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Terms and Definitions Glossary

Revision 6
(Includes ISO 56000)
©International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Key for References

GISH – Global Innovation Science Handbook (2014) Link to Book on Amazon

ISO 56000 – Innovation Management – Fundamentals and Vocabulary

Study Guide – Official IAOIP study guide

MTWG - Definition from the IAOIP Measurements and Tools Working Group

This involves training the mind to think creatively about what it is thinking and not thinking. When you are MTWG
Absence Thinking
thinking about a specific something, you often notice what is not there, you watch what people are not doing,
and you make lists of things that you normally forget. Trying to deliberately think about what is absent and
envision what is not there. Both individuals and groups can use it when stuck and unable to shift thinking to
other modes.
GISH: 88-89
Abstract Rules The unarticulated or otherwise undocumented rules, behavioral norms, or conduct most often based on what
works as opposed to being based on careful reasoning.
GISH: 515-
Abstraction The level of detail given, or known about, a subject or problem. In innovation, framing a problem at a higher
level of abstraction often leads to more innovative solutions than a more concrete problem, which often leads
to more incremental innovation.
Abundance and redundancy is based on the belief (not necessarily factual) that if you want a good invention MTWG
Abundance and
that solves a problem, you need lots of ideas.
Study Guide
Administrative A process that specifies tasks and the order in which they should be accomplished. However, it often does
Process not provide guidance as to how those tasks should be realized.
AEIOU Frameworks A way to perform observations. It stands for activities, environments, interactions, objects, and users. It
serves as a series of prompts to remind the observer to record the multiple dimensions of a situation with
textured focus on the user and their interactions with their environment.
GISH: 198
Affinity Diagram A visual technique for organizing a variety of subjective data (such as ideas, options, possible solutions, etc.,
into categories based on the intuitive relationships among individual pieces of information.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 91
Affordable Loss A theory that states people will risk no more than they are willing to lose.
GISH: 260-
Agile A method often used in software development where product requirements and solutions evolve
Development simultaneously. The method allows for a high degree of collaboration between self-organizing or cross-
functional teams.
GISH: 52
Architect One of the team roles an individual may play. Individuals with this team role help others navigate political
structures, help design or authorizes others to design, an end-to end integrated innovation process. They also
promote organizational design for innovation, so each function can contribute to the organization’s innovation
Study Guide
ARIZ (Algorithm A processes which is a part of the overall TRIZ methodology that guides individuals to create a statement of
for Creative their ideal final result (IFR), then into a redefinition of the problem to be solved, then to the solutions to the
Problem problem. TRIZ was developed by G. Altshuller.
ISO 56000:
Assessment A process (3.1.5) comprised of monitoring (3.8.1), measurement (3.8.2), analysis and evaluation (3.8.3).
12, Section
GISH: 484-
Attribute Based A series of questions formed to find the essential characteristics of an object or idea. When this type of
Questions questioning is applied to products or processes, one can determine the specifications or qualities that are
Attribute Listing A list of required functions, qualities and/or features, which is then used to find possible ways to meet the
ISO 56000:
Audit A systematic, independent, and documented process (3.1.5) for obtaining objective evidence and
12, Section
evaluating (3.8.3) it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.
GISH: 512-
Balanced Sometimes call the DVF Model for Desirable, Viable, and Possible. This method allows one to model a
Breakthrough Model possible innovation to assure that it is balanced between being desirable from a user's standpoint,
viable from a business perspective, and feasible from a technological aspect.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 52
Barrier Buster One of several possible team roles a person can play. Individuals with this role help others navigate
political landmines and remove organizational obstacles.
Study Guide
Benchmarking A form of comparison where major business players are compared to discover and define a best practice or
top metric, and may apply to process, strategy, or be strictly comparison based.
GISH: 121-
Biomimetic A discipline where one draws from the world of nature as analogues to create new problem solutions or
GISH: 683-
Bottoms-up A method of building a portfolio that meets the company’s innovation strategy by first defining the key
Approach business objectives.

Study Guide
Bottom-up Planning A process where innovations are described in terms of portfolio requirements in order to meet business
for Innovation objectives.
GISH: 92
Bounded A spontaneous emergence of order is a process found in physical, biological, and social networks, as well as
Spontaneous Order economics. In innovation, it generally applies to the emergence of various kinds of social orders from a
combination of self-interested individuals who are not intentionally trying to create order through planning.
When applied to entrepreneurs, it’s seeking advisors to help bring order to the often chaotic environment of
start-ups where it can create a bounded system of entrepreneurs and advisors.
GISH: 188-
Brainstorming This technique allows for many ideas to be collected in a group setting in a short period of time, reserving all
critical thought until later. This methodology has undergone significant changes and many forms exist today.
Developed by advertising executive Alex Osborn and published in his 1953 book, Applied Imagination.
GISH: 419-
Breakthrough A systematic and logical process that assists in the discovery of areas in a problem or need where a new
Innovation Process offering may be made. This method has been organized into a tool known as TEDOC.
(aka Brinnovation)
Breakthrough ISO 56000: 2,
Innovation (3.1.1) with a high degree of change. (see also radical innovation)
Innovation Section

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Study Guide
Breakthrough, Paradigm shifts that reframe existing categories. Disruptive innovation drives significant, sustainable
Disruptive, New–to- growth by creating new consumption occasions and transforming or obsolescing markets.

