Telecommunication Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
Members: Group 23
Supervisors: Adikari A.M.A.D. 190021A
Dr. Subodha Charles Peirispulle T.A. 190443T
Mr. Shalitha Pathiranage Priyashan B.W.S. 190476V
Ranatunga R.G.S.M. 190504H
Approval of the Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is to certify that I/we have read this project and that in my/our opinion it is fully
adequate, in scope and quality, as an Undergraduate Graduation Project.
Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 May 2024
Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date: . 6. .May
. . 2024
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This declaration is made on May 6, 2024.
We declare that the dissertation titled An End-to-End Framework for Predictive Mainte-
nance with AI-powered Digital Twins and the work presented in it are our own. We confirm
• this work was done wholly or mainly in candidature for a B.Sc. Engineering degree at
this university,
• where any part of this dissertation has previously been submitted for a degree or any
other qualification at this university or any other institute, has been clearly stated,
• where we have consulted the published work of others, is always clearly attributed,
• where we have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given.
• with the exception of such quotations, this dissertation is entirely our own work,
6 May 2024
Adikari A.M.A.D.
Peirispulle T.A.
Priyashan B.W.S.
Ranatunga R.G.S.M.
This report was composed as partial fulfillment of the requirements of Module EN4202
- Project, in the curriculum of B.Sc. in Engineering (Electronic and Telecommunication)
at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. The experience and knowledge that we gained
during the final year project were used and were the inspiration to create this report.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful
completion of this project. First and foremost, we extend our sincere thanks to our super-
visor, Dr. Subodha Charles and co-supervisor, Mr. Shalitha Pathiranage, whose expertise
and insightful guidance were invaluable throughout the research process. Their patience and
profound knowledge in the field encouraged us tremendously.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to “Alta Vision Solar”, with whom we had the privilege
to collaborate. We are particularly grateful to Mr. Chamodh Madushanka and Mr. Supun
Wijesiriwardhana at Alta Vision Solar, who provided insight, resources, and support crucial
for our research.
We are also grateful to the faculty and staff of the Department of Electronic and Telecommu-
nication Engineering at University of Moratuwa for providing us with the necessary resources
and an encouraging environment to conduct our research.
Additionally, we would like to thank our families, friends and our fellow batchmates for their
understanding and endless support during the course of this project.
Lastly, we acknowledge each other’s efforts in this project. The collaboration, commitment,
and exchange of ideas among group members were crucial in overcoming challenges and
completing this dissertation.
This study presents a comprehensive end-to-end framework for Predictive Maintenance
(PdM) for components in a Microgrid, with a focus on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines and
Energy Storage Systems. The proposed framework integrates the development of tailored
hardware for data acquisition, predictive model development, and a Digital Twin (DT)
that provides real-time data visualization and future operating condition predictions. We
integrate all components of the PdM system, including the data collection hardware, pre-
dictive models, and the DT, into a unified application using Microsoft Azure as the backend
system. This comprehensive framework serves as a scalable and robust solution for imple-
menting PdM, providing a clear pathway to reduce maintenance costs and improve system
reliability in industrial settings. The results indicate that this comprehensive framework can
substantially reduce maintenance costs while enhancing system resilience and sustainability,
as demonstrated through a real-world use case for wind turbines.
1.1 Main Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Organization of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Data driven approach for Predictive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Anomaly Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Fault Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.3 Remaining Useful Life Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Digital Twins and Cloud Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Wind Energy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1 Hardware Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Component Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Schematic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PCB Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Enclosure Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.2 Firmware Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.3 Machine Learning Model Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Anomaly Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Fault Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Remaining Useful Life Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Energy Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.1 Hardware Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Schematic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 PCB Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Enclosure Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.2 Firmware Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.3 Machine Learning Model Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Remaining Useful Life Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
vii State of Health Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 System Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4.1 Azure Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.1 Wind Energy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.1.1 Anomaly Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Anomaly Detection using Vibration Sensor Data . . . . . . 40 Anomaly Detection using SCADA parameters . . . . . . . . 43
4.1.2 Fault Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1.3 Remaining Useful Life Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 Energy Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2.1 Remaining Useful Life Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2.2 State of Health Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.3 Digital Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
List of Figures
3.35 RMSE (cycles) for the training, primary and secondary test sets . . . . . . . 35
3.36 SoH degradation of CS2 batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.37 SoH prediction model architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.38 Azure services integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.39 Battery dashboard in Azure Data Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.40 Digital twin for the VAWT and Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
AE Auto-encoders.
AI Artificial Intelligence.
DT Digital Twin.
MG Micro-Grid.
PdM Predictive Maintenance.
RF Random Forest.
UI User Interface.
