500MPa to typically 700MPa) are increasingly being used in offshore structural applications. This review considers the types of steel used offshore, their mechanical properties, their weldability and their suitability for safe usage offshore.">500MPa to typically 700MPa) are increasingly being used in offshore structural applications. This review considers the types of steel used offshore, their mechanical properties, their weldability and their suitability for safe usage offshore.">
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He a lth & S a fe ty
Exe c utive
Re vie w o f the p e rfo rma nc e o f hig h
s tre ng th s te e ls us e d o ffs ho re
Pre p a re d b y Cra nfie ld Unive rs ity
fo r t h e He a lt h a n d Sa fe t y Exe cu t ive 2003
He a lth & S a fe ty
Exe c utive
Re vie w o f the p e rfo rma nc e o f hig h
s tre ng th s te e ls us e d o ffs ho re
Pro fe s s o r J Billing ha m, Pro fe s s o r J V S ha rp ,
Dr J S p urrie r a nd Dr P J Kilg a llo n
Sch o o l o f In d u s t ria l a n d Ma n u fa ct u rin g Scie n ce
Cra n fie ld Un ive rs it y
Cra nfie ld
Be d ford s hire
MK43 0AL
High strength steels (yield strength >500MPa to typically 700MPa) are increasingly being used in
offshore structural applications including production jack-ups with demanding requirements. They offer
a number of advantages over conventional steels, particularly where weight is important. This review
considers the types of steel used offshore, their mechanical properties, their weldability and their
suitability for safe usage offshore in terms of fracture, fatigue, static strength, cathodic protection and
hydrogen embrittlement performance. In addition, this review addresses the performance of high
strength steels at high temperatures and at high strain rates. It outlines the difficulties in working with
the very limited published codes and standards and discusses performance in the field. Current design
restrictions such as limits on yield ratios, susceptibility to hydrogen cracking including the influence of
SRBs, and the management of the behaviour of such steels in seawater under cathodic protection
conditions are discussed. Recommendations are made to encourage the wider use of high strength
steels in the future and areas where further study is required are identified.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its
contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do
not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
Crown copyright 2003
First published 2003
ISBN 0 7176 2205 3
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner.
Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to:
Licensing Division, Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ
or by e-mail to hmsolicensing@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

NOMENCLATURE .................................................................................... vii

SUMMARY................................................................................................ ix

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1

2. THE USE OF HIGH STRENGTH STEELS OFFSHORE....................... 3

3.1 Steel Type and Process Route.................................................... 6
3.2 Metallurgical and Compositional Considerations ..................... 6
3.3 Yield Ratio Considerations ......................................................... 7

4. CODES AND STANDARDS................................................................. 23
4.1 All Properties ............................................................................... 23
4.2 Fatigue.......................................................................................... 24
4.3 Fracture Toughness..................................................................... 24
4.4 Hydrogen Cracking...................................................................... 24
4.5 Defect Acceptance Criteria.......................................................... 25
4.6 Corrosion Protection................................................................... 25
4.7 Static Strength of Tubular Joints................................................ 25
4.8 Impact Properties......................................................................... 26
4.9 High Temperature Properties...................................................... 26

5. FABRICATION AND WELDING.......................................................... 29

6. TOUGHNESS....................................................................................... 34
6.1 Ductile to Brittle Transition........................................................ 34
6.2 Charpy V-Notch Values and High Strength Steel ..................... 35
6.3 Fracture Mechanics Values ....................................................... 36
6.4 Fracture Toughness of High Strength Steels............................ 37
6.5 Flaw Assessment Considerations for High Strength Steels.... 39
6.6 Summary of Toughness Considerations................................... 40

7. FATIGUE IN HIGH STRENGTH STEELS ........................................... 46
7.1 Introduction................................................................................. 46
7.2 Fatigue Crack Propagation ........................................................ 46
7.2.1 Effect of Steel Strength on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate 46
7.2.2 Parent Materials ............................................................... 47
7.2.3 HAZ ................................................................................... 47
7.2.4 Weld Metals ...................................................................... 47
7.2.5 Fatigue Thresholds.......................................................... 47

7.3 Effect of SRB and Sulphides...................................................... 47
7.4 SN Data........................................................................................ 48
7.5 Fatigue Improvement Techniques ............................................. 48
7.6 Summary ..................................................................................... 49

8. CATHODIC PROTECTION................................................................... 64
8.1 Introduction................................................................................. 64
8.2 Protection Criteria....................................................................... 64
8.3 Avoiding Overprotection Problems........................................... 65
8.4 Summary ..................................................................................... 66

9. HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT.......................................................... 70
9.1 Introduction................................................................................. 70
9.2 Sources of Hydrogen in Steels Exposed to the Marine
Environment ................................................................................ 70
9.3 Recent Literature Review........................................................... 71
9.4 Effect of Welding......................................................................... 72
9.5 HE Testing................................................................................... 72
9.6 Hydrogen Embrittlement Test Results ...................................... 72
9.7 Summary ..................................................................................... 74

10. HIGH TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES................................................ 81
10.1 Summary ................................................................................... 82

11. HIGH STRAIN RATES ........................................................................ 84
11.1 Summary ................................................................................... 85

12. FIELD PERFORMANCE OFFSHORE................................................. 88
12.1 Introduction............................................................................... 88
12.2 Production Jack-ups................................................................. 88
12.2.1 BP Harding..................................................................... 88
12.2.2 Siri .................................................................................. 88
12.2.3 Hang Tuah ACE Platform.............................................. 89
12.2.4 Elgin-Franklin................................................................ 89
12.3 Drilling Jack-ups....................................................................... 89
12.4 Tension Leg Platforms ............................................................. 91
12.5 Summary ................................................................................... 91

13. INSPECTION AND REPAIR............................................................... 94
13.1 Summary .................................................................................. 94

14. DESIGN RESTRICTIONS................................................................... 96
14.1 Buckling of Members............................................................... 96
14.2 Static Capacity of Tubular Joints............................................ 96
14.3 Draft ISO Standard Recommendations for High
Strength Steels......................................................................... 96

15. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................... 99

THREADED FASTENERS................................................ 102

APPENDIX 3 ............................................................................................. 104

APPENDIX 6 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS CONCEPTS.......................... 105
A6.1 Ductile to Brittle Transition: An Introduction to Fracture.... 105
A6.2 Charpy V-Notch Values: Background ................................... 105
A6.3 Charpy V Notch Values for High Stength Steel .................... 107
A6.4 Fracture Mechanics Tests: Background............................... 108
A6.4.1 Brittle Materials ........................................................ 108
A6.4.2 Ductile Materials ....................................................... 109
A6.5 Fracture Mechanics Values for High Strength Steels.......... 110
A6.6 Flaw Assessment Considerations for High Strength Steels 111

APPENDIX 9 ............................................................................................ 117
A9.1 Slow Strain Rate Testing......................................................... 117
A9.2 Fracture Mechanics Testing ................................................... 117




a Crack length parameter
B Thickness of fracture specimen
or CE Carbon equivalent
CP Cathodic protection
CR Controlled rolled
CTOD Crack tip opening displacement
Charpy impact energy
Crack tip opening displacement value
da/dN Crack growth rate
K Stress intensity factor range
Youngs modulus
Embrittlement index
FCAW Flux cored arc welding
FCGR Fatigue crack growth rate
FMD Flooded member detection
HAC Hydrogen assisted cracking
HAZ Heat affected zone
HE Hydrogen embrittlement
HIC Hydrogen induced cracking
HSLA High strength low alloy
HSS High strength steels
HV Vickers hardness
ICCP Impressed current cathodic protection
ISO International Standards Organisation
J Joules
Applied stress intensity factor
Apparent toughness
Arrest toughness
Material toughness
Stress intensity factor to keep crack in
Fracture toughness under conditions of
stress corrosion cracking
Threshold value of K
LBZ Local brittle zones
MAC Martensite-austenite content
MMA Manual metal arc
MPa Mega Pascals
Q&T Quench and tempered

Yield stress
R curve Resistance curve (energy per unit area of
crack extension)
Specified min. yield strength (in fracture
toughness equations)
SACP Sacrifical anode cathodic protection
SAW Submerged arc welding
SMYS Specified minimum yield strength
S-N Stress versus no. of cycles in fatigue
SRB Sulphate reducing bacteria
SSCC Sulphide stress corrosion cracking
SSRT Slow strain rate testing
TLP Tension leg platform
TMCP Thermomechanically controlled
TMCR Thermomechanically controlled rolling
TT Ductile to brittle transition temperature
UKCS UK Continental shelf
UTS Ultimate tensile strength
Poissons ratio
YR Yield ratio (
YS Yield strength


High strength steels (yield strength >500MPa to typically 700MPa) are increasingly being
used in offshore structural applications including production jack-ups with demanding
requirements. They offer a number of advantages over conventional steels, particularly where
weight is important. This review considers the types of steel used offshore, their mechanical
properties, their weldability and their suitability for safe usage offshore in terms of fracture,
fatigue, static strength, cathodic protection and hydrogen embrittlement performance. In
addition, this review addresses the performance of high strength steels at high temperatures
and at high strain rates. It outlines the difficulties in working with the very limited published
codes and standards and discusses performance in the field. Current design restrictions such
as limits on yield ratios, susceptibility to hydrogen cracking including the influence of SRBs,
and the management of the behaviour of such steels in seawater under cathodic protection
conditions are discussed. Recommendations are made to encourage the wider use of high
strength steels in the future and areas where further study is required are identified.



Fixed offshore structures are conventionally constructed from medium grade structural steels, with
yield strengths typically in the range of 350MPa. These steels are well documented and covered by
existing codes and standards. However, in recent years there has been an increasing interest in the use
of higher strength steels for these installations, recognising the benefits from an increase in the
strength to weight ratio and the associated savings in the cost of materials. As a result, significant
parts of several platforms (jacket and topsides) have been constructed from 400 450MPa steel and
installed in the North Sea. However, to date, fatigue sensitive components (e.g. tubular joints) have
generally been fabricated from medium strength steel because of the better knowledge on these steels
regarding fatigue performance and the lack of increased performance of high strength steels in this

The principal application of very high strength steels offshore has been in the fabrication of jack-ups.
Steels with nominal yield strengths in the range 500 800MPa are normally used in fabrication of
legs, rack and pinions and spud cans. These units, used primarily for drilling, have many years of
satisfactory experience in use, operating in a variety of water depths, but are normally brought into
dry dock for inspection at 5 year intervals, where any damage or cracking can be found and repaired.
In recent years there has been increasing interest in the use of jack-ups for production, where periodic
dry dock inspection is not possible. Two jack-ups for production, utilising high strength steels, are
now installed (Harding in 1996, Siri in 1998) and a third (Elgin-Franklin) is due to be installed shortly
on the UKCS. High strength steels have also been used in tethering attachments for floating
structures in TLPs (tension leg platforms) and for mooring lines with semi-submersible module
offshore drilling units (MODUs).

A considerable amount of research has been undertaken on high strength steels in recent years
providing new data to support offshore applications. However, overall there is limited information of
the long-term use of high strength steels in seawater, particularly under the severe environment
conditions to which structures on the UKCS are subjected. Particular concerns with the use of higher
strength steels are the greater susceptibility to hydrogen cracking which can be enhanced when SRBs
are present, their fatigue and fracture performance, and, for offshore applications, their performance at
higher temperatures as a result of fire.

Most codes and standards relate to medium strength steels and in most cases the use of design
formulae is limited to steels with yield strengths <500MPa which is a serious disadvantage for the use
of higher strength steels. Despite the increasing amount of data available from research and testing,
very little of this has yet found itself into codes and standards. The application of current codes and
standards to high strength steels will be reviewed in this report.

Several reviews of high strength steels offshore have been produced and published between 1995 and
1999 [1.01-1.08]. The plan adopted for this review is to use the information in these as a basis, but to
include new data, applications and codes and standards since these were produced. In particular,
where possible, the performance of steels with a yield strength of 450MPa, where there is some
published data, will be used as a baseline for assessing the performance of higher strength steels. In
some cases the performance of medium grade steels (YS ~350MPa) will need to be used as a
benchmark since limited data are available for higher strength steels. This review covers a wider
scope than previously published reviews of high strength steels in that it includes fire and impact
resistance as well as field performance and inspection and maintenance aspects. High strength steels
up to 450MPa (X70 grade) have been used for many years in offshore pipelines. However, pipelines,
in general, have different design criteria and requirements from offshore structures. Pipelines were
therefore not included in the current review except where general principles of steel metallurgical
development or the like were a common feature to both types of application.


1.01 Billingham J, Healy J, and Spurrier J, Current and potential use of high strength steels in
offshore structures, Publication 95/102 MTD, Sept. 1995, 51 pages, ISBN 1-870553-24-1

1.02 Billingham J, Healy J, and Bolt H, High strength steels the significance of yield ratio and
work hardening for structural performance, Marine Research Review 9, 36 pages, published
MTD 1997, ISBN 1-870553-27-6

1.03 Billingham J, Sharp J V, Spurrier J, and Stacey A, The use of high strength structural steels
in offshore engineering, Intnl.Symposium on Safety in Application of High Strength Steel,
Trondheim, July 1997

1.04 Sharp J V, Billingham J, and Stacey A, Performance of high strength steels used in jack-ups
in seawater Marine Structures, Vol.12, 1999, 349-369, ISSN 09 51-8339, Elsevier 1999

1.05 Healy J, and Billingham J, A review of the corrosion fatigue behaviour of structural steels in
the strength range 350-900MPa, and associated high strength weldments, Offshore
Technology Report, OTH 532, Publ. Health & Safety Executive, 1997, ISBN 0-7176 2409-9

1.06 Robinson M J, and Kilgallon P J, Review of the effects of sulphate reducing bacteria in the
marine environment on the corrosion fatigue and hydrogen embrittlement of high strength
steels, Offshore Technology Report, OTH 555 98, HSE Books (1999), Sudbury, Suffolk

1.07 Robinson M J, and Kilgallon P J, Review of the effects of microstructure on the hydrogen
embrittlement of high strength offshore steels, Offshore Technology Report (in press no
number yet issued) HSE Books (1999), Sudbury, Suffolk

1.08 Stacey A, Sharp J V and King R N, High Strength Steels used in Offshore Installations,
Proceedings 15
International Conference Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,
Florence, Italy, June 1996, Vol III

Traditionally, offshore structures have been fabricated with moderate strength steels with yield
strengths up to 350MPa [2.01], mainly produced by the normalising route. However, there has been a
significant growth over the past twenty years in the use of high strength steels in the offshore
engineering industry, primarily driven by a desire to save weight and cost [2.02]. Table 2.1 shows the
main application areas involved which vary with the strength of steel used. Such steels are also
generally produced by alternative processing routes such as thermomechanical controlled processing
(TMCP), and quenching and tempering (Q & T).

The principal advantage of using these structural materials is their increased strength to weight ratio
and the attendant savings in materials costs and construction schedules [2.03] due to reduced amounts
of welding. The most important increases have occurred in the topside areas of jacket structures
where the weight saving has not only produced overall savings in materials used but has allowed
crane barge installation of more complete topside processing and accommodation units [2.04] with
significant related cost savings. A survey undertaken in 1995 [2.05] indicated that the proportion of
high strength steel (defined as >350MPa yield strength) used in offshore structures increased from
less than 10% to over 40% over little less than a decade.

More recent applications, especially with smaller, lighter structures, involve the use of such steels in
the jacket members themselves although there are still usually restrictions to their use in nodal areas
because of concerns related to fatigue performance. It is likely that the use of such materials will
continue to increase as the steels become more widely available and construction yards get more
experienced in fabrication procedures. To date, most steels have been restricted to 450 grades but
research and development programmes [2.06] have indicated that steel grades up to 550MPa can be
produced which are readily weldable and possess excellent fracture toughness. Such steels will
increasingly be utilised as they become more widely available.

Higher strength steels (>550MPa and often up to 700MPa) are usually produced by the quenching and
tempering route and have traditionally been used offshore in mobile jack-up drilling rigs which do not
stay permanently on station and are periodically dry docked, allowing inspection and repair
programmes to be implemented [2.07]. The principal application of high strength steels in jack-ups is
in the fabrication of the legs because of the requirement to minimise weight during the transportation
stage. In general, each lattice leg is composed of three or four longitudinal chord members which
may contain a rack plate for elevating the hull and a series of horizontal and diagonal tubular braces
which connect the chords to form a truss. Supplementary braces (span breakers) are frequently used
between main brace mid-points to increase the buckling resistance. The rack plate is very thick,
varying typically between 150 and 250mm. The chord shell cans are usually fabricated from plate
with a wall thickness between 35 and 80mm and with a diameter in the range 800 to 1200mm.
Weldability and good toughness and ductility are important material considerations in this application
and the steel maker provides this by careful control of alloy composition and by processing [2.01;

Steels of similar strength levels have only comparatively recently been used in production jack-ups
permanently on station in North Sea projects in the Harding and Siri fields, and in the Elgin jacket
which was installed in 2001. In such installations, fatigue, corrosion fatigue and hydrogen
embrittlement become major design considerations and the steels used have to be carefully reassessed.
The French TPG 500 design is a good example of this type of structure. It can be built onshore as one
complete unit and floated out to site. Once on station the legs can be lowered to the seabed and the
deck jacked up for operation, thus reducing the need for heavy lift operations during installation and
producing significant cost savings. A second benefit in this design is that it is a reusable production
facility, since it can be refloated, removed from one site to another, and commence operations in the
new field. To provide the required fatigue life the legs of the structure have incorporated forged
nodes (fabricated by Creusot-Loire), thus reducing the stress concentrations normally seen in welded
nodes. The Harding platform is in 110m water depth and the lower part of the structure comprises a
concrete base to remove any potential problems of hydrogen embrittlement related to sulphate
reducing bacteria in the mud zone. A jack-up was also installed as a permanent installation in the
Danish sector (Siri field, 60m depth) in 1998. The majority of the leg sections on the Siri platform are
made from thick section (65-110mm) 690 grade high strength steel. The Elgin structure uses a range
of high strength steels including 500MPa steel in structural members, chords and bracings and
700MPa steel in the racks. It uses lower strength steels (350MPa) in the lower part of the structure
which are piled into the seabed to avoid potential hydrogen embrittlement problems.

Other applications for high strength steels are found in mooring attachments for floating structures
such as tension leg platforms (TLPs). These structures are fixed by vertical tension legs to piled
foundation templates on the seabed. One of the first such designs for the Hutton field in the UK
sector used 16 tension legs (4 at each corner). Each leg is a thick walled steel tubular, manufactured
from a low alloy steel (3.5%Ni, Cr, Mo, V) with a minimum yield strength of 795MPa [2.08]. The
individual components of each leg are forged and connected by screwed couplings. The steel
composition was selected to provide the highest possible strength, commensurate with adequate
fracture toughness. Resistance to both stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue were also
important. The choice of screwed connectors was based on the fact that there were insufficient data
available on the corrosion fatigue performance of welded tubulars to guarantee safe performance
under the envisaged design life of the structures. A large test programme was undertaken to justify
the choice of material. The platform has now been in operation for almost 20 years without any
significant problems with the tethers.

Since then TLP type platforms have been installed in several other fields, both in Norway and in the
Gulf of Mexico. In the Heidron field, for example, a welded TMCP (thermo-mechanically processed)
microalloyed X70 pipeline steel was used for the tethers. The structure is in 270m water depth and
comprised tubular tension leg elements that were 1m diameter and 38mm thick. The steel had a yield
strength of 500MPa and impact toughness of 60J at -40C. Other structures have been used in much
deeper waters, mainly in the US (Auger TLP in 872m, installed in 1994; Mars TLP in 896m of water
in 1996), where conventional fixed platforms are uneconomic. These projects involved 76mm thick
415MPa components of weldable TMCP steel. Plans are in hand for even deeper water TLP units, but
it is now recognised that the availability of suitable high strength materials for the tethers is limiting
further development.

Other floating structures such as semi-submersibles, used welded higher strength steel anchor chains
or wire ropes as their mooring attachments. Such steel chain and wire rope components are
considered outside the scope of the present review.

Other, more specialised, usage areas include flanges and repair clamps where threaded fasteners
provide the main load transfer mechanism. Such bolts and threaded fasteners are discussed in more
detail in Appendix I.

Table 2.1
High strength steels used offshore
MPa (grade)
Process Route Application Area
350 (X52) Normalised
Structures & Pipelines

450 (X65)

Q & T


550 (X80)

Q & T

Structures & Moorings


Q & T

Jack-ups & Moorings


Q & T

Jack-ups & Moorings


Q & T

Jack-ups & Moorings


2.01 Billingham J, Steel a versatile advanced material in marine environments, Ironmaking and
Steelmaking 1994, Vol.21, No.6, p422

2.02 Billingham J, Healy J, and Spurrier J, Current and potential use of high strength steels in
offshore structures, MTD Publication 95/102 (1995), ISBN 1-870-533-24-1

2.03 Rodgers K J, and Lockhead J C, The welding of grade 450 offshore structural steels, Proc
Conf. on Welding and Weld Properties in the Offshore Industry, London, April 1992

2.04 Webster S E, Structural materials for offshore structures past, present and future,
Proc.Conf. on Safe Design and Fabrication of Offshore Structures, IBC, London, Sept. 1993

2.05 Healy J, and Billingham J, High strength steels a viable option for offshore designs,
Euroforum Conference Latest Innovations in Offshore Platform Design and Construction,
London 1996

2.06 The influence of welding on materials performance of high strength steels offshore,
Managed Programmes of University Research, Marine Technology Centre, Cranfield
University, 1985-1994

2.07 Sharp J V, Billingham J, and Stacey A, Performance of high strength steels used in jack-ups'
Journal of marine Structures, 12 (1999), 349

2.08 Salama M N, and Tetlow J H, Proc. of Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas,
1983, Paper 449.

In general, the strength of a steel is controlled by its microstructure which varies according to its
chemical composition, its thermal history and the deformation processes it undergoes during its
production schedule. In addition, structural steel for offshore applications must be readily weldable
since this is the traditional fabrication route for offshore structures. Structural steels for offshore must
therefore be available in moderate to thick sections (30 100mm) and must exhibit good toughness to
avoid the possibility of brittle failure, in addition to showing good weldability and high strength.
Such overall requirements are often difficult to achieve because an increase in one of these properties
often leads to a decrease in the others.

Table 3.1 below shows the strength ranges and process routes for high strength steels used in a variety
of offshore engineering applications.

Most conventional structures use only moderate strength steel produced by the normalised or
thermomechanically processed routes (TMCP) but at higher strength levels there are processing
thickness restrictions to TMCP steels and normalising cannot produce the strength levels required in
the necessary section thicknesses. Quenching and tempering is therefore the standard production
route for very high strength structural steel. The limitations that apply to the different process routes
in respect of strength or thickness ranges are shown in Table 3.2.

The offshore pipeline industry, for many years, has used high strength steels and today commonly
uses X70 steel grade (!450MPa) with excellent toughness and weldability properties [3.01].
Significant benefits in such developments have come from understanding the complex chemistries
developed for the steel plus the use of extensive thermomechanical processing, primarily to produce
fine grained microstructures, including controlled rolling, thermomechanical controlled processing
and accelerated cooling. Many of the principles involved in such developments, particularly the
complex interactions between strength, toughness and weldability as influenced by steel chemistry,
heat treatments and thermal processing [3.02] have been carried over into higher strength steel

Many of these well understood metallurgical principles can be utilised to satisfy the overall
mechanical property requirements for high strength structural steels, namely:
"# reduced carbon content to improve weldability and toughness;
"# decreased grain size (ferrite and/or bainite) to give increased strength and increased toughness.
This is usually achieved by microalloying with Nb, V or Al and by some form of
thermomechanical processing;
"# decreased impurity content (S, P, O) to increase toughness in particular and through thickness
homogeneity, i.e. the use of clean steel technology;
"# increased alloying with Ni, Cr, Mo and Cu to give solid solution and transformation
strengthening, especially at the higher strength levels.

Relatively small changes in composition and/or variations in processing route can significantly affect
the resulting mechanical properties as shown in Table 3.3. This table shows old and new versions
of steels within 3 standard steel grades, i.e. 355, 450 and 690MPa yield strength. Although all of the
steels within a particular grade satisfy the grade requirements (primarily with respect to specified
minimum yield strength) it can be seen that the newer versions show much improved overall
properties by combining the required yield strength with improved toughness (improved Charpy
impact performance {Cv}), and improved weldability (lower carbon equivalent values [C
}). This

Carbon equivalent CE is defined as CE=C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/15 See page 30 for more details.
has been achieved primarily by controlling the microstructure through changes in chemistry and
thermal processing.

Many engineers and designers do not appreciate that the mechanical properties of a particular steel
can vary significantly within a specified steel grade (i.e. steel with a specified minimum yield
strength). Figure 3.1 shows the variation in mechanical properties for three offshore steel grades with
minimum yield strengths of 355, 420 and 450MPa [3.03]. For the 450MPa steel, for example, it can
be seen that the yield strength can vary by 100MPa from 440 to 540MPa (+20% on design yield
value), with a mean value at approximately 500MPa. Such variations are produced by variations in
steel composition and processing which affect all the mechanical properties as shown in Figure 3.2 for
a 450MPa steel. Such variations can have serious implications for the degree of weld overmatching
or undermatching that occurs in the final structure. The range of properties achievable within a
particular grade can also vary significantly with process route as shown in Figure 3.3 which illustrates
the much wider variation obtained from the TMCP route than from either the normalised route at
lower strength levels or the quenched and tempered route at higher strength levels [3.04]. Variations
can also occur with plate thickness and with steel manufacturer [3.05]. It is important that this
potential variation in yield strength is recognised at the design stage.

Typical compositions and properties for high strength steels produced by the normalised,
thermomechanically controlled processed and quenching and tempered routes are shown in Tables
3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 respectively. Other typical composition and mechanical properties are given in the
draft DNV Offshore Standard OS-B101 Metallic Materials, (May 2000). In general for such steels the
strength increases as the hardenability and the composition related carbon equivalent values increase
(see Figure 3.4). for each process route, but the particular process route selected generally has a more
significant influence on yield strength. By making use of strength improvements associated with the
processing route, it is possible to produce steels of the same strength level at leaner chemistries and
hence lower carbon equivalent values, which show improved weldability. By using careful control of
composition and processing, steels can therefore usually be produced with excellent combinations of
strength and toughness combined with excellent weldability. In general, as the strength increases the
weldability in particular decreases and more control over the welding procedures such as increased
levels of preheating are usually required. Moreover, in general, the toughness of very high strength
steels (690MPa) is inferior to that of steels with low (350MPa) or intermediate (450-550MPa) levels
of strength.

The stress strain behaviour of high strength steels differs somewhat from that of lower strength steels
in that they generally show reduced capacity for strain hardening after yielding and reduced
elongation as shown in Figure 3.5. This is because the steel strengthening mechanisms used in high
strength steel development have been selected specifically to increase the yield strength and have
much less influence in subsequent strain hardening behaviour. One measure to illustrate this different
behaviour is yieId ratio (YR) which is defined as the ratio of yieId strength (
) to ultimate tensile
strength (UTS), and which generally increases as the strength of the steel increases as shown in Figure
3.6 for a range of offshore steel grades [3.06]. YR is not, however, a unique measure of how the steel
behaves because steels with very different stress strain curves can have the same value of YR [3.06].
There are restrictions in structural design codes to reflect this changed behaviour such that YR for
material to be used for structural members is not allowed to have a value greater than 0.85 in design
equations to ensure that there is adequate ductility in the member to develop plastic failure behaviour
as a defence against brittle fracture. Design aspects related to YR are given in section 13 of this
report. Examination of a different database [3.07] shown in Figure 3.7 shows that generally steels
with yield strengths up to 500MPa can satisfy this general requirements but that very high strength
steels do not.

The yield ratio is not directly related to the capability of a given steel to withstand plastic strain after
yield and before fracture. In older high strength steels, elongation generally decreases as yield ratio
increases, but modern clean steels with low carbon content and low levels of impurity have significant
elongation even at the highest strength (690 grade) and yield value ratio (0.95), giving more
confidence as to their deformation capability [3.05]. An alternative measure is the general elongation
which is usually substantial in modern steel with high yield ratios.

