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Ends em 2021

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PH444 (Jan 2021): End semester exam

PH444 : Electromagnetic Theory (Jan 2021): End-semester

50 marks (to be scaled later) : Time 4 hours (including uploading to Moodle etc) April 27, 2021

Note :
ˆ The exam is open-note and open-book. You can use your computer if needed. Internet browsing is
ok, but no group discussions/chats etc!S
ˆ You do not need to derive the fields of a charge in motion. Use the results derived in the lectures
as standard, but show the steps of your calculation clearly starting from the general formula.

1. Consider a conducting surface formed by joining the xy plane and a conducting hemispherical shell
of radius a, centered at the origin as shown. A point charge q is placed at the location (0, 0, L)
where L > a and the conducting surface is held at a potential V = 0.

(a) What is the force experienced by the point charge? Your answer should be in closed form.
(b) Utilise this and generalise your solution to get the Green’s function for this geometry. This
means solving for

2 3 ~0 G=0 r→∞
∇ G = −δ (~r − r )
G=0 plane + hemisphere

Note that r~0 ≡ (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) is not necessarily on the z axis. Your answer should be in closed form.
Use (x, y, z, x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) co-ordinates to write your answer.

(5+5=10 marks)
2. The amount of solar energy the upper atmosphere receives is approximately 1300 W.m−2 . Calculate
the rms value of the magnetic field due to this radiation assuming the entire radiation is concentrated
in one wavelength. Compare this (rms value) with the earth’s magnetic field at the surface (≈ 50µT ).
(5 marks)
3. A monochromatic plane EM wave has an electric field
~ r, t) = ŷE0 sin (kx − ωt)

Calculate all the elements of the stress tensor (Tij )in terms of Ey only.
(5 marks)

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PH444 (Jan 2021): End semester exam

4. A point charge q is held stationary on the y axis, at y = L (L > 0). Another charge q moves
with uniform velocity v along x axis. Let E0 = denote the strength of the electric field with
4π0 L2
which we normalise other quantities.

Ex Ey Ez

(a) What are all the components of the field = , , acting on the stationary charge
E0 E0 E0 E0
at the instant the moving charge crosses the origin?
(b) Now suppose the moving charge was approaching the origin from the negative y axis with
uniform velocity v as before. What are the components of the field it creates at the location
of the stationary charge at the instant it is at the origin?
(c) What are the components of the field acting on the moving charge at that instant due to the
static charge in the first and second case?
(d) A point charge is moving with a constant velocity v, such that the electric field in the forward
direction and transverse direction at the same radial distance (from the instantaneous position
of the charge) differ by 1%. With what fraction of the speed of light (v/c) must the particle
be moving ?

(5×4=20 marks)

5. Suppose a charge q is stationary at y = L (L > 0) and a charge is moving along y towards the
origin from the negative side. The charge has a constant acceleration a along the y axis, and when
it arrives at the origin it has a velocity v. Obviously v is not constant.

(a) Show that the velocity (say u) at the appropriate retarded time and the appropriate retarded
distance (Rr ) for calculating the field at the location of stationary charge at that instant is
v  r v 2 aL
−1 + 1− +2 2
c c c
Rr =
u v 2 aL
= 1− 1− +2 2
c c c

(b) Find an expression for the electric field on the stationary particle at the instant when the
moving particle is at the origin, in terms of u and Rr .

(5+5=10 marks)

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