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H - Review of Welding

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By: John F . Wallace*


Page Outline of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Summary of Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
II . WELDABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Types of Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Metallurgical Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Welding Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Types of Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Low Carbon Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Medium Carbon Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 High Carbon Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Alloy Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 III . MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF W E L D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fatigue Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Weld Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Base Metal Strength Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 High and Low Hydrogen Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Weld Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Welding Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 Residual Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Post-Weld Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Toughness of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Types of Tests for Toughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Welding Processes and Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Shielded metal arc manually applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Flux cored electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Submerged arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Gas shielded arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 Electroslag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 Toughness i n H A Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Effects of Various Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Chemical composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Individual elem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Microstructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 Heat inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 Heat treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Welding Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 I V . APPLICATION OF FRACTURE TOUGHNESS CONCEPTS TO MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF WELDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 V . S U MMA R Y AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 by STEEL FOUNDERS' SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 1 9 7 9 20611 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, Ohio 4 4 1 1 6

Printed i n the United States of America *Professor of Metallurgy, Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland. Ohio


W elding is extensively e mploye d in the f inishing sta ge o f ste e l c a st i n g p roduction and in fabric a ting la r ge r c ompone nts by joining c a st i n g s or by joining castings to wr ought ste e l c ompone nts. The e a se o f w e l d i ng as w ell as the effects o f we lding on me c ha nic a l pr ope r tie s a r e t h u s very important consid e r a tions in the pr oduc tion a nd se le c tion o f c a st i n g s as engineering compone nts. The pur pose of this r e vie w is t h e r e f o r e to sum m arize and evalua te the publishe d lite r a tur e with r e sp e c t t o w eldability of carbon a nd low a lloy ste e ls a nd the e f f e c ts o f w e l d i ng processes on m echanic a l pr ope r tie s. S U MMA RY OF CONCLUSIONS T he technical literature ha s be e n r e vie we d a nd a na lyz e d to pr e se n t t h e significant factors that de te r mine the we lda bility of c a st st e e l s a n d the effect of these we lds on the f a tigue and toughne ss b e h a v i o r . T he effect of w eldin g pr oc e sse s, the signif ic a nt va r ia ble s o f t h e se processes, the chem ica l c omposition, pr e - a nd post- we lding t r e a t m e n ts and presence of dis c ontinuitie s o n the me c ha nic a l pr ope r tie s a r e i n d i c ated w ith em phasis on the f a tigue str e ngth a nd toughne ss, T h e w eldability of carbon ste e ls de c r e a se s with inc r e a sing c a r bon, a l l o y a n d s u l f u r contents. T he highe r c a r bon a nd a lloy ste e ls r e quir e h i g h e r t e m perature preheats an d gr e a te r use of posthe a ting tr e a tme nts t o o b t a i n satisfactory w elds. Fa tigue pr ope r tie s a r e impr ove d by r e m o v a l o f w eld reinforcements, the use of l o w hydr oge n shie lding, a u t o m a t i c compared to m anual we lding, full he a t tr e a tme nts a nd pe e ning. T h e t o u g h ness of w elds is optimiz e d by: low c a r bon, oxyge n, nitr oge n, su l f u r a n d phosphorus contents with a minimum a lloy c onte nt f or the r e q u i r e d strength level; low hea t inputs and multipa ss we lds; low h y d r o g e n arc shielding and bas ic f luxe s; a nd f la t we lding positions a n d a u t o matic w elding processe s. T h e presence of discontinuitie s c a n lowe r both the f a tigue a nd t o u g h n e ss properties markedly . The e f f e c t of the se disc ontinuitie s v a r i e s w ith the stress system unde r dyna mic loa ding. Ge ne r a lly, the m o st d a m aging discontinuities liste d in or de r of de c r e a sing se ve r ity a r e : c r a c ks, undercuts, slag inclusions, por osity a nd the pr e se nc e o f w e l d r einforcem ents.


This publication "A Review of Welding Cast Steels and Its Effects On Fatigue and Toughness Properties" has been issued based on a report issued in 1 9 7 4 to members of the Steel Founders' Society of America. This publication has been prepared as a supplement to the new report "Repair Welding and Fabrication Welding of Steel Castings" issued by the Steel Founders' Society in 1 9 7 9 .
PREFACE TO 1 9 7 4 REPORT Advances in welding technology, in quality control of welds, and in performance of welded structures have led to increased customer acceptance of welding as a regular part of the foundry production process. Welding is now recognized as a procedure for upgrading casting quality during the course of manufacture through improvement of surface conditions, or by elimination of shrinkage voids. It is also accepted as a method of producing large or complex assemblies where the size of the completed structure precludes production as a one-piece casting, or where total quality will be improved by dividing the structure into simpler components which can later be welded into an integral assembly. With the customer's and casting user's acceptance of the welding process, welding has gained a position where the foundryman has to be cognizant of all the welding processes, their capabilities, precautions necessary for satisfactory weldability, quality control and the effects of welding on properties of the weld and the weld affected areas of the casting. Steel foundries have recognized these implications quite early. A booklet , "Recommended Practice for Repair Welding and Fabrication Welding of Steel Castings", was therefore first published by the Steel Founders' Society of America in 1 9 5 7 , with a revised and updated version following in 1 9 6 9 . The above publication on welding practices has been of great benefit to steel foundries and their customers. Member foundries, however, have shown increased interest in the question of weldability which means the ease of welding or the precautions to be taken to assure a satisfactory weld, depending on the welding process and alloy to be welded, as well as the effects of welding on properties and performance of the weld and weld-affected area. The Carbon and Low Alloy Technical Research Committee therefore recommended an in-depth survey and evaluation of the published literature. This recommendation was approved by the Board of Directors in 1 9 7 3 as Research Project 9 5 . Professor Wallace, at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, was asked to undertake this activity. The Research Committee compliments his effort that yielded a unique report where the important aspects have been assembled and reviewed with outstanding competence and insight. Acknowledgements are also made to Walter E. Evans, Ralph D. Maier and John C. Rogers, graduate students at Case Western Reserve University who assisted in the sections on weldability, fatigue strength, and toughness portions, respectively.
PETER F. WIESER Technical and Research Director By direction of the Technical Research Committee


This report reviews and analyzes the American and British l i t e r a t u r e o n the w e l d a b i l i t y o f c a r b o n a n d a l l o y s t e e l c a s t i n g s f o r total alloy contents up to 5 % . T h e i n f l u e n c e o f v a r i o u s w e l d i n g processes and techniques including electrode selection, pre- and posttreatments on the susceptibility to welding discontinuities and the mechanical properties of the welded structures has been studied. Considerable emphasis has been placed on the dynamic properties, fatigue and toughness because of the significance of these on service behavior. This report first discusses the weldability of the various types of steel and the problems with welding discontinuities and then the effect of the welding processes and welding discontinuities on the mechanical properties. The weldability of steel castings is of considerable significance because the welding process is employed extensively for the repair of discontinuities and for fabricating larger components from castings. Repair welding and fabrication practice for steel castings was the subject of an earlier publication of the Steel Founders' Society of America (1). The use of welding procedures to join steel castings to other castings or wrought steel to produce larger structures is an established commercial procedure (2).


No specific criterion of weldability has been generally accepted; the term is used to describe the ease with which a metal can be welded to produce a weldment of acceptable quality. The weld quality is usually judged from the standpoint of mechanical properties (3):
( 1)
The strength of the joint must be at least as great as that of the parent metal; The fracture ductility of the weld metal and heat affected zone (H A Z ) must be sufficient to ensure that the brittle fracture properties of the structure in service are not limited by these factors alone;



The fatigue properties of the joint should not be impaired by the metallurgical condition of the weld metal or H A Z ;
The metallurgical condition of the joint should not impair the behavior of the structure during service as a result of localized corrosion, etc.



The metal which can be welded to fit the above criteria with no special precautions to prevent discontinuities or other difficulties is considered to have good weldability. The strength, ductility, and to a large extent, the susceptibility of the weldment to cold cracking can be controlled by ensuring that the weld metal and HAZ have the proper metallurgical structures. These structures are determined mostly by the chemical composition and cooling conditions. It is therefore desirable to provide close control of both variables. The most common and effective means of controlling cooling rates in the weld area is to preheat the casting to be repair welded or fabricated to increase the base metal temperature and to decrease thermal gradients around the weld. This preheating may be localized around the weld area by using gas torches and various types of insulation. However, a general preheat of the entire casting is preferred when ecomomics and the welding operation permit. This general preheat can also be conducted in various types of portable equipment composed of gas torches and insulating or protective hoods. Again, it is preferable to preheat in a permanent recirculating gas or oil fired oven where the castings are placed in the oven and brought to temperature before their removal. In any case, some means should be available of insuring that the castings are up to the required preheating temperature before welding is initiated and maintained at that temperature throughout the welding operation. Surface reading thermocouples or crayons that melt at a specific temperature are commonly used for this purpose. The specific preheat temperature is dependent on the steel composition, section size, the degree of restraint at the joint, the welding method and the ambient temperature. Preheating temperatures may vary from 100F to over 1000F, but most recommended temperatures are 6 0 0 F or less ( 4 ) . The benefits obtained from proper preheating include: the prevention of cold cracks; the reduction of HAZ hardness; and residual stresses and distortion. The recommended preheating temperatures are discussed for each of the various types of steel in the subsequent sections. Types of Discontinuities One of the considerations of weldability is freedom from weld discontinuities. Just as the casting process may result in discontinuities that are frequently repaired by welding, the fusion welding process is susceptible to certain irregularities that may require correction for some applications. These weld discontinuities are generally repaired by additional welding ( 5 ) . Some types of welding processes and steels are more susceptible than others to these discontinuities; the weldability is considered to be better for these steels and methods where less difficulities are encountered. The major types of weld discontinuities in fusion welds are listed below and are shown schematically in Figure 1 ( 5 ) .




Incomplete fusion and joint pe ne tr a tion. Inclusions: oxides, slag a nd tungste n. G eom etric imperfections : unde r c utting, unde r f ill, e xc e ssive reinforcem ent, surfa c e ir r e gula r itie s, dr opthr ough a nd mismatch. Metallurgical D efec ts: a) D efects related to se gr e ga tion: hot cracking and mic r of issur e s; cold cracking, d e la ye d c r a c king, por osity and subsurface shr inka ge .




Im perfections induc e d by me ta llur gic a l r e a c tions : em brittlem ent ; m etallurgical notc he s.


O ther im perfections: a r c str ike s, we ld spa tte r ( 5 ) .

I n c o mplete fusion discontinuitie s a r e c onditions in a we lde d j o i n t w h e r e adjacent layers of we ld me ta l, ba se me ta l or we ld me ta l a nd b a se m e t a l fail to melt together pr ope r ly. The y usua lly r e sult f r om: l a c k o f p e netration of the f u l l base me ta l thic kne ss; or be a ds f a il t o i n t e r m e lt; or the presence of slag, oxide or othe r f or e ign ma te r ia ls a t i n t e r f a c es prevent m elting of a dja c e nt ma te r ia ls. I nc omple te f u si o n d i sc ontinuities may be the r e sult of f a ulty we lding te c hnique s a n d i m p r o per w elding conditions. I nsuf f ic ie nt we lding c ur r e nt or v o l t a g e , o r excessive root thickn e ss is a f r e que nt c a use . Misa lignm e n t o f t h e w elding torch and th e line of we lding c a n a lso pr oduc e t h e m . I n c o m plete-fusion w ith pr e vious be a ds of te n r e sults whe n de e p c r e v i c e s o r undercuts are presen t in the pr e viously de posite d be a ds o r w h e n slag removal is incomple te . Although inc omple te - f usion d i sc o n t i n uities are common in we lds, the y c a n be e limina te d e ntir e ly b y t h e u se of proper w elding conditions ( 5) . I nc omple te pe ne tr a tion b o t h r e d u c es the load bearing cr oss se c tion a nd a c ts a s a str e ss c onc e ntrator. I n c lusions in w elds are u nde sir a ble f or e ign ma tte r tha t wa s i n t r o d u c e d during the w elding o pe r a tion. Oxide f ilms, sla g f r om the w e l d i n g e l ectrodes, and tungsten pa r tic le s f r om ga s tungste n- a r c w e l d i n g e lectrodes are the inclusions usua lly f ound in f usion we lds. T h e se o x i de film s can occur w ith impr ope r shie lding dur ing we lding. Slag i n c l u sions are solid non-me ta llic pa r tic le s tha t usua lly oc c ur a s c o n t i n u o u s or intermittent stringe r s he ld be twe e n we ld be a ds, or b e t w e e n weld beads and the bas e me ta l. Sla g disc ontinuitie s oc c ur mainly i n welds made w ith the shie lde d me ta l- a r c a nd subme r ge d- a r c p r o c e sse s that utilize a w elding flux. I na de qua te sla g- r e mova l t e c h n i q u e s and/or im proper w elding te c hnique s c a use the m. Tungste n i n c l u si o n s are particles of tungste n in we ld me ta l de posite d with the gas t u n g st e n-arc w elding process a nd a r e c ondide r e d to ha ve the sa me e f f e c t a s slag inclusions of equal siz e . Like inc omple te f usion,


i n c l u s i o n s c a n reduce w e l d m e n t pr ope r tie s a nd se r vic e pe r f or ma nc e , depending on their characteristics, orientation and the service conditions (5).
Geometric imperfections are weld-shape features such as undercut, e x c e s s i v e r e i n f o r c e m e n t , p o o r p r o f i l e , e x c e s s i v e w e l d width, a nd o t h e r s t h a t r e s u l t f r o m improper contour ing o f the w e l d . The y usua lly r e sult from improper welding conditions or inadequate control of welding operations. Undercut denotes depressions along the edges of a weld, a n d p a r a l lel to its length. T hey f or m a s inte r mitte nt or c ontinuous g r o o v e s which vary in depth and width. Unde r c ut oc c ur s whe n sur f a c e t e n si o n f o rces draw the metal a wa y f r om the side s of the we ld gr oove . T h e w e l d reinforcement is that a mount of de posite d we ld me ta l tha t p r o j e c t s beyond the surface of the ba se me ta l in the thic kne ss dir e c tion. I t c a n r e su lt from high heat input r a te s. The most c ommon ir r e gula r itie s i n t h e su r f ace of w elds are surf a c e r ipple s. Although the y a r e dif f ic ult t o a v o i d , ripples can generally b e r e move d by gr inding or ma c hining ( 5 ) .
C r acks are a very serious f or m of we lding disc ontinuity a nd a r e c l a ssi f ied as hot cracking, cold c r a c king a nd f issur ing. Hot c r a c ks a r e e sse n tially sm all hot tears and f or me d f or the sa me r e a sons. Hot c r a c k i n g at the w eld centerline is e nc ounte r e d with we ld pools of a t e a r d r o p s hape and avoided by e lliptic a l sha pe we ld pools. Cold c r a c ks o c c u r a t o r near room temperatu r e a nd c a n f or m a c onside r a ble pe r iod a f t e r t h e w eld has been made. Cr a c ks a r e also c la ssif ie d a c c or ding t o l o c a t i o n as illustrated in Figur e 2 ( 6 ) . This type of c la ssif ic a tion i s r e l a t e d to the conditions prod uc ing the se c r a c ks a nd c r a c king p r o b l e m s are frequently referre d to by the se de signa tions in this p a p e r . U n derbead cracks are cold c r a c ks oc c ur r ing in the H A Z unde r the d e p o si t e d w eld and are produced by e xc e ssive ha r dne ss a nd br ittle ne ss i n t h e H A Z , stresses in the area or hydr oge n. Toe c r a c ks ha ve simila r c a u se s b u t can be observed at the sur f a c e of the we ldme nt ( 5 ) . P o r osity consists of nume r ous ga s poc ke ts in the we ld r e sulting f r o m t h e e volution and entrapme nt of ga s f r om molte n me ta l dur ing so l i d i f i c a tion. A lthough the poc ke ts usua lly a r e sphe r ic a l in sha pe w i t h b r i g ht, smooth w alls, they va r y in siz e a nd sha pe . Por osity a lso m a y b e p r e sent as irregularly sh a pe d ga s poc ke ts a long de ndr ite b o u n d a r i es, or as tubular gas poc ke ts; "pipe " or "wor mhole " por osity. T h e g a se s that cause porosity ma y c ome f r om we lding ma te r ia ls the mse lve s , f r o m w e l d ing unclean or w et co mpone nts, or f r om the use of impr ope r w e l d i n g c onditions ( 5 ) . Me t a l l u r g ical D iscontinuities
A n understanding of m eta llur gic a l disc ontinuitie s or str uc tur a l v a r i a t i o n s in the w elding of cas t ste e l r e quir e s a knowle dge of the t r a n sf o r m a tions that occur w ith the he a ting a nd c ooling tha t a c c ompa nie s f u si o n w elding. Steel is basica lly an ir on- c a r bon a lloy s o the e f f e c t o f t h e v a r ious thermal cycles on the pha se s obta ine d in the ir onc a r b o n sy s tem is an im portant conside r a tion. The inf lue nc e tha t the se t h e r m a l f l uctuations exert on th e se pha se s dur ing we lding of a ste e l c o n t a i n i n g 0.3% carbon is illustr a te d by the simplif ie d ir on- ir on


carbide diagram in Figure 3 ( 6 ) . F i v e p o i n t s o r l o c a t i o n s h a v e b e e n selected to illustrate the various structures and conditions that occur as a result of the maximum temperature attained at each location.