Bubble Diagrams A graphic data representation that employs circles place along two axes where position and size are GISH: 766
indicative of the value of the circle or bubble. Allows for quick comparison of multiple projects, options, etc.
by simply comparing relative location and size of the bubbles.
Study Guide
Bureaucratic Process Occurs where inputs are defined and a specific routine is performed, but the desired output is obtained only by
random chance.
GISH: 656-
Business Case A document that contains the important data that supports why a project should be conducted and what
can be expected from the effort. When fully completed with action items defined, it become a business
plan. The insight-driven marketing opportunity that leverages sound business logic.
GISH: 786-
Business Innovation A tool for the assessment of a company's internal innovation practices, strengths and weaknesses.
Maturity Model

GISH: 370
Business Model A document that describes the method(s) by which an organization creates and delivers value to its
customers and how, in turn, it will generate revenue (capture value).
GISH: 371
Business Model A business model graphic composed of nine building blocks: customer segments served; value propositions;
Canvas communication, distribution, and sales channels; customer relationships with each customer segment;
revenue streams derived from value propositions offered to customers; key resources needed to deliver the
value proposition; key activities; key partnerships with outside enterprises; and cost structure.
Study Guide
Business Model Changes the method by which an organization creates and delivers value to its customers and how, in turn,
Innovation it will generate revenue (capture value).
GISH: 371
Business Model The process of creating new business models to replace current ones or create an entirely new business
Innovation model or activity.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 785
Capability Maturity Originally developed based on the process maturity framework described by Watts Humphrey in the 1989
Model book Managing the Software Process, as a tool for objectively assessing the ability of government
contractors' processes to perform a contracted software project. Though the model was first applied to the
field of software development, it is now also used as a general model to aid in business processes.
GISH: 91
Causal Logic A form of thinking that begins with a single clear goal in mind, and attempts to gather and deploy the
resources that are required to achieve that singular goal. (See also Effectual Logic)
GISH: 372
Co-Creation A way to introduce external catalysts, unfamiliar partners, and disruptive thinking into an organization in order
Innovation to ignite innovation. The term can be used in two ways: co-development in the delivery of products and
services by two or more enterprises; and co-creation of products and services with customers.
Study Guide
Collective In a complex and highly competitive business environment, it is hard to sustain support of R&D and
Effectiveness innovation expenses. Networking allows firms access to different external resources like expertise,
equipment, and overall know-how that has already been proven, with less cost and in a shorter period.
GISH: 438
Collective A concept that a group intelligence can emerge from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of
Intelligence many individuals and appears in consensus decision making effort.

Study Guide
Collective Learning The natural result of networking, which not only helps firms gain access to expensive resources like
machinery, laboratory equipment, and technology, but also facilitates shared learning via experience and
good practice sharing events. This brings new insight and ideas for a firm’s current and future innovation
GISH: 505
Commercialization Also called the launch phase of a product or service where sales are realized, starting with the first sale and
often measured until specific financial and quantity targets are met.
ISO 56000: 8,
Competence Ability to apply knowledge (3.4.1) and skills to achieve desired results.
Section 3.4.2
GISH: 504
Concept Evaluation A phase of product or service development where various/multiple concepts are assessed, weaker ones are
thrown out, and good ones are improved. Typically, concepts face increasingly difficult hurdles to allow
multiple concepts to develop but only the best to survive.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 466
Concept Stage This is the often the first stage of an innovation effort and can include problem identification, problem
reduction into smaller problems, and ideation for potential solutions and/or combinations of potential
GISH: 327
Confirmation Bias The tendency to search for, interpret, prioritize, or recall information in a way that tends to confirm one's
preset belief.
ISO 56000:
Conformity Fulfillment of a requirement (3.8.5).
12, Section
GISH: 75
Context Articulation For creativity to be most useful it is necessary to define, state, and make clear the environment, situation,
and needs of the situation being addressed.
ISO 56000: 5,
Context of the Combination of internal and external issues that can have an effect on an organization’s (3.2.2)
Section 3.2.3
organization approach to developing and achieving its objectives (3.3.3).
ISO 56000: 4,
Continual Recurring activity to enhance performance (3.7.1).
GISH: 273
Contradiction The process of identifying and modeling contradictory requirements within a system, which, if unresolved,
Analysis will limit the performance of the system in some manner.

Contradictions A concept used in the TRIZ methodology of problem solving. TRIZ defines two kinds of contradictions, GISH: 273
physical and technical.
Study Guide
Convergent Thinking Vetting the various ideas to identify the best workable solutions. This process emphasizes speed, using
available facts, knowledge, and logic and focuses on recognizing probable solutions.
Study Guide
Copyrights Legal protection of original works of artistic authorship.

ISO 56000:
Corrective action An action to eliminate the cause of a deviation (3.8.10) or nonconformity (3.8.9) and to prevent recurrence.
13, Section
GISH: 682
Core, Line Terms applied to innovation that extends and adds value to an existing line or platform of products via size,
Extensions, flavor, and format. Generally presents itself as incremental improvement to existing products.
Sustaining Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.
It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 87
Corporate Creativity A difficult term to define, it is best evidenced in corporations that display novelty, create products and
services by combining well-known particulars in a new way, and where creativity is practiced widely among
employees. GISH: 22
Cradle-to-Cradle A principle of sustainability where innovation is focused on reusing and/or remaking the way we develop and
Principles produce products in any industry with the intent to improve the environment and social equity.
GISH: 92
Crazy Quilt Principle One of five effectuation principles in corporate creativity based on the expert entrepreneur’s strategy to
continuously seek out people who may become valuable contributors to his or her venture.
Study Guide
Creativity Often defined as the mental ability to conceptualize or imagine new, unusual or unique ideas, to see the new
connection between seemingly random or unrelated things.
GISH: 764
Critical Success Factors that are necessary and guarantee commercial success.
Factors (CSF)
GISH: 559
Cross-Industry Innovations stemming from different industry affinities and approaches and involving transfers from one
Innovation industry to another.
GISH: 427
Crowd Sourcing A term for a various types of approaches that focus on funding projects through contributions from the real
and/or virtual crowd.
Study Guide
Crowdfunding The collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support
efforts initiated by other people or organizations.
ISO 56000: 6,
*****Culture****** Shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of an organization (3.2.2) or community.
Section 3.2.10

GISH: 52
Culture Creator A person who acts to create the spirit of innovation and helps ensure alignment with the strategy of the
GISH: 52
Customer Advocate Individuals with this team role in the process of innovation serve to keep the voice of the customer alive in
the hearts, minds, and actions of innovators and teams.
GISH: 519
Customer Journey An approach for analyzing the type of data you might collect during a design project that focuses on outlining
and identifying the different phases a customer goes through during an end-to-end product/service

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Customer Profile The outcome of an Empathy Map, a technique for creating a profile of your customer beyond the simple MTWG
demographics of age, gender, and income.

ISO 56000:
Deployment Process (3.1.5) to bring entities (3.2.5) or resources into effective (3.7.4) action.
10, Section
GISH: 417
Derivative Innovation A secondary product or service derived from a previous, often platform type of product or service.
Study Guide
Design Innovation Focuses on the functional dimension of the job-to-be-done, as well as the social and emotional dimensions,
which are sometimes more important than functional aspects.
GISH: 219
Design Thinking The process or ability of coming up with often simple, elegant user friendly solutions to deliver experiences
that anticipate people’s needs and delight them in unexpected ways.
GISH: 471
Development Stage A stage of product/service development where manpower and other resources are allocated in the form of a
project team to create the deliverables. In this stage, functions are related to the full range of design activity,
full prototype fabrication, design specification, and validation testing.
ISO 56000:
Deviation Departure from an intended or expected direction, position, or objective (3.3.3).
13, Section
GISH: 52
Direction Setter Individuals with this team role in the process of innovation help create and communicate vision and business
strategy in a compelling manner, and ensure innovation priorities are clear.
(a) Study
*****Disrup (a) A process where a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market
tive and then relentlessly moves upmarket, eventually displacing established competitors.
(b) Generally thought of as a paradigm shift that reframes existing offerings in a way that drives significant,
sustainable growth by creating new consumption occasions and transforming or obsolescing markets. May (b) GISH:
also be known as breakthrough or new-to-the-world type of innovation. 682
(c) Innovation initially addressing less demanding needs, displacing established offerings. (c) ISO
56000: 3,
3.1.3 76
Divergent Thinking A step in creative thinking where you engage in unrestrained ideation before starting the next step of
analyzing and culling ideas. A powerful process to explore the possible diverse relationships between ideas
in any particular context.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Study Guide
Diversity Trumps States that a randomly selected collection of problem solvers outperforms a collection of the best individual
Ability Theorem problem solvers.
Documented Information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization and the medium on which it is
Information contained.
GISH: 193
Drilldown Tree- A simple technique for breaking complex opportunities and/or problems down into progressively smaller
Diagram parts. A starting point in which to begin thinking about the situation and start prompting creativity and
curiosity. It highlights where you may not fully understand the facts at hand, and shows where you need to
carry out further research.

Study Guide
DVF Model Desirable, Viable, Feasible: Another name for the balanced breakthrough model.
Edison method consists of five strategies that cover the full spectrum of innovation necessary for success. MTWG
Edison Method
GISH: 91
Effectual Logic A form of logic that does not begin with a clear goal in mind, allowing a person to create any number of
successful, alternative future outcomes. (Opposite from causal logic.)
Study Guide
Effectuation Taking action toward unpredictable future states using currently controlled resources and with imperfect
knowledge about current circumstances.
ISO 56000:
Effectiveness Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results are achieved.
11, Section
ISO 56000:
Efficiency Relationship between the results achieved and the resources used.
10, Section
GISH: 87-88
Ekvall's Model of the A ten-factor model describing how to promote creativity in the corporate setting.
Creative Climate
Study Guide
Emergent A social network activity where a shared perspective emerges from a group through spontaneous
Collaboration (unplanned) interactions.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 521
Empathy Map A simple but powerful way to capture what a user is thinking, feeling, and doing related to the activity you are
Anything perceivable or conceivable. ISO 56000: 5,
Section 3.2.5
Someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the MTWG
decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced. An entrepreneur
supplies risk capital as a risk taker, and monitors and controls the business activities. The entrepreneur is
usually a sole proprietor, a partner, or the one who owns the majority of shares in an incorporated venture.
From the

Enterprise Controller These people love to run projects or teams and control the assets. They enjoy owning a transaction or sale, MTWG
and tend to ask for as much responsibility as possible in work situations.
Observing and recording what people do to solve a problem and not what they say the problems are. It is MTWG
based on anthropology but used on current human activities. It is based on the belief that what people do
can be more reliable than what they say.
ISO 56000:
Evaluation Process (3.1.5) of comparing results of analysis to established criteria.
11, Section
GISH: 402
Evolutionary A simple but powerful way to capture what a user is thinking, feeling, and doing related to the activity you are
Potential Diagram studying.

