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Deep Learning With Javascript

A Hacker's Guide to Getting

Started With Neural Networks
Version 1.1

Kevin Scott

© 2019 Kevin Scott


Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

1. What is Deep Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Making Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Data & Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4. How to Prepare Image data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5. Training Your Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6. Training from Scratch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7. Working With Non-Linear Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8. Structured Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
9. Recognizing Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10. Transfer Learning with ImageNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

This sample contains two chapters from my book, Deep Learning With

The first chapter talks about why you'd want to build a Neural Network in
Javascript; the second, how to get started doing Image Classification.

I would love any feedback, good or bad ( This field

moves incredibly quickly, and I have and will continue to keep this book updated
with the latest and greatest techniques.

— Kevin

function login(username, password) {

const user = User.get(username)
if (!user) {
throw new Error('Bad login attempt')
} else if (!user.checkPassword(password)) {
throw new Error('Bad login attempt')
} else if (user.expired) {
throw new Error('Your subscription has expired')
return user

You've probably seen code like this before.

This is how most software gets written today. Manually and line by line. You, the
programmer, specify everything about how a program should operate, from how
a user interacts to the way data is stored and retrieved.

Some have called this approach to code explicit programming, though a more
straight forward description would simply be "programming".

When you're building a login form, or any sort of system where you want this
action to cause that outcome, explicitly programming software makes a lot of
sense. You can reason through code like this. There's little danger that the
software wakes up one day on the wrong side of the bed and decides it's tired of
this whole "login business" and why don't we try logging users out for a change?
Your code will always do exactly what you've told it to.

But let's say you want software that can detect whether a photograph contains a
human face or not. How might you approach that?

function isThisAHumanFace(pixels) {
if (
hasEyes(pixels) &&
hasEars(pixels) &&
hasNose(pixels) &&
) {
return true
return false

Perhaps you start by reasoning that a human head is made up of eyes, ears, a
nose, and a mouth. What if the photograph is from above, and all we see is the
top of the person's head? What about from below? What if they're upside down,
or half their face is in shadow? What if they're wearing a floppy hat? What if
they have a beard or have long hair over their eyes? Trying to define every
possibility in a scenario like this becomes very complicated, very quickly.

Deep Learning offers a fundamentally different approach to building software.

Instead of explicitly enumerating every possible feature the software may
encounter, you provide the computer with examples, and let the computer figure
out how to get to the right answer.

That's the promise of Deep Learning. Tackle problems that traditionally were
hard-to-impossible to solve with regular programming. And in the process,
revolutionize how we build software.

I wanted a book like this one when I began studying Deep Learning. I'm a hacker
at heart, and I learn by doing.

Most books on Deep Learning assume strong mathematics or statistics
backgrounds. Traditionally this hasn't been a problem, because anyone looking to
enter the field would be expected to tackle problems that required these sorts of

Today, facilitated by better hardware, better frameworks, and new discoveries in

research, that's starting to change. We're seeing a whole new range of use cases
emerge that are relevant to programmers, designers, writers, artists, and poets.
Over the next few years I believe Neural Networks will be incorporated across all
software domains, no matter the industry.

The goal of this book is to demystify Neural Networks and prepare you for that
future, through hacking and through using them in projects you'd use in the real

To get the most out of this book, I assume you're familiar with modern Javascript,
or at least confident enough to fake it. If you do need a primer on Javascript,
there's a number of great recommendations in the Resources section.

How This Book is Organized
At the beginning of most chapters is a URL that provides a sandbox for writing
your code, with everything set up and ready to go, that looks like: 

You are of course welcome to run the examples locally if you'd prefer. If you do,
install the following libraries via  npm :

 @dljsbook/data  - This is the main set of datasets you'll use throughout

the book.
 @dljsbook/ui  - This is the main set of UI components that will support
your models.
 @dljsbook/models  - This contains links to pretrained models.
 @tensorflow/tfjs  - This is the main Deep Learning framework we'll be
using throughout the book.
 @tensorflow/tfjs-vis  - (Optional) This is a visualization helper for
displaying charts, images, and tables in the browser. We'll be using this to
log out various items during our coding.