Current design equations are based on test data from medium strength steels, where some degree of
strain hardening is present. Lack of strain hardening can lead to premature cracking, which could
have significant implications for tubular joints in service. As a result, design codes have placed a
limit on the yield ratio (typically 0.7). Examination of Figure 3.7 emphasises the range of values that
can occur within particular strength grades, largely due to the different methods of production,
differences in steel chemistry, and differences in section thickness that occur (see section 3.2).
Indeed, from this diagram it can be seen that 350MPa steels generally show a yield ratio ranging from
0.6 to 0.8, that 450MPa steels have values ranging from 0.7 to 0.87, whereas 690MPa steels have
values ranging from 0.9 to 0.95. Elongation generally decreases in line with increasing yield ratio;
therefore for 350 450 steels, elongations are generally of the order of 20 35%, whereas for 690
steels, values of 14 18% are more typical [3.06].

Examination of Figure 3.7 shows that many steels, even at strength levels up to 400MPa have yield
ratios above 0.7, which could include many steels purchased at grade 355 level. It is therefore
possible that some earlier structures might have nodal joints which do not satisfy the current design
codes although they have performed perfectly satisfactorily in service.

There has for some time been a feeling that the code restrictions for nodal connections are rather
conservative in respect of high strength steels because intuitively it would be expected that joint load
capacity would increase in line with yield strength, whereas the code restrictions impose severe
limitations. For example, on increasing the yield strength from 355 to 532MPa (a 50% increase) the
designer is only allowed to increase the allowable design stress by 23% when the yield ratio is 0.85
(YR = 0.85, design stress = 0.7UTS = 0.7 x 626 = 438MPa). Other examples of the restrictions
imposed by the code are given in Appendix 3. Initial finite element studies on X joint deformation
behaviour by BOMEL and Cranfield [3.06] indicated that joints with high YR had significantly higher
joint capacities than joints with low ratios. For example, a joint with a YR of 0.93 (490MPa $
525MPa UTS) showed a 28% increase in joint capacity compared to a lower strength steel $
350MPa with a YR of 0.66 and the same value of UTS (525MPa UTS). Existing structural codes
would have restricted the capacity of both these joints to the same value (YR = 0.66 $
= $
= 350,
YR 0.93, $
= 2/3 x UTS = 2/3 x 525 = 350). Despite the above enhanced in-joint capacity, the
capacity does not increase linearly with yield stress as indicated by the design equations (static
strength for DT joints):

% & '
- Q ) 14 5 . 2 ( T
7 . 0
, 1 MIN F P

where P = static design strength, F
= yield strength, YR = yield ratio, T = wall thickness, % =
diameter ratio d/D, and Q
is a geometric factor, defined as Q
= 0.3/%(1-0.833%) for % >0.6 and Q
1 for % <0.6). In the case quoted a direct dependence on yield strength would have indicated a 40%
increase in capacity rather than the measured increase of 28%. However, on the basis of this work,
the authors concluded that the current restriction of 0.7 could possibly be relaxed to 0.8. Other
workers, notably Healy and Zettlemoyer [3.08], and Wilmshurst and Lee [3.09] have also indicated
that they thought the current restriction was too severe and should be relaxed.

An analysis of the limited static strength data for tubular joints manufactured from high strength steels
(>600MPa) [3.10] showed that the recommended restriction of 0.7UTS was justified. However, the
analyses were carried out using the HSE Guidance Notes equations where ultimate strength is the
failure criterion. The point was also made that the data were very limited and that the range of joint
types tested was limited (1 T, 8 K/YT, 2 DT). In addition, the geometry range was limited (lowest
gamma was 14.8, highest beta 0.43). The range of yield ratios was 0.88 to 0.94.

A later study for the European Commission [3.11] which involved some relatively large scale
experimental tests by BOMEL, TNO and Delft Universities largely confirmed these earlier
experiments. This programme included a significant finite element study, a comprehensive re-
examination of the test database used in setting up the structural code formulations and an expanded
experimental test programme involving 2 series of tests (compression and tension) on DT joints made
from 350, 450 and 690MPa steels. The finite element analyses successfully reflected the
experimental DT test joint data. They also isolated and quantified accurately the effect of geometric
imperfections in the test joint. The earlier indications that the design stress for tubular joints should
be raised from the YR = 0.7 value in the guidance were confirmed. The authors concluded that the
conservatism utilised in high strength steel tubular steel design could be reduced by changing the YR
= 0.7 limit in the design equation to 0.8 for both compression and tension joints. This would then
enable more widespread use to be made of high strength steel in tubular joint design. The authors also
recommended that more tests on tubular joints, especially at the higher grades of steel and especially
in tension, were required.

A recently published paper [3.12] from Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG analysed transition temperatures
from Charpy V-tests and the fracture mechanics transition temperature for 690MPa steels against
yield ratio and found no correlation, but it was recognised that these results were from small scale
tests. Another analysis of the maximum net stress versus test temperature of the wide plate tests for
690MPa steels, with yield ratios ranging from 0.87 to 0.93 showed that the highest loads were in the
steels with the highest yield ratio. The authors concluded that yield ratio is not a good measure of
component safety, and that other factors should be taken into account. This paper [3.12] also listed
limitations on yield ratio in various design codes and materials standards (both onshore and offshore)
ranging from 0.7 to 0.93 for various components.

Since 1996, several Panels have been meeting to draft a new ISO standard for offshore structures.
This includes a Panel drafting a section on the static strength of tubular joints. The Panel has re-
examined the test data on joint strength and developed some improved design equations. However,
because of the lack of data on higher strength steel joints, the Panel concluded that these equations
should be limited to steels with yield strengths less than 500MPa (see section 4). However, even for
these steels, it was considered necessary to impose a limit of the yield ratio (since some lower strength
steels have yield ratios greater than 0.7). The Panel concluded that on the basis of test results for
lower strength steels, the limiting yield ratio should be 0.8.

For higher strength steels (yield strength greater than 500MPa) the Panel concluded that use of a
limiting value of yield ratio of 0.8 may be adequate to permit the ultimate compression capacity
equations to be used for joints with strengths in the range 500-800MPa provided adequate ductility
can be demonstrated in the HAZ and parent material. It is unclear how this demonstration of adequate
ductility can be provided either in terms of mechanical property data of the steels concerned or in
identified test procedures.

Later examination of some of the available static strength data [3.13] has concluded that although the
factor for compression loading could be relaxed to 0.8, the factor for tension loading should, indeed,
be lowered to 0.5 based on the design capacity being related to first cracking rather than to ultimate
strength as in, for example, the API RP2A code. Failure modes in the compression tests involved an
indentation of the chord of about 30% of the diameter. Cracks appeared in the tension specimens at
loads of around 50% of the maximum load reached in the tests. However, it should be recognised that
these recommendations are based on very limited test data.

Overall, the design of high strength welded joints for static strength is unclear based on the very
limited existing data. When failure is defined as the onset of cracking (under tension loading, e.g. as
in API RP2A) it would appear that the existing design equations are unconservative for high strength
steel joints, even with a yield ratio of 0.7. For compression loading a limiting yield ratio of 0.8 would
appear appropriate, provided there is adequate ductility present in both the HAZ and parent plate.
Further data are required to resolve these uncertainties.

An alternative approach to the concerns regarding the influence of high yield ratio and deformation
capacity of high strength steel tubular joints is to redesign the steel and its production route to develop
high strength steels with lower yield ratios. Japanese studies [3.14] aimed at developing steels for
earthquake resistant structures have utilised accelerated cooling and intercritical quenching
procedures to produce a microstructure of ferrite dispersed in a bainitic matrix which can produce
high strength steel 500MPa in thick sections with a yield ratio of 0.7 and CE values of 0.4 which
would indicate reasonable weldability. 700MPa steels with YR of only 0.83 have also been
developed but these are less weldable (CE 0.52) [3.15]. The weldability of such steel is inferior to
modern HSLA steels used offshore but could almost certainly be improved with further development.

Castings can offer advantages over welded structural fabrications because the joint intersections can
be easily contoured to reduce stress concentration effects, at say nodal joints for example, with a
corresponding increase in fatigue life [3.16]. In conventional welded nodal joints the fatigue life is
decreased because of the microcracking that exists in the weld toe which is eliminated in cast joints
with a corresponding significant increase in fatigue life as shown in Figure 3.8. High strength steel
castings are available which have attractive combinations of strength and toughness properties [3.17;
3.18]. Steels with yield strengths up to 690MPa are available. They cannot derive their strength from
processing so usually have addition of nickel and chromium to suppress transformation temperatures
and produce low carbon martensitic or bainitic structures. The excellent through thickness properties
of castings have also opened up new markets in lifting attachments, spreader bars, and pad eyes


3.01 Steels for Linepipe and Pipeline fittings, Proc.Intnl.Conf. London 1981, publ Metals Society

3.02 Billingham J, Steel A Versatile Advanced materials in marine Environments, Ironmaking
and Steelmaking, Vol.21, No.6, 452, 1994

3.03 Billingham J, Healy J, and Spurrier J, Current and Potential Use of High Strength Steels in
Offshore Structures, MTD publication 95/102, published 1996, ISBN 1-870553-24-1

3.04 Denys R, Conf Evaluation of Materials in Severe Environments, ISI Japan, Vol.2, 1989.

3.05 Healy J, and Billingham J, Metallurgical Considerations of the High Yield to Ultimate Ratio
in High Strength Steels for Use in Offshore Engineering, 14
Intnl.Conf. OMAE 1995,
Vol.III, 365

3.06 Billingham J, Healy J, and Bolt H, High Strength Steel the Significance of Yield Ratio and
Work Hardening for Structural Performance, Marine Research Review 9, publ MTD 1997,
ISBN 1-870553-27-6

3.07 Willcock R T S, Yield : Tensile Ratio and Safety of High Strength Steels, HSE Report, Mat
R108, 1992

3.08 Healy B E, and Zettlemoyer N, In plane bending strength of circular tubular joint, Proc. 5

Intnl.Symposium on Tubular Structures, ed. M G Coutie and G Davies, E and F N Span, 1993

3.09 Wilmhurst S R and Lee M M K, Non-linear FEM Study of Ultimate Strength of Tubular
Multiplaner Double K Joint, Proc 12
OMAE, Glasgow 1993.

3.10 Lalani et al, ESCS Report 7210 MC/602 1996

3.11 Static Strength of High Strength Steel Tubular Joints, ECSC 7210 MC/602 1996, reported in
Wicks P J, and Stacey A, Static Strength of High Strength Steel Tubular Joints, Proceedings
ETCE/OMAE 2000 Conference, Paper 2081, February 2000, Publ, ASME

3.12 Kaiser H J, Kern A, Niessen T, and Schriever, Modern High Strength Steels with Minimum
Yield Strength up to 690MPa and High Component Safety, Proc. 11
Intnl. Offshore and
Polar Engineering Conference, Norway 2001, ISBN 1-880653-55-9.

3.13 Private Communication with N W Nicholls

3.14 Shikani N, Kurihora M, Tagawa H, Salkui S, and Watanabe I, Development of high strength
steel with low yield ratio for large scale steel structures, Proc. of Microalloying 88, Chicago
1988, p481

3.15 Toyoda M, Strain Hardenability of High Strength Steels and Matching Properties in Welds,
Intnl. OMAE Conf. 1989

3.16 Marston G J, Novel Application of Structural Steel Castings in the Offshore Industry The
Safe Design and Fabrication of Offshore Structures, IBC Conf., London, 1993

3.17 Richardson R C, Higher Strength Cast Steel for Offshore Structures, World Expro 161

3.18 Cowling M J, Fatigue Performance of Cast Steel Intersection for Offshore Structures, in
Fatigue Crack Growth in Offshore Structures, ed. W D Dover, S Dharmavason, F P Brennan
and K J Marsch, EMAS 1995.

Table 3.1 Strength ranges and process routes for high strength steels used in offshore
of structure
Strength levels used
Jacket structures and topsides


350 500

350 550
(X52) (X80)

500 850
Q & T


Q & T

Table 3.2 Steel processing routes for production of high strength structural steels


Thermomechanically controlled rolled

Accelerated cooled (TMCP)

Quenched & Tempered (QT)

Usually <460MPa for 50mm plate

Thickness restriction especially at higher
strengths usually less than 550MPa at

Improved properties compared to TMCR but
thickness restriction at higher strengths

(a) Alloyed route no real thickness
restriction but expensive and costly to weld
(b) Microalloyed route thickness and
strengths required offshore can be produced

Usually alloyed because of lack of processing
Table 3.3
Effect of changes in processing and alloying methodology on mechanical properties of Grade 355, 450 and 690 steel plates

Chemical Composition















Cv Impact

Grade 355
- 0.20 1.35 0.30 - - 0.016 0.015 0.02 - 360 70J @ -40C 0.43
- 0.11 1.50 0.40 0.15 0.15 0.005 0.015 0.03 - 380 >200J@-40C 0.39

- 0.07 1.49 0.21 0.38 0.02 0.002 0.008 0.02 - 380 200J @ -30C 0.36
Q & T
- 0.18 0.4 0.30 3.0 1-1.8 0.015 0.005 0.02 0.02 550 80J @-85C 0.81
Q & T
- 0.11 1.49 0.3 0.52 0.11 0.001 0.010 0.03 - 480 300J @-40C 0.40
TMCP - 0.09 1.50 0.3 - - 0.001 0.007 0.03 0.04 500 300J @-30C 0.35
Grade 690
Q & T
- 0.11 0.42 0.23 3.40 1.48 0.46 0.03 0.001 0.012 0.026 0.08 550
80J @-84C 0.81
OX812 Q & T
- 0.11 0.89 0.26 1.18 0.46 0.38 0.15 0.003 0.008 0.07 0.01 690 100J @-80C 0.52
SE702 Q & T
0.0027 0.125 1.05 0.25 1.4 0.5 0.45 0.20 <0.002 <0.01 - 750 120J @ -40C 0.59
DSE 690V Q & T
- 0.15 0.90 0.33 1.28 0.49 0.45 0.2 0.001 0.009 0.073 0.03 700 74J @ -60C 0.59

Table 3.4
Typical composition and mechanical properties of normalised steels produced in Europe yield strength range 350 to 490MPa
Typical composition (by weight %)














Typical mechanical yield
strength/CVN range















360MPa/70J @ -40C
20 0.22 1.0-
0.55 0.030
0.035 - - - 0.3 0.5-
0.2 0.1 0.52
420MPa/60J @ 0C
20 0.22 1.6 <0.6 0.04
0.04 0.003
- - - - - 0.49
450MPa/60J @ 0C
30 0.13 1.52 0.49 0.005 0.015 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.45 0.72 - - 0.50 490MPa/>110J @

Table 3.5
Typical composition and mechanical properties of thermomechanical controlled processed steel yield strength range 400 to 500MPa,
typical average plate thickness 30mm
Typical composition (by weight %)













Typical mechanical yield
strength/CVN range














400MPa/190J @ -40C
32 0.12 1.35 0.30 - - - - - 0.01 0.02 - -
398MPa/300J @ -20C
32 0.07 1.45 0.27 0.001 0.004 - 0.01 0.07 0.19 0.4 - 0.32
400MPa/>300J @ -20C
30 0.04 1.52 0.22 0.003 0.005 - - - 0.60 0.49 0.02 0.37
460MPa/220J @ -40C

Table 3.6
Typical composition and mechanical properties of quenched and tempered steels yield strength range from 450 to 1000MPa
Typical composition (by weight %)
















Typical mechanical yield
strength/CVN range

6 140


0.1 -










1 -1.8




550 to 690MPa / 80J @ -84C













1 1.8




690MPa minimum

















450MPa / >35J @ -40C

50 64
















480MPa / >50J @ -40C

















690MPa / >40J @ -40C

















960MPa / >40J @ -40C

Figure 3.1
Variation in yield strength for 355, 420 and 450 grade steels

Figure 3.2
Showing typical variation in mechanical properties for a grade 450 steel (35-50mm thick, min
= 430MPa, min UTS = 530MPa, min elongation =
20%, sample size N = 94)

Figure 3.3
Variation in mechanical properties with process route for steel grades 350 and 420 after Denys

Figure 3.4
Effect of carbon equivalent value and steel processing route on plate strength
Figure 3.5
Typical stress-strain curve for Grades 355, 450 and 690 steel

True stress strain lines for different steel grades

Load-deflection lines for different steel grades

Figure 3.6
Offshore grade steels, nominal thickness 50mm

Figure 3.7
Yield ratio of 200 cast and wrought iron high strength steels
Figure 3.8
Showing comparison of welded and cast steel properties

Detailed codes and standards now exist for medium strength structural steels, covering most of the
aspects relevant to offshore design. However, for higher strength steels (YS 500-600MPa) the
available codes and standards are limited and for even higher strength steels (>600MPa), almost non-
existent. This section reviews the available codes and standards, both published and those being
developed at present for offshore use. In terms of offshore hazards, table 4.1 shows the current status
of codes and standards. The current status of codes and standards will now be reviewed in terms of
materials properties.

HSE/D.Energy Offshore Guidance has been developed over many years, with the first edition being
published in 1974. The fourth edition was published in 1990, [4.05] with significant amendments
being added up to 1995 [4.07]. It is particularly strong in materials properties, performance of
structural components etc, and has several sections devoted to high strength steels. In particular the
control of hydrogen assisted cracking is addressed in some detail, more than in any other existing
code or standard. However as a result of the issue of the DCR Regulations [4.08] in 1996 it has been
withdrawn, although it is still available as a document for consultation.

Two ASTM standards [4.01,4.02] cover some aspects of the requirements of high strength steels,
although these are limited in their applicability. A808 is concerned with high strength, low ally
carbon, manganese steels of structural quality, whilst A514 provides a specification for high yield
strength Q&T alloy steels, intended primarily for use in welded bridges and other structures.

The recently published NORSOK standard on the Design of Steel structures [4.09] includes five steel
quality levels (DC1 - DC5). However all of these grades are limited to steels with YS equal to or less
than 500MPa. For higher strength steels it is stated that the feasibility of such a selection of steel shall
be assessed in each case.

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) provides a set of requirements for
high strength quenched and tempered steels [4.11], for steels with YS in the range 420 690MPa,
divided into six groups. The requirements include method of manufacture, mechanical properties, and
inspection during manufacture.

The DnV offshore standard [4.04] groups steels into three main grades, the highest of which (extra
high strength) covers materials with yield strengths from 420 - 690MPa. These grades are linked to
impact toughness properties according to weldability requirements, but the improved weldability
grade is limited to a maximum YS of 500MPa. A statement is also made that steels with YS> 550MPa
shall be subject to special considerations for applications where anaerobic conditions may

Similarly in the draft ISO Standard for fixed structures (19902) [4.10] steels are classified into five
groups, with Grade V covering steels with YS up to 500MPa. It is also stated that further groups may
be added when data becomes available. The draft standard includes an important statement on higher
strength steels, which is:
'Although steels with yield strengths in excess of 500MPa (73 ksi) are currently available, no
agreed standard exists for offshore fixed platform structural use. These are not recognised as offshore
fixed platform structural grades and users should take care to ensure that ductility, fracture toughness
and weldability will be adequate for the intended application. Attention is drawn to the need to
consider fatigue and corrosion conditions, including the tendency for higher strength steels to be more
susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and certain types of stress corrosion. Particular care should be
exercised where high strength is developed as a result of alloy additions'.

A separate ISO Technical group is developing a standard for jack-ups, which is expected to include
guidance on higher strength steels, appropriate to jack-ups, but has yet to be drafted.

New Guidance was published by HSE in 1995 [4.07]. This included a modified set of S-N curves, but
these were restricted to steels with yield strength equal to or less than 500MPa, as it was concluded
that the test data available were insufficient for higher strength steels. This was particularly true for
fatigue in seawater under cathodic protection and free corrosion conditions, where the data available
on high strength steel joints were extremely limited. The HSE Guidance recommended that for higher
strength steels, data from an approved test programme are used to determine appropriate S-N curves,
or fracture mechanics constants. Following incorporation of the DCR Regulations offshore in 1996
the HSE Guidance has been withdrawn.

DnV Rules [4.05] include S-N curves and fracture mechanics constants for steels with YS up to

The NORSOK standard [4.09] provides recommended S-N curves for steels, both in air and seawater.
As noted earlier these apply to steels with steel quality levels from I to V, the maximum yield strength
being 500MPa. For steels of higher strength it is stated that the feasibility of such a selection shall be
assessed in each case.

The draft ISO standard [4.10] states that the limited amount of test data for plate joints with yield
strengths up to 540MPa and tubular joints manufactured from high strength steel with yield strengths
up to 700MPa suggests that fatigue performance in seawater under CP and under free corrosion is
similar to that for medium strength steels, but test data should be used to determine appropriate S-N
curves. In addition, the draft standard indicates that for even higher strength steels (700 800MPa)
the effect of seawater on the fatigue performance of these materials is considered to be more
detrimental than for medium strength steels because of their greater susceptibility to cracking from
hydrogen embrittlement. In particular, it is noted that several studies have shown that excessively
negative CP protection potentials can be a cause of cracking due to the generation of hydrogen which
enhances crack growth rates. It is stated in conclusion that it is important that the fatigue performance
of high strength steels is understood and that appropriate levels of CP are applied.

Most codes and standards recommend the need to avoid brittle fracture. Good specifications are
published for medium strength steels but generally there is very limited guidance for higher strength
steels. Overall avoidance of brittle fracture is based on recommending a minimum value of Charpy
energy values according to yield strength. On this basis the International Association of Classification
Societies (IACS) [4.11] has recommended for high strength Q&T steels that the average energy from
a charpy V notch test should be Re/10 for the longitudinal direction, and 2/3 of this for the transverse
direction, i.e. for 690MPa steels (F grade) Charpy energy values of 69J and 46J at a test temperature
of -60
C with minimum individual values of 70% of the minimum average, i.e. 48J and 32J
respectively [4.11]. Possible limitations on this requirement are considered in section 6.

As a result of the detection of cracking in jack-ups in the late 1980s a significant research programme
was undertaken on high strength steels which led to new guidance being developed to minimise
cracking in practice.

HSE published an amendment to its Guidance [4.07] with a recommendation that the CP level should
be limited to a negative voltage no lower than -850mV (Ag/AgCl). To achieve this special measures
were recommended, such as voltage limiting diodes to keep potentials within the recommended limits.
In addition steels proposed for use offshore in conditions where there is a vulnerability to hydrogen
cracking should be assessed using, for example, slow strain rate testing. High strength steels
(YS>650MPa) should be examined for the possibility of hydrogen damage in service, both in the
parent material and in the weldments. The HSE Guidance was supported by a published OTH report
[4.13] which provided data on the performance of several steels and on the recommended test

The DnV Offshore standard [4.04] also provides guidance on the use of high strength steels in
seawater with CP. In this case the recommended range for steels susceptible to hydrogen induced
cracking is -770mV to -830mV for steels with YS larger than 550MPa, which is similar to the HSE

BS 7910 published in 1998 [4.06] contains data for calculating crack growth under static and cyclic
loading conditions. Recommended values of the constants (A,m) are given for steels with yield
strengths up to 600MPa, thus enabling the fatigue crack growth rate acceptance of defects in higher
strength steels found during inspection or assumed during design to be quantified. For higher strength
steels (>600MPa) it is recommended that test data are required.

It is stated in the NORSOK standard [4.14] that for high strength steels (YS>700MPa) a special
evaluation is required with respect to hydrogen impact. (See EN 10002, metallic materials. Tensile
testing. Part 1 method of test).

The DnV code [4.04] provides both general requirements for cathodic protection as well as specific
needs for high strength steels. Steels with specified minimum yield strengths >550MPa are subject to
special considerations for applications where hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC) may be
anticipated, where qualification testing should be carried out for critical applications such as legs and
spud cans. In the absence of such testing to demonstrate that high negative CP levels are not harmful
it is stated that the CP level should be limited by the use of special anodes or controlled voltage type
(e.g. with diodes) or by other methods. CP potentials levels should also be monitored to ensure
compliance with the target range, which is set to be within the limits of -770mV to -830mV
(Ag/AgCl). In the case of observed exceedance of this range it is recommended that inspection for
HISC should be carried out,

Section 19 of the draft ISO standard [4.10] is concerned with corrosion control, and includes a section
on cathodic protection. This states that because of the risks of hydrogen induced stress cracking steels
with minimum yield strengths in excess of 720MPa should not be used for critical cathodically
protected components without special considerations. In addition, it is stated that any welding or other
fabrication affecting ductility or tensile properties, should be carried out according to a qualified
procedure, which limits hardness to HV350. It is expected that this will restrict the use of welded
structural steels to approximately 550MPa maximum specified minimum yield strength.

For medium strength steels the recommended potential range is -0.8 to -1.1 volts (Ag/AgCl). For
some higher strength steels the negative end of this range is expected to be detrimental, in terms of
hydrogen cracking etc.

Current offshore design codes provide equations for determining the static strength of various classes
of tubular joints. The strength is generally proportional to yield strength, but data indicate that this
proportionality is limited to lower strength steels. As a result the basic equations are limited to steels
with YS <500MPa, and there is also a factor to be applied on the ratio of the yield to ultimate
strength. This factor varies in different published codes and standards, ranging from 0.67 in API
RP2A [4.15] to 0.7 in HSE Guidance [4.05]. The draft ISO standard (19902) [4.10] has increased this
ratio to a value of 0.8 for steels with yield strengths up to 500MPa, as a result of new data being
available. The background to the application of this factor and its relevance to high strength steels is
reviewed in section 3.3.

For higher strength steels the draft ISO standard recommends that the basic ultimate compression
capacity equations may be used, together with a ratio of the yield to ultimate strength limited to 0.8,
provided adequate ductility can be demonstrated in both the HAZ and parent material (however, the
criteria for demonstrating this are not provided). The draft ISO standard highlights that the limit on
yield ratio for the tension capacity of joints based on first cracking may need further investigation (see
section 3).

The static strength of cracked high strength steel joints is of interest, particularly for the use of
flooded member detection. Some recently published data for high strength steels (SE702) [4.16] have
been made available from a series of nine static tests performed on large pre-cracked welded tubular
joints (six T joints, three Y joints). These were loaded to failure in axial and out-of-plane bending.
All specimens had a least one through thickness crack. The results were analysed in terms of both
loss of static capacity due to the cracking and by failure assessment diagrams (FAD). The reduction
in static strength compared to cracked medium strength steels was about 5% greater, possibly due to
differences in crack path (the cracks in the SE702 steel stayed closer to the weld when growing).
Using the FAD approach, some discrepancies were found for a T joint with two cracks, giving low
values. This was considered possibly due to the inadequacy of the multiple crack correction used.
The FAD approach also demonstrated the importance of the fracture toughness value used. For the
SE702 steel it was necessary to use the K
(nominal) toughness value rather than the maximum
toughness value, K
, for which many of the results were unconservative.

Low speed impacts can arise from both ship impact and dropped objects. In these cases the ability of
the high strength steel to absorb the appropriate energy is one of the main performance requirements.
Current codes and standards specify the level of impact energy to be absorbed during ship impact
(typically 4MJ) but this is not related to materials properties or yield strength, even for medium grade

High speed impacts can be the result of explosions and the energies of projectiles can vary from
several kilojoules to several hundred kilojoules. There is no published guidance on the required
material properties and the possible effect of yield strength.

High strength steel components offshore can be subjected to high temperatures as a result of fire,
either on the sea or from a jet fire. Unprotected steels can experience temperatures up to 1200
C in a
short space of time. Guidance is normally associated with either limiting temperatures (e.g. by
passive protection requirements) or by design based on data for lower strength steels at elevated
temperatures [4.16]. Some new data have recently been obtained for steels with YS ~450MPa [4.17]
(see section 10). For even higher strength steels the data on high temperature performance are
extremely limited.