GISH: 183
Excitement Product/service features that a customer may not even know they want, but are delighted when they find
Attributes them.

GISH: 471
Execution Stage The product/service development stage where previously approved capital and expenditures are spent on
tooling and manpower assigned to carry out the design in preparation for production. The marketing plan is
further developed, preproduction trials conducted, final bills of materials released, and a production plan
developed. Study Guide
Experiments A mixture of surveys and observations in an artificial setting that can be summarized as test procedures.
GISH: 259
External Analysis The process of studying the demographics, behavioral models, and relevant statistics about certain types of
stakeholders, who might be customers, clients, employees, regulators, partners, government officials, etc.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

GISH: 691
Failure (acceptance A part of any culture that will support innovation activity is the ability to accept and make positive use of
thereof) failures.

GISH: 466
Feasibility Stage A stage in product/service development where prototypes of key subsystems or theoretical validation of a
solution to the main problem are created in sufficient form to provide an adequate way to establish a
preliminary basis for technical feasibility.
GISH: 797
Financial Innovations in and/or directed toward financial markets and/or economic practices.
GISH: 234-
First Level Ideas Generally refers to the first addition of ideas added to the single core idea as shown on a mind map graphic.
A structured group interview of typically 7 to 10 individuals brought together to discuss their views related to MTWG
Focus Group
a specific business issue. The group is brought together so that the organizer can gain information and
insight into a specific subject or the reaction to a proposed product. The information gained from focus
groups provides the organization conducting the interview the possibility to make better educated decisions
regarding the topic being discussed.
GISH: 199
Force Field Analysis A visual aid for pinpointing and analyzing elements that resist change (restraining forces) or push for change
Diagram (driving forces) to help drive improvement by developing plans to overcome the restrainers and make
maximum use of the driving forces.
Four Dimensions of a. Technology: technical uncertainty of innovation projects
b. Market: targeting of innovations on new or not previously satisfied customer needs
c. Organization: the extent of organizational change
d. Innovation environment: impact of innovations on the innovation environment
A graphic tool composed of two sets of polar extremes: understand/make and abstract/concrete. Intended to GISH: 513
Four Square Model
help focus research and critical thinking to finding non-obvious connections.

Study Guide
Function Analysis A standard method of systems engineering that has been adapted into TRIZ. The subject-action-object
method is most frequently used now.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Study Guide
Functional Involves identifying the functional components of a problem or challenge and then addressing the processes
Innovation underlying those functions that are in need of improvement. Through this process overlaps, gaps,
discontinuities, and other inefficiencies can be identified.
GISH: 272
Functional Model A structured representation of the functions (activities, actions, processes, operations) within the specific
system or subject area.

GISH: 417
Fundamental A creative idea that leads to revolution in thinking often based on extensive research and extremely
Innovation knowledge driven, are theoretically proven, and lead to follow-up research and development.

GISH: 52
Futurist A person who looks toward the future, scouts new opportunities, and helps to define possibilities so that
everyone can see them and their potential.

GISH: 465
Fuzzy Front End The collection of activities starting with the first concept of a need or problem identification and generally
where the highest levels of creativity are employed and the most chaos may exist.

Goal-based Goal-based questions propose the end goal without specifying the means or locking you into particular
Questions attributes.

Go-to-market This is the cost of distribution, trade spending, advertising dollars (creative development, media spend), MTWG
promotional programs, and digital, social media.
When a breakthrough occurs, it is a fertile area for innovators. They should “hitchhike” on the breakthrough MTWG
to create new applications and improvements that can be inventions.
GISH: 522
How Might We A creativity-enhancing technique that uses statements designed to help teams explore all of the possible
solution directions, even if some of those directions are not feasible.

GISH: 339
Idea Evaluation A process that requires preliminary screening of ideas, gathering evidence, performing analyses, and then a
final screening of ideas resulting in the selected ideas proceeding into the product development process, or
converting those ideas into formal business plans.

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

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GISH: 785
Idea Innovation Refers to the effort to inspire intellectual engagement of all employees in order to develop and deliver more
and faster innovations on a continual basis.
GISH: 339
Idea Management The overall process used to create, evaluate, select, store, and use ideas created over time.
Study Guide
Idea Priority Index Prioritizes or ranks ideas based on the potential cost-benefit analysis, associated risks, and likely time to
commercialize the idea.
Study Guide
Ideal Final Result An implementation-free description of the situation after the problem has been solved.
ISO 56000:
Ideation Process (3.1.5) of generating, sharing, and evolving ideas and concepts.
10, Section
ISO 56000: 4,
Improvement Activity to enhance performance (3.7.1).
Section 3.1.7
GISH: 74
Inclusive Thinking The process of integrating, or the specific ability to be able to integrate, multiple and varied inputs into a
problem solving or ideation effort.
GISH: 597
Incremental Generally refers to the much used process of developing new functions or improvements to current
Innovation products/services and often representing low risk activity.
GISH: 190
Incubation A stage in ideation where one might step away from the problem or tasks for a while, and allow new
thoughts and ideas to enter your mind.
GISH: 488
Indexing The process of providing a tag for a fact, piece of information, or experience, so that you can retrieve it when
you want it.
ISO 56000:
Indicator Specific information on a state, condition or impact.
10, Section
ISO 56000: 1,
Innovation New or changed entity (3.2.5) , realizing or redistributing value (3.7.6).
Section 3.1.1

