Laghu Parashari S.S. Sareen
Laghu Parashari S.S. Sareen
Laghu Parashari S.S. Sareen
Translated by
Page No
Introduction VII
Laghu Parashnri Shlokas
Samjna Adhyaya 1 1-13 1-31
The Yoga Adhyaya 2 14-22 32-82
Ayurdhay Adhyaya 3 23-28 83 -103
Dasaphal Adhyaya 4 29-36 104 -122
Misra Ka Adhyaya 5 37-42 123 -134
Madhya Parashari
Samjna Adhyaya 1 1 - 7 135 -136
Rajayoga Adhyaya 2 1-16 137 -141
Dhana Yoga Adhyaya 3 1-17 142 -145
Penury Yoga Adhyaya 4 1-16 146 -149
Dasaphal Adhyaya 5 • 1-23 150 -154
Antar Dasaphal Adhyaya 6 1-57 155 -164
Karaka Dasaphal Adhyaya 7 1-15 165 -168
Vimshottari Dasaphal Adhyaya 8 1-32 169 -181
Judgement of Houses 9 1-11 182 -184
Planets and their dignities under various lagnas 185-186
and so on.
It will not be out of place here to advise the reader to keep in mind the
Deeptadi states of the planets.
There are nine Avasthas of the planets.: (1) Deeptavastha, (2) Swas-
tha, (3)Pramudita, (4) Santa, (5) Deen, (6) Ati-Dukhi, (7) Vikal, (8)
Khala & (9) Kopa
Conditions of being Deeptadi: When a planet is in its exaltation sign
or Mool Trikone it is said to be in its Deeptavastha; in its own sign,
Swastha; in thatof a friend, Pramudita; in that of benefic planets, Santa;
in that of an enemy sign, Deena; when associated with malefics, Khala;
with the Sun, kopa; moreover if in their fall, Bheet (frightened) and if
eclipsed by the Sun, Vikala.
Planets are powerful if they are brightest; when they are defeated in
war by other planets, they are afflicted. At the time of conjunction the
planet on the South of the other is cosidered defeated.
Effects of these Avasthas : During the Dasa of a planet if it is in its
Deeptamsa (degree) the native gets recognition from the Govt., en-
couragement, fame, wealth, Conveyance, life partner, progeny, reputa-
tion and recognition from the friends, relatives and the State.
During the Dasa of the planet in its Swasthamsa the native enjoys a
calm of mind, wealth from the Govt, happiness, education, fame, love
and affection from the partner, accumulation of wealth, land and en-
During the Dasa of a Planet, if it is Pramudita, there is gain of dress
material, land, scents, sons, wealth, patience and courage, hearing of
scriptures, weapons etc. conveyance, shawals ahd ornaments.
During the Dasa of planet, if it is in Santavastha, there is gain of hap-
piness, confidence, sons, land, wife, conveyance, education, learning of
scriptures, respect and honour from the State.
During the Dasa of a planet, if it is in a Deenavastha, there is termina-
tion of service, dispute with the family members, living through
criminal and low ways, separation ahd sickness.
During the Dasa of a planiet, if it is in a Ati-Dukhiavastha, there is a
lot of suffering, foreign travel, separation from the family and danger
from thieves, fire and the king.
During the Dasa of a planet, if it is Vikal, the native suffers from malice,
worries, death of the friends, trouble for wife and childern, loss of con-
veyance and clothes and from thieves.
During the Dasa of a planet, if it is Khala, the native suffers on account
of disputes, separation, death of father, lose of wealth, land, own people
and enemies, and censured by clansmen.
During the Dasa of a Planet, if it is in Kopaavastha the native suffers
from various sins, lose of education, wealth, wife, son, relatives, trouble
from progeny and eye sore.
Yogajphal have been computerised wherever it has been found neces-
sary in order to find out the degree of good or evil effects of the lords
of the Vimshottari Dasa. How it has been computerised is given below:
1. Lords of the 2nd and the 12th house from the Lagna give effects ac-
cording to the position of their other sign in the chart or associated
with other planets. So these Lords of the 2nd and the 12th do not have
their own individual characteristics and so have zero value.
2nd House = 0 12th House = 0
(2) According to the Laghu Parashari the Lord of the Angle is not a
benefic unless it owns a Trine house also, besides it has been particular-
ly sp»ecified that the 4th house over the 1st, 7th over the 4lh and the
10th over the 7th is stronger. All this boils down to the fact that the
effectiveness of the Lord of an Angle is comparatively less than that of
a Trine House. Hence the effectiveness of the Angles is assigned from
1 to 4 and that of the Trines from S to 7; such as,
Lagna » -f- 1,4thHouse = +2,7thHouse = +3,10thHouse = +4
Lagna as Trine = +5,5thHouse= +6,9thHouse= +7
Triksthanas are always evil house; no planet if owns it alone can be
good. The strongest of the Trine i.e the 9th house has been assigned
+7 (degrees) and its opposite, the evil 3rd house, is recognised with
- 7 (degrees) that of the 6th, evil number, as -8, and that of the llth-9.
3rd House = -7,6th House = -8, HthHouse = -9
(4) I ord of the 8th House destroys the effects of the house it occupies
but this dosh (flaw) is inoperative if it occupies the 8th House itself
Hence the value of the 8th in the 8th House (Ashtmasth is Ashtmesh)
is fixed as Zero. If this Lord of the 8th owns the Trine it will become
good, and occupying a Trik house, it will become evilf if the Lord of
the 8th House does not occupy the 8th then its value is fixed as -8. In
such circumstances even if it owns a Trine it does not become good.
8th House = 0 If occupied by its own Lord
8th House = -8 If not occupied by its own Lord
Chart showing the Good or Evil counting
+ 6 >< +3 /K+i
B4 South Extenstion I
New Delhi
Sept. 5,1989
Laghu Parashari
Samjna Adhyaya 1
faamntoEw* qrlH^r. \
fefeshintRgqiwI u t u
We pray to Goddess Saraswati who has red lips, who holds Veena
( a musical instrument) in her hand; she is the real strength of Lord
Brahma who is so greatly spoken of in the Upanishads. (1).
trcisrcf tjsmffjr i
sffrosrataTSii fdf tarffcft n ^ H
after the birth of the native as he is years of age. They call it progressed
horoscope and use it for calculating the Directions. These two systems
are not the same and are not generally accepted in the Hindus Dasa
Paddhati System.
Rashi Phaladesh Paddhati: It is known after Jaimini Rishi. In this
system predictions are based on the positions of the planets in the
respective sign or rashi at the birth time of the native. Ascendant has
no importance here. Nakshatra and Rashi Dasas are operative. It is
quite popular and in ancient times predictions were based on the
Nakshatra Dasa Paddhati: It is the same as the Chandra-Nakshatra-
Dasa System. The Constellation in which the Moon is found at the time
of birth is called the Janma Nakshatra. Readings are made regarding
the planet that governs it, the total number of years allotted to that
planet, the position of the star already passed before the birth and the
balance of the Nakshatra that is to run. This gives the balance of the
period that is to pass from the time of birth and then the order of the
dasa is to be followed. The periods of the planets are called 'Dasas'.
The number of these Nakshatras is 27 and the extent of each is 13° -
20'. They begin with Aswini Nakshatra and end with Revati. Each Nak-
shatra is further divided into 4 Pad of 3° - 20'. A sign contains two full
Nakshatras of 13° - 20' each and a l/4th part of the 3rd. To each Nak-
shatra is assigned a ruler who in turn is assigned a period through which
it rules.
The Hindu Sages have adopted and advocated many dasas of which
the following three are most popular:
i) Vimshottari Dasa; ii) Ashtottari Dasa; and iii) Yogmi Dasa.
Jaimini's Navamasa Dasa, which is very close to Kala-Chakra Dasa,
is very useful in the study of longevity but its use has not been noticed
any where. Moreover, few astrologers understand its application. Ash-
tottari Dasa in South, Yogmi in the Punjab and Vimshottari in the
North of India is more popular.
Longevity under Ashtottari is 108 years; in Vimshottari, 120 years
and in Yogini it is 36 years in one cycle. In the Vimshottari 9 Planets
rule over the 27 Nakshattras completing the total dasa period in 360
years in three cycles of 120 years each. Each planet is the ruler of 3
Nakshattras. Every 10th Nakshattra from any one has the same ruler
i.e. 10th of Ashivini is Magha and the 10th therefrom is Mula. All the
three are ruled by Ketu. This, Dasa Chakra begins with Krittika whose
ruler is the Sun. But the Dasa period of a native starts with his Janma
Nakshattra only.
4 Laghu Parasharl
fRit ^ u v n
All the planets (beginning with the Sun) aspect the planets in the
7th House with a full sight; but Saturn aspects those in the 3rd and 10th
Houses with extra ordinary Drishti, so does Jupiter aspect them in the
3th and the 9th, and Mars in the 4th and the 8th Houses with a full
sight (5).
In all the classical books of astrology, besides the 7th aspect, all
planets are considered to cast a quarter glance over the 3rd and 10th
houses from the one occupied by them; Over the trines (Sth and 9th)
they are said to cast half a glance; and over* the 4th and Sth three-fourth.
But in Laghu Parasaree only Saturn, JupUer and Mars are considered
respectively to cast full glance over the 3rd and 10th, Sth and 9th, 4th
and Sth. Part of glance is not recognised in this book.
PI'MrS /2-
So-t Id
1 N.
/ 1 NX
In the given chart with Taurus asc. Mars is in the 1st House, Saturn
in the 7th? Jupiter in the 3rd and Sun in the 9th. They all are in the 7th
aspect to each other; and a Yoga is recognised between them. This
book does not recognise any influence of Mars on the Sun and Jupiter
as their signs Leo and Sagi are under its glance. Not even so much as
the aspect of a planet at its own sign is being considered here.
Jaimini has propounded aspects from sign to sign whether either or
both the Bhavas (aspected and aspecting) are occupied by Planets or
not. In such a system the signs are given greater recognition over their
Lords. Here only the Lords of the signs are accepted - from the Lord
of Bhava to Lord of Bhava.
The nature of the twelve Zodiacal Signs is conditioned by the twen-
ty seven Nakshatras spreading over them. It is the total effect of a Star;
the sign is only a unit of 30° when a sign is said to be seen by another,
it only means the distance of the signs in the unit of 3CP each. This is
not true about the planets as they are a sensitive point in the Zodiac
maintaining certain longitudinal distance. If this measure is changed
into the sign unit no equation could be formed between the planets
(aspected and aspecting). Therefore the aspect should be considered
between two sensitive points within a defined range.
8 Laghu Parashari
In Aries Ascendant Chart Mars has attained 4/2° and Jupiter has
0/29 0. In simple language Mars is aspecting Jupiter. Again in another
Aries Ascendant Chart Mars has attained 4/29° and Jupiter 0/2°- Here
also Mars will be aspecting Jupiter. But in the 1st case Jupiter is 237°
away from Mars and in the 2nd case it is 183° when Mars right 7th
aspect distance is only 180^. In both the cases the results should not be
expected to be the same.
1. 7th Aspect - Exact Deg. of the aspecting planet +180° - For all
2. 3rd Aspect-Exact Deg. ofthe aspecting planet + 60° - For Saturn
10th Aspect - Exact Deg. of the aspecting planet +270° - For
3. 5th Aspect - Exact Deg. of the aspecting planet +120° - For
9th Aspect - Exact Deg. of the aspecting planet + 240° - For
4. 4th Aspect - Exact Deg. of the aspecting planet + 90° - For Mars
8th Aspect - Exact Deg.of the aspecting planet + 210°- For Mars
All the planets owning Trines, i.e. the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses by
signs, produce uniformly good results, whether they are benefics or
malefics. If they own the Trick houses, i.e. the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses
by signs, they are always disposed towards evil (6).
This shows that even the natural malefics, if they own (by sign) the
Trine houses, will give good results; and the natural benefics, if they
own the Trine houses, shall be extraordinarily good. The same way, if
the natural benefics own the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses they give bad
results; and the natural malefics in these houses shall be extraordinari-
ly bad. The Trines include the Lagna also.
If Education and Virtue (Dharma) find a respectable place in a
house, even the wicked members will ennoble their lives; the good will
become extra good. Those who exercise self-control on their body are
called Saints. It is, therefore, natural if the planets owning the Lagna
(Deha Bhava), the 5th (Vidya Bhava) and the 9th (Dharma Bhava) be-
come saintly and give good results. Even the saintly people become
cruel and unkind if they always have gain, parakrama (prowess) or
Sathru (enemies). So it is natural if Naisarg as good planets owning
these 3-6-11 houses become evil.
This boils down to a simple rule that the Trines (1-5-9) are Shubh
(Good) and the Trishdai (3-6-11) are Ashubh (Evil) houses when cal-
culating Dasa Phal.
Except the Sun and the Moon, all the planets own two signs: one of
which is even and the other odd. If the ascendant is an odd sign, the
1st, 5th and 9th houses will be in odd signs and 3rd, and 11th mil also
be in odd signs. If the ascendant is an even sign then the signs in 1-5-
9 and 3 and 11 will be even. So the lords of the Trines can never own
the lordship of 3rd and 11th houses. The author wants his readers to
understand that the way all the lords of the Trines give good results
all the lords of Trishadai (3rd and llth) give evil results. If the Trine
lords are good and they own by sign the Trishadai (Shashtesh) house,
they will give evil results inspite of their goodness. Trines are good only
if they are not the lords of the 6th (Trishdai) house also. Jupiter of the
Cancer Ascendant; Saturn of Virgo Ascendant and Mercury of
Capricorn Ascendant own by sign 6th, 9th; 6th and 5th; 6th and 9th
Laghu Parashari 11
sr«rvn usn
effect of the 2nd sign of the planets. The author has shown that the
benefic angular planets must be lords of the Trines also to give good
results and malefic angular planets should be lords of Trishdais to be-
come inauspicious. Their good or evil traits are not due to their being
lords of Angles (1-4-7-10). That is why this Shloka has a conditional
clause in it. In the 12th Shloka of this part the author has specified this
point with an example. In Cancer Ascendant Chart Mars is the lord
of the angle (10th house). Generally it is accepted as a malefic and
therefore should give evil result. But according to Laghu Parasaree it
being the lord of the 5th house, a Trine, is considered a Yoga Karka.
The credit goes to it being a Trine and not an angular lord.
Obviously the Angles (4-7-10) are neither good nor bad.
Lagna (1st) is both an angle and a trine; therefore is an auspicious
house. It becomes inauspicious if its lord has its 2nd sign in the 6th
house, a Trishdai. In Scorpio Ascendant Chart Mars is the lord of the
6th house also and therefore is not a benefic; but its evil effect is much
less as compared to its lordship over the 6th and 11th houses in Gemini
Ascendant Chart or as compared to Saturn being lord of the 7th and
6th houses in the Leo Ascendant Chart. If the other sign of the lord of
the Lagna falls in either 4-7-10 house, it will become auspidous. Mer-
cury in the Gemini or Virgo Ascandant Charts is an other example of
it. The same way Jupiter is auspidous in Saggitarius or Pisces Ascen-
dant Charts.
The 4th and the 10th houses are angular and even and their lords,
benefic or malefic, will neither be good nor eviL That is why the Sun
and the Moon if in Lagna are auspidous; but if they become lords of
the 4th or the 10th house they are neither auspidous nor inauspidous.
The Moon (a benefic) in Lagna is auspidous being lord of the Trine.
The Sun (a malefic) is not evil in the 4th Or 7th house as it cannot be
a Trishdai. In Leo, libra and Acquarius Ascendant Charts Mars,
Saturn and Venus are respectively the lords of the 4th house and their
2nd sign falls in a Trine House. So these angular lords are auspidous.
The 7th house is the 3rd angular house by position and is odd. It is
recognised as a Maraka House and its lord is called Markesh (Killer).
If benefics happen to be the lords of this house, they are not good
during Markesh Dasa. As it is an odd house none of its lords can be
the lords of Trines simultaneously. Therefore, its lord whether malefic
or benefic, can never be auspidous and benefic. Its lord can never be
the lord of the 3rd or the 11th house simultaneously. It can be the lord
of the 6th house only; and that makes him malefic. By becoming lord
of the 8th house it does not become good; rather it becomes deadly.
Thus no planet, except by owning the 6th or the 8th house, can own
Laghu Parashari 13
cendant Chart Jupiter, a Trine lord is less malevolent than Venus and
Saturn, lords of the angles. In Capricorn Ascendant Chart Mars is more
malevolent than Mercury.
Lords of the 2nd and 12th houses are powerful not because of their
own merit; they are greatly influenced in giving good or bad results by
their association or position in the chart (8).
When lords of the 2nd and 12th houses associate with benefics they
give auspicious results; when they associate with malefics, they give in-
auspicious results. The same way if they occupy a friend's house they
give good results through him; and if in an enemy house they give evil
results through him. .
Lords of the 2nd and 12th houses (whether malefic or benefic) when
conjoin in a house give results according to the traits of that house and
the sign contained in it.
Literally the lord of the 2nd house gives results of the lord that con-
joins it. If no planet associates it, then it gives the result of the house
it owns. If it does not own a second sign as in the case of the Sun and
the Moon, then it gives the results of the house it occupy. If it does not
associate with another planet, nor is the lord of a 2nd sign and is in its
own sign, then its good or evil results are according to its own nature.
Laghu Parashari 15
^ >Ckdu1
Z notf* icufc g
3 ffJoolV
The 2nd and 12th houses are Maraka and Vyaya Sthana and, there-
fore, their lords can not be expected to give good results. But this is
not the rule as given in this Shloka of Laghu Parashari. By nature and
traits these two houses are neither benefic nor malefic.They are
neutral. All the planets except the Sun and the Moon are lords of two
houses each. In Cancer and Virgo Ascendant Charts the Sun is the lord
of the 2nd and the 12th house respectively. In the same way in the
Gemini and Leo Ascendant Charts the Moon is the lord of the 2nd and
the 12th house respectively. Both the planets are neutral as they do not
own any other house and give results according to the traits and charac-
teristics of the house/sign occupied. Conjoining the benefics the result
will be good; if with malefics, the result will be evil.
Other planets being lords of two houses would give good or bad
results depending upon the house in which their other sign falls. The
result will be auspicious or inauspicious whether this house is good or
evil. Jupiter in Scorpio Ascendant Chart, being lord of the 2nd and the
5th houses, will be auspicious and in Acquarius Ascendant Chart he,
being lord of the 2nd and the 11th houses, shaU be inauspicious. The
same way it is true of the 12th house. In Libra Ascendant Chart Mer-
cury owns the 9th house besides being the lord of the 12th. In Aries
Ascendant this position is occupied by Jupiter. They both will give good
results If the lord of the 12th owns its other sign in an evil house, it
will be malefic. Saturn is in such a malefic position in the Pisces As-
cendant Chart by owning the 11th and the 12th houses. Mercury is evil
by owning the 3rd house in the Cancer Ascendant Chart.
In the last two Shlokas the author dealt with the traits and charac-
teristics of the Trines, Trishdai and Angular houses. In the present
Shloka he deals with the characteristics of the 2nd and the 12th houses.
By occupation alone the lords of these houses/signs do not show any
good or evil effects. Rather they show their benevolent or malevolent
nature either by association with other planets who may be benefic or
malefic or the house in which their other sign falls. In the last Shloka
the good or evil nature of the Angular Lords was conditioned by the
house position of their other sign. But the good or evil nature of the
lords of the 2nd and 12th houses not only falls on their other house
sign postion but on their association with other planets as well, as every
new chart will make new combinations with the lords of these two
In Yoga-adhyaya of this book it has been pointed out that Karka
Phal is initiated By The Link between the lords of the Kendra (An-
gular) and Trikone (Trine) houses only and not by having relation with
the lords of any other houses. As such, if the lords of the 2nd and 12th
Laghu Parashari 17
houses own Trishdai houses (3-6-11) and have link with the Trines,
they do not become Karkas. Karkatava is enjoined to only those Trish-
dai who being angular lords have association or link with Trines or
being owner of Trines have link with Angular houses.
In Gemini Ascendant Chart Moon is the lord of the 2nd; so is the
Sun in the Cancer Ascendant Chart. They can not be lords of any other
house. If they occupy only the 2nd house and have no link with any
other planet, they will only be Marakas. As such they can not be con-
sidered deadly; they may be dangerous. They can only be anishtakari
and cause loss of money, dispute, worry etc. For other cause they will
be neutral. If this Moon conjoins, Venus, lord of the 5th house, it will
be Shubh-Markesh but not the Karaka. Nor can Mercury (lord of the
12th house)be a karaka in Cancer Ascendant Chart, as he owns the
3rd house also. Moon and Mercury in Leo Ascendant, Sun in Virgo
Ascendant, Saturn in Saggitarius and Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter in
Capricorn and Acquarius Ascendant charts will not be enjoined with
Karakatva as they do not own Angular or Trine houses.
On the contrary, in Taurus Ascendant, Mercury, lord of the 2nd and
5th if conjoins with Saturn, Lord of the 9th and 10th; in Virgo Ascen-
dant, Venus of 2nd and 9th conjoins with Mercury of Lagna and 10th
; in Libra Ascendant, Mars of 2nd and 7th conjoins with Saturn of the
5th and 4th or with Mercury, in Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter of 2nd and
5th conjoins with Saturn or Moon; in Saggitarius Ascendant Mars of
12th and 5th conjoins with the Sun of the 9th or with Mercury/Jupiter;
in Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn of the Lagna and 2nd conjoins with
Venus or Moon or Mercury, in Acquarius Ascendant Saturn of 12th
conjoins with Venus of the 4th and 9th; in Pisces Ascendant, Mars of
2nd and 9th conjoins with Mercury or Jupiter or Moon, then these
lords of the 2nd and 12th can be Karakas. Saturn of Capricorn and Ac-
quarius Ascendants is not a malefic and therefore may be accepted as
a benefic.
18 Laghu Parashari
6. The lord of the 6th is Vayayadhip of the 7th, Stristhan, and there-
fore is evil.
7. The lord of the 7th is Vayakaraka of longevity, the eight house,
and is therefore a Maraka - an evil house.
8. The lord of the 8th is Vayakaraka of Bhagya Sthana and as such
is evil.
9. The lord of the 9th is Vayakaraka of the Karama Bhava, the 10th
house Karama is a worldly bondage and Nirvana from it is most
desired, so it is auspicious.
10. The lord of the 10th is Vayakaraka of Labha Bhava (gains) i.e.
lose of gains, being a benefic is inauspicious; being a malefic if it
destroys the selfish gains it becomes auspicious.
11. The lord of the 11th is the Vayayadhip of the 12th Vayaya. It be-
comes a painful experience if it does not allow Vayaya of the inflow
(of wealth) otherwishe how could there be an outflow, there will be a
shortage of bare necessities. Therefore it is evil.
12. Argument for the Vayayadhip of the Lagna has already been
All this shows that the lords of Trines 1-5-9 are good; those of Trish-
dai 3-6-11 are evil; those of Angles 4-7-10 if benefic are evil and if
malefic are good. Lords of 2-12-8 give results according to their as-
sociation with other planets and their other house-sign position. Even
lords of the Bhavas have 4 kinds of Tatakalik Swabhavaguna.
It also justifies the progressive strength of the houses - 5th is stronger
than the 1st and the 9th over the 5th. The 6th is stronger than the 3rd
and the 11th over the 6th. The same way 12th is stronger than the 2nd
and the 8th over the 12th. 7th is stronger than the 4th and 10th over
the 7th.
In the charts of Libra and Aries Ascendants, the lord of the 8th house
does not cast evil effects. In the charts of Scorpio and Taurus Ascen-
dant, the lord of the 6th house does not cast evil effects. In these charts
the lord of the Ascendant himself owns the 8th or the 6th house. The
Sun and the Moon when they own the 8th house are not evil. It only
implies when other planets own the 8th house, the malefic effect is
immense. It may not be so severe in case of the Sun and the Moon.
But somewhat evil effect will definitely be there, however small, it may
be. When the Ascendant neutralises the evil effects of the most malefic
lord of the 8th, it will also reduce it in the same way of the lord of the
6th, as the evil of the 6th and angular lords is less than that of the 8th.
If the same planet owns the Angular and Trine houses he is a
20 Laghu Parashari
cTOt: ^ TO U
From this point of view Lord of the Lagna and the Sth occupying
the Lagna (Angle + Trine) or the Sth, if developes link with a Trine, it
can become Yogakaraka. In another situation if by owning a Trishdai
it developes link with a Trine then in itself it will hot form a Yoga nor
will the Lord of the Trine. In other words if any two planets form
relationship to become a Yogakari and one of them owns the Sth, their
Laghu Parashari 21
Yoga is destroyed. Generally the lone lord of the 8th if not occupying
its own house is most malefic.
In Gemini Ascendant Chart Saturn is both Bhagyesh and
Randhresh, so it is the Vayayakaraka of Bhagyesh. If'it has link with
Jupiter, the lord of the 10th it should be, according to the Shlokas of
the Yoga-Adhyaya, Yogakari; but it is not true.
and the Moon. In other words ordinary evil Character of the 8th is
there in them.
It has already been proved that the benefic lords of the Angles are
inauspicious. Therefore, it is but natural for Jupiter and Venus
amongst the four benefics to possess extraordinary evil when they show
their good traits so strongly. Because it is only in the milk white ob-
jects the smallest spot becomes so prominent. Mercury in the associ-
tion of the malefic becomes evil also. Therefore, Mercury has been
considered less inauspicious than Jupiter and Venus. The Moon when
full is considered auspicious and when it is wane (weak) it is inauspi-
cious. Therefore it has been considered much less evil as compared to
Ashtmesh (lord of the 8th) inspite of being malefic has been con-
sidered auspicious when it owns an auspicious house; and is extraor-
dinarily evil when owning an inauspicious house. In other words the
Ashtmesh who does not own a second house can not show this flaw
strongly. Such planets are the Sun and the Moon only who remain by
owning the 8th house lords of the 8th alone. Therefore, their Ashtmesh
-dosh is not strong.
Jupiter and Venus are said to be evil (Marakas) if they own the 7th
house. If they occupy it also, they become very powerful Marakas. No
rectification is possible of this evil. The 7th house is a Maraka, Angular
and odd sign house. The Trines are also of odd sign. Therefore, no lord
of the Trine house can be the lord of its other sign in the 7th house. In
other words no lord of the 7th can be the Trine lord (Trikonadhipati)
at the same time and therefore can not be a benefic. So Jupiter, Venus,
Mercury and the Moon, when are Markesh and occupy an Angular
house, can not be auspicious. This rule does not hold good in case of
malefic planets (the Sun, Mars and Saturn). They are not marakas
when they own/occupy the 7th house.
In Aries Ascendant Chart, the lord of the 7th house, Venus, also
owns the 2nd; it is a powerful Markesh. In Gemini Ascendant Chart
Jupiter is the lord of the 7th and the 10th; in Scorpio Ascendant, Venus,
the lord of the 7th, is also the lord of the 12th; in Saggitarius Ascen-
dant, Mercury, the lord of the 7th, is also the lord of the 10th; in Pis-
ces Ascendant, Mercury, the lord of the 7th, is also the lord of the 4th;
in Virgo Ascendant, Jupiter, the lord of the 7th, is also the lord of the
4th. None of these planets own a Trine house; nor can they. None of
the malefic planets while owning the 7th house can be the ruler of any
Angle. In other words evil planets canjiot own the 7th and an angular
house simultaneously. Thus they can not suffer from the Kendra - adhi
- pati Dosh (evil for being the lord of an Angular house).
Laghu Parashari 23
It is only Jupiter and Mercury when they own any one of the Angles
their other sign is also in another Angle. This is possible only in dual
(3-6-9-12) sign Ascendant Charts; so, if Jupiter and Mercury are con-
sidered evil it is only when they own the 7th house also - it is both An-
gular and Maraka sthana. All this implies that according to the basic
principle Jupiter and Mercury cannot be good when they own an An-
gular house. This principle does not apply to them if they happen to
own the good Angular houses (4,10). In other words if they are not
under any malefic influence they give good results. When they are in
their own sign and occupy an Angle other than the 7th they do not suf-
fer from Kendra-adhipati Dosh and give good results inspite of owning
the Angle. Venus, the benefic, when owns the 7th can be the lord of
2nd or 12th and it is possible only in Aries or Scorpio Ascendant charts.
The Moon when owns the 7th can remain there only, one thing more
about it - when it's waning or waxing - it is malefic or benefic accord-
ingly. If it is malefic and occupy the Angle it is auspicious; when benefic
in the same position, it becomes evil. As these benefic planets when
they own the Angles are also lords of the 7th, they become Marakas.
So they are considered as inauspicious. When they own a Trine house
and associate with an evil lord of the Angle they become Yoga Karakas.
The lord of the 7th (Kendresh) if associates wth a Trine Lord it will
become Yogakari but will not be able to shed its Markeshatva Charac-
ter. Under such a Yoga, during die main ruling period of the Trine
Lord and sub-period of the lord of the 7th, the native will enjoy the
Rajyoga Phal in the beginning and end with the"Maraka<Phal.
In Aries Ascendant Chart, Venus, the lord of the 7th and 2nd, when
associates with Jupiter, the lord of the 9th and 12th, will certainly give
the Maraka Phal during the main ruling period of Jupiter and Sub-
period of Venus. Here Venus is doubly Markesh. The Sun and the
Moon do, not suffer from Ashthmesh Dosh (lord of the 8th). They are
neither auspicious, nor inauspicious when occupy the 8th house. They
become good.
fatilmmifq 5rqwT?«nn*fr: 11 n
(In Cancer nativity) Mars, a malefic, gives good results not by being
the lord of the 10th house only but by being the lord of a Trine house
(5th) also. (12)
24 Laghu Parashari
This Shloka is an example of the 6th and the 7th ante. The emphasis
ifiay be made clear: The benefics will show good results if they occupy
and own the Trines (1-5-9) also; the malefics will give bad results if
they occupy and own the Trishdai too (3-6-11).
The auspicious quality of Mars, as spoken of earlier, when owning
an Angle (Karmesh, 10th house) should be accepted when it owns the
Trine also; not by owning the 10th alone. It sheds, by owning the 10th
house only, its malefic nature; and gains good nature by becoming the
lord of the 5th (a Trine). It is also implied by this that a natural malefic,
being lord of the Angle, if owns a Trishdai, it becomes evil. Malefics
by owning the Angles become good to the extent that they cause no
evil. In that state it is but natural for them to become good if they own
the Trine house too.
Laghu Parasari has defined the good, evil and Yogakari nature of
the planets in this fashion. It is said in a few words. Saturn, Sun and
Mercury are malefics and Jupiter and Venus aite benefics; but by Yoga
only Saturn and Jupiter do not become benefi(|S. It is certain if Jupiter
becomes inauspicious it is by being subject to stich association or posi-
tion. If Venus becomes a Maraka then it automatically is an evil per-
petrator. Other planets also become evil by their association with them.
Natives of Aries Ascendant have to pass through such-experiences.
If Mars had been a Yogakari and auspicious by owning the 10th
house only then it would have been the truth in the Acquarius Nativity
also. Thereat owns the 10th and the 3rd houses (Scorpio and Aries).
Although it is Karmesh (lord of the 10th) but it also owns the 3rd (a
Trishdai) and is therefore most malefic. In Aries Ascendant Saturn
owns the 10th house and also the 11th ( a Trishdai). So counted
amongst the evil. This very Saturn in Taurus Ascendant again owns the
10th and the 9th and is an auspicious Yoga Kari. Venus in Leo Nativity,
as it owns the 3rd and the 10th houses, becomes quite evil.
This Shloka (12) is as an exception to the rule laid in the 7th Ante.
There the author has said that the malefics if they own and occupy the
Angles do not become evil and if they are in the 10th, it is most auspi-
cious. This is a general rule. In this Shloka, a special rule has been given
for Mars. If Mars happens to be the lord of 1-4-7 it is not evil; and does
not become good by owning the 10th only.
The auspicious quality that Mars develops in the Cancer Nativity is
not by owning the 10th but by being the lord of the Trine (5th). TTiis
Shloka (12) is an example of the following Shlokas:
Laghu Parashari 25
wi i
milfiwi^wprt ^ qxTU^sw: M
n f?5T^r ipr 5|«?i titei: %?yTfkqi^fir i
^rsfq i
?Rfc^T5T snr^ srfWt nnu
Rahu and Ketu inspite of being in dignity, give good or bad results
according to their position or association.(13)
During an Eclipse of the Sun or the Moon, Rahu and Ketu inter-
cept the light of the Sun from reaching the Earth or cause the shadow
of the Earth fall on the Moon. For this reason they are considered both
fast and evil. These "Chayagrahas" or shadowy planets have no mass,
shape or substance; nor they are visible to the nacked eye from the
earth as other planets are. They are only celestial points on the Zodiac
(opposite points like the head and the tail -180° apart). So they do not
have different and independent orbits or periods and therefore have
nothing to influence according to their own nature. The native on the
Earth experiences the good or evil effects of the planets and 27 Con-
stellations becuse of their light and electro-magnetic vibrations. Rahu
and Ketu are two points of interception at which the orbit of the Moon
cuts the orbit of the Sun and are called nodes - without any vibrations.
So they represent the lord of the sign they occupy or act as a strong
agent to the planet they associate.
When Rahu and Ketu are only imaginary points of Ecliptic where
the plane of Moon's orbit intersects the plane of the Sun's orbit (as
seen from the Earth), and when they are strong they give results ac-
cording to the house posited in or the planet associated with, then what
are those houses or the lords associated with which make them strong.
In Brihat Parasara the author says:
Except the Sun and the Moon all the other planets, if they own the
Maraka sthanas they become killers (markesh); and in that manner if
the lords of the 6-8-12 and Rahu - Ketu also, if they are in 2-7 Maraka
sthana, become Markesh. If the Lagna or Ascendant is left alone, 4-10
are angular houses and 5-9 are Trines. These four houses have been
considered auspicious. Rahu-Ketu are by nature malefic. If they alone
occupy the 4-10,5-9 houses they will not be auspicious. They will be-
come good only if the lords of these houses are good or the lords of
Laghu Parashari 27
other houses, happening to be good, are with them or they are in good
aspect of the benefics. In the same way if Rahu-Ketu are in 4-10,5-9
houses owned by malefics, associated with malefics in these houses, or
aspected by such planets, then they are inauspicious. This is how they
have been described in Laghu Parashari and Parasara Hora Shastra.
Mostly they have not been treated as lords of Signs; but there are pass-
ing references when they are given similar but small recognition by dif-
ferent authorities.
In the Chapter on Effects of Dasas in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra
the author has accepted the exaltation and debilitation, Moola
Trikonas, own signs in the following words. In the same way authors
of Sarvartha Chintamani, Jataka Bharana, Jamini Sutra have recog-
nised their ownership of the Signs in the Shlokas that follow. These
views have been popularly accepted.
Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra:
Sarvarth Chintamani:
Jaimini Sutra:
Nathaanta smaha prayen.
The following Chart will show the Signs which the above mentioned
authorities have assigned to Rahu-Ketu. Rahu is strong if it is posited
in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Virgo and the same way Ketu is strong
if it is posited in Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn and Pisces. Care
should be taken if they associate with any malefic planet. If they are
posited in 4-10,5-9 houses, they should not conjoin or be aspected by
malefics, they will certainly be auspicious if they are associated with or
aspected by benefics. There is no certainty about the Signs they are
said to be strong in. There is some contradiction in the statements of
the author of Parasara Hora Sastra.
In Shyanadyavasthaphalam Chapter Parasara says about Ketu that
it grants wealth and prosperity if it is posited in Aries, Taurus, Gemini
and Virgo and if in other Signs, it promotes sickness.
Source Nodes Exaltation Moola Own Sign Friend's
Trikona Sign
Parasara Rahu Taurus Gemini, Gemini
Ketu Scorpio Cancer, Pisces
In the above Chart the Sign in which Parasara has considered Rahu
auspicious he has considered Ketu auspicious in Shyanadyavastha Phal
Chapter which is contradictory.
In the Chapter on the Effects in the Antar Dasa of Rahu he says:
But if Rahu or Ketu is in the 2nd or 7th with benefics as lords of these
houses, then Rahu or Ketu will certainly become strong Markesh.
"If Rahu or Ketu were to occupy the beneficial houses, 5 or 9 and if
they are in association with, or aspected by, the lord of the Maraka
houses, 2 and 7, then they.cause death in their periods, even though
the lord of the houses, S and 9, are to produce Raja Yoga."
Below is the Chart of a native:
w >
Q p
„ /z
Born on 24.11.55 at 10.10 P.M., S.T. Lat. 28° 38'N; Long 77° 12' E
Balance of Jupiter Dasa 1.11.23. Died on 4th June 88 at 7.45 A.M.
from respiratory failure. Suffered from Palsy of Tongue and Throat
during the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Mercury. There
is exchange of Mars and Venus in the 4th and 5th houses; Mars aspect-
ing 10th and Markesh Sat. with Mercury and Rahu in 5th, Venus equal-
ly unfavourable as of 7° 29' 36" Jupiter responsible for the fatal disease.
"If these 'Chayagrahas' are in 2 or 7 (the Maraka houses - danger
to life) and if they are associated with or aspected by the lords of 5 or
9, they do not cause death; but they increase one's wealth, improve
one's health and contribute for a long span of life. But if these
chayagrahas are in 2 or 7 and their lords associate with either of them
or if they aspect them they cause death."
Laghu Parasharl 31
When there exist mutual aspect and reception between the lords of
Angles and Trines and their second sign does not fall in any other house
than Angles and Trines, they give extra ordinarily good Yoga Karaka
results (14).
When there is mutual relationship between the Angular and Trinal
lords and they have no mutual aspect and reception with the lords of
other than Angles and Trines, then they are extraordinarily auspicious.
In other words if they have relation with the lords of other houses, they
are generally good. This is what the word Vishes implies. In the 7th
Shloka of Samajna Adhyaya it has been pointed out that the benefics
in 4-7-10 forget their nobleness; and in that state they give results by
association only. So if they associate with the educationist, lord of the
5th, or the spiritualist, lord of the 9th or both of them, then their ef-
fects are extra ordinarily good.. If they con}oin the lords of 3-6-11- 8
(evil houses) the result will be general, i.e. not so good.
Look at this Chart: Acquarius Ascending occupied by Venus, Mer-
cury and Jupiter.
Ke(u ^
\ -K,
Laghu Parashari 33
Venus, the lord of the 4th and 9th is with Mercury, the lord of the
Sth. The relationship is by association. So Venus is a Yoga Karaka. As
it is in the Lagna, it has relation with Saturn, the lord of the Ascen-
dant. Therefore, Venus in its Dasa will give maximum pleasure and
success. The Sun, lord of the 7th, is being aspected by Saturn (this is
the type of relationship when one maybe in another's house/sign and
be aspected by it). Saturn is the lord of the Lagna and 12th also. During
the Sun's Dasa the results (from the Native's Wife side) will be general.
Mars, Lord of the 10th is in the house of 9th, so Mars in its Dasa should
grant favour from the Government.
Lords of wife, Government and happiness (7-10-4) forget their in-
trinsic nature. So with the association of auspicious lords (1- 5-9) the
extra-ordinary good qualities naturally fructify. If that Angular Lord
associates with any other it will bring ordinary good results. That is
why "Itraeerprasaktachate" means if there is no relationship with others.
This relationship may be of four types:
1. Both may be in each others house; e.g. Sun in Aries or Scorpio
and Mars in Leo.
2. Both may be aspecting each other; e.g. Mars in Aries and the
Sun in Libra.
3. One may be in anothers house/sign and aspecting him and be
not aspected by him; e.g. Mars in Leo aspects the Sun in Pisces; not so
the Sun to Mars.
4. Or they may be together in any house e.g. Sun and Mars are
together in Taurus. These relations are succeedingly stronger.
As the relationship in the 2nd and 3rd can not be Rajyoga Karaka,
the author implies by the 1st and 4th only; the reason being the 2nd is
Pratiyoga and the 3rd is Shadastaka Yoga.
If the Angular and Trinal lords have relationship with each other
and their other sign does not fall in 3-6-11-8 houses they become
powerful Raj Yoga Karaka. If they have no relation with .the lords of
3-6-11-8 and are associated with the Angular Jord, the native gets Govt.
favour, high post etc. during their Dasa period. Although, Moon, Mer-
cury, Venus and Jupiter suffer from Kendra- adhipati dosh, yet if they
have relationship with a Trinal lord, they also become capable of caus-
ing Raj Yoga. It must be noted here that these Angular lords have no
link with the lords of 3-6- 11-8 houses. In other words, as per this
Shloka, the Angular and Trinal lords should not be the lords of 3-6-
11-8 houses. Such planets whose other sign falls in 3-6-11 houses or
are lords of evil houses they are inauspicious and their effects are dis-
cussed in the succeeding Shloka (15). If a Trinal lord owns by sign the
34 Laghu Parashari
3-6-11-8 house also it is inauspicious and evil. This Shloka deals with
planets who are flawless i.e. do not own lordship of the evil houses.
If the lord of 3-6-11 happens to own an Angle it becomes evil; and
inspite of that flaw if it assodates with a Trinal lord it will be able to
give recognition from Government, position and success etc. The Raj
Yoga is not mitigated; the only effect is that planet becomes weaker
by a few degree during its Dasa period. But this Shloka (14) does not
contain such planets.
By mutual relationship, the author means the relation of those two
planets who have one to one relationship. If a planet aspects another
and the aspected planet has no relation with the aspecting planet, then
such a planet could not become Yoga Karaka.
Look at this Chart:
Of Moon, Jupiter and Saturn - Moon and Jupiter have sign/house
relationship, Saturn and Moon have Anyatar aspect relation i.e. Saturn
aspecting Moon but is not aspected by Moon - one way aspect relation-
ship; Jupiter and Saturn aspect each other. In this way Moon, Jupiter
and Saturn are related; here Moon is related to Jupiter; Jupiter to
Saturn and Saturn to Moon. But Moon has no relation with Saturn.
This shows two types of relationship: Moon- Jupiter and Jupiter-
Laghu Parashari 35
Saturn. In the first type, the effects which could have been felt during
the main period of Moon, the sub- period of Jupiter and sub-sub-
period of Saturn will now confine in the 2nd type to the main period
of Moon and sub-period of Jupiter.
There is no difficulty in calculating the Yoga Karaka effects of two
planets, when they are mutually related. But where more than two
planets become mutually related to each other, it becomes difficult to
find out their effects. Here in this Dasa System results have been cal-
culated between the Main period, sub-period and sub-sub-period only.
Beyond that the finer rays within the sub-sub-period have been left out
being insignificant. Here the word Anta stands for Antar or Bhukti
and for Pratyantar 'Dosadwee Madhyagata' Hindi words have been
used. Such as:
During the main period of the Angular lord and the sub-period of
the related TrinalJord; or during the main period of the Trinal lord
and the sub-period of the Angular lord, the results will be good. Sup-
posing if the lords of the 8th or 11th happen to associate or have some
relation with the Angular-Trinals will they cast any inauspicious or evil
effect during their pratyantar dasa during the main and sub-period of
these Angular-Trinals. The answer is simple. The sub-period lord car-
ries much more weight than the pratyantar lord. Moreover during the
Maha Dasa and Sub- period of all the benefics and Yoga Karaka
planets the pratyantar and sub-sub-sub-dasa of the remaining seven
planets is always in operation. If during the maha-dasa and the sub-
36 Laghu Parashari
period the evil effects of the malefics be calculated, for however a short
period they may occur, the meaning and value of the maha-dasa and
sub- period dasa shall be lost.
