PolicyWording En
PolicyWording En
PolicyWording En
About us
North American Air Travel Insurance Agents Ltd. doing business as TuGo® is a licensed
insurance agency in all Canadian provinces and territories.
TuGo is a third-party administrator of travel insurance products and services. We develop
and administer a variety of travel insurance plans for Canadian business and leisure
travellers, visitors to Canada and international students.
OneWorld Assist Inc. doing business as Claims at TuGo® is our claims and assistance
provider and performs all assistance services and administers claims on our behalf under
this policy. Claims at TuGo provides ISO 9001:2015 certified service.
At TuGo, our mission is to help travellers have better experiences. TuGo specializes
in products and services that enhance and enable travel. Founded in 1964, TuGo
understands its customers’ needs and is driven to provide top-rated service how, when
and where its customers want it.
Our address is 1200-6081 No.3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2B2 Canada.
Login to mytugo.com to modify or extend your Policy. You can also find
assistance using our Clinic Finder, open a claim online or manage an existing one,
download forms, as well as check your claim’s status.
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Safe Travels!
Table of Contents
Contact Information 1
10-day Full Refund Provision 3
Insuring Agreement 3
Eligibility 3
Period of Coverage 4
Emergency Medical Insurance 6
Optional Coverage
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance 14
Contact Information
Contact us anytime by phone or online at https://www.tugo.com/en/company/contact-us/.
Dialing instructions vary by country. We recommend that you save or download the policy
wording or print a copy of this page and the international access codes on page 2 before you
leave on your trip.
Our global toll-free service from outside North America and Mexico listed below may not be
accessible from all countries. We also accept collect calls, but many countries have discontinued
this service.
Alternatively, you can call us direct at +1-604-278-4108 and we’ll reimburse the charges incurred
for making this call.
In the event of hospitalization, call us immediately:
*To use the global toll-free service from outside North America and Mexico, dial the
international access code shown on page 2 for the country you’re in, then enter our
11-digit toll-free number (for example, if you are in Australia, dial 0011 + 800-663-00399).
**To call us collect, contact the local operator, and let them know you’d like to make a
collect call to Canada and provide our number:
• For policy extensions and customer service, call 604-276-9900
• For claims and hospitalizations, call 604-278-4108
Argentina 00 Latvia 00
Australia 0011 Luxembourg 00
Austria 00 Macau 00
Belarus 810 Malaysia 00
Belgium 00 Netherlands 00
Brazil 0021 New Zealand 00
Bulgaria 00 (Aotearoa)
China 00 Philippines 00
Denmark 00 Slovenia 00
France 00 Spain 00
Germany 00 Sweden 00
Hungary 00 Taiwan 00
Italy 00
Japan 010 or 0061+010 or
001+010 or 0033+010
Insuring Agreement
You will become insured once you have:
a Completed the online application, provided by us or your agent; and,
b Paid the premium in full for the selected coverages; and,
c Received a policy number and Policy declaration.
This policy wording along with your Policy declaration become your insurance contract.
We will provide Insurance for the coverages you have selected and paid for according to
the terms and conditions as detailed in this policy wording. Refer to each applicable plan
or optional coverage for details on the coverages you have purchased insurance for.
Unless otherwise stated, all the limits of Insurance under each benefit are aggregate limits
per insured, per Policy, to a maximum of 365 days (including extensions).
Applicable to International Students
At the time of application, you are eligible for coverage if:
1 You are 69 years and under; and,
2 You are a full-time or part-time student enrolled in a school in Canada; and,
3 You are not travelling against a physician or other registered medical practitioner’s
advice; and,
4 You have not been diagnosed with a terminal condition; and,
5 You are not receiving palliative care or palliative care has not been recommended.
Applicable to Family Members of Students
At the time of application, you are eligible for coverage if:
1 You are at least 15 days old; and,
2 You are 59 years and under; and
3 You are a family member of a student who is either insured under a TuGo Student
Insurance Policy for International students or meets the eligibility requirements for a
TuGo Student Insurance Policy; and,
4 You are not travelling against a physician or other registered medical practitioner’s
advice; and,
5 You have not been diagnosed with a terminal condition; and,
6 You are not receiving palliative care or palliative care has not been recommended.
Period of Coverage
Coverage begins on the effective date of the Policy as indicated on your Policy
declaration, which must be on or after the application date of the Policy. The effective
date can be either:
1 The date you leave your country of permanent residence for direct travel to Canada
(direct travel includes stopovers and layovers while in transit), provided the travel does
not exceed 48 hours; or,
2 The date you arrive in Canada; or,
3 Any date after you arrive in Canada.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1 11:59 PM on the expiry date of the Policy; or,
2 On the date and time you permanently return to your country of permanent
residence; or,
3 60 days after the date and time you are no longer enrolled in a school within Canada.
If you are a family member of a student, coverage ends 60 days after the date and time
the student is no longer enrolled in the school.