As s h o w n in Figure 3 , some of the base m e t a l in the H A Z (Points 1 - 4 ) i s heated into the austenitic or high temperature (face-centered cubic) form of iron by the fusion welding operation. As these areas cool down to room temperature, this austenite transforms back to the room temperature phases with their body-centered structures. This t r a n s formation can occur to form several microstructural forms such as ferrite, pearlite, bainite or martensite. These constituents have different characteristics and their hardness generally increases f or the phases formed at the lowest temperatures. Martensite, the phase that is formed at the lowest temperature, is both very hard and brittle at any except the lowest carbon contents. For this reason, the formation of martensite in the HAZ can lead to cold cracks, hydrogen-induced cracks or high residual stresses either during or subsequent to welding. Since the formation of such cracks and stresses reduces the mechanical properties, welding conditions are controlled for the different steels produced to avoid the formation of this martensite. Those steels that require special precautions to avoid martensite forming in the H A Z are considered to have inferior weldability to those steels that do not require special handling.
The carbon content, critical cooling rate and critical temperatures as affected by composition and the grain size of the steel are the primary factors that determine the tendency of each steel fo form martensite. Increasing the carbon content decreases the critical cooling rate, lowers the A 3 temperature and increases the hardness of the transformed region ( 4 ) . The A 1 and A 3 temperature may be predicted with fair accuracy from the alloy content such as by the expressions listed below that are useful for low-alloy steels containing up to 0.60% carbon : A l (F) = 1333 - 25 (%Mn) + 40(%Si) - 26(%Ni) + 42(%Cr) A 3 (F) = 1570 - 323(%C) - 25(%Mn) + 80(%Si) - 32(%Ni) - 3(%Cr). The higher the steel is heated above the A 3 temperature, the larger the austenitic grain size becomes; this effect is significant in the highest temperature region of the HAZ (Point 1 in Figure 3) ( 4 ) . On cooling from the austenitic region, each steel has a critical cooling rate though the region in which austenite transforms to the lower temperature microconstituents. Since the equilibrium diagram is not very useful in predicting structures obtained under rapid cooling conditions, continuous cooling diagrams (CCT) have been constructed for a large number of steels. These diagrams allow a correlation between cooling rates and the resulting microconstituents formed. The cooling rate is determined by welding conditions; slow cooling rates are favored by high heat input from the welding operation, thinner sections and high preheating temperatures. A CCT diagram for a low alloy steel (AISI 8 6 3 0 ) is shown in Figure 4 (5).




I t b e c o m e s evident f r o m a study o f this diagram t h a t the different cooling rates shown by curves A, B, C and D provide different final microstructures with different hardness levels. The critical cooling rate a s described above is defined as the ma ximum rate that will just provide a completely martensitic structure. This critical rate is located just to the right of curve A in Figure 4 . F r o m a w e l d i n g standpoint, p a r t i a l l y hardened o r p a r t i a l l y m a r t e n s i t i c s t r u c t u r e s are undesirable even though small amounts of martensite can be tolerated in some cases.
The phases obtained during transformation of the austenite at various coolingratesor the CCT diagram for each steel varies with alloy and carbon content. These CCT diagrams are available for a large number of steels and allow this correlation between the cooling rate and structure. Steels with carbon contents under 0.10% have extremely rapid critical cooling rates and therefore present no problem with hardening even though the M s temperature increases with decreasing carbon.

For a given steel, the final structure can be reasonably approximated by means of microhardness tests taken in the H A Z if correlating tables are available. A large amount of work has been done to relate welding variables, cooling rates and hardness obtained for various steels. Data are available to show the relation between heat input, cooling time through the transformation temperature region and section size for various steels and welding processes ( 7 ) . Welding Processes The primary welding processes that are used for the repair and fabrication of steel castings are listed below and illustrated by the sketches in Figure 5 ( 8 ) .


Shielded Metal-Arc Welding (SMAW) involves the use of a consumable electrode shielded by a gas originating from the electrode coating or i n some cases, the inner core of the electrode.
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) , also known as Metal-Inert Gas Welding (MIG), the consumable electrode is shielded by an inert gas from a second source; such gases are helium, argon (sometimes mixed with small amounts of hydrogen) a n d C O 2 for certain steels,



Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), also known as TungstenInsert Gas Welding (TIG), a gas shielded tungsten electrode is used to deposit metal from a consumable welding rod.
The Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process has an arc maintained between a continuously fed consumable bare wire electrode and the work. Flux is dispensed over the area to be welded and the wire is fed into and melts some of this flux.




Other welding processes of some interest are gas welding with an oxyacetylene torch used as a source of heat with a filler rod to deposit metal; electro-slag welding; and non-shielded arc. The shielded metal arc uses a wide variety of coated electrodes that are classified by the strength level of the undiluted weld metal and type of coating. These different coatings vary the penetration of the electrode, welding p o s i t i o n s and the a m o u n t o f hydrogen i n the gas shield. A detailed l i s t of these electrode coatings is furnished subsequently. The SMAW process cannot be made automatic because the coating on the electrode does not permit these to be coiled and fed automatically. An adaptation of this process places the coating or flux constituents inside of a tubular electrode and permits automatic use but the variety of fluxes and resulting atomospheres available are much more limited. Both the GMAW and GTAW processes can be operated automatically or semi-automatically. The GMAW (or MIG) process is used on steels with helium, argon or mixed gas shielding and also with CO 2 shielding. The CO 2 gas is considerably cheaper than the others and is employed on steels when the mild oxidizing effect of this atmosphere can be tolerated. The GTAW (or TIG) process is slower than the other four methods listed and expensive because of the shielding gas. For these reasons, its use i s restricted to cases where it has a technical advantage such as thin sections. These MIG and TIG processes have the advantages of being automatic with continuous feeding of the electrode into the weld and avoiding the fused flux or slag layer produced by the SMAW and submerged arc (SAW) processes. The submerged arc process is also automatic and is capable of substantially higher rates of metal. deposition and of making single pass welds of considerable thickness compared to the other three methods.
Gas welding is useful for small repair jobs and permits close control of the temperatures. Carbon steels can be welded without a flux but the rates of metal deposition is so slow that the process is not widely used in repairing or assembling steel castings, except for cladding and special purposes. The electroslag process is well adapted to joining thick sections (over 2 inches). It utilizes filler wires fed into a molten slag pool contained between water cooled dams. It starts as an arc but when the flux melts, the process depends on the heat generated by the flow of current from the electrode through the flux to the work. The process generates considerable heat, resulting i n a coarse grained weld deposit and H A Z so that subsequent heat treatments are generally required. While not used extensively in casting repair up to this time, it is widely employed for the cast-weld assemblies with heavy sections (2). Non-shielded arc provides a weld of inferior quality that is only used for lower grade products.

Following the joining operation, a postweld heat treatment may be needed, depending on the base metal composition, welding method and service conditions. This treatment can range from stress relief of the weld area to quenching and tempering the entire weldment. Some of the purposes include: stress relief, improved strength and toughness, diffusion of hydrogen from the HAZ or restoring the corrosion resistance.


Types of Steels
For the purposes of this paper, the carbon steels will be considered in one category and alloy steels with a total alloy content of up to 5 % in other groups. The alloy steels discussed contain intentional additions of the elements Ni, Cr, Si, M O and Mn. These added elements improve mechanical properties, heat treatment response, elevated tempera t u r e properties and corrosion resistance. Plain carbon cast steels rely primarily on carbon for variation of their properties. The carbon content ranges between 0.10 and 1.00%, depending on the intended use. They can be welded without difficulty when the carbon is below about 0.30%, The weldability of plain carbon steels decreases as the carbon content is raised. The weldability of low-alloy steels is good, but they require careful attention to welding procedures and filler metal choice ( 5 ) . A s p r e v i o u s l y d i s c u s s e d , t h e strength, hardness and ductility of these steels varies widely depending on their composition and the thermal treatments. Both carbon and alloy steels are employed in the heat treated condition; the treatments used vary widely from annealing to normalizing to quenching and tempering, depending on the final use of the casting. Low-Carbon Steels - -

The low-carbon steels are considered to be those not exceeding 0.20% carbon. These are the most easily welded by a large variety of methods. Hardenability is very low and even though the maximum hardness for a fully-hardened structure may be considerable as illustrated in Figure 6 ( 4 ) , the actual hardness in low-carbon HAZs rarely reaches high values because the critical cooling rates are not achieved under ordinary conditions. Preheating is not needed; several welding methods can be employed, and cooling is rarely encountered. However, the low-carbon steels are susceptible to porosity unless these are deoxidized. While it is usual practice to deoxidize low-carbon cast steels, many of the wrought steels are rimmed and this can lead to porosity from CO gas evolution unless electrodes with considerable amounts of aluminum, manganese and silicon are employed.
The low-carbon steels are welded commonly by the shielded metal arc, submerged arc and GMAW or MIG processes using CO 2 gas shield ( 9 ) . Additional deoxidizers are usually added to the electrode in this latter case. The choice of electrodes for welding low-carbon steel is based on the desired final mechanical properties of the weld. Table I lists the AWS classification and weld deposit compositions of typical electrodes used in the SMAW process for carbon and low-alloy steels ( 4 ) . The last two digits refer to the type of coating, while the preceding numbers list the minimum tensile strengths of the undiluted filler metal. Details on the characteristics of the various coatings are listed in Table II. Electrodes of the EXXl0 and EXXll classes are suitable for lowcarbon steels because of their deep penetration characteristic, minimal slag production. Low-hydrogen coatings are generally unnecessary








unless sufficient residual alloy elements are present to raise the composition to low alloy levels. The low-hydrogen coatings require careful handling and may pick up moisture when exposed to air for any significant length of time. If these become moist, they should be oven dried and taken hot from the oven for usage. Therefore, the electrodes most often used are the cellulosic electrodes at strength levels of 60 ksi. These electrodes give a good combination of mechanical properties and ease of welding at all positions (9). Most problems with low carbon steels are caused by impurity elements and non-homogeneous structures. Sulfur is the most common and damaging impurity element. Sulfur levels at 0.05% can produce liquid sulfide films at the grain boundaries (10) that cause solid embrittling films and possible hot cracking, although this is a much more serious problem in the higher carbon and alloy grades. The presence of strong sulfide formers, such as manganese, reduce this problem but may not completely eliminate it (ll). The presence of manganese sulfide inclusions also reduces problems with hydrogen embrittlement by providing sinks for this element (12, 13) . Other more stable sulfide formers, such as rare earths, can be more effective in this respect. Phosphorus has a similar embrittling effect to sulfur ( 4 , 1 4 ) and is more difficult to remove.

These problems with hot cracking caused by low melting point films and embrittling elements apply to the entire range of carbon and alloy steels. In fact, sulfur and phosphorus levels are much more critical in higher performance steels, and maximum allowable contents are generally much lower than in low-carbon steels. The higher tolerance of low-carbon steels for impurity elements exists because the segregation of sulfur and phosphorus are increased by higher carbon contents and certain alloy elements. The only low-carbon steels which require some precautions are the free-machining steels, where sulfur levels may reach 0.30%. Even though additional manganese is specified in these steels, welding with cellulosic electrodes or other conditions producing hydrogen may result in porosity, due to the formation of H 2 S gas in the weld metal. Electrodes of the E XX15, E X X 1 6 and EXX18 classes may be used to avoid this problem.
Low-carbon steels are not highly susceptible to cold cracking even under fairly severe conditions; the lack of toughness characteristic of higher-carbon martensites is not found in these cast steels under 0.20% C .
Medium Carbon Steels - -

Medium carbon steels are generally considered to be plain carbon steels with 0.20-0.50% carbon. Hardening of the HAZ so that preheating is required is generally not necessary below 0.30% carbon. The suggested composition limits above which preheating is required are 0.28% carbon and 1% Mn according to one source ( 14) . As the carbon increases above 0.30%, preheating and the use of low-hydrogen electrodes become more of a necessity to avoid cracking problems. Towards the top of this range, the H A Z often attains full hardness without addi-


tional alloying and reaches the maximum hardness shown in Figure 6 . This high hardness with a low ductility or brittleness make the hardened structures very susceptible to both cold-cracking from thermal stresses and to hydrogen-induced cracking. Figure 7 ( 4 ) shows underbead crack sensitivity, underbead hardness and bend angle at maximum load as a function of carbon equivalent. This carbon equivalent has been formulated to allow for the influence of the manganese and silicon contents on the hardening behavior of these medium carbon steels. It is evident that both cracking susceptibility and hardness increase rapidly with carbon equivalent and that the bend angle at failure decreases. All these trends denote a marked loss in toughness. Close control of cooling rates in the H A Z must be maintained. The preheat temperature required depends on the carbon content, section thickness and number of weld passes. These temperatures vary from 100F for thin sections at 0.35% C to 400F for 0.45% C with 4 inch sections and single pass welds. The preheat requirements for multipass welds are substantially less if the welding operations are conducted efficiently. Preheating temperatures of 400F are needed with 0.50% C steels welded under other than low-hydrogen conditions and temperatures of 500F are used in the upper part of the 0.30-0.50% C range for heavy sections, single pass welds and other than low-hydrogen conditions ( 1 , 4 ) . Interpass temperatures at least equaling the preheat temperature should be maintained. High Carbon Steels - High carbon steels are classified as containing between 0.50 and 1.00% carbon. They are difficult to weld because of cracking in the weld area from the high hardness and brittleness that can result from martensite formation. Precise determination of the necessary preheat and interpass temperatures is difficult for steels with carbon contents over about 0.50% C because of their sensitivity to other factors. Attempts have been made to correlate hardness and crack sensitivity directly, but the results indicate that such a relationship cannot be isolated ( 4 ) . The following welding procedure is recommended: lowhydrogen shielding when available in desired strength levels, a welding technique which minimizes dilution and the resultant hardening of the weld metal and a postweld heat treatment consisting of at least a stress relief and possibly a full anneal (1). The choice of a filler metal depends on the desired final strength of the joint. Weldments used in the quenched-and-tempered condition require E90XX or E l 0 0 X X electrodes; lower strength filler metals may be used in other cases. Preheating should always be used, the exact temperature being determined by cooling conditions and welding method. Temperatures of 600F or even higher are sometimes employed, but such temperatures cause difficulties with oxidation and welder discomfort. The preheat temperature must be adjusted in such cases to allow the diffusible hydrogen to leave the hardened area and prevent additional embrittlement. In addition to the preheat, welding techniques that provide slow cooling should be used including a high heat input, multipass welds and the use of insulation to restrict heat flow.



