Sentry vs crashanalytics
Sentry vs crashanalytics
Sentry vs crashanalytics
The Mobile Developer’s
Decision-Making Guide
Introduction 1
At-a-glance overview 2
Features comparison
Workflow 13
Assessing ROI 26
Conclusion 30
Many mobile developers weigh the differences between Firebase
Crashlytics and Sentry when they are trying to choose the right
crash, error, and performance monitoring solution for their apps.
This guide, which includes a feature comparison, tools to assess ROI,
customer stories, and more, will help you make an informed decision.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / At-a-glance overview / 2
Here’s a high-level overview of the differences
between Firebase Crashlytics and Sentry.
Context Source Map support for React Native No Source Map support for React Native
and Insights
Search and filter by custom tags; view trends and Limited search and filter capabilities; export and
analyze data with Dashboards and Discover analyze data in BigQuery
Workflow Automatic issue assignment and notifications No issue assignment or targeted notifications
Two-way data flow between other tools One-way data flow to other tools
Product investments focused on enabling developers Product investments focused on deeper integration
to adopt new technologies with Firebase Platform
Vendor agnostic Reliant on Firebase Platform
and Scale
EU Data residency Not GDPR compliant
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / At-a-glance overview / 3
Features comparison
Let’s take a deeper dive into these 3 categories.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Features comparison / 4
Context and Insights
Prioritizing crashes and errors and identifying root causes
in order to solve them fast is the primary use case for crash
reporting tools. So let’s start there.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 5
Here’s a look at the Crashlytics dashboard,
where you can view crash-free rate
statistics, event trends, and issues for one
project at a time.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 6
Let’s compare Sentry, starting with the On the Project Details page, you can see We have only just started the guide,
Issues page. Here, you can search and current crash free sessions and Apdex but you likely already have a sense for the
filter issues across projects and perform scores for specific release versions, build, deeper functionality available with Sentry.
advanced searches with default and package, or stage of usage. You can also Let’s move on to context.
custom tokens. visualize crash free sessions over time and
see any recent alerts.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 7
Once you have identified a “There’s not a lot of depth
crash or non-fatal error to solve,
to the data that Crashlytics
Crashlytics offers stack traces,
collects. There’s not a lot of
keys, logs, and data. We hear from
a lot of users that the content isn’t breadcrumbing, there’s not a
usually enough to solve most bugs. lot of ability to dig in deeper
other than one line of stack
trace causing an issue”
Head of Engineering,
Music Streaming Service
Debugging with Crashlytics is especially
difficult if you build with React Native.
Crashlytics does not provide source map
support for React native out-of-the-box,
which results in minified stack traces that
are difficult to read.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 8
Sentry, on the other hand, provides deep actionable context to help you
solve issues faster.
• Suspect Commits to uncover the • Gain insight into the sequence of events
commits that introduced the error that led to the error, as well as the line of
code that contains the bug, with Stack
• Tags to index and search key information Traces
like device type or OS
• If the cause of an error isn’t obvious,
• Screenshots to see what your users saw trace your user’s steps with
when the app crashed Breadcrumbs
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 9
In fact, in the recent State of “We had been using Firebase
React Native survey, Sentry was
Crashlytics but it does not support
identified as the most popular
source maps from React Native,
crash reporting solution among
survey respondents. so it was always difficult trying to
understand exactly where a crash
originated from and what change
might’ve introduced it. Sentry makes
it easy to identify new crashes and
where they are coming from.”
For React Native users, Sentry
provides unminified stack traces.
Frikkie Snyman,
Mobile Platform Engineer, Relive
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 10
Lastly, let’s take a look at the comparative insights and analytics
offerings from Crashlytics and Sentry.
BigQuery gives you access to your raw Crashlytics provides a Data Studio
Crashlytics data through an integration so template, which is powered by exported
you can get more in-depth crash reporting crash data.
and run custom queries. You can set up
ways to automate your release process.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 11
Sentry provides two products that offer Sentry’s Dashboards provide you with The Releases page provides a visualization
analytics tools built right into the platform: a broad overview of your application’s of your releases. It presents adoption
Discovery and Dashboards health by allowing you to navigate through of releases from the past 24 hours and
crash and error across multiple projects. provides a high-level view of:
Discover provides visibility into your data Dashboards are made up of one or more
across environments by building upon widgets, and each widget visualizes one or
• Each release version
and enriching your error data. You can more Discover queries. • The associated project
query and unlock insights into the health • The adoption stage of each release
of your entire system and get answers You can build custom queries in Discover • The authors of each commit
to critical business questions — all in one and custom Dashboards on Sentry’s • The percentage of crash-free users
place. Use Discover to view comprehensive Business plan. • The percentage of crash-free sessions
information sent to Sentry.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Context and Insights / 12
Workflows are an area where you will see clear
advantages to Sentry over Crashlytics, especially for
growing teams that rely on collaboration to ship and
improve their apps. Most workflows to solve crashes
start by finding out that there is a problem. So let’s
take a look at alerts and notifications.
