5 Days Total Body Workouts
5 Days Total Body Workouts
5 Days Total Body Workouts
plans designed
to enhance your
nancy anderson
workout routine
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be repro-
duced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written
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book review.
ready to see
what a difference
five days can make?
Each set will take 1 minute (40 seconds on/20 seconds off), and each exercise
will take 3 minutes (1 minute per set x 3 sets). Total Time = 15 minutes.
Time Reps Sets Exercise
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off 3 (if n/a then TRX row if n/a
then plank row)
dumbbell overhead
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off 3
strict press
3 per dumbbell
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
each side bench row
Time Reps Exercise
dumbbell upright row (pause and
1 minute
squeeze shoulder blades at the top)
1 minute
lateral raise
1 minute
reverse fly
Directions: Complete each exercise every minute on the minute for 5 rounds.
Go as heavy as possible (with good form) on the dumbbells. 200 meter runs/
sprints should take 30-60 seconds. If there is any time left over in the minute
you are on, that is your rest time.
Time RepsReps Exercise
EMOM 200 meters run/sprint
Time Reps Sets Exercise
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off 3 dumbbell pullover
Time Reps Exercise
dumbbell upright row (pause and
1 minute
squeeze shoulder blades at the top)
RepsReps Exercise
400 meters run
dumbbell squats
50 (pause at the bottom, drive knees out as you stand)
dumbbell swings
30 (squeeze gluten and tuck hips under at top)
Time Reps Sets Exercise
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off 3 dumbbell pullover
Directions: Complete the following circuit for 3 rounds. Rest 1-2 minutes
between rounds.
Time Reps Exercise
1 minute per each side side lying hip raise
1. Hang from a bar with your elbows 2. Pull yourself up until your chin
straight and your palms facing away passes the bar.
from you. Don't let your shoulders
3. Then lower yourself back to the start
hitch up toward your ears; instead,
position. Alternative hand positions
think about engaging your lats and
include palms facing toward you
pulling your shoulder blades down
("chin up") and palms facing in
your back.
(done on a neutral grip bar).
1. Hold the straps in your hands and 2. Keeping your core engaged, pull
lean back so your arms are straight with your arms until your chest
and your body is reclined in a reaches your hands (palms facing
straight line. Walk your feet forward each other). Keep your elbows close
or backward to change the angle to your body.
of your body and make it harder or
3. Slowly lower back to the start
easier (respectively).
1. Start on the ground in the top of a 3. Return the dumbbell to the floor
push up position with your hands and repeat on the other side.
on a pair of dumbbells.
1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your 2. Engage your core (don't let your ribs
shoulders. Palms should face in and stick out!), press your arms up over
elbows should be pointing down head until your elbows lock out
and slightly ahead of your body (if (palms can face forward or remain
someone were standing in front of facing in).
you, your elbows should be aiming
3. Lower the dumbbells back to your
at their knees).
shoulders, keeping your elbows
aimed ahead of you.
1. Place your left hand and left 3. Squeeze your right shoulder blade
knee on a flat bench, and hold a back and down, then pull the
dumbbell in your right hand (palm dumbbell to your chest.
facing in).
4. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to
2. Bend forward at the hips until your the start position.
torso is parallel to the ground.
1. Start in standing. Hold two 2. Lift your arms until your hands
dumbbells with palms facing in reach shoulder height (palms
and arms extended at your sides. should be facing down).
1. Start in standing. Hold two directly in line with your left foot
dumbbells with palms facing in (shin will be perpendicular to the
and arms extended at your sides. ground). Keep your torso upright
and core engaged throughout.
2. Step your right leg back and lower
yourself down with control until 3. To return to the start position, drive
the knee touches the ground. Your through your left leg and stand
front left knee should be bent and back up.
1. Start on the floor on hands and 3. Without dropping your hips, push
toes in a plank position, with hands yourself back up until your elbows
under your shoulders and your fully extend. To make this easier,
body in a straight line. drop to your knees.
1. Sit on a bench and place your 3. With control, bend your elbows
palms on the edge, slightly wider until they reach about 90 degrees
than shoulder width apart. and your shoulders reach or just
pass elbow height. Make sure your
2. Slide your butt off the bench while
elbows point back and don't allow
bracing your feet on the floor with
your shoulders to hitch up toward
knees bent (or you can extend your
your ears.
legs out straight).
4. Straighten your arms to return to
the starting position.
1. Lean your back against a bench 2. Keeping the arms straight, slowly
with your torso perpendicular to drop the dumbbell back behind
the bench. Feet should be flat on your head until you feel a stretch in
the floor with knees bent. Hold the your chest.
bulky end of one dumbbell with
3. Then return to the start position.
two hands directly over your chest.