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

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ISO 56000: 3,
Innovation Activity with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
Section 3.1.4
GISH: 144
Innovation Another approach to benchmarking where the intent is to identify the factors behind the benchmark’s
Benchmarking success.
ISO 56000:
Innovation Ability to perform innovation activities (3.1.4) and innovation initiatives (3.6.1) and to achieve innovation
11, Section
Capability (3.1.1).
GISH: 30
Innovation A person who cares enough about the innovation potential in a project that they will weather the ups and
Champion downs, and have the commitment to find a way to make a project succeed.
A culture that encourages continuous learning, acceptance of risk and failure, and personal accountability. MTWG
Innovation Culture
GISH: 611
Innovation Cycle Generally considered the span from concept to commercialization of the product/service.
GISH: 628
Innovation Drivers Innovation may be considered to have two form of drivers, tacit and explicit.
GISH: 511
Innovation Gap Refers to the outcome of a process that can occur over time where an organization that started with an
innovation begins to pursue efficiency through optimization of organizational functions, which causes the
organization to become disconnected from the customers and interactions that created the initial insight.

GISH: 605
Innovation Index Any specific measurement used to determine or to compare innovation activity and /or results at either the
project/organizational or even country/regional level.
ISO 56000: 9,
Innovation Initiative Set of coordinated activities aiming for innovation (3.1.1).
Section 3.6.1

Study Guide
*****Innovati The collection of ideas for new or improved products and services and their development, implementation,
on and exploitation in the market.
Management (3.1.2) with regard to innovation (3.1.1). ISO 56000: 2,

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, sell, email, or transfer this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

ISO 56000:
Innovation Assessment (3.8.4) with regard to innovation management (
12, Section
ISO 56000: 3,
Innovation Management system ( with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
Management System
Innovation metrics Measurements to provide feedback and validation that the organization is actually innovating, and provide
data for future efforts.
ISO 56000: 7,
Innovation Objective Objective (3.3.3) with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
ISO 56000:
Innovation Collaborative effort by two or more organizations (3.2.2) with the intention to achieve innovation (3.1.1).
10, Section
ISO 56000: 7,
Innovation Policy Policy (3.3.2) with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
ISO 56000: 9,
Innovation Portfolio Set of innovation initiatives (3.6.1) grouped together.
Section 3.6.2
GISH: 627
Innovation Process Any defined method designed to direct efforts to the identification, development, and delivery of innovative
Process with regard to innovation. ISO 56000: 4,
GISH: 584
Innovation Radar A graphic technique designed to allow deep analysis of an organization’s innovation position.
GISH: 112
Innovation Skills Refers to a wide range of skills including ways of thinking during the earliest stages to the ability to deliver
new and innovative outcomes. Specific skills can depend on many factors such as type of innovation,
product or service, profit or non-profit, stage of innovation activity, etc.
ISO 56000: 8,
Innovation Strategy Strategy (3.3.4) with regards to innovation (3.1.1).

Copyrighted by the International Association of Innovation Professionals 2020.

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ISO 56000: 3,
Innovation System System (3.1.3) with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
ISO 56000: 7,
Innovation Vision Vision (3.3.1) with regard to innovation (3.1.1).
Study Guide
Innovative Problem A subset of problem solving in that a solution must resolve a limitation in the system under analysis in order
Solving to be an innovative solution.

Innovator An innovator is an individual that creates a unique idea that is marketable and guides it through the MTWG
innovative process so that its value to the customer is greater than the resources required to produce it.

Study Guide
*****Insight***** A linking or connection between ideas in the mind. The connections matter more than the pieces.
Profound and unique knowledge about an entity ISO 56000: 8,
Section 3.4.1
Study Guide
Inspiration The word inspiration is from the Latin word inspire, meaning “to blow into.”
GISH: 56
Integrated Innovation The full end-to-end process of innovation that assures the practices, tools, and processes are aligned and
System flow easily from one to the other.
ISO 56000: 8,
Intellectual Intangible creation or knowledge (3.4.1) resource which has value (3.7.6).
Section 3.5.1
ISO 56000: 9,
Intellectual Result of intellectual activities that is eligible for protection by law.
Section 3.5.2
ISO 56000: 9,
Intellectual Management (3.1.2) with regard to intellectual property (3.5.2).
Section 3.5.4
ISO 56000: 9,
Intellectual Policy (3.3.2) with regard to intellectual property (3.5.2).
Section 3.5.6
Property Policy

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ISO 56000: 9,
Intellectual Legal rights associated with intellectual property (3.5.2).
Section 3.5.3
Property Rights

ISO 56000: 9,
Intellectual Strategy (3.3.4) with regard to intellectual property (3.5.2).
Section 3.5.5
Study Guide
Intersection of Networking creates different relationships to be built across knowledge frontiers and opens up the
Different Sets of participating organizations to new stimuli and experiences.

