Intro To Web
Intro To Web
Intro To Web
The World Wide Web allows computer users to locate and view multimedia-based
documents (i.e., documents with text, graphics, animations, audios or videos) on almost any
subject. Even though the Internet was developed more than three decades ago, the introduction of
the World Wide Web is a relatively recent event. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (the
European Laboratory for Particle Physics) developed the World Wide Web and several
communication protocols that form the backbone of the Web.
The Internet and the World Wide Web surely will be listed among the most important
and profound creations of humankind. In the past, most computer applications executed on
“stand-alone” computers (i.e., computers that were not connected to one another). Today’s
applications can be written to communicate with hundreds of millions of computers. The Internet
mixes computing and communications technologies.
It makes our work easier.
It makes information instantly and conveniently accessible worldwide.
Individuals and small businesses can receive worldwide exposure on the Internet.
It is changing the nature of the way business is done.
People can search for the best prices on virtually any product or service.
Special-interest communities can stay in touch with one another and researchers can learn
of scientific and academic breakthroughs worldwide.
In the late 1960s, ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of
Defense) sponsored a conference at which several dozen ARPA-funded graduate students were
brought together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to meet and share ideas.
During this conference, ARPA rolled out the blueprints for networking the main computer
systems of about a dozen ARPA-funded universities and Research institutions. They were to be
connected with communications lines operating at a then-stunning 56Kbps (i.e., 56,000 bits per
second)—this at a time when most people (of the few who could) were connecting over
telephone lines to computers at a rate of 110 bits per second. Many other intriguing possibilities
were raised. Academic research was on the verge of taking a giant leap forward. Shortly after
this conference, ARPA proceeded to implement the ARPAnet, the grandparent of today’s
Things worked out differently from what was originally planned. Rather than the primary benefit
of researchers sharing each other’s computers, it rapidly became clear that enabling the
researchers to communicate quickly and easily among themselves via what became known as
electronic mail (e-mail, for short) was the key benefit of the ARPAnet. This is true even today on
the Internet, as e-mail facilitates communications of all kinds among millions of people
One of the primary goals for ARPAnet was to allow multiple users to send and receive
information simultaneously over the same communications paths (such as phone lines). The
network operated with a technique called packet-switching, in which digital data was sent in
small packages called packets. The packets contained data address, error control and sequencing
information. The address information allowed packets to be routed to their destinations.
The sequencing information helped reassemble the packets (which, because of complex routing
mechanisms, could actually arrive out of order) into their original order for presentation to the
recipient. Packets from different senders were intermixed on the same lines. This packet-
switching technique greatly reduced transmission costs compared with the cost of dedicated
communications lines. The network was designed to operate without centralized control. If a
portion of the network should fail, the remaining working portions would still route packets from
senders to receivers over alternate paths.
The protocols for communicating over the ARPAnet became known as TCP—the Transmission
Control Protocol. TCP ensured that messages were properly routed from sender to receiver and
that those messages arrived intact.
As the Internet evolved, organizations worldwide were implementing their own networks for
both intra-organization (within the organization) and inter-organization (i.e., between
organizations) communications. A wide variety of networking hardware and software appeared.
One challenge was to get these different networks to communicate. ARPA accomplished this
with the development of IP—the Internetworking Protocol, truly creating a “network of
networks,” the current architecture of the Internet. The combined set of protocols is now
commonly called TCP/IP.
Initially, Internet use was limited to universities and research institutions; then the military began
using the Internet. Eventually, the government decided to allow access to the Internet for
commercial purposes. Initially, there was resentment among the research and military
communities—these groups were concerned that response times would become poor as “the Net”
became saturated with users. In fact, the exact opposite has occurred. Businesses rapidly realized
that they could tune their operations and offer new and better services to their clients, so they
started spending vast amounts of money to develop and enhance the Internet. This generated
fierce competition among the communications carriers and hardware and software suppliers to
meet this demand.