1. Sit tall with your core engaged 2. Keeping your elbows in and your
(don't let your ribs stick out!). Hold upper arms as still as possible, lower
the bulky end of one dumbbell the weight down behind your head.
with two hands directly over your
3. To return to the start position, use
head and arms straight.
your triceps to straighten your
1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, 3. Then slowly lower the weight back
palms facing in. down until your elbows fully extend.
1. Start in standing in front of a step are extended at the top. Make sure
or box (less than an arm's distance the front leg does most of the work
away). Hold two dumbbells with and avoid kicking up too much
palms facing in and arms extended with the bottom leg.
at your sides.
3. To return to the floor, slowly lower
2. Keeping your torso still, place one yourself down with the same leg you
foot up on the box and step up all used to stand up, then switch legs.
the way until your knees and hips
1. Start in standing with your feet toward your groin as if you were
about shoulder width apart. Hold hiking a football.
the bulky end of a dumbbell with
3. Then, squeeze your buttocks and
two hands while keeping your arms
extend your hips and knees to swing
the dumbbell up to about shoulder
2. Keeping your core engaged and height. You should be using the
your chest up, hinge forward at momentum of your hips to swing
the hips, put a slight bend in your the dumbbell (instead of performing
knees, and bring the dumbbell in a front raise with your shoulders).
1. Hold two dumbbells at your 3. Then as you stand up, use the
shoulders with elbows pointed momentum to press the dumbbells
forward and palms facing in. Stand up over your head (palms can face
with your feet about shoulder width in our out).
4. Return to the start position or move
2. Perform a dumbbell squat. right into another thruster.
1. Start in standing with your feet 3. As you stand up from the squat,
together with your arms extended jump your feet back together.
at your sides.
1. Start in standing with your core lower body momentum to pull the
engaged. Hold a dumbbell in one dumbbell up your chest and over
hand, with the dumbbell in front of your head in one fluid motion. Make
your thigh. sure your thumb stays in against
your chest and your elbow remains
2. With a slight bend in your knees,
higher than the dumbbell until you
hinge forward at your hips until the
extend the elbow at the top (think
dumbbell reaches about knee level.
"punch the sky").
3. Then, squeeze your buttocks,
4. Lower the dumbbell with control to
extend your hips, and use that
the start position.
1. Start on the ground in a plank 3. Now jump and switch your feet in
position with hands under the air so that you land with your
shoulders and toes on the ground. left foot near the outside of your
left hand.
2. Keeping your core engaged, step
your right foot up toward the
outside of your right hand.
1. Start in a stable side plank position can be bent or straight. Keep your
with your lower forearm and knee top foot parallel to the ground. If
against the ground, your hips off doing this with a bent knee, keep
the floor, and your upper hand the knee and foot in line with each
resting on your top hip. other.
2. Keeping your core engaged, lift 3. Slowly return to the start position.
your upper leg by squeezing your
top outer buttocks. The top leg
1. Lie on your back with your arms 3. Then, press through your heels,
extended by your sides, palms squeeze your buttocks, and lift your
down. Place your feet flat on the hips until they are fully extended
ground with knees bent. as you exhale.
2. Engage your core and press your 4. Hold for 1-2 counts at the top, then
lower back into the ground. slowly lower down.
your trainer
natal expert, and the Founder and CEO of Nancy
Anderson Fit and Move Your Bump. She is fired
up and passionately motivated to help women
and men, especially moms and moms-to-be, live
their best and healthiest lives possible.
Nancy has nearly 15 years of experience in
the field of fitness and nutrition. Starting as a
marathon runner and nationally-ranked bikini
competitor, Nancy then began working as a
head fitness trainer at Under Armour World
Headquarters. She soon opened and managed
her own boot camp studio on the east coast.
Nancy then ventured to Southern California,
where she was named one of the Top 10 Trainers
to Follow by Self Magazine. She published
several ebooks and digital programs (and
more on the way!) on her unique and effective
nutritional and fitness programs.
She has recently launched her newest venture,
MoveYourBump.Mom which opens it’s virtual
doors January 2019. This will be a private
membership site with nutritional, fitness and
lifestyle monthly coaching and programming
designed by Nancy for each specific stage of
motherhood: trying to conceive (TTC), pregnancy
(MYB), postpartum (4TM) and motherhood
(MOM). Join the movement here.
Nancy's global community is growing everyday.
Nancy Anderson Fit has reached tens of
thousands of women in over 81 countries,
with over 1,000 active participants her online
coaching communities every month. That's a lot
of women who are learning how to reclaim the
body and health they deserve so they can be the
best woman and Mom they can be!