Anatomy Vest Lookbook
Anatomy Vest Lookbook
Anatomy Vest Lookbook
Check out their amazing versions!
body anatomy
Size: XS
Yarn: Red (Two size 1 yarns used
together): 39g of light red, 39g of dark
red, Black (size 3): 36g, White (size 3): 24g
Hook Size: 3.5mm
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
“DNA part”
Size: S
Yarn: (Vinnis colours Nikkim) 100%
cotton, light worsted weight
Burgundy ~ 100g (~240m)
Teal ~ 150g (~360m)
Off white ~ 50g (~120m)
Red - negligible
Hook Size: 3mm
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
how intricate the stitch design was to make sure you get
the spiral look. Plus the stitch adds texture to the vest
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
coming together.”
Size: L
Yarn: White ~110g, multicolor yarn
~220g, hot pink ~120g, lavender ~120g,
black ~68g
Hook Size: 3.75mm
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
Size: L
Yarn: Premier minikins, sportsweight,
Yarn size 2: Ice Blue - 200g, Chambray -
~60g, White - 50g
Hook Size: 3.5mm
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
“I really like the heart and the back!!”
Size: XL
Yarn: Yonkey Monkey weight 2: total
grams 150, apporx yardage- 690
Hook Size: 3.5mm
Favorite Part:
Favorite Part:
“The sternum <3.”
Size: XXL
Yarn: Drops Safran Sportweight:
259g in total/828.8m
Hook Size: 3.5mm
Favorite Part: