Dynamics of Negative Hydraulic Barriers To Prevent Seawater Intrusion
Dynamics of Negative Hydraulic Barriers To Prevent Seawater Intrusion
Dynamics of Negative Hydraulic Barriers To Prevent Seawater Intrusion
0.04 (3)
/ f
0 50 Time(y) 100
Freshwater Well Double Barrier
Fig. 5 Three-dimensional dynamics of the double negative barrier. Concentration maps (same color scale as Fig. 3) and velocity vectors at
the top and bottom of the aquifer for two different pumping rates at the seawater well. A fully penetrating well is salinized from the aquifer
bottom (stage 1, above). When the seawater well is activated, salinity falls sharply at the freshwater well, especially when the barrier
pumping rate is high (stage 2). However, drawdown generated by both wells causes seawater to flow towards the freshwater well at depth
(stage 3). Note that the seawater well still draws some freshwater from the top portion of the aquifer at this stage
0.14 less numbers are defined as follows
0.08 qd Kx Kz
a¼ ; rk1 ¼ ; rk2 ¼ ð4Þ
"Kz Ky Ky
0 5 10 15 where ε is given by " ¼ s f =f with ρf and ρs the
Q s /Q f freshwater and seawater densities, respectively.
Fig. 6 Salt mass fraction at the freshwater well during steady state Here, a is the ratio of the freshwater flux to the
II versus pumping rate at the seawater well for five distances of the characteristic buoyancy flux, and rk1 and rk2 are the
seawater well from the coastal boundary (Ls/Lc =0.3, 0.18, 0.14,
0.08 and 0.04 m). The critical pumping rate at the seawater well hydraulic conductivity anisotropy ratios.
(Qc/Qf) is the one that causes minimum salinity at the freshwater According to these definitions, the dimensionless form
well (ωm/ωs) of the fluid mass balance equation in steady state (e.g.,
Minimum salt mass fraction in the freshwater well freshwater. Nevertheless, Eq. (16) was used as an
The dimensionless salt mass fraction (ωf/ωs) is the independent variable in the regression model to obtain
fraction of seawater at the freshwater well. If the the empirical expression (Gc) for the minimum seawater
seawater well pumped only seawater and if dispersion mass fraction at the freshwater well (ωm/ωs), i.e. the salt
mechanisms and buoyancy forces were neglected, the mass fraction at the freshwater well when the seawater
seawater fraction at the freshwater well would become well is pumping the critical rate. The best regression
the seawater inflow not captured by the seawater well obtained was (see Fig. 9).
divided by Qf, i.e.,
wm QTs Qs
wf QTs Qs Gc ¼ 0:2
¼ ð16Þ ws Qf
ws Qf !
bT pffiffiffiffiffi b0 rL
where QTs is the total saltwater flow rate entering from þ 0:8 0:175 0 ra þ 0 þ 0:04 0
Ls Lf Qf
the seaside boundary. Using the method of images for
an infinite line of freshwater and seawater wells, the ð18Þ
total saltwater flow rate can be approximated as
The fit between numerical and empirical results is not as
ZLb good as the one for the critical pumping rate but may be
Q f Lf X
1 used to obtain an idea of the efficiency of desalinization.