The result is that bandwidth (i.e., the information carrying capacity) on the Internet has increased
tremendously and costs have decreased significantly. It is widely believed that the Internet has
played a significant role in the economic prosperity that the United States and many other
industrialized nations have enjoyed recently and are likely to enjoy for many years.
of Japan—and over 400 members, including Deitel & Associates, Inc. Members provide the
primary financing for the W3C and help provide the strategic direction of the Consortium.
Once you give your web designer final approval, it is time to deliver the site. An FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) program is used to upload the web site files to your server. Most web
designers offer domain name registration and web hosting services as well. Once these accounts
have been setup, and your web site uploaded to the server, the site should be put through one last
run-through. This is just precautionary, to confirm that all files have been uploaded correctly,
and that the site continues to be fully functional. This marks the official launch of your site, as it
is now viewable to the public. The development of your web site is not necessarily over, though.
One way to bring repeat visitors to your site is to offer new content or products on a regular
basis. Most web designers will be more than happy to continue working together with you, to
update the information on your web site. Many designers offer maintenance packages at reduced
rates, based on how often you anticipate making changes or additions to your web site. If you
prefer to be more hands on, and update your own content, there is something called a CMS
(Content Management System) that can be implemented to your web site. This is something that
would be decided upon during the Planning stage. With a CMS, your designer will utilize online
software to develop a database driven site for you. A web site driven by a CMS gives you the
ability to edit the content areas of the web site yourself. You are given access to a back-end
administrative area, where you can use an online text editor (similar to a mini version of
Microsoft Word). You’ll be able to edit existing content this way, or if you are feeling more
adventurous, you can even add new pages and content yourself. The possibilities are endless! It’s
really up to you as far as how comfortable you feel as far as updating your own web site. Some
people prefer to have all the control so that they can make updates to their own web site the
minute they decide to do so. Others prefer to hand off the web site entirely, as they have enough
tasks on-hand that are more important for them to handle directly. That’s where the help of a
your web designer comes in, once again, as they can take over the web site maintenance for less thing for you to do is always a good thing in these busy times. Other maintenance
type items include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SES (Search Engine Submission).
This is the optimization of you web site with elements such as title, description and keyword tags
which help your web site achieve higher rankings in the search engines. The previously
mentioned code validation is something that plays a vital role in SEO, as well. There are a lot of
details involved in optimizing and submitting your web site to the search engines – enough to
warrant its own post. This is a very important step, because even though you now have a web
site, you need to make sure that people can find it.
Determining Purpose
Finding a purpose for a Web site isn’t necessarily very hard. The Web can be very useful, and
many common reasons exist to put up a Web site, a few of which are listed here:
Personal pleasure
Research and education
Technical support
One problem with Web sites is that they may have multiple purposes. A corporate Web site may
include demands for marketing, public relations, investor relations, technical support, commerce,
and human resource services such as job recruiting. Trying to meet all of these needs while
thinking about the Web site as one entity can be difficult. Much like a large-scale software
system with many functions, a Web site with many different goals probably should be broken
into modules, or subprojects, that constitute parts of a larger whole. This leads to the idea of a
microsite—a very specific subsite that is part of a larger site and that may be built separately.
Microsites have the advantage of allowing the focus, look, or technology of a portion of a site to
change without having to change the site as a whole.
No matter how the site is structured, keeping it cohesive and logical is important. For example,
establishing a consistent look and feel for the site as a whole is still important, regardless of the
multitude of functions. People should feel comfortable moving from your support pages to your
marketing pages to your employment pages. A consistent user interface breeds familiarity and
generates a united front. The user doesn’t need to know that the site is constructed in modules.
An inconsistent interface can lead to a user becoming lost and confused while exploring. It helps
to have one person (or at least a small group) designated as the overall decision maker on a Web
The Webmaster, or more appropriately termed Web manager, coordinates the work efforts and
helps keep the project on track. The Web manager’s role is basically the same as a project
manager on a large software project. Without such careful management, a Web site with many
goals may quickly become a mess, built to satisfy the needs and desires of its builders rather than
its viewers.
Who Is the Audience?