The  Tensorflow.js  documentation is top-notch and I'll avoid regurgitating it

unless it's particularly relevant to the topic at hand.

The field of Deep Learning changes incredibly fast. Things evolve, and quickly. If
anything is missing, confusing, or just plain wrong, please let me know at so I can fix it for the next version.

Happy hacking!

1. What is Deep Learning

When I was growing up, I read a story about a man from Serbia named Kalfa
Manojlo. He was a blacksmith's apprentice who dreamt of becoming the first man
in human history to fly.

He wasn't the first to try. People had been flapping their arms like birds for
centuries with no apparent success, but Manojlo, with the confidence of
somebody too young to know what they don't know, believed he could build a
pair of wings better than any that had come before. On a chilly November day in
1841 Manojlo took his winged contraption, scaled the town Customs Office, and
launched himself into the air above a crowd of bemused onlookers.

You've probably never heard of this guy unless you're Serbian, so you can
probably guess what happened: Manojlo landed head first in a nearby snowbank
to much amusement from the gathered crowd. (Pretty good entertainment in the

Many early attempts at flight were like this. People thought that to fly like a bird,
you had to imitate a bird. It's not an unreasonable assumption; birds have been
flying pretty darn well for a pretty long time. But to conquer flight on a human
scale requires a fundamentally different approach.

Neural Networks, the engines that power Deep Learning, are inspired by the
human brain, in particular its capacity to learn over time. Similar to biological
brains, they are composed of cells connected together that change in response to
exposure from stimulus. However, Neural Networks are really closer to statistics
on steroids than they are to a human brain, and the strategies we'll use to build
and train them are diverge pretty quickly from anything related to the animal

Neural Networks have been around since at least the '50s, and from the beginning
people have asked when we might expect machines to achieve consciousness.
Depending on the speaker, the term Artificial Intelligence can mean anything
from Logistic Regression to Skynet taking over the world. For this reason, we'll
instead refer to the technology we're interested in as Machine Learning and
Deep Learning.

Machine Learning is the act of making predictions. That's it. You put data in, you
get data out. This includes a large range of methods not under the Deep Learning
umbrella, including many traditional statistical methods. And Deep Learning
covers the specific technology we'll study in this book, Neural Networks.

The Proliferation of Deep Learning

Though the concepts behind Neural Networks have been around since at least the
'50s, it's only within the past decade that it's exploded in industry, largely because
of advances in hardware, in the volume of data, and in cutting-edge research

It turns out that asking a machine to make predictions, and giving it the tools to
improve those predictions, is applicable to a startlingly diverse set of applications.

You've probably encountered Neural Networks in use through one of the popular
virtual assistants, like Siri, Alexa, or Google Home, on the market today. When
you use your face or fingerprint to unlock your phone, that's a Neural Network.
There's a Neural Network running on your phone's keyboard, predicting which
words you're likely to type next, or autosuggesting likely phrases in your email
application. Perhaps you've been prompted to tag your friends in uploaded
photos, with your friends' faces highlighted and their names autosuggested.

Deep Learning can recognize and classify images to a degree of accuracy that
exceeds humans. Deep Learning monitors your inbox for spam and monitors
your purchases for fraud. An autonomous agent uses Deep Learning to decide
which move to make in a game of Go. An autonomous car uses Deep Learning to
decide whether to speed up, slow down, and turn right or left. Hedge funds use
Deep Learning to predict what stocks to buy, and stores use it to forecast demand.
Magazines and newspapers use Deep Learning to automatically generate
summaries of sports, and doctors are using Deep Learning to identify cancerous
cells, perform surgery, and sequence genomes. Researchers recently trained a

What is Deep Learning 2

Neural Network to [diagnose early-stage Alzheimer's disease long before doctors

There's almost no industry that won't realize huge changes from Deep Learning,
and these changes are coming not in decades, but today and over the next few

Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain, often refers to this technology as "the
new electricity": a technology that will become so ubiquitous as to be embedded
in every device, everywhere around us. This oncoming sea change has huge
implications for how we build applications and craft software. Andrej Karpathy,
Director of AI at Tesla, calls it "Software 2.0":