1 Travel worldwide during the period of coverage is valid, provided your intention is
to spend at least 51% of your time in Canada. Visits to your country of permanent
residence are permitted; your Policy will not end, however expenses will not be covered
while in your country of permanent residence.
2 Coverage is available for school breaks as long as the student is enrolled as a full-time
or part-time student in a school.
If you are covered by another insurance provider for the first part of your trip, you can
purchase this Insurance as a top-up Policy to cover the remaining duration of your trip.
However, you should verify with that provider that they allow their coverage to be topped-up
by another insurance provider as they may void or restrict coverage if you don’t extend or
top-up with them.
1 When this Policy is purchased to top-up another plan, coverage begins on the day
following the expiry date of the insurance plan being topped-up.
2 When symptoms or treatment by a physician or other registered medical practitioner
for an emergency medical condition begin before the effective date of this top-up
Policy and while you are covered by the insurance plan being topped-up, we will pay
eligible expenses incurred on or after the date this top-up Policy takes effect as if the
emergency medical condition began under this top-up Policy.
Coverage for emergency medical conditions which began before the effective date of
this top-up Policy is only provided if there is no lapse between the insurance plan being
topped-up and this top-up Policy.
We will not pay for expenses incurred if other insurance policies, plans or contracts,
including but not limited to any private or provincial automobile insurance, cover the
loss. Coverage is also subject to all other policy terms and conditions.
3 Expenses incurred before this top-up Policy takes effect are not covered.
4 Coverage for Accidental Death and Dismemberment is only available if the accident
occurs while the Policy is in effect.
Emergency Medical Insurance
Maximum limit — $2,000,000
We will pay reasonable and customary charges for medical and related expenses up to
the coverage limits for an acute, sudden and unexpected emergency medical condition.
The charges must result from an emergency that first occurs after coverage commences
and while you are travelling outside your country of permanent residence.
Fracture Treatment
Following the initial emergency treatment and any covered follow-up visits, we will pay up
to a maximum of $1,000 for the following treatments related to fractures:
• X-ray examinations; and,
• Re-examination physician visits; and,
• Casting and re-casting, if medically necessary; and,
• Cast removal
This benefit is only available in lieu of the Airfare to Return Home for Treatment Benefit.
Up to a maximum of $25,000 per pregnancy for:
a Routine pre-natal care; and,
b Complications related to pregnancy that arise within the 9 weeks before and after
the expected date of delivery, and,
c Involuntary termination of pregnancy.
This benefit does not provide coverage for:
a Delivery/childbirth or complications thereof; or,
b Medical expenses incurred by the newborn child.
The pregnancy must have started while covered by a TuGo Student Policy. If you
extend this Policy or purchase a new TuGo Student Policy to take effect immediately
after coverage under this Policy has ended, and there was no lapse in coverage, we will
continue to cover you for the same pregnancy under this benefit until you have reached
the maximum limit of $25,000 under all policies combined, and the Pre-existing Medical
Condition Stability Exclusion will not apply to pregnancy-related complications. If a new
pregnancy begins during the extension or during the new policy period, then coverage
would be available up to another $25,000 for the new pregnancy.
A separate Insurance Policy can be purchased for newborns once they are 15 days old.
b Up to a maximum of $2,000 combined for all practitioners per incident for out-patient
services of the following registered practitioners as a result of an emergency:
• Psychiatrist • Psychotherapist
• Psychologist • Nurse psychotherapist
• Clinical counsellor • Social worker
Rehabilitation Treatment
This benefit is payable only when pre-approved by us
Up to $250 per day to a maximum of 7 days for emergency treatment in a rehabilitation
facility when it is medically necessary after hospitalization.
Dental Services
The services of a dentist or dental surgeon for emergency dental treatment, including the
cost of prescription drugs and x-rays, as follows:
a Up to a maximum of $6,000 for dental expenses for an accidental blow to the face
requiring the repair or replacement of sound natural teeth or permanently attached
artificial teeth, including crowns, bridges and dental implants. Treatment must be
completed within the 90 days after the treatment began and within the period
of coverage.
This benefit does not cover dental treatment for veneers or dentures.
b Up to a maximum limit of $600 for dental expenses for any dental emergencies other
than pain caused by an accidental blow to the face. Treatment must be completed within
the 90 days after the treatment began and within the period of coverage.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Up to a maximum of $150 per tooth for the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth when
medically necessary and performed in a dental or oral surgeon’s office.
Eye Examination
One visit to a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist for a general eye examination.
This benefit is available once over a 12 consecutive month period, provided the minimum
term of Insurance purchased is 180 days.
Tutorial Services
Up to $20/hour to a maximum of $400 for a qualified private tutorial service in the event
you are hospitalized for 30 consecutive days or more.
Medical Attendant
This benefit is payable only when pre-approved by us
If you are returned under the Emergency Air Transportation Benefit or the Airfare to Return
Home for Treatment Benefit, we will pay:
a The cost of a round trip economy airfare on a commercial flight via the most direct route
for a qualified medical attendant (or a friend or family member in lieu) to accompany
you if the attending physician providing treatment outside your country of permanent
residence indicates in writing that it is medically required; and,
b The cost of an airline seat upgrade for the medical attendant (or a friend or family
member in lieu) if the attending physician providing treatment outside your country of
permanent residence indicates in writing that it is medically required.
In the event of your death during a trip covered under the Policy benefits, we will pay for:
a Up to $25,000 for the preparation and return of your body, including the cost of a
standard shipping container and one death certificate (excluding the cost of funeral and
related expenses or a burial coffin), to your country of permanent residence; or,
b Up to a maximum of $15,000 for burial at the place of death (excluding the cost of funeral
and related expenses or a burial coffin) including one death certificate, in the event your
body is not returned to your country of permanent residence; or,
c Up to a maximum of $15,000 for cremation at the place of death (excluding the cost of
funeral and related expenses or an urn) including one death certificate and the standard
shipping cost to return your ashes to your country of permanent residence; and
d Up to $5,000 for transportation costs of one family member to go to the place of your
death to identify your body when it is necessary to be identified before the release of
your body and up to a limit of $400 per day to a maximum of $2,000 for meals and
commercial accommodation.
Family Transportation
This benefit is payable only when pre-approved by us
If an attending physician considers it necessary, we will pay up to $5,000 for one round
trip economy airfare or ground transportation costs for one family member or friend to be
with you while you are hospitalized if you are travelling alone, or for one additional family
member or friend if you are not travelling alone, and $400 per day to a maximum of $2,000
for reasonable and necessary commercial accommodation, meals, telephone calls,
internet charges, taxi or bus fare.
Return of Vehicle
This benefit is payable only when pre-approved by us
If the attending physician determines that as a result of an emergency, you are incapable
of continuing your trip by means of the vehicle used to depart from your country of
permanent residence and the vehicle you intended to use to return to your country of
permanent residence and your travelling companion is unable to do so for you, we will
pay up to $1,000 for either:
a The charges incurred for a commercial agency to return a vehicle that you own or rent
to either your country of permanent residence or the nearest appropriate vehicle rental
agency; or,
b A one-way economy airfare to the destination where the vehicle is located; and gas,
meals and accommodation for a family member or friend to return a vehicle that you
own or rent to your country of permanent residence.
If the vehicle you used to depart from your country of permanent residence was towing
an object (such as a trailer or boat) and you had intended to use the same vehicle to tow
the object back to your country of permanent residence, the cost to return the towed
object is also included in this benefit. If the towed object must be returned separately, it is
not covered.
If you, your family travelling with you or your travelling companion are hospitalized. The
automatic extension will be provided to you for the remaining period of the hospitalization,
plus up to 7 days after hospital release to recover and/or travel back to Canada or your
country of permanent residence.
If you, your family travelling with you or your travelling companion are unable to travel
on your scheduled return date due to being placed under quarantine after a positive
COVID-19 test, the automatic extension will be provided to you for up to 14 days.
In the event of a claim, written documentation must be provided to us to substantiate
the quarantine.
Refunds after the effective date of the Policy must be requested in writing. Refunds are
not available if a claim has been or will be submitted.
Full Refunds
1 When the request for refund is received BEFORE the effective date of the Policy, a full
refund is available.
2 When the request for refund is received AFTER the effective date of the Policy, a full
refund is available as follows:
a In the 10 days from the application date of the Policy when no travel has taken
place; or,
b If you have not arrived in Canada, provided you were travelling directly to Canada
(direct travel includes stopovers and layovers while in transit); or,
c If your student visa for entry to Canada was refused; or,
d If you arrived in Canada but entry into Canada was denied.
Refund requests must be submitted to us within the 90 days after the expiry date
of the Policy.
Partial Refunds
1 When travel has taken place, a partial refund less an administration fee is available.
Refunds are calculated as follows:
a From the date the cancellation request is submitted to us; or,
b From the date you return to your country of permanent residence if a satisfactory
proof of return is sent to us and the request is received by us within the 90 days after
the date you return to your country of permanent residence; or,
c From the date you become eligible and/or covered under a provincial or territorial
government health care plan during the period of coverage if a satisfactory proof
of the provincial or territorial government health care coverage is sent to us and the
request is received by us within the 90 days after the date you became eligible.
d From the date you are no longer enrolled in a school within Canada if satisfactory
proof that you are no longer enrolled in the school is sent to us and the request is
received by us within the 90 days after your enrollment ended.
Optional Coverage
This optional coverage may only be purchased as an endorsement to the Emergency
Medical Insurance plan and it is subject to the terms and conditions of that plan.
