Edu411 Unit 5
Edu411 Unit 5
Edu411 Unit 5
5.0 Overview
Achievement test used for assessment of student learning outcomes are presented as
objective and essay test formats. In the school system, achievement test format are constituted
for a specific class / level and based on what is taught. Writing good objective and essay test
items requires laid down guidelines without which the appropriateness and the consistency of the
test cannot be assured. This unit presents the types of objective and essay tests format, their
characteristics, and described the guideline for constructing them. Practical test is also covered in
this unit.
Objective Tests
1. Supply Item
Supply item type requires the student to supply the correct short answer DIRECT
QUESTION or to supply a short answer or insert a missing word(s) to an incomplete statement
COMPLETION TYPE (this is similar to fill in a blank). In writing the supply type, the
following guidelines should be considered:
i. For the direct type, a question mark must be at the end.
b. For the completion type, the blank should be at the end of the incomplete statement.
c. Avoid multiple blanks in the statement
Examples of Direct Question
1. Nigeria gained political independence in the year? (1960)
2. What is the eight month of the year called? (August)
In writing the multiple choice items, the following guidelines should be considered:
Avoid content that has potential for bias and focus on single problem per item.
Write items in line with instructional objectives.
Avoid determiners such as ‘always’ or ‘never’ and avoid using the phrase such as ‘all of
the above’ or none of the above’
State stem of items in either question or complete form.
Word stem of the items positively and avoid verbosity in the stem.
Keep the vocabulary consistent with examinees level.
Ensure there is only one correct option with plausible distracters
Avoid clues to answer through use of faulty grammatical construction.
Which of the following is the symbol for sodium?
(a) K
(b) Sd
(c) Na
(d) Pb
(e) Si
a. Learning Outcomes Measured: Objective tests measure knowledge level of facts efficiently.
However some like the multiple choice can also measure other level of basic skills as well as
complex level thought processes.
b. Preparation of Question – Objective test is time consuming and difficult when preparing the
items due to the fact that a large number of items are required for the test.
c. Sampling of Course Content: It requires an extensive sampling of course content because a
large number of items which may cover the entire course or subject content are needed for the
d. Scoring - Its scoring is easy, quick and consistent because a standard key or answer is
provided which is used by all scorers and as such the cannot be influence by scorers’ personal
e. Influence on Learning – Objective test encourages students to develop a comprehensive
knowledge of content and in both basic and complex outcomes.
f. Reliability - When objective test is well constituted, obtaining high reliability is possible.
Activity 5.1
1. What is alternative response type and matching type objective test? Give examples
2. Identify the part of multiple choice objective test.
3. Which of the objective test item types would you recommend for use as a secondary
teacher? Justify your answer with one good reason
5.3 Type of Essay Test
Essay test is a test that is designed to give a student the opportunity to express freely the depth of
knowledge he / she has acquired in a lesson/ course. It also gives the student an opportunity to
show how well he /she can integrate and organize materials. In essay test, the range of responses
from the students vary considerably as such scores awarded by equally competent scorers vary.
This why it is often referred to as subjective
1. Extended-Response Type: - The extended response type has questions that give a wide range
of freedom to students for response in their own words. They encourage creativity, originality
and divergent thinking by allowing students to respond in their own unique ways.
2. Restricted – Response Type: - This type has questions that limit the scope of the response.
The answer given by the students are to some extent controlled and limited both in the content
and form. They have less value for measuring originality, integration and organizational ideas.
a. Define the intended learning outcomes the student is expected to exhibit before writing the
b. Formulate questions that are direct and specific.
c. Ensure reasonable coverage of the course objectives of many questions are to be used for the
d. Questions should be worded with clear meaning
e. The questions should be design to follow test specification along the students’ level
f. Questions with special points should be subdivided.
a. Learning Outcome Measured – Essay test is efficient in measuring both basic and
complex level thought processes.
b. Preparation of Questions – Preparing essay questions are relatively essay since only
few questions are needed for a test.
c. Sampling of Course Content – Only limited content can be sampled with essay test
since small number of questions are required for the test.
d. Scoring – Scoring of essay test is slow, difficulty and subjective.
e. Influence on Learner – It encourages student to express ideas effectively and to
concentrate on large unit of subject matter.
f. Reliability – Reliability is typically low due to the inconsistent scoring.
Activity 5.2