Interested Party Person or organization (3.2.2) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision ISO 56000: 5,
or activity. Section 3.2.4
An employee of a company or corporation who is given freedom and financial support to create new MTWG
products, services, systems, etc., and does not have to follow the corporation's usual routines or protocols.
GISH: 143
Invention A legal term used to describe a device, process, or other patentable thing and whose meaning, definition
and rights are solely the jurisdiction of the legal system.
New entity. ISO 56000: 4,
Section 3.1.6
Study Guide
Joint Risk Taking Since innovation is a highly risky activity, it is very difficult for a single firm to undertake it by itself and this
impedes the development of new technologies. Joint collaboration minimizes the risk for each firm and
encourages them to engage in new activities. This is the logic behind many precompetitive consortia
collaborations for risky R&D.
Journey Map or
A diagram that illustrates the steps your customer(s) go through in engaging with your company, whether it
is a product, an online experience, a retail experience, a service, or any combination of these.
ISO 56000: 8,
Knowledge Outcome of the assimilation of information through learning.
Section 3.4.1

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Study Guide
Lead Users Members of a user population who display two key characteristics: (1) they have strong needs that are not
met by existing market offers, and (2) they are at the leading edge of important trends in a given
Study Guide
Lemonade Principle Is based on the old adage that goes, “If life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” In other words, make the
best of the unexpected.
GISH: 194
Lotus Blossom Originally developed by Yasuo Matsumura, Director of Clover Management Research (Japan). This
Technique technique is based on the use of analytical capacities and helps to generate a great number of ideas that will
possibly provide the best solution to the problem to be addressed by the management group. It results in a
graphic display.
ISO 56000: 2,
Management Coordinated activities to direct and control and organization (3.2.2).
Section 3.1.2

ISO 56000: 3,
Management System A set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.2.2) to establish strategies (3.3.4),
policies (3.3.2), and objectives (3.3.3), and processes (3.1.5) to achieve those objectives.
Study Guide
Market Research The systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination, and use of information to
improve decision-making related to identifying and solving problems or opportunities.
GISH: 190
Matrix Analysis A systematic way of selecting from larger lists of alternatives. Can be used to select a problem from a list of
potential problems, select primary root causes from a larger list, or to select a solution from a list of
ISO 56000:
Measurement A Process (3.1.5) of comparing results of analysis to established criteria.
11, Section
Medici Effect The book by this name describes the intersection of significantly different ideas that can produce cross-
pollination of fields and create more breakthroughs.

Mind-Mapping A powerful creative graphic approach to note-taking resulting in a relationship diagram that can be easily GISH: 198
manipulated when using appropriate software.
Study Guide
Mini Problem A problem that is solved without introducing new elements. We have to understand resources, since the
emphasis is on solving the problem without introducing anything new to the system.

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ISO 56000:
Monitoring Determining the status of a system (3.1.3), a process (3.1.5), or an activity.
11, Section
GISH: 191
Morphological Uses the same steps as attribute listing but is used to create new products by mixing components is a new
Analysis way.
This technique is based on collaborative brainstorming. The concept is that more minds are better than one MTWG
at a given time.
GISH: 52
Networker A person who works across organizational boundaries to engage stakeholders, promote connections across
boundaries, and secure widespread support for a project or endeavor.
GISH: 185-
Nominal Group A group ideation and problem solving tool that allows all voices to be heard and final selection made by
Technique (NGT) voting.
Study Guide
Non-Algorithmic Actions with cognitive and physical materials of a project whose results you can’t predict for certain.
ISO 56000:
Nonconformity Non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.8.5)
12, Section
Study Guide
Non-Probability Where samples are drawn according to specific and considered characteristics and are therefore based on
Sampling the researcher’s subjective judgment.
Study Guide
Nonprofit An organization specifically formed to provide a service or product on a not-for-profit basis as determined by
applicable law.
Study Guide
NPD New product development
Study Guide
NSD New service development
ISO 56000: 7,
Objective Result to be achieved.
Section 3.3.3
Study Guide
Observation The recording of behavioral patterns of people, objects, and events in order to obtain information.

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An online brainstorming or idea generation session where members can participate remotely, instead of MTWG
Online Collaboration
organizing a group in a room.
Study Guide
Makes use of external ideas and technologies to enhance the enterprise’s internal technology base, reduce
the cost of R&D, time to market, and achieve superior product, service, or process innovations. At the same
time, unused intellectual property and technology—latent internal intellectual capital--is made available for
other firms to license and use.
A process (3.1.5) for the management (3.1.2) of information and knowledge (3.4.1) sharing and flows ISO 56000:
across the boundaries of the organization (3.2.2) with regard to innovation (3.1.1) 10, Section
Opportunity-Driven Representative of street-smart individuals who take an idea at the right time and the right place, devise a
Model solution, know how to market it, and capitalize on their breakthrough.
A person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities, and ISO 56000: 5,
relationships to achieve its objectives (3.3.3) Section 3.2.2
Focus on the infrastructure and process of innovation. Capability measures provide focus for initiatives MTWG
geared toward building repeatable and sustainable approaches to invention and reinvention.
Capability Metrics
ISO 56000: 6,
Outsource (verb) To make an arrangement where an external organization (3.2.2) performs part of the organization’s
Section 3.2.8
function or process (3.1.5)
ISO 56000: 4,
Patentable Invention An invention (3.1.6) eligible for patent protection under the applicable law.
Study Guide
Patents A government-granted right that literally and strictly permits the patent owner to prevent others from
practicing the claimed invention.
ISO 56000:
Performance Measurable result.
10, Section
GISH: 183
Performance Product/service characteristics that are not absolutely necessary, but which are known to increase the
Attributes customer’s enjoyment of the product.
Study Guide
Performance Engine A project that seeks to improve a current level of performance and not to create a new value proposition.