Chapter 1
try 4.0 have enabled the creation of digital mirrors of components or systems that offer a
detailed view on their current and future operating conditions [6]. This concept is known
as a Digital Twin (DT) and can be defined as “software-based abstractions of complex phys-
ical systems that are connected to the real system via a communication link to continuously
exchange data with the real environment and establish a dynamic digital mirror with a con-
stantly running modeling engine” [7]. A DT serves as an exceptional tool for monitoring
MGs, offering a comprehensive and detailed perspective on their operations. With the in-
tegration of IoT technology, collecting data becomes more accessible and efficient, allowing
for seamless data acquisition from various components within the MG. This data forms
the backbone of a data-driven model, which accurately represents different physical enti-
ties in the system. By leveraging this virtual representation, one can closely monitor the
MG’s performance, identify trends, and predict potential issues, leading to more informed
decision-making and enhanced system reliability.
This research aims to develop a comprehensive end-to-end framework for PdM applied
to MG components; a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) and an Energy Storage System.
The backend system integration will be built on Microsoft Azure. The project includes
creating a DT to visualize real-time data from MG components and to predict their future
operating conditions. This DT will facilitate the monitoring and analysis of the components,
enabling timely maintenance and improved system reliability.
1.2 Organization of the Report
The subsequent chapters of this report are structured as follows: Chapter 2 presents an
in-depth review of existing literature related to PdM, DTs, and Machine Learning concepts,
highlighting key insights and developments in these fields. Chapter 3 describes the method-
ology, divided into two main parts: the implementation on wind energy systems and energy
storage systems. Chapter 4 presents the results of the study, while Chapter 5 discusses these
results and provides conclusions drawn from the research.
Chapter 2
patterns across multiple features. Traditional methods for univariate anomaly detection
generally employ handcrafted features to model normal and anomalous event patterns [8],
using techniques such as wavelet analysis [9], Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [10], and
AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) [11].
Models for multivariate anomaly detection can be categorized into Forecasting-based
Models and Reconstruction-based Models [12]. A forecasting-based model identifies anoma-
lies by evaluating prediction errors [13]. Gugulothu et al. combine non-temporal dimen-
sionality reduction techniques with Recurrent Autoencoders for time-series modeling in an
end-to-end learning framework [14]. Study [15] proposes a Recurrent Neural Network model,
specifically a bidirectional Long Short-Term mMemory (bi-LSTM) model to forecast a time
series of gearbox shaft temperature from a healthy state, enabling the detection of anoma-
lies by comparing the predicted values with the actual measurements on the EDP wind
dataset [16].
A reconstruction-based model captures the representation of an entire time series and
learns to reconstruct the original input using a collection of latent variables. Study [17] pro-
poses an encoder-decoder framework based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to learn
representations from normal time-series data for the purpose of anomaly detection. The
authors of [18] used a denoising autoencoder and novel convolutional neural networks for
condition monitoring and performance forecasting on EDP wind dataset [16]. Auto-encoder
(AE) models learn to compress and then reconstruct the input data, allowing the model to
capture the underlying structure of normal instances and highlight anomalies through recon-
struction errors. This capability makes AE particularly valuable for continuous monitoring
and detection of subtle changes that may indicate potential failures or security breaches in
various systems [1]. The key advantage of AEs is that they do not require labeled classi-
fication or failure data, making them ideal for unsupervised learning environments. This
capability facilitates online condition monitoring, allowing for real-time insights into equip-
ment status.
T.R. Kurfess et al. estimate the future lifespan of a rolling element bearing by introducing
randomness into a previously deterministic model of defect propagation. This is achieved
by incorporating a log-normal random variable, making the prediction more flexible and
probabilistic in nature [22]. Specifically more advanced deep learning approaches, such as
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) and Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been utilized in PdM literature. RNNs can be used for
time series prediction tasks, making them suitable for predicting equipment failures or main-
tenance needs. Wu et al. utilized Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) to carry
out the RUL estimation for aircraft turbofan engines [23]. The study [4] presents a method
for predicting the RUL in the EDP wind dataset, aiming to forecast component faults over
the next 60 days. Various machine learning models are evaluated for this task, including
RF, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Support Vector Regression (SVR). The study also
proposes a maintenance strategy that can potentially reduce the maintenance cost of wind
turbine systems. The studies [24], [25] present a method for predicting RUL of a battery
in terms of a number of cycles by analyzing the State of Health (SoH) values of the battery.
In these studies, a statistical model combined with a machine learning model has been used
to make predictions.
Hybrid-based approaches represent a fusion of the strengths of both physical and digital
models, capitalizing on their respective advantages to achieve superior performance and
versatility. Werner et al. proposed a comprehensive PdM strategy in their work, which
involves a hybrid approach that combines both data-driven and physics-based modeling
techniques to estimate the RUL of systems or components [29].
The study [30] highlights the diverse capabilities of a DT. As shown in figure 2.2 a DT
can be standalone, offering a basic representation of a system; descriptive, providing detailed
visualization and real-time monitoring; and predictive, using data and analytics to forecast
future states and system behaviors. Study [31] introduces an architecture that integrates
MATLAB as a DT and Azure micro-services to implement the DT within a PdM framework.
A DT platform architecture for monitoring and controlling wind farms using Unity3D and
OPC-UA is discussed in [32]. The proposed framework in the study [33] connects a real
Festo Cyber-Physical Factory for Industry 4.0 with its digital representation, enabling the
implementation of a Predictive Maintenance model. This connection compensates for the
lack of run-to-failure data by conducting error simulations on both the physical asset and
its Digital Twin.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
The proposed framework integrates a comprehensive PdM strategy within a MG that
consists of a VAWT, an energy storage system featuring 10 ROSEN batteries connected to
an inverter, and a solar energy system. The primary focus of our project is on the PdM of the
VAWT and the energy storage system within the MG. The VAWT, with its variable-speed,
gearless, direct-drive generator, requires precise maintenance strategies that can predict and
prevent potential failures before they affect system performance. Similarly, the energy stor-
age system, comprised of 10 the batteries, is monitored through advanced algorithms that
analyze critical parameters such as charge cycles and temperature. This targeted approach
allows for detailed insights into the health of the batteries, enabling preemptive actions to
mitigate wear and extend battery life.
temperature sensors, which would typically be used to detect thermal faults. Vibration data
was chosen as the key parameter for monitoring mechanical faults. To address electrical
faults, the current and voltage generated by the VAWT will be collected and analyzed. By
focusing on vibration, current, and voltage data, the system aims to detect and address
potential faults effectively, providing a comprehensive approach to PdM. A custom Printed
Circuit Board (PCB) was designed to facilitate the acquisition of vibration sensor data.
9 Component Selection
Selecting a suitable vibration sensor for a PdM application is crucial for accurate data
collection and fault detection. To find the best sensor, a thorough search was conducted,
focusing on key selection criteria such as noise floor, bandwidth, and range. These factors
are critical in determining the sensor’s sensitivity, frequency response, and ability to capture
a wide range of vibrations [36]. A sensor with a low noise floor ensures high signal clarity,
while a broader bandwidth allows for detecting a variety of vibration frequencies. The range
criterion ensures that the sensor can measure both low and high levels of vibration. Figure 3.3
represents the frequency range of vibrations on different faults in rotating machines [37]. This
shows most faults can occur at lower frequencies, especially in VAWT and similar low RPM
Taking into account all these factors, including the ability to detect low-frequency vi-
brations, cost-effectiveness, and overall performance, two vibration sensors were ultimately
selected for the PdM application: STMicro’s IIS3DWBTR and TDK’s IIM-42352. IIM-
42352 is used as the vibration sensor in the PCB. Along with this sensor a ICM-20948 9-axis
MotionTracking sensor is used to calculate the tilt angles of the VAWT’s pole.
Selected vibration sensors
Parameters IIS3DWBTR IIM-42352
Bandwidth √(kHz) 6 4
Noise ( µg/ Hz) 75 70
1. Power - PCB is powered by 230V AC power which will be converted 5V by HLK-5M05
transformer and then 5V to 3.3V by using AMS1117 regulator.
3. ICM Vibration Sensor - One ICM-20498 vibration sensor is used, powered by 1.8V
obtained by converting 3.3V to 1.8V using a TC1017 regulator.
4. IIM Vibration Sensor - Two IIM-42352 vibration sensors are used, powered by 3.3V
5. USB Connector
6. USB to Serial
Figure 3.9: USB to Serial converter - wind turbine
separation is crucial in preventing noise and heat transfer from high-power compo-
nents affecting the performance of low-power circuits, particularly the sensitive signal
pathways associated with the vibration sensors.
• Differential Pair Routing and USB Connectivity: Given the necessity for reliable data
communication, the PCB incorporates differential pair routing to enhance the signal
integrity of the USB connections. This routing technique is essential for reducing elec-
tromagnetic interference and crosstalk, thereby ensuring stable and clear data trans-
14 Implementation
Following the design phase, the PCB underwent a series of tests to validate its perfor-
mance. The testing phase focused on evaluating the PCB’s electrical safety, signal integrity,
and operational stability, ensuring that the board meets all required specifications and in-
dustry standards.
Data Reading
In the wind turbine PCB, an ICM20948 and two IIM42352 sensors were used to obtain
tilt angles and vibrations respectively.
◦ ICM20948 data reading: ”SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM 20948” Arduino li-
brary was used to read data from this sensor with I 2 C communication protocol. This
sensor reads three euler angles: roll, pitch and yaw.
◦ IIM42352 data reading: This sensor was completely accessed by reading and writing
to the sensor registers. Vibrations were obtained by reading acceleration X,Y and Z
data from ACCEL REG acceleration data registers. SPI communication was used to
read and write data.
WiFi Handling
The WiFi connection of ESP32 is used for the data communication between the ESP32
and the cloud. ”WiFiManager” Arduino library was used for this purpose. The connection
is established at the beginning of a chip restart. If the WiFi connection is lost, then the
ESP32 continuously attempts to reconnect to the network.
