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Cognate Notes

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- The menace of pollution has been

COGNATE NOTES growing over the years and has greatly

L1 affected the health of the people.

Public Health and Community Issues - The disease today is largely manmade.
Socio-Economic Influence

Health - is considered as the goal of - Our social and economic environments

public health in general and of affect whether we have access to a
community health. quality education, job opportunities, safe
neighborhoods, social support, and
 Health has been defined as a healthy foods.
state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
not merely the absence of - Is an essential health care based on
disease or infirmity. practical, scientifically sound, and
Factors that affect the level of socially acceptable methods and
functioning technology

- Politics greatly influences the social Community Health
climate in which people live. COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES
Behavioral - The ultimate goal of community health
- A persons level of functioning is services is to raise the level of health of
affected by certain habits with that the citizenry.
he/she has. Community health is the collective
Hereditary well-being of community members.

- there is a need to understand  For instance, some low-income

genetically influenced diseases and communities might experience
genetic risk high obesity rates due to limited
availability of nutritious foods in
Health Care System local grocery stores. This places
- primarily healthcare is a partnership them in an area commonly known
approach to the effective provision of as a food desert.
essential health services that are  In addition, a population might be
community based, accessible, exposed to contaminants from a
acceptable and sustainable and nearby plant or waste facility.
affordable. Community health programs
improve access to preventive
Environmental Influences health care services, engage
citizens in care decisions, and seek self-reliant, self–determining
out lower medical costs. communities, which are able to sustain
their development activities.
Public Health
- Is a process by which people, health
The science and arts of preventing
services and agencies of the community
disease, prolonging life, promoting
are brought together.
health and efficacy through the
following: 1. Learn about common problems
2. Identify these problems as their
1. Organize community efforts for
environmental sanitation.
3. Plan the kind of action needed to
2. Control of communicable
solve these problems
4. Act on this basis
3. Education of individuals in
personal hygiene.
4. Organization of medical and
Goals of Community Organizing
nursing services for the early
diagnosis and treatment of  People Empowerment
disease.  Improve Quality of Life
5. Development of social machinery
to insure everyone a standard of Progress of Community Organizing
living adequate for maintenance - It is the core of all activities of
of health for everyone. community health. Several approaches
Health Care Delivery System in the are used in community organizing.
Philippines Steps in Community Organization
- Mandates the state to observe health Process
as a fundamental human right. 1. Fact Finding
Community health care and wellness 2. Determination of Needs
and disease prevention must be attained 3. Program Formation
in all levels of care. 4. Education and Interpretation

Community health services aim to keep

individuals in families better HEALTH!  Listen to People
 By listening and talking in person,
you gain a fair understanding of
L2-L3 the people who want to work
towards bettering a situation as
Community Organizing to Participation
opposed to the ones who merely
in Health
want to vent but not work.
Community Organizing  Clarify your community
organizing goals; the next step is
- It is a social development methodology
used to facilitate the process of forming
to pinpoint your missions and its consumption, for watering livestock and
corresponding goals. for crop irrigation.
 Frame Strategies for action by
2. Improving health facilities and
community organizers; creating a
availability of medicines, birth delivery
blueprint of actions that you are
kits, resources for HIV/AIDS prevention,
going to follow to effect change.
dietary supplements.
Critical Activities in Community
3. Improving sanitation - communal
latrines and rubbish disposal sites.
1. Community Integration
4. Community tree planting for fuel wood
2. Social Investigation
and/or erosion control.
3. Tentative Program Planning
4. Groundwork 5. Community nursery for tree seedlings.
5. Meeting
6. Roleplay 6. Community cattle crush.
7. Community Mobilization 7. Establishment of a new cooperative
8. Evaluation shop to supply farm inputs and other
9. Reflection essential goods.
Approached in Community Organizing 8. Establishment of a savings and credit

Issue Based Approach

- It is an organizing approach that Faith Based Approach
revolves around certain community - Faith-Based Community Organizing
issues and problems and mobilizes (FBCO) is a process by which local faith
people to negotiate from a position of communities come together to address
strength in number. issues of affordable housing, quality
Micro-project Approach schools and safe neighborhoods by
working across faith, class, multi-ethnic
- It is also known as socio– economic and multi-racial differences.
-This is an organizing approach that
focuses on social or economic issues Community Participation
which can be resolved through the - Effective community participation
introduction of projects. needs a good understanding of our
1. Improving community water supplies - communities or the groups and
spring protection, well construction, individuals we work with.
pond construction and other types of Community Competence
water harvesting for communal
purposes including water for human - Refers to the community’s ability to
engage in effective problem-solving.
3. consolidating community diagnosis
and Participatory Action
1. It collaborates effectively on
identifying the problems and Research.
needs of the community.
4. formulating community health plan
2. It can achieve a working
consensus on goals and 5. organizing working committees
3. It agrees on the ways and 6. link with LGUs/ NGOs for financial
means to implement the agreed and technical assistance
upon goals. 7. implementing/ monitoring / evaluating
4. It can collaborate effectively in health projects
the required actions. (Cottrell,
The activities on Sustenance and
Strengthening are as follows;
PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH 1. developing financial and management
(COPAR) systems like functional