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Study Guide
Pilot in the Plane Based on the concept of control, using effectual logic and referred to as non-predictive control. Expert
Principle entrepreneurs believe they can determine their individual futures best by applying effectual logic to the
resources they currently control.
Driven by chance or innate genius, a somewhat common perception of the innovation process. Inventors MTWG
Pipeline Model
who work in research drive the pipeline model and development environment on a specific topic, explore
new ideas, and develop new products and services.
Study Guide
Platform A consumer need–based opportunity that inspires multiple innovation ideas with a sustainable competitive
advantage to drive growth.
Platform Innovation An innovation that leads to the practical application of fundamental innovations where the platform
product/service are often launching pads for new product lines, businesses or industries.
ISO 56000: ,
Policy Intentions and direction of an organization (3.2.2), as formally expressed by its top management (3.2.1)
Section 3.3.2
Study Guide
Portfolio The ongoing management of innovation to ensure delivery against stated goals and innovation strategy.
Study Guide
Post-Fordist In the era of Henry Ford efficient production occurred where managers wielded inordinate responsibility for
profit and loss. The post-Fordist era is the new postmodern leaders of the global economy, who are
responsible for developing talented teams.
Study Guide
Practices All the available operations or routines that we can perform on inputs, selecting those inputs and operations
that will give us our desired results.
Study Guide
Primary Data Data collected from the field or expected customer.
Study Guide
Primary Sources Typically customer interviews, focus groups, or surveys to gather information to justify a new product or

Principles of From the TRIZ lexicon. A set of 40 principles from a variety of fields such as software, healthcare, MTWG
electronics, mechanics, ergonomics, finance, marketing, etc., used to solve problems.

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ISO 56000: 3,
Process A set of interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended result.
Section 3.1.5

Study Guide
Probability Sampling Where samples are randomly drawn from the whole population.
Study Guide
Probe-and-Learn Where non-working prototypes are developed in rapid succession, tested with potential customers, and
Strategy feedback is sought on each prototype.
Study Guide
Problem Solving Generating a workable solution.
Study Guide
Process To take one or more inputs, perform specified operations or routines on those inputs, and produce outputs.
Study Guide
Process Innovation The innovation of internal processes. New or improved delivery methods may occur in all aspects of the
supply chain in an organization.
Study Guide
Product Innovation A multidisciplinary process usually involving many different functions within an organization and, in large
organizations, often in coordination across continents.
Production Stage The stage in product/service development where first production of units are made for first sales.
Study Guide
Pyramiding A search technique in which the searcher simply asks an individual (the starting point) to identify one or
more others who he or she thinks has higher levels of expertise of the sought-after attribute or better
information regarding who such people might be.
Study Guide
Qualitative Research An unstructured, exploratory research methodology that makes use of psychological methods and relies on
small samples, which are mostly not representative.
Study Guide
Quantitative A structured research methodology based on large samples. The main objective in quantitative research is
Research to quantify/analyze the data and generalize the results from the sample, using statistical analysis methods.
Quickscore A 3-minute test that helps assess and develop business creativity skills.
Creativity Test

Radical Innovation An innovation (3.1.1) with a high degree of change. (see also breakthrough innovation) ISO 56000: 2,
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Ideas are ranked serially (#1, 2, 3, etc.)— making the team consider minor differences in ideas and their MTWG
Ranking or Forced
characteristics. For forced ranking, there can only be a single #1 idea, a single #2 idea, and so on.
ISO 56000:
Requirement A need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory.
12, Section
ISO 56000:
Review Determination of the suitability, adequacy, efficiency (3.7.3), or effectiveness (3.7.4) of an entity (3.2.5)
12, Section
to achieve objectives (3.3.3).
ISO 56000: 6,
Risk An effect or uncertainty (3.2.6)
Section 3.2.7
Role Model A person who provides a living example of innovation through attention and language, as well as through
personal choices and actions.
Study Guide
Rote Practice Those activities where it looks like people are engaged in finding the right routines and inputs to obtain the
desired result, but are just going through the motions.

S-Curve The S – curve portrays the general pattern between a new product and customer demand. Most successful MTWG
organizations start out with a new product with only a small initial group of customers. This is followed by a
period of rapid growth as the general public starts to seek out the new product. Eventually the demand for
the product peaks out and levels off as the market matures. As the demand for the product is fulfilled, sales
drop off. To offset this downward trend, organizations frequently start offering new features or reduce prices
to the customer base. When the S-curve starts to drop off, it is time for the organization to introduce a
replacement product/service.
SCAMPER A tool that helps to generate ideas for new products/services by encouraging creative thinking using the
mnemonic, which stands for (S)ubstitute, (C)ombine, (A)dapt, (M)odify, (P)ut to another use, (E)liminate,
and/or (R)everse. You use the tool by asking questions about existing products, using each of the seven
Study Guide
Secondary Data Evidence gathered from someone other than the primary source of the information. Most media outlets,
Sources magazines, books, articles, trade journals, market research reports, or publisher-based information are
considered secondary sources of evidence.
Service Innovation A form of innovation focused on ways to bring new value solutions to satisfy customers’ jobs-to-be-done, to
wow and retain customers, and ultimately optimize profit.

