1 Razi Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Kerman University of Medical Address for correspondence Atefeh Ahmadi, PhD, Nursing Research
Sciences, Kerman, Iran center, Razi Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Kerman University of
2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran (e-mail: a.ahmadi@kmu.ac.ir; atefeahmadi59@gmail.com).
equal in the FSFI, so, the item scores in each domain were The objectives of the training sessions during eight ses-
added and then multiplied by the factor number to make the sions of psychoeducational and CBT counseling were as
domains equal in weight. The factor numbers for sexual desire, follows:
arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain are 0.6, 0.3, Session One: importance of sex in married women,
03, 0.4, 0.4 and 0.4, respectively. The scores considered for the understanding the concept of sexual dysfunction and cogni-
items are 1–5 and 0–5. A score of zero indicates that the person tive-behavioral counseling and its purpose, explaining the
has not been sexually active for 4 weeks. The total scale score is natural sex cycle, classifying sexual dysfunctions.
obtained by adding the scores of the six domains together. Session two: sexual desire disorders, factors affecting
Thus, the scoring is such that the higher the score, the better sexual desire in men and women, therapeutic interventions
the sexual function. The maximum score for each domain will based on replacing cognitive errors in sexuality and training
be 6, and it will be 36 for the whole scale to make the domains of behavioral techniques to improve sexual desire.
equal in weight. The minimum score for the sexual desire Session three: sexual arousal disorders, factors affecting
domain will be 1.2, it will be 0 for sexual arousal, lubrication, sexual arousal of males and females, therapeutic interven-
orgasm, and pain, it will be 0.8 for the satisfaction domain, and tions based on replacing cognitive errors in sexual arousal
it will be 2 for the whole scale. The cut off point for the whole and training of behavioral techniques for reinforcement of
scale is 28.18 arousal.
Validity and reliability: In the study by Rosen et al,18 the Session four: factors affecting lubrication in sex, thera-
retest validity coefficient was reported properly for all six peutic techniques to maintain and increase lubrication dur-
domains (r ¼ 0.79 to 0.86) and the whole questionnaire ing sex.
(r ¼ 0.88). The Cronbach α coefficient was in addition mea- Session five: Orgasm, affective factors and orgasmic dis-
sured to be 0.82 for internal reliability. Divergent validity orders in men and women, therapeutic interventions based
of this scale was obtained by the Locke-Wallace marital on replacing cognitive mental backgrounds which affect
adjustment test for the whole scale (p 0.001, r ¼ 0.41), orgasm problems and training of behavioral techniques for
indicating appropriate validity of this scale18. In the study reducing these problems such as sensate focused therapy,
of Wiegel et al,19 the Cronbach α coefficient for the internal on-and-off techniques.
reliability of the whole scale and all 6 domains was reported Session six: pain/penetration disorders in women (phys-
to be from good to excellent (> 9.0). The validity of the ical and nonphysical reasons) focusing on nonphysical cog-
questionnaire showed a significant difference between the nitive issues, fear and anxiety and training of behavioral
scores of the patient group and the control group in all 6 techniques such as Kegel exercises, systemic desensitization
domains (p < 0.001). Mohammadi et al17 investigated the and gradual dilatation for vaginismus and dyspareunia.
validity and reliability of this questionnaire in two groups of Session seven: Factors affecting sexual satisfaction focus-
female sexual dysfunction and control. The reliability of the ing in marital adjustment and intimacy, mindfulness on the
scale and subscales was obtained by calculating the Cron- pleasure of sex, behavioral techniques in afterplay.
bach α coefficient, which was calculated > 0.70 for all indi- Session eight: Discussing about women most common
viduals, indicating good reliability of this instrument.17 issues, summary of the previous sessions and conclusion.
The control group did not receive any intervention but
Data Collection they could apply for attending similar new counseling ses-
The researchers entered the research setting (The clinic of sions after the present study. Then, posttest was performed
Imam Ali Hospital) after obtaining the necessary permits in both groups after 1 month, and the results were statisti-
from the University (Code of Ethics: IR.KMU.REC.1397.429) cally analyzed.
and enrolling the study in the Iranian Registry of Clinical
Trials (IRCT) (IRCT20170611034452N6). Then the purpose of Data Analysis
the study was explained to women with inclusion criteria Data were analyzed by PASW Statistics for Windows, Version
referring to the research setting. After receiving verbal 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data have been reported
consent, pretest data were collected by a demographic based on frequency distribution tables (number and per-
questionnaire and the FSFI, which were completed in a cent), central tendency and dispersion (mean and SD). Mean
self-fulfillment manner. After receiving the questionnaires, and SD were used to describe the score of sexual dysfunction.