Of course, just having a purpose for a site isn’t enough: you need to consider a site’s audience.
Notice how often sites reflect the organizational structure of a company rather than the needs of
the customer. The goal is always to keep the user at the center of the discussion. Before building
a site, make sure to answer some simple audience questions:
Are the users coming from within your organization, or from outside?
Are they young or old?
What language do they speak?
When do they visit the site?
What technologies do they support?
What browsers do they use?
Figuring out an audience doesn’t have to be that hard, but don’t assume that your audience is too
large. People from South America or the Sudan can visit your Web page—but do they? Should
they? It is important to be realistic about the audience of the Web. The Web has millions of
users, but they aren’t all going to visit a particular Web site. If they did, things probably wouldn’t
work well. When the idea of a site’s audience is discussed, don’t think in terms of a nameless,
faceless John Q. Cybercitizen with a modem and an America Online account. When thinking
about users, try to get as specific as possible, and even ask users, if possible. If you already have
a site set up, you have a wealth of information about your users—your server logs. Logs can tell
you quite a bit about your user base. Depending on the server and its configuration, you can learn
the time of day that you get the most hits, the pages visited the most, the browsers and versions
being used, the domains your visitors come from, and even the pages that referred visitors to
your site. From the logs, you can even infer connection speeds, based on delivery time between
pages. If you do not have a server running yet, begin with your best estimate of the kinds of
visitors you expect. Once the site is running, check the logs against your estimates—you may
find that your audience is different than you expected. An important point in Web design is that
you must be willing to revise your designs, even going as far as throwing away your favorite
ideas, if they do not fit with your actual audience.
Defining Goals
A goal for a site is not the same as its purpose. A purpose gives a general idea of what the site is
for, whereas a goal is very specific. A goal can help define how much should be spent, but goals
must be measurable. What is a measurable goal of the site? Selling x Naira worth of product
directly via the Web site is a measurable goal, as is selling x Naira of product or service
indirectly through leads. Reaching a certain usage level per day, week, or month can be a goal.
So is lowering the number of incoming technical support phone calls by a certain amount. Many
ways exist to measure the success or failure of a Web project, but measurements generally come
in two categories: soft and hard. Hard measurements are those that are easily measured, such as
the number of visitors per day. Soft measurements are a little less clear. For example, with a
promotional site for a movie, it might be difficult to understand whether the site had any effect
on the box office sales.
Defining Scope
After you define a site’s goals, you need to define what is necessary to reach your goals. You
might call this defining scope. One thing to remember, though—scope equals money. Because of
the flexible nature of the Web, many developers want to add as much as possible to the Web site.
However, more isn’t always better. The more that is added to the Web site, the more it costs.
Furthermore, having too much information makes finding essential information difficult. To
think about scope, return to one of the first steps in the process. What is the main purpose of the
site? Shouldn’t the information of the site reflect this purpose? Looking at the Web, this doesn’t
always seem to be the case. Have you ever gone to a site and not understood its point? Finding
the essentials of a Web site might not be easy, particularly if it has many purposes or many
parties involved in its development. One approach is to have a brainstorming session, in which
users provide ideas. Each idea is then written down on a 3×5 card. After all the cards have been
created, ask the users to sort the cards into piles. First, sort the cards into similar piles to see how
things are related. Next, sort the piles in order of importance. What is important can eventually
be distilled out of the cards. Remember to cut down the number of cards, to make people focus
on what is truly important. Instead of coming up with ideas of what should go into a site to meet
a particular goal or goals, you may be tempted to take existing materials, such as marketing
pieces, and convert them to the Web. Unfortunately, creating the content of the site based solely
on text and pictures from manuals, brochures, and other support materials rarely works.