Over-the-air (OTA)
The over-the-air method enables remote firmware uploading to the ESP32 over WiFi,
allowing firmware upgrades or changes in credentials.
The ESP32 contains two cores: core 0 and core 1. In this firmware, both cores are used to
perform tasks. The core 1 is responsible for collecting data from the sensors and generating
the data string. After a 5-second interval, it enqueues the data string in the data string
buffer. Then if the WiFi and MQTT connections are successful, core 0 will dequeue the
data strings in the buffer and transmit them to the Azure IoT Hub. Fig.3.13 shows the
architecture of the firmware of wind turbine PCB.
• Data from Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), University of Cincinnati.
• File Recording Interval: 1-second vibration signal snapshots recorded at every 10 min-
utes intervals. Each file consists of 20,480 points with the sampling rate set at 20
of the dataset contains data from four wind turbines, collected at 10-minute intervals. The
dataset also provides time steps where the faults have occurred in the corresponding wind
turbines. The dataset contains 81 monitored parameters from major components including
gearbox, generator, generator bearing, transformer, and hydraulic group. As the data comes
from actual wind turbines, the dataset reflects real-life challenges, providing a solid base for
developing and testing PdM models. The results obtained will be reliable and suitable for
real-world applications, like wind turbines or similar equipment. Since the dataset does not
have any labeled data, unsupervised machine learning methods will be used to analyze it.
Here we show how Anomaly detection models can be used to extract features of fault data.
Data Preprocessing
Initially, the 2016 dataset was divided into separate datasets for each wind turbine. For
each turbine’s dataset, the data was further segmented based on fault times, using fault
time as breakpoints to split the raw data into distinct subsets, as illustrated in Table 3.2. To
create training and test datasets, each subset was split such that the first 70% of the data
was designated as the training set, while the remaining 30% was designated as the test set
which is same method used in [18].
The training set of each dataset is assumed to contain only normal data. This data was
used to train a Variational Auto-encoder Model (VRAE). Out of the 81 features, 38 were
selected as per the literature [18]. Any outlier removal technique was not applied as it may
cause the loss of information which might be useful for the anomaly detection. Missing values
can be a greater issue than outliers. Fortunately, there were no Not a Number (NaNs) in
the 2016 dataset, and only one NaN in the 2017 dataset across the selected 38 features. To
address this single instance of missing data, forward fill was used.
Data normalization is an essential step when training neural network models. It involves
scaling the data to ensure that all features are on a similar scale, which helps in stabilizing
and accelerating the training process [40]. MinMaxScaler from sklearn library was used to
scale the 38 features to the range 0 and 1.
seeks to find patterns or irregularities within the dataset. An AE model was used for this
purpose because it can handle multidimensional data, making it suitable for complex datasets
with many features. AEs are designed to reconstruct their input after encoding it into a
compressed form, known as the latent space. If an anomaly occurs in any of the features,
the AE may struggle to reconstruct the data accurately, resulting in a higher reconstruction
loss. This discrepancy allows the model to identify where the anomaly might be. Due to this
reason reconstruction error based anomaly detection is implemented compared to forecasting
based, discussed in the literature review.
The training set, which contains only normal condition data, was used to train the model
illustrated in figure 3.15. During this process, the described VRAE model was trained to
learn a compact representation of the input data. Once the model was trained, the maximum
training reconstruction loss was calculated and set as the threshold for identifying anomalies.
The model was trained for 150 epochs with early stopping strategy to prevent overfitting.
Adaptive moment estimation method (Adam) was used as the preferred optimizer for train-
ing. The latent space dimension, learning rate was tuned to 20 and 0.0005.
Following this visualization, a K Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) model was trained on the
latent space embeddings. k-NN is a clustering method that identifies groups of similar
datapoints based on their proximity to one another in the feature space. By training a k-NN
model, we can cluster the anomalies into distinct groups, providing more detailed insights
into the underlying patterns of the identified faults. This approach enables further analysis
to classify the type of fault and determine which components are most likely to experience
The integration of anomaly detection with clustering methods like k-NN facilitates a
more targeted approach to PdM, allowing a single model to identify anomalies and determine
where in the system the issue is happening. Final implementation of the anomaly detection
and fault classification model is depicted in figure 3.16. The results of this method will be
discussed in the Results section.
Fault Data Analysis
In this section, we use the same EDP wind dataset for our analysis [39]. The current
version of this dataset contains data from four wind turbines. This dataset has two full years
of operational data (2016 and 2017) from a wind farm. The dataset includes critical infor-
mation on four major components: the gearbox, generator, generator bearing, transformer,
and hydraulic group. Additionally, it provides breakage reports from these components, de-
tailing instances of failure and other significant issues. The dataset focuses on four turbines,
identified as T01, T06, T07, T11. The number of faults occured per each turbine is shown
in figure 3.17.