If in Aries Ascendant Chart, the Sun, Jupiter and Moon lords of the
5th, 9th and 4th respectively are posited in the 5th, 9th or 4th house
and when they are related to each other they all should be the Karaka
and should give extra-ordinary results. If a 4th malefic planet associates
with or has relationship with them, then they will have to be oaired and
their effects will be arrived at on the principle:
and this means by those planets (Angular-Trinals) whose 2nd sign falls
in Trishdai and the 8th and therefore are 'doshyukta' evil, with a 'flaw'
Laghu Parashari 37
These Yogas are the best of the respective Ascendant and are flaw-
less. There is no trace of Marakaphal. These planets themselves are
Yoga Kari. If they own and occupy their signs they become solitary
Karakas. Their mutual relationship establishes only when one of them
owns and occupy its sign.
If any one of these planets have relationship with any other flawless
Angular-Trinal,it is possible only in their Dasa and sub- period of Can-
cer, Leo, Libra, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Acquarius and Pisces Ascen-
dant Charts.
If these planets associate themselves with inauspicious and with flaw
Angular-Trinals then during their sub-periods the results will not be
so good as the main period happens to be of the evil planets.
A planet if not related to the lord of 3-6-11 and is related to an An-
gular lord, it will grant Government favour and honour.
Although Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus if own Angles are said
to be evil, yet if they associate with a Trinal lord then that Angular lord
will also bestow Government favour and honour. But it should not have
any relation with the Trishdai (3-6-11).
If the Trishdai (3-6-11) also owns the Angles, it is evil; but when it
develops relationship with a Trinal lord, as a result of such relation-
ship, it is capable of giving Government favour, honour and promo-
Laghu Parashari 41
Lords of the powerful Trine and Angle, i.e. the 10th and the 9th
houses, inspite of being lords of trik houses by their other signs, if have
mutual aspect, reception or assocition, give good results (15).
Powerful lord of the Trine (9th house) and the powerful lord of the
Angle (10th house) inspite of being evil (Doshukta) due to ownership
of the Angle if they have relationship with each other they are Rajayoga
If the said lords of the Angles and Trines are themselves evil (being
set, in fall) even then by mere relationship (as already explained
earlier) they are Yoga Karaka (give extra-ordinary results).
Here by 'Sambandhmatrat' means relationship is of many types and
any one of them may exist here (but other than the ownership of Trish-
dai) (Trik houses) then the Yoga is not violated. Also by 'Dosh' means
enemy sign or in fall (sign) where the planet is weak 'Nirbal' That is
why the author has used the word' Balinao'.
A learned malefic is better than a foolish benefic; the learned hides
his evil from his relatives. In the same way if there is mere relationship
between the Trinal and Angular, they do not give their evil effects. That
is why they are Yogakarka. The type of relationship responsible for the
Yoga is explained in the succeeding Shloka.
If the Angular and Trinal lords have relationship with each other
and anyone of them has relationship with the lords of 3-6-11, the Yoga
is violated. If any one of them itself is malefic by owning any of these
houses (3-6-11) and at the same time has slightest relationship with
the other, it becomes stronger and powerful and gives auspicious
Thdte are authors who have interpreted that the Yoga is not vio-
lated but the effects are rather weak. The relationship between the An-
gular and Trinals is the basis of Yoga Karkatva, meaning auspicious
results. If a third planet, iord of a malefic house, conjoins in this Yoga,
it becomes evil and there is an obstacle in the extra-ordinary benefi-
cial effects. Completely auspicious results will be there if this third
planet does not conjoin or have any relationship with the Angular and
Kendresh-Trikonesh (Angular-Trinals) themselves may have flaw
(dosh-yukta), they are Yoga Karaka by sheer relationship. By 'Dosh'
42 Laghu Parashari
means either or both the Angular and Trinal may be in their fall, set
posited in the enemy sign, retrograde, aspected by enemy or there may
be any other kind of bad yoga. Even then it will have no effect. An-
gular-Trinals are stronger than aUkuyoga, bad yoga. This Shloka seems
to emphasis the yoga of two or more than two planets.
The author has not made it dear as to how a planet becomes
Doshukta, evil or with flaw. Either take one of the Yoga Kari planet
as set, in fall etc. or being lord of 3-6-11-2-7-8-12. If the Angular-Trinal
lord assodates with it, the Dosh is perished and becomes Yoga
In short (i) lord of the Angle or Trine should be powerful; (2) both
should have relationship; (3) both should not be Dosh-Ukta - only one
of them may be evil. A combination of these three conditions makes
the Raj Yoga.' Balinao' is an Adjective to the Angular-Trinal lords;
the reason being that in Raj Yoga the lord of tfie Angle or Trine should
be powerful.
The right view of the author of Laghu Parashari, in this respect, has
been given in the 6-7-8 Shlokas ante; and the good or evil nature of the
planets will have to be accepted as defined there in.
In the last Shloka (14) it has been said that those Angular- Trinal
lords whose other sign do not fall in any other house than the Angle
or Trine (i.e. flawless lords of die Angles and Trines), if they have
relationship with each other, it would cause extra-oridnarily auspicious
results. The author says in this Shloka (15) that powerful lord of the
Angle (10th) and powerful lord of the Trine (9th) even if (S-dosh) evil
i.e. own lordship of other houses than the Angle and Trine, if they have
relationship with each other shall give good results. In the 1st case they
were extra-ordinarily auspicious and in this case they are only auspi-
cious. The clause 'Doshyukhta vapi swayama' is a clarification of die
'Itraeerprasdkta shcheta' of the previous Shloka. By 'Swayama dosh
yukta' the author means those lords of the Angles and Trines whose
other sign falls in evil houses; and that becomes the reason of its evil
effects and not due to 'Pareshan Sahacharyata' association with
malefic planets. 'Itraeerprasakta' also has similar meaning that the lord
itself should be free from 'flaw1 (i.e. its other sign does not fall else-
In the last Shloka (14) the author has included all those lords of the
Angles and Trines whose other sign may fall in the 2nd or 12th house
(if having mutual relationship) as flawless lords of the Angles-Trines.
According to 'Pareshan Sahacharyata' they give results by association
with others. They join as lords of Angles and Trines and gain stength
Laghu Parashari 43
as it being lords of the 2nd and 12th are theewips lords of the Angles
and Trines.
But in this Shloka (15) if the lord of the 9th and 2nd or 12th has
relationship with the evil'S dosh' lord of the 10th there will be a change
in position. In Aries Ascendant Jupiter, the lord of the 9th is also the
lord of the 12th. Saturn, the lord of the 10th is also the lord of 11th. If
there is any relationship between Jupiter and Saturn it will be accepted
as: Jupiter, Lord of the 12th, being lord of the 9th is a benefic, but it
will become evil by assodtion with Saturn, the lord of 11th. That Jupiter
is not evil but Saturn, lord of the 10th being lord of the 11th is malefic.
Their conjunction will give good and bad effects by turn. One thing
may be noted in this connection that, in any Chart, amongst the lords
of 10th or 9th only one will be evil 'Doshyukta'. Both can not be evil.
It is stipulated in this Shloka that they both should not be evil. But if
one of them is free from evil and strong and the other is not'S dosh'
their mutual relationship will violate the evil and there will be no
obstacle in the formation of the Raj Yoga. The word 'Balinau' qualifies
the lords of the Angles and Trines and not the word 'Yogakarakau' The
planet should not be set; strength by Sthana Bala, Digbala, Shadbala
and good aspects should be recognised. Parasara is dear about
'Nirbalo naiva yogakrit and Sambandh matrat balinau bhootva
yoga karkau bhavetam'. It is not right to believe that a planet becomes
strong by mere relationship even if it is weak.
In Saggitarius Ascendant Chart, Mercury is the lord of 10th and 7th
(Maraka Sthana) therefore, is evil. If this Mercury has relationship
with the Sun, lord of the 9th, its evil effect is violated and the Raj Yoga
is established by the assodation of the lords of the 9th and 10th.
In Gemini Ascendant Chart, Saturn the lord of the 9th is also the
lord of the 8tb. Therefore it is evil. The same way Jupiter, the lord of
the 10th, is also the lord of 7th and therefore, is malefic. As both
(Saturn and Jupiter) are evil, no Raj Yoga' is formed.
44 Laghu Parashari
10th - SthMars,
10th Moon,
10th Sun,
10th - SrdMars,
Lords of the Dharama sthana (9th) and that of the Karma sthana
(10th) - Trinal-Angular - become Yogakaraka, whether they are in
good position or bad, indignity or debility, friendly or unfriendly, (a)
if they exchange their position, i.e. the lord of the 9th is in the 10th and
that of 10th is in the 9th; (b) Conjoin in either of these two houses; (c)
or the lord of the 9th is posited in the 10th house and is aspected by its
lord or vice- versa.
The first of these relationship is considered superior to the 2nd
which in turn is superior to that of the 3rd (16).
If the lord of the Angle is posited in the Trine and the lord of the
Trine is in the Angle in such an order; or both are together in one
house (Angle or Trine); or the lord of the Angle is in the Trine, or the
lord of the Trine is in the Angle, they become Yogakaraka.
Here they should be unrelated to others but be related to each other;
this is possible only when the lords of Angle and Trine are by turn in
the Trine-Angle house; otherwise not. Besides, the Trinal - Angles are
powerful houses; therefore, 'Dharma' and 'Karma' have been used by
way of their example. (They stand for all the Trines-Angles).
This gives rise to one doubt, whether the effects in all the Angular
-Trinals will be the same or in any way varied. This point has been
clarified in the succeeding Shloka (17).
In the 1st two Shlokas (14, 15) powerful Rajyaga are said to be
formed on the relationship between the lords of Trine and Angles. But
in this Shloka (16) this Yoga is not developed on the basis of the
relationship of the Trinal-Angle lords but on the basis of the Trine and
Angle houses. In any case the relationship (one of the four aforesaid)
is binding between their lords to make the Rajyoga effective.
This Shloka (16) gives the principles on which mutual relationship
of the planets grows; and they have been presented in the name of
Dharmasthana and Karmasthana (9th and 10th) by way of example.
This reference of the lords of the 9th and 10th is purposeful lest the
terms 'Sambandaine Parasparam' and 'Samnbandhmatrat' should be
misconstrued. In fact the three rules given above apply to all the lords
of the houses with the difference when the Trinals-Angular have
relationship they become Yoga-Kari; the relationship between other
lords is not that effective (Yoga Kari).
Laghu Parashari 47
fV) ojCt,/2
In this Chart No.2 Lords of 9th and 10th (Jupiter, Mars) have con-
joined in the 10th; in the 9th, Lords of 10th-9th have conjoined. This
is called/tfartra Yoga (Yoga by conjunction or association) of the Lords
of 9th-10th. This is a second class Yoga, as of the two planets one is
in its own sign and the other planet is occupying the house of the lord
Laghu Parashari 49
< >
y><CV j
In this Chart No. 3 Mars, Lord of the 10th, is in the 9th and is
aspected by Jupiter, lord of the 9th from the Lagna, 5th and the 3rd
houses. This is an Anyatarova Yoga and of the 3rd degree/class.
Jupiter is aspecting Mars by 5th, 9th, 7th aspect. Mars Lord of the 10th
and 5th is aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the 9th. Out of all these three
combinations, the one on Mars posited in the 9th aspected by Jupiter
posited in the 5th is also an Anyonashrit Yoga (in each others sign -
In this Chart No.4 Jupiter Lord of the 9th is in the 10th, aspected by
Mars, Lord of the 10th by 7th, 4th and 8th aspect. This is also an
Anyatarova Yoga being aspected by the lord of the sign from another
place. In this Yoga, Jupiter lord of the 9th- 6th in the 10th has aspect
50 Laghu Parashari
J"P >
relationship with Mars, lord of the 10th. In all the three aspect Yogas
Mars is aspecting Jupiter, Lord of the 9th, from sign-house belonging
to other planets (none belongs to Mars) so it is ranked as of the 3rd
degree. As Jupiter is occupying Aries in the 10th house, it is said to be
the aspect of Mars (Dasmesh) lord of the 10th and not of the 5th-10th.
Laghu Parashari 51
In this Chart No.5 Mars, Lord of the 5th, is in the 6th and Jupiter,
the lord of the 6th is in the 5th. This Anyonashrit Yoga (exchange) is
of the 5th-6th and not of the 9th-10th, nor of 5th- 9th. It is not a Karaka
Yoga. There will be no effect of relationship between Jupiter-Mars.
In this Chart No. 6 Mars, Jupiter occupy the 5th house, or the 6th
house. This is a Yoga by association Akatra Yoga. This Yoga of Mars-
Jupiter in the 5th is between Mars, Lord of the 5th and Jupiter, the
Lord of 6th and 9th. In the same way the Yoga of Mars-Jupiter in the
6th house is the Yoga between Jupiter, Lord of 6th and Mars, Lord of
the 5th-10th and it is Akatra Yoga (by conjunction).
S~ 3
'TH5 n
52 Laghu Parashari
In this Chart No.7 Mars, Lord of the 5th-10th is in the 6th and is
aspected by Jupiter, Lord of the 6th from the 10th- 12th and 2nd houses.
This is the Yoga of Mars, Lord of the 5th-10th, with Jupiter, Lord of
the 6th and is not Karaka. It is also a Yoga between Mars in the 6th
and Jupiter in the 10th (Anyonyashrit) and not between the lords of
the 9th and 10th. It is not a Karaka Yoga.
In this Chart No. 8 Jupiter in the 5th is aspected by Mars from the
10th, 11th or 2nd house. In this case the aspect relationship between
Jupiter of the 5th by Mars of the 10th is extra-ordinary. This Mars is
in its own sign and is aspecting Jupiter who is in its (Mars) sign. As
this aspect relationship is on the lord of the 9th-6th by that of the 5th-
10th (Anyatrova Yoga), even then this Yoga is stronger than the one
formed by Mars (7th or 4th aspect). It is an effective Yoga, as Mars it-
self is the Karaka of this Yoga-Mars of Aries in the 10th house.
One very significant thing about the Anyonashrit Yoga is that if a
third planet associates with any one of the two planets forming this
Yoga it can not violate the relationship between them. Their relation-
ship will continue undisturbed and during their main and sub-periods
their Yogaj effect will also remain untainted. But this will make a dif-
ferent kind of relationship and effectiveness between the two planet:
forming the Anyonashrit Yoga as a result of the associaton or aspect
of the third planet with any one of these two. The result of the main
and suo-period of the Yogaj planet and sub-sub-period of the third
planet conjoining or aspecting it will be different from those of the
Laghu Parashari 53
other when that passes through its main period and the sub-period of
the Yogaj planet and sub-sub-periods of the third planet during its
main Dasa.
In the Cancer Ascendant Chart when Jupiter-Mars, lords of the 9th-
10th, have Anyonashrit Yoga (exchange) and at the same time Jupiter-
Saturn have Akatra Yoga (conjuncion), then Jupiter, Lord of the
9th-6th and Saturn, Lord of the 7th-8th, will have Akatra Yoga. In such
a case Saturn, being the lord of the 8th, shall not be able to violate the
Anyonashrit Yoga of the lords of the 9th- 10th. The effects, during the
main period of Jupiter, Sub-period of Mars and sub-sub-period of
Saturn, will be much less as compared to those of the main period of
Mars, sub-period of Jupiter and sub-sub-period of Saturn. In this case
there is no relationship between Mars and Saturn.
In thi^ Chart No.l Jupiter, Lord of the 9th, is in the 10th; Saturn.
Lord of the 10th, is in the 9th. This is an Anyonashrit Yoga of the lords
of 9th-10th. It is a powerful Yoga. Venus, Lord of the 7th, is in the 5th;
Sun, Lord of the 5th, is in the 7th. This is also an Anyonashrit Yoga of
the lords of the 5th-7th, but it is with the Markesh.
Mars, Lord of the Ascendant, is in the 4th; Moon, Lord of the 4th,
is in the Ascendant. This is an Anyonashrit Yoga of Lords of Lagna
and the 4th.
Moon, Lord of the 4th, is in Lagna; Sun, Lord of the 5th, is in the
7th. They aspect each other. This is not an Anyonashrit Yoga. It is
54 Laghu Parashari
In this Chart No. 2 Saturn, Lord of the 11th, is in the 12th, Jupiter,
Lord of the 12th, is in the 11th. Therefore, this is Anyonashrit Yoga of
the 11th and 12th and not between the 9th- 10th. In the same way there
is Anyonashrit Yoga between the Sun and Mars, Lords of the 5th-8th,
but not a Karaka Yoga.
Laghu Parashari 55
In this Chart No. 3 Saturn, Lord of the 10th, is in its own house -
10th; Jupiter, Lord of the 9th- 12th, is in the 4th in the sign of Moon.
Jupiter and Saturn aspect each other with full sight. This Yoga is the
Yoga between Saturn, Lord of the 10th and Jupiter in the Moon sign,
Lord of 12th and 9th.
In this Chart No. 4 Lords of the 9th-10th aspect each other, but not
from the 9th-10th houses. Therefore, it can not be called the Anyonash-
rit Yoga of the 9th-10th. Here Saturn, Lord of the 11th is having rela-
tion with Jupiter, the Lord of 9th-10th. So it is not a Karka Yoga. As
such according to Laghu Parashari Principles 7th aspect alone between
the planets can not be Yogakaraka. If one of the Yoga Karaka Lords
of the Angle-Trine aspects the other and the second planet aspects it
from (Anyatra) any other house (7th aspect) then it should be taken
as Karaka relationship.
Thus several Yogas are formed by the mutual relationship of the
planets in the twelve houses.
Amongst the Trines, the 5th and the 9th houses are considered
powerful and if, with the lord of either of these, the powerful lord of
56 Laghu Parashari
me angle, the 10th house, has relationship, then such a Yoga becomes
most effective (17).
If there is relationship between the lord of the 10th and that of the
5th or 9th, it becomes Karaka for an extra-ordinarily good Yoga
Suyoga. In other words, amongst the Angles, 10th is strongest and
therefore is responsible for the best Yoga. Next in strength is the lord
of the 7th and thereafter the 4th. Besides, as compared to the lord of
the 9th, the lord of the 5th is less fruitful and much less than this is the
lord of Lagna.
In the 7th Shloka of Samajhna Adhyaya it has been made dear that
the lords of the Angles are progressively powerful and that the lord of
the 10th is most powerful: Praboloshachuttrottaram' On the same basis
their lords have been considered progressively powerful. Most of the
comentators have accepted those lords powerfril as are defined in the
popular literature: planets in exaltation, own house, in Mooltrikona
and Shdvarga etc. Although their approach is correct, yet we mil have
to accept the auspicious or inauspicious, good or evil, powerful or weak
nature of the planets on the prindples laid down in Laghu Parashari.
Parasara has observed about the Angles and Trines in the follwing
snwii: i
That there are four signs of Angles and Trines which are auspidous;
as such if their lords show any relationship with each other, then that
relationship will be more auspidous than inauspidous. This Shloka
speaks of the auspiciousness only. Which of the Angles is most power-
ful has to be arrived at on the basis of the terms laid in Shloka 7 ante.
In this way 10th house is the most powerful and naturally its lord will
also be as powerful. Accordingly, we will have to accept the powerful
lord of the Angle referred to in Shloka 17 as the lord of the 10th.
If any lord of the Trine has relationship with the powerful lord of
the Angle then it is a very auspidous Yoga. In Shlokas 14 and 15, after
discussing the merits of flawless lords of the Angles- Trines and evil
lords of the Trines and Angles, the author in this Shloka 17 has dealt
with the remaining relationship of the lords of Angles and Trines. This
Shloka can be defined as follows:
1. If any lord of the Trine, whether good or evil, has relationship
with a powerful lord of the Angle, it will be auspidous;
Laghu Parashari 57
2. If the lord of the 10th has relationship with any Lord of the Trine,
it is auspicious.
In the last Shloka, the author has discussed the relationship between
the lords of the 9th and 10th. According to this Shloka the possible
Yoga of the lords of the Angles and Trines are given below;
1. Good Lord of the 9th + Bad Lord of the 7th
Lord of the 7th-9th + God Lord of the 10th
2. Good Lord of the 9th + Bad Lord of the 4th
Bad Lord of the 9th + Good Lord of the 4th
3. Good Lord of the 9th + Bad Lord of the Lagna
Bad Lord of the 9th + Good Lord of the Lagna
4. Good Lord of the 5th + Bad Lord of the 7th
Bad Lord of the 5th + Good Lord of the 7th
5. Good Lord of the 5th + Bad Lord of the 4th
Bad Lord of the 9th + Good Lord of the 4th
6. Good Lord of the 5th + Bad Lord of the 10th
Bad Lord of the 5th + Good Lord of the 10th
7. Good Lord of the 5th + Bad Lord of the Lagna
Bad Lord of the 5th + Good Lord of the Lagna
8. Good Lord of the Lagna + Bad Lord of the 10th
Bad Lord of the Lagna + Good Lord of the 10th
9. Good Lord of the Lagna + Bad Lord of the 7th
Bad Lord of the Lagna + Good Lord of the 7th
10. Good Lord of the Lagna + Bad Lord of the 4th
Bad Lord of the Lagna + Good Lord of the 4th
For the benefit and guidance of the readers, following are the com-
binations of the Lords of the Trines and Angles (Tabular Form) based
on different Lagnas or Ascendants. What will be the Yogaj Phal when
their relationship is formed between the good, bad or Markesh planets.
