Adobe Scan Sep 6, 2022
Adobe Scan Sep 6, 2022
Adobe Scan Sep 6, 2022
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the Earth
This sunset over the red cliffs of the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River in Arizona, shows
the Earth System at a glance-air, water, and rock all interacting to produce this stunning
LEARNIN G 1.1 Thinkin g Like a Geologist
■ Understand challenges 1.1.1 Introduction
geologists face when studying ts
Learning about the Earth is like training to become a detective. Both geologiS and
a body as large and complex as
the Earth
detectives need keen powers of observation, curiosity about slight differences, broadth
scientific understandin g, and instruments to analyze samples. And both ask e
■ Practice basic geologic
same questions: What happened? How? When? Why? Much of the logi~al thinking
reasoning and strategies
• Understand the concept of is the same, but there are big differences between the work of a detecuve and th_att
the Earth System and begin of a geologist. A detective's "cold" case may be 30 years old, but "old" to a geologiS
to learn how energy and means hundreds of millions or billions of years. To a detective, a "body" is a human
matter are connected through body, but to a geologist, a "body" may be a mountain range or a continent. Eyewit-
geologic cycles nesses can help detectives, but for most of Earth history there weren't any humans
• Use concepts of dimension, to witness geologic events. To study the Earth, geologists must therefore develop t
scale, and order of magnitude strategies different from those of other kinds of investigators . The overall goal of this
to describe the Earth
manual is to help you look at the Earth and think about its mysteries like a geologist.
■ Review the materials and
To help you begin thinking like a geologist, let's start with a typical geologic
forces you will encounter while
studying the Earth mystery. Almost 300 years ago, settlers along the coast of Maine built piers (like the
modern pier shown in FIG. 1.1) to load and unload ships. Some of these piers are
■ Learn how geologists discuss
the ages of geologic materials now submerged to a depth of 1 meter (39 inches) below sea level.
and events and how we
measure the rates of geologic ·
processes FIGURE 1.1 Subsidence along the coast of Maine.
■ Triple-beam or electronic
■ 500-ml graduated cylinder
■ Clear plastic ruler with
divisions in tenths of an inch
and millimeters (included in
the Geo Tools section at the
back of this manual)
■ Calculator
■ Compass
To~rists might not think twice about this phenomen on before heading for a lob-
ster dmner at the local restaurant, but a geologist would want to know what caused
the submerge~ ce an_d how rapidly the pier was submerged . How would a geologist
go about tacklmg this problem? Exercise 1.1 outlines the problem and shows some
of the basic geologic reasoning needed to get answers to the questions raised above.
At the same time, this exercise will be your first of many opportunit ies to see that
geologists solve real-world problems affecting real people.
Name: Section: _ _ _ __
Course-:-:----------------------- Date: _ _ _ _ __
? What Do You Think Now it's time to try really thinking like a geolo-
E gist. Given your answers to question s (a) and ( b), wou ld you recomm end that
the restaura nt owner purchas e this pier? In a sentenc e or two, on a separate
of paper, explain why. Then describe another issue that you think the owner
investig ate before making a decision .
2. Recognize
that a problem or question
4. Hypothesis
Propose a tentati ve answer or
elemen ts are much more abunda nt than others. Keep the definiti ons in
TA S~E 1.1
• ' • • •
. .
Selecte d Fluxes Involving the Hydrologic Cycle (continued)
Name: Section: _ _ _ __
Course,-::---------------------- Date· _ _ __
A lake freezes
current s and the almost undetec table creep of soil downhill. All are caused
energy, which acts on matter to change its charact er, move it, or split it apart.
Energy for the Earth System comes from (1) the Earth's internal heat,
is left over
melts rock, causes earthqu akes, and builds mounta ins (some of this heat
d today by radioac tive
from the formati on of the Earth, but most is being produce
on the
decay); (2) externa l energy from the Sun, wh ich warm:.; air, rocks, and water
h 'f, gi:aYity. Heat and gravity, working
Earth's surface; and (3) the pull of the Ear~
indepen dently or in combin ation, drive mos t geologi c p;-occss es.
Heat energy is a measur e of the d egree to whid1 atoms or molecu les in matter
in an oven, for exam-
includi ng those in solids- vibrate . When you h eat someth ing
ple, the atoms in the materia l vibrate faster and move farther apart. Heat
flux of matter from
drives the change of matter from one state to another and the
ice causes
one reservo ir of the Earth System to another. For exampl e, heating of
heating of water causes
melting (solid ➔ liquid; cryosph ere ➔ hydrosp here) and
evaporation (liquid ➔ gas; hydrosp here ➔ atmosp here). Cooling slows the
or freezing
tion, causing condensation (gas ➔ liquid, atmosphere ➔ hydrosp here)
e for the
(liquid ➔ solid, hydrosp here ➔ cryosph ere). Exercis e 1.4 explore s evidenc
sources of the heat energy involve d in geologi c process es.
