentonite may be a macrophages with two samples of Bentonite and the
Fig 2. Microscopic observations of skin wounds exposed to Bentonite exhibited a mild retarded re-epithelialization, the treatment
wounds were characterized by a prominent central mass of inflammatory cells, cell debris and wound exudates (A) and control group
triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) reduction, LDH between two groups and we concluded that
activity, and methylene blue absorption were used to Bentonite was not very efficient for improving of
assess cytotoxicity (18). Bentonite inhibited TTC wound. Further work by more cases needs to be done
reduction similar to the fibrogenic dusts such as on these.
quartz. However, the extracellular LDH activity was
not increased and methylene blue absorption was Conflict of interests
very high. Hatch examined the cytotoxicity of We have no conflict of interests.
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