The Optional Coverage is also subject to the 10-day Full Refund Provision, Insuring
Agreement, Eligibility, Period of Coverage, General Exclusions, General Conditions,
Authorized Extensions, Definitions, Statutory Conditions and How to Claim sections
of the Policy.
Covered Risks
Air Flight/Common Carrier Accident
Death or dismemberment as a result of an accident sustained during the period of
coverage while riding as a fare-paying passenger, or while entering or leaving a lawfully
operated licensed common carrier.
Coverage is also applicable to insured children under 2 years accompanied by a
fare-paying passenger.
24-hour Accident
Death or dismemberment as a result of an accident sustained during the period of
coverage in any other situation not specifically mentioned under Air Flight/Common
Carrier above.
In the case of your accidental death or certain losses resulting from an accident, we will
pay to or on behalf of you, your estate or other beneficiary, the benefits as outlined below,
but in no event shall payment exceed the sum insured under this section:
1 100% of the sum insured for loss of life, double dismemberment or loss of sight in
both eyes.
2 50% of the sum insured for single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye.
Benefits for loss of life, limb or sight are payable for loss which occurs in the 90 days from
the date of the accident.
Any claim for indemnity for loss of life, dismemberment or loss of sight must be
substantiated by a certificate from the attending medical physician at the place of the
accident attesting to the actual injuries sustained.
The total aggregate limit is $10,000,000 for any one event under this Policy and all policies
administered and issued by us. If the total sum of all claims resulting from the same event
exceeds the total aggregate limit, the $10,000,000 will be shared proportionately among
all insureds. The proportionate share for each insured will not exceed the maximum
limits of their plan. Payment will be processed after we have completed the review of all
submitted claims related to the same event.
9 Any medical condition, related medical condition or any subsequent treatment related
to a medical condition for which you sought treatment and/or were experiencing any
symptoms that were new or worsening after your departure from your country of
permanent residence but before the effective date of this Policy, except as specified
under the Maternity benefit and under the heading Period of Coverage,
sub-heading Top-up.
10 Acute psychosis if drug or alcohol induced.
11 Any cancer (other than basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer and/or cancer that is
in remission) for which you received or were recommended to receive active cancer
treatment on or within the 90 days before the effective date of the Policy. This includes
active cancer treatment that you were recommended to receive but chose to decline.
12 Tests and investigation except when performed at the time of initial emergency
medical condition.
13 The continued treatment, recurrence or complication of a medical condition or related
condition, following emergency treatment during your trip, if we determine that your
emergency has ended, unless otherwise specified in a benefit.
a Any medical condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or in any
way related to, your chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants whether prior
to or during your trip.
b Any medical condition arising during your trip from, or in any way related to, the
misuse or abuse of drugs or other intoxicants, or to the use or abuse of alcohol
when you have reached a blood alcohol level of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood or when records indicate you were intoxicated and no blood
alcohol level is specified.
15 Consumption or use of illegal or controlled drugs (based on the law where the cause of
the claim occurred).
16 Any medical condition for which you are registered on a waiting list for treatment or
diagnosis either in Canada or your country of permanent residence.
17 Expenses incurred for emergency air transportation and any expenses incurred
after emergency air transportation, when the emergency air transportation was not
arranged by us.
18 Any medical condition or related expenses if we determine that you should transfer to
another facility or could return to your country of permanent residence for treatment,
and you choose not to, benefits will not be paid for further treatment related to the
medical condition.
19 An official travel advisory issued by a Canadian government stating to avoid
optional, discretionary and/or non-essential travel into Canada, before the date you
arrive in Canada.
If an official travel advisory is issued for a province/territory, region or city within Canada
after you have already arrived to that province/territory, region or city, your coverage for
an emergency or a medical condition related to the travel advisory will remain in place.
To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site.
This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition
unrelated to the travel advisory or to claims incurred for COVID-19.
28 Your participating in, training, or practicing for any of the following sports or activities:
• Barrel racing • Rodeo bareback racing
• Bronc riding • Rodeo clowning
• Bull riding • Rodeo team roping
• Chariot racing • Steer wrestling/chute dogging
• Chuck wagon racing • Trick riding
• Harness racing
10 In the case of duplicate benefits in this Policy, claims are payable under the one benefit
with the greatest benefit limit.
11 The date and time of commencement and termination of coverage is based on the time
zone of the province or territory the Policy was purchased in.
12 Premium and coverage are based on factors including but not limited to age, trip length,
travel destination and answers to the Medical Questionnaire, if applicable.
13 The availability, quality, results or effects of any treatment, assistance, hospitalization,
transportation or your failure to obtain any of the above, is not our responsibility or the
responsibility of any company or agency providing services on our behalf.
