0 Shiota 2010
0 Shiota 2010
0 Shiota 2010
Role of Mast Cells in Wound Healing Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010;151:80–88 81
20 NS +/+
100 NS
Re-epithelialization (%)
Fig. 1. Closure and re-epithelialization of 10
the scald wounds of +/+ mice and W/W V
mice. Wound size (a) and the percentage 50
of wound re-epithelialization (b) of scald
wounds in +/+ mice and W/W V mice were 5
calculated at 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after scald NS
injury. There were no statistically signifi- NS
cant between-group differences in the ex- NS
tent of wound closure and re-epithelializa- 0 0
tion during the experiment. Results are 3 7 14 21 3 7 14 21
shown as the mean 8 SEM (n = 6 for each a Days b Days
time point). NS = Not significant.
Vessel regeneration was observed at the wound edge
in both groups by day 7. The number of vessels at the
wound edge peaked in +/+ mice at day 14 and then de-
creased significantly at day 21, while it increased con-
tinuously in W/W V mice until the end of experiment
at day 21. This number was higher in +/+ mice than in
W/W V mice at day 7, but lower in +/+ mice than in
W/W V mice at day 21 (fig. 4a). At the wound center, the b
number peaked in +/+ mice at day 14 and then de-
creased significantly at day 21, but in W/W V mice, the
number continued to increase up to day 21. The num-
ber of vessels at the wound center was higher at day 14
but lower at day 21 in +/+ mice than in W/W V mice
(fig. 4b). In both groups, angiogenesis took place during
the proliferative phase, but to a lesser extent in W/W V
mice than in +/+ mice at days 7 and 14. Furthermore,
vascular regression took place in the late remodeling
phase at day 21 in normal +/+ mice but was not ob-
served in W/W V mice.
Role of Mast Cells in Wound Healing Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010;151:80–88 83
1.0 +/+ 80
W/WV b b
Fig. 3. Dermal thickness and fibrotic area b
300 +/+ 300
b b
Fig. 4. The number of vessels at the edge a
200 NS 200
and center of scald wounds in +/+ mice b
and W/W V mice. The number of vessels at a
the edge (a) and center (b) of scald wounds a
in +/+ mice and W/W V mice was mea- a a
sured before (no injury) and after scald in- NS a
jury. Angiogenesis was retarded and vas- 100 100
cular regression was not observed in the NS NS
wound tissues of W/W V mice. Results are
shown as the mean 8 SEM (n = 6 for each
time point). a p ! 0.05, injured vs. unin-
jured normal (no injury) skin tissues with- 0 0
in the same mouse strain. b p ! 0.05, +/+ No injury 3 7 14 21 No injury 3 7 14 21
mice vs. W/W V mice. NS = Not signifi- a Days b Days
after scald injury. However, there was no difference in re- and ␣2-macroglobulin in interstitial fluid strongly inhib-
epithelialization between normal +/+ mice and W/W V it chymase [19, 20]. Chymase released from degranulated
mice. Another study using W/WV mice also found mast mast cells may be suppressed by natural protease inhibi-
cells played no role in re-epithelialization after excisional tors. Because chymase is an important inhibitory factor
skin injury [5]. The precise reason is unclear why mast for re-epithelialization [18], inhibition of chymase activ-
cells may not have major role on the physiological re-ep- ity early in the wound healing process may favor initia-
ithelialization process, but the substantial suppression of tion of re-epithelialization. Actually, re-epithelialization
chymase activity within the wound of +/+ mice at days 3 in +/+ mice after scald injury started within 3 days, and
and 7 may partly explain the reason. The wound region was not delayed compared with that in W/W V mice. Oth-
became edematous immediately after scald injury and er mediators may also be released into the wound regions
filled with interstitial fluid containing a variety of natu- immediately after scald wounding; however, their role on
ral protease inhibitors. Especially, ␣1-antichymotrypsin re-epithelialization was not determined.
150 +/+ 40
Fig. 6. The number of mast cells at the edge W/WV b
and chymase activity of skin tissues in +/+
Mast cells at edge of scald wound (mm–2)
mice and W/W V mice. The number of Chymase activity (mU/mg protein)
mast cells at the wound edge (a) and chy- b
30 b
mase activity (b) in the skin tissues of +/+ a
mice and W/W V were measured before (no b
injury) and after scald injury. The number b
of mast cells increased dramatically at the b 20
wound edge in +/+ mice (a). Chymase ac- a
tivity in the skin tissues of +/+ mice was b
decreased significantly 3 and 7 days after 50
b a
injury, and then recovered to the pre- b 10
injury level at 14 and continued to in- b a
crease at 21 days (b). Results are shown as a
the mean 8 SEM (n = 6 for each time
point). a p ! 0.05, injured vs. uninjured 0 0
normal (no-injury) skin tissues within the No injury 3 7 14 21 No injury 3 7 14 21
same strain of mice. b p ! 0.05, +/+ mice vs. a Days b Days
W/W V mice.
In our study, although wound closure and re-epitheli- suggest that mast cells may contribute to wound healing
alization were not significantly different between W/WV during the proliferative phase. However, previous reports
mice and +/+ mice, stronger fibrous proliferation occurred suggested that mast cells were superfluous during prolif-
at the wound edge in +/+ mice than in W/WV mice. Impor- eration after excisional skin injury [5, 10]. This discrep-
tantly, the number of mast cells increased markedly at the ancy may be due to the difference in the methods used for
wound edge in +/+ mice during the proliferative phase. The inducing skin injury. Another study showed that re-epithe-
proliferative response and increase of mast cell number oc- lialization speed was slower and fibroblastic proliferation
curred in the same area at the same time. These results amount was greater for scald wounds than excisional
Role of Mast Cells in Wound Healing Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010;151:80–88 85
Color version available online
a b
c d
e f
wounds [21]. Healing after scald injury is a more compli- at day 7, and continued to increase markedly at days 14 and
cated and prolonged process than that after excisional or 21. Although the precise mechanism is unclear, recruit-
incisional injury. Importantly, the number of mast cells in ment of mast cell progenitors into the injured regions and/
surgically injured skin has been found to decrease in the or local proliferation of mast cells may be more strongly
early phase and then recover without increasing further in activated in the late phase of wound healing after scald in-
the late phase of wound healing [4, 12]. In our present study, jury than that after uncomplicated surgical injury.
the number of mast cells at wound edge in normal +/+ mice Mast cells produce various profibrotic factors includ-
was also decreased at day 3, but exceeded the control level ing TGF-1. TGF-1 is a multifunctional growth factor
Role of Mast Cells in Wound Healing Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010;151:80–88 87
Interestingly, wound closure was completed within 3 Acknowledgment
weeks, whereas the number of mast cells in injured skin
The authors would like to thank Dr. G.H. Caughey, University
was continuously increased in +/+ mice. Further studies of California, San Francisco for kindly providing the antibody
in the late remodeling phase after wound closure are war- against chymase.
ranted to clarify whether the observed impairment in
mast cell-deficient mice is transient or affects the general
quality of the healed wounds.
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