Migrating text from print to the Web is troublesome, because the media are so different. Reading
onscreen has been proven to be much slower than reading from paper. In practice, people tend
not to read information online carefully. They tend to scan it quickly and then print what they
need. In this sense, writing for paper tends to go against screen reading. Think about newspaper
or TV news stories: the main point is stated first and then discussed. This goes against the slow
buildup of many paper documents, which carefully spell out a point. With visitors skimming the
site, key bullet points tend to be read while detailed information is skipped. The main thing is to
keep the points obvious and simple. Even if information is presented well, poor organization can
ruin all the hard work in preparing the information. If a viewer can’t find the information, who
cares how great it looks or how well it reads?
Web content is the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of the user
experience on websites. It may include, among other things: text, images, sounds, videos and
based model of sharing information, introduced with Mosaic and later Netscape, helped to define
web content, and the formation of websites.
Largely, today we categorize websites as being a particular type of website according to the
content a website contains.
A blog (a blend of the term "web log" is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually
maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other
material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological
order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Most
blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via
widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more
personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web
pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an
interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although
some focus on art (Art blog), photographs (photo blog), videos (Video blogging), music (MP3
blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short
A web search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search
results are generally presented in a list of results and are often called hits. The information may
consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also
mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are
maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of
algorithmic and human input.
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold
conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat room sin that messages are
not shown in real-time, to see new messages the forum page must be reloaded. Also, depending
on the access level of a user and/or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be
approved by a moderator before it becomes visible. Forums have their own language; e.g. a
single conversation is called a 'thread'. A forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: forum -
sub forum - topic - thread - reply. Depending on the forum set-up, users can be anonymous or
have to register with the forum and then subsequently login in order to post messages. Usually
you do not have to login to read existing messages.
Static Web pages are very simple in layout and informative in context. Creation of static website
content requires great level of technical expertise and if a site owner is intended to create static
web pages, they must be very clear with their ideas of creating such pages since they need to hire
a web designer.
The Client-side content is generated on the user's computer. The web browser retrieves a page
from the server, then processes the code embedded in the page (often written in JavaScript) and
displays the retrieved page's content to the user.
Server-side scripting and content creation
Using server-side scripting to change the supplied page source between pages, adjusting the
sequence or reload of the web pages or web content supplied to the browser. Server responses
may be determined by such conditions as data in a posted HTML form, parameters in the URL,
the type of browser being used, the passage of time, or a database or server state. Such web
pages are often created with the help of serverside languages such as PHP, Perl, ASP, ASP.NET,
JSP, ColdFusion and other languages. These server-side languages typically use the Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) to produce dynamic web pages. These kinds of pages can also use,on
the client-side, the first kind (DHTML, etc.).
NOTE: The fundamental difference between a static Website and a dynamic Website is a static
website is no more than an information sheet spelling out the products and services while a
dynamic website has wider functions like engaging and gradually leading the client to online
ordering. But both static web site design and dynamic websites design can be designed for search
engine optimization. If the purpose is only to furnish information, then a static website should
suffice. Dynamic website is absolutely necessary for e-commerce and online ordering
Unit Structure
"flashy" effects. Link colors in your text should be familiar to your visitor (blue text usually
indicates an unvisited link and purple or maroon text usually indicates a visited link), if possible.
If you elect not to use the default colors, your text links should be emphasized in some other way
(boldfaced, a larger font size, set between small vertical lines, or a combination of these). Text
links should be unique -- they should not look the same as any other text in your web pages. You
do not want people clicking on your headings because they think the headings are links. Your
visitors should be able to find what they are looking for in your site within three clicks. If not,
they are very likely to click off your site as quickly as they clicked on.
well as combinations of dynamic and static. It's important to understand what they are are
and what works for you!
Content or information websites may be dynamic or static and the implementation depends
upon how frequently the website information changes. News sites and search engines are
dynamic database driven websites to allow rapid information update. Many corporate websites
are static but that is changing rapidly.
E-commerce sites are almost always dynamic allowing for frequent product changes, pricing
changes, sales and inventory updates. Simple e-commerce transactions like membership
applications and online payment may be interactive while the main website is still static.
Interaction sites (Blogs, Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms, and gaming sites) are dynamic.