It turns out that a large portion of real-world problems have the property
that it is significantly easier to collect the data (or more generally,
identify a desirable behavior) than to explicitly write the program. In
these cases, the programmers will split into two teams. The 2.0
programmers manually curate, maintain, massage, clean and label
datasets; each labeled example literally programs the final system
because the dataset gets compiled into Software 2.0 code via the
optimization. Meanwhile, the 1.0 programmers maintain the surrounding
tools, analytics, visualizations, labeling interfaces, infrastructure, and the
training code. — Andrej Karpathy

Intelligent Devices
Traditionally, Neural Networks have been run exclusively on servers, massive
computers with the computing horsepower to support them. That's beginning to

Companies are investing huge sums of money in improving consumer-grade

hardware to run Neural Networks. Apple's recently released NPU chip - a
dedicated neural processing unit embedded in every new iPhone - saw an
astounding 9x increase over the previous year's model. As Moore's Law slows
down for traditional CPUs, manufacturers are finding that they can eke out big

What is Deep Learning 3

gains by focusing on more specialized domains, like Neural Networks. This
means that, increasingly, consumer-level hardware will feature powerful
specialized hardware tuned to efficiently run Neural Networks.

And just in time, because there's compelling reasons to run Neural Networks
directly on the device.

A big one is privacy. Consumers and governments are increasingly asking

question about how data is being collected, used, and stored. If you run your
Neural Network on-device, the data never needs to leave the device, and all
processing can happen locally. While this is a compelling argument to users tired
of hearing about yet another breach of their data in the news, it also opens up
new use cases that demand increased respect for privacy, like smart devices
expanding into the more intimate spaces of our homes.

Another reason is latency. If you're in a self-driving car, you can't rely on a cloud
connection to detect whether pedestrians are in front of you. Even with a good
connection, it's hard to do real time analysis on a 60 FPS video or audio stream if
you're processing it on the server; that goes double for cutting-edge AR and VR
applications. Processing directly on the device avoids the round trip.

Consumer devices have direct access to a wide array of sensors - proximity

sensors, motion sensors, ambient light sensors, moisture sensors - that Neural
Networks can hook into, and the devices in turn provide a rich surface for
enabling direct interactivity with Neural Networks in ways that servers can't

I believe we're currently at an inflection point, and mobile devices are

soon going to dominate inference. The growth of the entire AI ecosystem
is going to be fueled by mobile inference capabilities. Thanks to the scale
of the mobile ecosystem, the world will become filled with amazing
experiences enabled by mainstream AI technology … Tasks that were
once only practical in the cloud are now being pushed to the edge as
mobile devices become more powerful. — Dan Abdinoor, CTO of

As more companies face the decision of whether to deploy their Neural Network
on a server or directly on the device, increasingly that answer will be the device.
It just makes sense.

What is Deep Learning 4

Javascript and Neural Networks
While there's no shortage of domain-specific languages for on-device Neural
Networks, I think Javascript is well positioned to garner market share for on-
device Neural Networks going forward.

Javascript boasts a chameleon-like ability to exist on every platform, everywhere.

It starts out with an enormous installed base of every browser on every phone
and desktop, but it's also a popular environment for building native mobile
application development (with React Native), native desktop development
(Electron), or server-side development (Node.js).

In most AI frameworks (for instance, Tensorflow) the framework serves as a

translation layer between high level abstractions and the actual mathematical
operations farmed out to the GPU. Since the underlying math layer is C++,
software developers have the freedom to build abstractions in whatever language
is most comfortable.

Javascript is ideal for our purposes in this book, because you already have it
installed (through your web browser) and it excels as a language in handling rich
interactive experiences. Though all the Networks we'll write in this book are
designed to run in a browser, you may wish to tackle larger datasets requiring
more computation in the future; if so, all examples can be ported to run in
Node.js and can take advantage of whatever server-side GPUs you have at your

Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be

written in JavaScript. — Jeff Atwood, co-founder of StackOverflow

The biggest drawback I see for using Javascript for Deep Learning is the nascent
ecosystem.  npm  still lags Python's tools in the breadth and depth of packages
supporting Deep Learning, and a huge amount of resources, tutorials, and books
demonstrate AI concepts in Python or R. To me, this presents an opportunity as a
community to step up and contribute the next generation of tools. Javascript is a
wily language and I have no doubt developers will fill in the gaps soon.

What is Deep Learning 5

Neural Networks
We've talked about why Neural Networks are important, but what exactly is a
Neural Network?

Earlier we said Machine Learning is the act of making predictions. More

precisely, you put numbers in, those numbers get put through some number of
mathematical functions, and new numbers come out.

The fundamental building block of a Neural Network is a Neuron. In code,

Neurons are commonly referred to as units.

A lone Neuron

The Neuron takes in a single number and transforms it. You'll specify the nature
of this transformation when you architect your Network.

A collection of Neurons comprise a Layer.

What is Deep Learning 6

A Layer of Neurons

Since a layer is a collection of neurons acting in concert, it is capable of much

richer computation than a single Neuron.

Neurons are connected to other Neurons via Weights.

Neurons connected by Weights

Weights describe the strength of the connection between a given pair of Neurons.
A bigger weight implies a stronger connection between one Neuron and another,
increasing the influence that Neuron will have on the final prediction.

A Neural Network is made up of some number of layers.

What is Deep Learning 7

Layers in a Neural Network

This diagram shows a three-layer Neural Network. The first layer is the input
layer. This is where data enters the Network. The last layer is the output layer,
responsible for emitting the transformed values from the Network.

The layer in the middle is called a hidden layer. Hidden layers make up the bulk
of Neural Networks, and it's Networks with a lot of hidden layers that give rise to
the phrase "Deep Learning": those Networks are "Deep". There's no limit to the
number of hidden layers you can use.

What is Deep Learning 8

A complicated Neural Network

A Neural Network exists in one of two phases: Inference or Training.

Inference describes the flow of data moving forward in one direction through the
Network, from the input layer to the output layer. You can think of this as the
network predicting the expected value, based on the given input values. For
instance, you might feed it a picture of an animal, and the Network might answer

When you do this, specific Neurons fire based on the presence or absence of
certain characteristics: Does it have fur? Does it have floppy ears? Is its tongue
hanging out at an odd angle? Based on the answers to these questions, the
Network might answer "Yes, I think this is a dog!"

What is Deep Learning 9

I believe this is probably a dog and I am 99.9% sure

Inference is usually, though not always, how your users will interact with your
Neural Network.

Training describes the flow of data forward and backward through the network.
Based on the accuracy of the Network's predictions, changes ripple backwards,
adjusting weights so that the network can improve and produce more accurate
predictions in the future. You might feed the network a hundred photos of dogs,
allowing the network to figure out - on its own - that all dogs tend to have fur
and oddly angled tongues.

You may see the terms forward propagation and backpropagation. These are
i formal terms for describing Inference and an element of Training, respectively.

Often these two phases - Inference and Training - are approached separately, and
in this book that's how we'll tackle them. We'll start by looking at Inference,
including how to interact with pretrained Neural Networks, how to pass them
data, and how to interpret predictions. After that, we'll discuss Training,
including how to build Neural Networks from scratch, and how to train them to
return accurate predictions.

We'll start by learning how to load a Neural Network in our browser and use it.

What is Deep Learning 10


The Predictor, 1916, Giorgio de Chirico

2. Making Predictions

It may be surprising to the academic community to know

that only a tiny fraction of the code in many machine
learning systems is actually doing "machine learning".
When we recognize that a mature system might end up
being (at most) 5% machine learning code and (at least)
95% glue code, reimplementation rather than reuse of a
clumsy API looks like a much better strategy.

— D. Sculley et all

Have you ever built an app that relies on users to accurately tag the things they
upload? If so, you've probably found you can't rely on users to tag things
accurately, or tag things at all.