4.01 ASTM standard A514, Standard specification for high yield strength, Q&T alloy steel plate
suitable for welding, 2000, ASTM

4.02 ASTM standard A808, Standard specification for high strength, low alloy carbon,
manganese, columbium, vanadium steel of structural quality with improved notch toughness,
2000, ASTM

4.03 AWS Structural Welding Code, Steel, D1.1-96

4.04 DNV Offshore Standard, Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD), 2000

4.05 Dept. of Energy, Offshore Installations - Guidance on Design, Construction and certification,
HMSO, London, 1990

4.06 British StandardGuidance on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in welded
structures, BS 7910, 1991

4.07 HSE, Offshore Installations - Guidance on Design, Construction and Certification, HSE
Books, 1995, amendment no. 5

4.08 HSE, Offshore Installations & Wells (Design & Construction etc) Regulations, HSE Books,

4.09 NORSOK, Design of Steel StructuresN-004, 1998

4.10 ISO Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries, Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, ISO CD 19902,
to be published

4.11 International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), Unified requirements, Section
W16, High Strength Q&T steels for Welded Structures, IACS, London, 1994.

4.12 DnV Offshore standard, Metallic materials, OS-B101, 2000

4.13 Abernethy, K, Fowler, C M, Jacob, R, Davey V.S., 'Hydrogen cracking of legs and spudcans
on jack-up drilling rigs - a summary of results of an investigation', HSE Report OTH 91 351,
HSE Books

4.14 NORSOK, 'Cathodic Protection', M 503, 1997

4.15 API, Recommended Practice for planning, designing and constructing fixed offshore
platforms, APIRP2A 20
edition, API, Washington, USA

4.16 Talei-Faz B, Dover W D, Brennan F P, Static strength of cracked high strength steel tubular
joints, UCL Final report for HSE, 2001

4.17 Steel Construction Institute, 'Experimental data relating to the performance of steel
components at high temperatures', Offshore Technology report, OTI 92 602, HSE Books,

4.18 Steel Construction Institute, Elevated temperature and high strain rate properties of offshore
steels, Offshore Technology report OTO 020 2001, HSE Books.

Table 4.1

Materials Performance
Codes & Standards for
Materials specifications

Welding specifications

Fatigue of welded
joints, members

Fracture toughness of


Static strength of tubular

Defect acceptance

Corrosion protection

Inspection & repair

ASTM standards,
A514,A808 [4.01,4.02],
DnV Standard [4.04]

AWS Code [4.03]


IACS recommendations

HSE Guidance [4.05,
4.07], DnV Rules [4.04]

Factor to be applied for
higher strength steels in
several standards,
including draft ISO

BS7910 [4.06]

Limited, HSE Guidance,
DnV code [4.04]

Very limited
DnV code [4.04] covers
steel grades up to

Covers steel grades up to

Most codes provide a
limit of 500MPa on
yield strength (YS) for
applicability. Specific
tests are proposed for
high strength
steels(HSS) to develop
data to support

Minimum Charpy values
of YS/10

Control of hydrogen
assisted cracking is best
described in HSE
Guidance Notes [4.04]

Modified factor, based
on yield ratio (under
discussion in draft ISO

Data available for HSS
(yield strength up to

Most data provided for
medium strength steels


Impact performance,
large strain capacity
None Lack of data for HSS

Fire (on the
sea, jet fire

High temperature

Very limited

Lack of data for HSS


High strain rate

Very limited

Lack of data for HSS

Most high strength steel applications offshore involve welded fabrication. Forming and welding costs
are the most significant item in the cost of a jacket structure, comprising up to 57% of total costs in
one reported analysis [5.01]. Improvements in this area are likely to come from welding since cold
forming of plates is generally considered to be an efficient and economical process. Welding
processes which give greater productivity and/or incorporate a reduction or elimination of pre- and
post-welding heating could provide major cost savings, and significant progress has been made.
However, as the strength of the steel increases the pre-heating requirement becomes greater as such
steels are usually more highly alloyed. If plate thickness is less than 40mm, stress relieving heat
treatment is not required for grades with yield strengths up to 450MPa. This can lead to significant
time and cost savings in the fabrication procedures. Other areas to consider are the development of
welding processes with improved weld deposition rates.

Reports from fabricators [5.02; 5.03; 5.04] indicate that at least up to 450MPa strength levels, welding
is no more expensive or difficult for a well organised yard than welding the normal 355 grade. With
the highest strength grades, however, more precautions have to be taken.

Weldability of steel is a term that is used to indicate the ease with which sound weldments can be
produced using normal welding procedures. The weldment comprises both the weld and the
associated heat affected zone. Welding defects such as pores and cracks can be produced as well as
undesirable microstructures in the weld and its associated heat affected zone which can lower the
resulting mechanical properties of the joint.

Variations in the welding process, such as steel dimensions, weld geometry, heat input and steel
composition all influence the resulting microstructure. Nomograms involving thermal severity - joint
thickness (mm), heat input of the weld (kJ/mm) and weld preheat required (C) are often used to
indicate the necessary welding procedure to be followed to produce a sound crack-free joint in
relation to the particular composition of the steel used which is usually related to carbon equivalent
value. In general a steel with lower carbon equivalent value has improved weldability compared to a
higher carbon equivalent steel. The two most commonly specified carbon equivalent equations are
that recommended by the International Institute of Welding which covers a wide range of steels:

Cu Ni
V Mo Cr
& &
& & - -

and the Ito and Bessyo equivalent which is often preferred for modern low carbon steels:

B 5
Cr Cu Mn
& & & &
& &
& & - -

This latter equation is the one used for high strength steels in the draft DNV Metallic Materials OS-
B101 Standard (May 2000). In this guidance document, steels with improved weldability have
reduced carbon contents and limitations on the levels of chromium, nickel and molybdenum
compared to steels of normal weldability, i.e. they must have reduced CE values.

An alternative approach more commonly used in other parts of the world is the Graville diagram
shown in Figure 5.1 which separates the steels into three zones rated by their ease of weldability
zone I easily weldable, zone II weldable with care, and zone III difficult to weld, From this diagram
it can be seen that weldability decreases as the carbon equivalent value increases but the diagram also
emphasises the extremely important effect of carbon content on weldability. Reducing the carbon
content of a steel is the most effective way to improve its weldability.

As the parent strength increases, greater precautions are needed to ensure that welding procedures are
satisfactory. The strength increases in the weld are normally produced by alloying since
strengthening procedures such as thermomechanical processing cannot be utilised in the weld metal.
The welds therefore become more hardenable and precautions are required to prevent weld metal
hydrogen cracking. The weldability of modern steels has been greatly improved by their extreme
cleanliness, and by their low carbon content and low carbon equivalent values. Low hydrogen
consumables are important in reducing the possibility of hydrogen cracking and can also lead to a
reduction in the pre-heating requirements. No major problems have been reported in welding steels
up to 500MPa yield strength [5.04] in moderate section sizes. At high strength levels, preheating is
required and steelmakers are devoting considerable attention to improving the weldability of such
steels to try to reduce fabrication costs. For 690 grade steels, for example, preheat temperatures of
125C are recommended, and electrodes and fluxes with very low hydrogen content must be used in
order to prevent hydrogen cracking [5.05].

The formation of hard or brittle phases in the weld HAZ or, indeed, in the weld itself during multi-
pass welding, can affect the toughness of the weld and its ability to withstand exposure to hydrogen.
Important factors are the grain size in the grain coarsened HAZ near to the fusion line and the
microstructural changes that occur in the weld metal during subsequent weld depositions during
multi-pass welding. In general, the Charpy toughness of the coarse grained HAZ decreases with
increasing heat input and increasing impurity content. Because of this there are often restrictions in
the upper levels of heat input that can be used (e.g. 3.5kJ/mm for submerged arc welding) but
productivity is not greatly compromised because of the generally thinner sections and smaller
volumes of deposited weld metal utilised. Steel that could be welded satisfactorily at higher heat
input levels would offer economic advantages [5.06] and recent work [5.07; 5.08] showed that certain
steels and weld consumables did satisfy these requirements and could offer further economic

Published literature indicates that there are weld consumables which can produce the necessary
material properties required in service, even for the 690 grade steels [5.09]. However, at the highest
strength levels envisaged there is much less experience and availability of weld consumables with
suitable properties, particularly in respect of toughness. In addition, significant pre-heating and
interpass control are necessary in order to avoid hydrogen cracking problems. Weld metal
microstructures are determined primarily by the chemical composition, the amount of non-metallic
inclusions present in the microstructure which affect phase nucleation, and by the cooling rate. Alloy
design aims to maximise the amount of acicular ferrite present and to minimise the effects of
undesirable microstructures such as coarse grain size, grain boundary ferrite and coarse
martensite/austenite/carbide constituents (MAC).

The welding consumables employ sophisticated alloying techniques, incorporating the optimum
balance of deoxidising elements (aluminium, silicon and manganese) to produce a high density of
small non-metallic inclusions which are known to act as intragranular nucleation sites for acicular
ferrite. The carbon content is generally kept low to aid weldability, so the increased strength is
achieved through additions of molybdenum in SAW wires and titanium-boron in FCAW wires, and
the impact toughness is improved with nickel additions. In the Cranfield study [5.08] consumables up
to 550MPa yield strength showed adequate toughness throughout the weld, with upper shelf values
>150J and the 50J impact transition temperatures below -60C. All welds had low hardness values
and showed no indication of hydrogen cracking. Acicular ferrite was the major microstructural
feature of the welds and microstructures generally coarsened as heat input increased.

For both SAW and FCAW, 690MPa consumables showed mixed microstructures containing acicular
ferrite, martensite and polygonal ferrite. Impact properties were inferior to the 550MPa welds with
upper shelf values ranging from 80-100J and 50J impact transition temperatures between 50 and -
80C. It was concluded in this study that more development work is needed before these consumables
can be specified generally for offshore application.

In most welded structures it is considered desirable to overmatch the yield strength of the parent plate
and the related HAZ. This is because if the welds undermatch then any enforced deformation will be
concentrated in the relatively small weld metal volumes leading to high strain in these zones. If such
zones have reduced toughness values, which is generally the case at the highest strength levels, then
there is an increased likelihood of failure. Weld metal specifications often call for 20 to 30%
overmatch which is easily achievable in 450 and 550 grades with satisfactory weld property
performance. The problem arises in producing the necessary combination of properties in the weld
metal required at the highest strength levels, i.e. 690 grade. In other applications such as storage
tanks, undermatching welds have been used in high strength steel structures which have generally
performed satisfactorily because the weld metals have good toughness. The normal statistical
variations in yield strength that occur in steel plate (discussed in Section 3), also occur in weld metals.
This poses an additional problem because there is a distinct possibility that, unless significant levels
of overmatch are specified, the lower strength weld metals will undermatch the highest strength parent
material in particular project fabrication programmes, leading to certain joints being undermatched.
The importance of this effect is provoking considerable interest at the moment, particularly with
regard to the higher grade steels.

It has been reported that the residual stresses in restrained high strength steel joints are less than those
encountered in lower strength steels which can have an important influence on subsequent fatigue and
fracture behaviour. Bennett et al [5.05] claimed that the residual stresses in a 40mm thick restrained
joint were only approximately one half of those obtained with mild steel and were largely independent
of heat input. The explanation of this effect was thought to be partial counterbalancing of the thermal
contraction stresses by the martensitic/bainitic transformation which occurred during cooling. The
potential benefit of this different behaviour seems not to have been utilised significantly to date.
Further work is needed to provide confidence in this approach.

A recent report details the welding practices and procedures used for welding the Elgin jacket [5.09].
High strength steels, Superelso 500 and Superelso 600, were used on the project in leg chords. These
materials have specified minimum yield strengths of 450MPa and 550MPs and yield ratios of 0.78
and 0.80. Significant use was made of MMA welding during the fabrication because of its fully
positional welding on site capability. Oerlikon electrodes, Tenacito 70, were used which gave yield
strengths between 490 and 550MPa and excellent Charpy V-notch toughness values of 130J at -40C.

The welding of the chord to the prefabricated 160mm thick rack sections was carried out with a
minimum preheating temperature of 150C followed by a dehydrogenation treatment of 2 hours at
200C. Very low repair rates (<1%) were reported for the project.


5.01 Webster S, Structural materials for offshore structures past, present and future, IBC
Conference The Safe Design and Fabrication of Offshore Structures, Sept 1993, publ IBC

5.02 Lessels J, Rohde W, Pontermoli M, and Devillers L, The present state of technical knowledge
of offshore structural steels and future material requirements, May 1992, CEC 7210.ZZ466
5.03 Private communication, F. Forster, AMEC

5.04 Rogers K T, Thornton C E, and Naylor K D, Progress in the welding of higher strength steels
for offshore applications, OMAE Conf. Vol.III, 1989, 309

5.05 Bennett W T, Cadiau L, and Caudreuse L, Steels for jack-up legs in Recent Developments
in Jack-up Platforms, ed Boswell L F, and DMello C, 1992

5.06 Krancioch J J, Fabrication of offshore structures and potential productivity increases, The
Safe Design and Fabrication of Offshore Structures, Sept 1993, Publ. IBC

5.07 High Strength Steels in Offshore Engineering, MTD Publication 95/100, ISBN 1-870553-21-
7, 1995

5.08 Billingham J, Blackman S, and Norrish J, Further assessment of high strength weld metals
for use in offshore engineering applications, Cranfield Final Report, January 1998

5.09 Bews R, MMA Welding Gas from Strength to Strength Welding and Materials Fabrication,
July/August 2000.

Figure 5.1
Criteria of Steel Weldability Cracking Susceptibility

Toughness may be loosely described as a measure of the resistance to failure in the presence of a
crack, notch or similar stress concentrator. High toughness therefore is generally recognised as a
desirable property for offshore steels.

A high toughness material is one where a considerable amount of plastic deformation is required at
the crack tip before the crack can be made to advance. Conversely, if the application of stress causes
the elastic failure of atomic bonds at the crack tip, relatively little energy of deformation is involved,
and the result is a brittle fracture.

The word toughness is used for two quite separate quantities. They are more correctly described as
Impact Toughness and Fracture Toughness.

Impact toughness is an energy measurement (Joules, or ft-lbs) and commonly relates to the Charpy V-
notch test. Fracture toughness is a calculated value for the critical stress intensity factor (N.m
MPam or psii ) assessed for ductiIe materiaIs from crack-tip-opening-displacement (CTOD) tests or
J-integral tests.

Relationships between these quantities are empirical. The relationships have been well validated over
many years for structural steels in moderate section thickness. This has permitted the more readily
available Charpy impact data to be used as an indicator to the adequacy of the fracture toughness.

Where the same relationships between impact testing and fracture toughness are extended to thick-
sectioned material and to high strength steel, specifications should be viewed with caution until it has
been demonstrated that adequate factors of reserve are incorporated for the new conditions. Direct
testing for fracture toughness may be preferable, particularly since it can reduce some of the
uncertainties related to the effect of material thickness.

In ferritic steels, the fracture toughness is affected by temperature, by strain rate and by geometry.
The latter influence is also known as the stress state, the degree of triaxiality or the thickness
effect. The apparent changes in toughness that result from the geometry are not quantified at all by
the Charpy test, which always uses a standard small (10mm thick) specimen. Despite this, Charpy
results are widely used in materials selection and in current codes and standards.


Both the impact toughness and the fracture toughness of ferritic steel are characterised by a ductile-to-
brittle transition as the temperature is reduced. This corresponds with a change in the mechanism of
crack movement, from plastic blunting and plastic tearing (ductile control) at the higher temperature
to cleavage (brittle fracture) at the lower temperature. The transition occurs over a relatively narrow
range of temperature, typically 30C, but often involves considerable experimental scatter. As a
result, there are several different definitions of the transition temperature from the same data. Low
transition temperatures and high upper-shelf values of toughness are seen as beneficial.

The transition temperature (TT) is not an invariant property of a given material, even for a fixed
composition, grain size etc. The TT varies with the state of stress (which means that it depends on the
size and geometry that has been used) and rate of loading. Increasing the thickness of the specimen,
or increasing the rate of loading, produce an increase in the TT.

Without these complications, it would be relatively simple to avoid brittle fracture - the basic
requirement would be to select material for which the TT was below the service temperature range. It
would still be necessary to take into account that fabrication processes such as welding affect the
material and its TT, both as a result of changes in the material from the thermal cycling and from the
introduction of flaws (that have the effect of increasing the TT). It would also be necessary to ensure
that the results related to the correct environmental exposure.

Unfortunately, the commencement and the extent of plastic deformation at the tip of a crack are
significantly affected by the geometry. At a particular temperature, a thin-section low-speed fracture
mechanics test may exhibit ductile behaviour whereas a thick-section test may give a brittle fracture,
even where samples have been cut from exactly the same block of material. In structural applications,
a known thickness of material may be selected, but complex joint geometry or complex stress fields
may again influence the balance between ductile deformation and brittle fracture at a crack tip.
Operating at a temperature above the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature therefore does not
automatically guarantee the avoidance of brittle fracture in a structural component.


The Charpy V-notch impact test is probably the best-known of several small-scale tests designed to
study the resistance of the material to impact loading in the presence of a standardised stress
concentration, by recording the energy absorbed from the pendulum by the specimen. Charpy results
however cannot be considered to be directly relevant to structural behaviour.

Much of the early experience with Charpy specifications relates to steel that was produced by the
normalisation route, which gave a fine-grained ferrite and pearlite microstructure, but there was some
risk of producing the more brittle martensite microstructure in the heat affected zones of welds. By
demonstrating that the product avoided brittleness in a low temperature Charpy test (by absorbing at
least 27J of energy for example), the implication was that those microstructures that were most at risk
of undergoing fracture at the operating temperature were absent. The speed of the impact test was
regarded as severe and likely to promote brittleness. The influence of thickness (geometry, stress
state) on the transition temperature was not overlooked, but it was addressed by means of applying a
temperature shift. Instead of seeking a certain minimum Charpy energy at the design temperature,
these values were required at a lower temperature that was adjusted according to the thickness of the
material in the structure.

The offshore industry applied this experience to normalised steel with a SMYS of 355MPa and sought
improved toughness levels. Steels made by various thermo-mechanically controlled processing
(TMCP) techniques were introduced because of their improved weldability. Products with SMYS
around 450MPa were produced specifically for offshore structural use and generally exhibited
excellent impact toughness and low transition temperatures (frequently below -80C). Higher strength
steel is usually manufactured using the quench-and-temper (Q & T) route. The quench produces a
finely-structured martensite or bainite product that is usually stronger than required and (except in
very low carbon steels) is usually too brittle for direct use. The tempering reduces the strength,
relieves some of the residual stress and improves the impact toughness. More recent developments in
the processing try to avoid the intermediate production of very brittle phases.

For simplicity, the design assumption that higher strength steels carry a proportionally higher load led
to the R
/10 requirement so that the required longitudinal impact toughness in Joules is equal to one
tenth of the SMYS in MPa. The required transverse value is usually taken as two thirds of this to
allow for anisotropic effects in the microstructure.

It is not clear, however, whether the same temperature offset between the design temperature and the
impact test temperature is equally applicable to the higher strength steels. These comprise different
microstructures, finer grain sizes, differing degrees of scatter and much higher upper shelf energy
levels than the materials that were originally involved in the validation tests. Figure 6.1 shows
Charpy data for four modern high strength steels from one manufacturer. It illustrates the differences
between these steels in terms of the upper shelf Charpy value and the steepness of the ductile-to-
brittle transition temperature. The transition temperature also varies considerably, and the graph
shows the difficulty in defining this value for some of the steels.

A 1966 appraisal of the use of high strength steels in offshore installations addressed the properties of
offshore steels with a yield strength of 450MPa and above and jack-up steel data in some detail [6.01].
The paper includes a histogram of fusion line Charpy data at -40C for Grade 450EMZ steel for weld
heat inputs of 0.8kJ/mm and 3.0kJ/mm to illustrate that good impact toughness levels can be achieved
in high strength steels. About 80% of the results absorbed more than 150J of energy. Comparable
fracture toughness data give about 85% of CTOD results above 0.5mm, which should imply very
acceptable defect tolerance levels. In addition, Charpy scatter-band data for modern, low carbon, low
alloy, roller quenched and tempered (RQT) steels are contrasted against those for older versions of the
same material to show the improvements from modern chemistries and production. Between +20C
and -60C, absorbed energy levels had been increased by approximately 2 times as a result of
modern practices. A selection of impact data for heat affected zone and steel plate with yield
strengths to 765MPa is included in the paper. Most of the steels are in the yield strength range 450
580 MPa although there are limited results from the higher strength steels.


Fracture mechanics values of toughness are linked to the size of flaw in the structure that is critical
under the applied stress. In one of its simpler forms, the relationship is expressed as

.a . K . -

where K
is the fracture toughness, / is a geometry correction, $ is the structural stress, a is the
parameter that relates to the crack size and the suffix C indicates critical conditions for the initiation
of crack movement.

Reserve factors are usually applied to set limits for repair of detected flaws before this critical size is
attained. In addition, flaw growth rates by sub-critical mechanisms (such as fatigue, stress corrosion,
etc) are used in conjunction with flaw detection methodology to determine a commensurate flaw
inspection schedule. Fracture toughness therefore is an important aspect of material selection, and one
that is extensively incorporated into codes and standards for medium strength steels.

Fracture testing can be performed on the full thickness of the structural material, but uncertainties will
still arise where the geometry is complex and where the residual stresses are difficult to define.
Environmental influences also must be taken into account.

The user needs to be clear on the terminology that is used in fracture toughness. Lower-bound values
for toughness are identified as K
. If there is an environmental influence, for example producing
stress corrosion cracking, the toughness may be further reduced to K
. The use of the Roman I in
these formats signifies two important facts about the value that plastic deformation is effectively at a
minimum and that it is opening mode loading (modes II and III exist, but mode I values are usually
the lowest).

is called the plane strain fracture toughness because the crack tip behaviour is dominated by the
elastic loading condition of plane strain and this has the effect of restricting plastic deformation. A
standard fracture mechanics specimen usually has a geometry in which the stress state is determined
by the thickness (B). Plane strain dominates when B is large. Theoretically, the minimum toughness
relates to infinitely thick specimens, but the engineering approximation K
is given where the
specimen thickness satisfies the inequality

. 2 B

where $
is the yield or proof stress.

will change when the temperature or strain rate is altered. The disadvantage of using K
calculations when thinner sections are used is simply that the values may be excessively conservative,
requiring applied stresses to be limited, or very small cracks to be repaired.
If a toughness value has been obtained from a sample that is not thick enough to qualify as plane-
strain-dominated, the toughness is written as K
. It is then called the fracture toughness, but it is
important to realise that this number now also depends on the thickness that was used in the test.
[Figure 6.2] K
will also change when the temperature or strain rate is altered. It is potentially
dangerous to measure the fracture toughness in a thin specimen and use this toughness value in the
design of a structure that is made from thicker material.

Standardised fracture mechanics specimens are designed to produce a high degree of constraint in
order to promote lower-bound values. Fracture toughness tests relate to initiation of crack movement
and such tests may detect locally arrested cracking as pop-in events when the load-displacement
trace shows a discontinuity. It then may be debatable whether the initiation event is significant, i.e.
whether a similar crack initiation would have continued to propagate in the structure. Guidance on
interpreting pop-in events from tests may be found in BS 7448:Part 1:1991 [6.02], whereas Part 2
deals specifically with fracture toughness evaluation for welds [6.03].


In general, recent modern steel-making developments for structural steels that produce ultra-fine
grained low alloy products have much-improved upper-shelf toughness and significantly lower
transition temperatures for the same thickness compared with the older products of comparable

Refining the grain size is the best option for increasing the strength, because toughness is improved at
the same time, but grain growth controllers are required in weldable steels. Increasing the alloy
content of steel to increase its strength tends to reduce toughness, hence steel-makers offset this effect
by grain size control during the manufacturing.

Weld metals for use with high strength steel are required to show comparable levels of strength and
therefore have to develop strong tough structures on solidification. Ultra-high strength steels are also
likely to rely more heavily on increased levels of alloying to achieve the required strength, as an
economic limit for grain refinement is reached. Very high toughness, therefore, may be less readily
achieved in these two cases. Selection should therefore be based on adequate levels of toughness for
the purpose, rather than absolute values.

Local precipitation changes in the HAZ regions of welds, particularly in more highly alloyed steels,
may produce scatter in fracture toughness values. Regions causing this scatter have been called local
brittle zones or LBZs but this term also applies to effects caused by local grain coarsening.

Recent weldability tests on Thyssen steels up to 690MPa utilised Charpy and CTOD tests [6.04].
Welded high strength steels exhibited satisfactory performance to 690MPa, with TMCP and
accelerated cooled steels being especially good. For Q & T steels above 690MPa, it was suggested
that high weld heat input should be restricted and fracture toughness should be checked.

Studies were performed in the early 1990s for jack-up steels [6.05] by Creusot-Loire Industrie, after
Friede and Goldman Ltd pointed out that steel specifications and production techniques had evolved
over time for that particular application. The pioneering jack-up designs used 275-350MPa material
for chords and 205-250MPa for bracing members, whereas these had evolved to 520-690MPa and
345-550MPa in the 1980s and were predicted to rise to 750-900MPa and 550-690MPa respectively.
The Creusot-Loire steel (A517Q mod) had a typical actual yield stress of 770MPa and YR of
0.91, with Charpy levels of 70J at -60C. Welding preparation was regarded as very important.
Correlation between Charpy and CTOD (1) were investigated. CTOD tests gave values of 0.15mm
for 1
at -20C for 180mm thick plate and HAZ, and the steel met or exceeded the criteria of the jack-
up industry.

Although thick sections are capable of developing plane strain conditions making it difficult for
plasticity to occur at the crack tip, it does not mean that plane strain conditions always apply in thick
sections. A surface crack that is long but not very deep may not experience constraint of yielding,
hence its apparent toughness may be significantly above K
. In addition, when thick sections are
assessed by standard fracture toughness tests, the crack front in the specimen may be appreciably
larger that that of any tolerable flaw in the structure. It therefore may be argued that standard tests
where cleavage occurs produce pessimistic values. Code requirements for applications such as racks
in jack-up structures, where yield strength is typically 690MPa or above, may need to take such
factors into consideration to avoid being unduly conservative [6.06].

The 1996 paper by Stacey, Sharp and King [6.01] includes some CTOD data for a Creusot Loire
A517F steel (736MPa) and a Nippon Welten 780 (765MPa) steel. These were tested at -15C both as
30mm fracture toughness samples and in their full thickness, which ranged from 170mm to 250mm.
For the 18 large-scale tests, the CTOD values reached at least 1.00mm (which was the nominal
capacity of the test facility) in all cases, whereas the 30mm samples gave CTOD result ranges of 0.22
0.81mm and 0.15 0.27mm respectively. This is apparently contradictory to the effect of increased
thickness. However, the lower results from the smaller specimens were attributed to the influence of
specimen size on the inhibition of the plastic deformation in ductile process of slow stable tearing. In
the DnV tests that were being reported [6.07], only maximum load values were returned from the full-
sized specimens (from the few tests that attained this before exceeding the machine capacity), whereas
a detected instability in crack tip tearing in the smaller specimens requires CTOD calculations based
on that event. An apparent complication arises from comparing 1
and 1
results and the work may
also reflect the difficulty of detecting small failure events in large-scale specimens.

In work [6.08] at DERA, comparisons were made among the ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures
from three different tests:
(i) conventional Charpy V-notch samples (a/W = 0.2),
(ii) Charpy samples where constraint had been increased by extending the notch with
a narrow spark-eroded slot (a/W = 0.45), and
(iii) full-thickness J-based tests (a/W = 0.3) generally on 50-60mm thick samples.
The main series of tests comprised 3%Ni Q & T steels or boron-treated Q & T steels with yield stress
in the range 550-700MPa, but the work included a 600MPa weld metal and a 300MPa C-Mn steel.
The comparisons of Charpy-sized tests showed that the C-Mn steel and weld metal have relatively
little notch acuity shift, whereas this could be up to 50C for high strength steels, and up to 80C
between Charpy and full thickness dynamic tests. Attention was drawn to the practice of requiring
Charpy tests at only -40C for selection of high strength steel at design temperatures around 0C
[6.09]. It was concluded that reliance on the conventional Charpy test for fracture avoidance could be
dangerous for high strength steels and weld metals, especially if the criteria were based on those for
lower strength C-Mn steels without recognising the possible differences in behaviour.