Gearbox Generator Gen Bearing Hydraulic Transformer
Number of Faults
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T01 T06 T07 T11
It can be seen that some faults occurred in some wind turbines. As the dataset contains
two years of data, 2016 data is used as training data, 2017 data is used as testing data. If we
look at the fault distribution among the training and testing set for each wind turbine, there
are faults that did not occur for the wind turbine in training set, which have occurred in the
testing set and vice versa (marked in yellow in figure 3.18).To assess whether a predictive
model can generalize, it must successfully predict these unseen faults in the testing set.
Since these faults are unique to the testing data, they serve as a benchmark for evaluating
the model’s adaptability and robustness.
Figure 3.18: Fault distribution among training and testing data [3]
Data Preprocessing
The 2016 dataset did not contain any NaN values, while any NaNs found in the 2017
dataset were handled using forward filling. The dataset underwent a feature selection
process to remove features with low variance. A variance threshold of 0.1 was used to
identify features that had minimal variability, indicating that they contributed little in-
formation. Hence features ‘Prod LatestAvg ActPwrGen2’, ‘Prod LatestAvg ReactPwrGen2’,
‘Grd Prod CosPhi Avg’, ‘Grd Prod Freq Avg’ were removed. Outliers were not removed for
the same reason explained in section Finally dataset is scaled using MinMaxScaler
from sklearn library.
Figure 3.19: RUL model for each component
Various deep learning classification models were tested, including a Deep Neural Network
(DNN), a LSTM classifier, and a one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN)
classifier. After evaluating these models using validation accuracy, the 1D-CNN model was
chosen as the best-performing model for the classification task. The model is shown in
figure 3.20. Given that the dataset for each model is unbalanced, a stratified cross-validation
approach (with k = 10) was used to assess validation accuracy and detect potential overfitting
to the training data. Stratified cross-validation ensures that each fold has a proportional
representation of each class, addressing the issue of imbalance by preserving the distribution
of classes across training and validation sets.
Maintenance strategy
In the testing set, each model generates a label for each 10-minute timestamp, indicating
whether a fault is likely. Given the high frequency of these predictions, the number of warn-
ings could be substantial, raising concerns about the practicality of sending a technician to
inspect a component every time the model signals a potential issue. In real-life scenarios,
sending a technician for each warning is impractical. Instead, it’s more likely that if a com-
ponent has been examined and determined to be functioning properly, subsequent warnings
might be disregarded for a certain period before another inspection is considered. Hence in
this system, once the model issues a warning, a technician is supposed to be sent for inspec-
tion. If the technician could find any fault, the output from the model will be taken as a true
positive (TP). These true positives will incur repair costs. If there is no fault a technician
could find, the output of the model will be taken as a false positive (FP). In such a case it will
incur inspection costs. Subsequently, all the warnings from the model will be disregarded
for 30 days. This 30 day choice is made with the understanding that even if a false positive
occurs, more than half of the 60-day interval (which is the timeframe for predicting a fault)
remains for the model to act on. Thus, this 30-day buffer allows for a reasonable margin
before deciding to re-inspect or take further action. Finally, a false negative (FN) is where
no warnings were sent at all during the 60 days leading up to a failure. False negatives will
incur replacement costs.
The results of the model will be discussed in the results section.
Figure 3.24: Final implementation on the battery system
1. ESP32
2. USB Connector
• Differential pair routing was adhered when drawing traces for USB communica-
tion. Impedance profile for USB communication is 90 Ω.
Figure 3.26: USB Connector - Battery System
4. Hex inverter
• Contains two LEDs to indicate data communication both ways. RX, TX pins are
connected to RX, TX pins of the ESP32 micro-controller respectively.
Figure 3.28: Hex inverter - Battery System
5. RS485 transceiver
• Half-duplex transceiver that meets the specifications of RS-485 serial protocols
with enhanced Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) performance. It meets the require-
ments of the RS-485 protocols upto 10Mbps under load. Includes a 120 Ω ter-
mination resistor to match the characteristic impedance of the transmission line,
reduce signal reflections, and improve signal integrity. Differential pair routing
have been followed when drawing data communication traces from the RJ45.
Impedance profile for RS485 communication is 100 Ω.
6. RJ45
• Output from the battery system is connected to this RJ45 socket using an Eth-
ernet cable. Data communication lines are drawn adhering to differential pair
Figure 3.30: RJ45 socket - Battery System
30 Enclosure Design
The PCB was designed to fit into a commercially purchased enclosure, which has IP54
protection and is made from durable ABS plastic. These enclosures along with the PCB was
fitted close to the battery in the energy storage system. Implementation
Following the design phase, the PCB underwent a series of tests to validate its perfor-
mance. The testing phase focused on evaluating the PCB’s electrical safety, signal integrity,
and operational stability, ensuring that the board met all required specifications and industry
Our PCB connects to the battery through the RS485 port of the Battery Management
System (BMS) using an RJ45 ethernet cable. Using the firmware in the ESP32 micro-
controller and RS485 to TTL conversion, battery data can be acquired from the BMS.
controlling a PACE Battery Management System (BMS) using the RS485 Modbus protocol.
