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TTL Written Report 1

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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. define world wide web and it's relation to internet,

b. appreciate the importance of internet and world wide web in our daiy

life; and

c. sharing experience using internet and world wide web.

Topic: The Internet and The World Wide Web

Internet - is the network of connected computers that the web works on, as well

as what emails and files travel across.

World Wide Web (WWW) - is the page that we can see when you're at device

and your online.

•World Wide Web

- According to Tim Berners- Lee who invented the internet and world wide

web. He introduced the hypertext links that revolutionized the way we

navigate and access a information online.

- The hypertext links allow users to click the link within one webpage and

instantly taken to another related page.


If you’re reading an article about basketball sports and click on a highlighted

word or link about basketball, you are taken directly to another page that

elaborates on sports.

This linked information system, it makes more efficient tool for the knowledge

sharing. It allows users to navigate through a large variety of content smoothly,

and turning into isolated information, dynamic, and connected experience.

•World Wide Web

- According to Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet. He designed the TCP/IP

protocol. It allows computers to communicate from different networks.

- The TCP/IP is essential to the functioning of the Internet because it enables

data to be broken into smaller packets, transmitted, and then

reassembled at the destination, ensuring that information reaches its

intended target without corruption


When you send an email, the data is broken into packets, sent across the

Internet through different pathways, and reassembled on the receiving

computer using TCP/IP protocols.


This innovation is made it possible for different computer networks to

communicate with one another, for the foundation for the global infrastructure

of the Internet. Without it, the Internet could not function as a cohesive system

accessible across the world.

•World Wide Web

- According to Robert Cailliau a collaborator of Berners-Lee in developing

the World Wide Web.

- He create and disseminated of early web browsers. This browser is a basic,

text- based applications that allowed users to view web pages and click

on hypertext links.


Early browsers would have allowed users to view text on a screen, click on links,

and navigate between different pages without needing advanced technical



This work of Cailliau make the web accessible to a broader audience. Browsers

bridged has complex code running the web and the user-friendly experience

that allowed people from all walks of life to access and interact with online

content. Without these early browsers, the web may have remained the domain

of experts rather than becoming the widely used platform it is today.

•World Wide Web

- According to Marc Andreesen (1993), the first web ( mosaic browser)

display text and images together on the same page.

- Before this web pages it largely text- based, which limited their appeal

and functionality.

The Modern websites like news platforms, blogs, and e-commerce sites where

you see images, videos, and text all integrated on the same page—are

descendants of this innovation.


Mosaic made the web more visually engaging and interactive, sparking a

massive increase in web use. By using multimedia content, it opened the door to

countless applications of the web, it includes here the entertainment,

education, and commerce, transforming it from a purely academic tool to a

widespread medium for everyday use.

•World Wide Web

- Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google

- According to them Google search it make more easier for users to find

the information they looking for.


When you type “biodiversity” into Google, the search engine presents you with

a list of results ranked based on their relevance and authority, helping you find

accurate and pertinent information quickly.


The innovation of Google, transformed the way people navigate the web by

organizing the vast amount of online information in this way it's accessible and

user-friendly. This not only made searching for information quicker but also

improved the quality and reliability of the information available, contributing

significantly to the spread of knowledge.


The contributions of Tim Berners-Lee, Vint Cerf, Robert Cailliau, Marc Andreessen,

and Larry Page and Sergey Brin it helped shaping the modern Internet, and

each advancement through hypertext links, the TCP/IP protocol, early web

browsers, multimedia content, or efficient search engines has an important role

in making the web, and the most essential tool for communication, learning,

and connection as well. Through their innovations, the web evolved from a

limited academic resource to a globally connected information system,

enriching lives across the world.


Onion, A. (2024, June 11). The Invention of the Internet - Inventor, Timeline &


Onion, A. (2024b, June 11). The Invention of the Internet - Inventor, Timeline &


Hogeback, J. (n.d.). Who invented the internet? Encyclopedia Britannica.

The Internet | the Internet and the World Wide Web | Siyavula, n.d.)

Communications. (2020, April 2). Noam Chomsky: It’s time to teach children to

understand the world. NEWS BBVA.

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