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Geds101 Exam 2010

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S'cl1ool of Ed(ication and llumauitics
lkpartme11t of l~uuc 11tion aull General Studies
Diploma Final Exmuinalion' May 2010
GIWS 101 - Philosophy of Christian Etlui.:atiou- 2i.:redits

Examiners: Nwosu, Juuathan;Olluroyc, l'.;Ogunji,

. . .
J.A; Time
Alloted:lhr Tota\ Maril ~: GU --
· 111strni;lio11s:A11!iWCI' all qucslio11s. Write yow- name anti matric number at the top of the page
and circle the 11all\c of yuur teacher.

SECTION A: l11slructiu11s: Fill i11 thi.: bla11k spaocs with the appropriate answers (25"'mark:)
. 1.. f~---· ··---·- i:; tlH: autllur or the concept of "tabula rusu".
2. ~ .\ '~!?fJ1f!l

sl-::.~. a11<l ~l&e,e•o,\0 ~_1:1-arc the three aspects of

tvlt;tuphys1cs · ·I
:i M.Bt941~L is a hcalthllil livi11g formula for physical development of a person
4.The three thl.!orics used by phi lusopb,crs to test the validity of t111th/k11owlcdgc -
<:11:_~W.f:r~:.!lL'Ci..___ --;---;-:-~cifc!.~fH!..~c.¢.. ____;_:4)(1~;1\~t-L _ .
). the lh1t;C baa1c aspects ol Pl11lu:;ophy arc if'#\·~~\!ff~; ~ •. , j ~ ~ _:{ft,y..1 -,J(,o ~,,
<j _ ~f\i..e.~ !be... is tht: nib le chaµtcr that 111~e'for the epistemological (fi'.uhi. of the Bible ·.I
·• 7., 1;1_,; .~!'.1 ~\.~a:t~\{l}lJ,\~!'.:..'.;s that 1(1m~de tli~ thr~c b _sic uivi~~on ~-fyhyo~?phy are; ~tvf:t ;[-, ' 'i' .-·< ·
.,-A--".1;k£~.tik_,.(1 "{,.,~b 7 ..~, ~t, i {., ,A'I.I ' (' !
.!1!'..•'L_;Ji,1J11l-1J0!.1!!.J.!.:is.i ~~I ·ii
-"~,'.;· J.k!Jl~.U.if}_ 1_QL1 ..: i:; the thc111~ upu11_ whi~lt all thc:11cs cluster in thl:°i:3iblc ·
:., ,; 2~Ul1,l[~l, ef OtL13iT.~ the bcg111n111g ul the ~)chool of 1-lcreallcr
-- t, · --)fu%dJ,i0 ,w u -K~E·-Ju~.:'titr\. ,11 e,-ti11.,"'t',,~Tm ~H;l.)J;~,j c..1:1."'~- 1 .:. r ,,.,
-- - • •• · ·•; •• - - - - • ·· - · •• • • - -•.--1.".
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· l I Thi, 1wo il1~.titu1iu11s Lhat_liad ilicir nrigin in the school of Eden nre; (j,~r.c.r_nl\e.,;; ;_5_~-/1, ~!\1/t _
L'. .1iff-f$T___ ____ a11d,. ~,o~iS ·-·- arc the tcachcrn in the school ofbrncl.
l :;-~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 d __ _}J~.lf,,...~ _____ urc the subjects is the school of Eden

Sl•:CTlON B:lustrucliuns: Supply the ncellcd aJ1Swers (l5niarks)

1-1. ldcmify, quote or parnplif·asl; the lulluwin1;_ Di½lc te~ts (3mks) ...__
a Gen. 2:15-Ci;c\ ,(..!,\ fl,\l>A h lc.«11 -1 •·h-,,.1. 1-.., ,..\.L.... lv,,Jc.-,.. 1 ,r,· 1;o,l\l .,t,;...ftv
... ·.;,:t' · -
b :n'im. J: \6..-,lllt ,s,:,,"1•r, 1"1 /.\~,.,,J, ,. 1•,,f./,.lli ,, tk.1\,;,,._, /!.. n ,,,,,P,. /1, [,,,-;,{,.,.,~ 71i,u1 .,.1:-v
,_ .'.l'clcr 1:21 .. r.:, r,•,•411 ,'lM.J kt ,i.i \l·;> J•" - ~ /\AN.) QJ M.l,..O~ ~,.!. ,,,; -/L ....1 ,,,_,..:, ,,1 ,,,--i_ '·
I i.Statc the pu1posi.: Ill' tlic folhlwiHg ~cbools (3marks)
a )t.:hool of Eden,. 0- td'--'· ll,E1i 1-.. l 1 • sf. 1.,J.,,.. ,{.i/l it._.,....,..., lt k C,c
li .Scltoolofbacl·-J..,1!..,~... t ,.( d .. . f.__ ,: (~.A--0,,'\ .
I :\ In wh~t. _111; c~- way:; ca'.l you \~l'~~;i,\r!e t?~-q~i1:i}g~Iii~.f_l(~pme11t ~J1_1~aril~~)
d t ArtL "(j t.,,1, t, b. ~t}l.·". tt~J!~·•(f..... •J 'HJ,, ' ,, C. ( .-., . '.'
J!,l ,, .. ,rJ ,.. . , . ··; . i1•1:, ·~ ~-I:

I'/.Statt! three rl.!aso11s why Jesu~ Christ is lhc grealesl teacl\er (Jmks) ·-,,, F•, 1
a .(lft_ twdl
~~tiQ f~1fb.,:,.c1lt- _
l, ~Lt'cZi4 -Ml~ . (t~, •; 1~•1iH~,t(,. 'fh~•-..:Sl .
\, l\·Je...,.,;.,Skl~l'-••'\'.r .i~-1,,1.,r,;l '"\!ir°'\~i,)•,( c,.~lf--'J,.,::J,~:ie~y. ~f,{;JJ
i<Udt.!11til'y l'>•,u lypl.::, ul'trntli (:i111.~rb) ,• -
lt ,, · ··,; ty -1, ·"J _t t- tt.. . I -~ j b. oi (,;} -~~- t! •.t~"l.), , ~·' ,

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