For ultra-high strength steels, alloying additions are likely to raise the transition temperature. Hence,
it may be unwise just to rely on upper-shelf fracture toughness values from a particular test
temperature (related to the design temperature) even if these toughness values seem very high. It is
more prudent to investigate where the transition temperature actually lies in relation to the test
temperature. The same doubts on the temperature offset apply to the nominal correlation between
fracture toughness and a required energy level in Charpy tests (27J, R
/10 etc). In assessing such
correlations, it should be borne in mind that mechanical properties such as the actual yield stress
frequently vary considerably from batch to batch, according to the production process and the
manufacturer, and this will affect the amount of crack tip plastic deformation. When such influences
need to be assessed, a clearer picture is likely to emerge if Charpy and fracture toughness test results
from the same batch are used in the correlation. Repeat tests should be done as required on other
batches to determine the extent of scatter from variations in materials properties.


The main purposes for performing fracture mechanics tests are to determine at the design stage how
big a flaw would cause a problem, and after construction whether a detected flaw needs to be repaired.
These are based on the calculation of the critical effective crack length parameter, (
fracture mechanics. Reserve factors give the tolerable flaw sizes.
The growth of the flaw from mechanisms including fatigue, corrosion fatigue etc must be considered.
Knowledge of the predicted flaw growth rates allows sensible inspection intervals to be fixed.
Calculations must check that the tolerable size is not exceeded before any necessary remedial action
can be carried out. At the design stage, this is based on the largest size of flaw that could escape
detection. In service, it is based on the current size of a detected flaw.

The procedures for measuring the fracture toughness and for calculating the tolerable flaw size
parameter are given in BS 7448:Part1:1991 Fracture mechanics toughness tests : Part 1 : Method for
determination of K
, critical CTOD and critical J values of metallic materials and BS 7910:1999
Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in fusion welded structures[6.02; 6.10]. A
separate standard now deals with the determination of plane strain fracture toughness values [6.11].

Taking critical conditions in plane stress but dropping the suffixes for clarity here, it may be shown
that the basic relationships give

2 3
2 3
and . J
- 4 4

If using CTOD, it is important to notice that it is the critical value of ($
.1) that relates to fracture
toughness K
and not just the displacement 1

When a designer contemplates moving to a higher strength of steel, it is not immediately obvious
whether the toughness requirement also need to be increased, should stay the same, or be relaxed. It
is affected by several related factors. The stronger steel is usually chosen to allow weight reduction,
so that less steel supports the same load, but the design stress is often increased proportionally (to be a
set fraction of the yield stress). This gives maximum weight-saving, but there are two disadvantages;
the toughness must show a corresponding increase to prevent the critical flaw size going down, and
also the new steel must be more resistant to crack growth mechanisms such as fatigue because the
working stress will have increased. Although modern high strength steels do have improved fatigue
resistance compared with conventional offshore steels now in service, it is usually not commensurate
with the increase in strength.

An alternative approach, currently under-used, is to design on the basis of the improved resistance to
crack growth. This should permit higher structural design stresses than currently employed, with
some reduction in weight from reduced section thickness. The improvement implies working with the
higher strength steels at a design stress that is a lower fraction of the yield stress. Further guidance on
this is given in Appendix 6.

Despite the above complications in obtaining the fracture toughness value that characterises the
particular geometry and loading conditions, fracture mechanics is an extremely useful tool in practice.
It is relatively simple to obtain fracture toughness values that are predicted to be conservative in use.

The degree of conservatism may be open to debate, but the information can be used
(i) at the design stage (to evaluate tolerable flaw sizes related to the difficulty of
inspection and reliability of the inspection techniques), [6.12],
(ii) during service (to assess the significance of any crack growth and to set
inspection periods) and
(iii) as part of the contingency planning (regarding the stability of cracks following

It is therefore advisable to derive the toughness requirements from the flaw acceptability limits for
each structure using recognised procedures and to perform a sensitivity analysis on the outcome.

A common European structural integrity assessment procedure (SINTAP) is being developed.
because of the diversity of fracture mechanics data [6.13] and the need of industrial users to find a
reliable correlation with Charpy impact energy data [6.14]. The methodology uses a fracture
toughness parameter K
to characterise the particular material, and a probability distribution P{K
that enables the confidence level of the assessment to be quantified. Where Charpy data are being
used, lower-bound correlations are used for lower shelf and upper shelf behaviour, and a master
curve correlation based on statistics is used in the transition region. The procedure uses the 27/28J
Charpy transition temperature, the 100MPam fracture toughness temperature and K
for 25mm
thick specimens, with formulae to correct for the design temperature and the appropriate structural
dimensions. For confidence in data input, the verification calculations show that the results from six
tests should give a 75% probability of having a conservative mean fracture toughness value [6.15].
However, the procedure is not being written specifically for high strength steels with SMYS above
450MPa. The procedure appears promising [6.16], but more validation may be needed for the
stronger steels. There has been a contemporary study of the fracture properties of ship steel plates
[6.17], and renewed interest in statistical assessment of Charpy data [6.18].


The word toughness is used for two quite separate quantities, the Impact Toughness (Charpy
absorbed energy value) and the Fracture Toughness (Critical stress intensity factor). Relationships
between these quantities are empirical, but have been well validated over many years for structural
steels in moderate section thickness, permitting Charpy impact data to be used to assess lower-bound
fracture toughness values.

Operating at a temperature above the ductile-to-brittle Charpy transition temperature does not
automatically guarantee the avoidance of brittle fracture in a structural component. Charpy results
cannot be considered to be directly relevant to structural behaviour. The apparent changes in
toughness that result from the geometry and strain rate are not quantified at all by the Charpy test,
which always uses a standard small (10mm thick) specimen under dynamic loading. Many codes deal
with these effects by specifying a difference between the Charpy test temperature and the design
temperature of the structure. To extrapolate the relationship between Charpy values and fracture
toughness to (moderately) stronger steels, some codes increased the required minimum-absorbed-
energy value according to the ratio of the yield stress values (on the basis that the design stress limit is
a fixed fraction of the SMYS value). This was soon simplified to the R
/10 criterion.

Modern steel-making techniques and processes have extended the range of tough weldable steels
upwards in terms of strength, and have produced significant improvement in the toughness levels of
steels, particularly at the lower end of the high-strength range. This raises doubts about the
applicability, relevance and conservatism of recommendations and limits in those codes of practice
written for the older steels and validated by data from them. It also raises questions about the
extrapolation of limits to deal with higher strength steels.

Modern high strength steels often use grain size refinement to increase the yield strength and have
grain-growth controllers to maintain the properties as much as possible in the heat affected zones of
welds. Usually, the toughness of these steels is also excellent, since fine grain size enhances this
property too.

For ultra-high strength steels, extra alloying additions are needed to give the strength and these are
likely to raise the ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures. Weld metals for use with high strength
steel are required to show comparable levels of strength and therefore have to develop strong tough
structures on solidification, which also requires alloying additions. Very high toughness, therefore,
may be less readily achieved in these two cases.

While the strength of steel has increased, it is not clear whether the same temperature offset (to take
account of different structural thickness) between the design temperature and the Charpy impact test
temperature is equally applicable to the higher strength steels. The same doubts apply to the nominal
correlation between fracture toughness and a required energy level in Charpy tests (27J, R
/10 etc).
For 690MPa steel, IACS has agreed on a requirement of 69J at 605C, as already detailed in section 4.

Where the same relationships between impact testing and fracture toughness are extended to thick-
sectioned material and to high strength steel, specifications should be viewed with caution until it has
been demonstrated that adequate factors of reserve are incorporated for the new conditions. A new
European structural integrity assessment procedure is incorporating a statistical approach so that the
effect of these uncertainties on the reliability of the assessment can be quantified, but it is not
specifically aimed at high strength steel.

Direct testing for fracture toughness may be preferable to Charpy correlation, particularly since it can
reduce some of the uncertainties related to the effect of material thickness.

Because of the changes in both the position and steepness of the ductile-to-brittle transition curve for
the fracture toughness, it may be unwise to rely on a single point - especially a Charpy point - to
characterise the transition. It is more prudent to investigate where the fracture transition temperature
actually lies in relation to the design temperature.

Fracture testing can be performed on the full thickness of the structural material, and hence improve
confidence in the relevance of the numbers used as input to any assessment. Some uncertainty in
applying the results will still arise where the geometry is complex and where the residual stresses are
difficult to define.

Designing from K
values is an option, but the recommendations are likely to be conservative for
thin-sectioned high-toughness steel. Although thick sections are capable of developing plane strain
conditions making it difficult for plasticity to occur at the crack tip, especially for higher strength
steel, it does not mean that plane strain conditions always apply in thick sections. A surface crack that
is not very deep may not experience constraint of yielding, hence its apparent toughness may be
significantly above K

Environmental influences must be taken into account. K
for example may be appreciably lower
than the K

Because of the toughness improvements that have accompanied increases in steel strength, it is
possible that the limitations to the use of high strength steel will shift from fracture behaviour,
towards buckling and crack extension from mechanisms such as fatigue. This means that it may be
necessary to sacrifice the full capabilities of increasing the design stress in a structure in line with the
increase in SMYS. Instead, the applied stress could be increased in line with the more moderate
improvements in fatigue resistance etc, which may still give appreciable benefits in weight-saving and
reduced fabrication costs, as well as enhanced resistance to fracture.


6.01 Stacey A, Sharp J V and King R N, High strength steels used in offshore installations, Proc.
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, Florence, June 1996, ed. M.M. Salama et al, publ. ASME, Vol. III,
pp 417-433

6.02 BS 7448: 1991 Fracture mechanics toughness tests Part 1: Method for determination of
, critical CTOD and critical J values of metallic materials, British Standards Institution,

6.03 BS 7448: 1997 Fracture mechanics toughness tests Part 2: Method for determination of
, critical CTOD and critical J values of welds in metallic materials, British Standards
Institution, London

6.04 Kaiser H-J, Kern A, Schriever U and Wegmann H, Fracture toughness of modern high-
strength steel plates with minimum yield strength up to 690MPa. In: Proceeding of
International Symposium Safety in application of high strength steel, Trondheim, Norway,
1-2 July 1997, publ. Statoil, Norway

6.05 Bennett W T, Cadiou L and Coudreuse L, Steels for jack-up legs. In: Recent
Developments in Jack-up Platforms, ed. Boswell L F and DMello C, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford, 1992, Ch 12, pp283-312

6.06 Offshore Technology Report OTN 96 127, Toughness acceptance criteria for rack materials
in jack-ups, Health and Safety Executive, July 1996 [Restricted]

6.07 Det norske Veritas Report 95-3056, Toughness acceptance criteria for rack materials and
weldments in jack-ups, 1995, publ. Det norske Veritas, Oslo, Norway

6.08 Sumpter J D G, Fracture safety of high strength steels. In: Proceeding of International
Symposium Safety in application of high strength steel, Trondheim, Norway, 1-2 July 1997,
publ. Statoil, Norway

6.09 IACS Requirements, 1994 Rev 1 Section W16, High Strength Quenched and Tempered
Steels for Welded Structures

6.10 BS 7910:1999 Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in fusion welded
structures, British Standards Institution, London

6.11 BS EN ISO 12737:1999, Metallic materials: Determination of plane-strain fracture
toughness, British Standards Institution, London

6.12 Cotton H J, Application of Fracture Analysis in the Design of Fixed Offshore Structures. In:
Materials Technology symposium, Proc. 19
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, New Orleans, USA,
February 2000, publ. ASME

6.13 Wallin K and Nevasmaa P, Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European
Industry (SINTAP) - Sub-task 3.2 report : Methodology for the treatment of fracture
toughness data procedure and validation, Report VAL A: SINTAP/VTT/7, VTT
Manufacturing Technology, Espoo, Finland, 1998

6.14 Bannister A C, Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry (SINTAP)
- Sub-task 3.2 report : Determination of fracture toughness from Charpy impact energy
procedure and validation, Report SINTAP/BS/15, British Steel plc, Rotherham, UK, 1997

6.15 Nevasmaa P, Bannister A C and Wallin K, Fracture toughness estimation methodology in the
SINTAP procedure. In: Proc. 17
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, Lisbon, June 1998, Paper
OMAE98-2053, publ. ASME

6.16 Webster S E and Bannister A C, Structural Integrity Procedure for Europe (SINTAP): The
Complete Story. In: Proc. 18
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, St Johns Newfoundland, July 1999,
Paper OMAE99-MAT2040, publ. ASME

6.17 Bannister A C and Stacey A, Literature Review of the Fracture Properties of Grade A Ship
Plate. In: Proc. 18
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, St Johns Newfoundland, July 1999, Paper
OMAE99-MAT2071, publ. ASME

6.18 Minami F, Jida M, Takahara W, Kondo N and Arimochi K, Fracture Mechanics Analysis of
Charpy Test Results based on the Weibull Stress Critereion. In: Proc. 20
Intnl. Conf.
OMAE, Rio de Janeiro, June 2001, Paper OMAE 2001/MAT-3130, publ. ASME

6.19 Hancock P, Spurrier J and Chubb J P, The problems of weld metal or heat affected zone
toughness in offshore structural steels, Proc. 15
Intnl. Conf. OMAE, Florence, June 1996,
ed. M.M.Salama et al, publ. ASME, Vol.III, pp333-339

Figure 6.1 Charpy V-notch transition temperatures for some modern Thyssen steels

-150 -100 -50 0 50
Temperature, C
Charpy Impact Energy
(Transverse), Joules
Plate thickness : 15 - 30mm

Testing position: t / 4

Figure 6.2 Crack tip opening displacement transition temperatures for geometrically
similar samples from the same plate of steel, with crack tips at constant depth
in the plate [6.19]

-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Crack Tip Opening Displacement (1) mm
Temperature, C
6 mm
18 mm
36 mm
60 mm
75 mm

Design to resist fatigue is recognised as one of the main requirements for offshore structures,
particularly for welded tubular joints in seawater and subject to high stress concentrations. The
procedure is well established for medium strength steels, with appropriate S-N curves published in
design codes. However, the effect of seawater on the fatigue performance is considered to be more
detrimental for high strength steels because of their greater susceptibility to hydrogen cracking. This
susceptibility is known to increase with increasing yield strength and more negative cathodic
protection (CP) potentials. Hydrogen generation from CP can enhance crack growth rates at the crack
tip, leading to overall shorter fatigue lives. Hence, there is a need to understand the fatigue process in
welded high strength steels. However, there is a very limited amount of data for the higher strength
steels which makes it difficult to provide design information (see section 13).

Corrosion fatigue is a major cause of failure in marine structures with most of the fatigue life being
taken up in fatigue crack propagation. The corrosion fatigue behaviour of welded joint constructions
from structural steel conforming to BS4360:50D has been the subject of many studies over the years
[7.01]. As a result, the understanding of joint geometry, seawater environment and CP has reached a
level where confident predictions on fatigue resistance behaviour can be made for this type of

In addition to S-N type data there is a need to estimate the remaining lives of components containing
cracks, using fracture mechanics. There is an increasing amount of data on crack growth rates
(da/dN) versus stress intensity factor range (6K), for all types of steel, both in-air and seawater, which
has enabled the relevant design code (BS 7910) [7.02] to cover steels with yield strengths up to
600MPa. However, for even higher strength steels, the data, particularly in seawater under CP,
remain limited and special approaches are recommended, usually based on test data for the steel in

7.2.1 Effect of steel strength on fatigue crack growth rate
King [7.03, 7.04] carried out a review of literature FCGR for structural and engineering steels with
yield strengths up to 1000MPa for tests in-air and seawater environments (free corrosion and CP
levels of -800 and -1050/1100mV(Ag/AgCl)). The data were split into two strength ranges of 450
and >450MPa and R ratios of 0.5 and 0-0.1 and were also limited to cycling frequencies of <1Hz.
For each data set the intercept (C) and gradient (m) values from the mean linear regression line fitted
to the Paris Law were calculated. The standard deviation was calculated for each curve and then used
to calculate C values corresponding to the 72 standard deviation (72SD) curves. Stage 1 and Stage 2
growth were allowed for.

The data showed that there was no obvious effect of yield strength on fatigue crack growth rates
(FCGR) even for seawater with CP. This was an unexpected finding as the higher strength steels are
commonly expected to have a greater susceptibility to hydrogen effects than the lower strength steels.
The review only considered parent plate material and therefore it is suggested that caution should be
taken when applying the data to high strength steel heat affected zones (HAZ) and weld metals. In
addition, the effects of sulphides/SRB and hydrogen precharging were not included.

It was decided to use the 72SD lines produced by this review as the baseline for comparison of
FCGRs on the da/dN versus K pIots in this review. The Paris Law constants used and the crossover
points for stage 1 and 2 growth are listed in Table 7.1. Based on this review BS7910 has provided
data for steels with yield strengths up to 600MPa. Although the review covered even higher strength
steels, it was felt that the limited data available did not justify increasing the limit in BS7910 above

7.2.2 Parent Materials
The King [7.03, 7.04] review covered parent material and found that overall the behaviour of high
strength steels was similar to the medium strength steels under the conditions reviewed. It was
surprising that even with cathodic overprotection the behaviour was still similar. Several
fractographic studies have confirmed the change in crack propagation mode, from a ductile
mechanism with secondary cracking to quasi-cleavage fracture, at high negative CP potentials [7.01].
Healy [7.01]

reviewed the FCGR of high strength steels and found that the performance of the high
strength steel group was comparable to, if not slightly improved over, that of the structural grade
BS4360:50D steels. For the steels examined, no discernible effect of manufacturing process (i.e.
between Q&T and TMCP) was seen on the resultant FCGR.

7.2.3 HAZ
Very limited fatigue data have been generated for the HAZ of high strength steel weldments.
Representative HAZ FCGR data for steels in the strength range 500-600MPa are presented in Figure
7.1. The available data show that the fatigue performance of the HAZ is similar to that observed for
both the structural grade steel and the high strength parent plate data. Extensive metallographic and
fractographic studies have shown that high strength steels with yield strengths in the range 500-
600MPa are not susceptible to excessive hardening in the welded condition (HAZ hardness generally
<350Hv [7.05]). Additionally, the fatigue crack failure mechanisms in the HAZ are similar to those
observed in the parent plate, displaying a similar response to environmental test conditions. It would
appear that welding under controlled conditions does not significantly affect FCGR in these steels and
the data suggest that a preliminary screening of the corrosion fatigue behaviour on the parent plate
may be used to assess the suitability of the steel when welded.

7.2.4 Weld Metals
There is very little fatigue data available for high strength steel weld metals. Work at Cranfield
University [7.05, 7.06] has produced data for weld metals produced by SAW and FCAW in-air and in
seawater with CP. The data are shown in Figures 7.2 to 7.6 and shows that the behaviour of the weld
metals is comparable to parent materials. Tests were also carried out on a 450MPa steel (not shown in
the Figures) and these were comparable to the higher strength weld metals. No relationship between
yield stress and fatigue performance was found for the weld metals tested. Again it would appear that
welding under controlled conditions does not significantly affect FCGR in these steels and the data
suggest that a preliminary screening of the corrosion fatigue behaviour on the parent plate may be
used to assess the suitability of the steel when welded.

7.2.5 Fatigue Thresholds
Limited information has been reported on threshold stress intensity values for high strength steels
[7.01]. For low R ratios an apparent increase in threshold value occurs with increased levels of CP
compared with the in-air behaviour. Many studies have demonstrated that this behaviour is due to
crack wedging effects reducing the effective stress intensity range. Under conditions of high load
ratio, this mechanism is diminished and threshold values are similar to in-air levels. King [7.03, 7.04]
performed a review of fatigue threshold values for carbon and carbon manganese steels and the data
are shown in Figure 7.7. It was suggested that the existing recommendations for steels of yield
strength <600MPa in PD6493:1991 should be retained. For high strength steels there is insufficient
data to make additional recommendations.

Robinson [7.07] reviewed the literature data for sulphide/SRB influenced corrosion fatigue of high
strength offshore steels with yield strengths in the range 350 to 1010MPa that included parent material
and welds. The data were grouped on the basis of sulphide level, CP potential and R ratio and, for
each group, the stage 2 mean line was calculated (steels were also sub-grouped by yield strength).
These mean lines have been added to Figures 7.3 to 7.6.

The effect of sulphides/SRB on fatigue threshold values is unclear due to the lack of data. Some
workers [7.08, 7.09] have looked at near threshold values and found that the combination of CP and
sulphides/SRB gave threshold values comparable to or greater than those for in-air. It is thought that
the deleterious effect of increased hydrogen charging is balanced by a scale induced crack closure
effect reducing the effective K. WhiIst these resuIts are promising it shouId be noted that the above
tests were carried out under constant amplitude loading and that variable amplitude loading may
produce a different result.

It is clear from Figures 7.2 to 7.6 that the hydrogen uptake that results from the combined effects of
sulphides and CP has caused increased FCGR in the steels tested. The data suggest that saturated H
is the worst case but that much lower concentrations can also give significant increases in FCGR. The
effect of yield strength on FCGR in sulphide containing environments is not clear due to the lack of
data. Overall accelerated FCGR occur in both medium and high strength steels when exposed to
sulphide and higher rates are found with increasing sulphide concentration and/or more negative CP

The amount of information available for steels with yield strengths <500MPa is considerable but
becomes more limited for steels with yield strengths 500MPa. Data for in-air tests and seawater
with applied CP are given in Figures 7.8 - 7.10. The data have been thickness corrected to 16mm
using a thickness exponent of 0.3.

Most of the available data are for in-air testing and include constant and variable amplitude testing of
tubular joints and plate specimens constructed from a range of steels and strength levels. In Figure
7.8, data that falls below the T curve (mainly 810 840MPa strength level) originate from plate
testing for which the appropriate curve is Class F2. It can be seen that all the plate data lies on or
above the F2 curve. The data available for tests in seawater with CP are very limited [7.10]. In
Figures 7.9 and 7.10 data falling below the air T curve are plate tests and therefore Class F2. At
present the data suggest that the fatigue performance of the higher strength steels is generally good
but more data are required for steels with applied CP.

Weld fatigue improvement methods can be divided into two main groups [7.11]. Firstly weld
geometry modification which removes toe defects and/or reduces the stress concentration, and
secondly, residual stress methods which introduce compressive stress in the area where cracks are
likely to initiate. The methods are summarised in Figure 7.11. Many tests have been carried out to
establish the gain in fatigue life as a result of using these methods. However most of these have been
on grade BS4360:50D type steels. As a result of these data, current codes and standards allow benefits
for some of these methods. One of the restrictions in providing benefits in codes is the quality control
aspect when using the technique in the field. Table 7.2 lists the improvement techniques which are
allowed in current offshore codes for medium strength steels. In most cases there are requirements to
be met to achieve the benefit (e.g. quality control, inspection, adequate CP).

For higher strength steels (>500MPa yield strength) there is a very limited amount of data. Work by
Bell et al [7.12] was carried out on steels with yield strengths of both 350 and 550MPa using T type
joints with longitudinal fillet welds. The thickness of the base plate was either 18 or 26mm. All the
tests were in-air, with fatigue lives up to 10
cycles. Specimens that had been hammer peened showed
a significant gain in life. In the case of the 550MPa steel the average gain was 175%. However
cracking in the hammer peened higher strength joints initiated at the root of the weld rather than the
weld toe (the location of initiation for the as-welded joints). Table 7.3 summarises other data
obtained for a number of improvement techniques for high strength steels. All the data are in-air and
show a range of improvements but unfortunately no tests were carried out in seawater.

At present there are insufficient data to demonstrate the benefits of improvement techniques for high
strength steels, despite the possible benefits. It would be necessary therefore for a potential user to
demonstrate any benefits using a test programme which represented the conditions in which the steel
would be used in service.

The fatigue data available for parent and welded high strength steels indicate that the general
performance of the high strength steels is as good as the medium strength steels. The only condition
where poor performance was found was with H
S but medium strength steels also show similar poor
performance. Weld improvement techniques show promise but require data for typical offshore
conditions. In all areas more data are required before confident predictions of the fatigue performance
of high strength steels can be made. At the present time producing test data for candidate high
strength steels still appears to be the best approach.

7.01 Healy J, Billingham J, Stacey A, Simpson R and Patel R Review of the corrosion fatigue
performance of medium to high strength structural steels Proceedings 15
Conference Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Florence, Italy, 16-20 June 1996,
ASME, pp451-461

7.02 British Standard' Guidance on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in welded
structures, BS 7910, 1991

7.03 King R N A review of fatigue crack growth rates in air and seawater Offshore Technology
Report OTH96 511, HSE (1996)

7.04 King R N, Stacey A and Sharp J V A review of fatigue crack growth rates for offshore
steels in air and seawater environments Proceedings 15
International Conference Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Florence, Italy, 16-20 June 1996, ASME, pp341-348

7.05 Kilgallon P, Healy J and Billingham J The corrosion fatigue behaviour of high strength
steels and associated high strength weld metals. Offshore Technology Report, OTO97 065,
HSE (1997)

7.06 Billingham J, Blackman S and Norrish J Further assessment of high strength steel weld
metals for use in offshore engineering applications. Offshore Technology Report OTO98
091, HSE (1998)

7.07 Robinson M J and Kilgallon P J A review of the effects of sulphate reducing bacteria in the
marine environment on the corrosion fatigue and HE of high strength steels Health and
Safety Executive, Offshore Technology Report OTH 98 555, HMSO
7.08 Ferguson W G, Zhang Y , Stevens F J and Assefpour-Dezfuly M The effects of an anaerobic
environment on corrosion fatigue Proceedings of Chemical 90, 18
Australasian Chemical
Engineering Conference, 27-30 August 1990, Auckland, New Zealand, pp286-295

7.09 Rudd W J and Booth G S Near threshold crack growth in structural steels British Steel
Report FR 5330-8 942 May 1995

7.10 N Tantbirojn, L S Etube, W D Dover, P J Kilgallon, T Roberts and J Spurrier Variable
Amplitude Corrosion Fatigue of Jack-up Steels (VACF-T: Thick Plate Specimens), Final
Report, UCL NDE Centre, July 2000

7.11 Kirkhope K J, Bell R, Caron L, Basu R I and Ma K-T - Weld detail fatigue life improvement
techniques. Part 1: review. Marine Structures 12 (6), pp447-474 (1999)

7.12 Bell R, Militaru D V, and Braid J E M, The Fatigue Life Improvement of High Strength Steel
Welded Joints using hammer peening techniques, OMAE conference, 1995, Vol. III, ASME

7.13 Bignonnet A, Picouet L, Lieurade H P and Castex L The application of shot peening to
improve the fatigue life of welded steel structures Steel in Marine Structures. Developments
in Marine Technology, 3. Proceedings, 3rd International ECSC Offshore Conference (SIMS
'87), Delft, 15-18 June 1987. Ed: C.Noordhoek, J.de Back. Publ: 1000 AE Amsterdam,
Netherlands; Elsevier Science Publishers BV; 1987. ISBN 0-444-42805-4. Paper SIMS TS
33. pp669-678

7.14 Dept. of Energy, 'Offshore Installations - Guidance on Design, Construction and certification',
HMSO, London 1990

7.15 NORSOK, 'Design of Steel Structures' N-004, 1998

7.16 ISO ' Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries, 'Offshore Structures - Part 2'., ISO 13819-2, to be

7.17 Lopez Martinez L, Blom A F, Trogen H and Dahle T Fatigue behaviour of steels with
strength levels between 350 and 900 MPa - influence of post weld treatment under spectrum
loading Welded High-Strength Steel Structures. Proceedings, First North European
Engineering and Science Conference (NESCO 1), Stockholm, Sweden, 8-9 Oct.1997, Ed: AF
Blom, Engineering Materials Advisory Services Ltd pp361-376 (1997)

7.18 Agerskov H - Fatigue in steel structures under random loading. Journal of Constructional
Steel Research, 53 (3) March pp 283-305 (2000)

7.19 Agerskov H, Petersen R I and Lopez Martinez L Fatigue in high-strength steel offshore
tubular joints Tubular Structures VI, Proceedings of 6
International Symposium on Tubular
Structures, Melbourne, Australia 14-16
December 1994, pp527-534


Table 7.1 Data used to construct lines on Paris fatigue plots

m C
Me an +2 SD -2 SD
Stage 1/2 changeover 6K
-3 / 2

(v. Ag/ AgCl)
St age 1 St age 2
St age 1 St age 2 St age 1 St age 2 St age 1 St age 2 Me an +2 SD -2 SD
0 0.1 8.16 2.88 1.21x10
363.1 314.9 418.8
00.5 5.10 2.88 4.80x10
195.6 143.5 266.5
0 0.1 3.42 1.30 3.00x10
13336.0 993.1 1797.3
Fr ee cor r os ion
00.5 3.42 1.11 5.37x10
1097.8 747.7 1611.7
0 0.1 8.16 2.67 1.21x10
462.2 434.0 492.2
00.5 5.10 2.67 4.80x10
322.9 289.9 359.6
0 0.1 8.16 1.40 1.21x10
575.6 513.8 644.8
00.5 5.10 1.40 4.80x10
516.7 414.9 643.4

Table 7.2 Increase on life allowed for weld improvement techniques in codes

Tec hni que HSE Gui danc e (7 . 1 4 ) NORSOK (7 . 1 5 ) Draft ISO s t andard (7 . 1 6 )
Weld pr ofilin g N/ A In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 2 on life N/ A
Weld t oe gr in din g In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 2. 2 on life In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 2 on life In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 2 on life
TIG dr es s in g N/ A In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 2 on life N/ A
Ha mmer peen in g To be demon s t r a t ed by t es t pr ogr a mme In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 4 on life In cr ea s e by fa ct or of 4 on life


Table 7.3 Summary of in-air fatigue improvement data (data were obtained using
constant (C) and/or variable(V) amplitude loading and improvement was calculated
from stress range (S) or cycles (N). * At 2 x 10

Improve me nt Te c hnique
St ee l
Yie ld
St re ngt h
C/ V S/ N
Me an
Improve me nt
Fac t or (%)
Re f
Tig dr es s ed DOMEX 590 615 CV N 42 7.17
Tig dr es s ed WELDOX 700 780 CV N 73 7.17
Tig dr es s ed WELDOX 900 900 CV N 89 7.17
Sh ot peen ed E550 640 C S* 78 7.13
Ha mmer peen ed HY80 - - - 175 7.12
Sh ot peen ed Q&T 730/ 820 - S* 70 7.11
Ult r a s on ic peen in g WELDOX 700 780 CV N 79 7.17
Tig dr es s ed & u lt r a s on ic peen in g WELDOX 900 900 CV N 104 7.17


Figure 7.1 Summary diagram showing bound curves for HAZ
fatigue crack growth rates in 500-600MPa offshore steels

10 100
6 K (MNm


Figure 7.2 Air fatigue data for RQT501 (open) and WX700 (filled) steels parent plate
and weld metals. Black symbols are SAW weld metals and red symbols are FCAW.
R 0.5

1 10 100
6K (MNm

Pa r en t pla t e
1-2KJ / mm weld met a l
3. 5kJ / mm weld met a l

Figure 7.3 Mean fatigue data for freely corroding steel in seawater
containing H
S at R 2 0.5 [7.07]

1 10 100
6K (MNm

Saturated H
S 500-976ppm H
370-598ppm H
86-184ppm H
73-290ppm H


Figure 7.4 Mean fatigue data for freely corroding and cathodically protected steel in
seawater saturated with H
S at R = 0 0.1 [7.07]. Comparison lines are equivalent
lines for tests without H

1 10 100
6K (MNm


Figure 7.5 Fatigue data for applied CP of 850mV(Ag/AgCl) for RQT501 (open) and WX700
(filled) steels parent plate and weld metals. Also shown is mean line for fatigue data for tests
with saturated H
S [7.07]

1 10 100
6K (MNm

Saturated H
Pa r en t pla t e
1-2KJ / mm weld met a l
3.5kJ / mm weld met a l

Figure 7.6 Fatigue data for applied CP of 1100mV (Ag/AgCl) for RQT501 (open) and WX700
(filled) steels parent plate and weld metals. R 2 0.5. AIso shown is mean Iine for fatigue data
for tests with H
S [7.07]

1 10 100
6K (MNm

Saturated H
330-410ppm H
2-150ppm H

Pa r en t pla t e
1-2KJ / mm weld met a l
3.5kJ / mm weld met a l

Figure 7.7 Fatigue thresholds (adapted from 7.03, 7.04)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
R ratio

BS4360 Iyc sIrucIuraI sIccI
AII Icr r it ic Fy<600MPa
Figure 7.8 SN data for constant and variable amplitude fatigue tests in-air for parent
material and welded steel joints (thickness corrected to 16mm)
[7.10, 7.18, 7.19]

1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
Number of cycles, N



Tcurve (16mm) - air
Yield strength (MPa)
A 448 to 501
540 to 586
690 to 797
810 to 840
Class F2 (16mm) - air

Figure 7.9 SN data for constant and variable amplitude fatigue tests with applied CP
of 800 to 850mV(Ag/AgCl) on welded steel joints

1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07
Number of cycles, N



Yield strength (MPa)
690 to 797
Tcurve (16mm) - air
Tcurve (16mm) - CP
Class F2 (16mm) - CP

Figure 7.10 SN data for constant and variable amplitude fatigue tests with applied
CP of 1000 to 1050mV(Ag/AgCl) on parent material (shaded) and welded steel joints

1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07
Number of cycles, N



Yield strength (MPa)
450 to 586
690 to 797
Tcurve (16mm) - air
Tcurve (16mm) - CP
Class F2 (16mm) - CP

Figure 7.11 Summary of Weld Fatigue Improvement Methods [7.11]


There are three systems that can be used to apply cathodic protection (CP), sacrificial anode cathodic
protection (SACP), impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) and hybrid systems of SACP and
ICCP. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems are summarised in Table 8.1. CP is used
to protect both coated and uncoated steel from corrosion. SACP is the most widely used method for
protecting steel structures in the marine environment from corrosion. SACP uses sacrificial anodes
(usually aluminium based for structures and zinc based for pipelines) distributed around the structure
to ideally give an even distribution of a potential of 850 mV(Ag/AgCl)
. Due to the complexity of
structures it is possible to have high negative values occurring in the vicinity of anodes more negative
than 81000mV(Ag/AgCl) with the risk of hydrogen embrittlement and enhanced fatigue crack
propagation, and more positive potentials than 8750mV(Ag/AgCl) at remote or shielded locations
with the risk of localised corrosion. Clearly, for steels that are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement
it is important to design the CP system to achieve the correct balance between the risks of corrosion
and hydrogen damage.

There exists a great deal of guidance for CP levels, much of which has been derived empirically. The
relevant codes and standards relating to CP of high strength steels are compared in section 4.0. Care
must be taken when using this general guidance as it important to realise that the risk of hydrogen
cracking depends on the combination of material, loading, CP level and environment. Additionally,
the effects of the CP system on other materials connected to the protected steel structure (such as
duplex stainless steel) must also be considered.

The CP potential required for full protection (corrosion rate reduced to insignificant level) of steel in
seawater is widely considered to be -800mV(Ag/AgCl) [8.01]. Recommended potentials range
between -750 and -830mV(Ag/AgCl) [8.02]. Recent work [8.03, 8.04] found that a 700MPa offshore
steel was adequately protected (corrosion rate of 0.001mm/year) at potentials in the range -760 to

In anaerobic conditions, where active populations of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) might be
present and producing sulphides, it has been generally recommended, for lower strength
constructional steels, that the potential should be lowered further to -900mV(Ag/AgCl) for full
protection. Hydrogen will be produced at potentials more negative than -710mV(Ag/AgCl) for North Sea
seawater (pH 8.3 & 10
C) [8.05]. It should be noted that the amount of hydrogen produced by CP
systems and therefore absorbed by the steel increases as the potential becomes more negative and
even small concentrations of sulphide can significantly increase in the amount of hydrogen absorbed
by steel [8.06]. These factors have meant that the recommended levels of CP for high strength steels
has required special attention due to their greater susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement,
particularly above yield strengths of 700MPa. Recommendations have been made that for steels with
yield strengths 0 700MPa CP potentials should generally be within the range of -800 to
-950mV(Ag/AgCl) [8.01]. For steels with yield strengths >800MPa the potential should not go more
negative than -800mV(Ag/AgCl) [8.01]. The ranges described above are illustrated in Figure 8.1.

During the late 1980s, routine surveys of offshore jack-up drilling rigs discovered cracks in the legs and
spudcans that were believed to be due to hydrogen embrittlement [8.07]. A subsequent research
programme [8.08] included an investigation of the level of CP at which the jack-up steels showed
evidence of hydrogen embrittlement. The research employed slow strain rate testing and concluded that
to avoid problems the CP potentials should not be more negative than -805mV(Ag/AgCl). A parallel

For Ag/AgCl/Cl

electrode, potential, E (V) = 0.2224 - 0.0591 log a

, assumed that values given relate to 1M KCl
(= 222.4mV) but other concentrations possible, e.g. seawater ~250mV.
study [8.09] demonstrated, using fracture mechanics specimens, that -830mV(Ag/AgCl) was the CP
limit for a welded 690MPa yield strength steel in a SRB containing environment (steel loaded to
yield strength and containing 1mm defect).

A survey of operating protection potentials on offshore platforms using SACP (usually steels with
350MPa yield strengths) [8.01] showed that 65% of the platforms surveyed had potentials more
negative than -900mV(Ag/AgCl) and 30% of those surveyed had operating potentials more negative
than -1050mV(Ag/AgCl). This survey demonstrates that in practice traditional SACP systems
produce CP potentials too negative for high strength steels and thus further steps have to be taken to
reduce the risk of hydrogen damage.

The cracking observed in some jack-up designs in the late 1980s highlighted the problems of the
combination of high strength steels with overprotection (the effects of SRB were also implicated). It
was recognised that CP potential, steel susceptibility and environment had to be considered together.
The methods used to reduce the risk of CP related hydrogen embrittlement have been formulated
around trying to change one or more of these three factors.

In response to the cracking found in the late 1980s in spudcans, two options were proposed to combat
this [8.07]. These were to retain the original anodes and introduce a flushing system or to remove the
anodes and add an inhibitor and biocide. Both methods were used initially but eventually the
inhibitor/biocide option was adopted.

ICCP or hybrid systems have the advantage that the CP potential can be controlled as long as local
potential monitoring is effective. However, these systems have the inherent risk that poor
management or system failure could lead to extreme overprotection or no protection. Other
disadvantages of ICCP identified by Davey [8.10] are the need for robust reference electrodes,
possible interference between zones and maintaining electrical integrity when the jack-up is used for
variable depth operation. Davey concluded that these disadvantages made ICCP practical only for
jack-ups operating at fixed depth.

There are several ways to reduce the undesirable situation of overprotection by making changes to the
SACP system. These methods included the use of dielectric shields, sacrificial coatings, voltage
limiting diodes, voltage limiting resistors and low driving voltage anodes.

Dielectric shields are used in ICCP systems to limit potentials close to the anodes. However, for use
with sacrificial anodes, the area of shield required is very large and hence not very practical for large
offshore structures.

Jack-up legs require corrosion protection for the regions that are not submerged and thus not protected
by CP. Coatings provide this protection and can be used for submerged areas together with CP and
may offer a practical method of reducing the uptake of hydrogen by steel in the marine environment
[8.06]. A suitable coating would reduce the risk of corrosion occurring and lower the current
requirements for CP which would give an accompanying reduction in hydrogen uptake. Additionally,
the coating could be selected to have antifouling properties. Sacrificial coatings, such as thermal
sprayed aluminium, have been utilised and good performance has been reported. Some long term
stability and reliability problems have been reported for these coatings and there can also be some
additional problems in shielding critical areas from conventional inspection methods, such as
magnetic particle inspection. The potentials associated with these coatings are too negative (between
-900 and -1000mV(Ag/AgCl)[8.11]) at present.

Anodes can be linked to the structure via a potential limiting diode that ensures that the potential can
not become more negative than a set value. These devices were recommended by a Department of
Energy research study [8.08] and have been employed in some offshore production jack-ups, as well
as in drilling units. In general, part coating of the structure is required for the diodes to correctly
manage the CP levels [8.12]. There is no information on the failure rate of diodes used to control CP
but failure of one or several diodes is not expected to cause a severe problem [8.10]. However it has
been reported [8.07] that there have been problems in service with a wider range of potentials being
found than expected. The field surveys of jack-ups by three certification authorities, reported in

[8.08], identified that a range of potentials occurred in practice when voltage limited diodes
were used (-700 to -900mV(Ag/AgCl)). Problems encountered with CP/diode systems have been
explained in some cases by the lack of the correct coating and/or poor modelling [8.12]. The fact that
under-protection occurred raises concern over the risk of pitting corrosion and the effect of such
potentials on fatigue crack growth rates. This area has received little attention but some results [8.01]

do indicate rates similar to those for more conventional potentials of -850mV(Ag/AgCl). Overall,
there appears to be little offshore experience of the long term effects of CP potentials close to the free
corrosion potential.

Resistor controlled CP has been proposed for internal CP of stainless steel seawater piping with the
main aim of reducing anode consumption [8.13]. The method employs normal anodes connected via
a resistor that stops the full anode potential being realised in applications with low current
requirements. The method does not have the required level of control that would be required for a
variable higher current requirement material such as high strength steel in marine environments.

In response to the need for low voltage sacrificial anodes, new aluminium alloy anodes [8.14] (Al-
0.l%Ga) are being developed. Initial studies have shown that they achieve potentials in the range
-773 to -803mV(Ag/AgCl)
in sterile seawater. Other work [8.15] attached the anodes to fracture
mechanics specimens buried in a coastal sediment. After 190 days the specimens were raised and the
potential measured (while still suspended in open seawater) was found to be in the range -680 to
-815mV(Ag/AgCl). Whilst more development is required, if proved in service such anodes could
have a significant benefit offshore.

Alternatively, modification to the design of the jack-up can be made so that the high strength steel is
not exposed to environments where significant hydrogen absorption would be expected, e.g. anaerobic
sediments. For example, by utilising a concrete base tank to the structure or by using a lower strength
steel with less susceptibility to hydrogen cracking in piled sections of the structure. The cracking
discovered in the late 1980s was frequently associated with anaerobic conditions within the spud can
and local anodes delivering high negative voltages. The use of an elevated base for a production
platform eliminates this particular problem since the high strength steel in no longer exposed to
potential anaerobic conditions. This potential solution is of cause limited by the suitability of local

Field surveys found cracking in drilling jack-ups, in some cases irrespective of rig type. Remedial
measures of removing anodes from spud cans, the use of biocides and voltage limiting diodes have
reduced the incidence of cracking. However, in most cases where cracking occurred the level of CP
was not measured unfortunately. Hence, there remained some doubt as to its causes and hydrogen
induced cracking remained a serious possibility in several cases. It appears that the increased
hydrogen embrittlement susceptibilities of some high strength steels will mean that operators will
need to maintain a more positive CP potential than previously used, even if this means accepting a
limited amount of corrosion of the structure. The choice of CP system is heavily dependent on
location, material and loading. A well modelled CP system incorporating voltage limiting diodes and
coatings can work very well but the reported problems are of concern. At present, the successful

Laboratory studies often use a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). For consistency these values have been
expressed with respect to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode, i.e. minus 22mV (SCE is 244mV).
development of low voltage sacrificial anodes would appear to offer the most satisfactory long term
solution. The level of CP for steels with yield strengths >600MPa should be evaluated on an
individual basis from HE testing in representative service conditions. In general, CP potentials should
be kept more positive than -850mV(Ag/AgCl) unless hydrogen embrittlement test data clearly
demonstrate that more negative potentials are not damaging, and should be monitored closely.

8.01 Marine Technology Directorate Ltd Design and operational guidance on cathodic protection
of offshore structures, subsea installations and pipelines MTD Report 90/102 (1990)

8.02 Wanklyn J N Input data for modelling marine cathodic protection In Cathodic Protection
Theory and Practice. Eds. Ashworth V and Booker CJL, Ellis Horwood, pp68-77 (1986)

8.03 Batt C L and Robinson M J Optimizing cathodic protection requirements for high strength
steels under marine biofilms Corrosion Management, Number 31, September/October (1999)

8.04 Batt C and Robinson M J Cathodic Protection Requirements for High Strength Steel in
Seawater assessed by Potentiostatic Weight Loss Measurements, British Corrosion Journal,
37 (1) (2002)

8.05 Thomason W H Quantitative Measurement of Hydrogen Charging Rates Into Steel Surfaces
Exposed to Seawater Under Varying Cathodic Protection Levels Materials Performance July
p267 (1988)

8.06 Robinson M J and Kilgallon P J A review of the effects of sulphate reducing bacteria in the
marine environment on the corrosion fatigue and hydrogen embrittlement of high strength
steels Health and Safety Executive, Offshore Technology Report OTH 98 555, HMSO

8.07 Barker J C Data surveys of hydrogen assisted cracking in high strength jack-up steels
Offshore Technology Report OTO97 072, Health and Safety Executive (1997)

8.08 Abertheny K, Fowler C M, Jacob R and Davey V S Hydrogen cracking of legs and
spudcans on Jack-up drilling rigs A summary of results of an investigation Offshore
Technology Report OTH91 351, HSE Books, Sudbury, Suffolk (1993)

8.09 Kilgallon P J The effect of sulphate reducing bacteria on the hydrogen absorption of
cathodically protected high strength low alloy steels PhD thesis, Cranfield University, 1994

8.10 Davey V S The cathodic protection of high strength steel in a marine environment
Offshore Technology Report OTN 1999 015
8.11 Wolfson S L Corrosion control of subsea piping systems using thermal sprayed aluminium
coatings Materials Performance 35 (7) pp32-36 (1996)

8.12 Robin Jacob Personal communication

8.13 Johnsen R, Gartland P O, Valen S and Drugli J M Internal cathodic protection of seawater
piping by the RCP method. Materials Performance 35 (7) pp17-21(1996)

8.14 Pautasso J P, Le Guyader H and Debout V Low voltage cathodic protection for high
strength steels: Part 1 Definition of a new aluminium galvanic anode material Paper 725,
Proceedings of Conference Corrosion 98, 22-27 March 1998, San Diego, California, NACE,

8.15 Batt C L Optimising cathodic protection requirements for high strength steel in the marine
environment PhD thesis, Cranfield University, 2000
Table 8.1 Principal advantages and disadvantages of sacrificial, impressed current
and hybrid systems [8.01]

Simple, reliable and free
from in-service operator

System installation is

Permanent potential
monitoring system not
Flexibility under
operating conditions

Weight advantage for
large capacity, long- life
Flexibility under
operating conditions

Weight advantage for
large capacity, long -
life systems

Large weight penalty for
large capacity, long-life

Response to varying
operating conditions is

Hydrodynamic loadings
can be high
Relative complexity of
system demands high
level of detail design

Systems installation is
complex and a power
source is required

Perceived diver risk
from electric shock

In-service operator
surveillance required

Permanent potential
monitoring system

Vulnerable to loss of

Not recommended for
North Sea without full
sacrificial back-up (i.e.
as part of a hybrid
Relative complexity of
system demands high
level of detail design

System installation is
complex, and a power
source is required

Perceived diver risk
from electric shock

In service operator
surveillance required

Permanent potential
monitoring system


Figure 8.1 Range of potentials used and proposed

-1050 -1000 -950 -900 -850 -800 -750 -700 -650
CP Potential (mV[Ag/AgCl])
Traditional full protection
Traditional full protection - SRB
Full protection
Low voltage anode
HSE guidence
DnV guidance

High strength steels are being used increasingly in the construction of offshore platforms as they offer
a significant weight saving compared to lower strength steels. At present, steels with yield strengths in
the range 550 to 690MPa are used for a variety of marine applications and 900MPa steel has been
proposed for future jack-ups to operate in deep water. One disadvantage of using higher strength
steels is the increased risk of hydrogen embrittlement (HE), which can occur under static load. HE is a
less common mode of failure on offshore structures than corrosion fatigue but it was found to be the
cause of cracking that occurred in the leg chords and spud cans of jack-up drilling rigs in the late
1980s [9.01, 9.02]. Since that time there have been developments of new types of platforms,
constructed from high strength steels, with designs based on fixed jack-up structures. These platforms
are intended to remain in position for the life of the field and, as they do not return to dry dock at
regular intervals, inspection is more difficult and more expensive to carry out. In consequence, it is
particularly important that the risk of HE of the steels used to construct these platforms should be

The requirements for HE are threefold [9.02]:

1. a source of hydrogen which leads to a sufficient distribution of atomic hydrogen in the material
2. sufficient stress (intensity) to cause sub-critical fracture through concurrent and synergistic action
with the atomic hydrogen (-the critical threshold stress intensity will also be reduced for a
hydrogen-charged, and hence embrittled, material)
3. a material susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement for certain combinations of hydrogen distribution
and stress.

Susceptibility to HE is usually thought to increase with the strength of the steel and it is common
practice to assess the risk of it occurring in a particular grade of steel on the basis of its strength or
hardness. However, there are a number of ways in which an actual strength level of a particular steel
can be achieved. Quenched and tempered (Q&T) steels and controlled rolled (CR) steels can be
produced with the same strength and hardness, yet they have very different microstructures and
different susceptibilities to HE. Even within steels of the same strength range, produced by the same
manufacturing method, some alloys exhibit better resistance to HE than others. It is probable that
differences in microstructure are responsible and that the effect is caused by small changes in the
chemical composition. In other cases, there are differences in the behaviour of new and old steels of
the same grade. These might be explained by microstructural changes associated with the advances
that have occurred in steel making practice.

At present, it is difficult to make a satisfactory judgement about the probable resistance of a particular
steel to hydrogen damage. Consideration of the strength level is a good starting point but other factors
including the microstructure, manufacturing method, heat treatment and chemical composition could
all be important.

In marine environments the principal sources of hydrogen in steel are from corrosion and cathodic
protection (CP). Welding can also cause high hydrogen contents if sufficient care is not taken during
welding, for example by drying consumables and applying preheat. It has been shown that the uptake
of hydrogen by steel in the marine environment is strongly influenced by the combined effects of CP
and sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) [9.03, 9.04]. CP produces hydrogen on the steel surface and its
absorption is promoted by the biogenic sulphide produced by the SRB. These sulphides poison the
recombination of atomic hydrogen to form hydrogen molecules (and eventually hydrogen gas
bubbles) which effectively keeps atomic hydrogen on the metal surface for a longer period resulting in
a larger proportion being absorbed by the metal. The hydrogen uptake can increase by as much as an
order of magnitude compared to that in sterile conditions at the same CP potential [9.03, 9.04].

When sulphides are present, as in sour oil and gas environments, it is often termed sulphide stress
corrosion cracking (SSCC). In both cases, these are forms of HE. They are quite distinct from
hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), usually associated with pipeline steels, in which hydrogen
generated by internal corrosion in sour oil or gas is absorbed by the steel and collects at elongated
manganese sulphide inclusions where it leads to stepwise cracking.

The review [9.05] intended to clarify some of the conflicting information about HE resistance that
exists at present and provide an explanation of why some steels in the same strength range seem to be
inherently more resistant to embrittlement than others. The review considered the HE of offshore
constructional steels with yield strengths of 0 450MPa. The review showed that the embrittlement
behaviour of offshore steels is broadly comparable to that of other steels within the same strength
range. The following conclusions and recommendations were made;

1. Microstructure has a controlling influence on HE susceptibility and is a more significant factor
than the alloy composition. The susceptibilities of different microstructures can be ranked in the
order: tempered martensite < tempered bainite < spheroidised ferrite and pearlite < coarse ferrite
and pearlite. Untempered martensite, that may be present in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of
welds, is generally regarded as having the highest susceptibility.
2. The principles for the microstructural control of HE have been defined. The way in which
hydrogen is trapped by features in the microstructure is particularly important. The traps should be
sufficiently numerous and they should also be irreversible so that the hydrogen is held
innocuously. The optimum resistance can be achieved with a structure containing fine carbide
particles, uniformly distributed throughout the material, which trap large quantities of hydrogen
and prevent local concentrations from reaching the level required to cause decohesion and crack
3. Tempered martensite has been shown to be the preferred microstructure. The steel should have a
fine prior austenite grain size and sufficient hardenability to produce 100% martensite through the
material thickness. Microalloying and appropriate heat treatments can be used to produce the
required size and distribution of precipitates to act as effective hydrogen traps. Tempering at high
temperatures is beneficial in reducing the density of dislocations that are reversible hydrogen traps
and increase the solubility of hydrogen in the steel. Good tempering resistance is required to avoid
the growth of the carbide particles at high temperatures.
4. In the case of offshore steels, recent developments in alloy chemistry and fabrication processes
have resulted in alloys with improved mechanical properties and lower carbon equivalent values.
This has had the beneficial effect of increasing the strength, particularly for quenched and
tempered steels, without necessarily increasing HE susceptibility.
5. The strength or hardness of a particular grade of steel can give a useful first indication of its likely
HE susceptibility. However, it has been shown that when steels of different grades are considered
together, the strength or hardness is poorly correlated with HE susceptibility. It is concluded that
HE susceptibility is more sensitive to the specific nature of the microstructure than to the strength
level of the material.
6. By controlling the composition and microstructure some modern HSLA offshore steels have been
produced which have HE susceptibilities that are as low as those of BS4360 Grade 50D steels and
significantly lower than would be expected on the basis of their higher strength alone.
7. However, HSLA offshore steels exhibit considerable variability in their susceptibilities to HE. It is
recommended that each steel should be considered individually and should be subjected to
thorough testing before being accepted for use, particularly in critical locations and in
circumstances that could lead to hydrogen charging. This is especially important in the case of
steels for the construction of fixed jack-up platforms which are intended to remain in position for
the life of the field and where inspection is more difficult to carry out.
8. The effects of hydrogen charging from CP should be fully considered, particularly if there is a
possibility that over protection may occur. The use of potential limiting diodes or sacrificial anodes
with a less protective potential would reduce the risk of hydrogen assisted cracking occurring in
susceptible steels.
9. Sulphides generated by microbial activity in the marine environment can cause a substantial
increase in hydrogen uptake by freely corroding and cathodically protected steel. It is
recommended that when high strength steels are to be used in conditions where they may be
exposed to microbial activity they should be evaluated first using test environments containing
similar sulphide levels.

The increased HE susceptibility in the HAZ of welds is a result of the microstructural changes that
occur during the thermal cycle, particularly the formation of martensite, which may not be adequately
tempered by subsequent welding passes. Twinned martensite has a particularly high susceptibility to
HE. The related welding difficulty of cold cracking, which is a form of HE caused by hydrogen
absorbed during welding, results from the extreme susceptibility of twinned martensite in the HAZ of
medium carbon steels. Low carbon weldable steels have been developed to avoid this problem.

Three basic approaches can be used to determine the HE behaviour of steels [9.06]:
1. The use of smooth specimens and static loads to generate time-to-failure and threshold stress data.
2. The use of smooth specimens, combined with monotonic tensile loading, as in slow strain rate
testing (SSRT).
3. The use of pre-cracked specimens in conjunction with fracture mechanics concepts to determine
threshold stress intensity values and to generate curves of the time-based crack growth rate, da/dt,
against stress intensity, K.

These test types are not equivalent and each can have a specific role. For example, some tests will
indicate the fitness for service of a specific material in the given environment, whilst others are used
to rank the performance and obviously fracture mechanics based tests are applicable for a fracture
mechanics design approach. Commonly used tests are uniaxial tensile testing (smooth tensile
specimen), four point bend testing, C-ring testing, double cantilever beam testing (DCB) and SSRT.

A discussion of some of the practical problems involved with HE testing is given in appendix 9.

Table 9.1 gives SSRT results for a BS4360:50D type parent plate material tested in air and at different
CP potentials [9.07]. The effect of strain rate is demonstrated by the %RA being lower at the slower
strain rate as more time was available during the test for hydrogen uptake and embrittlement to occur.
Table 9.1 also gives results for BS4360:50D steels that had been heat treated to simulate the
microstructure in the HAZ of a weld [9.07]. It is clear that BS4360:50D steels do exhibit some
embrittlement, even at low levels of CP. This is due to the severity of SSRT and does not necessarily
reflect the behaviour of the material in service. It is also apparent that BS4360:50D steels exhibit a
wide range of embrittlement behaviour, depending on their composition and the experimental
conditions employed, particularly the strain rate.
The results of SSRT of two Q&T high strength offshore steels, SE500 (500MPa yield strength) and
SE700 (700MPa yield strength), are shown in Figure 9.1 and are compared with results for E36 steel
(described by the authors as a typical BS4360:50D equivalent steel, but having a somewhat unusual
composition) [9.08]. Again, the effect of strain rate is seen with a higher embrittlement index
measured in tests conducted at a lower strain rate. When tested in seawater the Q&T steels performed
slightly better than the BS4360:50D equivalent steel. Even in a saturated H
S solution, the 700MPa
steel had a similar EI to the BS4360:50D equivalent steel. Clearly, this level of embrittlement would
not be acceptable in practice (EI values above 0.6 are sometimes considered to indicate substantial
embrittlement) but it is argued that saturated H
S provides an accelerated test condition for comparing
the properties of different materials. It would be concluded from these results that the SE700 would be
resistant to HE in seawater by virtue of the similarity in behaviour to the BS4360:50D equivalent

Figure 9.2 gives more SSRT results for the same steels, showing the performance in seawater
containing very low levels of H
S [9.08]. The EIs were lower than those in saturated H
S but in this
case the 700MPa steel was appreciably more susceptible than either of the two lower strength steels.
As low levels of H
S could arise from microbial activity in the marine environment (100ppm has been
suggested [9.03]) this could be an important difference and the 700MPa steel could be at risk of
cracking in marine applications. This example illustrates the essential requirement for embrittlement
testing of high strength steels to be carried out in environments that closely resemble the expected
service conditions.

Results reported by Pircher [9.09] also demonstrate that Q&T steels can be more resistant to
embrittlement than BS4360:50D as shown in Figure 9.3 which shows SSRT results for two
normalised and two Q&T steels tested in natural seawater with CP. The 355MPa yield strength
normalised steel was a BS4360:50D equivalent. The Q&T 690MPa steel had similar performance to
the BS4360:50D equivalent steel and the Q&T 500MPa steel was more resistant. The results indicate
the superior embrittlement resistance that can be achieved with a Q&T microstructure.

Cole [9.10, 9.11] compared the HE of two high strength steels (1%CrMoNb and 3
%NiCrMoV) and
one medium strength steel (2
%CrMo) that could be considered for marine applications. Three point
bend tests were carried out in natural seawater with the addition of approximately 250ppm H
S to
represent the effects of microbial activity. The specimens were in the as-received condition or heat
treated to simulate the microstructures that would result from welding. The low threshold stress
intensity factor, K
, values found for the HAZ microstructures indicated that they would be
particularly susceptible to embrittlement due to the presence of untempered martensite. Cole
concluded that in the Q&T condition the two high strength steels performed as well as the medium
strength steel and increasing the yield strength does not necessarily increase susceptibility to

Robinson & Kilgallon [9.04] measured K
values for two Q&T offshore steels, SE500 (500MPa yield
strength) and DES690 (690MPa yield strength) that had been heat treated to give martensitic
microstructures, simulating the HAZ of welds. After heat treatment the hardness values were 323 and
425Hv, which corresponded to yield strengths of approximately 750 and 1030MPa respectively.
Although these steels contained the same microstructural phases, there were marked differences in
their embrittlement susceptibilities. At a potential of -830mV(Ag/AgCl) in seawater containing
approximately 200ppm of SRB generated sulphide, the K
values of the 500 and 690MPa steels were
16 and 39MNm
respectively. Lowering the potential to -1030mV(Ag/AgCl) reduced these values to
10 and 35MNm
as shown in Figure 9.4.

Embrittlement index is (1-%RA

Batt and Robinson [9.12] carried out a similar study but tested a 900MPa Q&T steel intended for
marine applications with a tempered martensitic microstructure and a hardness of 375 Hv. Although
the hardness of this steel was lower than that of the DSE690 simulated HAZ described above, it was
more susceptible to HE as shown in Figure 9.4. HE occurred in the parent plate in natural seawater,
even at -830mV(Ag/AgCl), and the K
values were lower than those for the DSE690 simulated HAZ
in seawater at all potentials. The high susceptibility of this steel is particularly significant when it is
considered that its microstructure consisted of tempered martensite, in contrast to the untempered
martensite of the weld simulations in the other two steels. The high nickel content of this steel (5%)
may have been a factor in its poor performance, although there is conflicting evidence for the
embrittling effect of nickel additions.

It is clear that high strength steels are susceptible to HE when cathodically overprotected particularly in
sulphide containing environments. This has been demonstrated using tests such as SSRT where a loss of
ductility is found compared to air tests. But SSRT is a severe test (to failure) and does not accurately
represent the conditions found offshore. In addition, conventional 350MPa steels also show HE in SSRT
and these materials have no history of HE problems. Yield strength and hardness give some indication of
the HE susceptibility of a particular steel but as microstructure is also important these measures can only
give an approximate guide. More data are required for both the conventional 350MPa steels and the
higher strength steels. The HE susceptibility of individual steels will have to be assessed using the most
appropriate test type. It would be helpful for all the test types but particularly SSRT to be standardised to
conditions most applicable to offshore use to allow comparison and assessment of scatter. It would also
be valuable to know if there are any relationships between SSRT and fracture mechanics test results.
There are however many parameters which are far from being widely agreed upon, such as precharging
effects, sulphide levels and strain rate.

9.01 Abertheny K, Fowler C M, Jacob R and Davey V S Hydrogen cracking of legs and
spudcans on Jack-up drilling rigs A summary of results of an investigation Offshore
Technology Report OTH91 351, HSE Books, Sudbury, Suffolk (1993)

9.02 Barker J C Data surveys of hydrogen assisted cracking in high strength jack-up steels
Offshore Technology Report OTO97 072, Health and Safety Executive (1997)

9.03 Robinson M J and Kilgallon P J A review of the effects of sulphate reducing bacteria in the
marine environment on the corrosion fatigue and HE of high strength steels Health and
Safety Executive, Offshore Technology Report OTH 98 555, HMSO

9.04 Robinson M J and Kilgallon P J HE of cathodically protected HSLA steels in the presence
of sulphate reducing bacteria Corrosion 50 (8) pp620-635 (1994)

9.05 Robinson M J and Kilgallon P J A review of the effects of Microstructure on the HE of
high strength offshore steels Health and safety executive, Offshore Technology Report OTO
99 056, HMSO

9.06 EFC Guidelines on materials requirements for carbon and low alloy steels for H
containing environments in oil and gas production European Federation of Corrosion
Publications Number 16, Institute of Materials (1995)

9.07 Unpublished results

9.08 Coudreuse L, Renaudin C, Bocquet P and Cadiou L - Evaluation of Hydrogen Assisted
Cracking Resistance of High Strength Jack-up Steels. Marine Structures 10 (2-4) pp85-106

9.09 Pircher H, Drodten P, Kaiser H-J and Musgen B Behaviour of high-strength structural
steels exposed to seawater. Thyssen Technische Berichte, Heft 1/90, pp53-67 (1990)

9.10 Cole I S and Brook R Fractography of crack growth in stress corrosion cracking and
corrosion fatigue growth in a number of offshore steels. Proceedings 3
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Singapore, pp296-302 (1993)

9.11 Cole I S, Brook R and Howard I A comparative study of the performance of three steels for
offshore applications. Proc. Conf. Fatigue of Offshore Structures, London, September,
pp167-184 (1988)

9.12 Batt C L and Robinson M J Optimizing cathodic protection requirements for high strength
steels under marine biofilms. Paper 13 Proc. UK Corrosion 98, 20-21 October, pp1-5 (1998)

9.13 Boellinghaus Th, Hoffmeister H and Dangeleit A - Scatterband for hydrogen diffusion
coefficients in micro-alloyed and low carbon structural steels. Welding in the World 35 (2)
pp83-96 (1995)

9.14 Gangloff P R - A Review and Analysis of the Threshold for Hydrogen Environment
Embrittlement of Steel. In Corrosion Prevention and Control. Proceedings 33rd Sagamore
Army Materials Research Conference. Ed. Levy, M. & Isserow, S. US Army Laboratory
Command. Watertown, MA. 1986

Table 9.1 SSRT results for parent BS4360:50D type steel and simulated HAZ (from

Condition Environment (Ag/AgCl) Strain Rate (s
) RA (%)
Parent Air 9.3 x 10
Parent Seawater + CP = -800 3.7 x10
Parent Seawater + CP = -850 3.7 x10
Parent Air 2.5 x10
Parent Seawater + CP = -1020 2.0 x10
Parent Seawater + CP = -1020 5.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Air 9.3 x 10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -850 3.7 x10
Sim. HAZ Air 2.5 x10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -850 5.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -1000 5.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Air 1.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -850 1.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -950 1.0 x10
Sim. HAZ Seawater + CP = -1050 1.0 x10

Figure 9.1 EI for SSRT on E36 (BS4360:50D equivalent) and two high strength Q & T
steels showing effects of strain rate and sulphide [9.08]
E36 SE500 SE702


NaCl 35g/l; E = -1000mV(SCE); 2x10

NaCl 35g/l; E = -1000mV(SCE); 5x10

NACE solution saturated with H
S; pH3; 2x10


Figure 9.2 EI for SSRT tests showing the effect of trace quantities of H
S [9.08]
E36 (50D) SE500 SE702


At a potential of 1000mV(SCE)
NaCl 3.5% aerated
NaCl 3.5% deaerated + H

Figure 9.3 Percentage reduction in area in SSRT showing the effect of applied
potential in seawater [9.09]
-1.300 -1.100 -0.900 -0.700
Potential (V(Ag/AgCl))



355MPa Normalised
460MPa Normalised
460MPa Tempered
500MPa Q&T
690MPa Q&T

Figure 9.4 Comparison of K
values for 900MPa steel, 500MPa steel simulated HAZ
and 690MPa steel simulated HAZ in sterile seawater, natural seawater and seawater
containing SRB with applied cathodic protection
[9.03, 9.12]
-1250 -1150 -1050 -950 -850 -750
CP Potential (mV(Ag/AgCl))


690MPa HAZ in SRB environment
900MPa in natural seawater
500MPa HAZ in SRB environment
690MPa HAZ in sterile seawater
900MPa in sterile seawater

Steel offshore installations can be subjected to high temperatures as a result of fire, either a pool or jet
fire, or possibly fire on the sea. The resulting loss in strength can lead to partial or total collapse of a
leg. Local deformation can also impinge on critical equipment. An important safety requirement is to
maintain a sufficient time for evacuation of personnel. Hydrocarbon fires are recognised as more
damaging than cellulosic, resulting in higher temperatures (up to ~1100
C after a few minutes). Fire
is considered an accidental load in most standards and codes. In this case permanent deformations are
allowed, provided that they are not excessive to threaten the integrity of the installation. Acceptance
criteria are normally based on retention of strength during the fire for an adequate period of time,
which is normally defined in terms of a limiting temperature, or a limiting strain or deflection.

In terms of temperature the acceptance criterion requires the temperature of the structural steel to be
limited to a given value, typically in the range 400 - 500
C. This is normally the temperature at which
steel exhibits approximately a 50% reduction in yield stress [10.01]. This simple approach is based
on several assumptions including that the structure heats up uniformly and that differential heating
does not influence the behaviour of the structure. In practice differential heating can lead to local high
stresses, depending on the restraint exerted on heated members by the surrounding cooler structure.
In addition, the buckling capacity of tubulars is dependent on temperature, through the effect on
Youngs Modulus.

BS 5950 Part.8 also provides stress reduction factors at elevated temperatures, as well as critical
temperatures (related to performance fall-off), for medium grade structural steels. The reduction in
strength with temperature is given at selected strains. The appropriate strain for columns in
compression is 0.5%, whereas for members in tension it is 1.5% strain.

Two test methods are in use to produce suitable design data (i) steady state heating, (ii) transient test
method (heating at constant rate, typically 10
C /min) under stress. BS 5950 covers (i), but for (ii)
which is more typical of practice, there is no test standard published.

Protection of steel structural members is normally by using passive fire protection in the form of
coatings. These delay the rise in temperature to critical levels, reducing the risk of escalation and
providing time for evacuation of personnel. PFP coatings are normally either cementitious,
intuminescent or refractory fibres. Such materials can be applied to high strength steels in the same
way that they are applied to medium strength steels.

Most available test data, however, refer to loss of strength in 50D type steels tested as isolated
components and there appears to be little published data for the performance of modern high strength
steels (with yield strengths > 500MPa) under fire conditions. As part of the first phase of the joint
industry project on Fire & Blast, coordinated by the Steel Construction Institute (SCI), a review was
undertaken of the experimental data relating to the performance of steel components at elevated
temperatures [10.03]. The steels with the highest yield strength included in this were RQT 501
(approximately 550MPa). This is a significant omission in performance data for higher strength

More recently data have been published for the high temperature performance of both Q&T and
thermo-mechanically rolled steels with yield strengths ~ 450MPa, for a range of thicknesses [10.04,
10.05]. This includes reviewing previously published data as well as reporting on new tests on
medium and higher strength steels. The latter includes 450MPa steels in the quench and tempered
condition, of three thicknesses (10, 40 and 60mm plate). Strength factors were derived for various
limiting strains, ranging from 0.5 5%. For all thicknesses 50% loss of strength occurred between
5505C and 6005C. Comparison of strength factors with those given in BS 5950 part 8 showed that
actual performance for the strength loss at the BS specified limit of 0.5% strain was equal to, or better
than, the design curves (see Figure 10.1). However, there is evidence that at temperatures in excess of
6505C Grade 450 steels do appear to deteriorate at a slightly faster rate than lower strength steels,
considered to be due to additional softening from over-tempering.

A parallel study of Grade 355 TMCR and normalised steels showed that these steels exhibit properties
which are well below those given in the BS standard, particularly at 0.5% strain. For normalised 355
steels the elevated temperature strength was lower than that of the 450 steel. It was also shown that
compositional changes in different thicknesses of grade 450 EM(Z) did not lead to significantly
different properties at elevated temperatures in terms of fire performance.

Overall, the strength of all steels will decrease with increasing temperature and at very high
temperatures most steels will show a similar performance. Since high strength steels can have
different compositions and can obtain their improved strength from a number of different
manufacturing routes it is likely that their performance at intermediate temperatures will differ
significantly. Hence data are needed for each material type, as demonstrated by the recently published
data for 355 & 455 grade steels. This is demonstrated by data from both 355MPa and 450MPa steels
showing significantly different high temperature performance, with the 450MPa steel having better
relative properties at temperature. These differences may be due to, for example, grain refinement,
which is employed to increase strength. Grain coarsening through exposure to high temperatures will
lead to reduced strength. Quenching and tempering is also one of the standard processes for
achieving high strength. The temperature range for tempering is usually 580 - 620C and further
excursions to this temperature level and above are likely to reduce strength.

No test is known on structural frameworks with a geometry similar to either tubular joints or jack-up
leg, and hence the possible loss in strength of the welded tubular high strength steel joints from
increased temperatures is not known.

Acceptance criteria for steel structural components under high temperature conditions are normally
based on retention of sufficient strength during the fire for an adequate period of time, to allow
evacuation, which is normally defined in terms of a limiting temperature, or a limiting strain or
deflection. BS 5950.Part 8 [10.2] provides data on these parameters but is limited to lower strength
steels. Some data have recently been published for a limited set of steels which shows that the
properties of this type of Q&T steel are similar to the steels covered by BS 5950 Part 8, at least up to
C. However, for even higher strength steels there appears to be no published data, which is a
significant limitation at present, and test data is required to demonstrate satisfactory high temperature

10.01 FABIG Technical Note, 'Fire Resistant design of Offshore Topside structures', Feb.1993

10.02 British Standards Institution, BS 5950, The structural use of steelwork in buildings, part 8,
code of practice for fire resistant design', 1990

10.03 Steel Construction Institute, 'Experimental data relating to the performance of steel
components at elevated temperatures', Offshore Technology report OTI 92 602, HSE Books,

10.04 FABIG Technical Meeting Note, 'New Data on Materials for use offshore', 2000
10.05 Steel Construction Institute, Elevated temperature and high strain rate properties of offshore
steels, Offshore Technology report OTO 020, 2001, HSE Books


Figure 10.1 Comparison of strength factors between
Grade 450 EMZ with those given in BS 5950 Part 8 [10.05]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature (

0.5%, BS5950:Part 8
2.0%, BS5950:Part 8
0.5%, grade 450 (25 - 75mm plate)
2.0%, grade 450 (25 - 75mm plate)
0.5%, grade 450 (6 - 16mm plate)
2.0%, grade 450 (6 - 16mm plate)

The properties of ferritic steel are strain rate sensitive and the yield stress increases as the rate of
loading is increased. The yield ratio (yield stress/ultimate tensile stress) also rises. Fracture
toughness therefore is affected by strain rate.

In terms of crack initiation, an increased yield stress promotes brittle fracture by default. The
ductile-to-brittle transition is moved to higher temperatures. Until 1987, K
testing was performed at
a nominally static loading rate, usually defined in terms of the rate of increase in the applied stress
intensity factor K
. The British Standard BS 6729:1987 Determination of the dynamic fracture
toughness of metallic materials [11.01] extended the procedures to rates of increase in K
of 10

(= 3160 MN. m
) and in CTOD of up to 150mmThe fracture toughness under these
dynamic load applications is still termed K
and for most materials the value is below the static
fracture toughness. Such values will relate to impact loading, such as collisions and dropped objects,
but do not extend to blast loading from explosions.

With dynamic conditions, crack propagation and crack arrest may also need to be considered. During
the propagation phase, a certain stress intensity needs to be applied to keep the crack in motion and
this is usually termed K
. Its value depends on the crack velocity but the dynamic toughness is
relatively insensitive to velocity, except when the crack speed approaches the limiting speed in the
material [11.02; 11.03].

The effect of the rate of strain on the mechanical properties of offshore steel has been studied by
Webster [11.04] and by the Steel Construction Institute [11.05]. In general, offshore strain rates vary
from 10
for wave loading, 10
to 10
for ship collisions, and anything from 22 to 10
blast effects. The tests on 355MPa and 450MPa steels in [11.04] showed steady increases in lower
yield stress (LYS) and the stress for 5% plastic strain as the strain rate increased from 10
to 10
but this increase was only a modest 16% for each parameter. It was pointed out that the inter-cast
variation in the steel is likely to give a greater difference than this. A greater response was observed
for the upper yield stress (UYS) because of the contribution from solute locking. Using 700MPa
pipeline steel, a steeper rise in proof stress and UTS was observed at strain rates from 0.5 to 45 s

producing increases of about 50%.

Additional work by British Steel (Corus) as part of the Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for
European Industry (SINTAP) [11.06] investigated the strain-rate corrected fracture toughness
determined from Charpy impact energy [11.05]. For strain rates from 10
to 10
the transition
temperature was predicted to rise by about 40C for 355MPa yield stress steels but this reduced to
about 5C in one model and below 20C in another when the yield stress was increased to 1000MPa.
This supports the view that the strain rate sensitivity of steels is less significant as the strength rises.

The variations in yield strength with strain rate for three weld metals with yield strengths from
415MPa to 825MPa have been correlated with fracture toughness test results, in a paper suggesting
the use of a single parameter to express the combined effects of strain-rate and temperature [11.06].
Values were computed for strain rates from approximately 10
to 1.5 x 10
. Although not
highlighted in the paper, the increase in YS was similar for all three materials (about +300MPa) and
consequently the percentage change for the high strength weld metal was appreciably lower.

Recently reported work by the Steel Construction Institute [11.06] included new tests on three
thicknesses of 450MPa Q & T steels tested at strain rates from 0.001/sec to 10/sec. These showed
that all tensile properties increased with increasing strain rate but the upper yield strength increased
more rapidly. The increases in tensile properties were greatest for the 60mm plate thickness, with the
400mm plates showing the lowest level of increase. The lower yield strength (LYS) for the 60mm
plate showed an increase of ~30% over the range of strain rates tested, whereas the increase in the YS
was higher at ~37%. The measured change in UTS was ~22%. A general equation was developed of
the form:

(d /dt)
+ j
j is the elastic limit stress (i.e. a value of 400MPa was found to give the best fit)
is the true stress (MPa at a true strain of 1)
n is the strain hardening exponent
is the proof strain
d is the pIastic strain rate/sec
m is the strain rate exponent.

Values for these coefficients are given in [11.05] for the 450MPa steel tested. In structural
engineering practice total strain is required rather than proof strain and engineering rather than true
stress. Conversion factors are given in [11.04].

The changes in stress with increasing strain rate are shown in Figure 11.1.

Although data currently appear to be relatively scarce in this area, it appears from the limited
information available that changes in the strain rate applied to steels and weld metals can result in
appreciable variation in mechanical properties and this needs to be taken into consideration in safety
assessments where high strain rates are applicable. Unfortunately there are few data for steels with
yield strengths >500MPa and hence test data are required for each specific application.

Offshore strain rates vary from 10
for wave loading, 10
to 10
for ship collisions, and up to
for blast effects. The properties of ferritic steel are strain rate sensitive and the yield stress and
the yield ratio (yield stress/ultimate tensile stress) increase as the rate of loading is increased. Strain
rate also has an effect therefore on fracture toughness. Data for the effect of strain rate on high
strength steels are limited, particularly for steel with YS >500MPa. Recent tests on 450MPa steels
showed that all tensile properties increased with increasing strain rate but the lower yield strength
(LYS) (for the 60mm thickness plate) over the range of strain rates tested (0.001/sec to 10/sec),
whereas the increase in the UTS was somewhat higher at ~37%. The measured change in UTS was

Overall, it appears from the limited information available that changes in the strain rate applied to
steels and weld metals can result in appreciable variation in mechanical properties and this needs to be
taken into consideration in safety assessments, where high strain rates are applicable.


11.01 BS 6729:1987 Determination of the dynamic fracture toughness of metallic materials,
British Standards Institution, London

11.02 Rosakis A J, and Freund L B, Optical measurement of the plane strain concentration at a
crack tip in a ductile steel plate, Journal of Engineering Materials Technology, Vol 104,
1982, pp 115-120

11.03 Anderson T L, Fracture Mechanics : Fundamentals and Applications, Section 4, Dynamic
and Time-dependent Fracture, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1991

11.04 Webster S, The Effect of Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Offshore Steels. In:
FABIG Technical Meeting on New Data on Materials for Use Offshore, 15-16 May 2000

11.05 Steel Construction Institute, Elevated temperature and high strain rate properties of offshore
steels, HSE report OTO 020, 2001, HSE Books.

11.06 Bannister A C, Determination of Fracture Toughness from Charpy Impact Energy:
Procedure and Validation, SINTAP Sub-Task 3.3 Report, British Steel plc, January 1998

11.07 Deans W F and Said M N M, Effect of Loading Rate on Fracture Toughness of Steel Weld
Metals, Res Mechanica Vol 28 (1989) pp 251-267]

Figure 11.1 Influence of strain rate for 60mm Grade 450 EM9Z plate

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Strain rate (s

2% PS
5% PS

Jack-ups, constructed from high strength steels, have been used for drilling for many decades with
generally good performance. These units have been dry docked for inspection and repair on a regular
basis. Hydrogen cracking was found in the late 1980s in some jack-ups of this type, which led to a
major research programme and guidelines on control of this type of cracking in service.

Production jack-ups have been introduced in recent years - these are on station for many years,
without the opportunity for dry dock inspection. BP Harding was installed on the UKCS in 1996, Siri
in the Danish sector in 1998, Hang Tuah in the West Natuna Sea Gas development offshore Indonesia
in 2001 and Elgin-Franklin in the UK sector in 2001

Since the Hutton tension leg platform was installed in 1984 there have been several other applications
of this concept, including Mars and Auger in deeper waters. Some data are available on the in-service
performance of the tethers in these TLPs.

This section reviews the design features and field performance of both drilling and production jack-
ups, and TLPs to provide feedback on issues that may need attention in future designs.

12.2.1 BP Harding
The BP Harding jack-up is of the TPG 500 design, weighing 23,000 tonnes, was installed in the
Harding field in 110m of water, in 1996 [12.01]. It consists of a triangular hull supported by three
125m high legs, on a fixed concrete base. This gravity base weighing 85,000 tonnes also contains
storage capacity (570,000 barrels). To improve fatigue life some 600 forged nodes were incorporated
in the legs.

The lower sections of each leg are fabricated from ~400MPa steel. The forged nodes were produced
from 400MPa Q&T steel. For the chords in seawater and the splash zone, steels with a minimum yield
strength of 450MPa were used, whilst in the air chord steels were of higher yield strength (550MPa).
The highest strength steel (700MPa) was employed in the racks.

BP Harding has voltage limiting diodes to minimise excessively negative CP levels. It is understood
that these have led to more positive potentials in practice (~ 700mv Ag/AgCl) than intended.

12.2.2 Siri
The Siri field is located in 60m of water in the Danish sector of the North Sea. It consists of a three
legged jack-up standing on the top of a steel storage tank. The tank was installed in May 1998 and the
jack-up installed some six months later. Three papers have been published giving details of Siri
[12.02, 12.03, 12.04].

The tubular legs are 104m in length, with an outer diameter of 3.5m and stand 13m deep in the tank
structure, the gap between the legs and the sleeves being grouted. The wall thickness of the legs varies
from 65 to 110mm. The lower 27m of the legs are without holes for the jacking system and are made
of 390MPa steel. The remaining parts of the legs have 460mm diameter jacking holes spaced at
1750mm and are made of high strength steel, with a minimum yield strength of 690MPa. In fact the
steel was delivered with an actual yield strength of 800MPa. In some respects this higher strength is
beneficial (restricting yielding at the holes where static strength is dominant) but has been found to be
a penalty for fatigue and fracture. CTOD tests of the heat affected zone of this high strength steel
showed that there were areas of low fracture toughness, and in particular it was found that very little
fatigue crack growth could take place before brittle fracture would occur. As a result several studies
have been undertaken on the performance of this steel and, although it has been confirmed that the
fatigue life is generally satisfactory, field inspection is necessary at an earlier stage than originally
planned. Analysis of the fatigue performance has shown that 8 circumferential leg welds, located at
the lower parts of each leg, have fatigue lives less than 200 years.

Inspection of the jack-up legs is complicated by the outer circumferential weld being ground smooth,
with no weld cap being visible to identify the location of the weld. The grinding was partly to benefit
fatigue performance but also to ensure that the legs could pass easily through the guide rings of the
jacking system. The thickness transitions are made on the inner surface of the legs and, as a result of
local bending moments, the highest fatigue stresses occur on the inner surfaces, making inspection
more difficult. Another complication for inspection is that the outer surface of each leg is coated with
hot sprayed aluminium and the inner surface painted.

Cathodic protection of the legs in seawater is provided by both conventional anodes and the sprayed
aluminium layer. It is not known at what voltage levels the protection system operates (the potential
of sprayed aluminium is in the range -850 to -900mV).

A paper presented at OMAE 2000 [12.04] described an inspection tool for the Siri legs, which
combines the benefits of ultrasonic and eddy current methods. This tool is now under development,
with both small scale and full scale trials planned to fully evaluate the tool.

12.2.3 Hang Tuah ACE Platform
This provides gas compression facilities for the West Natuna Sea Gas development offshore Indonesia
and was installed in 2001 [12.05]. It has a steel gravity base, supporting three legs manufactured in
conventional steels and a barge deck. To date, minimal details have been published on materials and
structural aspects and in-service experience is very limited to date.

12.2.4 Elgin-Franklin
The production jack-up to be placed in 92m of water in the Elgin field is the TPG 500 design, with an
overall weight of 33,000 tonnes. It will be bridge linked to a nearby well-head platform. The
triangular hull (9.8m deep) is supported by three legs, each with a spud can fixed by six piles to the
seabed. The legs are lattice type, based on three chords spaced at 17.5m centres [12.06].

The steels used in the jack-up legs are Creusot-Loire Superelso E702 and SE500, with the lower
strength steel utilised in the lower leg sections close to the seabed. As with the similar jack-up for the
Harding field, there is extensive use of forged nodes, each fabricated in half sections which are
subsequently welded together.

Cathodic protection is understood to be based on using conventional anodes, with no voltage limiting
diodes. The performance of this system has yet to be established in service.

As noted earlier, drilling jack-ups have extensive service experience offshore, in a range of water

Drilling jack-ups have suffered many accidents over the years of operation, including foundation
problems, ship collisions and fatigue. Fatigue problems have been experienced during dry tow, due to
the wind loading on the legs.

HSE has funded a review of field surveys undertaken by Lloyds Register, Det Norske Veritas and
ABS of jack-up rigs for damage and cracking [12.07]. The most extensive survey was by ABS which
included 89 jack-ups over a 21 year period. The units examined were all 3-leg jack-ups, which had
been in service over a period of years commencing between 1975 and 1992. The yield strengths of the
steels were in the range 315 to over 690MPa. The overall review included up to 2000 individual
survey reports. Of these, 309 (~15%) had spud can damage or defects noted.

Table 12.1 shows the different steel types used in the different rigs. Most defects were found at the
spud cans or on the leg connection to the can. The number of defects found was dependent on the rig
design. Overall there were 189 survey reports for the 58 Marathon Le Tourneau rigs surveyed, which
contained documented information for over 3000 spud can/leg connection defects. For the 31 Friede
& Goldman rigs surveyed, there were 646 spud/can leg connection defects. The only significant
difference between the two main types of design was defect number and length, with more defects but
a smaller average length (of 150mm) for MLT rigs compared with an average length of 380mm for
F&G rigs. This difference was considered to be mainly due to design, with the MLT design consisting
of several brackets and shear elements. Trends in damage to the spud can to leg connections were
investigated for both in-service time and operating location. The data do not indicate, surprisingly,
that operating area has a significant effect on the number and size of defects but the selection of areas
was undertaken at a coarse level.

The cause of defects was investigated. A proportion was considered to be due to either fabrication
problems, design details or re-cracking after repair. In addition, some defects were considered to be
due to extreme loads, cyclic loads or hydrogen cracking, although it proved difficult to differentiate
these causes. ABS concluded that the most likely causes of defects not due to design deficiencies were
attributed to high global loads arising from moving on location, uneven spud can loading or
submerged rocks.

In terms of steel type, most of the cracks reported were found in the Q&T low alloy steels,
particularly in the HAZ. In addition, it was found that rigs manufactured at one shipyard in North
America had a particularly high number of defects per rig year (the steel used was SS-100).

In terms of hydrogen cracking during or after welding the American Welding Society code determines
a susceptibly index(SI), which is based on the PCM
and a measure of the hydrogen environment (H
= 5,10,15, relating to extra low, low or uncontrolled hydrogen in the welding consumables). From the
calculated SI values, certain steels were deemed to be more vulnerable; these included N-30, HY-100,
& SSS-100. However, the survey data did not enable these trends to be substantiated.

In terms of in-service performance, hydrogen cracking in twelve jack-up rigs of five different types
was discovered in the late 1980s by the Department of Energy [12.08]. Surveys of two CFEM rigs
operating on the UKCS identified HAC in the HAZ of weldments at the intersection between leg
chords (fabricated with centrifugally cast steel) and the spud can top plate and at some internal
connections between bulkhead members and the abutting leg chords. Cracking was then found in
other CFEM rigs, including cracking at the external welds between leg chords and the spud can top
plates. Severe cracking was found also at the brace to chord connections up to the third horizontal
level in another similar rig (at a location where paint had been removed to enable underwater
inspection to be carried out). In addition to the CFEM rigs, HAC was found in two Hitachi rigs, in a
four legged MSC designed rig and two Marathon Le Tourneau rigs. All of these five rig types showed
damage as HAC in the HAZ adjacent to welds.

This problem led to a large research programme on this topic being funded by the Department of
Energy. The main conclusions were that the cracking was due to the presence of H
S in spud cans, too
negative cathodic protection levels and poor material selection. As a result, a number of
recommendations to control the cracking were made and published in the Department of Energy
(more recently HSE) Guidance Notes [12.09]. This included emphasis on materials selection (for
example by slow strain rate testing), welding procedures, avoidance of anaerobic conditions and
limiting the potentials from cathodic protection to minimise the generation of hydrogen. These

B 5
Cu Cr Mn
& & & & &
& &
& -
recommendations were introduced in the early 1990s but there is some uncertainty as to how
successful they have been in practice. The metallurgical influences and current status of testing are
reviewed in section 9.

It would appear from the more recent survey [12.08] referred to above, HAC has decreased since
anodes were removed from spud cans, inhibitors/biocides added and in many cases voltage limiting
diodes connected to the anodes on the legs. However, a significant amount of new cracking was
found, particularly in the surveys by ABS which were the most extensive. In this case defects were
found across all rig types. It was concluded though, that the damage was mainly due to other causes.
There was insufficient evidence to prove hydrogen-induced cracking was the cause, although a key
piece of information, the levels of cathodic protection, had not been generally measured, which seems
a significant omission. Feedback of field data is a very important aspect to understand the mechanism
of HAC in service, particularly for production jack-ups.

A review of potential tethering systems for TLPs was undertaken by BSC Research Services for the
Department of Energy in 1982 [12.10]. This considered three different types of tethers which were
wire ropes, casing steel tubulars and forged steel sections. The report highlighted a number of
concerns and identified research projects to improve knowledge on these. At the time the report was
being prepared Hutton TLP was being designed and installed two years later in 1984 using 16 high
strength steel tendons to moor the hull on site. These were thick wall shaped forgings using a pin and
box system for connection of each 10m section. The were flame sprayed with aluminium for
corrosion protection. In 1986 one tendon was removed for examination and was found to be in a good
state, although some blistering of the coating was observed, but with no measurable reduction in
coating thickness or evidence of corrosion damage. Some years later two of the tendons were
removed for physical examination, including onshore NDE inspection. No problems were identified
after several years in service.

Drilling jack-ups have extensive service experience offshore, in a range of water depths. Tension leg
platforms have been in use since 1984 with good experience. More recently production jack-ups have
been installed without the opportunity for regular dry dock inspection. In these, a number of design
features improve the performance of the high strength steels. These include the use of lower strength
steels near the seabed to minimise effects of SRBs etc. (SIRI, Elgin-Franklin) and the use of a
concrete base to both to provide storage and minimise deleterious effects near the seabed on high
strength steels (BP Harding).

The main source of field data is from drilling rigs where several defects have been found during
routine dry dock inspections. The causes of these defects vary from design and fabrication, to HAC.
The ability to repair these defects in dry dock is an important feature for the long term performance of
the high strength steels used offshore.

Control of HAC in the production jack-ups includes the use of limiting CP devices (Harding) but
some operating problems have been reported (e.g. more positive voltages than designed).
The SIRI platform uses flame sprayed aluminium to provide controlled CP and more conventional
anodes are being used to control corrosion in Elgin/Franklin, mainly because of the difficulty of
bridge linking to a nearby platform. Experience of these systems is limited to date but longer term
data will demonstrate how effective these different systems are in practice.

12.01 A new role for Jack-ups, Offshore Engineer, October 1995

12.02 Baerheim M, Manschot D, and Nortvedt T, Use of a Jack-up as a permanent installation for
the marginal SIRI field, Sixth International Jack-up conference, City University, 1997

12.03 Baerheim M, Manschot D, Olsen T, and Eide H, The SIRI production jack-up platform,
Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 1999

12.04 Chen K, Nichols N, Lalani M, Baerheim B, and Lundberg A, Fatigue & Fracture
Considerations in the reliability based inspection planning for the SIRI production jack-up
platform, OMAE Conference, New Orleans, 2000.

12.05 Jackson G, and Pennington D, Installation of the Hang Tuah ACE platform, City University
Eighth Jack-up Platform Conference, Sept. 2001, London, published by AST Press, Hove.

12.06 Thomas, P.A.' TPG 500 Production Jack-up Design', Sixth International Conference 'Jack-up
Platform', City University, Sept. 1997, AST Press, Hove

12.07 Barke J C, ' Data Surveys of hydrogen assisted cracking in high strength jack-up steels'. HSE
OTO Report 97 072, 1998

12.08 Abernethy K, Fowler C M, Jacob, R, and Davey V S, 'Hydrogen cracking of legs and spudcans
on jack-up drilling rigs - a summary of results of an investigation', HSE Report OTH 91 351,
HSE Books

12.09 Dept. of Energy/HSE, 'Offshore Installations, Guidance on Design, Construction, and
Certification', 1990, HMSO, London

12.10 British Steel Company Research Services, Dept of Energy report OT-R-8241, 1982.

Table 12.1

Steel type Min.Yield
Location Design
N-30 583/665 G/G+ Rack Marathon Le Tourneau
N-20BHT (Mo) 480/549 D/E Chord plates Marathon Le Tourneau
N-20BHT(Va) 480/549 C-D Chord plates Marathon Le Tourneau
C-23M 315/535 D-E Gussets Marathon Le Tourneau
M&M tubing 583/686 G Tubing Friede & Goldman
HY-100 686/spec G Rack chord Friede & Goldman
SSS-100 Ti 619/686 G Rack chord Friede & Goldman
SSS-100- Vn 619/686 G Rack chord Friede & Goldman


Most existing offshore installations have suffered damage and cracking from fatigue or accidental
loads, such as ship impact and dropped objects. Such damage is found through regular inspections and
repaired as required. However, most inspection and repair techniques have been developed for
medium strength steels. Differences in the structural integrity performance of high strength steels
would need to be taken into account during inspection and repair. Hence differences in the structural
integrity performance of high strength steels would need to be considered during their inspection and

Hydrogen cracking is particularly relevant to high strength steels. Such cracking is generally finer
and more heavily branched than fatigue cracking [13.01] and hence may be more difficult to detect
and size in the early stages of crack growth, using conventional NDE methods, and removal of any
coatings may be necessary. Published work has commented on the lack of data on the reliability of
inspection techniques for use underwater, for the detection of hydrogen cracking [13.01]. Visual
inspection is only likely to detect large hydrogen cracks, likely to need urgent repair.

The most widely used inspection technique for detecting fatigue cracking in fixed jackets is flooded
member detection (FMD) and visual inspection. FMD requires a through thickness crack to develop in
a welded joint, enabling an attached member to become flooded. At this stage the remaining life of the
joint is limited, both through reduced static strength and limited fatigue life. Several papers have been
published assessing the tolerance of structures to through thickness cracking [13.01; 13.02]. These
were based mainly on data for medium strength steels. In terms of estimating the residual static
strength in joints containing cracks, all of the available data are for medium strength steels. These
show that cracks at very early stages of through thickness cracking lead to a ~30% reduction in static
capacity, which is generally covered by the normal safety factors. Larger cracks produce a greater loss
in capacity, which could be significant in extreme storms, and this demonstrates the need to find
through thickness cracking at an early stage. Limited data exists on the effect of cracking in high
strength steel joints (SE 702) [13.04], mainly from a series of nine static tests performed on large pre-
cracked welded tubular joints. It was shown that the reduction in static strength compared to cracked
medium strength steels was about 5% greater. The details of these tests are discussed in section 14.
These results suggest that use of FMD for high strength steel joints may require careful assessment of
the consequences of extreme wave loading on heavily cracked joints.

Repair of cracked or damaged members of joints has been undertaken using a range of techniques,
from underwater welding, grouted or mechanical clamps, or grout filling of members [13.04]. Most
cracked joints in jack-ups have been repaired in dry dock using conventional welding procedures.
Underwater repair of damaged high strength steel components in production jack-ups may require the
development of special techniques.

The use of clamps for repair of high strength steels joints is unlikely to be different from experience
with medium strength steels, particularly as the clamp is normally designed to carry the full load
across the damaged component. Experience of underwater welding of high strength steel components
is very limited, particularly offshore, and hence a large amount of test data and trials are likely to be
required to approve the process for use in practice. However, underwater weld repair of X70 pipeline
steels has been carried out satisfactorily.

Most data relevant to inspection and repair offshore have been developed from medium strength
steels, although there is some limited experience in welding high strength steels pipeline materials
underwater. Inspection of hydrogen cracking using conventional NDE method is highlighted as being
more difficult to detect and size in the early stages of crack growth. There are some limited data for
the static capacity of high strength tubular joints containing through thickness cracks relevant to using
flooded member detection. This shows a slightly greater loss of strength than for medium strength
steels under extreme wave loading. In practice, underwater repair of steels with yield strengths
>500MPa is likely to require some specific test date for that steel before safe offshore application can

13.01 Abernethy K, Fowler C M, Jacob R and Davey V S, Hydrogen cracking of legs and spudcans
on jack-up drilling rigs a summary of results of an investigation, HSE Report OTH 91 351,
HSE Books.

13.02 Sharp J V, Stacey A, and Wignall C M, Structural Integrity Management of Offshore
Installations based on Inspection for Through Thickness Cracks, OMAE Conference, Lisbon,

13.03 Sharp J V, and Stacey A, Risk Management of Through Thickness Cracks in Offshore Fixed
Structures, ISOPE Conference, Brest, June 1999.

13.04 Abernethy K, Fowler C M, Jacob R, and Davey V S, Hydrogen cracking of legs and spudcans
on jack-up drilling rigs a summary of results of an investigation, HSE Report OTH 91 351,
HSE Books.

13.05 Sharp J V, Nixon J H, Billingham J, and Richardson I M, Review of the Technology of
Deepwater Repairs for Offshore Structures, BOSS conference, Delft, 1997.

The structural design of components is dependent on material properties, to ensure that there is an
adequate margin of safety. This margin is usually reflected in allowable stresses being a proportion of
the yield or ultimate stress, to ensure that tensile stresses are confined to the elastic region of the
stress-strain curve. The design of some offshore components is more complex, e.g. tubular joints,
where current design formulae include the UTS as a parameter. However most offshore codes also
include a restriction on higher strength steels, limiting the design value of either the yield or ultimate
stress, through the yield ratio (ratio of yield to ultimate strength). In addition, current codes and
standards recommend a limit of Re/10 for Charpy toughness but associated with a low temperature
of -60C (see section 6). The design of individual components will be assessed in the rest of this

In terms of material properties, member buckling strength is governed by yield stress. The data which
have been used to generate the design formulae are for medium strength steels and, for example, the
draft ISO standard [14.01] includes the warning that application of the recommendations to higher
strength steels (>500MPa) may lead to unconservative results. The ISO draft standard also provides a
recommendation that the maximum value of yield to ultimate strength should not exceed 0.85; also
the strain at the ultimate tensile strength should be at least 20 times the strain at the onset of yield.
Many high strength steels have yield ratios exceeding 0.85 and the strain requirement may also be
difficult to meet for these steels.

As already noted in section 3.3 and Chapter 4, the static capacity is proportional to the material UTS.
The capacity equations have been developed from test data, almost all of which are from joints
fabricated from steels with yield strengths <500MPa. Historically there has been a concern that the
use of these equations to determine the strengths of joints with chords with higher yield strengths may
result in lower post yield reserve strengths, which is the basis for joint design. There is therefore a
requirement that the yield stress of the chord (in calculating the ultimate joint capacity) should not
exceed a factor times the tensile strength of the chord for materials with a specified minimum yield
strength of 500MPa or less.

As noted in section 3.3 and Chapter 4, this factor varies from 0.67 for the API code [14.02] to 0.7 for
HSE Guidance [14.03]. Hence, as noted in section 3.3, current codes and standards which are used
for the design of high strength steel joints do limit the benefit of using these steels in practice. The
draft ISO standard [14.01] is proposing increasing this limit to 0.8, which could benefit the use of
high strength steels offshore, although the draft standard also recommends that demonstration of
adequate toughness is also a requirement for this limit to be extended. For tension loading there is
some suggestion that the limit of 0.8 is unconservative [14.04] (based on very limited results) and that
a lower limit of yield ratio may be appropriate (see section 3 and chapter 4).

As noted in section 4, a draft ISO standard [14.01] is being finalised which is expected to provide the
way forward in future offshore standards. Table 14.1 lists the approach being taken in this towards
the use of high strength steels. It can be seen that for steels with yield strengths over 500MPa most of
the equations in the draft standard have limited applicability and in many cases test data are required
to justify the use of high strength steels, with a consequent increase in cost and time. These
limitations, necessary in view of the limited data available for high strength steels, are likely to
continue to hinder the more widespread use of high strength steels offshore.


14.01 ISO Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries, Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, ISO 19902, to be

14.02 API Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing & constructing Fixed Offshore
Platforms, 20
edition, 1993

14.03 HSE/D.Energy, Offshore Installations Guidance on Design, Construction & Certification,
1990, HMSO, London

14.04 Nichols N W, private communication

Table 14.1 - Approach in ISO 19902 to medium & high strength steels

Component/ Material restriction Design limitation
Yield strength used in
capacity equation limited by
yield to ultimate ratio 0.85
Yield strength less than or
equal to 500MPa
Strain at the ultimate tensile
strength should be at least 20
times the strain at the onset
of yield
Member - buckling
Yield strength > 500 MPa No design recommendations
Yield stress of the chord (in
calculating the ultimate joint
capacity) should not exceed
0.8 times the tensile strength
of the chord
Yield strength less than or
equal to 500MPa
Yield strength used in
equations limited by a yield
to ultimate ratio 0.85, for
compressive loading
Joint - ultimate strength
Yield strength > 500MPa Capacity equations for
compressive loading can be
used with a limiting yield to
ultimate ratio of 0.8, but
dependent on material
having demonstrated
adequate ductility in HAZ &
parent plate.
Yield strength less than
Equations provided to
calculate fatigue life
Joint - fatigue life
Yield strength >500MPa Equations provided are not
applicable, test data or
fracture mechanics to be
Corrosion Protection Steels with specified min.
yield strength >720MPa
Special considerations
required for cathodic
protection. Any welding or
fabrication shall be carried
out to qualified procedures
which limits hardness to


Use of High Strength Steels
"# There is an increasing use of HSS offshore, particularly in topside applications, but increasingly
also in structures. Drilling jack-ups have been in use for many years, with satisfactory
performance. Production jack-ups are a relatively new application with demanding requirements.

Mechanical Properties & Weldability
"# As a result of recent developments, steels are now available with good combinations of high
strength and toughness. However each steel grade has a range of yield strengths, a factor which is
not fully recognised in design. There is a better understanding of welding requirements and
welding of 450 grade steels is now routine. More work is required on improving the welding of
higher strength steels and high strength welding consumables. On weld mismatch, there is an
increasing problem with steels with YS > 600MPa, with a limited availability of suitable high
strength weld metals to achieve the required degree of overmatching.

Codes & Standards
"# In general current codes and standards do not cover steels with yield strengths greater than
500MPa, which limits their use offshore.
"# Yield ratio is recognised as important but is a limited single measure of a complex process,
concerning the plastic behaviour of HSS. Most high strength steels ($
> 500MPa) have yield
ratios close to or greater than 0.85, which is in excess of the current design limits in codes and
standards of 0.67 or 0.7 that apply to tubular joints. It is likely that these current limits will be
relaxed to 0.8, particularly for lower strength steels (<500MPa), but some concerns remain about
the treatment of YR for higher strength steels and particularly tubular joints in tension. A better
understanding of this parameter or the development of an alternative measure is required.

"# Most current high strength steels have adequate toughness to give satisfactory performance
offshore in both parent material and HAZ regions. Some problems of consistency in toughness
can arise with very high strength weld metals.
"# Some concerns have been raised about the sole use of Charpy data (from tests at a given
temperature) for assurance of toughness in HSS. The measure provided in current codes and
standards, based on Charpy values being not less than Re/10, may be too simplistic, and a fracture
mechanics approach would be preferred. A correlation between such data and fracture mechanics
parameters is needed for currently available steels.

"# The fatigue strength for a given life does not improve in direct proportion to yield strength.
Limited data indicate that some HSS have a fatigue life performance in seawater comparable to
medium strength structural steels, under normal cathodic protection conditions. The much larger
amount of air data shows a generally good fatigue performance, comparable to that of
conventional medium strength steels. Crack propagation rates are also similar to medium strength
structural steels, at a similar stress range.
"# Some concerns still remain on the fatigue performance of HSS in seawater at high negative
cathodic protection potentials when significant amounts of hydrogen are generated based on very
limited data. Poor fatigue performance also results when hydrogen sulphide is present, even in
small amounts, but there are limited data to quantify this.
"# More data are still required for confident predictions of fatigue performance under a range of
practical CP conditions; in the meanwhile producing test data for candidate high strength steels
would appear to be the best approach.
"# Weld improvement techniques offer significantly enhanced fatigue performance by delaying
fatigue crack initiation for HSS. Some limited data show significant enhancement of properties
but there are cost implications and concerns about proving the technique in practice. Further work
is required to enable this benefit to be used more widely in practice.

Cathodic Protection & Hydrogen Embrittlement
"# Due to the increased sensitivity of HSS to hydrogen compared to medium strength steels more
positive CP potentials are required in practice to ensure good field performance. Typical
recommended values are more positive than 830Mv (Ag/AgCl).
"# The use of voltage limiting diodes, as recommended by HSE, has shown some problems in
practice and further work is required to establish clear design procedures.
"# The availability of more positive potential anodes (e.g. those including gallium) may provide a
better solution but field evaluation is required.
"# Some codes and standards require protection potentials to be controlled in a narrow band (-770 to
830mV(Ag/AgCl)) which is extremely difficult to achieve in practice.
"# The recommended technique for the testing of steels for hydrogen embrittlement (slow strain rate
testing) is relatively quick to use but poorly defined, providing only a limited guide to
performance in practice. The benchmarking of HSS against the performance of medium strength
steels in seawater with CP (using slow strain rate testing) has limited value. A better defined test
procedure is required for this important requirement of selecting suitable steels for minimal
hydrogen sensitivity, probably based on fracture mechanics.

High Temperature Properties
"# There is very little data on the high temperature properties of the type of high strength steels used
offshore. Limited data at intermediate strength levels (450MPa) have indicated comparable
performance to that specified in BS5950 Part 8. However, more data are required in order to give
greater confidence in materials selection and, at present, test data are required to demonstrate
satisfactory performance.

High Strain Rate Properties
"# Offshore strain rates can vary over a very wide range from wave loading (10
) to 10
6 s
blast effects. Fracture toughness, yield stress, UTS and hence yield ratio vary with strain rate.
Unfortunately very little data exist for high strength steels (>450MPa). However, the limited data
available indicates that mechanical properties can vary significantly with increasing strain rate
and this needs to be taken into account in safety assessments, using test data where necessary.

Field performance
"# Drilling jack-ups have extensive service experience, with generally good performance, but rely on
regular dry dock inspection. Many of these older designs use HSS with poorer properties than
those available with current HSS. The problem of hydrogen embrittlement is being addressed by
more careful use of CP, use of biocides and in some cases by specifically using voltage limiting
diodes to limit the range of negative potentials from CP. However cracking has been found in
these jack-ups, even when the recommended measures for control of HAC have been
implemented. The causes remain unclear as in most cases corrosion potentials in the field have
not been measured. Hence, the success of these measures in practice still has to be proven.
"# Production jack-ups (without the opportunity for dry dock inspection) have been deployed only
since 1996, and hence have limited field experience to date. In these applications careful design
has ensured HSS are not used in sensitive regions for hydrogen damage, e.g. close to the seabed.
A range of CP options has been or is being used (voltage limiting diodes, coatings, conventional
CP system); experience will provide guidance on their performance in practice. The design of
these jack-ups is such that topside loading ensures mainly compressive loadings in the legs, and
at critical nodes, with benefits to fatigue life.

Design Restrictions
"# As already noted, most current codes and standards do not cover HSS with yield strengths
>500MPa. The draft ISO standard which has been prepared over the last few years does not
improve on this position. The DNV code, however, does provide limited guidance for such steels.
The use of HSS in practice therefore generally requires the provision of test data, which is costly
and time consuming.
"# The current restriction on yield ratio in codes and standards for tubular joints (0.67 0.7) does
limit the use of HSS in practice. However, this limit is likely to be increased to 0.8 for HSS in
tubular joints in compression.
"# The management of high strength steels in seawater with CP is a key issue which needs to be
addressed by further test evaluations and the establishment of preferred design parameters.
"# In-service underwater inspection for hydrogen cracking needs further consideration as there is
very limited experience to date. Repair methods for high strength steels under water may also
need further development..


In some offshore structural components (e.g. flanges and repair clamps), threaded fasteners are the
primary means of transferring loads across the connector. Materials for such fasteners are usually
selected on the basis of yield and ultimate strength, ductility and performance in seawater (e.g.
corrosion resistance etc.), resistance to embrittlement, loss of stress due to relaxation and creep. Bolts
and fasteners are normally pre-tensioned to a given level to provide resistance to disengagement and
to increase fatigue performance.

Typical fastener/bolt materials are Grade 8.8, B7 and L7 steels, with yield strengths in the range 630-
800MPa. The draft ISO standard [A1.01] recommends that the yield strength should be limited to
725MPa to avoid potential stress corrosion cracking. In addition the standard recommends that the
level of cathodic protection should be -900mV +/- 50mV(Ag/AgCl).

Fatigue of fasteners is a significant design requirement. Until recently most fatigue data for such
components was based on air testing. Recent tests have established new criteria, including the
performance in seawater.

The British Standard 7608 [A1.02] includes an S-N curve for bolts in air which is presented in the
form of log (N) versus constant - log (S/UTS), where S is the stress range and UTS the ultimate
strength of the steel. It is found that this curve is conservative provided the UTS is limited to a
maximum value of 785MPa. The recommended S-N Curve in the draft ISO standard [A1.01] for air

Log N = 11.55 - 3log Sr

where Sr is the stress range in the bolt or fastener.

A thickness effect has also been found and is presented as a factor on stress, which is :

F = (d/20)
, where d is the diameter of the fastener in mm.

A difference in fatigue performance has been found for bolts with threads which are cut or rolled. If
rolling is carried out before heat treatment then the fatigue performance is similar to that observed for
cut threads. If the heat treatment is after the rolling then improved life was observed.

For fatigue performance in a seawater environment with cathodic protection recent tests [A1.03] have
shown that bolts of grades 8.8, B7 and L7 show a significant loss of fatigue life in seawater, relative
to air performance. The draft ISO standard recommends a reduction factor of 3 on life for adequate
cathodic protection in the range -850 to -1000mV (Ag/AgCl). For higher grade steels a
recommendation is made that both the fatigue performance and the hydrogen embrittlement
sensitivity should be addressed through a validated test programme.

The above concerns expressed in the draft ISO standard [A1.01] arise from some additional tests
which have been undertaken on grade 12.9 bolts with a specified minimum yield strength of 1060MPa
[A1.03]. Results from seawater testing of these bolts showed a more significant reduction in life
compared to air performance, with reduction factors of about 5.4 for freely corroding conditions and
4.5 for cathodic protection (at -850mV).



1.A1 ISO ' Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries, 'Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, ISO CD19902,
to be published

1.A2 BS 7608 Fatigue Design and Assessment of Steel Structures, BSI, London, 1993

1.A3 MaTSU 'Fatigue Performance of Threaded Connections in air and seawater environments -
derivation of S-N curves', MATR 0425 report, 1997.


Design Rules
< 0.67 "
design capacity

> 0.67 "
design capacity 0.67

Case 1
Compare SteeI A
= 540MPa YR = 0.66
Design capacity
= 355

with SteeI B
550MPa (1.5 x
of SteeI A)
= 610MPa YR = 0.9
Design capacity 0.67
= 0.67 x 610 = 403, i.e. only 13% increase in capacity when yield strength
has increased by 50%

Case 2
Compare SteeI C
= 562MPa YR = 0.8
Design capacity = 0.67 x 562 = 375

with SteeI D
675MPa (1.5 x SteeI C)
= 733MPa YR = 0.92
Design capacity = 0.67 x 733 = 489, i.e. design capacity has increased by 30% when yield strength
has increased by 50%.