QTs ¼ ðqp b ð17Þ
p i¼1 ðx 2nLc Þ2 þ L2f Desalinization efficiency (reduction in salinity at the
0 freshwater well between steady state I and steady state II)
Q s Ls X n
1 is displayed versus distance of the seawater well from the
p i¼1 ðx 2nLc Þ2 þ L2B sea, and versus aquifer thickness in Figs. 10 and 11,
respectively. Decreasing the distance of the seawater well
from the sea leads to a reduction in the salt mass fraction
where Lb is the fraction of the coastal boundary where at the freshwater well. However, the critical pumping rate
seawater flows inland (0≤Lb ≤Lc). at the seawater well shows a marked increase (Fig. 6). For
Unfortunately, this approach neglects the most notable example, the desalinization efficiency increases from 19 to
features of seawater intrusion, namely buoyancy and 28% when the seawater well is brought closer to the sea
interface mixing. In reality, the seawater well pumps some (Ls =40 m), but the critical pumping rate at the seawater
(a) (b)
Empirical Empirical
8 b′ = 0.1, L ′f = 0.6 Q ′f = 0.9, L ′f = 0.6
Q f′ =0 .6 L′s = 0.08
Qc /Qf
L′s = 0.14
L′s = 0.30
Q f′ =0 .9
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
L ′s b′
(c) (d)
Empirical Empirical
8 Q′f = 0.6, b′ = 0.1 Q′f = 0.6, b′ = 0.1
rL = 0.23
Qc /Qf
L′s = 0.08
rL = 0.30
2 L′s = 0.18
rL = 0.50
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
rk1 L′f
Fig. 8 Sensitivity analysis. The critical pumping rate decreases when a distance from the coast increases, b aquifer thickness decreases, c
anisotropy increases, or d distance of the freshwater well from the coast increases. Note that the proposed empirical expression, Fc Eq. (15),
is fairly accurate for the range of values analyzed here
m/ s
0.09 0.09
m/ s
0.06 0.06
drinking water standard
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Fig. 11 Fraction of seawater and desalinization percentage (%) at
Fig. 9 Fraction of seawater at the freshwater well from the the freshwater well versus aquifer thickness for . The results from
numerical results versus the empirical expression, Gc, Eq. (18), the empirical expression provide a satisfactory representation of the
obtained from the regression model numerical results. Note that the double pumping barrier is more
efficient for thin aquifers, and that drinking water is obtained from
well is four times higher when the seawater well is near the freshwater well with the double pumping system
the freshwater well (Ls =150 m). Desalinization efficiency
is significantly better in the case of a low freshwater is obtained from the freshwater well, and the pumping rate
pumping rate. at the seawater well is low (Qc/Qf ≈1), see Fig. 11.
One critical factor in the efficiency of the double
negative barrier is aquifer thickness. A decrease in aquifer
thickness leads to a high desalinization efficiency with the Partially penetrating wells
double pumping system (Fig. 11). Note that drinking As discussed in the preceding, the wells were assumed to
water is pumped from the freshwater well with the double be fully penetrating. However, salinity is stratified in
negative barrier when the dimensionless aquifer thickness coastal aquifers, with freshwater floating on top of
is 0.018. seawater. Therefore, one would expect the location and
A reduction in the aquifer thickness from 50 to 9 m, length of the well screen to be a critical factor in a double
increasing the pumping rate at the freshwater well pumping barrier system. The effect of partially penetrating
(Qf ¼ 0:9), gives rise to a seawater fraction of 7% (i.e., wells on the efficiency of double pumping barriers is
some 1,400 mg/L of chloride for a 1,900 mg/L seawater) considered.
at the freshwater well in steady state I. Pumping the The simulations with partially penetrating wells were
seawater well causes chloride to fall below 200 mg/L at carried out with the same flow and transport parameters as
the freshwater well (<1 % of seawater), i.e. drinking water those of aforementioned models, where hydraulic con-
ductivity was assumed to be isotropic. First, the base case
0.15 was simulated with a fully penetrating freshwater well
and a partially penetrating seawater well. The numerical
28% 19%
Q′f = 0.9
(Qc Qf, m s)
m/ s
0.09 initial
67% 50%
Q′f = 0.6
0.03 PPw PPw
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.02
0 5 10
L′s Qs / Qf
Fig. 10 Comparison between numerical and empirical results of Fig. 12 Fraction of seawater in the freshwater well versus
seawater fraction at the freshwater well versus the distance of the pumping rates at the seawater well at distances from the coast of
seawater well from the sea. Reduction in the distance of the seawater 150 and 90 m ( and 0.18 respectively ). The dashed lines denote the
well from the sea improves the desalinization efficiency of the barrier, results with fully penetrating wells (FPw) and the solid lines
as measured by the percentage (%) reduction in freshwater well salinity represent the results with partially penetrating wells (PPw). Note
with respect to steady-state I. Note, however, the marked increase in that partial penetration significantly improves desalinization effi-
the critical pumping rate (see Fig. 8c) ciency but does not change the critical flow rate
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