Correos Earon Plate 3 PDF
Correos Earon Plate 3 PDF
Correos Earon Plate 3 PDF
CE161P-2/A21 12-04-21
1 Problem:
During a constant head permeability test on a sample of sand, 150 of water were
collected in 2 minutes. The sample had a length of 10 cm. and a diameter of 5.08 cm. The
head was maintained at 20 cm.
2 Problem:
From the constant head permeability test arrangement shown, the following values are
Void ratio of specimen ........ 0.46
Length of soil sample ........... 450 mm
Constant head difference .......700 mm
Water collected in a period of 3 min
= 0.000354 m3
Cross sectional area of soil sample
= 0.00226 m2
3 Problem:
The MMDA in its previous study for a proposed sanitary land fill site in Cavite is
planning to use a clay liner for the landfill. Tests were performed on a sample clay from
a borrow site. It was deemed necessary to have a minimum clay liner thickness of 0.30
m. The following results were obtained in the laboratory test.
Initial water level in standpipe … 96 cm. Final water level in standpipe ….
56 cm. Diameter of standpipe ... 12 mm.
Height of soil sample ................. 10.2 cm.
Diameter of soil sample .............. 5.4 cm.
Duration of test .......................... 12 hours.
4 Problem:
b.) Determine the seepage velocity if the void ratio is 0.60 in cm/s.
c.) Determine the coefficient of permeability cm/s.
5 Problem:
The coefficient of permeability of a sand at a void ratio of 0.62 is 0.03 cm/sec. Estimate
the coefficient of permeability at a void ratio of 0.48.
6 Problem:
The max, dry unit weight determined in the laboratory for a quart sand is 102 lb/ft3. In the
field, the relative compaction is 90%.
Specific gravity of sand is 2.70.
a) Determine the void ratio at the max. dry unit weight condition.
c) Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the sand in the field condition if the
hydraulic conductivity of sand at the max. dry unit weight condition is 0.03 cm/sec.
Using Kozeny-Carman equation
7 Problem:
8 Problem:
The figure shows the layers of soil in a tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in a
cross section. When supplied to maintain a constant head difference of 300
mm across the sample.
The hydraulic conductivity of the soils in the direction of flow to them are as
Soil K(cm/sec.)
A 2 x 10-2
B 3 x 10-3
C 4 x 10-4
9 Problem:
The figure shows layers of soil in a tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in cross section water is
applied to maintain a constant head difference of 300 mm. across the sample.
The hydraulic conductivities of the soils in the direction of flow through them are as
Soil K(cm/sec.)
A 10-2
- B 3 x 10-3
C 4.9 x 10-4
c) Compute the time of travel from the head of the aquifer to a point 4
km. downstream in days.
11 Problem:
A channel runs almost parallel to a river as shown on the figure. The water level in the
river has an elevation of 36 m. and the elevation of the channel is 33 m. The river and
channel are 600 m. apart and a pervious formation of average thickness of 9 m. and
hydraulic conductivity of 0.08 m/hr join them together.
b) Compute the rate of seepage flow from the river to the channel per meter width
in liters per day.
c) If the seepage velocity is 0.048 m/day, compute the void ratio of the pervious
12 Problem:
Three piezometers have been installed in the confined aquifer having a uniform
thickness of 4.6 m. and a hydraulic conductivity of 2 x 10-4 m/s.
c) Compute the flow rate per unit width of the aquifer in liters/day.
13 Problem:
c) Compute the flow rate in the aquifer per unit width in liters/day.
14 Problem:
A 300 mm diameter test well penetrates 24
m. below the static water table. After 24 hours of pumping at 69 liters per
second, the water level in an observation well at a distance of 96 m. from
the test well is lowered by 0.60 . and the other observation well at a
distance of 34 m. from the test well, the drawdown is 1.2m.
15 Problem:
For a constant laboratory permeability test on a fine sand, the following data are given:
Length of specimen……………………….…16cm.
Diameter of specimen…………………….9.6cm.
Constant Head difference……………….50cm.
Volume of water collected in 4min….420cc.
Void ratio of the soil specimen……….0.55
a) Determine the coefficient of k permeability of the soil in cm/sec.
b) Determine the discharge velocity in cm/sec.
c) Determine the seepage velocity in cm/sec.