In Aries Ascendant (Lagna) Chart, the Lords of the 9th-7th are
Jupiter and Venus respectively. Jupiter owns the 9th-12th and Venus
owns the 7th-2nd. Here Jupiter being the Lord of the 9th is good but
by association becomes bad and due to conjunction with Venus
(Markesh) becomes Markesh. Venus is good being Lord of the 2nd
and Angle but as it owns 2nd-7th, two Marakasthana and the Lordship
of the Angle, it is bad and Markesh. Therefore, the Yoga between them
(Jupiter + Venus) is fruitless. They both are bad as Jupiter owns the
58 Laghu Parashari
12th and Venus, the 7th (Marakasthana). In this way, although Jupiter
and Venus are Karakas, yet they are Markesh also and therefore are
malefic. Their Yogaj Phal is +10.
This is all about the Aries Lagna effects with reference to its lords
of the Trine and Angle (9th-7th). In the same way results may be
deduced of all the Trines and Angular Lords under the remaining 11
Yoga of the Lords of 9th and 7th
Here in the Cancer Asc. Chart Mars and Sat. are neutral. In Scor-
pio Asc. Chart Mars and Venus are both Markesh; in Acquarius Asc.
Sun and Mercury are not Karaka; in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo,
Scorpio, Saggitarius and Pisces Asc. Charts the Yoga between the lords
of the 7th and 5th (Lord of 7th being Markesh) will cause much evil.
Because of Karkatva Markatva-effect is lost. In Virgo Asc. Chart Sat.
and Jup. Yoga is evil and killing. Here Saturn is killer in association
with the Markesh. In Leo Asc. Cart Jup-Sat. Yoga is not a Karaka
Yoga. In short, except the Libra, Capricorn and Pisces Asc. Charts in
all the other Asc. Charts the Yoga between the lords of the 5th and
7th is evil. In Capricorn Asc. Chart, Moon is an ordinary Markesh. In
Libra Asc. Chart Sat and Mars make a good yoga.
Yoga between the Lords of the 5th-4th
Here in the Acquarius Ase. Chart Saturn and Sun is not. a Karaka
Yoga. In rest of the Charts some are conjunct with Markesh and the
others are not Karaka Yoga.
68 Laghu Parashari
Planets underlined with (-) are Markesh. In the early part of their
Dasa they will give good results and in the later part, they will give
Maraka Phal. The Antar of the Lord of the 8th to 8th is also auspi-
Planets in brakets () are themselves Yogakaraka in that particular
Ascendant they are shown thus. Lords in the bracket 0 will often give
72 Laghu Parasharl
auspicious results during their Antar even if unrelated to the Yogakari
Lord whose Maha Dasa is in operation.
wifar writ 1
If the malefic planet is the Lord of the Dasa then the result of the
Antar Dasa of a related malefic will be mixed. If it happens to own an
Angle or Trine then the related Yoga Kari planet will also be the Lord
of the Angle or Trine. But if the malefic planet is only a malefic, when
Laghu Parashari 73
it has relationship with the Yoga Kari, it will give results in proportion
to the strength of both.
In Taurus Ascendant Chart when there is relationship between the
Sun and Saturn, Moon should have relationship with the Sun and not
with Saturn, then the Antar of the Sun in Moon or that of the Moon
in the Sun will give mixed results. If Moon develops relationship with
both the Sun and Saturn then the Antar of Saturn in Moon will com-
paratively with the Sun give more powerful and auspicious results.
List of Malefics only (Not the Lords of Angle-Trine)
Ascendant T rishdai
Aries Mercury
Taurus Moon, Jupiter
Gemini Sun, Mars
Cancer Mercury
Leo Mercury
Virgo Moon, Mars
Libra Jupiter, Sun
Scorpio Mercury
Saggitarius Saturn, Venus, Moon
Capricorn Jupiter (Sun)
Acquarius Moon, Jupiter
Pisces Venus, Sun, Saturn
If these Trishdai Lords have relationship with the Yoga Kari planets,
they -will give mixed results in their Dasa and the Antar of Yoga Kari
planets, and if they do not develop relationship with them their results
will be most malefic during their Dasa and the Antar of the Yoga Kari
If the same planet happens to own the Angle and Trine the results
are propitious. If it has relationship with the Lord of any other Trine,
the effect will be most auspicious (20).
Here in this Gemini Ascendant chart, Jupiter, Lord of the 10th,
being in the 9th is alone a Yoga Karaka. But Venus, Lord of the 5th
being in the 10th, makes an excellant Raj Yoga. The same way Saturn,
Lord of the 9thbeing in the 5th in Libra Sign, is alone Raj Yoga Karaka;
Laghu Parashari
and if Venus is in the 9th (Bhagya sthana) it will make a very power-
ful Raj Yoga.
If a planet owns both the Angle and Trine, it becomes Yoga Karaka.
But when it develops relationship with the Lord of another Trine, there
can not be a more auspicious Yoga. If aRajya-adhikaribecomes Vidya-
adhikari also, it must be very useful to the people. If he develops
relationship with the Dharam-adhikari, it will be surpassing. If the Lord
of the 10th owns the 5th also, it is bound to be a Raj-yogakari. If it
develops relationship with the 9th then it becomes extra- ordinarily
\ H/
Laghu Parashari 75
Here in this Acquarius Ascendant Chart Lord of the 4th and 9th is
the same Venus so Venus is Yogakaraka. But this Venus is in conjuc-
tion -with Mercury, Lord of the Sth. So it is an extra- ordinary
Lone Lord of the Angle and Trine, i.e. the same planet owns both
the houses, if has relationship with the Lord of any other Angle it will
make a good Yoga but not the best, if it has relationship with the Lord
of any other Trine, it will make the best and most extra-ordinary Yoga.
In Taurus Ascendant Chart, Saturn, Lord of the 9th and 10th, itself
is a Yogakaraka. If it develops relationship with Mercury, Lord of
another Trine then this relationship between Mercury and Saturn mil
be an extra-ordinary yoga of this chart. In the same way in the Cancer
Ascendant Chart Mars, Lord of the Sth and 10th, itself is a Yogakaraka.
If it develops relationship with Moon (Lagnesh) or Jupiter, Lord of the
9th, it will be an extra- ordinary Yoga of this Chart. Here the Yoga be-
tween Mars and Moon wil be more powerful as compared to that of
Mars and Jupiter, as the Moon, Lord of Lagna does not carry any evil
in it. In Taurus Ascendant Chart the Yoga between Saturn and the Sun
will be less auspicious as compared to that of Mercury and Saturn-
Mercury having the evil of Maraka in it by position.
srrcrvft TTsmhRir i
s 3
> y
KOUjul yT
' N XX 1
/ 1
' Yat Yat Bhava ' here means the house in which Rahu or Ketu is
posited. Their result will be according to the effects of that house. Then-
results are also good or bad according to the Lord with which they are
in any house. If with a Yoga Karaka, the effects are auspidous, if with
a Markesh, they give Maraka Phal. They adopt the qualities, nature,
characteristics, and Lordship of the house, type, behaviour of that
planet in themselves. Thus Rahu and Ketu if are in Angle and have
Laghu Parasharl 79
relationship with the Lord of a Trine or in a Trine with the Lord of an
Angle or in a Trine with the Lord of the Trine, then they become Yoga
Kari. If they are in Angle with the Lord of Angle then the effect will
be a mixed one; and if this Lord of the Angle is a malefic then it will
not be a Yoga Karaka. If this Rahu is in the Angle and is aspected by
any Lord of the Trine (7th aspect) even then its (Rahu) Yogakarkat-
va is doubtful. This book does not recognise such an aspect unless the
planet is posited in the sign of the aspecting planet. This is an impor-
tant condition for mutual aspect between the two planets. Rahu or
Ketu do not own any sign; so the mutual aspect relationship is not a
Karaka 'Sambandha' Yoga in this book.
TOWTwtiwI Ufa i
If the Lords of the 9th and 10th houses are also respectively Lords
of the 8th and the 11th, their relationship is not conducive to any Yoga
If the Lord of the 9th is also the Lord of the 8th or we Lord of the
10th is also the Lord of the 11th then such a Lord of the 9th or that of
the 10 th by mere relationship can not be Yoga Karaka. In other words,
the Lords of the Angle and Trine even if have flaw, they become by
mere relationship Yoga Karaka. Here 'flaw' means the planet should
be in fall, enemy sign and such positional factor as to make it weak. If
they own Trishdai (Trik houses) then the mere relationship will vio-
late their yoga.
Here in' Sambandha matraina' the wprd' Sambandha' (relation-
ship) proves that even if the Lords of the Angle-Trine own the Trish-
dai and they are posited in their exaltation then their yoga is not
violated. 9th (Dharma) amongst Trines, 10th (Karma) in Angles, 8th
in 2nd, 12th and 11th in Trishdai are powerful houses. That is why all
examples have been based on the relationship of these four houses.
Implementtion or violation of the Yoga will depend upon the strength
or weakness of the houses occupied and their interdependence and
The straight meaning of this Shloka (22) is: Raj Yoga is violated if
one of the Lords of the Trine and Angle happens to own the 8th or the
11th; the relationship between the Lords of such Angle-Trinal will not
80 Laghu Parashari
prove to be Yoga Karaka to the native. But if along with this malefic
Lord of the 8th owning the 9th another Lord of the Trine will have
relationship with the flawless Lord of the Angle or the Lord of the
Angle (10th) owning the malefic 11th will have relationship with the
Lord of the any other Angle and flawless Trine (9th) the Yoga will be
positive. This is the hidden meaning of the word (Matrd).
Shlokas 14,15,16,17,20 and 22 ante deal with the principles of Raj
Yoga Karaka and this Shloka is only an exception to the principles an-
nunciated in them. If we read in between the lines through them we
will arrive at the following conclusion:
A good relationship between the Angle and Trine will cause an
auspicious Raj Yoga. If the Lord of the Angle is weak it does not lead
to any Raj Yoga. There is good relationship between the Angle and
Trinal Lords but when their other sign falls in inauspicious or malefic
houses, the Raj Yoga fails. But if the Lord of the Angle is powerful
and has relationship with the Trinal Lord then that relationship only
in spite of the flaw in one planet even if that Lord of the Trine or Angle
happens to be 'Doshyukta' with flaw by position, makes a successful
Raj Yoga. If they both are with flaw, then the Raj Yoga idihNishphal
Therefore, if the Lord of the 9th and 8th is the same and develops
relationship with that of the 10th or that of the 10th and 11th is also
the same planet and develops relationship with that of the 9th and these
Lords of the 9th and 10th are together, or they exchange position with
each other and have relationship, their yoga will be' Nishphal' unsuc-
cessful due to their being'Doshyukta', evil. When the Lords of the 9th
and the 10th are in each others house (exchange position) or are
together in either the 9th or the 10th and make a Raj Yoga, then the
Lords of other houses (oth?r than these two Lords) even if malefic and
be with one of them or both of them (when they are together) then the
aforesaid Raj Yoga is not affected and is quite effective. The Lord of
a powerful Angle if becomes the cause of a Raj Yoga by developing
relationship with the Lord of a Trine it becomes responsible for an
auspicious Raj Yoga. Such a Raj Yoga is very auspicious. If the Lords
of both the Trines (5-9) are with the Lord of the 4th or the 10th then
that makes the most auspicious Raj Yoga. If one of these Lords is evil
(Doshyukta) then it makes a little less effective Raj Yoga and if this
evil is due to the ownership of the Marakasthan then it gives mixed
results (good results followed by the bad). It is called 'Nilaisht or
Adhama' Raj Yoga.
Accordingly these Raj Yoga are formed between the relationship of
the Lords of 2 trines and 4 Angles in every chart. They are in 8 ways:
of two types: ( 1) Saphal Good results; and ( 2) Nisphal Bad results.
Laghu Parashari 81
Under the 1st group we have extra auspicious, best, mixed and with
flaw - four types of Raj Yoga. The Nishphal Raj Yoga defined in this
Shloka (22) is one which is possible in the Aries or Gemini Ascendant
charts between Jupiter and Saturn. In both the Charts Saturn owns the
8th and the 9th or the 10th and 11th and if this Saturn develops relation-
ship with Jupiter, Lord of Pisces or Saggtarius, it makes a Nisphal
unsuccessful yoga.
Parasara says for Aries Ascendant:
Na Shubhama yoga - matraina prabh - vechchanijeevyo
for Gemini Ascendant:
Shanaeschchraina jeevasya yogo meshbhavo yatha.
Saturn and Mars are mainly maleflcs. The exception regarding Mars
in Shloka (12) ante is very specific: Mars, if Lord of 10th alone, is not
auspicious, but when owns a Trine it becomes auspicious as in Cancer
Asc., Similarly exception has been made for Saturn. If it owns the 9th
and the 10th it is auspicious; and the Raj Yoga is' Nishphal', violated,
when it owns either the 8th or the 11th.
In Gemini Asc. Chart, Saturn, Lord of the 9th-8th, if has relation
with Jupiter, Lord of the 10th-7th; in Aries Asc. Chart, Saturn, Lord
of the lOth-llth if has relation with Jupiter, Lord of the 9th-12th; in
Taurus Asc. Chart, Saturn, Lord of 9th-10th if has relation with Jupiter,
Lord of the 8th-llth; in Scorpio Asc. Chart, Moon, Lord of the 9th has
relation with Mercury, Lord of the 8th-llth or the Sun, Lord of the
10th with the same Mercury, Lord of 8th-llth then all these Yogas will
not be Karaka Yogas.
Below are a few more examples of the relationship between the
Lords of the 9th-8th + lOth-llth or the Lords of the 9th and 10th who
do not own the 8th or the 11th at the same time:
In Aries Asc. Chart if Mars, Lord of the 8th-1st has relation with
Saturn, Lord of the lOth-llth or with Moon, Lord of the 4th or Venus,
Lord of the 7th, it will not make a Karaka Yoga. In the same Chart,
Saturn, Lord of the lOth-llth, if has relation with the Trine Lord, the
Sim or Jupiter or Mars; in Cancer Asc. Chart Venus, Lord of 4th-lltb,
has relation with Jupiter, Lord of the 9th-6th or with Moon Lord of
Lagna; in Capricorn Asc. Chart Mars, Lord of the 4th-llth has rela-
tion with Mercury, Lord of the 9th-6th or with Saturn, Lord of the
Lagna and 2nd: these combinations will not prove to be Yoga Karaka
to the native. In all these cases if the Lord of the 8th is in the 8th or
Lagna (own house) and has relation with the Lords referred to in above
examples it will be Dosh Rahit and Karaka. This applies to Mars when
in Aries Asc. Chart it is posited in its own house: the Lagna or the 8th.
82 Laghu Parashari
Aries: Sat+Jup;Mars+Satum;Mars+Moon;
Mars + Venus;Sat+SunjJup+Sat.
Taurus: Sat+Jup
Gemini: Sat+Jup
Cancer: Venus+Jup; Venus+Moon
Scorpio: (Moon + Mercury);(Sun + Mercury)
Capricorn: Mars+Mercurv:Mars + Sat
These Yogas do not give Karaka Phal. Those underlined will be evil;
and those in ( ) bracket themselves are not Karakas as they do not own
the Angle or the Trine and are malefic.
The 8th house from the Ascendant and the 8th from the 8th, i.e. the
3rd are the two houses of longevity. The houses related to death are
the 12th from each of these. Thus the 2nd and the 7th are the Maraka
houses (23).
The 8th house from the 8th i.e., the 3rd and the 8th are the house
of Longevity. The 2nd and 7th are the Marakasthana. Although the 3rd
and the 8th are looked into to calculate the longevity yet mainly the
8th house is the house for it. In Astrology there is a practice to con-
sider the house from the house i.e. 'Bhavat Bhava ' For example, for
a study of the 5th house, the 5th house, to 5th i.e. the 9th is also con-
sidered. This is recommended by others also. While studying the Raj
Yoga they sugges^while considering the 9th and 10th houses, 9th and
10th from them should also be taken into account. This i&how the 3rd
house from the Asc. becomes the Ayursthan - being 8th from the 8th.
Ayur-Ka-Vyaya spending life is death to be considered from the 12th
to the 8th i.e. the 7th. The same way look into the 2nd, the 12th to 3rd.
These two are the Maraka sthana.
Thus the longevity of the native will depend upon the merit and
strength of the Lords of the 3rd and the 8th. The same way, the strength
and merit of the Lords of the 2nd and the 7th will be responsible during
their Dasa for the death of the native.
84 Laghu Parashari
c!5rinTra3irof*n?nf?TT I
Trn: mm:
^ 55nfmr%i| i
running. Instead, if it is the period of the Lord of the 2nd or the 7th,
then it may take place during this time. The word ' Nidhanom ' in
Shloka (25) stands for 'possibility of death'. This Shloka only suggests
the possible time of Arishtha when these planets are inauspicious. If
they are auspicious the native will enjoy a Full life.
If the span of life is Full, the native may live for 100 or more years,
if it is Medium, upto 70 years and if it is short, the span of life will be
upto 32 years.
If the span of life of a native is Short and he is passing through the
Dasa of Markesh; locate the malefic Lords of Trishdai (3-6-11) or the
planets having relationship with the Markesh, the Dasa of either of
these may prove fatal. The same way the Medium or Full life span is
to be calculated.
Jaimini in his Sutras has pointed out that the span of life of a native
will be full if in his birth chart the Lords of the (1st- 8th) are in mov-
able signs; or that of the 1st is in a fixed sign and of the 8th, in a dual
sign or vice-versa.
The span of life will be medium if the Loi(d of the 1st is in a mov-
able sign, that of the 8th in a fixed or vice versa or they both are in dual
The span of life will be short if the Lords of the lst-8th are in fixed
signs; or that of the 1st in a movable sign and that of the 8th in a dual
sign or vice-versa.
These ideas of Jaimini can be illustrated in the following way also:
i) Locate who is stronger of the two: 1st and 7th and the 8th from
them. Now, if this Lord is in Angle from the Ascendant, the span of
life will be full; if in 2-5-8-11 (Panaparas (succeedents)),the span of
life will be medium and if in 3-6-9-12 Apoklimas (Cadents) the span
of life will be short.
ii) The method of finding out the stronger of these two planets
(Lords of the 8th and 2nd and those of lst-7th) is to locate whether or
not it is associated with the larger number of planets thamthe 2nd who
may be posited alone. If one is posited alone and the other is associated
with one, two or three other planets then naturally the later of the two
will be stronger in the chart. If both are posited alone or with equal
- number of associates then the one in a fixed sign will be stronger than
' the other occupying a moveable sign, and that in the dual sign will be
jgstronger than the other in the fixed sign. Here the two planets to be
itaken into account are: (1) one who is 8th from the 1st and the 7th; (2)
Second is the stronger of the 1st and the 7th.
86 Laghu Parasharl
iii) The span of life can also be calculated from the position of the
Atamakaraka planet in the Chart of a native - the planet which has ad-
vanced the greatest number of degrees in the sign occupied by it as
compared to any other planet in any sign of the chart. It is unrelated
with the Signs; it has to do with the degrees traversed only. Now taking
this as Lagna or Ascendant and the 7th from it, find the 8th from both
of them, their Lords and the stronger of the two the same way as
pointed out in para (i) above. If that planet is with the Atamakaraka
or in Angle to it, the Span of life will be full; if in Panaparas 2-5-8-11,
the span of life will be medium and if in Apoklimas 3-6-9-12, the span
of life will be short.
(3) and the Dwadasamsa in which the Ascendant and the Lord of
the 8th fall. How the signs in which they fall should be interpreted is
given below:
i) Drekkana sign of the Ascendant and that of the Moon;
ii) Navamsa sign of the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the Moon;
iii) Dwadasamsa of the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the 8th.
The span of life will be full if both of these Signs are movable or one
fixed and the other dual; medium, if both are dual or one is fixed and
the other is movable; short, if both are fixed or one is dual and the
other is movable.
Thus consider all the three aforesaid different ways and accept the
most supporting one.
Below is given another method of arriving at the Full, Medium and
Short span of Life:
If the Lord of the Ascendant is an enemy of the Sun, the span of life
will be short; if a neutral, it is medium and if a friend, it is full life yoga.
If the Lord of the Ascendant is the Sim itself and that of the Moon
sign, a great friend or even a friend of the Sun, the span of life is full;
if it is a neutral, the span of life is medium and if it is a great enemy or
enemy of the Sun, the span of life is short. If the span of life is short,
then during the ruling period of the Markesh or the malefics occupy-
ing the marakasthana or the malefics assoriated with it prove fatal.
Jaimiui and the authors of Phal Deepika and Jatak Parijata have
given the break up of the span of life for the short, medium and full
life as under:
Short Life: 32,36 and 40 in years
Medium Life: 64,72 and 80 in years
Full Life: 96,108 and 120 in years
[ Chart showing Full, Medium and Short Life Yoga with the Span
't for each:
| Full Full Full
I Movable-Fixed - Dual -
' Sign Sign Sign
Lord of Lord of Lord of Full-Full Med-Full Shiort- Full
the Asc. the Asc. the Ase, 120 years 108 years 96 years
Movable Dual Fixed
Si^n Sign Sign
Lord of Lord of Lord of
the 8th the 8th the 8th
88 Laghu Parashari
5) If malefics occupy the 2nd conjoined with the Lord of the 12th
then they can be Maraka during its ruling period and their antar.
6) If malefics occupy the 12th then during their ruling periods the
antar of the malefics related to the Lord of the 2nd can prove fatal.
7) During the ruling period of the Lord of the 8th its own Antar
can be Maraka. Death will also be caused in the sub-period of the
Lord of the 8th within the Dasa of the Lord of the 6th.
8) During the ruling period of the Lord of the 8th the Antar of the
malefics occupying the 6th can prove fatal.
9) During the ruling period of the Lord of the 6th the Antar of the
planets occupying the 8th can prove fatal.
10) During the ruling period of the Lord of the 8th the Antar of the
planets aspected by it can be Maraka.
11) During the ruling period of the Lord of the 8th the Antar of the
planets conjoined with the Lord of the 6th can be fatal.
12) During the ruling period of the malefic planet occupying the
8th the Antar of the Lord of the 6th can be fatal.