It is an open-source platform for creating custom firmware for ESP32 micro-controllers.
Our project is specifically implemented for the PACE Battery Management System
(BMS). PACE is a manufacturer of Battery Management Systems, which are electronic
systems that monitor critical parameters of a battery, such as voltage, current, temperature,
and health.
The firmware is specifically configured to measure the following parameters from the
• Current
• Voltage of pack
• Remaining Capacity
• Full Capacity
• Warning flag
• Protection flag
• Status flag
Data string buffer
A buffer is used to store data strings in case of WiFi or MQTT connection failure. This
buffer can store up to 50 data strings. If more data strings must be stored, old data strings
will be discarded to store the new data strings. A data string consists of 30 parameters of
the battery status.
A summary of the dataset from Severson et al. [41] used for the prediction of RUL is as
follows. The dataset consists of 124 Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) / graphite cells (A123
APR18650M1A) cycled in three “batches”. These cells were split into a training set (41
cells), primary test set (43 cells) and secondary test set (40 cells). Each cell has a nominal
capacity of 1.1 Ah and nominal voltage of 3.3V. These cells have been cycled with one of
72 different fast charging protocols, but all cells were identically discharged at 4C (C refers
to the nominal rate required to discharge a cell in 1 h). The dataset consists of standard
electrochemical data like voltage, capacity, cycle number, internal resistance and surface
temperature of each cell measured from a thermocouple mounted on the cells.
Objective of this approach was to predict the log-transformed cycle life using data from
only the first 100 cycles of a cell. Cycle life is defined as the number of cycles before the
capacity falls below 80% of the nominal capacity (80% of 1.1 Ah or 0.88Ah). The dataset
contains cycle lives in a range from 300 to 2237.
The main predictive feature of the model is derived from the voltage vs discharge ca-
pacity curves. The feature summarizes the difference between the voltage vs discharge
capacity curves of the 100th and 10th cycles, denoted ∆Q100-10 (V). Our model uses the
log10 (variance(∆Q100-10 (V))) to predict the RUL of a cell.
Model Implementation
In principle, the relationship between voltage and capacity is continuous. But, in practice
this relationship is sampled at a finite rate after data acquisition. The discharge voltage curve
is fit with a smoothing spline and then sampled at 1000 evenly spaced points in voltage. The
operating window spans 1.6 V (3.6- 2 V), thus distance between each capacity sample is 1.6
mV. Then we fit the capacity as a function of voltage since voltage window is constant with
cycle number and capacity changes with cycling.
In conclusion, each discharge curve will have 1000 capacity points at 1000 pre-defined
voltage points. For the first 100 cycles, each cell will have 100,000 voltage-capacity data
Figure 3.34a shows the voltage vs discharge capacity curves for the first 100 cycles of a
specific battery. Note that curves shift slightly to the left with increasing cycle number.
Figure 3.34b below shows the visualization of 100,000 voltage-capacity data points termed
the “capacity matrix”.
Figure 3.34d shows Qn −Q2 at two selected voltages, two rows of the “baseline-subtracted
capacity matrix”. We use cycle 10 as a baseline cycle for this model since this cycle number
avoids the initial rise in capacity.
It must be noted that the sum of all elements in a column of the baseline-subtracted
capacity matrix is proportional to the change in discharge energy between the cycle of interest
and the baseline cycle at a given voltage. Different summary statistics and transformations
were applied on ∆Q100-10 (V). The highest performing univariate model was found to be with
the feature log10 (variance(∆Q100-10 (V))).
Model Evaluation
The dataset was evaluated on the following models; Ridge regression, Elastic Net Regres-
sion, Principal Component Regression, Partial Least Squares Regression, Random Forests,
Support Vector Regression.
Figure 3.35 shows the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) in terms of cycles for the train-
ing, primary test and secondary test sets.
Figure 3.35: RMSE (cycles) for the training, primary and secondary test sets
The best results on both primary test and secondary test sets were obtained from the
Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) model. The optimal number of PLS components
that give the least RMSE is nine. Optimization was done by looping through components one
to twenty, performing cross-validation on the training set, and then selecting the component
that gives the least RMSE.
In this project, CS2 battery dataset from CALCE (The Center for Advanced Life Cycle
Engineering) of University of Maryland was chosen to develop this SoH prediction model.
This dataset consists of four 1.1 Ah LiCoO2 batteries labeled CS2-35, CS2-36, CS2-37 and
CS2-38. These batteries have been cycled at constant current of 1C (C refers to the nominal
rate required to discharge a battery in 1 h). Fig.3.36 shows the degradation curves of the
four batteries.
