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Module 4 Ethics

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Jessel b.

Bsa 1-1

Module 4
1. What is Altruism?
Altruism is defined as a selfless deed done for the good of others. The performer is
putting the happiness of the other ahead of its own. A person who follows this kind of
ethical concept usually acts in a selfless manner. Helping others is positive, as we all
know. Research indicates that a person who helping others results in both their own
happiness and that of others. Helping others gives them satisfaction. Altruism is that. It
involves making a decision to do something that will benefit others and bring you
fulfillment, even if you don't receive anything in return.
2. What is Ascetism?
Ascetism is an ethical practice typically carried out by religious people or those who
follow a religious attitude. It gives up all earthly luxuries in an effort to establish a
connection with the Divine. Every religion has a unique style of life that adherents
believe will help them connect with the Divine. a Buddhist monk, as an illustration.
Severe self-denial and austerity are ascetic ideas and behaviors. In a nutshell, ascetism is
an ethical practice typically carried out by someone who practices a religion.
3. What is Deontology?
On the other hand, deontology is an ethical theory that holds that a course of conduct is
beneficial if it is guided by a moral absolute. Whatever the result or repercussion, the
moral action is still good. This ethical philosophy places more emphasis on what a
person does, or what that person does, than on the result or repercussions of that
action. Do what is right and refrain from doing what is wrong, deontology maintains.
Deontology, to put it simply, emphasizes the activity of the actor rather than the result
or effects of it.
4. What is Consequentialism?
According to the ethical theory of consequentialism, an action is morally correct if it has
morally positive results. It emphasizes the effect of an activity or its outcome. If you take
an action and the outcome is positive, it will be regarded as ethically right. Since the
outcome of your activity is good. Simply said, it emphasizes the advantages that a
person will experience from taking such a course of action.
5. Differentiate Deontology from consequentialism?
Deontology is an ethical philosophy that emphasizes the action rather than the result or
conclusion. It discusses whether an activity is right or wrong. Contrarily,
Consequentialism is an ethical theory that places emphasis on the conclusion or result
of the action. Whatever the activity, as long as it benefits the individual or has a positive
end, it can still be argued that it is morally correct.
6. What is Cognitivism?
According to cognitivism, moral assertions can only be true or false if they have an
ostensive meaning in the outside world. However, certain forms of cognitivism concur
that some propositions or statements may be true even in the absence of an explicit
definition. Simply said, cognitivism places a strong emphasis on the mind, particularly
how it processes our thoughts. Some moral judgments may be accurate because they
describe a feature of the universe that aids in demonstrating the accuracy of the moral
7. What is Cynicism?
According to the ethical concept of cynicism, living in harmony with nature is necessary
for leading a good life. A cynic typically leads a simple existence free of material
possessions. Because they were impoverished and living on the streets, they were
frequently made fun of in the past. savoring life's pleasures. Because, once more,
cynicism holds that being at one with nature is the only way to live a good life.
8. What is an ethical climate?
Ethical climate is the pervading ethical scene or setting in a certain era. It is timely
ethical that arise because of a certain era. For example, this pandemic, before the
pandemic, we usually see people hanging around the corner, enjoying life, no physical
distancing and etc. But when the pandemic happens, people change their living. Most of
the people do not want to go outside to keep themselves from virus. Some teens put
themselves in a box and do not want to socialize anymore, some are scared in meeting
other people physically and etc. That is an example of ethical climate
9. What is an ethical Dilemma?
Different scenarios might give rise to ethical dilemmas that make it difficult for a person
to decide between his or her options. It is about finding it difficult to pick which course
of action to take. Being in this circumstance is challenging because the person putting
you there must make a choice. cautiously. Because every decision he/she makes has an
effect that may be favorable or unfavorable. To avoid regrets when we realize the
results of our choices or actions, we truly need to weigh the options before making a
10. What is Ethics?
Simply put, ethics can be defined as a discipline that examines what is morally right and
wrong. Another term for it is moral philosophy. Ethics enables us to comprehend each
daily action we take and the various results of it. This allows us to categorize our actions
as either good or bad, and when they are bad, we refrain from acting upon them,
allowing us to live in peace in this world.
1. How can we tell what is Objectively moral or truly moral?
Knowing what the moral is allows us to determine how objective it is. It implies that this
is the moral of the story. We must consider whether this course of action is genuinely
moral. It forces us to consider our words carefully before claiming that this behavior is
moral. It makes us think since some people might assert that this claim or assertion may
be truthful or false. So, if an action makes us think attentively, we can infer that it is
objectively moral.
2. If every individual is left to arbitrarily decide over what is moral
for him or herself then who is right?
Indeed, we can all be both right and incorrect. We were created to be perfectly flawed.
We disagree, especially when it comes to what is good and wrong. The choice of what is
right or wrong for us is ours alone. Thus, it implies that each of us can be morally
correct. To date, the freedom to choose for ourselves what is moral in our eyes. because
we each hold unique opinions and perspectives on the world. Therefore, we are unable
to accuse others of having bad morals. We must acknowledge our differences and
recognize that we have diverse perspectives on the world.
3. Is it possible to truly identify morality?
Yes. We humans create a set of norms that we refer to as moral absolutes. This allows
us to actually define morality. We all adhere to the same set of moral principles. No
matter the culture, beliefs, customs, or anything else, we have. So, sure, the moral code
that each of us upholds and adheres to may be used to define morality.
4. Can we live harmoniously if we are individually deciding over what
is right or wrong?
Yes. We have a set of standards as humans that everyone of us follows to, much as what
I've said. Despite our many differences, we nevertheless live as a single species. As an
illustration, we believe that killing someone is wrong. Every nation has laws governing
this and different penalties for that. We may have come from diverse backgrounds, but
we all agree that someone who kills someone deserves to be punished. We think that
there is a punishment for every wrongdoing as a result of that action. So even if we have
disagreements, we can still coexist peacefully because God created us all to live in unity.
5. How can you say that your moral choices are right in par with
other people’s?
I don't have the right to tell anyone that their moral decisions were the wrong ones or
that mine were better. Once more, our perspectives on how we perceive and
comprehend the world are different. The mere fact that we believe something doesn't
give us the authority to force it on others.
than they are superior to our own beliefs. Keep in mind that life is comprised of the
three Cs. Chance, Change, and Option. We have the freedom to modify our lives if we so
choose. So, we have no right to dispute their moral decision if that is their option.
6. When is an action immoral for you?
When obtaining what they want at the expense of others. When someone acts in their
own self-interest, I consider it to be immoral. By doing so, people can harm others in
order to fulfill their own desires in this world. Keep in mind that wishes and necessities
are not the same. As a result, if it can harm others only for
Getting what they want would be unethical in my eyes. Whether they cause others
bodily, emotional, or mental suffering. Additionally, if it goes against the moral
principles that each of us holds dear.

