Geds101 Exam 2010
Geds101 Exam 2010
Geds101 Exam 2010
S'cl1ool of Ed(ication and llumauitics
lkpartme11t of l~uuc 11tion aull General Studies
Diploma Final Exmuinalion' May 2010
GIWS 101 - Philosophy of Christian Etlui.:atiou- 2i.:redits
SECTION A: l11slructiu11s: Fill i11 thi.: bla11k spaocs with the appropriate answers (25"'mark:)
. 1.. f~---· ··---·- i:; tlH: autllur or the concept of "tabula rusu".
2. ~ .\ '~!?fJ1f!l
· l I Thi, 1wo il1~.titu1iu11s Lhat_liad ilicir nrigin in the school of Eden nre; (j,~r.c.r_nl\e.,;; ;_5_~-/1, ~!\1/t _
L'. .1iff-f$T___ ____ a11d,. ~,o~iS ·-·- arc the tcachcrn in the school ofbrncl.
l :;-~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 d __ _}J~.lf,,...~ _____ urc the subjects is the school of Eden
I'/.Statt! three rl.!aso11s why Jesu~ Christ is lhc grealesl teacl\er (Jmks) ·-,,, F•, 1
a .(lft_ twdl
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