Figure 3.36: SoH degradation of CS2 batteries
Model Implementation
We developed four types of machine learning models: Support Vector Regression (SVR),
Random Forest (RF), Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and LSTM. These models were trained
and tested similary to figure out the best model.
The model architecture is shown in the Fig.3.37. SoH values were used as model input
using a window technique with 32 SoH values per window. Models were trained using data
from three batteries at a time, and then tested for the remaining battery. The SoH values
for the next 30 cycles of the test battery would be predicted at a certain cycle, and data up
to that cycle of the test battery was also used in the training set. This training and testing
process was done for all models while the test battery was changed.
Azure Functions
Azure functions are utilised as endpoints that respond to events. Based on the require-
ments, different Azure Functions services were utilised in this project, each with its own
triggering type.
• Data storing
For this purpose, an Azure Functions service was initialized with an Event Grid trigger
to trigger when new data arrives. Multiple functions were configured to receive events
(with data) from the wind turbine and batteries separately. After receiving data, it
is converted to a JSON object and stored in a Cosmos database. In wind turbine
function, weather data are also collected by calling a OpenWeather API.
• Data requesting
The digital twin updates its visualizing data at defined intervals. A separate Azure
Functions service with an HTTP trigger is used to get data at these intervals. The
digital twin calls this functions via HTTP requests, then these functions get data from
Azure Blob Storage and provide it to the digital twin.
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB service is used to store data of the wind turbine and batteries. This
is a NoSQL type database and there are many storage types in Cosmos DB. Since key-value
pairs are used in this instance, Cosmos Table Storage is used. Two separate tables are used
to store data of wind turbine and batteries.
Azure Storage
Azure Blob Storage is used here in this Azure Storage service. This blob storage stores
the last data arrived from the wind turbine and batteries. This data is then provided to the
digital twin to visualize by the Azure Function.
from their data in near real-time. Figure 3.39 shows a near real-time dashboard of data from
both the batteries in the battery system.
Chapter 4
Key Findings:
• Threshold Setting: For each dataset, a unique anomaly detection threshold was es-
tablished based on the maximum reconstruction loss observed during the training on
normal data. This approach ensures precise and tailored anomaly detection for each
specific dataset.
Set No. 1:
• Recording Duration: October 22, 2003 12:06:24 to November 25, 2003 23:39:56
• Description: Inner race defect occurred in bearing 3 and roller element defect in bearing
Figure 4.1: Vibration signals of set 01
(a) (b)
Result - Anomaly detection and fault prediction around 2 days in advance to the actual
failure occurrence.
Set No. 2:
• Recording Duration: February 12, 2004 10:32:39 to February 19, 2004 06:22:39
Figure 4.3: Vibration signals of set 02
(a) (b)
Result - Anomaly detection and fault prediction around 3 days in advance to the actual
failure occurrence.
Set No. 3:
Figure 4.5: Vibration signals of set 03
(a) (b)
Result - Anomaly detection and fault prediction around 2 days in advance to the actual
failure occurrence.
Figure 4.7: Training reconstruction loss
Figure 4.8 shows the test set for the generator bearing dataset. We can clearly see early
warnings of anomaly is detected around 117 timestamps earlier which corresponds to around
19.5 hours early detection.
For the additional faults listed in the 2016 dataset, our model was able to detect early
signs of anomalies earlier than the fault timestamp provided in the dataset except for the
Transformer fault. Table 4.1 presents the results of our early detection analysis.
Component Early detection ours Early detection [3](hrs)
Generator Bearing 19.5 11
Transformer - -
Generator 23 -
Hydraulic System 3.3 -
Gearbox 67 -
4.1.2 Fault Classification
Below is the t-SNE plot for the embedding from the encoder of the Anomaly detection
model in
Together with the results from above table and the equations in Figure 3.21, we were able
to calculate the cost of maintenance for the wind turbine system. Using our model, the cost
incurred will be 302 424 € which is 44% lesser than reactive maintenance cost of 540 000 €
and 29% lesser than scheduled maintenance cost of 427 500 €. Hence we show that using
a PdM model we can reduce the maintenance cost compared to traditional maintenance
4.2 Energy Storage System
4.2.1 Remaining Useful Life Prediction
Figure 4.10 shows the results of RUL prediction on the training, primary test and sec-
ondary test sets of the battery. It can be stated that predictions for batteries with high
observed cycle life have higher deviations. This is mostly because the training dataset con-
tains a low number of batteries with higher observed cycle life.
Figure 4.11: SoH predictions of models
The results of the models are shown in Fig.4.4. The evaluation is based on average Mean
Squared Error (MSE) loss and standard deviation of residuals. Based on the results, the
SVR model had the least average MSE loss and standard deviation. Therefore, SVR model
was chosen as the final model.
4.3 Digital Twin
A DT model was created to represent components as they appear in the physical world.
