Plus Net Bill
Plus Net Bill
Plus Net Bill
Your bill
Payment method
You currently pay by: Your payment will be taken on or around:
Direct Debit 24/09/2023
Got a minus sign in front of your outstanding balance? That means you’re in credit and don’t have to make a payment.
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Don't forget you can log into Member Centre to view your latest perks, access help and support and make
changes to your package.
Your charges broken down
Total £57.98
Inc. VAT
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Need to get in touch? Managing your Account:
By Phone: For regular payments, like broadband, phone and TV, you pay for the next
0800 432 0200 (free from landlines and mobiles) month in advance. For any charges that could change each month, like
Online: broadband usage or phone calls, you’ll see them on your bill the month
Speak to an advisor over Plusnet Chat: after you’ve used them, in the Other Items column.
Our address is: If you need to make any changes to your account you can do this by logging
Plusnet plc, The Balance, 2 Pinfold Street, Sheffield, S1 2GU in and going to ‘My Account’.
Wish to make a complaint? From here, you can change payment and address details or change your
We aim to be number one for customer service. However, sometimes things can payment date. You can pay your bill by Direct Debit, by credit or debit card.
go wrong and, when they do, we want to put them right for you as quickly as we
can. You can access our complaints code of practice at the following link: If you’ve got an overdue payment, you can see the full amount that’s due and make a payment by logging into your account. Or you can visit
Raising a complaint
The fastest way to let us know if you're not happy with your service is by using
Plusnet Chat or by calling us on the details above, 7.30am - 10pm, every day. Got a question about your bill?
We’ve got a full FAQ section for billing on our Help & Support pages, including
By letter a short video which talks you through your bill which you can find at
You can make a complaint by writing to the address above. Make sure to include
your account username, postcode and landline telephone number. Once we get
your letter we’ll respond within 10 working days. Information about how 084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers are charged
The charge for calls to service numbers beginning 084, 087, 09 and 118
What we'll do and when consists of a 9.58p per minute access charge from Plusnet, plus a service
Our aim is to resolve any problem as quickly as possible, preferably during a charge set by the company you called. For more information visit
phone call or online chat. However, if we’re unable to resolve your complaint
there and then, we’ll investigate further and contact you with an update as soon
as we can. See a minus sign in front of your outstanding balance?
Good news, that means your balance is in credit and you don't owe us
What to do if you're still not happy anything. If your payment details are registered with us then we won't take a
If you're still not happy with our final position on your complaint you can payment this month.
take the matter to Ombudsman Services.
Refer your friends
Ombudsman Services provides a free, independent service for Plusnet You can save money on your bill by recommending us to your friends and
customers who are not satisfied with the final outcome of their complaint. family. For everyone that joins us on your recommendation, we’ll pay you up
to £1.25 per month for each person for as long as they’re Plusnet customers.
Ombudsman Services cannot deal with complaints about commercial policy Find out more by logging on to your account and selecting “My Referrals”.
(e.g. our prices or broadband availability), nor can it deal with complaints from
business users with more than 10 employees.
You can refer your complaint to Ombudsman Services for resolution either by
contacting them via their contact details below, or by using the Online Dispute
Resolution portal:
• Phone: 0330 440 1614
• Textphone: 0330 440 1600
• Ombudsman Services: Communications, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU
If you choose to use the Online Dispute Resolution portal, you will be asked for
our contact details, which you can find in our Complaints Code of Practice
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