Gravity, as Isaac Newton showed more than three centuri es ago , is the
of this force
of attracti on that every object exerts on other objects. The strengt h
the objects are to one
depend s on the amoun t of mass in each object and how close
anothe r, as express ed by the equatio n
m1 X m2
G= k - - -
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ __
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Some of t h e heat t h at aff ects geologic
Section: _ _ _ __
Date: _ _ _ _ _ __
proces ses comes from the Sun and some comes from •insi·d the Earth What role ..
does each of these heat source s play in Earth processes? e ·
(b) Now, dig down in the sand just a few inches . What
do you feel now, and why?
(c) What do these observ ations sugges t about the depth
to which heat from the Sun can penetr ate the Ear th ?
(d) Based on this conclu sion, is the Sun's energy or the
Earth's internal heat the cause of melting of rock wi th in th
Earth? Explain. e
where G = force of gravity; k = a gravitational const ant;
two objects; and d = the distance betwe en them.
The great er the masses of the objec ts and the close r
m1 and m2 = the masse s of
Section: _ _ _ __
----- ----- ----- ----- --- Date: _ _ _ _ __
Course:---------- ------------
(a) Draw lines representing the minimum (15°C/km), maximum (50°C/km), and average (25°Cfkm) geothermal
gradients on the diagram below, using a different color for each. Assume for this exercise that the temperature at the
Earth's surface is 0°C.
Pressure (kbar)
0 o;..._-.---,-........._;..----.--,,--.,....-..;:2___,_,
(b) The deepest mine on the Earth penetrates to a depth of about 2 km. Using the geothermal gradients you just drew,
what range of temperatures would you expect halfway down the mine shaft? _ _ _ _ _ At the bottom of
mine? _ _ _ __
(c) Using the pressure scale at the top of the diagram, draw the average geobaric gradient in a fourth color, with
increase of 1 kbar per 3.3 km.
(d) What will the pressure be at the lowest level of the mine? _ _ _ _ _ kbar
(e) What will the pressure be 8 km below the surface? _ _ _ _ _ kbar
(f) What will temperature and pressure conditions be at
• 5 km, assuming an average geothermal gradient? _ _ _ __
• 4 km, assuming the minimum geothermal gradient? _ _ _ _ _ The maximum geothermal gradient? _ _ _ _ __
To measure the density of a material, we need to know its mass and volume.
Mass is measured with a balance or scale, and the volumes of regular geomet-
ric shapes such as cubes, bricks, spheres, or cylinders can be calculated from
simple formulas. For example, to calculate the volume of a bar of gold, you
would multiply its length times its width times its height (FIG. 1.Sa). But rocks
rarely have regular geometric shapes; more typically, they are irregular chunks.
To measure the volume of a rock (or another irregular object), submerge it in
a graduated cylinder partly filled with water (FIG. 1.Sb) . Measure the volume of
the water before the rock is added and then with the rock in the cylinder. The
rock displaces a volume of water equivalent to its own volume, so simply subtract
the initial volume of the water from that of the water plus the rock to obtain the
volume of the rock. The density of a rock can then be calculated simply from the
definition of density: density = mass -;-- volume. Exercise 1.6 provides practice
in determining density.
Second reading
f h lid is the volume of
(a) For a rectangular solid, volume = length x width x height. ( b'1 For an irregular solid, the volume O t e so h d'ff
d 1· d which is t e I erence
the liquid it displaces in a graduate cy in er,
between the first and second readings.
Name: Section: _ _ _ __
Course: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ __
(a) Determine the density of a liquid provided by your instructor using a balance, a graduated cylinder, and a container
of the liquid. Consider how to go about this, and then do it. Make sure to provide the proper units with your answer.
The density of the liquid is _ _ _ __
(b) Your instructor will give you samples of granite, a light-colored rock that makes up a large part of the continental
crust, and basalt, a dark-colored rock that makes up most oceanic crust and the lower part of the continental crust.
Determine their densities, and record your answers with units included.
• What is the density of granite? _ _ _ __
• What is the density of basalt? _ _ _ __
• If the volume of continental crust is half granite and half basalt, what is its density? _ _ _ _ __
(c) Modern ships are made of steel, which has a density of about 7.85 g/cm 3-much greater than the density of water
that you just calculated. So how can these ships float?
■ Place in the Solar System: Among the eight Solar System planets, the Earth is the
third from the. Sun. It is one of four. terrestrial planets , along wi· th Mercury, ·uvenus,
and Mars, whICh are made ofrock, m contrast to thejovian planets Uup1·ter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune), which are mostly made of methane and a mmon1a · m• e1t. h er
gaseous or frozen forms.