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Study Guide
SIPOC An acronym for Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer model.
Six Thinking Hats Used to look at decisions from a number of important perspectives. This forces you to move outside your
habitual thinking.
The practice of using social technologies to transform business. Study Guide
Social Business
Study Guide
Social Media Refers to social technologies used to influence large audiences
Study Guide
Spontaneous Order A term that Hayek uses to describe what he calls the Open Society. It is created by unleashing human
creativity generally in a way not planned by anyone and, importantly, could not have been.
Study Guide
Stage Gate Process A project management process first introduced by R. G. Cooper in 1986 in his book Winning at New
ISO 56000: 7,
Strategy Plan to achieve objectives (3.3.3).
Substantial Platform Term applied to innovations that deliver a unique or new benefit or usage occasion within an existing or
Transformational adjacent category.
ISO 56000: 3,
System A set of interrelated or interacting elements.
Section 3.1.3

Study Guide
System Operator Also called 9 windows or multi-screen method, a visual technique that is used frequently in the initial stages
of TRIZ as part of problem definition.
Study Guide
Systems A technique to ensure that full system effects, impacts, benefits, and responses are understood when
Engineering, System looking at changes or problems within a system.

Systems Thinking Systems thinking is the process of understanding how things influence one another other within a whole. In MTWG
nature, systems thinking examples include ecosystems in which various elements such as air, water,
movement, plants, and animals work together to survive or perish. In organizations, systems consist of people,
structures, and processes that work together to make an organization healthy or unhealthy.
Systems thinking has been defined as an approach to problem solving, by viewing problems as parts of an
overall by the
system, rather thanInternational Association
reacting to a specific of Innovation
part, outcome, Professionals
or event, 2020.
and potentially contributing to
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development of unintended consequences. this Glossary without the express written approval of IAOIP.

Study Guide
Technical Process Specifies not only what needs to be done, and in what order, but also provides specific details of how to
execute the various tasks.
Study Guide
Technically Focused The use of standard brainstorming methods bounded by certain acceptable solution concept conditions and
Brainstorming guided by the attainment of an ideal solution.
Study Guide
Thrashing A term used to describe ineffective human workgroup activity. Effort lost in unproductive work.
GISH: 183
Threshold Attributes Product/service characteristics that customers expect to be present in a product.
ISO 56000: 4,
Top Management A person or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.2.2) at the highest level.
Section 3.2.1
Study Guide
Top-Down Planning A revenue goal-driven process that is usually set from the top by the senior leadership team. It is usually a
for Innovation dollar revenue goal or a percentage of revenue target from innovation.
Study Guide
Trade Secrets Essentially refers to the legal protection often granted to confidential information having at least potential
competitive value.
Study Guide
Trademarks Words or logos that are used by someone to identify their products or services and distinguish them from the
words or logos of others.
Study Guide
Trends Those dimensions on which lead users are far ahead of the mass market.
Gish: 196
TRIZ The anglicized acronym for the Russian phrase, theory of solving inventive problems. A problem-solving
methodology based on logic and data to solve problems creatively. It brings repeatability, predictability, and
reliability to the problem solving process with its structured and algorithmic approach. It requires specialized
GISH: 267
TRIZ Contradiction A systems view of the contradictions developed in a contradiction analysis as part of the TRIZ method.
Study Guide
TRIZ Contradictions TRIZ defines two kinds of contradictions, physical and technical.
Study Guide
TRIZ Ideal Final States that in order to improve a system or process, the output of that system must improve (i.e., volume,
Result quantity, quality, etc.), the cost of the system must be reduced, or both.

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Study Guide
TRIZ Physical The situations where one requirement has contradictory, opposite values to another.
Study Guide
TRIZ Principles of A set of 40 principles from a variety of fields such as software, healthcare, electronics, mechanics,
Invention ergonomics, finance, marketing, etc., used to solve problems.
Study Guide
TRIZ Technical The classical engineering and management trade-offs. The desired state can’t be reached because
Contradictions something else in the system prevents it. The TRIZ patent research classified 39 features for technical
ISO 56000: 5,
Uncertainty A state of deficiency of information, understanding, or knowledge (3.4.1)
Section 3.2.6

ISO 56000:
Value Gains from satisfying needs and expectations, in relation to the resources used.
11, Section
ISO 56000: 6,
Vision An aspiration of what an organization (3.2.2) would like to become or achieve as expressed by top
Section 3.3.1
management (3.2.1).
GISH: 417
Variation Innovation The tertiary level of innovation that generally requires less time and presents a slight variation of the next-
level product/services based on the derivative innovation.
ISO 56000: 6,
Work Environment A set of conditions under which work is performed.
Section 3.2.11

Study Guide
Zones of Conflict Refers to the temporal zone and the operating zone of the problem—loosely the time and space in which the
problem occurs.
5 “Whys?” This is a technique often use to get to the root cause of the problem. It is the practice of asking five times or
more why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root cause. Each time an answer is given, you ask
why that particular condition occurred. Can also be used challenge assumptions and drive creative thinking.
7-14-28 Processes: This is a task-analysis assessment that involves breaking a process down into 7 tasks, then breaking it
further into 14 tasks, and then another level further into 28 tasks

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40 Inventive The 40 Inventive Principles that form a core part of the TRIZ methodology invented by G.S. Altshuller. These MTWG
are 40 tools used to overcome technical contradictions. Each is a generic suggestion for performing an
action to, and within, a technical system. For example principle # 1 (Segmentation) suggests finding a way to
separate two elements of a technical system into many small interconnected elements.
A list was developed from referenced works and published in a comparison with the 40 principles to show MTWG
76 Standard
that those who are familiar with the 40 principles will be able to expand their problem solving capability. They
Solutions of TRIZ:
are grouped into five categories as follows:
a. Improving the system with no or little change (13 standard solutions)
b. Improving the system by changing the system (23 standard solutions)
c. System transitions (6 standard solutions)
d. Detection and measurement (17 standard solutions)
e. Strategies for simplification and improvement (17 standard solutions)

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