70 women (8 of whom were considered as dropouts) who The Mann-Whitney test was used to determine the homo-
obtained score 28 in the FSFI were contacted and invited to geneity of the two groups in terms of quantitative demo-
participate in the study. Written consent was taken from the graphic variables due to the non-normality of the
participants during a personal meeting. The objectives and quantitative data. The chi-squared and Fisher exact tests
methodology of the present study were in addition fully were used to determine the homogeneity of the two groups
explained to the participants. The subjects were then ran- in terms of qualitative variables. Parametric statistical tests
domly divided into intervention and control groups based on (independent t-test to compare intervention and control
sampling days (even and odd). The intervention group was groups, paired t-test to study the groups before and after
asked to participate in 8 counseling sessions (two/week/ intervention) were used according to the objectives of the
1.5 hour).18–20 The sessions were held in a 17-person group study and parametric conditions (normal distribution and
and in an 18-person group in the hospital hall. equality of variances).
Table 2 Comparison of female sexual function in the intervention and control groups before and after the intervention
Before After
Variable Intervention Control p-value Intervention Control p-value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Sexual desire 6.03 2.31 6.17 2.51 0.79 7.61 1.32 6.00 2.10 0.001
Arousal 12.00 3.64 13.40 3.30 0.1 16.24 1.94 12.97 2.87 < 0.0001
Lubrication 11.03 1.88 11.54 1.69 0.25 11.09 1.18 11.40 1.29 0.38
Orgasm 9.61 2.09 9.26 1.75 0.46 10.18 1.01 9.40 1.22 <0.01
Satisfaction 9.45 2.32 9.69 2.19 0.52 12.76 1.06 9.94 2.25 < 0.0001
Pain 9.09 2.84 8.94 3.0 0.91 5.70 1.29 9.14 2.70 < 0.0001
Total 21.80 2.77 22.34 2.93 0.32 24.22 1.72 22.31 2.47 < 0.0001
the intervention, and the increase in the mean score of the study. The reasons for this difference can be at the different
orgasm was not statistically significant. Furthermore, the statistical population of the two studies as well as the
total mean of sexual function scores was significant before duration of marriage because, in the study of Ziaee et al,20
and after the intervention. (p < 0.05) (►Table 3). the mean duration of marriage in the intervention and
There was no statistically significant decrease in the mean control groups was 29.4 and 22.4 months, respectively.
scores of sexual desire, arousal, and lubrication in the control However, in the present study, 48.6% of individuals in the
group after the intervention compared with before the control group and 57.6% of individuals in intervention group
intervention (p > 0.05). An increase in the mean score of had been married for > 5 years.20 One possible reason may
orgasm, satisfaction, and pain in the control group was not be lack of proper information and experience of young
statistically significant after the intervention compared with couples regarding marital sexual relationships.20–28 In addi-
before the intervention (p > 0.05). There was no significant tion, in the study of Ziaee et al,20 as well as in the study of
difference in the total mean score of sexual function in the Babakhani et al,21 the mean scores of all six domains of
control group before and after the intervention (p > 0.05) sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and
(►Table 4). pain had a significant difference in the experimental group
before and after the intervention. Furthermore, the mean
total score of sexual function in the intervention group
increased in two previous studies as well as in the present
The present study investigated the effectiveness of psycho- study after the intervention compared with before the
educational cognitive-behavioral counseling on female sex- intervention, and this difference was statistically signifi-
ual function. The results of the present study suggest that cant.20,21 In the study by ter Kuile et al,8, cognitive-behav-
this type of counseling is effective in improving female sexual ioral counseling increased female sexual function in all six
function. components and the total score of sexual function that was
Ziaee et al20 studied the sexual dysfunction of married consistent with the results of the present study. In the study
female students. Their results showed that the mean score of of Brotto et al,22 the mean total score of sexual function in the
sexual function was lower in both control and intervention intervention group was 20.19 before the intervention, which
groups in all six components compared with the present reached 25.39 after the intervention. This difference was
statistically significant, and this increase was in line with the increasing female sexual function. These results may be usable
results of the present study.22 for healthcare institutions to improve sexual function and
Jalilian et al23 studied the effect of sexual skills training satisfaction in women. It is recommended to compare the
with the cognitive-behavioral method on sexual dysfunction effects of psychoeducational cognitive-behavioral counseling
in 40 infertile women aged between 22 and 36 years old. The on sexual dysfunction of couples and to use more subjects in
results showed that the mean scores of sexual desire, arousal, future researches.
satisfaction, orgasm, and lubrication significantly improved
after three training sessions per week. However, pain score
Conflict of Interests
changes were not significant. The mean total score of sexual
The authors have no conflict of interests to declare.
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