13) During the ruling period of a malefic in the 6th the Antar of the
Lord of the 8th will be fatal.
14) During the ruling period of a malefic in the 6th house the Antar
of the Lord of the 8th occupying the 8th will cause death.
15) In the Dasa of the Lord of the 6th the Antar of the Lord of the
8th will be fatal.
16) During the ruling period of the malefics posited in the 8th house
the Antar of the malefics posited in the 6th will be fatal.
The principles involved above in the position of the Lords of the 6th,
8th and the 12th houses or other planets occupying them are sum-
marised as under:
A) Main Ruling Period of the Lord of the 8th:
i) Antar of the Lord of the 8th; ii) of the malefics occupying the
6th; hi) of the planets associating with the Lord of the 6th; iv) of the
planets aspected by the Lord of the 8th.
B) Main Ruling Period of the Malefics occupying the 8th:
i) Antar of the Lord of the 6th; ii) of the planets occupying the 6th.
C) Main Ruling Period of the Lord of the 6th:
i) Antar of the Lord of the 8th; ii) of the planets occupying the 8th.
D) Main Ruling Period of the Malefics occupying the 6th:
i) Antar of the Lord of the 8th; ii) of the Lord of the 8th in the 8th.
Laghu Parashari 91
wtffog: I
* WWf fifSR I
In the absence of the Dasa period of all or any of these Lords, the
Dasa of a benefic planet related to the Lord of the 12th house may be
stated as responsible for inflicting death. End may also be possible in
the Dasa of the Lord of the 8th house (26).
If all this is not possible, the Dasa of a planet which is exclusively
malefic and unassociated with the Lords of the Angles or Trines, may
also cause death.
In the absence of the past Marakas the death inflicting agents may
be traced in the succeeding Lords who may prove fatal in their major
or sub-ruling periods (27).
If death does not occur during the Ruling Period of the Maraka
Planets then it takes place in the Dasa of the most powerful malefic in
the Chart. If the Dasa of Vyayadhipati (Lord of the 12th) does not
come, then one most powerful among the Lords of the 3rd, 6th and
8th having relationship with the Lord of the 12th becomes a Maraka;
and if such a relationship between them (Lord of the 12th and those
of 3rd, 6th and 8th) does not exist, then the benefic planet in relation
Laghu Parashri 93
with the Lord of the 12th causes death in his Dasa and in the absence
of such a yoga a malefic Lord of the 3rd or 8th will become death in-
flicting planet. Benefics related to the Markesh also have death inflict-
ing qualities in them. The Learned should have it in their mind when
studying the Maraka in the chart.
The Learned Astrologer should consider that sometimes death oc-
curs, when the Dasa of aforesaid Markesh is not in operation, in that
of the Vyayesh, the Lord of the 12th and the benefics in the sign of the
Markesh; and some times it takes place in the Dasa of the Lord of the
8th. Sometimes if their (of the benefic and the Lord of the 8th) Dasa
is not in time then only (without having relationship with the Markesh)
in the Dasa of the madefies the death occurs.
The Lord of the 12th considered above among the Markesh is not
so effective a Maraka; if benefics show Marakatva in themselves by as-
sociation with him then it certainly is most effective in assodation with
the Chief Marakas (2nd and 7th). Also the word "Voya" is symbolic of
the Marakasthama only. The author has said: Tayorapi Vaymthanam
marakasthana mochchayete Also Sambandh should be taken as as-
sociation or in mutual exchange.
These Shlokas (23-27) have defined the Ayu (spam of life) and
Marakasthana. The Yoga Karaka Phal depends upon the merit of the
mutual relationship between the planets; the same way, it is necessary
to understand the relationship between the Marakas and the othe'
planets related to them if we want to know the probable death inflict-
ing planets and their mutual relationship. As the Trinal Lord alone can
not cause Raj Yoga, the same way markesh alone does not give Maraka
Phal, can give Arishta Phal only - can be a source of trouble and suf-
fering alone. Therefore, Lord of the 7th or 2nd alone in his Dasa can
not prove to be a killer, unless it has relationship with a malefic. As
the conjunction of two planets in a sign, in Karakatva study, is of 1st
quality and their exchange of position or one occupying the sign/house
of another and being aspected by it of the 2nd quality relationship, in
the same way when the Markesh occupying its own sign and has
relationship (exchange of position) with other malefics in Marakatva-
study is of the 1st quality and in the 2nd quality relationship the value
of the markesh, is not so effective. Benefics like Jupiter as Lords of the
7th occuping the 2nd or as Lords of the 2nd occuping the 7th then this
exchange relationship will be of the 1st quality maraka yoga. The na-
tive will find it difficult to survive the Main and Antar Dasa of the two
, Lords involved.
In Samjana Prakaran of this book the author has said about the Lord
of the 7th as a Markesh:
94 Laghu Parashri
wivft$sfa ^ h
In the Study of Markesh Jupiter and Venus as Lords of the 7th are
powerful Marakas. If they are posited in the 7th they become all the
more powerful Maraka. After them Mercury and thereafter the Moon
are Markesh. This implies that the malefic Lords of the 7th though
called Marakas do not actually become Markesh. That is why the Sun,
Mars and Saturn as Lords of the 7th are not Markesh. Mercury and
Moon are simple Marakas i.e. they are only trouble and suffering
creators. In short Jupiter or Venus as Lords of the 7th if with malefics
occupy the 7th they do become killers. If they do not occupy the 7th
but associate or have any relationship with the malefics then their
Maraka Phal is doubtful, but in the Antar of the planets related to
them, they cetainly become very troublesome and painful.
In this Gemini Asc. Chart if Jupiter Lord of the 7th conjoins with
Saturn, Mars or the Sun then inthe Ruling Period of Jupiter and Antar
of Saturn or Mars death of the native is certain. Death will also be pos-
sible in the Dasa of Jupiter and Antar of the Sun as he is a simple
malefic but Lord of the Ayush (span of life). Relationship of the
Ayukaraka with the Markesh can not be taken auspicious. In the same
way in the Dasa of Jupiter, Antar of Saturn is a powerful Maraka. This
Laghu Parashri 95
also is the relationship of the Ayukaraka and Maraka. But this book
holds a different view about Saturn:
Markai sah sambandhat nihanta papakrichchanie,
Aticramyetran sarvaan bhavatyeva na sanshya.
'Saturn, inclined to produce evil by his conjunction with the Lords
of Maraka houses, will cause death in preference to any of those
planets.' According to this view, Saturn, in Gemini Asc. Chart, if con-
joins with Jupiter, Lord of the 7th, will not give Maraka effects in the
Dasa of Jupiter. It will become fatal m its own Dasa and Antar of
Jupiter, instead. Similarly in the Virgo Asc. Chart Lord of the 7th,
Jupiter + Saturn, Yoga should be accepted and Jupiter + Mars Yoga
will also be equally fatal.
Yoga of Lord of the 7th in the 7th - Jupiter with Saturn
Asc. If in 7th Of Maraka PhalOf Arishta Phal
Dasa / Antar Dasa / Antar
Gemini Jup Sat Sat J up Jup Sat
Jup Mars Jup Mars Mars Jup
Jup Sun Jup Sun Sun Jup
Virgo Jup Mars Jup Mars Mars Jup
Jup Sat Sat Jup Jup Sat
Jup Moon Jup Moon Moon Jup
Aries Ven Sat Ven Sat - -
Ven Mars Ven Mars Mars Ven
Ven Sat Ven Sat Ven Sat
Ven Merc Ven Merc Merc Ven
Scorpio Ven Merc Ven Merc Merc Ven
Ven Sat Sat Ven Ven Sat
Ven Mars - - Mars Ven
Ven Mars
Saggitarius Merc Ven Doubtful DoubtfulVen Merc
Merc Sat Merc Ven Merc Sat
Merc Moon Merc Sat Merc Moon
Moon Merc
96 Laghu Parashri
In this list Sat-Jup yoga in the Virgo Asc. Chart is also a Karaka
Yoga. Therefore, in the Dasa of Sat and Antar of Jup., the native will
get auspicious results in the beginning and end with the Maraka Phal.
If malefic Saturn, conjoined with another malefic, is associated with
the Markesh then death is possible in the DaSa of Sat and Antar of the
Markesh and its malefic associates.
Lord of the 2nd as a Maraka
Read the following Shloka about the Lord of the 2nd
Laganad Vayay dwetieshao pareisham sahOcharyat,
Sthanantar annugunyen bhavata phaldayakaotfupra shloka(S)
There is no hint in the Laghu Parasari that the malefic Lords of the
2nd are not Marakas and benefics only are. Refer again to
Kendra adhipatya-dosh-astu balvan Guru-shukrayo,
Markatve ape ch tayo marahsthana sansthiti. Supra sholka( 10)
Jupiter and Venus become malefics when they own Angles but are
also evil as Marakas. In other words if they own the 2nd they will have
the evil Maraka effects like the one when they own the 7th. Accord-
ingly Jupiter or Venus have powerful Maraka-dosh when he is Lord of
the 2nd and is posited in the 7th or the 2nd. Less than this is assigned
to Mercury and Moon.
List of the Lords of the 2nd as Markesh
Asc. Lord of the 2nd Maraka Giving Arishta onljMarkesh
in the 2nd with Dasa AntarDasa Antar Phal Doubt-
a malefic ful
These planets are also responsible for the Karaka Yoga. Planets
underlined (-) are very violent Marakas. Karaka Yoga planets which
are starred* become Marakas in their Antar and the Maraka effect
comes at the end of the Antar, after all a Mraka is a Maraka.
list of Markesh alien they become Marakas
Phal only after assessing the Span of life - Short, Medium and Full;
otherwise the death will not occur during the Dasa of the Markesh.
7) The native wall die in the course of Sode Sati of Saturn or Saturn
Transiting the Sun during the Dasa and Antar of the Lords of the 2nd-
There is no doubt that Saturn by owning the Lordship of 3-6 etc. in-
? auspicious houses, inclined to produce evil by his conjunction with the
'> Lords of Marakasthanas, will cause death in preference to any of those
planets. In other words, evil Karaka Saturn is generally a Maraka even
if he has no relation with a Maraka.
' Shaniastu yama devato vikhyato maraka punch,
: Anya maraka sambandhat prabalyam tasya sansphutam.
Saturn himself is Yama; so by nature is a Maraka. On Top of it if
he is evil by owning the Trishdai he becomes a powerful Maraka; and
over and above it, if he develops relationship with other Marakas, he
fjbecomes the most powerful Maraka.
| In a Chart if there are two or three Marakas and Saturn owns the
ffevil houses and has relationship with all the Markesh, then Saturn in
preference to all of them becomes death inflicting planet. This should
be considered when studying the Antar of planets in any chart. Sup-
pose Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are all Marakas in a Chart,
peath will not occur in Rahu-Rahu; if some ailment has started in
Rahu-Jupiter, even then Jupiter in Rahu Dasa will not inflict death. It
Hill take place in Rahu- Saturn, it is possible that the native died of the
pment which he developed in the Antar of Jupiter.
100 Laghu Parashri
But it does sot happen in this way. According to this Shloka (28) Evil
(Lord of the Trik-8th) Saturn under all circumstances, because of his
relation with the Maraka, however auspicious this planet be,in his Dasa
and Antar of the Marakesh, is a sure killer.
To clear this point the author has written a seperate shloka:
Arombho mjayogosya bhaven maraka bhuktishu,
Prathyanti tamarabhya kramshe papabhuktya.
In Virgo Asc. Chart Saturn is the Lord of the 5th-6th. If he develops
relation with Jupiter, Lord of the 4th-7th, he should be auspicious. Ac-
cordingly in the Dasa of Saturn and Antar of Jupiter the results should
be good. But as indicated by "Arambho mjayogosya " (Rajyoga in the
beginning of the Dasa) in the Dasa of Saturn and Antar of Jupiter
auspicious results should be experienced in the beginning and there-
after evil (killing). In this Asc. chart Saturn is a Trinal Lord, and Venus
is a Markesh and Lord of the 9th. When they develop relationship in
their mutual Dasa and Antar the effects should be good. But read the
following Shloka:
Paraspar dasayam swabuktao suryaj Bharagavao,
Vyatyyen visheshen pradishetam shubhashubham.
It means that Saturn and Venus in their mutual Dasa and Antar give
contrary results. In other words, Antar of Venus in the Dasa of Saturn
will give Maraka Phal. In Scorpio Asc. Chart Saturn owns the 3rd-4th
houses and Jupiter, 2nd-5th; if they have mutual relationship they be-
come Karaka. Inspite of that in the Dasa of Saturn and Antar of Jupiter
Maraka Phal will be dominating. In any other Asc. Ch^rt such a yoga
is not possible and therefore Evil Saturn cannot be a Karaka. This
pxnnts to the fact that Saturn, Lord of the Trishdai and 8th develops
relationship with one or more than one Markesh then such a Saturn
will be a sure killer in preferrence over other Marakas. Auspicious in
himself and Yogakari Saturn does not become a Karaka or Maraka by
mere association or relationship with the Markesh. In Taurus, Libra,
Capricorn and Acquarius Ascendant Charts Saturn is not a Maraka.
No native will die in his main Dasa. But in Acquarius Asc. Chart, if the
native has already lived the Dasa of Jupiter in his past life, then Saturn
being a malefic Lord of the 12th can become a Maraka and cause his
The word" Sambandhat" in this Shloka implies that if the Markesh
is not p>osited in the Marakasthana but occupies another house where
he has relationship with Saturn or he occupies his own Marakasthana
or the 2nd house - a marakasthana - and Saturn, not being conjunct
with him, has another kind of relationship, even then he becomes
102 Laghu Parashri
Nihonta killer. Maraka Phal will depend upon the sirength and merit
of relationship. Therefore, there is no doubt, that Evil Saturn, when
he is with a Markesh in a Marakasthan or in Maraka situation, he will
be an unchallengeable killer.
In Aries Asc. Chart if Saturn conjoins with Venus in the 2nd; in Scor-
pio Asc. Chart, with Jupiter or with Venus in the 7th, he (Saturn) will
be Nihonta killer and the Markesh associating with him will be
'Amaraka' (Non-killer), if their Dasa operates before that of Saturn.
Shloka (28) at a Glance
Asc. 1 2 3
Maraka Amaraka ArishtPrad
Killer Non-killer Distress
Dasa Antar Dasa Antar
Aries Sat Ven Ven Ven Sat
Gemini Sat Jup Jup, Ven
Leo Sat Merc Merc, Moon Jup
Virgo Sat Jup Jup, Ven Ven Sat
Sat Ven Sun, Mars
Scorpio Sat Jup Jup, Ven Ven Sat
Sat Ven Merc
Pisces Sat Merc Merc, Ven
This Chart shows (when there is relationship between Sat and Ven)
that in the Dasa of Saturn and the Antar of related planets the Maraka
Phal are seen; and if the Dasa of the Lords in the 2nd Col. above falls
before that of Saturn then death does not take place in their Dasa. In
such a situation these planets are Amaraka (Non-killer).
Planets in the 3rd Col. above are Markesh, Lords of the 12nd and
8th, They will not be Marakas. Their Dasa in the Antar of Saturn will
give particular distress but will not be a killer.
Thus death of a native is possible in -
1. the Dasa and Antar of the stronger of the two Lords of the 2nd-
2. the Dasa of the malefics occupying the Marakasthana;
3. the Dasa of evil planets having relationship with the Markesh;
Laghu Parashri 103
All the planets do not give good or bad results according to their
Atmobhavanurupa during their own Antar in their own Dasa (29).
All the planets, good or bad,when in their Dasa their own Antar
falls, do not give good or bad results according to their own nature
Swabhavanuroop particularly.
Planets show their strength in several ways; e.g. Sthana-bal by posi-
tion, Rasi-bal by sign, Drishti-bal by aspect, Yoga-bal by relationship
etc. They give their good or bad effects according to this strength and
they give these effects in different measures at different times in life.
Not that they give their topful effect either in their Dasa or Antar. Man
gets them all through his life -since birth till death in a very systematic
Shloka (29) gives a very simple rule that all the planets do not give
good effects according to their Atmabhava during their own Antar in
their own Dasa. In short the same planet in his own Antar during his
own Dasa does not give good or bad effects. Parashari has
' Swadasayam swabhuktao ch naranam mamam na he ' even the
Maraka planet does not become a killer in his own Antar during his
own Dasa. By Atmabhavanurupa the author means the sign and house
owned by the planet, the sign and house occupied by him and relation
developed by him with its Lord, the house aspected, and the planets
by which he is aspected, his own nature, tendency, qualities, merit and
flaw, or Karkatava. No planet, when he starts his own Antar in his own
Dasa will give full Atmabhavanurupa Phal but will certainly give some
effect however little it may be. The definitions already given in the
Samajna Adhyaya are different from the traditional approach-
Except the Sun and Moon, all the other planets own two signs. It
has already been made clear in the Samajna Prakarna that planets do
not give their good or bad effects with reference to the two signs they
own in any chart during their Dasa or Antar; on the contrary it has
been explained (when they are effective) in the succeeding Shloka (30).
Laghu Parashari 105
Dasa Nath (Lord of the Dasa) gives his own Dasaphal (effects of
his Dasa) in the Antar of those planets who are (Sambandh Karta) re-
lated to him or are of like nature (Dharma) and give similarphal as
that of the Dasa Nath. (30)
Planets give particularly their Dasa Phal according to their
'Swabhava' nature in the Antar of those planets who are related or are
of the same nature 'S-Dharmi'.
This Shloka (30) draws attention to the following conditions:
1. The planet with which the Dasa Nath by developing the
'Sambandh' relationship becomes Yoga Karaka; or
2. the planet being of the similar 'Dharma' should have his Antar
- with these two conditions the Dasa Nath gives his 'phaT, effects (a)
in the Antar of the planet having relationship; (b) in the Antar of
Samaan Dharmi. Lords of the Antar Dasa are not always of similar
Dharma. This book gives only two types of the planets: (i) auspicious;
(ii) inauspicious. Whenever any auspicious planet develops some flaw
(evil) even then all the good in him is not lost; his auspicious charac-
ter becomes a little weak. So is true of the inauspicious planets. If he
develops relationship with the good planets, he also develops some
goodness in him, though his natural evil nature remains there. There
is no third type in this scheme. Shloka (19) gives the results the native
has to pass through in the Antar of the planets with contrary nature or
are hostile to the Dasa Nath. Shlokas (32 to 34) give effects of the
planets Who are not related but are of similar nature. The Shloka (30)
gives effects only of the planets having relationship with the Dasa Nath
or are of the similar nature, then only the Dasa Nath gives his Thai'
effects in their Antar.
Planets who are friends, exalted or in their fall are said to be
'Atmasambandhi' e.g. Sun-Mooh; Sun-Mars; Sun-Jup; Mars-Jup;
Merc- Ven and Ven-Sat; as they are friends of each other they are
Atama Sambandhi. Of these planets Sat and Ven are indentical as they
both own the Angles or Trines in the same Chart-
Lords of the Angles, Trines, Trishdai, of the 2nd- 12th are mutually
(S-Dharmi) of the same nature. Dharma stands for Yoga Karakatava,
goodness, wickedness, Marakatava etc. The same way Lords of the
Angles-Trines; Trines-Angles etc. are of the similar Dharma.
106 Laghu Parasharl
are Related and Like; ii) Related but Unlike; iii) Related but Neutrals;
iv) Unrelated and Like; v) Unrelated and Unlike; vi) Unrelated but
Neutrals. Planets belonging to the 1st category give most auspicious
results in their Antar; those in the 3rd give a little less than those of
the 1st; those in the 2nd give a little less than those in the 3rd; and
similarly those falling in the 4th, 6th and 5th give comparatively less
and lesser effects.
%?sr«Tf5r: ww \
The Lord of the Angle in his Dasa and the Antar of the Lord of
Trine gives good effects if there is mutual relationship between them;
similarly, the Lord of Trine in his Dasa and Antar of the Lord of the
Angle gives good effects if there is relationship between them. They
both give evil effects when there is no mutual relationship between the
two. (32)
The Lord of the Angle in his own Dasa and the Antar of the
' SombondhF related Lord of Trine gives auspicious results. The Lord
of the Trine also in his own Dasa. and Antar of related Lord of the
Angle gives auspicious results. If this is not so and there being no
relationship between them the Lord of the Angle in his own Dasa and
also in the Antar of the Lord of Trine generally gives inauspicious
108 Laghu Parasharl
Lords of the Angle and Trine should not own by their other sign the
8th etc. evil houses as that takes away their goodness.
Evil Lord of the Angle in his Maha Dasa and the Antar of the Lord
of the Trine gives good results - the Lord of the Trine should not be
evil. If both the Lords of the Angle and Trine are evil they will not give
good effects in their Dasa and Antar. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and
Moon as Lords of Angles when own the Trishdais, they become evil -
Moon is an exception as she owns only one house/sign. So are Saturn
and Mars when they own the 3- 6-11.
Therefore, in the Dasa of Evil Lord of the Angle and the Antar of
the Lord of Trine (if not evil) good results are expected. The word
' Papokrit' evil is applicable to the Lords of Angles only in this Shloka
The Lord of the Trine, if owns an evil house, can be evil. He will be
then called with flawS-dosh or Papoyukta ' such as, in Leo Ascen-
dant Chart, Jupiter, Lord of the 5th-8th; Acquarius Ascendant Chart,
Mercury, Lord of the 5th-8th; Virgo Ascendant Chart, Saturn, Lord of
the 5th-6th; Gemini Ascendant Chart, Saturn, Lord of the 9th-8th. In
such a situation if both the Lords of the Angle and Trine are evil, in
the Maha Dasa of the Lord of the Angle and the Antar of the Lord of
Trine the effects cannot be good. If both are not evil their Mutual Dasa
and Antar Dasa can give good effects. If the Lord of the Trine does
not own the 8th, its relation with the Lord of the 8th only violates the
Yoga Karakatva.