Part of the problem is it's a hassle. Remember Google+? One of its major
innovations was prompting you to categorize your friends into "Circles" to give
you a more relevant feed, but nobody had time for that.

To make it easier to collect accurate tags from our users, we can build a Neural
Network that will automatically suggest tags when an image is uploaded.

For this example and subsequent chapters, we'll use a Neural Network called
MobileNet. (Not all Neural Networks have names, but this one does). MobileNet
is a Neural Network developed by Google. It's designed to be small and efficient,
perfect for usage in a Browser.

All Neural Networks are trained on some collection of data, and if you have
access to the original dataset, you can expect the Network to perform at or near
its theoretical best. MobileNet was trained on a dataset called ImageNet. Its
breadth and quality of classification (1000 categories to choose from), along with
its size (an average of 500 images per category) have established it as a sort of
"gold standard" for establishing Image Classification benchmarks.

Samples of ImageNet

Let's jump into the dataset and see what things look like. The  @dljsbook/data 
package provides a handy interface for loading images from ImageNet. You can
load an image with:

import {ImageNet} from '@dljsbook/data'

const imageNet = new ImageNet()
imageNet.getImage().then(data => data.print())

This will print an image to tfvis if it's available, or your browser console.

Any call to  print  from  @dljsbook  accepts an optional HTML element as the
i first argument, like  print(document.getElementById('root')) .

Making Predictions 13
Printing an image from ImageNet to your browser

Now that you've seen the kind of data we're dealing with, let's see an example of
Inference in action. We'll load MobileNet and feed it a random image, and see
how accurate it is. The code to perform Inference with MobileNet is:

import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'

import {ImageNet} from '@dljsbook/data'
import {MobileNet} from '@dljsbook/models'
const imageNet = new ImageNet()
.then(() => {
// load the model
return tf.loadModel(MobileNet.url).then(neuralNetwork => {
// get a random image
return imageNet.getImage().then(data => {
// make a prediction
const prediction = neuralNetwork.predict(data.image)
// print the image
// print the prediction
.catch(err => console.error(err))

Making Predictions 14
If we open up tfvis or your console log, we should see an image and its associated
category. Run the code again to load a new, random image. We'll step through
this code line by line.

The first line loads a Neural Network from the web into your browser with a
single line of code:


i  model  is often used interchangeably to refer to a Neural Network.

 tf.loadModel  returns a promise that resolves with the Neural Network. Once
the Network has loaded, we can load a random image from the ImageNet dataset:

const image = ImageNet.getRandomImage()

And send this random image through the Neural Network:

const prediction = neuralNetwork.predict(data.image)


This returns a category. Let's next look at the  prediction  variable. To translate
 prediction  into a normal array, we can write:

const pred = prediction.dataSync()

This will return 1000 numbers, corresponding to a thousand categories.

Making Predictions 15
If you write  console.log(prediction)  directly, you'll see some strange
output. This is because  prediction  is a Tensor, not a number. To see the
i output of  prediction  directly, write  prediction.print() . Tensors are a
type of data container we'll cover in depth in Chapter 3.

We can find the category with the highest prediction with this snippet:

const pred = prediction


This pulls the highest number, corresponding to the category the Network is
most confident matches the image. We can map the value of prediction to a string
that matches the category:

// Dog

Why does the Network return a number instead of the name of the category

During the previous chapter, we discussed how Inference was like the Network
looking at a picture of a dog and asking: "Does it have floppy ears? A tongue? It's
a dog!" In reality, it's more accurate to say that a Network receives data as a series
of numbers - 11010 - each representing a pixel value, and the Network emits a
number - 61, for example - that must in turn be interpreted as "dog" or not.

Neural Networks deal entirely in numbers, and all the data you send through and
collect from the Network needs to be converted. While converting data that
comes out of the network is usually pretty straightforward, preparing and
converting the data before it goes into the model can be trickier.

Let's see how to do that.

Making Predictions 16
Thanks for reading!

If you're interesting in purchasing a copy, head on over to

Again, I'd love to hear any feedback you have to offer, good or bad. You can write
to me at:

Hope to hear from you!

— Kevin

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