Rules of Nadi Astrology
Rules of Nadi Astrology
Rules of Nadi Astrology
Rule No.1
According to Nadi Astrology a Planet in a Horoscope is under theinfluence of the
following three factors. It is desired to giveits results in DBA keeping in view these
factors.1) Its position & the lordship of houses in the horoscope.2) Its Nakshatra.3)
Its Sub lord.According to Nadi Astrology Sub lord is stronger than theNakshatra &
in the same sequence Nakshatra is stronger than thePlanet. In other words planet is
weaker than the Nakshatra &Nakshatra is weaker than the Sub lord. If planet is
promisingsomething & the Nakshatra negates, the event is not going tohappen.
Similarly if Sub lord negates an event promised by bothNakshatra & the Planet the
event will finally not take place. Onthe contrary if sub lord confirms an event,
event is destined tohappen. Whereas if all the Planet, Nakshatra & Sub lord
joinhands together the event takes place without any hurdle ordifficulty.
Rule No.2
Negation of an Event
Rule No.3
Combinations of Houses give result. A single house never givesresult.In addition
to Nakshatra & Sub lord Nadi Astrology lays stresson Combination of Houses for
fructification of a particularevent. For instance, if a Native is confined to Jail for a
crimethen not only the prime house of confinement i.e. 12th
House getsinvolved in the DBA but few other Houses also come into playduring
the event. The Native has to undergo, tension & insulttherefore 8th
House also get involved during the event. TheNative has to live in Jail, a place
other than his Housetherefore 3
House (away from Home) also gets involved.Involvement of 2
House is also there since the whole familycomes in to distress. Therefore for
confinement to Jail fourHouses combine together to fructify the event which are
2,3,8,12. For detail students are advised to study Chapter, “Litigation”.
Similarly in case of marriage not only 7
House but also 11
are also signified in DBA for fructification of marriage. 11
Rule No.4
Dasa lord (Mahadasa Lord ) is the strongest . It isstronger than the Bhukti lord
( Antar lord ) & in thesame sequence Bhukti lord is stronger than the Antarlord
(Pratayantar lord ).Dasa to be used: Only Vimsottari Dasa is correct Dasa.
There are various Dasa systems in Indian Astrology. I recommend"Vimsottari
Dasa". According to Nadi Astrology in Vimsottaridasa, In all the chapters I'll be
referring Dasa, Bhukti, Antaras DBA.
Timing of an event
As discussed above Dasa lord is stronger than the Bhukti lord &Bhukti lord is
stronger than the Antra lord. Hence if Dasa Lordallows an event according to the
combinations given in thefollowing chapters the event will take place in the dasa.
Tofurther pin point the event we'll see the strong Bhukti lordwhich will signify the
same. The event will take place in thatBhukti, however if the Dasa lord is
very strong the event can
take place in its Bhukti also. Now as the Bhuktis are fromseveral months to years,
to pin point the event further we'llhave to choose a strong Antra which will time
the event.In majority of the cases the Antra dasa elongates to severalmonths & the
astrologer / native is interested to know the dateof fructification of the event for
that Transits of the Planetsare studied.There can be cases that the Dasa lord does
not allow the event.In such a case we'll straightaway go to the next Dasa
whichallows the event. Similarly if Bhukti is not allowing the event,the next
Bhukti is to be seen.
Strength of a Planet
By the strength of the planet we mean the authority of theplanet on the
fructification or culmination of an event in theDBA.Strength of a planet is
delineated by the strength of itsNakshatra & Sub lord. If Sub lord signifies full
combination ofthe event & Nakshatra & Planet endorse it i.e. also signifiesthe
same combination the event is going to happen surely. Such aPlanet is said to be
the strongest for culmination of theparticular event .On the other hand if Sub lord
signifies the full combination ofculmination of an event & the Nakshatra & the
Planet negate thenalso the event is destined to happen but with difficulty herewe'll
say that the Planet is average.In other case if the Nakshatra & Planet signify the
combinationsbut Sub lord negates, the event will not happen in the end. Theplanet
is rendered weak here.If planet & the Nakshatra does not negate an event &
support theSub lord & the Sub lord signify full combinations the Planethere will be
in full strength to fructify the event.There can be a case when all the Planet,
Nakshatra & the Sublord signifying only facilitator houses/ combinations in such
acase the Planet will have to look on other DBA planets. If otherDBA planets will
be strong then the event will take
placeotherwise not. We can say that the planet's strength here isordinary.Lastly if
Planet & the Nakshatra show the combinations offructification of event & the Sub
lord signify facilitatorhouses the Planet here also has full strength for culmination
ofthe event in DBA.
Step 1
Step 1 will be followed for all the planets to take out
theLordship & the position of the planets.
Major events of life of a Native are Education, Litigation, Property
& Vehicle purchase,Career, Health & Health Problems, Marriage,
Children & Death. A Native coming to anAstrologer asks questions
pertaining to these or similar question pertaining to
his/herrelatives or friends & relations with them. Precisely a
capable Astrologer can answer these
questions by looking at Native’s Horoscope.
In addition to these questions Natives ask from Astrologer to
calculate Muhurat forauspicious occasions. Sometimes specific
questions are also asked which can not be
answered by examining Native’s Horoscope & many a times
Astrologer has to answer
questions when the Horoscope of Native is not available. To
handle above-mentioned
situations an Astrologer uses “Prasna Charts”.
To start with we will study the formulations & Timing the major
events of Life in an
exhaustive manner & will apply the same to calculate “Muhurat” &
the “Prasna Charts” in
the following chapters. Initiating with marriage:Marriage is
association of two persons of opposite sex to live together & bring
up a family.In India & other Asian countries today marriage is
sacrosanct and is treated as fusion orcoming together of two
families of husband & wife respectively through this institution
Sun 23:17 Mon 25:52 Mar 5:28Mer 29:59 Jup 13:48 Ven 13:57S
at 19:59 Rahu 11:33 Ura 11:0Nep 21:35 Plu 22:46Sun 5,8 Mon 2
,7 Mars 4,8,11Mon 7,2 Jup 1,3,12 Sun 5,8Sun 5,8 Ket 4,8,11, 6,9
Mer 4,6,9Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,12 Jup 1,3,12 Sat 1,2,7Sat 1,2,7 Rah
1,2,3,4,8,11,12 Ven 3,5,10Mon 2,7 Mer 4,6,9 Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,1
2Mer 4,6,9 Ket 4,6,8,9,11 Ven 3,5,10Sun 5,8 Mon 2,7 Ven 3,5,10
Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,12 Mar 4,8,11 Ven 3,5,10Ura 5,1 Nep 3,8 Plu 7,
11Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,12 Mon 2,7 Mer 4,6,9Sat 1,2,7 Ven 3,5,10 M
on 2,7
Balance Dasa of Jup : 8y 11m 16d
This is Horoscope of a male married in DBA of Mercury-Mercury-
Sun on 29
June 1979. ToTime the period of Marriage we shall first consider
the Time Place & Conditions. Keeping intoview time place &
conditions we will delineate this Horoscope. The Native becomes
24 yearsof age when the Bhukti of Jupiter starts in the Dasa of
Saturn. For fructification/timing of anevent DBA should allow the
event, here marriage. First Dasa lord should be analyzed if
itsignifies marriage then marriage can take place in the Dasa
after that subsequent Bhuktishould be analyzed further. If Dasa
lord negates the marriage, Bhuktis will not give results.Astrologer
should analyze the next Dasa in this case for marriage. Similarly
if Dasa lordallows but Bhukti negates, next Bhukti should be
analyzed for the fructification of event.After the agreement of the
Bhukti lord, marriage will take place in Antar, which allows
theevent. After the Antar, Transits must endorse the event, which
will finally give rise tofructification of marriage.Before analyzing
marriage in the above Horoscope we must understand that there
are threehouses which take part in marriage and these are
2,7,11. There are three houses which
negate marriage and these are 1,6,10. There are two houses 5,9
which will always facilitatemarriage. 5
being 12
from 6
will negate no marriage, it is also house of love. 9
Housebeing 12
from 10
and House of general fortune.Two Houses 8 and 12 facilitate
marriage when signified with 2,7,11 since 8
House signifiessexual parts and dowry. 12
House is house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure
inmarriage. Please note that when the 12
House will be signified with 11
it meansexpenditure because the signification of 11
house means getting something in turn ofspending. 12
House will signify loss when signified with 8
or 6
House.However these houses 8,12 will signify bickering, insults
and loss to married life when theywill be signified with 1,6,10
houses.Houses 3, 4 remain neutral to marriage and the married
When a native comes to an astrologer for query about
marriage of nativeastrologer should see the DBA for
marriage from the marriageable age. In thiscase at the
marriageable age Dasa of Saturn and Bhukti of Jupiter was
inoperation. Dasa
In this example Dasa lord Saturn allows marriage(see how to
analyze a Planet for a particular event, here Saturn). The Planet,
Nakshatra &Sub-lord of Saturn are as under:
1,2,7Ven 3,5,10Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,12The combination of marriage
is 2,7,11 & that of no marriage is 1,6,10. Houses, 5(Love);
8(Dowry and sex); 12(bed pleasures); 9 (fortune) will act
as supporting houses or facilitatorsor will support marriage Hoses
2,7,11. Houses 3,4 will remain neutral. Now Saturn will
beassessed in three capacities Planet, Nakshatra & Sub-lord. Sub-
lord should be consideredthe strongest. First of all Planet should
be analyzed. To analyze Planet, Nakshatra & Sub-lord we should
check all the six Houses i.e. the three Houses which, signify
marriage andthree Houses which negate marriage & the Houses
which facilitate marriage to get finalpicture.
First the Planet:
In this example Planet signifies two Houses, 2,7 of combination of
marriage, 2,7,11 & 1, oneHouse of negation of combination
Marriage i.e. 1,6,10. Since the Houses of marriage are inmajority
the Planet signifies marriage.
Then Nakshatra
Nakshatra signifies none of the Houses of combination of
Marriage but signifies House 10 ofthe combination of negation of
marriage. It also signifies facilitator House 5. Therefore
theNakshatra negates marriage.
Lastly Sub-Lord
Sub-lord signifies two Houses; 2,11 of combination of marriage,
2,7,11 & 1, one House ofnegation of combination Marriage i.e.
1,6,10. It also signifies Houses 8,12 i.e. the facilitatorHouses.
This implies that Sub-lord signifies marriage
To conclude, since Sub-lord strongly signifies marriage, although
theNakshatra is weak whereas Planet helps, marriage is possible
in the Dasa of Saturn.However because Nakshatra signifies House
which negates marriage and a facilitator Housebetween Planet
and Sub-Lord Saturn is weak for marriage.
To finally pin point the marriage now present Bhukti should be
analyzed, if the presentBhukti allows marriage, marriage can take
place in the present Bhukti otherwise we willanalyze subsequent
Bhuktis. In present case Bhukti is of Jupiter & will be analyzed in
themanner Dasa lord was analyzed. Planet, Nakshatra & Sub-lord
of Jupiter are as under:
1,3,12Rah 1,2,3,4,8,11,12Mer 4,6,9
First the Planet :
In this example Planet signifies
House, of combination of marriage, 2,7,11 & 1, oneHouse of
negation of combination Marriage i.e. 1,6,10. This implies that
Planet negatesmarriage.
Then Nakshatra:
Then Nakshatra:
Nakshatra signifies neither the Houses of combination of Marriage
nor signifies any of theHouse of the combination of negation of
marriage. It signifies facilitator Houses 5 & 8.Therefore the
Nakshatra facilitates marriage.
Lastly, Sub-lord:
The document provides information on astrological principles related to planets, signs, houses and their
influence. It discusses how planets can create events in a person's life through warnings or experiences.
It also provides information on determining life level based on placement of planets in houses and using
numbers to make predictions in KP astrology.