Websites can be a combination of Content, E-Commerce and Interactive as well as a
combination of dynamic and static. It's common to see a combination of dynamic and static
implementations and combination of types. Because of this, more website owners are moving
toward dynamic pages.
Pictures and graphics are always good to liven up a website. You should have at least some
because the phrase "one picture is worth a thousand words" is as true now as when it was coined.
One of the most surprising things when you look at small businesses is how many of them don't
have a website. You would think that in this day and age everybody would know how important
a website is for all businesses. Clearly that is not the case. Any business that does not have a
website is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available to them.
So should your business have a website, even if your business is small and sells products or
services you don't think can be sold online? My answer is yes, if you have a business, you should
have a website.
The main reason that it is important for businesses to have a website is how people are likely to
find you. These days most people will go online and research products and companies before
they make a purchase, if you don't have a website you are missing out on all of this potential
business. Even if people don't buy your product online they are still likely to research it online so
you have to have a website so these people can learn about your business.
Also, don't be so quick to dismiss your product as one that can't be sold online. Nowadays,
there's very little that can't be sold over the internet. More than 20 million shoppers are now
online, purchasing everything from books to computers to cars to real estate to jet airplanes to
natural gas to you name it. If you can imagine it, someone will figure out how to sell it online.
Let me clarify one point: I'm not saying you should put all your efforts into selling your wares
over the internet, though if your product lends itself to easy online sales, you should certainly be
considering it. The point to be made here is that you should at the very least have a presence on
the web so that customers, potential employees, business partners and perhaps even investors can
quickly and easily find out more about your business and the products or services you have to
That said, it's not enough that you just have a website. You must have a professional-looking site
if you want to be taken seriously. Since many consumers now search for information online prior
to making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar store, your site may be the first chance you have at
making a good impression on a potential buyer. If your site looks like it was designed by a barrel
of colorblind monkeys, your chance at making a good first impression will be lost.
One of the great things about the internet is that it has leveled the playing field when it comes to
competing with the big boys. As mentioned, you have one shot at making a good first
impression. With a well-designed site, your little operation can project the image and
professionalism of a much larger company. The inverse is also true. I've seen many big company
websites that were so badly designed and hard to navigate that they completely lacked
professionalism and credibility. Good for you, too bad for them.
You also mention that yours is a small operation, but when it comes to benefiting from a website,
size does not matter. I don't care if you're a one-man show or a 10,000-employee corporate giant;
if you don't have a website, you're losing business to other companies that do.
Here's the exception to my rule: It's actually better to have no website at all than to have one that
makes your business look bad. Your site speaks volumes about your business. It either says,
"Hey, look, we take our business so seriously that we have created this wonderful site for our
customers!" or it screams, "Hey, look, I let my 10-year-old nephew design my site. Good luck
finding anything!"
Your website is an important part of your business. Make sure you treat it as such
These days, almost any small business should have a website. With costs being extremely low to
develop a website, it's becoming difficult to imagine a reason for any company of any size not to
have a website. Many user-friendly, free and open-source content-management systems are
available to assist with Web design, so it is even possible to build a basic small business website
without a professional Web designer.
Low-Cost Advertising
The Web has a far wider reach than any other form of advertising. While it takes time to build up
enough traffic to your website to make a worthwhile impact on your company's marketing
campaign, it costs next to nothing to do so. Your website will be the center of your company's
online presence; through it, you advertise your business around the Web on social networking
sites, forums and through pay-per-click advertising programs.
Increasing visibility is one major factor that makes having a website important. Even if people
have heard about your company, they may want to carry out research online first, before leaving
the house. Provide a map and directions to your company's shops or offices on your website so
that visitors are less likely to have trouble finding the place.
A website is online and accessible 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Because of this, your
customers and potential customers can visit your site for support or information about new and
upcoming products and services whenever it is convenient for them. Your website will act as an
invaluable and always-available resource for information which would otherwise only be
accessible during your company's business hours.
Your website can sell products at any time. Potential customers are not restricted to business
hours. Instead, they can go online and purchase products whenever they want. A website with an
online shop can provide a dramatic boost in sales.