The purpose of this DT is to visualize the current operating condition of the components
and to integrate predictions from the models deployed in the cloud. The following figures
illustrate the user interface of the DT model. This interface provides a detailed visualization
of the components, allowing users to monitor their status in real-time and access predictive
(a) (b)
Figure 4.13: (a) Wind turbine selected (b) Battery system selected
For demonstration purposes, the public dataset serves as the input for the wind turbine
model, offering a realistic data source to simulate operational conditions. The interface also
shows the predictions from the fault classification model, allowing users to monitor potential
The model described in Figure 3.16 is implemented in the DT. If the model detects an
anomaly, the User Interface (UI) issues a warning, indicating that a potential fault has been
identified. Along with the warning, the UI specifies which component is likely experiencing
the anomaly, helping users to quickly locate and address the problem. (Figure 4.14b) This
functionality enhances the ability to take proactive maintenance actions, contributing to
improved wind turbine reliability and reduced downtime.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.14: (a) Wind turbine interface when no fault (b) Wind turbine interface during a
Figure 4.15: Battery Screen
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The battery interface displays real-time data from the BMS where our custom PCB was
installed as shown in Figure 4.15. This interface allows users to monitor the battery’s status
and key metrics in real-time, providing insights into its performance and health. Additionally,
the interface visualizes the predictions from the SoH Prediction model. This model indicates
how the battery is expected to degrade over the next 30 cycles. It assesses the battery’s
condition and provides an indication of its RUL.
The integration of the OpenWeatherMap API in Unity allows for dynamic weather mod-
eling in the DT. The skybox in the Unity environment changes according to the weather
conditions provided by the API. Currently, four predefined skyboxes are implemented as
shown in Figure 4.16.
Chapter 5
5.1 Discussion
5.1.1 Wind Energy System Hardware Development
The hardware for the wind energy system uses ESP32 as the main micro-controller which
is capable of WiFi and Bluetooth communications. Due to the advancements of IoT tech-
nologies, firmware for the hardware was developed to acquire data wirelessly. Our hardware
collects 9 sensor data from three sensors and MQTT is used to transfer data to Azure Cloud
Services. Due to the implemented method, data sampling frequency is limited to 30Hz.
As the VAWT is a low RPM rotation machinery, we expect this sampling frequency to be
sufficient in using the collected data for a PdM application, although a frequency domain
analysis of vibration signals will always benefit from higher frequency of data collection.
The structure of the VAWT makes it difficult to design hardware for each of its compo-
nents. Accessing the turbine was also a challenge to get accurate dimension measurements
etc. at the initial design stage of the hardware. Hence it was decided to fix the hardware
on the pole of the wind turbine to collect vibration data from the turbine. Together with
the current and voltage data that will be collected from the inverter we expect the proposed
PdM framework to be applicable for this VAWT.
ing forward, our research can extend beyond anomaly detection to incorporate fault detection
methodologies, further refining the predictive maintenance process. Additionally, by inte-
grating RUL prediction models, we can forecast the remaining operational lifespan of ma-
chinery components within the next 60 days, allowing for optimized maintenance scheduling
and resource allocation.
However, the public version of the EDP wind dataset contains data only for four wind
turbines, but the faults have occurred in five wind turbines. Turbine T09’s data is not
available publicly. There are a good amount of faults that have occurred in 2016 in T09
turbine. Training without this data, makes some component’s RUL prediction models overfit
to the training data, hence the prediction accuracy is lower on the 2017 test dataset. Also
within the same component the type of fault that has occurred in 2016 and 2017 can be
different. In such a case the pattern of anomalous data can be completely different even
when the fault is occurring in the same component. Therefore, more data with various types
of fault data will be needed to model highly generalized PdM applications.
results. The models use a windowing technique, feeding the model SoH data from previous
cycles to predict future SoH values.
5.2 Conclusion
In this research we propose an end-to-end framework for PdM incorporating hardware
development for acquiring data suitable for a PdM application. The developed hardware
for the wind turbine will acquire vibration data for the operating VAWT. Together with the
parameters that can be collected from the inverter which consists of fault codes as well, we
will be developing a dataset which will be similar to the public dataset we have used for the
model building. In the second part of the research, we propose a pipeline for PdM starting
from anomaly detection, fault classification and going to the extent of RUL prediction. We
show how an anomaly detection method can issue an early warning for the faults occurring
in a wind turbine system then how such anomalies can be classified to identify where the
fault is occurring. Finally we predict the faults occurring in a 60 day ahead time interval
and by following the discussed maintenance scheme we show how maintenance cost can be
reduced compared to traditional maintenance schemes.
The developed hardware for the energy storage system addresses the pain point of inabil-
ity to monitor each battery in a MG system. The hardware has the capability of acquiring
all the parameters of the battery BMS along with operating condition, warnings and fault
codes. Then we show how availability of such data, facilitate PdM applications such as SoH
prediction and RUL prediction for batteries.
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