3.h.i - Goodness Morality
3.h.i - Goodness Morality
3.h.i - Goodness Morality
II. This dilemma helps us answer the question of “Why be moral?”, or gives us a rational
justification for morality. Two main justifications: what is logical? what is emotional?
a. Virtue: Do we want to become the kind of society that tortures people to get what we
want? If we’re willing to use torture to save hundreds of lives, what about 50? 10? 5? 1
life? Do it only for the mad bomber? No one else? Is there a rational reason to draw the
line anywhere?
b. Deontology: Torture is either right or wrong. How do we know if it’s right or wrong?
Easiest way to know is if we universalize it; What if everyone used torture to get
information they wanted?
c. Consequentialism: Will causing harm to one person allow us to prevent further harm to
other individuals? Is that worth it? How do we calculate that worth? If torturing an
innocent baby would most quickly prevent greater harm, wouldn’t we be morally
obligated to do so?
d. Main point: We cannot get away from the idea of morality. Every choice we make, large
or small, has moral and ethical implications. If this is true, aren’t we obligated to
think about what makes a moral decision, action, or person?