Alloy Steels - Classification of the weldability of alloy steels by composition i s difficult since many different combinations and purposes of alloying are employed. Alloys are added to steels to improve the strength, toughness and corrosion resistance. The influence of alloying on weldability has been equated to carbon content by a term known as carbon equivalent. This approach was used for the other elements in carbon steel in Figure 7 . A fairly widely used relation is shown below ( 8 ) . Welding Carbon Equivalent = % C + ____ + % N i + (_____________) %Mn ___ % C r +% M o + % V 20 15 10

A s this value increases, the susceptibllity of the steel to cold-cracking does likewise. The carbon equivalent is designed to be employed along with a knowledge of the electrode size and weld dimensions as a means of selecting preheating temperatures. While this approach has the advantage of simplicity, it i s limited in range and is an oversimplification of the situation.
Even within the limits of 5 % total alloy content employed in this paper, a considerable variety of alloy steel castings are included. These have a wide range of weldability and are utilized for many purposes. Considerable detail on their repair welding is presented in reference 1, and it is not the purpose of this publication to duplicate that coverage. A summary of the electrodes used, preheat and postheating temperatures recommended are included in Table III (15). This table provides limited data on the carbon steels already discussed, as well as the various categories of low and medium alloy steels.

The majority of the alloying elements employed increase the hardenability of the steel and reduce the critical cooling rate. In the more highly-alloyed steels, f ull hardening is possible even in thick sections and at modest cooling rates. With this increase in hardenability, the carbon content becomes increasingly critical because it controls the hardness of the martensite and affects its toughness. The relation between maximum hardness and carbon content, as shown in Figure 6 , becomes a realistic estimate of the hardness of martensitic alloy steels because fully-hardened structures can readily be obtained. A carbon content of 0.20% in a plain carbon steel might produce a hardness of R c 30 under relatively rapid cooling conditions, whereas the same carbon level in a high-alloy steel at the same cooling rate might result in a hardness of R c 40-45. Such hardness levels markedly increase the susceptibility to cold-cracking and generally require a tempering treatment before use in service.
In addition to increasing hardenability, most alloy elements except for silicon, cobalt and aluminum, lower the M s temperature of the steel. Silicon has no effect and aluminum and cobalt raise the M s . An expression for calculating the M s temperature for a steel of known composition as shown below ( 4 ) :

M s (F) = 1042 - 853(%C) - 6 0 ( % M n ) - 30(%Ni) - 30(%Cr) - 38(%Mo)



The hardenability is affected by grain size and segregation as well as composition and requires special calculations that are not presented in this paper.
Alloying elements increase the susceptibility of steels to welding discontinuities, particularly cracking and the metallurgical types. The susceptibility to hot cracking is still largely controlled by the sulfur content of the steel but alloy steels are more sensitive to a given sulfur level. While a 0.05% S level is permissible in many carbon steels, a much lower sulf ur content can cause serious cracking problems in an alloy s t e e l . The effects of alloys on hot cracking susceptibility depend primarily on their influence on the behavior of sulfur. Those that promote sulfide segregation to grain boundaries by reducing the solubility of sulfur also promote hot-cracking. Such elements include carbon, phosphorus, nickel, aluminum and large amounts of silicon (over 1% and only in the heat-treatable alloys). As mentioned above, manganese tends to form fairly stable sulfides which resist grain boundary segregation and therefore decrease hot-cracking susceptibility. Other elements which reduce hot-cracking tendencies are chromium, vanadium and molybdenum. These elements exert their influence indirectly by forming stable carbides and thus decreasing the effect of carbon. While the general influence of all these elements is known individually, it has not been possible to predict their combined effects. For this reason, the cracking tendency of each particular steel is evaluated by means of standard weldability tests. The presence of significant amounts of alloys increases the susceptibility of the steels to both cold-cracking and hydrogen-induced cracking. The higher hardenability in alloy steels results in structures which show less toughness in the as-welded condition than carbon steels of similar carbon content. The increased cracking results from a number of factors: higher yield strengths obtained by alloying result in increased stored elastic energy; the lower M s and M f temperatures of alloy steels mean that transformation often takes place at temperatures which cannot act to temper the martensite, stress relieve, or produce significant diffusion of hydrogen from the hardened area; and the more complete transformation to martensite, which has a lower solubility for hydrogen than austenite or ferrite, results in a greater degree of supersaturation of hydrogen. It is evident that great care must be observed in welding alloy steels to prevent cold-cracking and only low-hydrogen processes be used when possible.

The choice of filler metal for alloy steels is more critical in alloy than carbon steels. Whereas low or medium carbon steels could be welded with a number of filler materials, alloy steels frequently have properties that can only be obtained by a limited number of weld metals. The selection is further complicated by the fact that matching of compositions is often impossible or undesirable. The filler metal requirements must be examined from the standpoint of weld metal properties in the final structure rather than composition and properties of filler metal alone. Increased alloy content of filler metal produces a problem with oxidation losses and the weld metal composition is greatly affected by pickup of alloy elements from the base metal.


I n addition to the general coverage provided by Table III and the above discussions, some individual considerations are the heat treated condition in which the casting is received and the subsequent heat treatment that is to be conducted. In cases where field weldability without preheating or postheating is desired, the alloy s t e e l s have a low carbon content (generally below 0.20%) and depend on multiple MnCr-Mo-Ni A l l o y s for their strength. The purpose is t o maintain a low carbon equivalent value. The low carbon level provides a much tougher, crack-resistant martensite when this is formed. Depending on the strength level and the section thickness, the amount of alloying and heat t r e a t ment employed prior to welding is adjusted. These steels a r e welded in the normalized, normalized and tempered, and quenched and tempered conditions. When postheating procedures are not feasible, it is the recommended welding practice to weld with low hydrogen electrodes and to provide fast cooling rates in the H A Z during welding. This technique deposits small weld beads at low heat input in a stringer fashion with n o weaving of the electrode. The multiple weld deposits provide a self-tempering effect. The strength levels of these field welded steels are, of course, limited because the amount of hardening elements is restricted by the requirements for a relatively low carbon equivalent.
When the application requires higher strength or involves heavier sections, the castings are quenched and tempered after welding. However, in cases where the quenched and tempered weld metal fails to reach the required strength, only tempering can be used. These castings are frequently annealed prior to welding and require preheating temperatures as high as 600F. Since these steels are to be heat treated after welding, high heat inputs during welding are used to retard martensite formation. The deposited weld also is usually high strength in these cases to provide the needed properties in the finished component. Cracking of this deposited weld then becomes a more severe problem than the HAZ of the base casting making the use of the higher preheating temperatures a necessity ( 8 ) .


In addition to the strength and ductility requirements, the dynamic properties of repair and fabricated welds in steel castings are of major significance in the service behavior of the finished components. Because welds present an altered dimensional and metallurgical structure, as discussed in the previous section, the properties of welds are frequently considerably different than those of the base, heat treated casting. Many of these effects are produced by the metallurgical discontinuities that have been described since the welds have both a different structure and composition compared to the base metal. The presence of the other types of weld discontinuities (Figure 1) also exert considerable influence on mechanical behavior. This part in the paper discusses the effect of numerous welding processes, variables and discontinuities on the fatigue and toughness properties of welds in steel castings.


Fatigue Behavior Weld Configuration - The weld geometry or configuration is a major consideration in weldments joining wrought sections and shapes but these considerations do not apply for the most part to welds in steel castings. When repair or fabrication welds are made on steel castings and ground flush to the smooth contour of the part, the effect of weld geometry is removed unless undercuts have occurred during welding. However, when fillet welds a r e employed to make " L " , " T " , " X" or box sections, and the welds are not ground smooth, the weld geometry can influence fatigue strength markedly. A report has been published by SFSA showing the superiority of the fatigue properties of cast " L " and box sections compared to those shapes o n welded joints in medium carbon steels ( 1 6 ) . The problem of the fatigue behavior of weld configurations in fatigue and the desirability of using steel castings or forgings for some contours has been recognized in other texts (17). The effect of not grinding the weld reinforcement or raised weld deposit from a butt weld is illustrated in Figure 8 ( 1 7 ) . This figure also indicates that if the weld reinforcement is removed completely by proper grinding or machining, the fatigue strength of the joint starts to approach the properties for the as-received base plate. Fatigue tests conducted on simulated butt-welded specimens of mild carbon structural wrought steel with the simulated weld reinforcement machined from base metal showed similar results (18). The significant variables are the flank angle, 8, and the radius at the toe of the weld, R as shown in Figure 9a. Decreasing the flank angle or increasing the radius will increase fatigue strength as illustrated in Figure 9b ( 1 8 ) . Other weld configurations, such as fillet welds, are also influenced by the shape of the weld reinforcement, the overall dimensions of the weld and the presence of small undercuts at the toe of the weld ( 1 6 , 1 7 ) . The fatigue properties of welds and lap joints are even more affected by geometrical considerations but these shapes usually do not apply to steel castings. Base Metal Strength Level - The unnotched fatigue strength of carbon, low and medium alloy steel castings increases with tensile strength, at least up to a tensile strength of about 200 ksi. The notched fatigue strength, however, begins to level off at a lower strength (160-180 ksi U.T.S.). This behavior is illustrated in Figure 10 (15,19). The notched fatigue test results show more scatter than the unnotched fatigue strengths and are usually considered to be more applicable to the service performance of most components. Welding may reduce the fatigue strength of the higher strength steels even more than the presence of mechanical notches. Data in t h e welding l i t e r a t u r e (20-23) show that:




( 1 ) for steels with weld strengths of 5 5 to 110 ksi, weld fatigue strength increases slightly with increasing tensile strength;
the fatigue strength of higher strength steels levels off because of the increasing notch sensitivity at higher tensile strengths; considerable scatter occurs in the data resulting in reports that the fatigue strength is not affected by tensile strength.


This effect of the tensile strength of the base material welded on the fatigue strength of transverse butt steel welds is illustrated in Figure 11 (20). In this and in subsequent plots the R value refers to the algebraic ratio of the smallest and largest stress (tension +, compression -) during fatigue testing. In this case, the testing cycle was zero stress-tension.
An explanation has been presented for the fact that the fatigue strength of weldments does not show the same degree of dependence on tensile strength exhibited by the notched fatigue strength of the base metal (24). It was reported that fatigue cracks which form in the region of stress concentration at the toe of the weld actually initiate a t non-metallic inclusions which further concentrate the stress. This high stress concentration makes the stress at the inclusion tip very high and the strain independent of material strength. Since fatigue is strain dependent, it too becomes independent of material strength.

High and Low Hydrogen Electrodes - The earlier investigators of this subject concluded that the use of low-hydrogen electrodes resulted in no advantage in fatigue strength over that for high hydrogen rutile electrodes. In one case (25), it was stated that no significant difference exists between the strength of butt welds made with rutile electrodes and welds made with lowhydrogen electrodes provided that they both have the same reinforcement shape . However, when the weld reinforcement is removed, the advantages of low hydrogen welds become evident. With the reinforcement intact, the fatigue crack initiates at the toe of the weld in the H A Z of the base plate. When the reinforcement is removed, fatigue cracks initiate at discontinuities in the weld and the properties of the weld material become significant. Fatigue tests made on all weld metal fatigue specimens machined from welds indicate the superiority of low hydrogen weld metal ( 2 6 ) . In additional tests, the weld overfill or reinforcement was machined off, and a hole was drilled through the weld to produce a stress concentration within the weld metal (27). When these specimens were tested in pulsating tension, welds made with low hydrogen electrodes displayed significantly higher fatigue strengths. Similar results are also available for machined butt welds with notches 0.79 inches deep and a 0.l0 inch radius machined in the edge of a


3 inch wide, 24 inch long specimen as illustrated in Figure 12 (26). Other data on the superiority of welds made with low hydrogen electrodes in the presence of weld discontinuities will be discussed in the following section.
Weld Discontinuities - -

A n extensive investigation ( 2 8 ) has been undertaken by the SFSA to determine the influence of welding discontinuities on the fatigue strength of welded cast steel in bending and torsion. The tests were all performed on low alloy ( 8 6 3 0 ) steel that was normalized and tempered to a tensile strength level of about 88 ksi and quenched and tempered to approximately 122 psi. The dimensions of the fatigue specimens employed are shown in Figure 13 (28).
These specimens were welded in the as-cast condition, and the normalizing and tempering and water quench and tempering treatments were performed (austenitizing in salt pots) after welding was completed. Accordingly, these results show the effects of the weld discontinuities only, and are not influenced by the heat effect that occurs during welding. Double vee butt welds were employed on each type of specimen using the shielded metal arc welding process and commercial E9018-B3, low hydrogen type electrodes. A preheat temperature of 300F was used to produce slow cooling and post-heat of ll00F for one hour immediately after welding to prevent cold cracking. The weld joint, number and order of weld bead deposition and the types of discontinuities tested are shown in Figure 1 4 (28). The classification of the welding discontinuities that were tested are listed in Table IV (28). The results of the fatigue tests are summarized for bending in Table Va and for torsion in Table Vb. In each case, the test results are compared with a sound cast steel of similar heat treatment and strength level. This investigation (28) conducted complete S-N curves on these steels, so the values of K f * were obtained for the various types of discontinuities on the normalized and tempered and quenched and tempered steels for both bending and torsion fatigue tests. These K f values have been listed in Table VIa for bending and Table VIb (28) for torsion at l0 5 , l 0 6 , and l0 7 cycles, The test results indicate that undercuts have the most marked effects on fatigue life, followed by slag inclusions and incomplete penetration with the least effect from the sound and sound weld tests machined flush to the fatigue bar surface. The figures below indicate the approximate percentage loss in endurance limit from the various discontinuities for bending and torsion fatigue (28, 28a).

