Untitled 1
Untitled 1
Untitled 1
Address 01: Engine (J623-CPNB) Labels:. 059-907-401-V2.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 907 401 N HW: 4G0 907 401 E
Component: 3.0TDI FSA H14 0009
Revision: 58H14--- CVN: 0A14B20CC19C777138D3FF8238D3FF820E1FC39E
Coding: 0A2A4032056601050000
Shop #: WSC 44719 003 1048576
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM30TDI0114H0907401N 002009
ROD: EV_ECM30TDI0114H0907401N_002.rod
VCID: 2F674E3576392CEEEA-807A
VINID: 9D19438915942577800400C3049210969F
1 Fault Found:
27262 - NOx Sensor 2 Bank 1
P229F 00 [01100000] - Implausible Signal
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0
Address 02: Auto Trans (J217) Labels:| 0BK-927-156.clb
Part No SW: 4H1 927 158 CK HW: 0BK 927 156 AD
Component: 0BK 30 TDIUSA H19 1006
Revision: --H19--- CVN: 179C62B7
Coding: 000001
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMALX51011 002022
ROD: EV_TCMALX51011_002_AU64.rod
VCID: 7BFFAA65F2C1004E16-802E
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 4H0-907-379.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 907 379 AA HW: 4H0 907 379 AA
Component: ESP PREMIUM H10 0665
Revision: -------- Serial number: --------------
Coding: 6CE5F3C036A7CF03E200
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_ESPPremi 005024
ROD: EV_ESPPremi_005_AU64.rod
VCID: 71E3884DA08D7A1EBC-8024
1 Fault Found:
0728 - Function Restriction due to Faults in Other Modules
U1113 00 [00001001] - -
[New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 11
Mileage: 114448 km
Date: 2024.05.09
Time: 17:00:45
VzRef: 00
Bit Info 1: 00
Bit Info 2: 07
Bit Info 3: 82
Bit Info 4: 00
F-Path: 31
F-Type: 21
Uz: 92
Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J393) Labels:. 8K0-907-064-05.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 907 064 GD HW: 4H0 907 064 GD
Component: BCM2 2.0 H37 0572
Revision: 00002001
Coding: 0DA76F4E000000000000
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
VCID: 71E3884DA88D7A1EBC-8024
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 4H0 905 852 C HW: 4H0 905 852 C
Component: J764 ELV MLB H40 0046
Serial number: 3215000145824015
2 Faults Found:
00956 - Key 2
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 12
Mileage: 109409 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2023.06.24
Time: 22:01:26
Address 06: Seat Mem. Pass (J521) Labels: None
Part No SW: 4H0 959 760 E HW: 4H0 959 760 E
Component: MEM-BFS H08 0156
Revision: AA000000 Serial number: 00000163865584
Coding: C018320085047201010001010101112131313333283333
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
VCID: 356B7C5D9C65163EA0-8060
1 Fault Found:
03327 - Switch for Headrest Adjustment: Down
003 - Mechanical Failure - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100011
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 51
Mileage: 114448 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2024.05.09
Time: 15:01:14
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels:| 4H0-820-043.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 820 043 P HW: 4H0 820 043 P
Component: Klima 4 Zonen H20 0210
Coding: 368122B87C0000
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirCondiFront 003001
ROD: EV_AirCondiFront_002.rod
VCID: 2D5B543D7C355EFED8-8078
3 Faults Found:
0196 - Position Sensor in Right Center Vent
B10E2 15 [00001001] - Open or Short to Plus
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 11
Mileage: 114448 km
Date: 2024.05.09
Time: 17:00:48
Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels:. 4H0-907-063-V2.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 907 063 DB HW: 4H0 907 063 AB
Component: BCM1 2.0 H20 0311
Revision: 19020001 Serial number: 00001140606801
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
VCID: 6BDF9A258AA190CE86-803E
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4H1 955 119 D HW: 4H1 955 119 A
Component: WWS641 150822 H38 0100
Serial number: 150907073422
Coding: 0045F7
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8U0 955 559 C HW: 8U0 955 559 B Labels: 8U0-955-559.CLB
Component: G397_RLFS H06 0004
Serial number: 20657462
Coding: 02004E
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 4G0 907 410 A HW: 4H0 907 410 A
Component: USHL4.2 H30 0030
Serial number: 00000000095Z020B9B16
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 4H0 907 705 K HW: 4H0 907 705 C
Component: EVLS-SG H08 0300
Serial number: WA121418000014969344
Coding: 020300
Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 4H0 907 658 HW: 4H0 907 658
Component: AQ_Hum_Sensor H03 0003
Serial number: 3C98C8C7000000000001
5 Faults Found:
04082 - Supply Voltage for Parking Aid
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 5
Fault Frequency: 31
Reset counter: 50
Mileage: 111474 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2023.11.24
Time: 14:30:00
Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428) Labels:| 4H0-907-561.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 907 561 C HW: 4H0 907 561
Component: ACC3 H21 0032
Serial number: 00000000000000 Dataset Number: 4H0909863E 0038
Coding: 7E01020201
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_AdaptCruisContrAU64X 002024
ROD: EV_AdaptCruisContrAU64X_002.rod
VCID: 2B5F5A25422150CEC6-807E
2 Faults Found:
144896 - Function Restriction due to Faults in Other Modules
U1113 00 [00001000] - -
[New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 31
Reset counter: 50
Mileage: 111474 km
Date: 2023.11.24
Time: 14:30:01
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:* 4H0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 959 655 G HW: 4H0 959 655 G
Component: Airbag10.43 H63 0093
Revision: -------- Serial number: 003KC001AP9. Dataset Number: 4H0909602H 0007
Coding: 303331323130303231384A55304C34483053
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaAU10BPAAU64X 001014
ROD: EV_AirbaAU10BPAAU64X_VW51.rod
VCID: 3A716F61BD7BF9464D-806E
Address 16: Steering wheel
Cannot be reached
Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:| 4H0-920-xxx-17.clb-SRI1
Part No SW: 4H0 920 880 Q HW: 4H0 920 880 Q
Component: TDieUSAACC--- H53 0803
Revision: 38081205 Serial number: 658070915592030
Coding: 0B4608011F51D705020000
Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_RBD4K 004050
ROD: EV_RBD4K_AU64.rod
VCID: 387575698377EB56BB-806C
1 Fault Found:
16773127 - Analog Clock
U1096 00 [00001001] - No Communications
[New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 11
Mileage: 114448 km
Date: 2024.05.09
Time: 17:00:46