■ The Earth's orbit: The Earth takes 1 year (365. 25 days , or 3 •15 x 101 secon d s ) to
complete one orbit around the Sun.
(a) The towering chalk cliffs of Dover, England stand up to (b) Microscopic view of th~ ~halk (plankton shells) that the
110 m (350 ft) above the sea. cliffs are made of. The eye of a needle gives an idea of the
minuscule sizes of the shells that make up e cliffs.
I Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Course: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The enormous differen ce in size between ourselves and our planet
and makes understanding major Earth processes challenging. To
Date: _ _ _ _ __
12.800 kr:,
Relative sizes of a dog and a flea. Relative siz:Es of the Earth and a tall geologist.
(b) Now, think about the relative dimensions of a geologist and the Earth.
_ __
• How many times larger than the geologist is the Earth? _ _
drawn at the same scale as the geologi st? Give you r
• How large would the drawing of the Earth have to be if it were
_ _ _ _ miles
answer in kilometers and in miles. ___ ___ km _ _
the Earth, does a flea have a better unders tand in of a
• Based on the relative sizes of flea and dog versus human and g
dog than a human has of the Earth? Or vice versa? Explain .
Scientific notation saves a lot of space in describing very large or very small
objects. For example, the 15O,OOO,OOO-km (93,OOO,OOO-mi) distance from the Earth
to the Sun becomes 1.5 X 108 km (9.3 X 107 mi) , and the diameter of a hydrogen
atom (0.0000000001 m) becomes 1.0 X 10- 10 m. The full range of dimensions that
scientists must consider spans an incomprehen sible 44 orders of magnitude, from
the diameter of the particles that make up an atom (about 10- m across) to the
. -·- -· ·--- --
9.0 X 1020 Diameter of the Milky Way
---- ·- -------- - ·-- -------- -
1.5 X 1011 Diameter of the Earth's orbit
8.8 X 103 Height of Mt. Everest (the Earth's tallest mountain) above sea level
FIGURE 1.10 Solid Earth materials behave in unexpected ways over long periods and
under appropriate conditions.
(a) Flowing ice in Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada. (b) Folded sedimentary rocks in eastern Ireland.
You will learn later that mountains and oceans are not permanent landscape fea-
tures. Mountains form by uplift or intense folding, but as soon as land rises above
the sea, streams, ice, and wind begin to erode it away. When the forces that cause the
u lift cease, the mountains are gradually leveled by the forces of erosion. Oceans
a: also temporary features. They form when continents split and the pieces move
a art from one another, and they disappear when the continents on their margins
c~llide. Exercise 1.9 examines the rates at which these processes operate and gives
insight into the life spans of mountains and oceans.
Name: Section: _ _ _ __
Course-:---------------------- Date: _ _ _ _ __
(a) Rates of uplift and erosion. The following questions will give you a sense of the rates at which uplift and
are fir st upl ifted,
take place. We will assume that upl ift and erosion do not occur at the same tim e-that mountains
and only then does erosion begin-whe reas the two processes actually operate simultaneou sly.
__ m
• If mountains rose by 1 mm/yr, how high would they be (in meters) after 1,000 years? _ _ _
10,000,000 years? _ _ _ _ _ m 50 million years? _ _ _ _ _ m
began about
• The Himalayas now reach an elevation of 8.8 km, and radiometric dating suggests that th ei r uplift
rise? _ _ _ _ _ km/yr
45 mi llion years ago. Assuming a constant rate of upl ift, how fast did the Himalayas
_ _ _ _ _ m/yr _ _ _ _ _ mm/yr
now eroded nearl y
• Evidence shows that there were once Himalaya-scale mountains in northern Canada, in an area
how fast would the rate of erosion have had to be
flat. If the Earth were only 6,000 years old, as was once believed,
in 6,000 years? _ _ _ _ _ m/yr _ _ _ _ _ mm/yr
for these mountains to be eroded to sea level
At th is rate, how
• Observations of modern mountain ranges suggest that they erode at rates of 2 mm per 10 years.
long would it take to erode the Himalayas down to sea level? _ _ _ _ _ years
At one
(b) Rates of seafloor spreading. Today the Atlantic Ocean is about 5,700 km wide at the latitude of Boston. st
northwest coa
t ime, however, there was no Atlantic Ocean because the east coast of the United States and the
to form "only" 185,000,00 0 years ago,
of Africa were joined in a huge supercontinent. The Atlantic Ocean started
as modern North America spl it from Africa and the two continents slowly drifted apart in a process called seafloor
been moving away
• Assuming that the rate of seafloor spreading has been constant, at what rate has North America
from Africa? _ _ _ _ _ mm/yr _ _ _ _ _ km per million years
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Section: _ _ _ __
Course: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __