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CV Galuh

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Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information
1. Name : Galuh Dian Prasetyo, SH.
2. Sex : Male
3. Place/Date of Birth : Malang/June 18th ,1982
4. Age : 41 years old
5. Religion : Moslem
6. Marital Status : Married with two children
7. Address : Jl Argopuro 31 Gg Beringin Lawang - Malang
65216 East Java
8. Phone Number : 085793377615
9. Current Residence : Perum Grand Kencana Blok B3-22 Kejayan, Pasuruan,
East Java

B. Educational Background
1. 2011 – Took TOEFL test at Global Village, Score : 570
2. 2005 – Took TOEFL Course at Global Village in Singosari, Malang
3. 2005 – Obtained S-1 degree in Law from Brawijaya University in Malang
4. 2004 – Obtained Certificate of Flash Design Computer Program from
Siluet Computer Professional” ComputerEducation Institute in
5. 2001 – Obtained certificate as Windows 97 operator from “Melati
Computer” in Lawang, Malang
6. 2000 - Graduated from Senior High School at “SMU Negeri 1 Lawang” in
7. 1997 – Graduated from Junior High School at “SMP Negeri 1 Lawang” in
8. 1994 – Graduated from Elementary School at “SDN Lawang 05” in Malang
C. Experiences
1. Corporate Human Capital Manager MAPN Group (Chocolate Manufacturer and
Located in Surabaya – East java
April 01st 2022 - Now
2. HCS Manager PT Indraco Global Indonesia (Coffee Manufacturer)
Located in Pasuruan – East java
March 16th 2021 – March 30th 2022
3. HRD & GA Manager Assistant at PT Satoria Agro Industri (Sweetener, DRM,
Creamer (MR1 and Flavour), Foamer, Biscuit, Ampul and Infusion Manufacturer)
Located in Pasuruan – East java
July 13th 2013 – March 12th 2021
4. HRD & GA Supervisor at PT Satoria Agro Industri (Sweetener, DRM, Creamer
(MR1 and Flavour), Foamer, Biscuit, Ampul and Infusion Manufacturer)
Located in Pasuruan – East java
April 05th 2011 – July 12th 2013
5. HRD Staff at PT Korin Technomic (Shoes Manufacturer)
Located in Pasuruan – East Java
February 20th 2009 – March 17th 2011
6. HR&GA Staff at PT Mandiri Investama Sejati (Powder) (Detergent manufacturer)
Located in Pasuruan – East Java
March 3rd 2008-February 3rd 2009

D. Trainings
1. Training Internal Auditor in ISO 220000 : 2005 Food Safety Management
2. Training ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management Systems
3. Training Bimtek Operator K3 Listrik
4. Training SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja)
5. Training ISO 14001:2015 Foundation
6. Training Understanding OHSAS 18001:2007
7. Training Integrated Management System ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007
8. Training Auditing Integrated Management System ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS
9. Training Lean Manufacturing System
10. Training FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) Version 4.1
11. Training FSSC Version 5
12. Training Foundation ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management
13. Training Implementing ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management
14. Training Certified Professional in Organization Development
15. Training HR Manager BNSP Certification Preparation

E. Audits and Inspections

External Audits by Certification Institute at PT Satoria Agro Industri
1. ISO 22000:2005 by SAI Global
2. ISO 9001:2008 by SAI Global
3. ISO 14001:2015 by SAI Global
4. OHSAS 18001:2007 by SAI Global
5. ISO 9001:2015 by BSI
6. FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) Version 4.1 & 5.0 by SAI Global
7. SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) by PT Surveyor
8. ISO 45001:2018 by SAI Global
9. Sistem Jaminan Halal HAS 23000:1 by MUI
10. CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) by BPOM
11. Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA 4 pillars) / Supply Chain
Sustainabillity (SCS) by Intertek as request by Wal Mart China
External Audits by Customer at PT Satoria Agro Industri
1. By PT Givaudan Indonesia
2. By PT Nestle Indonesia
Inspections by Government Institutions at PT Satoria Agro Industri
1. Inspection by Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Propinsi Jatim and Kabupaten
Pasuruan related to environment issues
2. Inspection by Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Propinsi Jatim related to Safety issuses,
labour disputes and labour legal documents
3. Inspection by Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Kabupaten Pasuruan related to Labour
legal documents
4. Inspection by Polda Jatim related to Legal requirements
5. Inspection by Polres Pasuruan related to Legal requirements
6. Inspection by Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perijinan Terpadu (DPMPT) and Satpol
PP Kabupaten Pasuruan related to Permission Requirements and documents
7. Inspection by Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Jawa Timur (Dishub Jatim) related to
8. Inspection by BPOM related to CPOB
9. Inspection by Bea Cukai (Customs) and Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian
(Disperindag) Propinsi Jatim related to Import Legal requirements
Inspections by Government Institutions, Cases and Audits at MAPN Group
At PT Mapan Sejahtera (Twin Hotel & Apartment)
1. Inspection by DInas Cipta Karya, Dinas PU, Dinas SDA, Dinas Perhubungan, Dinas
Pemadam Kebakaran, DInas Lingkungan Hidup, Dinas Kesehatan, Disnaker,
DPMPTSP Kota Surabaya related to Sertifikat Laik Fungsi
2. Default Cases (wanprestsi)
At PT Multi Aneka Pangan Nusantara (Chocolate Processing Factory)
1. Inspection by Polda Jatim related to IPAL Permit
2. Audit IPCPPOB by BPOM related to Marketing Authorization (Izin Edar)
3. Audit Sistem Jaminan Halal HAS 23000:1 by MUI
4. Inspection by Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Propinsi Jatim related to Safety issuses,
labour disputes and labour legal documents
At PT Aneka Kakao (Chocolate Processing Factory)
1. Inspection by Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Propinsi Jatim related to Foreign
At CV Aneka Pangan Indonesia (MAPN Distributor)
1. Fraud by Sales (Penggelapan)
2. Bad Debts By Customers

F. Skills
1. Able to Speak English
2. Able To Operate Computer

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