*(K f ) = Endurance Limit of Unnotched Specimens ______________________________________ Endurance Limit of Notched Specimens






For Bending Fatigue - At T w o Tensile Strength Levels


APPROX. % LOSS IN ENDURANCE LIMIT Q & T-122 ksi N & T-88 ksi
31 22 21 20 19

Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld

Undercut Incomplete Penetration Slag Inclusions Sound - Not Machined Sound Machined

22 6 13 5 2

For Torsion Fatigue - At Two Tensile Strength Levels DISCONTINUITY Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld

APPROX. % LOSS IN ENDURANCE LIMIT Q & T-122 ksi N & T-88 ksi

Undercut Slag Inclusions, Severe Sound - Not Machined Lack of Penetration Sound Machined

36 30 20 15 15

15 13 8 10 3

The loss in fatigue properties from the sound weld occurs because of the different compositions and the geometric effect of the weld reinforcement previously discussed. The sound-machined specimen loses fatigue strength only because of the difference in weld and base casting properties and composition. These specimens were heat treated after welding so any heat effects would be removed, The effect of the difference in composition is shown by the traverse of hardness readings taken across the cast steel weld deposit* area in Figures 15a and 15b (28).
Extensive experimental work has been performed on the effect that slag inclusions in welds have on weld fatigue strength (26, 29-31) Transverse butt welds were made on mild steel plate with both rutile and low hydrogen electrodes containing small discrete slag defects. The steel plate had a tensile strength of about 6 4 . 3 ksi. The decrease in fatigue strength with increasing total inclusion length, where the defect length and depth have been held constant, and the higher fatigue strength in low hydrogen welds in 1/2 inch thick plates are presented in Figures 1 6 a and 1 6 b (26, 29-31). These fatigue tests were conducted on two pass but welds machined flush with the surface before testing. Additional tests were conducted with 1-1/2 inch thick butt welds. The heavier section resulted in significant residual stresses and problems with hydrogen ( 7 , 31) . The influence of a 300F preheat and a 1200F stress relief for 1-1/2 hours were studied. The tests were conducted on a mild steel plate with a tensile strength of 6 3 . 4 ksi. The following conclusions resulted from these tests (31).

*Cast 8630 type steel, typically .30 C, .80 Mn, .30 S i , .45 Cr, .55 Ni, .20 Mo, SMAW, low hydrogen electrode E9018-B3 with typical . l 0 C, .90 Mn, .80 Si, .15 Cr, 1.60 Ni, . 3 5 Mo, .05 V




Discrete slag inclusions are more deleterious near the rolled plate surface because the surface is in residual tension.

(2) When the effect of discontinuities central in thickness were blanketed by compressive residual stress, large and small slag particles produced similar strengths. When these compressive stresses were relieved prior to testing, the larger inclusions resulted in a lower strength.
(3) For discontinuities central in thickness, stress relief produces an increase in strength where the slag is discrete, but a decrease with a continuous slag line. The reduction in strength, resulting from stress relief for a continuous defect central in thickness, occurs because the compressive stresses at the defect are removed by the treatment. The improvement in strength for discrete defects is that stress relief removes hydrogen.
Stress relieving raises the fatigue strength of rutile weld specimens with discrete slag inclusions at their center or at their surface to a value approximately the same as that for low hydrogen weld specimens with centrally located discrete defects because of hydrogen removal. However, preheat had little effect on this low strength, mild carbon steel.



The fatigue strength increased with R, the ratio of the minimum stress to the maximum stress in each stress cycle.

Lack of penetration is another weld discontinuity that reduces fatigue properties. Pulsating tension fatigue tests were performed on transverse butt welds with a lack of central penetration (32). The specimens were made from a 1/2 inch thick, 4 inch wide hot rolled and normalized mild steel plate with the analysis and mechanical properties shown below. Rutile electrodes were used and none of the specimens were pre- or post-heated. The results indicate that the fatigue strength at 2 x l 0 6 cycles endurance decreases with longer lack of penetration. An approximate direct or linear relation exists between the lack of penetration (% area defective) and the reduction of fatigue strength ( % ) . The fatigue strength at 2 x l 0 6 cycles was reduced from 23 ksi with good penetration to 5,000 psi with 6 0 % lack of penetration(l7). Other work (33, 3 4 ) indicates even higher losses in fatigue strength from incomplete penetration. Reductions in endurance limit of up to 40% can occur with a 15% lack of penetration, and this can increase to over a 5 0 % loss in fatigue strength with 30% incomplete penetration.

The large fatigue strength loss in the transverse butt welds occurs because the applied stress is transverse (normal) to the partial penetration. When the incomplete penetration lies parallel to the maximum principal stress, however, it has a negligible effect on fatigue strength. Tests on fillet welds indicate little difference in fatigue resistance between full and partial penetration longitudinal fillet welds .


Gas porosity in welds can also lower fatigue strength; the effect on low cycle fatigue strength is minor but at higher cycles, much greater reductions in fatigue strength occurs ( 3 5 ) . T h e d a t a i n d i cate that 4-1/2% porosity in a weld can lower the endurance limit from 25 to 4 5 % . The more severe losses occur when the porosity is present a t the surface i n bending and torsion. A summary o f the effects of porosity on the fatigue strength a t 2 x l 0 6 cycles is shown from several sources ( 1 7 ) in Figure 1 7 .

The marked effect of undercuts on the fatigue strength observed for welds in cast steel (28) has also been noted in other weldments(33, 36). The fatigue fracture of sound specimens involving this type of defect was always observed to originate at the root of the undercut. The fatigue strength at 2 x 10 6 cycles decreases when the depth of the undercut increases. For a steel plate with a tensile strength of 58.3 psi, a reduction of the fatigue limit was observed from 26.3 ksi to 12.8 ksi when the depth of the undercut increased from 0 to 0.35 inches, i.e., a reduction ratio of about 5 1 % ( 3 6 ) . The effect of weld cracks on the fatigue strength of weldments can be expected to be marked because of the sharp stress concentration that results from this type of discontinuity. One investigation reporting on the influence of cracks was conducted on transverse butt welds containing cracks parallel to the weld direction and transverse to the applied stress. Cracks penetrating about 10% of the cross sectional area of the specimen produced considerable scatter of results; however, on the average the fatigue strength at 2 x l 0 6 cycles was reduced from about 14,000 psi without cracks to only 35 to 4 5 % of that value with cracks (17) .

A broad-based investigation on the influence of a number of welding discontinuities on the fatigue behavior of welds employed by both Wohler and program tests* was conducted (37). This work illustrated the comparative effect of a number of discontinuities. These are shown below according to the relative severity with the more severe listed first: cracks, undercut, lack of fusion or penetration, slag inclusions and restart. The last discontinuity is only considered to be of minor importance .
Results from conventional fatigue tests and from program tests, which employ a statistically varying load, are displayed in tabular form as Table VII and graphical form in Figure 1 8 ( 37) . This study also investigated the effect of voids and found these to be of minor significance. This is at odds with the other data on porosity and only incomplete data are presented in this latter work (37). Welding Processes - The effect of welding processes on the fatigue strength of welds can be influenced considerably by the shape of the weld reinforcement *fatigue tests involving stress amplitudes that vary in accordance with statistically determined service conditions



-44produced by that process. One investigation of the influence of welding processes ( 1 7 ) conducted on transverse butt welds tested in pulsating tension concluded that automatic welds provided considerably poorer fatigue properties than those made manually. However, this difference resulted from the unfavorable reinforcement shape, as discussed under weld configuration, rather than any metallurgical difference. When the weld reinforcement was removed from automatic welds made by the submerged arc process, the fatigue strength was similar to manual welds made by the shielded metal arc method ( 1 7 ) . These tests were stress relieved to eliminate the effect of residual stress. Another investigation (20) concluded, based on a study of twenty-five references, that submerged arc and electroslag welding conducted automatically provided superior fatigue strength than manual welds. This improved fatigue strength was attributed to the fewer internal discontinuities and smoother weld surface obtained with the automatic processes compared to manual methods. This assumes that an unfavorable weld shape is not obtained in the automatic method. This improved fatigue strength of the automatic processes was also observed for the semi-automatic M I G process with CO 2 shielding and flux cored arc welding to a somewhat reduced extent. The electroslag process offers the potential of a considerable reduction in discontinuities with the resulting better fatigue behavior ( 1 7 , 20). The differences in discontinuities can vary so widely, depending on the welding conditions, that stating specific values of fatigue strengths with the various processes is not feasible. Residual Stress - When a weld cools, it is restrained from contracting by the relatively cool base metal. This causes the weld to be in residual tension and the underlying casting to be in residual compression. A stress relief treatment relieves the residual tensile stresses at the toe of the weld and would be expected to increase the fatigue strength. However, it has been reported that residual stress, and hence a stress relief, has little effect on fatigue strength. In one study ( 3 8 ) , mild steel butt welded plate was fatigue tested in pulsating tension with and without a stress relieving treatment at 1200F. The data indicated that the stress relieving had no effect on the fatigue behavior. However, the notched fatigue strength of both a mild and medium carbon steel was reduced by the presence of a residual tensile stress when the fatigue tests were performed with a completely reversed stress cycle ( 3 9 ) .

The relative insensitivity of weld fatigue strength to residual tension when the weld is tested in pulsating tension and the loss of fatigue strength because of residual tension when the weld is tested in a reversed stress cycle has been illustrated in other investigations(40). The influence of residual tension on weld fatigue strength is dependent on the stress ratio. The stress relief treatment improves the fatigue strength at 2 x l 0 6 cycles as the ratio R becomes more negative or as the value of the compression stress increases. It is a general rule that no increase in fatigue strength is obtained by stress relieving structures that are subject to purely tensile loads but an improvement in fatigue strength can be obtained if the loads are alternating


tension and compression. Post Weld Treatments - Several techniques are utilized to increase the fatigue strength of welds. These include spot heating, local compression, local heating followed by rapid quenching, prior overloading and peening ( 40). Grinding of the weld to reduce the stress concentration of weld configuration is also a very effective method. The applicability of most of these methods to repair or even fabricate welds in castings is limited. Spot heating and local compression are limited to welds producing localized notches such as spot welds or longitudinal weld ends (40) and are not useful for transverse welds. Local heating followed by quenching and prior overloading also are techniques limited to small weld areas and requiring special equipment; these are hardly feasible for use with castings except in unusual cases (41-43). Peening of the weld surface with an air hammer is a technique that is adaptable to the repair and fabricated welds in castings. The improvement in the fatigue behavior obtained by peening is illustrated in Figure 1 9 (41). At 2 x l 0 6 cycles, the fatigue strengths are 1 5 . 6 8 ksi and 2 6 . 8 8 ksi for the as-welded and peened specimens, so hammer peening increased the fatigue strength 70%. Stress relieving after peening removes most of the beneficial effect of peening. Other work shows similar improvements in fatigue strength ( 4 4 ) . Grinding the weld reinforcement flush to the weld surface improves the fatigue strength of welds, as discussed under weld configurations. When welds in longitudinal gussets were fully ground, the fatigue strength of mild steel fillet welds was improved from 5 0 to 100% ( 4 4 ) . The effects of peening and grinding on the fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in a low carbon alloy steel with a tensile strength of 72 ksi as welded is illustrated below in Figure 20 (45) . Grinding increased the endurance limit of the welded specimen by 20%, peening by 51%, and grinding plus peening by 5 6 % . Grinding did not cause a greater increase i n the endurance limit because the initial angle between the weld reinforcement and the base plate was not very sharp originally. However, the ground specimens still display a greater fatigue strength at shorter life than do the peened specimens(45). Toughness of Welds The toughness or impact resistance of welds in steel castings is of considerable significance for many dynamically loaded applications. The relative toughness of the cast steel or base metal is affected by many variables including: the chemical analysis, microstructural constituents, strength or hardness level and grain size. Optimum toughness is attained in cast steels (although not necessarily in welds) by a fine grained fully hardened and tempered structure with a low sulfur and phosphorus content and a carbon content below 0.36%. Considerable scatter occurs at any strength level because of the variations in these factors, but the toughness is generally reduced by higher strengths, as indicated by the Charpy V-notch values for



tests at 70 and -40F in Figure 21 ( 1 9 ) . Even though these are all quenched and tempered alloy steel castings, the scatter in values a t any strength level is very significant, Welding exerts a significant influence on the toughness, particularly in cases where the castings are not completely reheat tr e a te d after welding. The variations in temperature cycles and properties demonstrated in Figure 3 produces a wide range of toughness values i n the HAZ. The influence of these variations is reduced by s t r e s s relieving and further reduced by reheat treatment. However, the following factors also affect toughness: the different welding processes such as: shielded-metal arc welding (manual-metal arc), metal-inert gas welding, flux-cored wire welding, submerged arc welding and electroslag welding; and the different features of each process including: type of electrode, heat input, welding position, heat treatment and its effect on H A Z microstructure, restraint, discontinuities and composition. Four possible paths exist in a welded structure by which a brittle fracture could progagate. These paths shown in Figure 22 ( 4 6 ) include the parent plate, heat-affected zone, fusion line and the weld deposit. In a steel of high notch ductility, the plate path is eliminated as a possibility. Each region has its o w n characteristic fracture progagation temperature. Therefore, once fracture has been initiated, propagation occurs in the zone of lowest notch ductility. Fracture can initiate at the various types of welding discontinuities discussed in the previous section of this paper. Types of Tests for Toughness - Several types of tests may be employed to measure the toughness of weldments. These include: Charpy impact tests, generally V-notch; drop weight tests; dynamic tear tests; and fracture toughness tests with the associated crack opening displacement (COD) measurements. The Charpy V-notch bar has been employed for longer periods and more generally than the other types, so most of the data will refer to this. The Charpy test measurements are usually conducted over a range of temperatures to establish a brittle-ductile transition. The r e sults are measured in terms of: fracture energy, fracture appearance (ductile o r fibrous to brittle or crystalline) and the transition temperature from the brittle t o ductile fracture. Many specifications require a minimum fracture energy, such as 1 5 ft.lbs at a given temperature. The Charpy test does have some drawbacks. The test results are primarily qualitative and used for relative measurements of toughness rather than being directly applicable to service conditions. The test fails to differentiate between fracture initiation and propagation, although this drawback has been overcome in the instrumented Charpy test. The test is small and convenient to use but may not be applicable to larger sections.

-4 8 -


The dynamic tear test i s a drop weight or pendulum test conducted on the width of a rectangular bar. This test simulates the worst condition anticipated in a structure and measures the resistance to crack propagation. It provides a much sharper indication of brittle-ductile transition when conducted over a range of temperatures than the Charpy V-notch t e s t ( 4 7 ) .