' \& /
. JH5/ X
Z FJeosS v&a- 9-
/nvrt y/nirenr' N.
(, ve«^ \X
7 /'
The Antar of Venus in the Maha Dasa of Venus will not be Raj
Yoga Karaka Supra Shloka (29). Next Antar will be that of the Sun as
he owns the 3rd house, he is evil. There is no relationship between the
Sun and Venus, hence in the Antar of an evil planet the effects are not
Raj Yoga Karaka. Next is the Moon; there is exchange of aspect be-
tween Venus and the Moon. This relaticnship will prove Raj Yoga
Karaka in the Antar of the Moon Supra Shloka (30). But the Moon
owns the 2nd, a Marakasthana. Thus when the Raj Yoga starts with
the Antar of a Markesh it will not promote the Raj Yoga in full Supra
Shloka (33), it will be but partial. The remaining Phal will accrue in
112 Laghu Parashari
the Antar of the succeeding planet i.e. Mars, Lord of 6-11 occupying
the 10th having the same aspect relationship with Venus as the Moon.
It will enhance the effects of the Dasa Nath Supra Shloka (30) and as
this Antar falls after that of the Maraka (Moon) the Phal of the Dasa
Nath should be promoted Supra Shloka (33) (when the Antar of a re-
lated but evil planet falls after that of a Maraka planet). Since there is
no other evil planet having relationship with Venus the principles given
above will not be operative.
Where both the Karakas are Marakas (Killers) the mutual Dasa and
Antar will predominantely give Maraka Phal alongwith the Karaka
Phal. There is possibility of a natural death for the native.
^ crar |
Also in the ruling period of the Yoga-Karaka planet and the sub-
period of benefic planets who may or may not be related, he gives im-
mediate effect depending upon his strength (34).
If Raja Yoga Phal begins in the Antar of related but auspicious
planets in the Dasa of the Raja Yoga Karaka the native gets recogni-
tion and honour from the Government; in a similar situation the Antar
of unrelated but auspicious planet will also give ordinary effects,
neither more nor less; rather, it will maintain itself.
Laghu Parashari 115
In the same way in the ruling period of an evil planet and the Antar
of the related or unrelated malefics the evil effects will be similar in
botb the situations.
In that manner the effects are like those of the Yoga Karaka in the
Antar of the benefics related or unrelated to him. In other words full
effects begin to appear from the beginning depending upon the type
of yoga formed.
Now the Dasa Nath may be a Raja Yoga Karaka of any kind in a
Chart. If he has relationship with any benefic i.e. an extra- ordinary
yoga has been formed then during the ruling period of that Dasa Nath,
the native will certainly get extra-ordinary effects. In other words, in
the Antar of a related planet during the Dasa of the Dasa Nath, the
native gets good effects or in the Maha Dasa of that related planet and
Antar of the Dasa Nath, there will be a chance of getting good effects
to some extent or in the same way if this planet is in no way related to
the Dasa Nath, then also such a benefic in his Antar will give good ef-
fects (benefic means Yoga Karaka). And in the same way another
planet who is forming an extra-ordinary yoga (should be a Yoga
Karaka) he Will also give extra-ordinary effects in his Antar. But a
planet having no relation with the Dasa Nath and also is not a Yoga
Karaka himself, in the Antar of such a planet good effects are not pos-
sible. Naturally then such a planet should be a malefic as he alone can
give evil effects. Thus an unrelated planet to the Dasa Nath and also
not forming any Yoga with him, a malefic, does not give in his Antar
good effects; but it gives evil effects only.
The word Totsombandhi means related to him i.e. to the Dasa Nath.
Some translators have interpreted this Shloka (34) as a study of the
Antar of related malefic and Maraka planet in the Maha Dasa of a
Yoga Karaka. Their rationale is that such planets do not give Raja
Yoga like good effects without having relationship with the Yoga
This points to the Antar of the three types of planets who may be
related to the Yoga Karaka: They are Maraka, Evil and Good. There
is a possibility of a Raja Yoga if there is the Antar of a related Maraka
in the Dasa of a Yoga Karaka Dasa Nath. Note there is no certainty,
there is a possibility. The Antar of this Maraka extends the Raja Yoga.
As compared to this the Antar of the related Evil planet gives par-
ticular expansion of the effects; and over and above both of these, the
116 Laghu Parashari
then in the Antar of one during the Maha Dasa of the other, the
Pratyantar of other unrelated benefics will generally lead to good for-
When the Lords of Trishdai, evil by disposition develop relationship
with the Yoga Karaka their Antar in the Maha Dasa of the Yoga
Karaka gives good effects; or in the Antar of the Yoga Karaka, Karaka
Phal are seen.
Lords of the Angles and Trines when related cause Raja Yoga;
whereas, Evil Lords cause its destruction. But when there is relation-
ship between them (good and evil) the Maha Dasa of one and the Antar
of the other will give effects depending upon the merit of each. Unless
the evil predominates, the effects, however small, will be auspicious
due to the relationship of the Yoga Karaka. When the Antar of the un-
related good planet falls he generally gives 'Yogaj Phal' effects depend
ing upon the Karaka. These effects may or may not be there. Here in
the emphasis is on the Relationship. In the Maha Dasa of Evil Lords
and the Antar of the related Yoga Karaka the effects are 'Yogaj',
Karaka. When there is relationship between the Lords of the Angle
and Trines, they both are Karakas. Now if one of them is Markesh and
at the same time owns the Trine then his Antar will give neutral ef-
fects; and if that Markesh owns an Angle, the effects will be evil. If they
are unrelated, then in the Maha Dasa of the Karaka and Antar of the
Markesh or Evil plant the effects will be evil; in the Antar of benefics
the effects will be neutral. The Antar of the benefic, whether related
or unrelated (to the Raja Yoga Karaka), in the Maha Dasa of the Raja
Yoga Karaka gives ordinary effects
Rajayoga Ka Samatva, Sam, Samana i.e. gives ordinary effects
(Samantwen Ne tu vaishmayena sadharanaina va sayoga rajyoga
This view is supported by the Shloka (30) Supra where the author ;
has pointed out that the Lord of the Antar, if is of the Like disposition
of the Dasa Nath, does not feel the need to have relationship with him.
In both the cases the Antar of the benefic gives ordinary effects.
In some cases the Yoga Karaka planet gives good results in his sub-
period during the main ruling period of a benefic related to him (35).
Laghu Parashari 119
When the Antai1 of Yoga Karaka falls in the Maha Dasa of Atma-
sambandhi (Like disposition) benefics, Yoga Phal is seen sometimes.
This Shloka (35) is used in context with Maraka. If the Maraka is a
Karaka also then in his Dasa and Antar of the related Karaka some-
times Karaka Phal are seen when normally it should have been a
Maraka Phal. Any other benefic when develops relationship with a
Karaka he becomes a Karaka too; therefore, in their mutual Dasa and
Antar he gives good effects.
This Shloka emphasizes - when a Maraka is a Karaka he does not
kill in his Dasa and Antar of the Karaka; or in the Dasa of a Karaka if
he is not related to another planet having relation with him, and is re-
lated to the first - only then sometimes auspicious effects are seen at
the end of the Antar of the related Karaka and his own Dasa.
After Mutual Relationship if these Marakas are Karakas also:
Asc. Lord of Lord of Evil Maraka
Trine Angle Dasa Antar Dasa Anta
Aries Jup Sun Ven Jup Sun Ven Ven X X
Taurus Merc Sat Sat Merc X X
Gemini Ven Merc Jup Ven Jup Jup X X
Cancer X X X X X X
Leo X X X X X X
Virgo Ven Jup Jup Ven
(Maraka) (Maraka)
Sat Jup Ven Jup
(Maraka) (Maraka)
Sat Ven Jup Merc Ven Sat Jup
(Maraka) (Maraka)
Merc Sat Ven
Libra X X X X X X
120 Laghu Parasharl
VT^cTt eitmFRVt || W
with any other planet, they give Raja Yoga Phal according to the good
or bad disposition of the Antar Dasa Nath.
Aj Karakalikanyainayugmastha kendraga phani,
Parasara muni praha Rajayoga karka swayam.
This Shloka means that if Rahu-Ketu are in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio,
Virgo, Capricorn and Gemini, says Parasara they in themselves are
Raja Yoga Karaka.
Rahu or Ketu, if occupy the Lagna, 5th or 9th, gives good effects in
his Dasa and the Antar of the Lord of the Trine. Also the Dasa of the
Lord of the Trine and Antar of Rahu gives good effects.
Rahu and Ketu are neutral if they occupy the 11th, 2nd or the Angle
provided they do not have any relationship with any planet. In such
cases, the effects will be according to the good or bad position of the
Lord of the Antar in their Dasa. Similarly the effects in their Dasa and
Antar of other neutrals will be subject to the merit of the Antar Dasa
This Shloka (36) has brought out that even if Rahu or Ketu is not
Karaka and occupy the Trine only, he gives good effects in the Antar
of Karakas. If he occupies the Angle and has no relationship with the
Lord of the Trine then in their mutual Dasa and Antar the effects are
evil. If the Lords of Angle and Trine do not have mutual reltionship
they give contrary effects. This implies that the Karaka and Rahu-Ketu
as Lords of Trine are auspicious and in any other position inauspicious.
Therefore Rahu or Ketu alone in any other house than the Trinal is
not auspicious.
It has already been explained elsewhere in this book that Rahu and
Ketu give effects according to the house they occupy or the Lord of the
Bhava they have relationship. Hence if they occupy the Trishdai, they
will be evil. The only relationship acceptable in their case is that of as-
sociation. If Rahu is in the 9th and Ketu in the 3rd, then Ketu aspect-
ing Rahu will not bring about any change in the good effects of Rahu.
If Rahu-Ketu occupy the Trishdai and are not associated by any
other planet then they will be malefic in the Antar of evil; in those of
benefic, neutral-evil; in those of Karakas, very malefic. When they oc-
cupy the 2nd-7th it is not certain if they become - Maraka-Markesh.
They may be called Markesh but will not sufer from Kendra-adhipatya-
dosh-evils in the Angles are not malefic. So by owning the 7th they can
not be Markesh. Rather after occupying the 2nd-12th or 8th or Trish-
dai if conjoin a Markesh then they themnselves become Markesh.
722 Laghu Parasharl
In any other position their effects are likely to be evil. When Rahu-
Ketu occupy evil houses the Antar of benefics who do not associate
with them give evil effects. The Antar of the malefics will be nothing
but evil.
Laghu Parashari 123
During the Maha Dasa of malefic planets the results are invariably
unfavourable in the Antar of unrelated benefics; these results are
mixed (both good and bad) in the Antar of related benefics and these
results are specially bad in the Antar of unrelated Yoga Karakas. (37)
If the Dasa Nath are malefics then the Antar of their unrelated
benefics always gives evil effects; the Antar of their related benefics
gives mixed effects and that of their unrelated Yoga Karakas gives very
bad effects. C 2>%)
When the Maha Dasa Nath is a malefic:-
i) The antar of the benefics unrelated to the Dasa Nath gives evil
ii) The Antar of the benefics related to the Dasa Nath gives mixed
effects as they both are of opposite disposition;
iii) The Antar of the Yoga Karaka unrelated to the Dasa Nath gives
extremely evil effects;
iv) The Antar of the related Yoga Karaka gives mixed effects - more
of good than the evil;
v) The Antar of the neutrals gives evil effects - tnese effects are
comparatively less sharp;
vi) The Antar of the malefics gives evil effects - they both being of
the same disposition.
The difference in the measure of effects in the Antar of the unre-
lated benefics and neutrals is due to the fact that the neutral planets
are not so opposite by their disposition as the unrelated benefics arc.
When both the Lords are malefics the effects can not be less evil.
124 Laghu Parashari
Here a Malefic is the Lord of the 8th, by occupation in the 8th, Trish-
dai and evil Markesh.
A Benefic is the Lord of the Trine who does not own the Trishdai
by other sign.
Mixed effects are both good and evil.
Malefics are of two types - one whose other sign falls in an evil house
and the second are the Lords of Angle.
In the Antar of benefics having relationship with an evil (in every
respect) planet the effects will be evil.
If the Dasa Nath is a malefic (with some goodness in him) then the
benefics having relationship with him will give good effects. If an evil
planet, having relationship with a benefic, becomes a Karaka then his
Antar will give (Yogaj) good results. If the Antar - Dasa Lord is unre-
lated to the Evil Dasa Lord, then in the Dasa of the Evil lord and own
Antar the effects will be unfavourable, whether the Antar Lord is evil,
good or Karaka. Malefics are Full Evil, if they can not become Karaka
in any Chart.
List of Planets: Extremely Evil, Evil, Good, Very Good (themselves
Asc. Extremely Evil Evil Good Exremely Good
Aries Merc Mars Sat SunJup x
Taurus MoonJup Ven Merc Sat
Gemini SunMars Sat Ven Merc
Cancer Merc Jup Sat Moon Man
Jup Ven Sun Mar:
Moon Sat Ven Men
Sun Ven Merc Sat
Mars Sat Moon Ven x
Moon Sat Sun Mars Jup
Table of Good/Evil Effects in the An tar of other Related or Unrelated Planets in the Dasa of Malefics .
Moon Sun Moon Jup Moon Jup
Capri Jup Sat Jup Sat Merc Sat Jup Ven Jup Ven
Merc Sat (Mars) Sat Merc Ven Merc Ven
Sun Sat (Sun) Sat Mars Ven Mars Ven
Mars Sat Sun Ven Sun Ven
Acquari Moon Sat Moon Sat Mars Sat Moon Ven Moon Ven
Mars Sat Merc Sat Mars Ven Mars Ven
Merc Sat Jup Sat Merc Ven Merc Ven
Jup Sat Jup Ven Jup Ven
Pisces Ven Mars Ven Mars Moon X (Ven) Jup Ven Jup
Sun Mars Sun Mars Moon Sun Jup Sun Jup
Sat Mars Sat Mars Moon Sat Jup Sat Jup
Table of Good/Evil Effects in the An tar of other Related or Unrelated Planets in the Dasa of Malefics .
Leo Merc Sun Merc Sun Sat Sun Merc Mars Merc Mars
Sat Sun Jup Sun Sat Mars Sat Mars
Jup Sun Ven Sun Jup Mars Sun Mars
Yen Sun / Ven Mars
Virgo Mars Ven Mars Ven Moon Ven Mars Merc Mars Merc
Moon Ven Sat Ven Moon Merc Moon Merc
Sat Ven Sat Merc Sat Merc
Libra Jup Merc Jup Merc Sun (Merc) (Jup) Sat Jup Sat
Sun Merc Ven Merc (Sun) Sat Sun Sat
Ven Merc Ven Sat Ven Sat
Scorpio Merc Moon Merc Moon Sat Moon X X X X
Jup Jup >
Sat Moon Merc Jup Mars Moon
Jup Jup
Mars Moon
Saggi Ven Sun Ven Sun Ven (Sun (Ven) Jup Ven Jup
Mars Mars Mars)
Sat Sun Moon (Sun Mars) (Sat) Jup Sat Jup
Table of Good/Evil Effects in the An tar of other Related or Unrelated Planets in the Dasa of Malefics .
Asc A B C D E
Evil Effects only Mixed Evil Effect Neutral Effects Mixed Good Effects Extremely Evil
Neither Evil nor Good Effects
Evil - Antar of Dasa of Antar of Dasa of Antar of Dasa of Antar of Dasa of Antar
Dasa unrelated Evil Lord related Evil Lord Related Evil Lord related Evil Lord of unre-
Lord Good Good Good Good lated
Aries Merc Sun, Jup Merc Jup Mars Sun, Jup X X X X
Mars Sun, Jup Merc Sun Sat Sun, Jup
Sat Sun, Jup
Taurus Moon Merc Moon Merc Yen Merc Moon Sat Moon Sat
Jup Merc Jup Merc Jup Sat Merc Sat
Yen Merc Yen Sat Yen Sat
Gemini Sun Yen Sun Yen Sat Yen Sun Merc Sun Merc
Mars Yen Mars Ven Mars Merc Mars Merc
Sat Yen Sat Merc Sat Merc
Cancer Mere Moon Merc Moon Jup Moon Merc Mars Mere Mars
Jup Moon Sat Moon Jup Mars Jup Mars
Sat Moon SaT Mars Sat Mars
Laghu Parashari 125
In Table on the opposite page all the Lords of Maha Dasa are ex-
tremely evil or evil. Extremely evil planets, other than the Lords of the
Angles and Trines are Trishdai. Other than these planets are good. A
planet, himself being the Lord of the Angle or Trine, is a Karaka and
therefore is extremely good. The table of the extremely evil, evil, good
and extremely good planets has already been given before this table.
If Antar Dasa Planets in Coloumn 'A' do not develop relationship with
the Dasa Lord then their Antar will give evil effects only. In the same
way if the Antar Dasa Lords in Column 'B' develop relationship with
their respective evil planets the effects received are mixed ones. In the
same way if the Antar Dasa Lords in Column 'C develop relationship
with the Dasa Lords, if the Antar Dasa Lords in Column 'D' develop
relationship with the Dasa Lords; if the Antar Dasa Lords in Column
'E' develop good relationship with Evil Lords of the Dasa Nath then
their respective Antar gives extremely evil effects.
(-) Minus shows if there is no relationship;
(+) Plus shows if there is relationship (mutual relationship);
Planets underlined are Marakas also and they make difference in
their effects.
Death inflicting planet does not become a killer during his main
ruling period and the sub-period of related^feenefics. Rather, he be-
comes a Maraka during the period of unrelated malefics (39).
The Maraka Planet, in his Dasa and the Antar of benefics having
Atamasambandh with him, does not become a Killer. Obviously then
he will not kill even in the Antar of unrelated benefics. He becomes a
killer in the Antar of unrelated malefics and will certainly kill in the
Antar of the related malefics also.
126 Laghu Parashari
Briefly it may be said that the Antar of good or evil planets in the
Dasa of Markesh becomes Rakshaka or Maraka, Protector or Killer.
Relationship with the Dasa Nath hardly matters.
It should be noted that maleflcs, as Antar - Dasa Nath, if posited in
the 6th, 8th or 12th from the Dasa Nath, (they) prove extra-ordinarily
evil, if they are in their fall, enemy's house or set, they add to sufter-
ing and misery of the native. /
Earlier in this book it has been pointed out that the Dasa Nath in
the Antar of his related planets gives his own effects. This Shloka (39)
is an exception to it. In the Antar of related beneflcs in the Maha Dasa
of Maraka Lord, inspite of the relationship between them, the native
does not meet his end (in that Antar); but if this Antar Lord is a malefic
and though there is no relationship between these two the native may
meet his end.
All this implies that the Antar of benefics does not prove to be fatal;
naturally then the Antar of Yoga Karaka will not prove to be fatal in
the Dasa of Marakas, as they are more auspicious than the benefics
only. They may cause other harm but will not be fatal. It is against their
disposition. (Unrelated Yoga Karakas give extremely evil effects and
unrelated benefics give evil effects in the Dasa of malefics)
If the Antar of a neutral falls in the Dasa of a Maraka then the ef-
fects will be according to the disposition of the Maraka; if the Antar is
that of a related evil, death is natural. The note worthy point in this
Shloka is the killing effect of the Antar Dasa Nath even if unrelated;
but, is a malefic.
The author in this book has laid special emphasis on 'Relationship'
and of the similar 'Disposition'. Hence even if the Dasa Nath and Antar
Lords are not related, their being of the like 'Disposition' is enough to
bring about the killing effects.
Markesh are of two kinds: One, the Lords of Angle i.e. the 7th house;
the other, that of the 2nd. Except Saturn, no other Lord of the 7th can
own the Trishdai i.e. the 8th, 6th or 11th simultaneously. Saturn is not
a Markesh; so it can be said that this Lord of the 7th is not a malefic.
No planet who owns the 7th can be the Lord of a Trine by his other
sign; so he can not be a benefic. Now if this Lord of the Angle, the 7th
does not have relationship with any Lord of the Trine, he can not be-
come a Karka. In such a case the Antar of a Lord of Trine in his Dasa
(Lord of the 7th) gives evil effects only.
Recall: Swadhasayam trikonesh bhuktao kendra pad shubham,
Dishetsoapi tatha na chedsambandham papakrit.
Laghu Parashari 127
Now examine the Lord of the 2nd. In Leo and Acquarius Ascendant
Charts, Mercury and Jupiter respectively are the Lords of the 11th and
therefore, malefics. Papoh yadi dasa nathah - accordingly the benefic
Trinals (not related to Merc and Jup) give evil effects in their Antar
(Merc-Jup). In Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn Ascendant
Charts Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are respectively Lords of
the 2nd and also of the Trinals. Therefore, they are good also. Saturn
is not Markesh. If they do not have relationship with any benefic then,
they themselves being good, and being Marakas in the Antar of unre-
lated benefics, will give evil effects. Lords of the 2nd-12th show their
good-bad effects by association of good-bad planets in their Antar. It
only implies that the Antar of unrelated benefics does not become
Maraka and gives mixed effects. In Aries Ascendant chart Venus is the
Lord of 2nd-7th. He also can not give good effects in the Antar of
benefics unrelated to him. Lords of the 2nd in Libra, Saggitarius and
Pisces Ascendant Charts are malefics and therefore they are not
treated as Marakas. In short if a Markesh does not prove fatal in the
Antar of good planets unrelated to him, he also does not give good ef-
fects. When any benefic is not related to a Markesh, he does not give
good effects in his Antar (of the Markesh), then he will certainly kill
in the Antar of an evil Lord who is not related to him (the Markesh).