14 We reserve the right to accept or to decline any person as an insured.
15 In the event of your treatment by a physician or other registered medical practitioner or
other circumstances that have led or may lead to a claim under this Policy, you authorize
any hospital, physician or other person or organization that has records or knowledge
of you or your health, medical history or other information relevant to the claim to
provide us that information and authorize us to use and disclose that information for the
purpose of determining whether any claim that may be made is covered by this Policy or
by another plan or Policy.
16 If requested by us, you must furnish or consent to the release of your medical records
for the relevant period before the effective date of the Policy and/or during the term of
the insurance required in order to determine if the claim is payable. Failure to produce
these records will invalidate your claim.
17 In the event of a claim, upon request, you will establish the date and time of departure
and initially planned date of return of the trip.
18 You shall be responsible for the verification of any hospital and medical expenses
incurred and shall obtain itemized accounts of all hospital and medical services which
have been provided.
19 We shall not reimburse any expense incurred after a period of 365 days has elapsed
following the date on which the loss first occurred or the relevant emergency
first occurred.
20 We shall comply with all applicable privacy legislation and regulations. You can learn
about our privacy policy at tugo.com/en/privacy.
21 If any of the terms or conditions of this Policy are in conflict with the statutes of the
province or territory in which this Policy is issued, the terms and conditions are hereby
amended to conform to such statutes.
22 In the event of complaints or unresolved disputes respecting any claim or portion
thereof, the following should be contacted: TuGo, 1200-6081 No. 3 Road, Richmond,
BC, V6Y 2B2, Canada. You can learn about our complaint procedure at
23 The law of the province or territory of Canada in which you are staying while you are a
student in Canada, will govern this Policy, including all issues of its interpretation and
performance. Any legal action or other proceeding related to or connected with this
Policy that is commenced by you or anyone claiming on your behalf or by an assignee
of benefits under this Policy must take place in the courts of the province/territory of
Canada in which you purchased this Policy, and no other court has jurisdiction to hear
or determine any such action or proceeding.
24 This Insurance provides no coverage and no insurer shall be liable to pay any claim
or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such coverage,
payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that insurer to any
sanctions, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or
economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or
United States of America.
25 We shall not reimburse any interest charges accrued by you.
26 If you are a US citizen, you may have an obligation to purchase insurance under the
Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). This policy is not subject to the ACA and is not intended
to fulfill individual obligations to purchase health insurance coverage under the ACA.
Please contact your tax adviser or lawyer if you think the ACA obligations may apply
to you.
If you are a US citizen or US resident, you may have an obligation to purchase
insurance under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). This policy is not subject to the
ACA and is not intended to fulfill individual obligations to purchase health insurance
coverage under the ACA. Please contact your tax adviser or lawyer if you think the
ACA obligations may apply to you.
27 When a premium is not paid, we reserve the right to terminate the Policy with notice,
except as otherwise provided by law.
Authorized Extensions
You can extend your period of coverage before your Policy expires provided the total
policy trip length does not exceed a maximum of 365 days. To extend your Policy, you
can contact your agent or us during business hours. Please refer to Contact Information
on page 1.
If you extend your coverage, the following condition applies:
If you had a claim, sought medical attention or experienced any symptoms during the
previous policy term, for the extension period, there will be no further coverage with
respect to the medical condition, related medical condition, or for any subsequent
treatment related to the medical condition, except as specified under the Maternity
Under the Maternity benefit, we will continue to provide coverage during an extension for
the same pregnancy up to the maximum limit of $25,000 under all policies combined,
provided there has not been a lapse in coverage. Refer to the Maternity benefit for details.
Active cancer surveillance
Also known as ‘watchful waiting’ is a treatment plan that involves monitoring cancer
without giving any other form of treatment. It is used to monitor changes in test results
to see if the cancer is getting worse and whether other forms of active cancer treatment
might also be needed. This method of treatment is often used when the cancer is newly
diagnosed and before it’s clear what types of treatment would be most effective, for
conditions that progress slowly and/or when the risks of active cancer treatment are
greater than the possible benefits.
Active cancer treatment
Treatment that is not limited to but includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery,
medication, experimental treatment or active cancer surveillance.
Acts of terrorism
An act, or acts, of any person, or group(s), committed for political, religious, ideological,
ethnic or similar purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or, but
not be limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof. Furthermore,
the perpetrators of acts of terrorism can either be acting alone, or on behalf of, or in
connection with any organization(s) or government(s).
Acts of war
War, civil war, riot, rebellion, insurrection, revolution, invasion, hostilities or warlike
operations (whether war be declared or undeclared), civil commotion, overthrow of the
legally constituted government, military or usurped power, explosions of war weapons.
Initial or emergency short course (not chronic) treatment by a physician phase of a
medical condition.
Aggregate limit
The maximum amount of coverage available, regardless of the number of separate claims.
The medication usage, dosage or type has been increased, decreased or stopped and/or
a new medication has been prescribed.
Alteration does not include:
a Changes in brand to an equivalent name brand or to an equivalent generic brand of the
same or equivalent usage or dosage; or,
b Routine dosage adjustments within prescribed parameters for insulin or oral diabetes
medication to ensure correct blood levels are maintained; blood sugar levels must be
checked regularly and the medical condition must remain unchanged; or,
c Routine dosage adjustments within prescribed parameters for blood thinner medication
to ensure correct blood levels are maintained; blood levels must be checked regularly
and the medical condition must remain unchanged; or,
d A temporary stoppage of blood thinner medication up to a maximum of 24 hours if the
stoppage is required for a surgery or a procedure; or,
e Usage changes due to the combination of several medications into one; the medical
condition must remain unchanged.
Application date
The date when premium for this Insurance is paid.
Estate unless otherwise requested in writing.
Common carrier
A boat, cruise ship, airplane, bus, taxi, train or other similar vehicle that is licensed,
intended and used primarily to transport passengers for hire.
Country of permanent residence
The country you maintained a permanent residence in before your entry into Canada.
Dependent children
Unmarried children who are dependent on a parent or guardian who is a student eligible
under this Policy and are:
a Up to and including 21 years; or,
b Up to and including 59 years, if they have a cognitive, developmental,
or physical disability.
Diagnostic tests
Tests required to:
a Assess, identify or investigate a symptom or a medical condition; or,
b Follow up on abnormal test results.
An unforeseen medical condition, which requires immediate treatment to alleviate
existing danger to life or health. An emergency no longer exists, when the medical
evidence indicates that you are able to continue the trip or return to your country of
permanent residence. Once such emergency ends, no further benefits are payable in
respect of the medical condition which caused the emergency, unless otherwise specified
in a benefit.
Family member
The student’s legal or common-law spouse, parent(s), step-parent(s), legal guardian(s),
brother(s), sister(s), step-brother(s), step-sister(s) and their unmarried dependent children
who are living with the student.
Re-examination of you to monitor the effects of earlier treatment related to the initial
emergency, except while hospitalized. Follow-up does not include diagnostic tests and/or
continued treatment (as determined by us).
High risk motorized speed activities
a Motocross, dirt biking and/or motorcycling unless only riding as a mode of
transportation; and/or,
b Any motorized vehicle racing competitions, endurance events or timed activities,
including but not limited to snowmobiling racing competitions or endurance events.
If you are participating in a motorized vehicle activity, other than the ones specified under
part a), and the activity is solely for leisure and not part of a timed activity or done for the
purpose of training or practicing for any kind of racing competition or endurance event,
this activity is not considered a high risk motorized speed activity.
An institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital that is staffed and operated for
the care and treatment of in-patients and out-patients. Treatment must be supervised
by physicians and there must be registered nurses on duty 24 hours a day. Diagnostic
and surgical capabilities must also exist on the premises or in facilities controlled by the
A hospital is not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care
facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or nursing
home, home for the aged or health spa.
Hospitalization or hospitalized
Formal admission to the in-patient services of a hospital. This does not include visits to
the emergency room unless they result in the formal admission to the in-patient services
of a hospital.
Ice climbing
The act of climbing or rappelling from vertical or nearly vertical ice formations such ice
falls, frozen waterfalls or cliffs or rock slabs that are covered with ice from flows of water
freezing over. Ice climbing requires the use of specialized equipment including but not
limited to ice axes, crampons or ice screws. Glacier hiking is not ice climbing. If the glacier
hike is on a mountain, it is considered mountaineering.
Insured or insured persons
The person named in the Policy declaration for whom the applicable premiums have
been paid.
The insurers listed under the definition of us, we, our.
For Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
In respect of limbs means actual severance through or above wrist or ankle joints and, in
respect of loss of sight, means entire and irrecoverable loss of sight.
Medical condition
Any disease, illness or injury (including symptoms of undiagnosed conditions).
Medically necessary
The medical service or product in question is necessary to preserve, protect or improve
your medical condition and well being.
The act of climbing or descending a mountain using specialized equipment including but
not limited to pickaxes, ice axes, anchors, bolts, crampons, carabineers and lead or top rope
anchoring equipment. Mountaineering includes ski mountaineering also known as ‘skimo’.
Any treatment, investigations or surgery either:
a not required for the immediate relief of acute pain and suffering; or,
b which reasonably could be delayed until you return to your country of permanent
residence; or,
c which you elect to have during a trip following emergency treatment by a physician
or other registered medical practitioner of a medical condition or the diagnosis of a
medical condition, which on medical evidence would not prevent you from returning to
your country of permanent residence before such treatment or surgery.
A medical practitioner who is registered and licensed to practice their medical profession
in accordance with the regulations applying in the jurisdiction where the person practices.
A physician must be a person other than you or a family member.
Pre-existing medical condition
Any medical condition that exists on or before the effective date of the Policy.
Treatment ordered or recommended by a physician and/or any other registered medical
practitioner, as documented in your medical records.
Professional athlete
At the time the claim occurred, an athlete who is participating, training or practicing in a
sport or activity and:
a Has received the majority of their income from that sport or activity; or,
b Is considered professional by the governing body of the sport or activity they
participate in.
Scolarships are not considered income.
Reasonable and customary charges
Charges incurred for goods and services that are comparable to what other providers
charge for similar goods and services in the same geographical area.
The decrease in or the disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer and/or the
removal of cancer as determined by your physician and noted in your medical records.
Remission can be complete or partial. Complete remission means the disappearance of
all signs or symptoms. Partial remission means a decrease in or disappearance of some,
but not all, signs and symptoms.
Rock climbing
The sport of climbing rock faces, especially with the aid of ropes and special equipment.
Rock climbing includes the following activities: bouldering, traditional climbing, free
soloing, top-rope, sports climbing, canyoning/canyoneering, but does not include
climbing indoor or outdoor artificial rock climbing walls.
An elementary or secondary school, university, college or other recognized institution of
learning that is accredited by the local authorities. An accredited school has undergone
a validation and/or quality assurance process where the school has been evaluated by an
external authority, to determine if the applicable standards are met. If the standards are
met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency.
The person you are legally married to, or a person you have been living with for a minimum
period of one year and who is publicly presented as your spouse.
A medical condition is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:
a There has been no deterioration of the medical condition as determined by a physician
or other registered medical practitioner, and
b There have been no new symptoms or findings or more frequent or severe symptoms or
findings, and
c There has been no change in treatment by a physician or other registered medical
practitioner or any alteration in any medication related to the medical condition, and
d There has been no new treatment received, prescribed or recommended by a physician
or other registered medical practitioner.
Terminal condition
A medical condition for which, before the effective date of the Policy, a physician has given
you a terminal prognosis with a life expectancy of 12 months or less.
Travelling companion
A person who has prepaid shared commercial accommodation or transportation with you
for the same period of travel.
Treatment, treat, treated
A procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a physician for a medical
condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed medication, investigative testing
and surgery.
Us, we, our
OneWorld Assist Inc. doing business as Claims at TuGo and North American Air Travel
Insurance Agents Ltd. doing business as TuGo. TuGo is a third party administrator for the
following insurer: Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Car, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, boat or other land or water conveyance used
for the trip.
You or your
The same as insured or insured persons.
Statutory Conditions
The Contract
The application, this policy, any document attached to this policy when issued and any
amendment to the contract agreed on in writing after this policy is issued constitute the
entire contract and no agent has authority to change the contract or waive any of
its provisions.
The insurer is deemed not to have waived any condition of this contract, either in whole or
in part, unless the waiver is clearly expressed in writing signed by the insurer.
Copy of Application
The insurer must, upon request, furnish to insured or to a claimant under the contract a
copy of the application.
Material Facts
No statement made by the insured or a person insured at the time of application for
the contract may be used in defence of a claim under or to avoid the contract unless it
is contained in the application or any other written statements or answers furnished as
evidence of insurability.
Notice and Proof of Claim
Notice of a claim shall be given in accordance with the claims procedures clause included
in this policy as soon as practical but in no case later than 30 days from the date a claim
arises under this policy. You must also within 90 days from the date the claim arises under
this policy furnish such proof and additional information as is reasonably possible and
if required by the company, furnish a certificate from a physician detailing the cause or
nature of the sickness or injury for which the claim has been instituted.
Failure to Give Notice or Proof
Failure to give notice of claim or furnish proof of claim within the time required by this
condition does not invalidate the claim if (a) the notice or proof is given or furnished as
soon as reasonably possible, and in no event later than one year after the date of the
accident or the date a claim arises under the contract on account of sickness or disability,
and if it is shown that it was not reasonably possible to give notice or furnish the proof in
the time required by this condition, or (b) in the case of death of the person insured, if a
declaration of presumption of death is necessary, the notice or proof is given or furnished
no later than one year from the date a court makes the declaration.
Insurer to Furnish Forms for Proof of Claim
The insurer must furnish forms for proof of claim within 15 days after receiving notice of
claim, but if the claimant has not received the forms within that time the claimant may
submit his or her proof of claim in the form of a written statement of the cause or nature of
the accident, sickness or disability giving rise to the claim and of the extent of the loss.
Rights of Examination
As a condition precedent to recovery of insurance moneys under the contract,
a the claimant must give the insurer an opportunity to examine the person of the person
insured when and as often as it reasonably requires while a claim is pending, and
b in the case of death of the person insured, the insurer may require an autopsy, subject to
any law of the applicable jurisdiction relating to autopsies.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable
under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the limitation period
specified in the Insurance Act, Limitations Act, Civil Code of Quebec or other relevant
legislation of the applicable jurisdiction.
Applicable to Quebec Residents
Notwithstanding any other provisions herein contained, this contract is subject to the
mandatory provisions of the Civil Code of Quebec respecting contracts of Accident and
Sickness Insurance.
Privacy Notice
The protection of your personal information is very important to us. TuGo is
committed to the protection of your personal information. TuGo fully complies with
Canada’s privacy laws. TuGo’s privacy policy determines our responsibilities on the
collection and use of your personal information. You can review TuGo’s entire Privacy
Policy at tugo.com/en/privacy.
Personal information is gathered at the time of application to determine the premium
and appropriate coverage. In the event of a claim, we may need to collect additional
medical information to help provide the best possible assistance, arrange care, possible
medical evacuation, and to determine coverage. This information may be obtained or
shared with your agent, any affiliate or subsidiary, referring organization and third-party
provider including but not limited to health care providers and government health insurers.
The information is used by authorized personnel only as needed, and is maintained
securely for the period required by law. Your information may need to be shared with or
by organizations located outside of Canada, such as the country you are travelling to and
will be also subject to the laws of those foreign jurisdictions. We encourage you to review
TuGo’s Privacy Policy occasionally as it could be amended.
Upon written request, you may also review your personal information to verify its accuracy.
For more information about how TuGo collects and uses personal information, contact our
privacy officer: TuGo, Attn: Privacy Officer, 1200-6081 No. 3 Road, Richmond BC, Canada,
V6Y 2B2. Email: privacy@tugo.com Fax: (604) 276-9409.
Notice on Privacy & Confidentiality
The specific and detailed information requested pursuant to this application from you
and which may be subsequently requested by us, from time to time, is required to
process your application, and process any claim for benefits made by you. To protect
the confidentiality of such personal information, access to your information is restricted
to any person you authorize or as authorized by law as well as those Industrial Alliance
Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (the “Company”) employees, its reinsurers, third
party administrators, agents or brokers of the Company, plan sponsors and any agents
or brokers of such sponsors or other market intermediaries for the purposes of (a)
sponsoring a plan for you, (b) marketing and administration of Company products or
services, (c) assessment of risk (underwriting) and (d) investigation of claims (where
applicable). Your file will be kept in our offices.
You are entitled to review your personal information contained in our files,
subject to certain limited exceptions established by law, and if necessary, to
have it rectified by sending a written request to us at: 400 - 988 West Broadway.
P.O. Box 5900, Vancouver, BC V6B 5H6, Attention: Director, iA Special Markets.
Corrections will be noted in the file. If a requested correction is in dispute, we nonetheless
note your requested correction in the file. Further information on our privacy practices can
be found online at ia.ca or alternatively, contact us at 1.800.266.5667 and request that a
copy be faxed or mailed to you.
In witness whereof this Policy has been authorized by the insurer listed in the definition of us.
K. Starko, Executive Director
How to Claim
Claims Procedures & Payment of Benefits
For information on how to contact us, please refer to Contact Information at the
beginning of this policy wording booklet.
1 Any notices of claim or correspondence concerning a claim should be promptly sent to:
Claims at TuGo
1200-6081 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC V6Y 2B2 Canada
2 Claims for medical and dental can be opened online at tugo.com/claims,
although some restrictions apply.
3 Any cost incurred to obtain documentation required to confirm eligibility of your claim,
other than medical records requested by us is the responsibility of the claimant.
4 To receive benefits, any requested supporting documentation must be provided by the
claimant. Claim Forms will be provided to the claimant to complete and return to us. It
is the claimant’s responsibility to complete and/or produce any documentation that we
require to process and confirm the eligibility of the claim.
5 All required documentation must be received within one year from the date of loss.
Failure to do so will result in the denial of the claim.
6 To qualify for reimbursement, itemized receipts must be provided as support for
all eligible expenses. If itemized receipts are not provided, the expense will not be
7 If the claim is the result of a death, the following documents are required:
a A copy of the death certificate
b A copy of the Will or Power of Attorney
c A police report, if applicable
The claim forms must be signed by the Executor of Estate or the person who holds
Power of Attorney.
8 Claims will not be considered unless the Claim Form is completed in full and signed by
the claimant (or legally authorized representative). Failure to provide fully completed,
original forms will invalidate your claim.
9 Only bills from physicians, hospitals and other medical care provider(s) that are
itemized and which state insured’s name, diagnosis, date(s) of service and type of
treatment or service will be considered. Only official pharmacy prescription receipts will
be considered. For all other benefits, itemized receipts are required.
To access this service, please refer to the Contact Information section at the
beginning of this policy wording
Insurance is administered by North American Air Travel Insurance Agents Ltd. doing business as TuGo®, a licensed
insurance broker in all provinces and territories. The issuer of the contract is Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial
Services Inc. Claims at TuGo® and TuGo® are registered trademarks owned by North American Air Travel Insurance
Agents Ltd. doing business as TuGo®.