- It has been the strategy used in committees and implementation of

implementing the Primary Health Care livelihood projects
delivery. 2. assessing community health
Participatory Action Research programs

- It is an investigation on problems and 3. institutionalizing linkages/ referral

issues concerning life and environment. points and networking
4. holding continuing need-based
education/ training of
Phases in Participatory Research
community health workers
1. Pre entry Phase – Project Site
selection 5. ratifying constitution and by– laws
2. Entry Phase – Integration Phase 6. applying S.E.C registration/ LGU
3. Formation Phase Accreditation
7. negotiating for absorption of
The activities in Organization Building community health workers by LGU
Phase are as follows:
1. electing Community Health The activities in Phase-out stage are as
Organization officers follows;
2. organizing/ training community health 1. Health care workers leave the
workers community to STAND– ALONE
2. The real evaluation will be done by negatively affect one’s health and
the residents themselves well–being.
3. Leaving the immersion site - aims to protect and promote
human health and well-being by
4. Documentation
providing a clean environment
and breaking the cycle of
The following Environmental Factors
Community Health Issues and Major are:
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Activities 1. Water supply sanitation
Common Health Issues in the 2. Proper excreta disposal
3. Solid waste management
 Physical Activity and Nutrition
4. Insect vector and rodent control
 Overweight and Obesity
 Tobacco Smoking 5. Food sanitation
 Substance Abuse
6. Air pollution
 Mental Health 7. Proper housing
 Injury and Violence
8. Radiological protection
 Environmental Sanitation
9. Stream pollution
Environmental Health
Priority Environmental Health Issues
- is a branch of public health that
deals with the study of preventing 1. Dead rivers due to water pollution
illnesses by managing the
environment and changing 2. Presence of smoke-belching motor
people’s behavior to reduce vehicles causing air pollution
exposure to biological and non– 3. Rapid population growth
biological agents of disease and
injury. 4. Inadequate monitoring of drinking
water resources
- It also refers to aspects of human
health (including quality of life) 5. Inadequate sewerage system and
that are determined by physical, sludge management system for septic
chemical, biological, social, and tanks
psychosocial factors in the 6. Absence of a rationalized land-use
environment. plan
- is the study of all factors in man’s 7. Improper and indiscriminate disposal
physical environment that may of solid and liquid wastes
8. Unregulated management of toxic In general, CHWs are:
and hazardous chemical substances
• Trusted members of the
9. Loss of primary agricultural lands
community they serve.
10. Weak implementation and •Responsive to the needs of
enforcement of environmental laws and community members.
regulations • Trained in the context of health
• Recognized by health services
L5 and certification authorities.
•Not necessarily certified as
Community Healthcare Workers professionals or
Community Healthcare Workers paraprofessionals.

- Social service workers who are

close to and serve members of Health Care Workers’ Responsibilities
the community by helping them to And Activities In Environmental
adopt healthy behaviors. Sanitation
1. Conduct health education
- share similarities with the
community members they serve 2. Actively participate in the training
such as ethnicity, language, component of the service like in Food
culture, socioeconomic status, Handler’s Class and attend
values, and life experiences training/workshops related to
environmental health
3. Assist in the deworming activities for
- They are frontline public health the school children and targeted groups
workers who have a close
understanding of the community 4. Effectively and efficiently coordinate
they serve programs, projects, or activities with
other governments and non–
- referred to as community health government agencies
advisors, lay health advocates,
5. Act as an advocate or facilitator to
promotors, outreach educators,
families in the community in matters of
community health
a program on environmental health
representatives, peer health
promoters, and peer health 6. Actively participate in environmental
educators. sanitation campaigns and projects in the

 Help mitigate health disparities 1. Improving access to health care

 increase access to care services.
 improve quality of care
 lower healthcare costs. 2. Increasing health and screening.
3. Better understanding between
THE SPECIFIC ROLES OF community members and the health and
COMMUNITY social service system.
MAY DEPEND ON: 4. Enhancing communication between
community members and health
Services provided by the providers.
program, such as:
5. Increasing use of health care
✓Outreach and enrollment
✓Navigation 6. .Improving adherence to health
✓Education recommendations.
✓Health services
7. Reducing the need for emergency
✓Social-emotional support and specialty services.

CHW BACKGROUND SKILLS 8. Ensuring cultural competence among

SUCH AS: healthcare providers serving vulnerable
 Education populations.
 Certification
9. Providing culturally appropriate health
 Training
education on topics related to chronic
 Communication
disease prevention, physical activity,
 Interpersonal and
and nutrition.
 relationship-building
 Cultural competence
 Advocacy and capacity 10. Providing informal counseling,
building health screenings, and referrals.
 Facilitation and
motivational interviewing

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