The malefics fall into two groups: One, Lords of Trishdai or of the
8th (Astmasth varjit) ; and the 2nd, those whose other sign falls in an
Angle or Trine. The same way Markesh are also evil and good. So if
the Lord of the 7th (Markesh) is having relationship with such a Ix>rd
of the Trishdai or of the 8th as owns the Trine then his Antar will give
mixed effects. If the Lord of the 7th (Markesh) has relationship with
malefics only, then it can be a Maraka too. Similarly if the Lord of the
2nd owns the Trine also and the evil planet not having relationship with
him owns the Angle then his 'Yogaj Phal' (combined effect) should be
auspicious; but according to this Shloka (39) "Arambho hi rajayogasya
bhavenmaraka bhuktishu" in the Dasa of Markesh and Antar of related
malefics (but Karaka) the native gets good effects in the beginning and
ends with death - Like the Antar of Maraka in that of the Karaka. In
short the Antar of malefics related to the Dasa Nath gives the Yogaj
Phal which is mostly inauspicious. Thus there is no scope for good ef-
fects in the Dasa of Marakas and the Antar of malefics unrelated to
them; that is why the Markesh in his Antar kills the native.
Table of Markesh, Good and Evil Planets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Asc. Lord of Lords of Lords of Lords of Lords of Karaka Lords of Lords of Lords of
the 7th the 2nd-7th the 2nd- the 2nd- Trine Planets the 3rd Trishdai the 2nd
Markesh Markesh Trine Trine- 8th Benefics but Evil Evil only
Markesh Markesh Markesh
Aries Ven Ven X X Sun, Jup X Merc Mars, Sat X
Taurus Mars X Merc X Merc Sat Moon, Jup Ven X
Gemini Jup X X X Ven Merc Sun, Mars Sat Moon
Cancer Sat X X X Moon Mars Merc Jup, Sat Sun
Leo Sat X X Merc Sun Mars Merc Sat, Jup, X
Virgo Jup X Ven X Ven Merc Mars Moon, Sat x
Libra Mars Mars X X Merc Sat Jup Sun, Ven X
Scorpio Ven X Jup X Jup, Moon X Merc Sat, Mars X
Saggi Merc X X Sat Sun, Mars Jup Ven Sat, Moon x
Capricorn Moon Sat X X Sat Ven Jup Merc, X
Acquarius Sun X X Jup Sat Ven Moon Mars, X
Pisces Merc X Mars X Mars, Moon Jup X Ven, Sun, Sat
Table of Antar of the Maraka, Amaraka and Arishtaprad planets
during the ruling period of Markesh
Planets - Nature Planets - Nature Planets - Nature
A) 1 + 5 Amaraka B) 2 + 5 Amaraka C)3 + 5jAmarak
1 + 6 Good 2 + 6 Good 3 + 6"
D) 4 + 5 Mixed effect E) 1+8 Amaraka F)l + 7IMarak3
4 + 6 Amaraka 2 + 8 Mixed effect 2 + 71
G) 4 + 7 Sure H) 1-5 Mixed I) 2-5 Mixed
4 + 8 Maraka 1-6 effects 2-6 effects
J) 1-7 IMaraka K) 2-7 [Maraka L) 4-71 Maraka
1-8 2-81 4-81
Plus ( + ) is for relationship
Mipus (-) is for absence of relationship.
The above tables are one and the same thing and try to show the ef-
fects of the Antar of Good or Evil planets in the Dasa of Markesh. The
digits 1 to 9 on top of the Columns are their respective numbers. By
Amaraka and Mixed effects the author means that the Dasa of the
Maraka and the Antar of the respective Antar Lord is not a Killer, the
effects are good, but in respect of longevity the Yoga will be a critical
period. Malefics like the Sun, Mars and Saturn are not Markesh. Hence
in the Antar of the Maraka they will give Arishta (trouble) only. When
Rahu or Ketu occupy the 2nd-7th Maraka houses, the Antar of good
or evil planets in their Dasa will give the similar effects as are seen in
case of other Markesh. Their Maraka Phal will be like that of Jupitei,
Venus, Mercury or Moon has not been pointed out.
The Second Part Shows:
Dasa Antar
1 + 5 Amaraka Ven Jup
Yen Sun
The Amaraka effect will be seen in Aries Ascend it Chart during
the Dasa of Venus and Antar of Jupiter/Sun.
Dasa Antar Asc.
2 + 7 Maraka Ven Mercury Aries
Mars Jupiter Libra
130 Laghu Parashari
In earlier Shlokas of this book the author has laid emphasis on the
relationship between Saturn and Venus. If they have relationship then
in the Dasa of Saturn and Antar of Venus or in the Dasa of Venus and
Antar of Saturn Yogaj Phal (Yoga Karaka Phal) should take place.
This view is not opposed in this Shloka (40). Rather, the phrase,
"Vyotyyoin visheshain" ' particularly by turn' (in order) Visheshkar
Kram se seems to hint at the opposite results of what should be the ef-
fects of Saturn in the Antar of Saturn and those of Venus in the Antar
of Venus. It is possible if Venus and Saturn are not mutually related.
err f'rmrarfaiir: j
forfor t|
This Shloka reads that Venus will give his own evil effects in his Dasa
and the Antar of Saturn as they both are mutual Atamasambandhi
(friends). In the same way the good or evil effects of Saturn should
occur in the Dasa of Saturn and the Antar of Venus. But the Shloka
(40) is an exception to this view. The effects take place contrary to this
aforesaid view: the effects of Venus may be seen in the Dasa of Saturn
and the Antar of Venus; and the effects of Saturn, in the Dasa of Venus
and the Antar of Saturn. A remarkable thing about the relationship
between these planets is:
Marakaissha sambandhat nihanta papakrit Shani
If malefic Saturn develops relationship with Venus (Markesh) then
Saturn becomes the killer instead of Venus and the Maraka Phal are
seen in Saturn. Here the Maraka Phal are contrary to the rule and
therefore the Shloka (40)" Paraspara dashayam" becomes its example.
It has already been pointed out that if evil Saturn develops relation-
ship with other Maraka planets then that Markesh becomes non killer
and instead Saturn becomes the killer.
Now if Maraka (evil) Saturn while having relationship with Jupiter,
Mercury or Moon should have relationship with Venus also then
Saturn will become a Maraka in his own Antar.
In short, Saturn and Venus if they are not mutually related they then
give their own effects in their Mutual Dasas; and as a Maraka, if Saturn,
the killer, has relationship with Venus and Venus has no relation with
him (Saturn) then that Saturn will give his Maraka effects in the Dasa
of Venus and his own Antar. Mutual relationship is responsible for the
Yogaj Phal during the mutual Dasa and Antar.
132 Laghu Parashari
If the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the 10th mutually exchange
places, i.e., the Lord of the Ascendant is posited in the 10th and that
of the 10th in the Ascendant then they form a Raja Yoga. They signify
position, power and reputation (41).
In the same way if the Lord of the 9th and that of the 10th mutual
ly exchange places, i.e., they are posited in each others house, they then
form a Raja Yoga and such a native is blessed with name, fame and
power (42).
If the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the 10th have mutual
relationship by occupying each others house or are together either in
the 1st or 10th they form Raja Yoga in both the ways. The native born
with it is of high repute and victorious.
Also if the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the 9th are mutually
in each others house or both in either the Ascendant or the 9th, they
cause a Raja Yoga. Such a native is of high repute and victorious.
This interpretation has made a little devfation by reading "Dhamma
lagnadhi netarao" for " Dharama Kamiadhi netarao". This interpreta-
tion associates the Ascendant with the Lords of the 9th and 10th respec-
tively while the previous one associates the Lord of the 10th with that
of the 9th and the 1st respectively.
By associating the Lord of the Ascendant with that of the 10th and
9th and their relationship causing Raja Yoga the author wants to
ascribe to it the double quality of the Angle and Trine. The Lords of
the 9th-10th have been treated in this way as the most powerful yoga.
Karaka; and their association with the Lord of the Ascendant there-
fore will be most effective. It is also implied that .the relationship be-
tween the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the Trine is generally Raja
Yoga Karaka.
Read this:
Bhagyesho rajyanathshch dehadheshain sainyuktao,
Tap ched vardhyato bhagyam rajyam cheti kim-d-bhuktam
Laghu Parashari 133
The Rising Sign in the bii th chart i.e. the Janama Lagna is Body; for
its Welfare Dhan Bhava etc. are there. Therefore, unless there is direct
relationship between the Lord of any house and that of the Lagna, it
can not give its full effects. Hence, there should be no surprise if the
Lord of the Ascendant (Lagna) is associated with the Lords of the
Bhagya and Rajya (9th-10th). That alone can cause Repute and suc-
cess in Life.
This example is only a point to illustrate that the effectiveness of the
Bhava depends upon the nature of their relationship with the Lord of
the Lagna (Ascendant).
If the Lord of the Ascendant and that of the 10th occupy their mutual
houses (Bhava), they cause a Raja Yoga. In the same way if the Lord
of the 9th is in the 10th and that of the 10th is in the 9th, they will cause
a Raja Yoga. The native born with such Raja Yoga is reputed, and
most successful. Also as and when the Dasa and Antar of these
Yogakari planets falls in the life of the native he gains reputation and
The reputation during the Dasa is very logical. Recall the Shloka
"Arambho rajyogasya ". Such a native during the Dasa of the Karaka
planet and Antar of the Maraka, after enjoying the extremes of
pleasure and happiness in life in the end of the Antar shall meet his
Recall the 1st and 2nd Shlokas of the Raja Yoga Adhyaya (Karaka
Adhyaya) of this book:
Supra Shloka (16) has defined the mutual exchange of Bhava position
of the Lords of Angle-Trine as of the First Quality Yoga. Therefore,
the mutual relationship between the Lords of Lagna - 10th or that of
the 10th-9th has been considered most auspicious and has been called
Raja Yoga. The Lords of the Ascendant and that of the 9th, if are in
each others house, they make a high class Karaka Yoga; but the As-
cendant has its greater value in being a Trine. Therefore, the reltion-
ship between the Lords of the Ascendant and that of the 9th inspite of
being Yoga Karaka can not be treated as Raja Yoga. In Taurus As-
cendant Chart Saturn himself owns the 9th and 10th. In the Pisces As-
cendant Chart Jupiter himself owns the 1st and 10th. If these planets
occupy the 1st or 10th in their respective charts then they themselves
become the Raja Yoga Karakas. Mercury is another similar example
in the Virgo Ascendant Chart - when he is posited in the 9th or 10th.
If these planets do not occupy the Ascendant or the 10th, 10th or 9th
then that Chart will not be a case for the Raja Yoga.
It can not be that the natives, born, when the Taurus, Virgo or Pis-
ces is Ascending, will all be reputed and successful men in the world.
The natives showing the Raja Yoga combination in their birth charts,
during the Dasa of such planets, will certainlv achieve name, fame and
power; but in all those cases where the native has already lived such a
Dasa and Antar period in his previous birth though not living it in the
present, will certainly be a man of great qualities.
This brings to the end of Antar Dasa Adhyaya, the 4th Chapter.
^ m? n t ir
After bowing before Parasar Munni and examining his Hora Sara,
the essence, of Nakshatra Dasa System is being described here . (1)
snfcsrenjsn: StaTfensro: i
# f^rar: w R w
It is prayed that the Sim etc. nine planets and Aries etc. Twelve
Rasis (signs) may always shower their blessings upon mankind.(2)
The 2nd and the 4th Houses:
Except the Sun and Moon, all the other planets when they own the
Marakasthanas become Maraka planets. Lords of the 6th, 8th, 12th
and Rahu-Ketu are also Marakas. (5)
3113% qt^cn: : u ^ n
Lords of the Vipat, Pratyari and Vadha Stars have been considered
in Jataka Shastra as Marakas.
3rd, 5th, 7th stars from the birth star are called respectively Vipat,
Pratyari and Vadha stars. (6)
The Lords of the 2nd and 12th counted from the sign where in the
Moon is posited in the birth chart; the Lord of the 22nd decanate from
the decanate the rising sign falls and also the 23rd asterism from the
asterism under which the birth has taken place - these four too have
been considered as Marakas. (7)
Rajayoga Adhyaya 2
^r^rr U Ml
Now the effects of the Rajayoga etc. depending upon the position,
sign and aspect of planets are being described. (1)
?§i trresr i
The learned Astrologer should first of all learn to find out the Sposht
Lagna, Sposht Rasi (Sign) through Sposht movement of the heavenly
bodies (2).
First of all consider the longevity of the native: Whether his life span
is short, medium or full; there after the horoscope be studied for other
indications. When a native has not to live long it is useless to know the
other events of his life. Then assess the properties and effects, good or
bad, of the twelve houses. (3-172)
Inauspicious Houses
snvRHcftsft U V II
qqi sVH I
The Bhava formed by the sum of the 11th, 3rd, 8th, 6th and 12th will
certainly destroy its own properties.
Notes: The idea implied here is that of the clearly defined twelve
bhavas (houses) beginning with Tannu Bhava, i.e., the first house, when
the signs of the afore said 11th, 3rd, 8th, 6th and 12th are added
together and their sum is divided by 12 (if the sum is greater than 12)
138 Madhya Parashari
the remainder is the sign counted from Aries. The Bhava in which this
sign falls will have its properties annihilated.
In this Cancer Ascendant Chart the sum of the signs of the 11th,
3rd, 8th, 6th and 12this2+6 +11+9+3=31. When this is divided by 12
the remainder is 7 which means Tula Rasi or Libra sign. In this Chart
this sign falls in the 4th house and it will destroy the effects of this
Bhava. Now suppose Venus and Saturn occupy it. One owns it and the
other is exalted. Though their conjunction will bestow upon the native
everySukh (pleasure of life) yet it wall not be without malice. His life
can not be a bad of roses. Thorns must be there in plenty. A life full
of ups and down. If Mars occupies it, he will bestow every thing upon
him, unless the native is short lived and the Dasa at the time of birth
is Jupiter.
Auspicious Bhava
Angular signs (1-4-7-10) are benefic and Trinal signs (9-5) are good
and auspicious. The Bhava formed by the sum of these, even if it is evil,
will give good effects.
Madhya Parashari 139
All the planets aspect the 7th fully. Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars have
special aspects respectively on the 3rd and the 10th; the 5th and the
9th and the 4th and the 8th. For a detailed study on this subject see
Shloka (5) in Laghu Parashari. (8)
Study of Raja Yoga
?T5PitlT —
3isnsqf STOftTf* || £ |i
fatfftanso |
cT^t: WRff II to \\
Now let us examine the various combinations of Rajayoga. Trines
have been described as the abode of Goddess Laxmi and the Angles,
as that of God Vishnu. Their union i.e. the relationship between then-
Lords, cause the native to become a Chakravarti Raja. (9-10)
140 Madhya Parashari
If the Lord of the 9th is in the 5th or that of the 5th is in the 9th and
both mutually aspect each other, the native will be an emperor. (11)
The Lords of the 5th and the 9th may occupy any house in the Chart,
if they are 7th from each other, then the native, bom of a royal fami-
ly, is sure to be a ruler. (12)
If the Lord of the 4th (Vahana House) is in the 10th (Mana House)
and that of the 10th is in the 4th and are being aspected by the Lord
of the 5th or 9th, the native will be a ruler. (13)
If the Lords of the 5th, 10th, 4th and the Lagna (Asc.) occupy any
house with the Lord of the 9th in the Chart then the prince shall have
plenty of elephants, horses etc, means of conveyance and extend his
empire with his Valour. (14)
When tne Lords of the 4th and 10th associate with that of the 5th
and are aspected by that of the 9th, the native will be a King. (15)
Madhya Parashari 141
Now various Dhana Yogas are being described depending upon the
position of planets in house/sign and their aspects. (1)
intusrar 11311
All those planets which associate with the Lords of the 9th and the
5th or are aspected by them bring happinesis; and those which associate
with the Lords of the 8th, 6th, 12th, 2nd and the 7th or are aspected by
them give sorrow. (2)
*tepii II 3 H
31? Sfga^BRfq TW*: II if II
When Jupiter is in his own sign (9-12) in the 9th with Venus or the
Lord of the 5th, the native is blessed with a lot of wealth. (4)
Madhya Parashari 143
When Mercury is in the 5th house in his own sign (3-6) and Mars
and Moon occupy the 11th, the native is blessed with a lot of wealth.
When Venus with Mercury is in the 5th house with (2-7) sign and
Saturn in the 11th the native is blessed with a lot of wealth. (6)
^ qsast ^ 5f«n i
^ II vs H
If the Sun is in the 5th house in his own sign (5) and Jupiter occupies
the 11th, the native will be a very rich man. (7)
5 srfasH crf^r i
T&i fTOT ^ ^fspsq mw: n c H
Should Jupiter be in the 5th house in his own sign (9-12), and Mer-
cury associating with Moon be in the 11th, the native will be a very rich
man. (9)
Should Moon be in her own sign (4) in the 5th house and the 11th
is occupied by Mars, the native will be an affluent mem. (10)
Special Yoga
^ ^ Ufa
Should Leo be rising in the Ascendant and the Sun occupies it
aspected by Mars and Jupiter, the native will possess 10,000 mohars (a
coin). (11)
^ i
iicft srsn^sfaicT: n?^H
If Moon in his own sign (4) occupies the Lagna (Asc.) and Jupiter
associated with Mars aspects it, the native will be very rich and famous.
* sa *5*% crfarc |
STTrft tRUSTtefecf: HUM
cPn i
5Hraif*n% i
t«s snst n^u
T5* ^ fi?«n
«\ ^«T%wpn!»T
< || $ II
^^ surqffe'nwrt g^RT T i
v»5«RTft«Tiiq55rF $ sTfsisrT IRII
All the planets, which associate themselves with the Lords of the
8th, 6th, 12th and Markesh (2-7) and are not associated with or
aspected by the Lords of the 5th-9th, are responsible for extremes of
pain, misery and suffering. (2)
it sna** ii ^ n
If the Lord of the Lagna (Asc.) is in the 12th and that of the 12th is
in the Lagna and are associated with or aspected by the Markesh (Lord
of the 2nd or 7th), the native is sure to be penniless. (3)
Should the Lord of the Lagna (Asc.) be in the 6th or that of the 6th
be in the Lagna or the Lord of the Lagna be posited in the 7th as-
sociated with or aspected by Markesh, the native will be penniless. (4)
5pr%5r fawf 1% 1
Jjqwr^sfq f*m: UMi
Madhya Parashari 147
If Moon associated with Ketu is in the Lagna (Asc.) and the Lord
of Lagna associated with or aspected by Markesh is in the 8th, even
the prince will become a pauper. (5)
vsrvrsqiwfr rrc*r^' i
fz TTST^Sfq' fwn ll^ll
Should the Lords of the 5th and 9th respectively occupy the 6th and
the 12th and be aspected by Maraka Lords (2-7), the native will sure-
ly be penniless. (8)
Note: This combination can be seen in the Scorpio Ascendant Chart
where Jupiter, the Lord of the 5th is in the 6th and Moon, the Lord of
the 9th is in the 12th with Venus, the Lord of the 7th.
f^^Tf^TRT: \
The Lord of a Bhava occupying the 12th, 8th or the 6th house or the
Lord of the 12th, 8th or the 6th occupying a Bhava, if associated with
or aspected by malefics, destroys the effects of that Bhava and leaves
the native miserable and penniless. (9)
148 Madhya Parashari
grsfcr STTcT: fR: II fe||
STTcT: U? fll
Except the Lords of the 9th and the 10th, if malefics associated with
or aspected by the Markesh occupy the Lagna, the native becomes
bereft of wealth. (11)
f^7^R5rRT5ft irf? 1
>8 e 3ncW> ^cfs *
If the Lord of the Lagna (Asc.) or the Lord of the Navamsa in which,
the Lord of Lagna falls, occupies the 12th, 8th or the 6th and is as-
sociated with or aspected by Markesh, the native will be a pauper. (12)
If the Dhana Bhava i.e. the 2nd house is occupied by both Mars and
Moon, they destroy wealth. On the contrary if the 2nd house is oc-
cupied by Saturn who is aspected by Mercury, it promotes a lot of
wealth. (13)
cTS Tfafaetf I
SmtT SFI^r: *><1^ II? <11
If the Sun is posited in the 2nd house and is aspected by Saturn, the
native is penniless; and if he is not aspected by Saturn he grants a lot
of wealth and name to the native. (14)
Madhya Parashari 149
Special Yogas
faira —
sRvrnprar: «PT i
Mir fRf H^H
yi^>rilpcldf^a cT^T fd^dM 1
5F5TS^rf5l%%5T U\%\\
Benefics in the Dhana (9th) Bhava grant affluence. Mercury as-
sociated with Jupiter in the 12th Bhava cause poverty. Moon associated
with Mercury in the 12th Bhava is also said to be injurious (causing
poverty). So the learned should first consider the strength of the yoga
(good or bad) and then decide about the gain or loss of wealth. (15-
Note: Here Dhana Bhava for the 9th and 'Twatra' for the 12th house
should be accepted.
Now I give the distinction between the good and bad of Planetary
Dasa depending upon the Character of their Yoga and aspect etc.
drawn as essence from the Ocean of Astrological works. (1)
The period of Years allotted to the Sun etc. planets in their Maha
ttSFnrR^TT H'tpiT 1
snrowdstii 5 m i
aratasnrei sffarTT ncu
Sages say that the Antar of the Lord of the 9th in the Dasa of the
Lord of the 5th is most auspicious. (8)
The Dasa of the Lord of the 9th associated with that of the 5th grants
progeny and rajya (authority); similarly the Dasa of the Lord of the
4th conjoined with that of the 10th is auspicious in the same way. (9)
152 Madhya Parashari
5nT?T 551T I
mi enfqTOPT 55IT CRTRTtVTT ll?o||
The Dasa of the planet associated with the Lord of the 5th or 9th is
also auspicious. (10)
The Dasa of the planet conjoined with a malefic is bad; if the same
is conjoined with a benefic, it is good and promotes wealth. (11)
qSrTCSfa 14=WW
v» 55111 5T^T
o 1
gw5mf|crPTTfq 5T*fT u^n
The Dasa of the Lords of the 5th and the 9th or those of the 10th
and the 5th when they conjoin or that of the 4th and the 9th when they
conjoin confers power and prosperity. (13-14)
Note: There seems to be some repeatition in these Shlokas.