The drop weight test m eas ur e s the ability of the steel to deform in the presence of a very sharp notch. Since the test uses an abrasive s a w cut m a d e in a brittle crack starter weld, the results a r e affected by the weld metal hardness and toughness of the HAZ under the s t a r t e r weld. This test is a l s o conducted over a range of temperatures to obtain the nil ductility temperature (NDT) for the steel. Both the dynamic tear and drop weight test measure the relative rather than absolute toughness of the steel.
The fracture mechanics based tests are more recent and have not been employed very widely to measure the toughness of steel welds, These t e st s develop a plane-strain stress intensity factor(K I c ) that can be measured by calculating the str e ss state at the tip of a flaw in the t e st specimen. This property has the advantage of being a fundamental property of the material directly related to its tendency to propagate a brittle crack under stress. Accordingly, these values can be used directly in calculating material behavior under service conditions. The crack opening displacement (COD) testing extends fracture mechanics into elastic-plastic behavior. Since fracture propagation a t high strain rates is much easier than fracture initiation in many of these steels under quasi-static conditions, the prevention of fracture initiation insures the avoidance of failure. The COD test permits measurements of material behavior when appreciable yielding occurs at notches or flaws before fracture. The K I c and COD measurements allow the location of the notch or crack at a specific location in the weld deposit or H A Z to measure the toughness at this location. However, the testing requirements are considerably more complex than for the Charpy, drop weight or tear tests.
Welding Processes and Electrodes -While t h e level of notch toughness of the deposited weld metal will vary with the composition of the deposited metal, the coolingconditions and the structure, a maximum attainable toughness exists for each strength level (48). This effect of tensile strength on toughness was illustrated in Figure 21 for cast steels and the same situation applies to deposited weld metal. a. Shielded Metal Arc - Manually Applied -- Considerable information i s available on the toughness of weld metal deposited from various types of standard shielded electrodes. Figure 23 ( 4 6 ) contains Charpy V-notch transition curves for a number of electrodes that were welded into various rolled plate steels. The class of electrode is shown for each curve with the type of steel plate in parenthesis after each one. Each curve also has a thicker black section showing the nil ductility temperature (NDT) for that steel in drop weight testing.



Some general ranges o r bands of Charpy V-notch transition curves for some classes of electrodes have been established a s illustrated in Figure 23 ( 4 6 ) . This plot shows the superior toughness of the EXXl5 and EXX16 low hydrogen electrodes. The low hydrogen electrodes including type E X X 1 8 as well as EXX15 and EXX16 are strongly recommended for welds that require high toughness. It i s necessary to be sure that these electrodes still have a low moisture content when employed; rebaking and using warm from the oven is recommended. While a l l three t y p e s of electrodes c a n be used, the E X X 1 8 c l a s s e s are favored because of their good welding characteristics ( 1 9 ) . For quenched and tempered castings, E11018-G for a minimum yield strength of 100 ksi and E11018-G or E12018-GF for a minimum yield strength of 110 ksi are preferred. The typical Charpy-V-notch transition curves for E11016 and E11018 weld deposits shown in Figure 25 (19) illustrate this toughness behavior. The data below this curve shows the composition and tensile properties of the deposited weld metal.

The reasons that low hydrogen electrodes are about the only type used for welding high-strength notch-tough steels are: less difficulty with underbead cracking that could occur on the alloy grades of steel used for toughness; better impact properties, as shown in Figures 24 and 25; and the basic mineral coating makes it feasible to add carbon and other alloying elements to produce weld metals of varying compositions and strengths ( 4 8 ) . The superior impact properties of weld metal deposited from low hydrogen electrodes have also been shown in other work ( 4 9 ) . The toughness of low hydrogen shielded metal arc deposits with a Ni-Cr-Mo-V composition and tensile properties of about 140 ksi yield strength, 149 ksi tensile strength, 1 6 % elongation and 6 0 % reduction in area are shown for both Charpy V-notch and dynamic tear t e s t s in Figure 26 (50).
A comparison of the Charpy V-notch toughness of EXX18 manualmetal arc weld deposits made with high-purity core wire to other weld processes is shown in Figure 27 ( 5 1 ) . A vacuum-melted core wire used in the manual-metal arc process produced welds tougher than submerged arc or manual-metal arc (low purity core wire) weld, but less tough than gas-tungsten arc or gas-metal arc welds.
The effect of the flux composition in manual electrodes on the toughness has also been studied (49, 52). This work indicated that low hydrogen basic coated (lime) electrodes provided better toughness, as measured by both Charpy and COD tests, than cellulosic or rutile (titania) coatings. The basic coatings resulted in a lower nonmetallic inclusion distribution because of their fluxing action.
b. Flux Cored Electrodes -- The use of flux cored tubular rods with CO 2 shielding is increasing because of the high deposition rates and lower cost (19) . No industry-wide standards a r e available for welding wire in this process. The weld metal has good toughness at low temperatures along with a minimum yield strength of 100 ksi a s indicated by the data in Table VIII (19) from three producers.

Some investigations have shown l o w toughness in f l u x cored w i r e





to be associated with unconsumed deoxidizing agents in the weld deposit ( 5 3 , 5 4 ) . The presence of silicon, aluminum and titanium increased the transition temperature for the Charpy test. A regression analysis equation was developed that shows the relative effect of each of t h e se elements on this transition temperature (53, 5 4 ) . Titanium reduced the toughness the most, followed by silicon and then aluminum for each percent of the element present. c. Submerged Arc - - The submerged arc welding process is characterized by larger size weld deposits and higher heat inputs than the manual shielded arc or flux cored wire. The notch toughness is lower for the larger, fewer passes than obtained with multilayer procedures. A comparison of the Charpy V-notch toughness obtained by single and multipass deposits in carbon steel plates is indicated in Figure 28 ( 4 6 ) . Other investigators have shown that as the number of passes in submerged arc welds increased, the toughness also improved(55, 56). The heat input decreased with an increasing number of passes because of decreased amperage and faster travel speed. The yield and tensile strength increased from about 6 3 to 90 ksi and 80 ksi to 100 ksi, respectively, with a decrease in elongation from 20 to 2 8 % as the passes increased from 12 to 110. Table IX (55) indicates the change in the toughness as determined by the Charpy V-notch specimen over this number of passes. Charpy transition temperatures were lowered as the number of passes increased up to 66-69; little effect occurred with additional passes. This effect is attributed to more uniformity and weld refinement with increasing numbers of passes. Other work obtained mixed results on the influence of the number of passes on the properties ( 4 8 ) . Research has been conducted on both the filler rod composition and flux used for HY-80 steel welds made with the submerged arc process (48). By improving the cleanliness and reducing the oxygen content of the filler rod and weld deposit, the toughness as measured by the Charpy test was improved significantly. The fracture energies have increased from 28 to 62 ft.lbs at room temperature and 21 to 56 ft.lbs at - 4 0 F with the better weld metal and flux.

The flux composition also exerts a marked influence on the toughness of submerged arc welds (48, 57, 58). The effect of a variation in flux composition from acid to fully basic on the analysis, tensile properties and Charpy V-notch transition curve is shown in Table X and Figure 29 (57) . The influence of slag basicity on the transition curve obtained with a Charpy V-notch impact test is also shown in Figure 30 (58) from another investigation. It is evident from this study that higher flux basicities produce improved toughness and less oxygen in the deposited weld metal. Similar behavior has been observed by other investigators ( 4 8 ) .
Acid fluxes produced a viscous slag which was easily entrapped during solidification, forming large globular inclusions and brittle grain boundary films. Basic fluxes produced a very fluid slag which was not entrapped during solidification, and lowered the sulfur and oxygen contents in the weld. Therefore, the basic flux increased toughness by improving steel cleanliness through decreased size and amount of inclusions.




- 59 -

Submerged arc welding is capable of providing good toughness in heavy plate sections with the appropriate technique. Welds were made in a 12 inch thick plate of a composition approximately 0.20% C, 1 . 4 % Mn, 0.25% Si, 0 . 6 % Ni and 0.5% Mo with room temperature tensile properties of 8 5 ksi tensile strength, 70 ksi yield strength, 25% elongation and 6 3 % reduction of area (59). The multiple pass welds were deposited by the submerged arc process using 1 / 8 inch electrodes, 6 0 0 amps, 32 volts at a travel speed of 20 inches per minute. A preheat of 300F, interpass temperature of 500F and post weld treatment of 1100-1150F for 12 hours w a s employed. The resulting toughness is shown by the K I c values at various temperatures in Figure 31 ( 5 9 ) .

d. Gas Shielded Arc - - The gas shielded metal arc welding process utilizes CO 2 , argon and other gas combinations f o r shielding atmospheres. This process has the capability of providing good weld toughness as shown in Figure 27. The CO 2 shield, because of i t s lower cost, is more widely employed, although combinations of CO 2 -O 2 -argon, argon-O 2 and argon-CO 2 -O 2 -N 2 have been used (48) . Figure 32 (60) illustrates the Charpy V-notch transition curves obtained in the aswelded and stress relieved condition on welds made in a low carbon steel plate with a CO 2 atmosphere shield. This figure also indicates the toughness obtained with different methods of arc transfer. Welds made by short-circuiting arc transfer had better toughness than those produced with a spray type arc (52, 61), particularly at low temperatures. However, other data ( 4 8 ) shows somewhat better toughness for the spray arc compared to the short-circuiting arc. Response to stress relief was most marked in welds made with silicon-manganese deoxidized wires; the Charpy 15 transition temperature was depressed to below -58F (wires C, D, E and F ) .
I t has also been reported ( 6 1 ) that higher voltages and currents decreased notch toughness in both single and multipass welds. Multipass welds have the advantages of smaller weld pools with faster solidification and providing heat treatment for previous deposited beads. Both of these factors lead to refined grain size in the weld deposit. Welds in high toughness steel (HY 130) are reported (50) to provide Charpy V-notch fracture transition temperatures in the range of 0 to -50F when produced with CO 2 gas shielding, The toughness attained increases with higher amounts of argon in the shielding gas. Changing the shielding gas from 100% CO 2 to 8 0 % argon, 20% to 100% argon in welding a low carbon alloy steel plate increased the Charpy V-notch fracture energy at -40F from 12 to 23 to 32 ft.lbs, respectively ( 4 8 ) .

e . Electroslag - - The electroslag process is most suitable to heavier sections, at least over a 2 inch thickness. The toughness in both the deposited weld metal and in the H A Z is very low ( 4 8 , 62, 6 3 ) . This effect is attributed to the large heat input in the process with the consequential large grains in both the deposited weld metal and H A Z . Efforts have been made to improve the toughness of the deposited weld metal by alloying and vibration during welding (48), but this does not solve the problem of the coarse grains in the HAZ. The data plotted in Figure 33 ( 4 8 ) show the Charpy V-notch transition c u r v e s plus selected temperature tests for weld metal as deposited by the electroslag process.



Figure 3 4 ( 4 8 ) i l l u s t r a t e s the improvements that can be obtained in the Charpy V-notch toughness by stress relieving, normalizing and quenching and tempering. The heat treating processes, particularly normalizing and stress relieving (normalizing and tempering) , improves the as-welded toughness considerably, but it still is significantly lower than obtained by the other arc welding methods. Toughness in HAZ - The HAZ, as discussed in the section on weldability, contains a number of regions that have been heated to various temperatures above and below the critical temperature ranges of the steel during fusion welding. The grain coarsened region in this HAZ (location 1 in Figure 3) is usually considered to be the area of maximum embrittlement. The loss of toughness of the HAZ compared to the weld metal and base plate has been demonstrated by comparing the Charpy V-notch impact t e st results of these with the test results on a specimen that consists of a combination of H A Z and weld metal, as illustrated in Figure 35 ( 6 4 ) for a low alloy steel. It is apparent that the combined HAZ and weld metal has a lower toughness than either the weld or base metal. The coarse grain size of the portion of the H A Z near the fusion zone has the lowest toughness as indicated by the COD measurements on grain coarsened and grain refined HAZ steel compared to the base plate for a low alloy steel in Figure 3 6 ( 6 8 ) . The toughness of the HAZ has also been studied by investigators using specimens that had been heat treated through cycles simulating the time-temperature history of the HAZ. This method allows the testing of larger specimens because i t avoids the rapidly changing structures that occur over small distances in actual weld HAZ. These test results ( 6 5 , 6 6 , 6 9 , 70) also demonstrated, using COD tests, that the grain coarsened region of the HAZ had the lowest toughness.

The notch toughness of the HAZ in carbon steels has been studied (65, 67) with about the same results as those obtained for low alloy steels. Maximum hardness and the highest Charpy V-notch transition temperatures measured by both fracture appearance and energy transition occurred in the portion of the HAZ heated to the highest temperature. One investigation ( 6 7 ) also showed a region of embrittlement in carbon steels located in the thermally strained zone just outside of the H A Z as a result of strain aging. This embrittlement would not occur in an aluminum deoxidized steel.
The effect of various thermal cycles on the toughness of the HAZ, as well as the effect of post-weld heat treatments, has been studied extensively on specimens of HY 8 0 subjected to simulated thermal cycles (66). The thermal cycles were selected to duplicate the following conditions in the HAZ for single pass and multiple pass welds: grain coarsening, grain refining and the intercritical temperature range between the A 1 and A 3 temperatures. These thermal cycles involved heating the grain coarsened specimens to 2327F, the grain refined specimens to l705F and the intercritical specimens to 1410F. The Charpy V-notch transition curve indicated that in the as-welded condition, the grain coarsened area had the lowest toughness followed by




the grain refined s t e e l ; the intercritical specimens had the highest toughness, and it was equivalent to the base metal as welded. Postweld heat treatments improved the toughness of the grain coarsened steel significantly, but it did not reach the level of toughness of the HY 8 0 plate. The postweld treatment was successful in returning the grain refined portion of the H A Z t o the tougheess of the original plate. These studies also indicated ( 6 7 ) that the embrittlement of the HAZ was greater in quenched and tempered than in normalized and tempered steels. Effects of Various Factors on Toughness - a. Chemical Composition - - The composition of most of the weld deposits used for joining carbon, low and medium alloy steels are low carbon, low alloy ferritic steels. They contain less than 0.2% carbon and combinations of manganese, nickel, chromium, vanadium and molybdenum in mounts less than 5 % . Other significant elements present, although not intentionally added, are sulfur, phosphorus, oxygen and nitrogen. The effects of alloying elements on the notch toughness of covered electrodes with a lime-fluoride type coating was determined by adding various alloying elements to the coating on a low carbon, low manganese core wire (71) . The multilayer welds were deposited by the downhand method. The results of this work are summarized in Figure 3 7 ( 7 1 ) . This figure demonstrates the Charpy V-notch 1 5 transition temperature of the weld metal with different amounts of the alloys present.

A statistical study was conducted of the notch toughness of multilayer weld metals deposited with commercial and experimental basictype electrodes (72). The following equation was formulated to predict the influence of alloying elements (in percent) and grain diameter on the 1 5 Charpy V-notch transition temperature (Tr l 5 ). This formula is capable of predicting the experimentally determined 15F transition temperature fairly closely (72).
Tr 1 5 (F) = 436 C - 5 4 Mn + 1 4 Si + 286 P + 819 S - 6 1 Cu - 29 Ni + 13 Cr + 23 Mo + 355 V - 112 A1 + 1138 N + 380 O + 1.08 (d x l 0 4 ) - 203 22

where d is grain diameter, inch (ranged 3.1 to 8.7 x l0 - 4 inch), and the elements were: C - 0.03-0.11; Mn - 0.2-0.16; Si - 0.5-1.2; P - 0.004-0.17; S - 0.006-0.11; Cu - 0.05-0.3; Ni - 0.05-1.4; Cr - 0.05-2.6; Mo 1.2; V 0.31; A l 0.36; N - 0.004-0.02; O - 0.007-0.19.
The effect of alloying elements on the notch toughness of submerged arc and inert-gas deposited metal has also been measured by adding eight common alloying elements singly to the weld deposit (73). The effect of these elements on the Charpy V-notch 1 5 transition temperature is indicated in Figure 38 (73). The chemical compositions of the base metal, welding wire and base weld metal are listed below the figure.



T h e effect of alloying eleme nts on the ba se ste e l, e xc e pt f or i m p u r i t y elements, have their prima r y signif ic a nc e in how the y inf lue nc e t h e h a r d n e ss developed in the HAZ by the we lding pr oc e ss. The da ta i n F i g u r e 3 9 ( 7 4 ) indicates that the Cha r py V- notc h 40 f tr a nsition t e m p e r a t u r e i n the stress relieved H A Z of a nic ke l- c hr omium- molybde numv a n a d i u m s teel w as raised by a l l e le me nts e xc e pt nic ke l. b . I ndividual E lem ents - - Ca r bon is ke pt low in we ld de posits t o m a i n t a i n higher toughness, as shown in Figur e 38, a lthough this e l e m e n t i s necessary for strength a nd should not be r e duc e d to the lowe st p o ssi b le percentage. C arbon up to 0.20% inc r e a se s the ha r dne ss a n d st r e n gth of the deposit but lowe r s the toughne ss ( 73) . Ca r bon c o n t e n t s f r om 0.05 to 0.10% are sugge ste d to pr ovide highe r str e ngth w i t h o u t c r acking problems ( 4 9 , 7 5 ) . A c c ording to the data in Figur e 3 7 , ma nga ne se pr ovide s str e ngth w i t h n o l o s s in toughness up to a bout 1 . 4 % f or c ove r e d e le c tr ode s. Ma n g a n e se contents up to l . 5 % a lso impr ove the toughne ss slightly in b o t h su b m erged arc and gas-m eta l a r c de posite d we ld me ta ls, a s de monst r a t e d b y the data in F igure 3 8 . Above 1 . 5 % M n , howe ve r , the tr a nsit i o n t e m p e rature increases signif ic a ntly. Othe r wor k ( 4 9 ) indic a te s t h a t m a n g anese up to 2% im prove s toughne ss; highe r tha n 2% Mn ha s be e n r e p o r t e d e lsew here to low er toughne ss ( 5 7 ) . Ma nga ne se ha s be e n a ttr ib u t e d b y som e investigators ( 7 6 ) to c ontr ibute to a loss of toughne ss b y i n c r e a sing tem per embrittleme nt in a 2-1/2 Cr - 1 M o shie lde d a r c d e p o si t , and it w as recommended in this wor k ( 7 6 ) tha t this e le me nt be m a i n t a i n e d at low levels. Mangane se in the ba se ste e l HAZ r e duc e s t o u g h n e ss by its hardening effect, a s shown in Figur e 39. S i l icon is added to w eld me ta l a s a de oxidiz ing r a the r tha n a l l o y i n g e lement, and a range of 0.25 to 0.40% Si ha s be e n r e c omme nde d t o a v o i d p orosity in a 1 4 0 ksi yie ld str e ngth we ld de posit ( 7 5 ) . An i m p r o v e m ent in toughness w as o bse r ve d in shie lde d me ta l a r c de posits w i t h a si l i c on increase from 0.2 to 0 . 4 % a s shown in Figur e 39. A n i n c r e a se i n the transition tempe r a tur e of ine r t ga s shie lde d we ld d e p o si t s was noted for increasing silic on f r om 0 . 3 5 to 0 . 8 % . The t o u g h n e ss of subm erged arc w eld de posits inc r e a se d with silic on c onte nts o f o v e r 0.5% (see F igure 3 8 ) . Silic on ha s a lso be e n c onside r e d to be a m a j o r c ontributor to tem per brittle ne ss in 2- 1/4 Cr - 1 Mo we lds ( 7 6 ) .

A r elatively high ratio of Mn:Si ha s be e n pr opose d in we lding w i r e so t h at the FeO -MnO -SiO 2 liquid solution f or me d by r e a c tions with o x y g e n w ill be unsaturated w ith SiO 2 . This c omposition is r e por te d to a l l o w t h e deoxidation products to f loa t to the sur f a c e , le a ving c le a n weld metal (48).
Ch r om ium is not as benef ic ia l a s ma nga ne se , molybde num or n i c k e l i n im proving the toughness of we ld de posits ( 4 9 ) . The da ta f or sh i e l d e d m etal arc w elds show n in Figur e 37 indic a te s tha t the Cha r py V - n o t c h 1 5 transition tempe r a tur e of c ove r e d e le c tr ode de posite d w e l d m e t al increased slightly w ith the a ddition of c hr omium up to 0 . 4 % a n d then decreased as the c hr omium c onte nt inc r e a se d to a bout 1% . O n t h e o t her hand, the data in Figur e 38 shows tha t inc r e a sing c hr omium


content up to 1 . 6 % caused a progressive increase in the transition temperature of submerged arc and inert gas metal arc deposited weld metal. The thermal cycles of the welding process affects the response of chromium considerably. When 2 1/2% chromium is present in weld m e t a l , a post heating temperature of 1300F considerably improves the toughness ( 4 8 ) . Chromium in the base metal can reduce toughness as illustrated in Figure 39. Nickel produces a moderate strengthening of weld deposits with a slight improvement or a t least no significant decrease in toughness. The data of Figure 37 show a slight decrease i n the 1 5 Charpy V-notch transition temperature with increasing nickel up to 1 . 6 % in shielded metal. arc welds. Figure 38 indicates a small decrease in this transition temperature up to 2.5% nickel in submerged arc welds but a slight increase for all nickel contents up to 2.7% in inert gas welds. Nickel does improve the toughness of the HAZ when present in the base plate, as indicated in Figure 39. Molybdenum raises the strength but also decreases the toughness of weld deposits, although its effect varies with the welding process. Additions of over 0.2% increase the 15 ft .lb transition temperature of shielded arc welds (see Figure 37). In submerged arc and inert gas metal welds, molybdenum up to 0.20% increases this transition temperature. The transition temperature decreased slightly from 0.20 to 0.45% Mo and then increased again, as indicated in Figure 38. Molybdenum also decreased the toughness of the H A Z , as demonstrated in Figure 39. Vanadium markedly lowers the toughness of all types of welds and the HAZ, as demonstrated in Figures 37-39. This element sharply increases the susceptibility to stress relief embrittlement (48,49,75) . Copper has no effect up to 0.5% on the toughness of submerged arc o r inert gas shielded metal arc welds, as demonstrated in Figure 38, and also did not affect the hardness significantly. Copper additions over 1.0% increased strength but lowered the toughness ( 77) because of intergranular precipitation of copper. Other work ( 4 8 ) shows a slight decrease in toughness in CO 2 shielded MIG welds from the presence of 0.4% Cu. Aluminum up to 0.4%, as indicated in Figure 37, improves the toughness of shielded arc welds. Titanium, also a deoxidizer and grain refiner, increases the toughness of MIG melts in small amounts from 0.008 to 0.01% ( 7 5 ) . Both sulfur and phosphorus decrease the toughness of welds. The influence of phosphorus and sulfur on weld metal deposited from basic electrodes has been studied (78) . The volume fraction of inclusions increased linearly with higher sulfur contents resulting in lower upper shelf or ductile fracture energies in the Charpy test and reducing the COD value at which fibrous tearing first occurred. Phosphorus also reduced upper shelf Charpy V-notch fracture energies ( 7 8 ) and the toughness of the HAZ, as demonstrated in Figure 39.



Oxygen and nitrogen decrease the notch toughness of weld metals(48). The oxygen and nitrogen contents that can be expected from different welding processes are illustrated in Figure 40. Based on these results, the toughness of inert gas shielded welds would be expected to be better than submerged arc welds and those, in turn, superior to the shielded metal arc welds. This behavior i s illustrated by the curves in Figure 27. c. Microstructures - - Weld metals, with the possible exception of the electroslag process, are cast microstructures that have been solidified rapidly under a high thermal gradient. These conditions produce a cellular-columnar or columnar grain structure c In multipass welding, the original dendrite size and spacing is finer than in single weld deposits of the same size; in addition, the subsequent weld deposits recrystallize the columnar grains of the previous welds to produce finer equiaxed grains. These finer equiaxed grains are known to produce better Charpy V-notch toughness than coarser grains. A relation between the grain diameter and the 1 5 Charpy V-notch transition temperature has been established for shielded metal arc welds (48):

T = A-B log e (d - 1 / 2 )
where T is the transition temperature, A and B are constants, and d is the mean grain diameter.
This relation may predict somewhat lower values of transition temperatures in some cases where the structure contains excessive amounts of unrefined structures (48). The yield strength of the deposited welds increases with decreasing grain size.

d. Heat Inputs - - As the heat input increases, the rate of solidification and cooling in the weld metal and rate of cooling in the H A Z decreases. This difference in rate of cooling affects the toughness of the welds significantly. A comparison of the effects of heat inputs of 1.2 and 2.2 kilojoules per millimeter on the transition curves of the weld metal, using shielded metal arc electrodes of types E 7 0 1 6 and E7018G on rolled steel of 0 . 1 4 % C and 1.07% Mn, are shown in Figure 41(79) . The welds deposited in the flat positions have generally higher toughness than those welded in the vertical position. The higher heat input r e sults in lower toughness for the 25 mm square COD tests, but the effect of heat input is not apparent in either the 10 mm COD tests or the Charpy V-notch transition Curves ( 7 9 ) .
The influence of heat input on the toughness of submerged arc and MIG welds deposited in a groove in a low carbon 3 / 4 inch thick steel plate was also determined ( 7 3 ) . The results of varying the heat input over a considerable range on the Charpy V-notch 15 transition temperatures and strength levels are presented along with the chemical analysis in Figure 42 (73) for both submerged arc and (GMAW) weld deposits. In the submerged arc deposited metals, the transition temperature increased to a maximum at a heat input of about 120 kilojoules per inch and then decreased slightly as the heat input increased to 231 kilojoules per inch ( 4 8 ) . The transition temperature of the MIG welds increased




steadily with larger heat inputs up to 8 1 kilojoules per inch or the m a x i m u m investigated. The strengths of both weld deposits decreases steadily, and the elongation and reduction of area increased with higher heat inputs . The loss in toughness with higher heat inputs was attributed to the coarsening of the microstructure. A reduction in strain aging caused by weld restraint was attributed to the slight improvement in toughness of the submerged arc welds at the higher heat inputs. As previously discussed under submerged arc welding, the toughness also usually improves with a larger number of smaller weld passes because of the finer structure obtained.

The influence of heat input on toughness occurs primarily because of the effect that this factor exerts on the cooling rate. In a report on the development of low alloy, high strength thick plates with good weldability (80), i t is shown that the toughness increases with a shorter cooling time between 1470 and 930F for multilayered welds .
The effect of welding position on the toughness has been studied by several investigators with the general agreement that toughness decreased with out-of-position welding. The best toughness is obtained in the flat position, followed by horizontal (overhead) with the vertical position yielding the poorest toughness. This effect of position was shown to some extent in Figure 41. Other investigators ( 4 9 ) clearly demonstrate that the toughness obtained in the Charpy V-notch transition curve is significantly better in the flat position with toughness decreasing for the horizontal and vertical positions in that order. The lower toughness of the overhead and vertical welds results primarily from larger amounts of inclusions in these positions. Heat inputs can be higher in the flat position, and this can counteract the effect of position to some extent. The effect of electrode size in the shielded metal arc process upon Charpy V-notch toughness of low hydrogen weld metal deposits has been investigated (49) . Welds made with electrodes of a 1 / 4 , 3 / 1 6 , 5/32 inch diameter generally had lower Charpy V-notch values with the larger electrode diameters. This behavior was attributed to: the effect of changes in the electrode coating and its behavior on the composition of the weld metal; and the higher heat inputs that normally occur with the larger electrode diameters. Dilution of the weld filler metal takes place when the parent plate and filler metal of different analyses are mixed during fusion. The influence of dilution depends on the relative composition of the weld deposit and base metal. Dilution of an E11018 electrode that was produced by using a thinner plate and narrower groove design has produced an increase in the Charpy V-notch 20 transition temperature of approximately 60F. In contrast, dilution which occured when welding a structural steel with an E7018 electrode decreased the fracture transition temperature of the weld deposit and increased the alloy content of the weld (49).


e . H e at Treatments - - Preheating reduces the thermal gradients i n the weld and s l o w s down the cooling r a t e of the weld deposit. Preheating has a definitely beneficial effect on the Charpy V-notch toughn e s s of low carbon and low alloy steels. Increasing the preheating temperature of a n E7018 weld deposit f r o m 100 to 300F reduced the Charpy V-notch transition temperature f r o m +50 to -40F (49). Increasing the preheat temperature f r o m room temperature to 200, 400 and 600F for E7015 and E8015-C2 electrodes steadily improved the Charpy V-notch toughness ( 8 1 ) . In low alloy, high strength weld metals, the effect of preheat varies with the coating and weld metal analysis ( 4 8 ) . It i s reported ( 4 9 ) that a n increase in preheat and interpass temperatures from 100 to 300F had little effect on the notch toughness of weld metal deposited with an E9018 electrode.
Postweld heat treatments used in the fabrication of welded structures a re classified as follows ( 4 8 ) :


Local heating employed shortly after welding. Stress-relieving heat treatment made at a temperature below the A 1 temperature. Normalizing and f u l l annealing by heating above the A 1 temperature . Quench and tempering and other special heat treatments.

Stress relieving in the subcritical range of 1100 to 1250F is the most commonly used postweld heat treatment, although higher temperatures are also employed. Most of the discussion in this section concerns stress relieving heat treatments.
The effect of stress relieving heat treatments (including some above the A 1 temperature) on the notch toughness of carbon and alloy steel weld metals has been investigated ( 4 8 ) . Studies were made on electrodes of seven types: ilmenite (containing iron titanate), cellulose, iron oxide, titania, low hydrogen (Mn-Si steel wire), l o w hydrogen (Mn-Si-Cr-Mo steel wire) and iron powder. Butt welds 5/8 inch thick were heat treated for 1 hour at temperatures between 1110 and 1830F and then furnace cooled. The yield strengths of the as-deposited weld metals ranged between 50 and 92 ksi. The 15 transition temperatures obtained on Charpy V-notch tests of these weld metals are shown i n Figure 43 ( 4 8 ) .

The heat treatments caused losses in the notch toughness of weld metals made with electrodes other than the low hydrogen types, especially when the heating temperature exceeded the A 1 temperature. These stress relieving treatments produced little change in the notch toughness of weld metals made with low hydrogen-type electrodes; even slight improvement was observed in some cases. When the heating temperature exceeded the A 1 temperature, a marked increase in grain size was observed in the weld metals made with all types of electrodes (48).



The s t r e s s relief embrittlement of both carbon and alloy steel weld m e t a l s has been studied ( 4 9 ) . It is reported that weld metals which undergo secondary hardening (increasing the tensile strength) embrittle to the largest extent as a result of stress relief, whereas a n improvement in notch toughness can be expected when the tensile strength decreases significantly after stress relief. Vanadium is k n o w n to promote secondary hardening and stress relief embrittlement. The Charpy V-notch transition temperature of a weld metal made with E10015 electrodes of Ni-Mo-0.1 V wire increased by about 40F after s t r e ss relieving for 2 hours at 1150F, while the notch toughness of a weld metal made with s i m i l a r electrodes o f vanadium free wire w a s barely affected by the stress relieving heat treatment ( 4 8 ) . Other investigators on the effect of stress relief have noted improvements in toughness under some conditions. The toughness exhibited by the Charpy V-notch test showed a slight increase with st r e ss relieving compared to the as-welded condition for four of seven types of electrodes tested (E6013, E6020, E7015 and E8018-C2); the toughness of the other three was reduced somewhat more (E6010, E8015-C2 and E10016) (81) . Other work (49) observed a significant improvement in the Charpy V-notch toughness of E7016 and E7018 electrodes as a result of an 1150F stress relieving treatment. The effect of an lll0F stress relieving treatment for one hour on several different weld metals and welding processes has been studied using fatigue cracked COD specimens ( 7 9 ) . The influence of this stress relieving treatment on the COD test results are listed in Table XI (79). A loss of toughness occurred with stress relieving in all manual welds except two (an E7016 and E6018 deposit), and the improvement was minor in these cases. The toughness of the submerged arc deposit was unaffected; the flux-CO 2 shielded and bare-CO 2 shielded wire lost toughness with stress relieving. The COD properties of the electroslag deposits improved significantly. Other investigators used fracture toughness tests ( 8 7 ) and COD techniques (83) to measure the toughness of weld deposits after welding and stress relieving with about the same results as shown above. Electroslag welding with the large grain size produced in the weld metal and H A Z by the high heat inputs can be significantly improved by normalizing treatments after welding. These improvements in Charpy V-notch toughness for both the weld metal and HAZ have been observed for both normalizing and double normalizing treatments after welding ( 8 4 ) . Different combinations of preheat and postheat have been investigated for single-pass weld metals of nominal analysis - 0.10% C, 1 . 4 % M n , 0.40% Si, 0.20% Ti. An arbitrarily chosen displacement of 0.l0 mm was designated as the COD fracture transition, Cycling the t e st pieces to 1830F was employed to simulate a later weld pass. Table XII ( 8 5 ) and Figure 4 4 (85) summarize the results. Three distinct areas of toughness were observed: a high toughn e s s w a s obtained with the simulated later weld (K and L); an intermediate toughness (A, B, C, D ) for welds which had no preheat or postheat; and a low toughness (E, F, G. H, J ) for welds which had undergone a 930F preheat, 1155F postheat or both.




In an investigation involving the arc welding of 5 % Cr, 0.5% Mo steel pipe, the toughness of the weld metal was improved considerably by postheating at 1250 to 1400F and improved further with a 500F preheat and 350F postheat ( 86) . Welding Discontinuities - In a n investigation sponsored by the Steel Foundry Research Foundation, the influence of weld discontinuities in cast 8630 steel on the impact resistance was measured ( 8 7 ) . Tests were made by t e n s i o n and bending impact techniques upon welded steel in either the normalized and tempered ( N & T) or quenched and tempered ( Q & T) conditions. The welding operation performed and the types of discontinuities are similar to those reported in reference 28 and shown in Figure 1 4 and Table IV, except that the TIG process with a filler rod similar to the E9018 composition was used for the tension impact bars. The bending specimens were tested as a simple beam in an oversize Charpy Type Machine that had a capacity of 2200 ft.lbs. The bend specimens were 7-1/2 inches long by 1 inch wide by 1/2 inch thick and tested unnotched. The tension impact specimens had a 0.357 inch gage diameter, 1.425 inches long with larger diameter ends for holding during testing. The steels were heat treated to the properties shown in Table XIII ( 8 7 ) . The specimens were all welded as cast and completely heat treated after welding . The results of these tests indicated that the loss in toughness from discontinuities was severe. The results show that the effect of these discontinuities, in order of decreasing severity for the bending impact was: undercut, surface slag, slag inclusions located internally in the specimen and incomplete penetration. The tension impact tests demonstrated the greatest loss of toughness from slag inclusions followed by undercut and incomplete penetration. The sound, welded specimen with the weld reinforcement in place exhibited a loss in toughn e ss as indicated by reduced fracture energies because of the notch effect at the edge of the reinforcing bead. The toughness of welded cast steel with the weld machined to the specimen contour was similar to cast steels process to the same strength level by a similar heat treatment .

The effect of the various types of welding discontinuities in 8630 cast steel specimens on the fracture energy levels and temperatures for the start of ductility, 50% ductility and 90-l00% ductile behavior are listed in Table XIV ( 8 7 ) .

Weld undercut affected weld toughness more in bending than in tension impact testing because of its location at the surface. Impact energies above the completely fibrous transition temperature in bending w e r e decreased by 60 to 65% by undercuts as compared to sound welds for Q & T and N & T welds, respectively; transition temperatures increased 125F for Q & T samples and 75F for N & T samples. The notch effect of undercuts in tension was not as great as procuced by slag inclusions i n tension. Slag inclusions in welded Q & T specimens reduced impact energies about 6 5 % compared to sound welds in both



bending and tension impact tests ; the transition temperatures increased 1 2 5 F for bending and 150F for tension. In welded N & T samples, slag inclusions decreased impact energies about half for both types of tests and increased transition temperatures by approximately 100F. Incomplete penetration reduced fracture energies approximately 50% for the quenched and tempered welds and about 40% for normalized and tempered welds and increased transition temperatures about 5 0 F in both types of tests. Incomplete penetration reduced fracture energies of tension impact specimens about 25% and increased fracture transition temperatures by 50F in Q & T samples; no shift in transition temperatures occurred for N & T specimens ( 8 7 ) . Another investigation of the effect of discontinuities on the toughness of welds has shown that the presence of microcracks reduces the toughness of Charpy V-notch specimens, as measured by the ft.lbs for fracture, by about one-half over a testing temperature range of room temperature to -100F for E6010 weld deposits ( 8 8 ) . Other studies discuss the influence of slag inclusions in promoting discontinuous crack propagation through a steel weld ( 8 9 ) and the influence of hot straining ( 4 6 , 9 0 ) .

The fracture toughness concepts and tests discussed in the section on types of tests for toughness offer the possibility of calculating the maximum allowable or tolerable crack sizes that can be permitted in weld deposits without failure occurring. Tests that indicate the transition from ductile to brittle fracture, such as the Charpy V-notch, drop weight and dynamic tear tests, cannot be readily utilized for this purpose. However, the K I c value and COD (Crack Opening Displacement) tests can be employed directly ( 9 1 ) . The K I c value is employed for these crack size calculations when fracture occurs with only a small amount of plasticity at the crack tip. When significant amounts of plasticity precedes fracture at this crack tip, such as frequently occurs in commercial welds made in medium and light sections, the COD test results may be employed for allowable crack size determinations ( 9 1 ) . The calculation of these crack sizes and their effect on failure of the weldment provides a means of determining the acceptable limit of weld discontinuities in non-destructive testing.
A similar approach of using fracture mechanics to determine the acceptable limits of discontinuities in welds subjected to fatigue stresses also offers promise (92). Further work is required to obtain additional data on the behavior of various welded configurations and materials so that the method can be generally applicable. When these data are available on various materials and weldment shapes, the design computations possibly will be much more adjustable to various service conditions than from simple S-N curves (92).



The weldability of cast steels is broadly defined as their ability to provide a quality weld joint with good mechanical properties and without the need for special welding process precautions or tr e a tments. The types and causes of mechanical and metallurgical welding discontinuities that may occur and the effect of various welding processes and techniques on their occurrence are described.
Under this weldability definition, low carbon cast steels ( C 0.20% C ) have excellent weldability and only limited problems with gas porosity and hot cracking. These difficulties can be readily prevented by control of the deoxidizers and sulfur content of the steel. Medium carbon steels with a carbon content in the 0.20 to 0.50% range have good weldability up to 0.30% C but become increasingly difficult to weld at higher carbon contents requiring preheating temperatures up to 400F under some conditions. Welding with low hydrogen electrodes or with processes employing a low level of hydrogen in the shielding atmosphere reduce or eliminate the need for preheating. Stress relieving after welding is recommended over 0.40% C. High carbon cast steels (0.5-1.0% C) are difficult to weld because of the possible formation of brittle high carbon martensite in the heat affected zone. With low hydrogen welding atmospheres, preheating temperatures as high as 600F and postheating by stress relieving or preferably a f u l l heat treatment, satisfactory welds can be produced. Thicker section welds require greater precautions.

The alloy steel grades are discussed in this paper up to 5 % alloy contents. Their weldability varies widely from low carbon types that contain considerable alloy for strengthening to the medium alloy 4300 types. The low carbon, alloy steels have good weldability with several processes and only require low preheating temperatures (100200F) in heavy sections. As the carbon and alloy contents become higher, the hardness levels attained in the heat affected zone increase with a greater tendency for cold crack formation. Prevention of this cracking requires preheating to higher temperatures, l o w hydrogen welding atmospheres, and lower sulfur and phosphorus contents. The higher alloy types are generally fully heat treated a f te r welding.
The fatigue properties of weld joints a r e frequently significantly inferior to the base casting. This loss in fatigue properties arises from a number of causes and can be minimized by selective welding procedures. While the weld fatigue strength increases somewhat with the strength of the base steel and weld deposit, this increase levels off at about a base casting strength of l 0 5 ksi with an endurance limit in the range of 40 to 50 ksi. The fatigue limit of welds is below that attainable with higher strength cast steels even when the weld reinforcement is ground flush to the casting surface and with a full heat treatment.
Welds that are made with low hydrogen shielding atmospheres and automatic welding processes (such as submerged arc and electroslag welding) have better fatigue properties compared t o m a n u a l processes


primarily because of the reduction in welding discontinuities. Relatively s m a l l discontinuities can cause significant losses in fatigue properties. The magnitude of the effect of such discontinuities depends on the f a t i g u e stressing conditions; losses in endurance ratio of up to 50% can result from surface and internal porosity, undercuts, slag inclusions and lack of penetration. Postwelding treatments may improve the fatigue properties of weldments. A full heat treatment is very effective if s t r e s s concentrations from weld reinforcements and discontinuities are avoided. S t r e s s relieving improves the fatigue strength under alternating compression and tension loads but not for purely tension stresses. Peening of the as-welded structures and grinding the weld flush to the w e l d surface are both effective in improving fatigue behavior.
The toughness of welds has been primarily measured by Charpy V-notch specimens utilizing a number of transition temperature, minimum f r a c t u r e energy and fracture appearance criteria. Recently, fracture toughness methods such a s the plane strain fracture toughness parameter, K I c , and the crack opening displacement, COD, have been employed. These t e s t s have shown that the notch toughness of welds is markedly affected by a large number of welding and postwelding processes in addition to the influence of microstructure, composition and strength level that have been established as significant factors for the toughness of cast steel.

The toughness of weld metal in steel castings is improved by the following welding procedures:
(a) use of Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW or TIG) , Gas Metal Arc (GMAW or MIG) and submerged automatic arc welds compared to manual deposited, shielded arc welds; low hydrogen welding electrodes or atmospheres with basic fluxes; reduced heat input during welding and multiple welding passes compared to single or a few larger weld deposits; a low carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus content in the weld deposit with no more alloy than required for strength; nickel is less damaging and vanadium more detrimental than other alloys; aluminum deoxidation is generally beneficial. a flat welding position, followed by horizontal (overhead), with the vertical position the poorest;




( f) reduced welding restraint.

The notch toughness of the heat affected zone was lowest in the grain coarsened portion, better in the grain refined section and best i n the intercritical region. Postweld heat treatments improve the


toughness i n the heat affected zone and either decrease or increase the weld metal toughness depending on the microstructure and composition. A full heat treatment provides better toughness in the heat affected zone than stress relieving. The high heat input of electroslag welds results in a coarse grain size in both the weld deposit and the heat affected zone with low toughness, requiring a full heat treatment for some improvement.Increased levels of alloy reduce the toughness of the heat affected zone in as-welded s t e e l s . The presence of discontinuities can sharply reduce the notch toughness of welds in cast steel. The general effect of these discontinuities listed i n order of decreasing severity is cracks, undercuts, slag inclusion and lack of penetration, although the location of the discontinuity with respect to the maximum stress distribution can affect this order. The fracture mechanics approach and the use of available fracture toughness data allows calculations to be made to determine the effect of various discontinuities on the toughness and fatigue behavior of welds. These calculations can be employed to provide maximum safe limits of discontinuities measured by non-destructive testing.




" Recommended Practice for Repair Welding and Fabrication Welding of Steel Castings", Steel Foundry Research Foundation, 1 9 6 9 .
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Welding Handbook, Section 4 , American Welding Society, New York, 1 9 6 6 .

R. G. Baker, "Metallurgical Research and Welding Practice", Welding Journal, Research Supplement, 1 9 6 8 , Vol. 4 7 , pp. 232-s to 331-s.
W. G. Wilson, "Reduced Heat-affected Zone Cracking and Improved Base Metal Impacts through Sulfide Control with Rare Earth Additions", Welding Journal, January, 1 9 7 1 , Vol. 50, No. 1, p. 42-s.


12. N. Smith and B. I. Bagnall, "The Influence of Sulfur on HAZ Cracking of C - M n Steel Welds", British Welding Journal, February, 1 9 6 8 , pp. 6 3 - 6 9 .
1 3 . H . T. Hall, "Cast Steel - Aspects of Strength and Shape", Steel Foundry Facts, (SFSA) , January, 1972, pp. 3-25.

D . J. Widgery, "Effects of Sulfur and Phosphorus on Weld Metal Solidification Cracking", Metal Construction and British Welding J o u r n a l , August , 1970, pp. 333-338.
C. W . Briggs, Steel Castings Handbook, SFSA, 1970.


N . R. Nara and D. K . Wright, "Studies of the Design of Steel Castings and Steel Weldments as Related to Methods of Their Manufacture", S F S A Report, 1 9 5 9 .


1 7 . T. R. Gurney, Fatigue of Welded Structures, Cambridge University Press, 1 9 6 8 .

18. W. W. Sanders, Jr., A. T. Derecho and W. H. Manse, "Effect of External Geometry on Fatigue Behavior of Welded J o i n t s " , The Welding J o u r n a l , 1 9 6 5 , N o . 4 4 , Research Supplement, pp. 4 9 - s to 55-s.

Climax Molybdenum Company, Designing With High Strength Steel Castings, 1 9 6 5 .

B. Pollard and R. J. C over, "Fatigue of Steel Weldments", The Welding Journal, 1972, No. 4 6 , Research Supplement, pp. 5 4 4 - s to 554-s.


21. 22.

W . H. Munse and L. M. Grover, "Fatigue of Welded Steel Structures", Welding Research Council, New York, 1 9 6 4 .
J. B. Radziminski and F. Lawrence, "Fatigue of High-Yield-Strength Steel Weldments", The Welding Journal, 1970, No. 4 9 , Research Supplement, pp. 3 6 5 - s t o 3 7 4 - s .

23. W. D. Doty, "Properties and Characteristics of a Quenched and Tempered Steel for Pressure Vessels", The Welding Journal, 1970, No. 34, pp. 425-s to 4 4 1 - s . 24.
E. G, Signes, R. G. Baker, J. D. Harrison and F. M. Burdekin, "Factors Affecting the Fatigue Strength of Welded High Strength Steels", British Welding Juurnal, 1 9 6 7 , No. 1 4 , pp. 108-116.