B. Writing: Give 2 scenarios for each ethical Doctrine

1. hedonism
➢ He needs money for that pleasure so he has a job, but if he feels that today what
will give him pleasure is sky-diving, he skips work and goes as the ethic of
pleasure is higher than the ethic of responsibility.
➢ When a person goes to a coffee shop to drink her favorite drink with her favorite
2. egoism
➢ Your sister wants to borrow your phone because she needs to make a video for
her project but you have something to do that is Important as well
➢ Someone tells you that they volunteer at a soup kitchen once a month because
they want to help the homeless.
3. humanism
➢ You make decisions on your own and you accept whatever the result of the
➢ Setting goals, working toward them and helping others to do the same. Getting
creative and helping others to find their own voices is also a part of this.
4. individualism
➢ When you support yourself financially and do not depend on anyone else for
your needs
➢ When the government allows citizens to be responsible for their own retirement
instead of relying on social security
5. eudaimonism
➢ When your friend has a problem you always listen and give advice and your
happy doing it.
➢ Volunteering in an organization that helps other people because you have the
time and the means of it. And you genuinely enjoy it.
C. Essay (5 pts each)
1. Differentiate Hedonism from Individualism
According to the ethical philosophy of hedonism, a person's total satisfaction and
pleasure are the only things that are good for them, and anything that could cause them
harm is bad. For instance, you might be enjoying your favorite ice cream when you recall
the person who gave it to you.
prior to harming you. While individualism is an ethical concept that holds that humans
do not require outside interference. On our own, we can complete it. Putting in a lot of
effort solely for yourself and your studies, for instance, without seeking any assistance
from others.
2. Differentiate Eudaimonism from Epicureanism
A moral philosophy known as eudaimonism views "well-being" as having intrinsic value
and defines appropriate behavior as that which promotes the "well-being" of the
individual. Providing your shoulder to weep on is one example. On the other hand,
epicureanism is a moral theory wherein pleasure is the main component of a good
existence. For instance, imagine that you are hungry and want your favorite food. You
fill up after eating your favorite food. You are glad that your appetites have been
satiated and that you are no longer hungry.
3. Differentiate Ethical Naturalism and Ethical Non-Naturalism
According to ethical naturalism, moral truths concerning things like right and evil are
just a part of the natural universe. It holds that there is nothing outside of the natural
world. If anything tends to prolong happiness, it is right; if it doesn't, it is wrong. As
opposed to Ethical Naturalism, which maintains that ethical statements may be reduced
to non-ethical statements, Ethical Non Naturalism holds that ethical statements reflect
propositions that cannot be converted to non-ethical claims. For instance, it was stated
that there is no purpose in asking if pleasure is good unless pleasure and good have two
distinct concepts.

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