The Dasa of the Lord of the 10th occupying the 9th house confers
fame, prosperity and happiness; the result is the same in the Dasa of
this Lord of the 10th associated with that of the 4th. (15)
Madhya Parashari 153
551T ■o
5Tm 5fm mm
^ n
The Dasas of the Lords of the 6th and that of the 7th become auspi-
cious if they occupy the 10th house or associate with its Lord. (16)
If the same planet owns the 2nd and the 7th houses (Marakas) and
occupies the 4th house or is associated with its Lord then the Dasa of
that planet will also be auspicious. (17)
Note: In Aries Ascendant Chart Venus owns the 2nd and 7th and
in that of Libra, Mars owns them.
qtSTSCSTTStrawfalT: q3^RTfa<I^r^cTT: I
SRST: Wsfarl^ U^ll
If the Lord of the 6th, 8th or the 12th associates with that of the 5th
their Dasa has also been said to be auspicious by the learned. (18)
nr^r: gmifew: \
5IWTT^w*fff?r^5lWlfa5t II
If the Lord of the 4th is in the 10th and that of the 10th is in the 4th
then their Dasas are said to be auspicious by the learned. (19)
I-X3rds of the 4th, 10th, 5th and the 9th wherever are together in
anyone house, and the planet associating with them, his Dasa is also
said to be auspicious. (20)
154 Madhya Parashari
5t^T I
If the,Lords of the 5th and the 10th occupy the 4th, their Dasas are
said to be auspicious conferring power and authority. (21)
The Learned say that the Dasas of the planets which are associated
with or aspect ed by the Lords of the 5th and the 10th confer power and
authority. (22)
The Dasas of the Lord of the 5th occupying the 10th orthat of the
10th in his own house (10th) confer wealth and power. (23)
3W *nF3Fri WST'tRSIT'R^T I
5pW»^Sra! n?U
^aid»lhM*i <A*W\$l 3JT I
sjHTOTOipWOTWsfirem: ii<tn
mm fmifasifttssrfmcft vfk \
mu vfim: sitam
fmwf TOtmrm ftraw f R5rt5r% \
mm alwr hyh
i \
If the Lord of the Lagna (Asc.) is in its own Trimsamsa or that of a
friend, in the house of a friend, in the Navamsa of a friend or in the
Dwadasamsa of a friend, their Antar is auspicious. (3- 4)
mrsfq mr n\\x
SJT ^T-ST55rt5l% I
g^l«s^Ft ^rsfq ^%T; 5mT^T nv»ii
<|G£: I
cRTS^T ^F5 5TVRT ^f^cT \U\\
If the Lord of the sign, in whose Navamsa the Lord of the Lagna
(Asc.) is posited, is occupying the Navamsa of a friend or the
Dwadasamsa of a friend or the Drekkana of a friend and is aspected
by a friend, its Antar is said to be auspicious. (8)
Inauspicious Dasas
Now I describe the bad Dasa periods. The Dasas of the Lords of the
6th, 8th and the 12th are inauspicious. (9)
rIFF vrcKMllkLSFTg: *{<*$*41 SRF: U?oH
If the Lord of the Maraka associates with that of the 6th or the 1st,
its Antar brings fever that has been predicted by sages. (10)
5FFJ f^rTSTt -F ^
FrresfNf T n^n
Madhya Parashari 157
In the Dasa of the Lord of the Lagna or that of the 6th and the Antar
of the Markesh (Lords of the 2nd-7th) there is danger from arms and
chances of great suffering. (18)
JJrft foim: —
*T|tgr!T qR*tig<mC%c[ I
158 Madhya Parashari
^mf^gfarspTf^: \\\%n
If Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars etc. associated with the Markesh oc-
cupy the 8th, then their Dasas and Antar cause dyspnoea, cholera etc.
?RTcT (IRoll
In the same way the Lords of the houses representing brothers etc.
all the relatives when occupy a particular house in any chart then the
effects of that house be interpreted depending upon the yoga of the
Lord of that house falling in the Shdvarga. (20)
Note: The destiny of the brother from the 3rd house, of the mother
from the 4th house etc. can be found out the same way as it has been
laid down in the Shlokas 11 to 18 ante - when the Lord of Lagna con-
joins the Lord of the 6th.
If the Lords of the Ascendant and that of the 6th associate with that
of the 8th or Markesh, their Antar will cause harm through arms. Yoga
of benefics will cause simple sickness only where as that of the malefics
will cause death even. (21-22)
The aforesaid pain and disease Karaka planets if are in Jeeva (living
beings like men and mamals etc.) Navamsa then the suffering will be
through Jeeva; if in the Mool Navamsa, it will be through Mool Varga;
Madhya Parashari 159
T&J eft
dtn^^qnf^^T: irvu
Lords of Lagna or that of the Navamsa in which Lagna falls and that
of the 8 th, if they both occupy the Shdvarga of Aries and are associated
with or aspected by its Lord, Mars, (or Aries) then in their Dasa there
is danger from wolves. (24)
Grahas, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa
are the six Shadvarga which have been referred here so far. But in this
Chapter the effects of the Vargaamsa of the Dwadas Rasi should be
taken for Dwadasamsa only.
If these Lords of the Lagna and the 8th occupying Aries are in the
Dwadasamsa of Taurus, during their Dasa and Antar there will be
danger from tiger; in the same way of Gemini, from monkey; of Can-
cer, from donkey; of Leo, from lion; of Virgo, from bear; of Libra,
from deer; of Scorpio, from some bird; of Saggitarius, from a horse;
of Capricorn, from thorn; of Acquarius from the tail of a cow or a
monkey; of Pisces, from sheep or horse. This will also apply to the
Lords of the third house (Brothers) and the fourth house (Mother).
Dasa effects of the Lords of Lagna and the 8th in Taurus
irfa 51 5^5
qrarfW liw
If the Lords of Lagna and that of the 8th are in Taurus in the amsa
of Taurus (Dwadasamsa) or in its Drekkana then in their Dasa and
Antar there will be dangedVom bullock. (31)
CO eft %rTN eRWaft
So 3115*31 W5H I
If these Lords of the Lagna and the 8th occupying the sign of Taurus
are in the Amsa of Gemini (Dwadasamsa) then in their Dasa and
Madhya Parashari 161
Antar, there will be danger from tiger; in the same way in the Amsa
of Cancer, from bow (gun) etc; in the Amsa of Leo, from the lion or
tiger; in the Amsa of Virgo, from the monkey; in the Amsa of Libra,
from the biped (man); in the Amsa of Scorpio, from the snake etc; in
the Amsa of Saggitarius, from weapons; in the Amsa of Capricorn,
from bu fallow; in the Amsa of Acquarius, from the monkey, in the
Amsa of Pisces, from deer. In the same way if they are in the 3rd house
etc. the predictions, may be given for the brother-mother or father.
Dasa effects of the Lords of the Lagna and that of the 8th in Leo
If the Lords of the Lagna and the 8th are in Leo in its Dwadasam-
sa (of Leo) then in their Dasa and Antar there is danger from mouse
and serpahts etc. (37)
fat far dWtfl 'pfrcft WFf r
If these Lords of the Lagna (Asc.) and that of the 8th occupying Leo
in the Amsa (Dwadasamsa) of Virgo then in their Dasa and Antar
there will be danger from monkey; in the same way of Libra, from
fever; of Scorpio, from snakes etc; of Saggitarius, from horse; of
Capricorn, from fever; of Acquarius, from the king; of Pisces from the
elephant; of Aries, from Jackal; of Taurus from dog bite; of Gemini,
from the ape; and if it is of the Amsa (Dwadasamsa) of Cancer, there
will be danger from fire burns etc. In the same way, it should be taken
in case of the 3rd house (of the brother) etc. also. (38-43)
Dasa effects of the Lords of the Lagna and that of the 8th in Sag-
If both the Lords of the Lagna (Asc.) and that of the 8th occupying
Saggitarius in the Amsa (Dwadasamsa) of Saggitarius, then in their
Dasa and Antar there will be danger from horse. (44)
^ cO wnf^lcr I
sn* Sprrepft eft vwmfiRfa ii*Hn
«F«rt5r»fteft arlfT |
^ uvoii
Madhya Parashari 16$
If these Lords of the Lagna (Asc.) and that of the 8th occupying
Saggitarius in the Amsa (Dwadas) of Capricorn then in their Dasa and
Antar there will be danger from elephant etc; in the same way of Ac-
quarius, from pig; of Pisces, from crocodile; of Aries, from a quad-
ruped; of Taurus, from a donkey; of Gemini, from a monkey; of Cancer,
from a mice or rat; of Leo, from a jackal; of Virgo, from the ape; of
Libra, from a camel; and if it is in the Amsa of Scorpio, there is danger
from serpant etc. In the same way prediction can be made in respect
of the 3rd house etc. about the brothers etc. So say the sages. (45-50;
Dasa effects of the Lords of the Lagna and that of the 8th in
* O * ZTrfit
*0 I
If both the Lords of the Lagna (Asc.) and that of the 8th occupying
Capricorn in the Amsa (Dwadas) of Capricorn then in their Dasa and
Antar there is danger of ill name and criticism. So say the Sages. (51)
fWTfcuft eft WUfaTHT I
fwtsnft eft ^earcm^
If these Lords of the Lagna and that of the 8th occupying Capricorn
in the Amsa (Dwadas) of Acquarius then in their Dasa and Antar there
will be danger from bear; in the same way of Pisces, from elephants;
of Aries, from water; of Taurus, from weapon (Vajra); of Gemini, from
deer; of Cancer, from elephant; of Leo, from some great sin; of Virgo,
from an arrow; of Libra, from mongoose; of Scorpio, from cat; and if
in the Amsa of Saggitarius, there is danger from donkey. In the same
way it may be applied to the Bhavas representing father, mother and
brother etc. (52-57)
sfa aisrnren<5®i«nir. it * h
VhRT^rmt ^^5TR^cf:n?U
Now I will describe the effects of the planets depending upon their
nature and qualities for the information of students. (1)
»frfTOT: fewnfiRTfsf^sn: I
The significators of the Bhavas in order are*. The Sun, Jupiter, Mars,
Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn. (4)
166 Madhya Parashari
facTt tRwtyhC
^hctt |
TTf5R^^ W: \\\\\
Even Saturn in Aries is the governor of father; and all the planets
show their special effects during their Antar Dasa. CB)
^RR<IT% 25Hv$m^Ri: I
The Lord of a Bhava in his Dasa becomes the dispositor of the ef-
fects (gains or wealth) represented by the Lord of the Shadvarga oc-
cupied by him (the Lord of the Bhava). These effects (gains or wealth)
of the respective planets could be realised in their Dasas only. (9)
Madhya Parashari 167
qrfcst i
vw! iit«M
fgil^i?aT q^r ^ u wi
qiR?? w^nffei i
qr qT% I
qT% «ng<3T^ wwfa: 11**11
During the Dasa of Saturn-Mars the effects are through the father;
and during that of Jupiter-Mercury-Venus, through mother and
brothers. (14)
smufti w: slvhri^if^: u \ ||
^ ortoss^T to sr^lfro: I ^
For explanation of this Shloka see Supra Shlokas 3-6 of Dasa Phal
Adhyaya 5 page/J/Madhya Parasari.
170 Madtiya Parashari
qnn: I
^ 51^ n % n
wfwfi: II II
vqv: \
mt ^1*1^^4 ii c ii
mm&s q* gsr: u ^ u
tttt: I
Tfa: wrt ?oti
For the natives of Gemini Asc. (Lagna) Mars-Jupiter and the Sun
are evil.Venus alone is auspicious. As Saturn conjoined with - Jupiter
is considered evil for Aries born, so is their association for the Gemini
born. Moon being a Markesh is not a killer. She gives 'Nishphal' ef-
Madhya Parashari 173
fects (fruitless) only. So should the wise consider the effects of the
Gemini born.
Mars, Jupiter and the Sim are evil as Mars owns 6th-llth; Jupiter,
7th (Marakasthana) 10th and is evil as is a Markesh; the Sun owns the
3rd and is therefore an evil. Supra Shloka 10 L.P. gives the reason for
Jupiter being evil. Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is Maraka; Saturn
owns the 8th and Jupiter, 7th. Venus is good as he owns the 5th (Trine).
Lords of the 11th and 2nd give effects by association. If Moon is not
associated with evil planets she does not become a Maraka; moreover,
the Sun and Moon do not suffer from ill name of marakas. Mer-
cury + Venus Yoga is Raj Yoga Karaka. Venus is a friend of Mercury
Lord of the Lagna, therefore is good. But this Venus must occupy a
good house. Mercury owns the 1st and the 4th houses; Venus, the 5th.
As such their yoga is most auspicious. Mars and Saturn are Marakas
for Gemini born. (11-12)
Favourable-Unfavourable planets for the natives born in Cancer
Lagna (Asc.)
II *¥ ||
wNrm: qwi H
ii %\n
For the natives of Leo Asc. (Lagna) Mercury-Venus are evil; Mars-
Jupiter are good. Relationship between Jupiter-Venus does not be-
come Yogakaraka. Mercury and other malefics are Marakas. (15-16)
Mercury and Venus will not give good effects as Mercury owns the
11th and the 2nd. Mars is auspicious as he owns the 4th-9th (Angular-
Trinal). Venus + Mars Yoga is not good. Jupiter + Mars Yoga, on
the other hand, is extra-ordinarily good. Mercury and other evil planets
in their Dasas and Antar are killers. For the Leo Asc. the learned
should read the effects of all the planets thus. Venus is evil as she owns
the 3rd-10th.
Recall the line:
Kendrodhipatyo doshstu balwan Guru Shukryo.
Accordingly Venus suffers from double disqualification by owning
the Trishdai 3rd and Angular 10th houses. Hence most malefic.
Moreover Venus is an enemy of Mars. That is why the author of
BhavarthaRatnakara says that Venus + Mars Yoga, Lords of the 10th
-l-9th does not cause Raja Yoga. Saturn owns the 6th-7th: a Trishdai
and the other a Maraka houses; Mercury, the 2nd and the 11th. They
both own the Maraka houses but do not become killers directly unless
they conjoin some other malefic in this Asc. Chart. Hence they are not
mentioned in these Shlokas. Jupiter+Venus own the 3rd and the 8th;
besides, any planet associating with the Lord of the 8th becomes
malefic. Hence their Yogsa is considered evil. The Sun as he owns the
Lagna is auspicious; but the Moon, owning the 12th and is inauspi-
cious, has not been discussed here.
For Cancer and Leo Ascendants they own the 2nd and the 12th
repectively and have been treated by their signs as neutrals. They give
effects according to the Bhavas they occupy in these Asc. Charts.
Nishphal Yoga: 1) Mars+Saturn;
2) Jupiter + Venus;
3) Jupiter + Saturn (both have flaw)
Madhya Parasnan 175
Saphal Yoga: 1) Sun + Mars;
2) Sun+Jupiter;
3) Mars+Jupiter;
4) Mars + Venus;
5) Mars alone is Yoga Karaka
Thus there is no planet for the Virgo Lagna natives which may be
completely flawless.
Nishphal Y oga: 1) Jupiter + Venus;
2) Jupiter + Saturn
Saphal Yogas: 1) Mercury + Venus;
2) Mercury + Saturn;
Saturn has flaw but supra shloka 15 (L.P.) if one planet has flaw
there is no difficulty in the Raja Yoga.
Favourable-Unfavourable planets for the natives born in Libra
Lagna (Asc.)
For the native of Libra Asc. (Lagna) Jupiter, Sun-Mars are evil;
Saturn-Mercury are good; Moon-Mercury are Raja Yoga Karaka;
Mars, a Maraka; Jupiter-Sun-Mars are also Marakas and Venus is
neutral - so should the learned know of the planets of Libra Asc. Charts.
Jupiter owns the 3rd-6th; the Sun, 11th; Mars, 2nd-7th. Saturn owns
the 5th-4th (Trine-Angular); Mercury owns the 9th (a Trine), so they
both are auspicious. Moon owns the 10th and Mercury the 9th - their
Yoga is Raja Yoga Karaka. Mars by owning the 2nd and 7th is a
Maraka; death is possible in the Dasa and Antar of Jupiter - the Sun
and Mars. Venus is good by owning the 1st and the 8th Supra Shloka
9. L.P.
Nishphal Yoga: l)Mars+Mercury
Saphal Yoga: 1) Venus + Saturn;
2) Saturn alone;
3) Mercury + Saturn (most effective -
2Trine + ISq )
4) Saturn + Moon;
5) Moon + Mercury;
6) Mercury-I-Venus;
7) Mars + Saturn (most inferior)
Madhya Parashari 177
Favourable-Unfavourable planets for the natives born in Scorpio
Lagna (Asc.)
* vr^cTT ZTtfTVTT^ U (I
qv qtq: \
r^rt n^^ii
99> wfiR5f: \
snaanfa nyn* uqvu
For the natives of Saggitarius Asc. (Lagna) Venus is the only evil
planet; Mars - the Sun are good; the Sun - Mercury are Yogakaraka;
Saturn is the Chief Markesh; but does not kill. In the same way Venus
etc. evil planets in their Dasas and Antar prove to be fatal and show
all the killing qualities. (23-24)
Venus owns the 6th and 11th and therefore has been considered
evil; so is Mercury as he owns the 7th and 10th. 7th is a powerful
Marakasthana owned by Mercury. Thus Mercury and Venus are both
evil for the Saggitarius Asc. native. Mars owns the 5th and 12th and as
such is good. The Sun owns the 9th (Trine). The Yoga between Mars
and the Sun will be very effective. But a much better yoga will be be-
tween Mercury and the Sun. Moon owns the 8th only; but she will not
suffer from any flaw by owning the 8th. She will certainly give un-
favourable effects in her Dasa and Antar.
Saturn has been considered a killer as he owns the 2nd and the 3id
houses - both are evil. By nature also he is malefic and therefore has
been treated as bad. He will be unfavourable in his Dasa and Antar.
Nothing has been said about Jupiter and Moon. They own the 4th (a
square) and the 8th (a Trishdai) respectively and bofh of these houses
and their Lords are not expected to give favourable results.
Nishphal Yoga: 1) Mars + Mercury
SaphalYoga: 1) Mars+Jupiter;
. 2) Sun+Jupiter;
3) Sun + Mercury (inferior)
Favourable-Unfavourable planets for the natives born In
Capricorn Lagna (Asc.)
qWT: ^ I
storanrjar. TOT ^ \
For the natives of Acquarius Asc. Jupiter, Moon and Mars are evil;
only Venus is good and Yoga Karaka. When Jupiter, Moon and Mars
show Maraka characteristics they become Markesh. (27-'28)
Jupiter owns the 2nd and 11th; Moon, the 6th and Mars, the 3rd.
Venus is auspicious as he owns the (Trine and Angle) 4th and 9th.
180 Madhya Parashari
Mars + Venus Yoga is Raja Yoga Karaka. Jupiter, being the Lord of
the 2nd and 11th, can be fatal in his Dasa and Antar. Similarly Moon
and Mars become fatal in their Dasas and Antar. The Sun has no
reference here as he owns the 7th. He will not be a Maraka but cer-
tainly give evil effects during his Dasa and Antar. Mercury+Venus
Yoga is with flaw as the former owns the 8th also.
Nishphal Yoga: 1) Sun + Mercury (both being evil)
Saphal Yoga: 1) Venus alone;
2) Venus + Saturn (with flaw);
3) Mercury + Venus (with flaw);
4) Mars -I- Venus (with flaw);
5) Sun + Venus;
6) Mercury + Saturn.
Favourable-Unfavourable planets for the natives born in Pisces
Lagna (Asc.)
qUTT fltff I
For the natives of Pisces Asc. Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Mercury
are evil. Mars and Moon are good. Mars + Jupiter are Yoga Karaka.
Inspite of the Maraka characteristics Mars does not become a
Markesh. Saturn and Mercury are Marakas. So should the learned ac-
cept the effects on Pisces born natives. (29-30)
Mars owns the 2nd and 9th; Moon, the 5th. Mars + Jupiter are Yoga
Karaka as Jupiter owns the 1st and 10th. Jupiter being the Lord of the
1st and 10th should enjoy greatest importance but suffers from Kendra
adhipatya doshshtu balwana Guru Shukryo. He becomes Yogakaraka
by virtue of his yoga with Mars (Bhagyesh). Saturn here owns the 11th
and 12th; Venus, 3rd and 8th, the Sun, 6th, Mercury, 4th and 7th. All
of these are unfavourable. For Pisces Asc. Moon is the only auspicious
planet. The rest of the planets own one or the other evil house. Mars
is an exception by owning the 9th.
Nishphal Y oga: l)Mars + Mercury
Saphal Yoga: 1) Moon + Jupiter;
2) Mars+Jupiter
Madhya Parashari 181
^STCSTrnTT^rr r
Judgement of Houses - 9
faffa u \ n
Tunsqnn^j qftfvwaej u ^ u
crawfTTOtf fwter u ^ 11
*«1WW Bf «r
Mwwhnmiwmn n vs |t
w* cfaf B m * **ITcT \
*Tnf TT^t WU \\ c; \\
Consider about the Destiny, Pilgrimage, Dharma etc. from the 9th
house and Employment, Occupation, Honour, Trade and Commerce
(Father) etc. from the 10th house.
The 11th house stands for Gain, Elder brother, Ears and Thigh and
the 12th for Expenses, Paternal Wealth, Criticism and Left eye etc. (9)
Watery and dry Signs
About Planets
Ht II Hu
Sun, Mars and Saturn are fiery; Moon-Venus are watery; Mercury-
Jupiter are watery if in watery sign and fiery if in any other sign. (11)
I >>
TV ^
Vev^ JiAp