T . R, Gurney, "Fatigue Tests on Butt and Fillet Welded J o i n t s in Mild and High Tensile Structural Steels", British Welding Journal, 1962, No. 9 .
T. R. Gurney and G. C. Smith, "Fatigue Tests on 1-1/2 Inch Thick Transverse Butt Welds Containing Slag Inclusions", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 7 , No. 1 4 , pp. 1 7 - 3 7 .
T. R. Gurney, "Some Exploratory Fatigue Tests o n Notched Mild and High Tensile Steels", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 5 , N o . 12, pp. 4 5 7 - 4 6 1 .
C . Vishnevsky, M. F, Bertolino and J. F . Wallace, "The Effects of Surface Discontinuities on the Fatigue Properties of Ca st Steel Sections'' , Steel Foundry Research Foundation, August, 1 9 6 6 .





R. P. Newman and T. R , Gurney, "Fatigue Tests on 1/2 Inch Thick Transverse Butt Welds Containing Slag Inclusions: 1st I nte r im Report", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 4 , No. 11, pp. 341-352.
J. D . Harrison and T. R . Gurney, "Some Fatigue Tests on 1-1/2 Inch Thick Butt Welds Containing Continuous Slag Lines", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 7 , No. 1 4 , pp. 121-131.




J. D. Harrison, "Further Fatigue Tests on 1-1/2 Inch Thick Butt Welds Containing Slag Inclusions", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 8 , N o . 1 5 , pp. 8 5 - 9 4 .
R. P. Newman and M. G. Dawes, "Exploratory Fatigue Tests on Transverse Butt Welds Containing Lack of Penetration", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 5 , No. 12, pp. 117-120.



F. Guyot, H. Louis, J, Martelee and W. Soete, "Fatigue Tests on Transverse Butt Welds Characterized by an Incomplete Root Penetration", Welding Research Abroad, 1 9 6 8 , No. 1 4 , No. 4 , pp. 2-55.
W . Watanabe and K. Kamachi,"Etude de L'influence des Defauts sur La Resistance Mechanique des Joints Soudes", Journal of the Japanese Welding Society, 30, 1 9 6 1 , No. 6 , pp. 4 - 1 4 .


3 5 . J. D . Harrison, "Basis for a Proposed Acceptance Standard for Weld Defects, Part 1: Porosity", Metal Construction and British Welding Journal, 4 , 1 9 7 2 , No. 3, pp. 99-107.


Y . Tada, I. Tachibana and S. Terao, "Influence de la Profondeur des Caniveaux sur la Resistance a la Fatigue des Soudures", Journal of the Japanese Welding Society, 30, 1 9 6 1 , No. 6 , pp. 15-21.
A. Matting and M. Neitzel, "The Influence of Weld Defects on the Fatigue Behavior of Welded Constructions", British Welding Journal, 1 4 , 1 9 6 7 , pp. 3-12. Also in German in Schweissen und Schneider, 1 9 6 6 , Vol. 1 8 , N o . 3, pp. 113-122.
R. P. N ew m an and T. R. Gurney, "Fatigue Tests of Plain Plate Specimens and Transverse Butt Welds in Mild Steel", British Welding Journal, 1 9 5 9 , No. 6 , pp. 5 6 9 - 5 9 4 .



3 9 . D. S. Dugdale, "Effect of Residual Stress on Fatigue Strength", The British Welding Journal, 1 9 5 9 , No. 38, Research Supplement, pp. 4 5 - s to 48-s.

T . R. Gurney, "Fatigue of Melded Military Structures", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 8 , No. 1 5 .

4 1 . J. D . Harrison, "Further Techniques for Improving the Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 6 , 13, No. 11.
42. T. R. Gurney, "Exploratory Fatigue Tests on Fillet Welded Specimens Subjected to Prior Overloading", British Welding J o u r n a l , 1 9 6 3 , 10, N o . 10.

4 3 . J. D . Harrison, "Further Fatigue Tests o n Fillet Welded Specimens Subjected to Prior Overloading", British Welding Journal, 1 9 6 5 , 12, pp. 255-258.


Anonymous, "Effect of Peening and Grinding o n the Fatigue Strength of Fillet Welded Joints", British Welding J o u r n a l , 1 9 6 8 , 1 5 , pp. 601-609.


4 5 . M . R. B a r e n and R. P. Hurlobaus, "The Fatigue Properties o f a Welded L o w A l l o y Steel", The Welding J o u r n a l , 1 9 7 1 , 4 5 , Research Supplement, pp. 207-s t o 212-s.

4 6 . W . S . Pellini, "Notch Ductility of Weld Metal", Welding Journal, 1 9 5 6 , Vol. 3 5 , pp. 217-s t o 233-s.
E . A. Lange and F. J. L o s s , D y n a m i c Te a r Ene r gy - A P r a c t i c a l Performance Criterion f o r Fracture R e s i s t a n c e , N R L Report 6 9 7 5 , Naval Research Laboratory, November 1 7 , 1 9 6 9 , Washington, D . C.


K . Masubuchi, R . E . M o n r o e and D. C. M a r t i n , Interpretive Report o n Weld Metal Toughness, Report No, S S C - 1 6 9 , National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, July, 1 9 6 5 , Washington, D. C.

4 9 . S . S. S a g a n and H. C . Campbell, "Factors Which Affect Low-Alloy Weld Metal Toughness", Welding Research Council Bulletin, April, 1 9 6 0 , No. 5 9 .

50. R . W. Judy, P . P. Puzak and E . A. Lange,"Characterization of Fracture Toughness of 5 Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel by Charpy V-Notch and Dynamic Tear Tests", Welding Journal, M a y , 1970, Vol. 4 9 , N o . 5 , pp. 201-s t o 206-s.

5 1 . H . C. Campbell, " H ow Metal-Arc Welding Compares with Other Methods", Metal Progress, February, 1 9 6 9 , Vol. 9 5 , N o. 2, pp. 6 8 - 6 9 .
52. P . Tait and D. M . Haddrill, "Fracture Toughness of Some Mild Steel Manual Metal Arc Weld Deposits", Welding and Metal Fabrication, September, 1 9 7 0 , Vol. 3 8 , pp. 370-375.
5 3 . D . J. Kotecki and R . A. Moll, " A Toughness Study of Steel Weld Metal From Self-shielded Flux-Cored Electrodes - Part I", Welding Journal, April, 1970, V ol. 4 9 , N o . 4 , pp. 1 5 7 - s to 1 6 5 - s .

5 4 . D . J. Kotecki and R. A. Moll, "A Toughness Study of Steel Weld Metal From Self-shielded Flux-Cored Electrodes - Part II" , Welding Journal, March, 1972, V ol. 5 1 , N o . 3 , pp. 138-s to 155-s.

J. E. B. Wilson, R. S. Brown and R. L . Apps, "Influence of the Number o f R u n s on Properties of Submerged-Arc Welds", Welding and Metal. Fabrication, December, 1 9 6 5 , Vol. 33, pp. 493-501.

5 6 . B . Angland and N. Christensen, "Some Observations on the Notch Toughness of Submerged Arc Weld Deposits", British Welding Journal , October, 1 9 6 1 , Vol. 8 , pp. 4 7 3 - 4 7 6 .

5 7 . P . Colvin and A. F. Bush, "Multi-Pass Submerged-Arc Welding of High Yield Strength, Notch Ductile Ferritic Steels", Iron and Steel, December, 1 9 6 9 , Vol. 42, N o . 6 , pp. 3 6 1 - 3 6 5 .
5 8 . S. S. T uliani, T. Bonoszewaki and N. F. Eaton, "Notch Toughness of Commercial Submerged-Arc Weld Metal", Welding and Metal Fabrication, August, 1 9 6 9 , Vol. 3 7 , pp. 327-339.


5 9 . W. O. Shabbits, W . H . Pryle and E. T. Wessel, "Fracture Toughness of ASTM A 5 3 3 Grade B Class 1 Heavy Section Submerged Arc Weldments", Journal of Basic Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, June, 1 9 7 1 , Vol. 93, No. 2, /D/, pp. 231-236.

A. G. Brain and A. A. Smith, "The Mechanical Properties of CO 2 Weld Metal" , British Welding Journal, December, 1 9 6 2 , Vol. 9 , pp. 6 6 9 - 6 7 7 .

6 1 . T. Konkoly, "The Influence of the Welding Conditions on the Notch Toughness of CO 2 Weld Metal", Welding in the World, 1972, Vol. 10, N o . 3 / 4 , pp. 120-137.


J. L . K aae and N . Bailey, "The HAZ Fracture Toughness of ControlledRolled, Nb Treated, Low C: Mn Steels", Metal Construction and British Welding Journal, August, 1 9 6 9 , V o l . 1, N o . 8 , pp. 3 7 1 - 3 7 7 .

6 3 . M . Ladislav, P . Polak and V. Piussi, "Fracture Toughness of 80 mm Thick Electro-Slag Welded Joints with COD Approach Application" , Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1972, Vol. 4 , pp. 695-704.

6 4 . W. P. Hatch and C. E. Hartbower, "V-Notch Charpy Impact Testing of Weld Metal and Heat-Affected Zone Simultaneously", Welding Journal, March, 1 9 5 6 , V ol. 3 5 , pp. 120-s to 126-s.

E. Smith, M. D. Coward and R . L . Apps, "Weld Heat-Affected Zone Structure and Properties of Two Mild Steels", Welding and Metal Fabrication, June, 1970, Vol. 3 8 , pp. 242-251.
G . T. B. Kellock, A. R . Sollars and E. Smith, "Simulated HeatAffected Zone Structures and Properties of HY-80 Steel" , Journal o f the I r o n and Steel I n s t i t u t e , December, 1 9 7 1 , Vol. 209, pp. 9 6 9 - 9 7 4 .


6 7 . B. W a t k i n s , "The Significance of the Heat Affected Z o n e i n Fracture Initiation", Welding i n the World, 1972, Vol. 10, N o . 9/10, pp. 270-287.

R. E. Dolby, G. R. Egan, M . G. Dawes, G. G. Saunders and G. L. Archer, "Brittle Fracture Initiation i n Welded L o w Strength Steels", Proceedings o f United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Symposium on Fracture Toughness, M . O. Dobson, ed., Practical Fracture Mechanics f o r Steel, Concepts for Weldable Structural Steel, London, Risley, 1 9 6 9 , pp. G1-G18.

6 9 . R . E. Dolby, "Fracture Toughness Comparison of Weld HAZ and Thermally Simulated Microstructures", Metal Construction and B r i t i s h Welding Journal, February, 1972, Vol. 4 , pp. 5 9 - 6 3 .
70. W . F . Savage a n d W. A. O w c z a r s k i , "The Microstrcuture and Notch Impact B ehavior of a Welded Structural Steel", Welding Journal, February, 1 9 6 6 , Vol. 4 5 , N o . 2, pp. 55-s to 6 5 - s .


71. H . Sakai, "Effect of Alloying Ele me nts on Notch Toughness of Basic Weld Metals", Reports 1 - 7 , Journal of Japanese Welding Society, Vol. 28, 29 and 3, pp. 8 5 8 - 8 6 3 , 102-105, 4 7 4 - 4 8 4 , 5 3 9 - 5 4 4 , 940-945, 32-37, 22-25.
7 2 . T. Ohira, "Statistical Investigation o n the Effect of Alloying Elements for the Notch Toughness of Weld Metals", D OC , II-221-62 Commission II of International Institute of Welding, 1962.

73. K . E. Dorschu and R. D. Stout, "Some Factors Affecting the Notch Toughness of Steel Weld Metal" , Welding Journal, March, 1961, Vol. 40, pp. 9 5 - s to 105-s.


L. P. Conner, A. M . Rathbone and J. H. Gross, "Effects of Composition on the Heat Affected Zone Toughness of Constructional Alloy Steels", Welding Journal, Vol. 4 6 , May, 1967, No. 5 , pp. 217-s to 234-s.


K . E. Dorschu and A. Lesnewich, "Development of a Filler Metal for a High Toughness Alloy Plate Steel with a Minimum Yield Strength of 140 ksi", Metals Engineering Quarterly, February, 1 9 6 5 , Vol. 5 , No. 1, pp. 20-32.
R. Bruscato, "Temper Embrittlement in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo Shielded MetalArc Weld Deposits", Welding Journal, April 1970, Vol. 4 9 , p. 148-s.


7 7 . D. Shackleton, "Effect of Copper in Low Alloy and Mild Steel Weld Metals", British Welding Journal, November, 1967, Vol . 14, pp. 592-597.


A. C. Steel, "The Effects of Sulphur and Phosphorus on the Toughness of Mild Steel Weld Metal", Welding Research International, 1972, Vol. 2, N o . 3, pp. 37-76.
M. G. Dawes, "Fracture Initiation in Weld Metals", Welding and Metal Fabrication, March, 1972, Vol. 40. No. 3 , pp. 95-104.


K . Horikawa, J. Tanaka, H. Harasawa, H. Matsubara and T. Osuka, "Weldability of Newly Developed Low Alloy High Strength Heavy Plates" Australian Welding Journal, Vol. 1 6 , No. 6 , SeptemberOctober, 1972, pp. 45-56.

8 1 . T. N. Armstrong and W. L. W a r n e r , "Effect of Preheating and Postheating on Toughness of Weld Metal", Welding Journal, Vol. 37, January, 1958, pp. 27-s to 29-s.

82. V . J. Gentilcore, A. W. Pense and R. D . Stout, "Fracture Toughness of Pressure Vessel Steel Weldments", Welding Journal, Vol. 49, N o . 8 , August 1970, pp. 341-s t o 353-s.
8 3 . M. G. Dawes and G. G. Saunders, "Influence of Heat Treatment and Thickness on Brittle Fracture in 3-1/2% Ni Steel Weldments", Metal Construction and British Welding Journal, Vol. 5 , March, 1973, pp. 94-101.



K . P. Bentley, "Toughness i n Electroslag Welds", British Welding Journal, V o l . 1 5 , August, 1 9 6 8 , pp. 408-410.
D. J . Widgery, " T h e Influence of Microstructure on Fracture Initiation in Mild Steel Weld Metals", Welding Research International, Vol. 2, No. 3 , 1972, pp. 1-20.

8 6 . J. Bland, G. F. Tisinai, "Arc Welding of 5 % C r - 0 . 5 % M o Alloy Steel Pipe", Welding Journal, Vol. 3 9 , J u n e , 1960, pp. 255-s to 265-s .
87. E . S . B r e z n y a k and J . F . W a l l a c e , "Impact Properties of Cast S t e e l Sections with Surface Discontinuities", Steel Foundry Research Foundation, Rocky River, Ohio , September , 1 9 6 7 .


A . E . F l a n i g a n a n d M . K a u f m a n , " Microcracks and the Low-Temperature Cooling R ate Embrittlement of Welds", Welding Journal, Vol. 30, December, 1951, pp. 6 1 3 - s to 622-s.

8 9 . L. L . Chin, "A Model for Toughness S t u d i e s of Welds", Welding J o u r n a l , Vol. 4 8 , N o . 7 , July, 1969, pp. 290-s to 294-s.


F. M . Burdekin, "Effects of Thermal Straining During Welding o n the Fracture Toughness of a Mild Steel", British Welding Journal, Vol. 1 4 , No. 2, February, 1967, pp. 81-83.


M . G. Dawes, "Fracture Control in High Yield Strength Weldments", Welding Research Supplement, September, 1 9 7 4 , Vol. 39, No. 9, p. 369s-379s.
S. J. Maddox, "Assessing the Significance of Flaws in Welds Subject to Fatigue", Welding Research Supplement, September , 1 9 7 4 , Vol. 39, N o . 9, p. 401s-409s.


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