For velocity alerts and regressions, noise. We’ll get alerts all hours
Firebase will show these alerts in the of the night. I’ll get alerts that
Firebase console. Firebase can also send something’s going wrong and it
one-way summaries to Slack, Jira, or
ends up being one user causing
a lot of noise. And so the alerting
On the paid Blaze plan for Firebase, you can I find to not be super helpful.
use Cloud Functions to send customized
Alerts should be intelligent.
notifications for velocity alerts to additional
And when you’re saying that
third-party systems.
there’s a critical issue and it
impacts five users... not worth
With Crashlytics, you cannot assign issues
to a specific team or developer. As such,
waking the team up for.”
you cannot send notifications only to an
assigned person or team. One developer’s Head of Engineering, Music Streaming
bug becomes everyone’s problem. Service
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 20
Since launching our first mobile SDKs for Android and iOS in 2016, Sentry has continued to invest in our mobile offerings. We have especially
doubled down in the last three years as mobile adoption has continued to accelerate after the pandemic.
Here is a look at Sentry’s recent crash reporting investments, which are focused on helping developers solve crashes and non-fatal errors
faster and adopt new technologies.
• Semantic Versioning
• Android SDK • Android SDK v6.0
• Device Classification
• Auto activity instrumentation • Jetpack compose support
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 21
“Sentry’s team is often working on
something interesting, at a super fast
cadence. Other tools I’ve used before
just can’t compare in that regard.
We’re keeping an eye on their Kotlin
Multiplatform SDK and we might adopt it
eventually. ”
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 22
Let’s take a look at the Crashlytics product investment areas. A quick reminder of their
history helps inform their investment approach.
Crashlytics was first launched in 2011. Two years later, in 2013, it was acquired by Twitter,
and integrated with the Fabric developer platform. In 2017, Google acquired Crashlytics and
then focused development over the next three years on integrating Crashlytics with the
Firebase Platform, eventually deprecating Fabric and the previous version of Crashlytics.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 23
Many of the major updates to Crashlytics are around a deeper integration with the Firebase ecosystem, rather than investments in new
technologies in mobile app development (Jetpack Compose support, for example).
• Crashlytics Signals
• Updated Flutter plugin to track
• GWP-ASan reporting
fatal errors on demand
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 24
On a related note – it’s important to consider the pros and cons of relying on a crash reporting tool that is so deeply embedded within the
Firebase Platform. Although the Firebase Platform can simplify many aspects of mobile application development, it has its downsides and
limitations, including:
Conversely, Sentry offers the following benefits:
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Innovation and Scale / 25
Assessing ROI
We understand that for many users Firebase Crashlytics
may seem like the more economical choice, especially
if you already use many parts of the Firebase Platform
and Crashlytics is included at no cost. When assessing
the true cost of a solution, it’s important to assess the
financial impact of not solving crashes fast. You can try
Sentry free and see for yourself.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Assessing ROI / 26
Customer Acquisition Costs Customer churn costs Developer productivity costs
Given the competitive landscape, especially for You also need to take into account losses in One last lens to consider when evaluating the
consumer apps, it is expensive to differentiate terms of customer value. ROI of your crash reporting tool is the cost to
and market a mobile app. You need to develop developer productivity.
and pay for ad placement to target your primary Given the competitive landscape, especially for
audience segments. consumer apps, it is expensive to differentiate Although developer productivity cannot depend
and market a mobile app. You need to develop on a single metric, one important metric to
On average, it costs $75 to acquire a paying and pay for ad placement to target your primary consider when it comes to crash reporting is
mobile user. audience segments. MTTR or Mean Time to Repair. It measures the
time from when the incident is first identified to
Consider that 62% of users will uninstall an app if On average, it costs $75 to acquire a paying the time it is fixed. You can calculate MTTR by
they experience crashes, freezes, or other major mobile user. adding up the total time spent on repairs during
errors. any given period and then dividing that time by
the number of repairs.
Consider that 62% of users will uninstall an app if
If you and your team are unable to solve a crash they experience crashes, freezes, or other major
fast, that crash could cost up to $4,650 for errors. Without proper alerting, assignment, and
every 100 users of your app, just in terms of debugging tools, MTTR can be very high. If your
acquisition costs team needs to solve one crash every week, and
If you and your team are unable to solve a crash
they spend one hour longer solving that crash
fast, that crash could cost up to $4,650 for
with Crashlytics than they would with Sentry,
every 100 users of your app, just in terms of
that is more than a full week of developer time
acquisition costs
spent on fixing crashes alone. That is time that
could be spent focused on further developing
the feature set of your app.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Assessing ROI / 27
Getting started
with Sentry
If you would like to see for yourself how Sentry
can help your team build crash free apps with
less developer time, it’s easy to get started – for
most mobile SDKs, you just need to run one line
of code.
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Getting started with Sentry / 28
Android: brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-wizard && sentry-wizard -i android
Get the SDK from by adding the following to your pubspec.yaml
sentry _ flutter: ^7.10.1
Sentry vs. Crashlytics: The Mobile Developer’s Decision-Making Guide / Getting started with Sentry / 29
In conclusion
Now that you have a firm understanding To learn more:
of the differences between Sentry and
Crashlytics, you can make an informed Join our Discord
decision. If you are building a prototype app
solo or with a small team and are deeply Check out GitHub
invested in the Firebase Platform, then
Crashlytics may be a fine choice. Read our docs
If you and your teammates are committed Still have questions about how
to building crash-free apps in less time, Sentry can uplevel your mobile crash
then Sentry is an easy choice. With Sentry, reporting? Talk to a Sentry expert to
you can find and fix errors fast with request a demo.
deeper context and insights into solving
crashes and errors, customizable workflow
tools, and product investments to enable
innovation and scale.