1T Mobile KYC
1T Mobile KYC
1T Mobile KYC
Change from
Account and lines Amount last month
Account $88.99 -
(262)210-8641 $24.14 -
Total $113.13
Please detach this portion and return with your payment.Please make sure address shows through window.
Statement for Account number Bill close date
Brandon Bjerga 2083589214 November 15, 2026
Need to know
Government taxes and fees includes sales, use, excise, public utility and E911 same day we receive your payment, and your canceled check will not be
taxes and governmental charges and fees that we are required by law to bill and returned. If payment is returned unpaid, you authorize us to collect additional
remit. These taxes and fees may change from time to time without notice. fees as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Service at t-mobile.com/terms-
conditions. Please contact (800) 937-8997 with any questions.
T-Mobile fees and charges include (i) a Regulatory Programs Fee (which helps
to recover some of our costs incurred complying with local, state and federal Equipment Protect by Asurion (in Puerto Rico: CAPIC) is for the equipment repair
governmental mandates and programs, including, but not limited to, E911, local and replacement you may have selected. See Equipment Protection Terms and
number portability and number pooling); (ii) state and federal universal service Conditions at t-mobile.com for details.
fund charges (to recovery charges imposed on us by the government to support
universal service); (iii) other governmental assessments on us including, without Please contact T-Mobile with any questions or disputes about your service or
limitation, gross receipt and excise taxes. These surcharges and fees are T- bill. You can reach T-Mobile by calling (800) 937-8997 or 611 from your T-Mobile
Mobile charges, not taxes. What is included in the surcharges and fees may vary device-TTY (877) 296-1018, by visiting our website at t-mobile.com, or by writing
by locale and are subject to change from time to time. to T-Mobile Customer Relations, P.O. Box 37380, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380.
You can view your bill and usage details for free online by logging into your
Late Fees may apply on unpaid balances. The fee is the greater of $5 or 1.5% account at t-mobile.com. You can review your Terms and Conditions online at t-
per month, or the greatest amount permitted by law. This fee is a liquidated mobile.com/terms-conditions.
damage and not a penalty.
Throughout this bill, data is rounded up to the nearest KB each use, and, for
Payment by Check. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize billing, rounded up to the nearest MB at the end of each billing cycle. If you switch
us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic data plans mid-cycle, for billing, data will be rounded up to the nearest MB at time
fund transfer (EFT) from your account or to process the payment as a check of the change, and charges may not be displayed separately for each plan. 1024
transaction. If we process your payment by EFT, the funds may be withdrawn the KB = 1 MB, 1024 MB = 1 GB.
Current charges
Fam SimpleChoice NCCk UNLTT $80.00
Subtotal: $80.00
Subtotal: $8.99
Total: $88.99
(208) 358-9214
Subtotal: $20.00
Subtotal: $4.14
Total: $24.14