Case 3
Compare SteeI E
= 540MPa YR = 0.66
Design capacity = 355

with SteeI F
390MPa (i.e. 10 increase in yieId strength)
= 520MPa
YR = 0.75
Design capacity = 0.67 x 520 = 348, i.e. design capacity of steel F is 2.5% lower than that of steel E
even though the yield strength is 10% higher.


Plastic deformation in part of a structure represents a permanent change of shape and is a method of
absorbing energy. All phases of steel except austenite are capable of undergoing a ductile-to-brittle
transition as the temperature is reduced because of the increasing difficulty in undergoing plastic
deformation. In structures, it is the behaviour of the steel in the presence of a notch, crack, stress
concentrator, etc. that is important.

The Charpy V-notch impact energy represents the resistance of the material to impact loading in the
presence of a standardised stress concentration, by recording the energy absorbed (Joules) from the
pendulum by the specimen [6.A1]. Charpy results, however, cannot be considered to be directly
relevant to structural behaviour. This is because the extent of plastic deformation can depend on
the geometry and the strain rate as well as the temperature. The geometric effect is not related to
the extra mechanical deformation of rolling required to reduce the thickness of the plate or section
(although this plays a role). It is related to the local three-dimensional stressing, normally termed the
stress state, for which the extremes are plane stress and plane strain.

Fracture mechanics tests (K tests, crack tip opening displacement and J-integral tests) have the
advantage that they can use the full structural thickness to determine the toughness. The fracture
toughness value that is calculated from these tests [6.A2; 6.A3] is quite different, in both concept and
in terms of units (N.m
), from the Charpy impact toughness. The fracture toughness value of
ferritic steel also exhibits a ductile-to-brittle transition as the test temperature is reduced but
the transition temperature for fracture mechanics tests of different geometries will be different
from each other and different from the Charpy transition curve. The transition temperature range
may also differ.

Where crack propagation involves plastic deformation at the crack tip region, the energy of
deformation has to be repeated at each stage of crack advance. However, if a brittle cleavage crack
begins to propagate, it is not easy to stop it and relatively little deformation energy is expended even
in large cross-sections. The problem is likely to be compounded because the larger sections will tend
to generate plane strain conditions and restrict plastic deformation, i.e. give constrained yielding,
because of the geometry.

Full-scale tests such as wide plate tests use the correct thickness and may retain more residual stress
but may not exhibit the correct geometry. In addition, the choice of crack size and shape can
effectively determine the amount of plasticity and whether or not a brittle fracture occurs. The tests,
therefore, are useful for assessing the performance of a known flaw but are
relatively expensive ways of determining a toughness value. The correlation between wide plate and
smaller-scale standardised fracture mechanics tests is well established and the corrections required for
crack geometry changes are backed up by calculations using finite element methods.


Charpy tests give a comparison between different materials using a relatively cheap standardised test
that can be applied to different steel compositions, different batches, and different regions across a
welded joint. An upper shelf value is obtained when the failure occurs by only a ductile process,
and improving the upper shelf Charpy energy improves the resistance of a structure to a running
ductile failure. Reducing the transition temperature usually, but not always, implies an improved
margin of reserve against brittle fracture of a structure. The uncertainty arises because the effects of
geometry and strain rate vary with material.

The specification of Charpy impact values in offshore applications relates more to proven past
experience with comparable steels and weld metals than to any design-related criteria.

In the early days of offshore construction, a common specification for Charpy values was 20ft-lbs
(27J) at -30C and 30ft-lbs at -20C. It was quickly recognised that the offshore industry was using
thicker steel plates as production moved to deeper water and this introduced the possibility of
significant residual stresses from welds, which could influence the stress state in the structure.

Since Charpy values do not reflect this increased risk of fracture, the 1982 Code of Practice for
Fixed Offshore Structures (BS 6235:1982) [6.A4] gave guidance on the Charpy test temperature at
which an average of 27J should be recorded, according to plate thickness and design temperature
[Figure A6.1]. The Department of Energys document, Offshore installations: Guidance on design
and construction [6.A5], used the same approach but simplified the diagram by specifying a 27J
requirement for weld metal and Grade 43 steel and a 34J (25ft-lbs) requirement for Grade 50 steel.
The 1990 version [6.A6] of these guidance notes required 36J from 355MPa steels. For steels up to
100mm thick, the test temperature at which the specified energy should be achieved varied from
-205C to -405C depending on material thickness, location, welded state and whether stress-relieved.
For steels above 100mm thick, it was recommended that the test temperature be agreed with the
certifying authorities.

Essentially, this procedure uses a temperature displacement for the onset of fracture in 10mm Charpy
specimens to compensate for the constraint on generating plasticity in thicker sections subjected to a
triaxial state of stress.

Impact toughness requirements for steel with SMYS above 355MPa were by agreement between
parties. The corresponding requirements for welded steel bridges (BS 5400:1982) placed an upper
limit on steel thickness according to strength and grade [6.A7]. Alternatively, enhanced Charpy
requirements for greater thickness (t mm) could be sought according to


where R
is the specified minimum yield stress (SMYS) of the steel in MPa and the impact energy C

is in Joules. The 355 value is the SMYS for the traditional Grades 50D and 50E steel, permitting
adjustment for other BS 4360 steel grades.

The ratio of yield stresses in the above equation reflects the fact that a high strength steel is likely to
carry a proportionally higher load and therefore requires a proportionally higher energy absorbing

Norwegian Rules for the Design, Construction and Inspection of Offshore Structures (DnV 1977,
corrected 1981) dealt with the interaction between thickness, yield strength and toughness in a slightly
different way [6.A8]. Like most of the offshore procedures, it dealt with thickness effects by means
of an offset in the Charpy test temperature, rather than scaling the required value C
with a
thickness-related factor such as (t


Impact toughness requirements for base metal, heat affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal were the
same. A temperature offset for testing was specified in relation to the design temperature, and the
required Charpy energy level was linked to the SMYS of the steel. 27J was required from
longitudinal specimens for steels with yield stress up to 275MPa, then the requirements rose linearly
to 39J for 390MPa steel. There was also a minimum toughness requirement for transverse
specimens, rising from 18J to 26J [6.A8]. [Figure A6.2] This requirement relates to the fact that
inclusions, especially manganese sulphides and silicates, can become elongated as a result of rolling.
In a transverse specimen, the crack propagates in a longitudinal direction and so the weakly-bonded
inclusions can offer a low-energy path for part of the crack.

For simplicity, the above requirements are now usually expressed as R
/10, so that the required
longitudinal impact toughness in Joules is equal to one tenth of the SMYS in MPa, and the required
transverse value is taken as two thirds of this. This appears to relate directly to the experience that
20ft-lbs (27J) at -30C had been adequate for grade 43 steels with SMYS of 275MPa and the design
assumption that higher strength steels carry a proportionally higher load.


Early specifications for the offshore industry related only to steel with a SMYS of 355MPa that was
produced by the normalisation route. The metallurgy therefore comprised a fine ferritic matrix with
some pearlite consistent with a low C, leanly alloyed C-Mn steel. Further tempering as a result of
welding or post weld heat treatment was likely to have relatively little effect on the ductile-to-brittle
Charpy transition. However, care was required for the weld metal and heat affected zone regions that
had been sufficiently heated to undergo a phase change as a result of welding, as these parts could
produce the inherently brittle martensite structure if cooled sufficiently quickly.

The Charpy test was essentially a verification of an acceptable microstructure in these normalised
steels. The specification increased the probability of initiating a cleavage fracture by Charpy testing
at a low temperature. If the product avoided brittleness (by absorbing at least 27J of energy for
example), the implication was that those microstructures that were most at risk of undergoing fracture
because of triaxial loading and geometric constraint were absent.

The yield strength of steel can be enhanced further by thermo-mechanically controlled rolling and
processing (TMCR and TMCP) to produce ultra-fine ferritic structures without the need for the reheat
cycle of normalisation; but there is a limitation on the thickness of the product due to the requirements
for rolling deformation. Products with SMYS around 450MPa were produced specifically for
offshore structural use and generally exhibited excellent impact toughness, both in plate and HAZ,
and low transition temperatures (frequently below -80C). The weldability was also excellent. Some
concerns were expressed about HAZ softening from grain growth but this appeared to be
counter-balanced by local strain hardening and no marked loss in impact toughness.

Higher strength steel is usually manufactured using the quench-and-temper (Q & T) route. This
produces a fundamentally different microstructure from the normalisation route. The quench
produces a finely-structured martensite or bainite product that is usually stronger than required and is
too brittle for direct use. The tempering reduces the strength, relieves some of the residual stress and
improves the notch toughness. The repeatability of the quenching and the control of the tempering
have important influences on the mechanical properties from plate to plate. As a consequence, when
examining the impact test results from a single batch of steel, the transition temperature range tends to
be wider and there can be appreciable scatter in recorded impact energy values in this range for some
high strength steels.

An estimate of the linear elastic toughness (i.e. the plane strain fracture toughness K
) made from
correlations with Charpy V-notch impact test data from the appropriate material microstructure is
permitted in current BSI defect assessment methodology [6.A9]. However, it is pointed out that the
majority of correlations relate only to ferritic steel plates, and that caution is required if using mean
value or tolerance curve correlations rather than lower bound relationships. The first of two
relationships in the document is intended as a lower-bound to known experimental results for
determining K
from the temperature displacement from a selected Charpy impact energy. It is based
on lower-bound data for ASTM A533 Type B steel. Data on other steels and weld metals have been
shown to fall above this lower-bound curve, with the exception of some thick section tests on pressure
vessel steels. The second relationship imposes an upper limit to the toughness obtained by the
correlation, and it is known that this may not always be conservative for assessing flaws in heat
affected zone regions of BS4360 steels.

The implication therefore remains that it is preferable to determine directly the fracture toughness of
the appropriate material for parent steel and weld regions when utilising higher strength steel.


A6.4.1 Brittle Materials
Fracture mechanics has evolved from studies of cracking in inherently brittle material. A material
containing a crack under tensile loading, which is usually the most severe mode, experiences a rising
applied stress intensity factor K
as the load increases. In the simple geometry of an infinite plate
containing a centre crack of length 2a that goes all the way through the plate thickness, a first-order
approximation to it is given by

2 3
eff app app
a . K -

where $
is the stress generated by the Ioad in the absence of the crack, and
is the effective crack
Iength parameter`. For eIastic faiIure (e.g. gIass at Iow temperature),
is exactly the same as the
half-crack length a. Most engineering materials exhibit some plastic deformation in the crack tip
region before failure - good toughness being a selection criterion to promote structural safety - and

is then somewhat larger than the measured value of a to correct for the plasticity. Failure is
expected when K
reaches the fracture toughness of the material. In reality, reserve factors are
required to improve confidence in the safety, hence failure is usually conceded at lower applied stress
intensity levels [6.A9].

The (apparent) fracture toughness K
is not a constant. Its value depends on stress state
(geometry), strain rate and temperature. The plane strain fracture toughness K
(for tensile mode
I loading) depends only on strain rate and temperature: it is determined in practice when plane strain
dominates the stress state and is regarded as the lower bound for a given temperature and strain rate.
is sometimes called the materials toughness in an attempt to distinguish it from the higher
apparent fracture toughness values.

Although the intended structural loading may be just simple uniaxial tension, the redistribution of
stress in the vicinity of a stress concentration will result locally in stresses in at least two directions
and for thick sections or complex geometries a significant amount of triaxial stressing can be
produced. The surface layers will always be in plane stress but a crack in a thick section may
experience plane strain conditions in the central regions.

In the absence of plasticity, the difference in toughness caused by a change in the elastic stress state
between plane stress and plane strain is relatively small (around 10% and relates to (1-9
) where 9 =
Poissons ratio). However, plastic deformation and strain hardening capabilities are desirable
protection against overload for engineering structures.

When plasticity is expected, a move towards plane strain can significantly delay the onset of
plasticity until higher applied loads and reduce the spread of plasticity in the crack tip region. The
apparent toughness K
from a small-scale test then easily can be more than twice the K
[Figure A6.3]. It is therefore important that the fracture toughness value chosen to characterise the
structure, or a specific region of it, is obtained for a representative stress state.

K test methodology recommends the use of standardised specimens where the geometry ensures that
the thickness dimension is the principal factor controlling the state of stress. The geometry employs
deep straight-fronted cracks in order to generate a high level of constraint on any plastic deformation,
in an attempt to generate the minimum value of the fracture toughness for that particular thickness.
The calculation of fracture toughness is based on elasticity theory corrected for small amounts of
plastic deformation. For more ductile materials, similar geometry can be used but the calculations are
based on elasto-plastic theory.

A6.4.2 Ductile materials
As crack tip pIasticity increases, the error in caIcuIating toughness using
corrections to elastic
equations for critical K
values increases and therefore elasto-plastic parameters are preferred. The
most common are J-integral (J) and crack tip opening displacement (CTOD or 1) which are used to
characterise crack initiation (i.e. when the crack starts to move). Resistance curves (R-curves) can be
constructed from any fracture toughness parameter to deal with slow stable crack propagation but this
concept is not usually applicable to offshore structures because of the dynamic loading.

J-integral has units of energy. The critical value J
for a given stress state, strain rate and
temperature is related to the apparent toughness but extends the range of calculation beyond that
where elasticity-based K
values are accurate, hence it is usual to denote critical toughness derived
from J tests as K
. The fundamental relationship is

J E K : 4

where E' = E (Youngs modulus) in plane stress and E' = E /(1-9
) in plane strain.

values, however, are at variance with the normal suffix coding and refer to the initiation of
cracking caused by an instability in ductile micro-void coalescence (tearing) at the crack tip in mode I
loading and do not imply that the values relate to plane strain conditions.

CTOD is a displacement between crack faces at the crack tip. Almost always it is a calculated value
derived from crack mouth measurements. When the displacement results in a critical event at the
crack tip, the CTOD value characterises the fracture and is related to the toughness but by itself it is
not a fracture toughness value. If using CTOD, it is important to notice that it is the critical value of
.1) that relates to fracture toughness K
and not just the displacement 1
. It is usual to use 1

and 1
to signify fracture without prior tearing, fracture resulting from a slow-stable tear becoming
unstable and the point where ductile tearing initiated. For a ductile material, these events may not
be detected and the CTOD calculation may use the (first appearance of) maximum load value, which
should be quoted as 1
. This value depends on the geometry of the test specimen, is not linked to a
fracture event and so does not characterise fracture. In the derivation of CTOD, it was assumed that
crack tip plasticity was small scale, and under these conditions the relationship is

. .m. E K : -

where K
is the toughness (written as K
unless the conditions qualify as plane strain, in which case
is K
), E' = E (Youngs modulus) in plane stress and E' = E /(1-9
) in plane strain, m = a
magnification factor taken as 1 in plane stress and 2 in plane strain, $
is the uniaxial yield stress and
is the critical value of CTOD (which can be 1
or 1
). In practice, usually the stress state is not
known, so there is an iterative loop to establish whether plane strain applied to the experimental value
is evaluated assuming plane strain, and then a minimum dimension B
is evaluated from

. 2 B

If the actual specimen thickness B (and other specified measurements) are greater or equal to B
the calculated toughness value K
can be quoted as K
rather than K

The magnification factor m effectively gives the local constraint on yielding, (m.$
) and its value is
not readily determined. Flaw assessment procedures, therefore, should not attempt to compare K (and
) test values with CTOD quality requirements, or vice versa.

Wide Plate Tests are usually full-thickness samples about 1 metre square, but there is no standardised
size, shape or method of production for the crack. The test is regarded as a full-size test that therefore
is likely to be more representative of structural behaviour than the smaller fracture mechanics tests.
This may be true in terms of residual stress fields for welded plates, and stress redistribution around a
crack, but it is not always understood that the choice of crack geometry can have a significant
influence on the result obtained. Wide plate tests therefore can be used to simulate behaviour where
the crack geometry is known although it may be necessary to move away from the simple plate
geometry to something that better models the structure. However, it is important to realise that wide
plate test results have been used extensively in the validation of correction factors for geometry and
plasticity in defect assessment procedures. These procedures enable small-scale fracture tests to be
used, and permit calculations of the effect of different levels of residual stress to be made [6.A9].


In general, recent modern steel-making developments for structural steels that produce ultra-fine
grained low alloy products have much-improved upper-shelf toughness and significantly lower
transition temperatures for the same thickness compared with the older products of comparable

To increase the strength of a weldable steel, the options are to reduce the grain size, to increase the
alloy content and to produce an inherently stronger crystal structure (martensite, bainite). Refining
the grain size is the best option, because toughness is improved as well as strength. Grain growth
controllers are required in weldable steels, to prevent significant diffusional grain growth and hence
loss of strength in the grain-coarsened HAZ regions. Q & T steels combine crystal structure change
with fine grains. Fracture toughness tests, which relate to initiation of crack movement, are
particularly likely to show scatter in the transition region when the microstructure is variable.
Increasing the alloy content also tends to reduce toughness while increasing strength. A potential
problem exists in these steels as a consequence of local precipitation changes in the HAZ regions of
welds, also producing scatter in fracture toughness values. Regions causing this scatter have been
called local brittle zones or LBZs.

Another potential difficulty relates to the steepness of the fracture toughness transition from ductile to
brittle behaviour in some modern high strength steels. As the size of the test-piece is increased, the
constraint on yielding increases in the centre. The transition temperature moves towards higher
temperatures but at the same time the upper shelf (apparent) toughness levels increase and the
transition tends to occur over a narrower range of temperature (but usually with scatter). [See Figure
6.1]. Because of the variety of microstructures available for high strength steels and the increased
levels of loading, it seems likely that the gradient of the transition curve may vary considerably
among different steels and for different thicknesses. This may have important implications for the
degree of safety (or degree of conservatism) when relying on toughness verification by Charpy impact
testing of high strength steels. The customary values for the temperature offset (between the Charpy
test temperature and the design temperature of the structure) may no longer be equally applicable to
all high strength steels.


Higher strength steels offer the possibility of weight reduction. Because of the thinner sections, there
also may be cost benefits in terms of reduced welding. To maximise these gains when switching to
higher strength steel, the design stress is increased by the same ratio as the yield strength increased. It
is not immediately clear what requirement should be sought for the new toughness. There is also a
further problem. Unless the resistance of the new material to mechanisms of crack growth, such as
fatigue and stress corrosion cracking, also shows a comparable level of improvement, there now
appears to be a disadvantage in having a reduced cross-section of steel. This is a result of maximising
the structural stress level.

To exploit the potential benefits of high strength steels more fully, it may be necessary to establish a
better combination in terms of stressing, resistance to fatigue etc and fracture toughness. Industry
tends to utilise a design stress that is a particular fraction f of the specified minimum yield stress, such
that $
= f.$
. Moving to high strength steel at a slightly reduced value of f still permits higher
applied stresses to be carried by the structure and the fatigue prognosis of the high strength steel
has been improved as a result of the change in f.

The detail of such changes needs to be checked using recognised engineering critical assessment
procedures such as BS 7910:1999 [6.A9]. However, the following section may be helpful in
illustrating the approximate changes that can be expected from adjustments to some of the parameters.

If a high strength steel of SMYS ($
is being considered as an alternative to a more conventional
steel of SMYS ($
then the associated changes in fracture toughness requirements can be estimated
from the basic relationships. These can be related to the design stress expressed here as a fraction f of
the yield stress. For clarity, plane stress conditions are shown, and the suffix letters indicating critical
conditions are omitted (i.e. K
is shown as K).

The basic relationships give
2 3
2 3
f. .
and . J
- 4 4

Youngs modulus E is normally assumed to be the same for engineering steels. However, the yield
stress $
varies with the steel, heat treatment etc. If using CTOD, it is important to notice that it is
the critical value of ($
.1) that relates to fracture toughness K and not just the displacement 1.
Selecting a higher yield strength material and specifying the same minimum value for the CTOD is
equivalent to specifying a higher toughness. An improved toughness may be necessary if the stress
will be increased, but that requirement is linked to the flaw size.

If the tolerable / critical flaw size is to remain constant, then a first estimate of the change in
fracture toughness requirements may be obtained from

2 3
2 3
1 YP 1
2 YP 2
K .
. f
. f
K 4

2 3
2 3
1 YP 1
2 YP 2
J .
. f
. f

2 3
2 3
1 YP
2 YP
. .


However, some additional important factors must be considered relating to the stress state. It is
likely that the designer will wish to increase the design stress in line with the SMYS of the material,
hence f
/ f
will be close to one, and if the section width is unaltered then the thickness in the
structure will be reduced from B
to B

2 3
2 3
2 YP 2
1 YP 1
B .
. f
. f
B -

The unwary may assume that the reduction in thickness B for the high strength steel will give a shift
towards plane stress. However, the reverse is more likely because the thickness requirement for plane
strain conditions to dominate is
B B 0 where

. 2 B

The ratio B / B
is an indication of the state of stress. If the ratio is below one, it is K
rather than K

that is applicable in a simple geometry where thickness controls the stress state, and this apparent
toughness K
depends on thickness [Figure A6.3].

If it is assumed again that a higher strength steel is used at constant width but in thinner section, then a
shift towards plane strain is expected to occur if

2 3
2 3
2 3
2 3
2 3
2 3
. .
if i.e. 1
2 IC
1 IC
1 YP
2 YP

It can be seen that the increase in yield stress ($
tends to increase this ratio and in general
it is difficult to compensate for this by an increase in the material toughness K
at the same time as
increasing the yield stress $

This implies that the thinner sections of steel that can be considered for structural use when higher
strength steels are selected do not also imply a move towards plane stress and its associated lower
constraint on plastic deformation. It is possible that the reduced section will give a shift towards
plane strain and the apparent toughness K
measured for the chosen thickness will be correspondingly
nearer the material toughness K
because of the constraint on plasticity.

The K
value is likely to be different for each steel but, because the constraint is also different, the
effect on plastic deformation at the crack tip cannot be deduced reliably from either the ratio of the
values or the ratio of K
values at a common thickness. The K
value appropriate to the thickness
therefore should be used.

The relationships between fracture toughness parameters, as well as the calculation of values from
tests, have to be corrected for this constraint, which will involve the (1-9
) term where 9 = Poissons
ratio and the more significant adjustments to
and the CTOD magnification factor m. Formal
defect assessment procedures give guidance on these factors.


6.A1 BS 131:1971, Notched Bar Tests, Part 2, The Charpy V-notch impact test on metals,
British Standards Institution, London. Now superseded by BS 131-6: 1988, Notched bar
tests. Methods for precision determination of Charpy V-notch impact energies for metals,
and by BS EN 10045-1: 1990, Charpy impact tests on metallic materials. Test method (V-
and U-notches)

6.A2 BS 7448: 1991, Fracture mechanics toughness tests Part 1: Method for determination of
, critical CTOD and critical J values of metallic materials, British Standards Institution,

6.A3 BS 7448: 1997, Fracture mechanics toughness tests Part 2: Method for determination of
, critical CTOD and critical J values of welds in metallic materials, British Standards
Institution, London

6.A4 BS 6235:1982, Code of Practice for Fixed Offshore Structures, British Standards
Institution, London [Now Withdrawn]

6.A5 Department of Energy, Offshore installations: Guidance on design and construction, HMSO
London, 3
edition, 1984 [Now Withdrawn]

6.A6 Health and Safety Executive / Department of Energy, Offshore installations: Guidance on
design, construction and certification, HMSO, London, 4
edition, 1990 [Now Withdrawn]

6.A7 BS 5400:1982, Steel, concrete and composite bridges. Code of practice for design of steel
bridges, British Standards Institution, London

6.A8 Det Norske Veritas, Rules for the Design, Construction and Inspection of Offshore
Structures, DnV, Hvik, Norway, 1977, corrected 1981

6.A9 BS 7910:1999 Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic
structures, British Standards Institution, London

6.A10 Anderson T L, Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press, ISBN 0-
8493-4277-5 (1991)

Grade 50C Grade 50D Specify Grade 50E steel
27J Charpy Temperature in C for As-Welded Construction
Design Minimum Temp C
Material Thickness
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
Figure A6.1 1982 Code guidance on Charpy V-notch requirements and steel grades
for use offshore (a) as welded construction, Grade 50 steel; (b) as welded
construction, Grade 43 steel; (c) stress relieved construction [6.A4]




-20 -10 0 +10
27J Charpy Temperature in C for
Stress Relieved Construction
Design Minimum Temp C
Gr 43C Grade 43D Specify Grade 43E steel
27J Charpy Temperature in C for As-Welded Construction
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10
Design Minimum Temp C
Material Thickness

Figure A6.2 Norwegian rules for the average minimum Charpy V-notch energy
absorption for offshore structures and the associated test temperature [6.A8]

235 275 315 355 390
Yield Stress R
Charpy Impact Energy,
Transverse, Joules
Charpy Impact Energy,
Longitudinal, Joules
Figure A6.3 Effect of specimen thickness on the mode I (opening mode) apparent
fracture toughness K

Fracture Toughness K

Thickness B

Plane Stress Plane Strain
Plastic Zone
Plastic Zone

The HE susceptibility of steels in seawater is frequently assessed using SSRT as it is a relatively
rapid, comparative method. However, it is important to appreciate the limitations of the technique as
erroneous results can occur. For example, when welded specimens are tested the majority of the strain
occurs preferentially in the softest part of the microstructure. This leads to failure in that region,
whereas in practice HE usually occurs in the hardest region of the weld.

It is important that the steel undergoing SSRT has a bulk hydrogen concentration that is representative
of the hydrogen level that exists in real structures after long-term exposure in service. As SSRT is a
rapid method it is important for specimens to be precharged with hydrogen, prior to testing, by
exposing them to the test environment for a sufficiently long period. Precharging times can be
calculated from knowledge of the hydrogen diffusion coefficient in the material but unfortunately,
literature values for diffusion coefficients [9.13] often vary by an order of magnitude. Predicted times
required for precharging with hydrogen to produce a near uniform concentration profile are shown
graphically for two values of diffusion coefficient in Figure A9.1. Precharging times would be
significantly reduced if, for example, the calculation was based on achieving 50% of the surface
concentration at the centre of the specimen. It should also be noted that hydrogen diffusion
coefficients are very sensitive to temperature and are affected by stress.

Another area of concern with SSRT is related to replicating the effects of SRB on hydrogen pick-up.
When dealing with sulphide problems in the past, H
S saturated seawater solutions (3000ppm) have
been used. SRB activity is unlikely to produce more than 600ppm and actual concentrations will
probably be far lower. It also appears that whilst a number of workers have found that the effects of
chemical sulphide differ from biogenic sulphide they disagree to which is the most severe. From a
practical point of view the use of a simulated environment using chemical sulphide additions (or other
chemical addition) is far more attractive than the dynamic SRB alternative due to the difficulty in
maintaining constant bacterial activity and thus static sulphide levels.

BS4360 grade 50D steel has been used widely for offshore construction and is generally believed to
have low susceptibility to HE, so it would seem reasonable to consider SSRT results for this material
as a baseline for comparing other offshore steels. One critical parameter in SSRT is the strain rate
used and this is often specified as 1x10
(cross head speed/gauge length). It has been found that
embrittlement is greater when a slower rate is used but such rates are not used as they increase the test
time. This does raise the concern that the faster rate may favour one material over the other when
comparing two materials.

The fracture mechanics approach to embrittlement testing has the advantage that it can provide values
for the threshold stress intensity factor (K
) that must be applied to a material before crack
propagation can occur. These values are especially useful as they can be employed directly for
assessing the risk of a crack growing from existing flaws within a structural component. There is not a
single K
value for HE in a particular steel but a range of values which depend on the concentration
of hydrogen absorbed from the environment. Values of K
for high strength steels in a range on
environments, including seawater and H
S, have been reviewed by Gangloff [9.14].

Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive
C30 1/98
Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive
C0.6 09/03
RR 1 0 5
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9 78071 7 622054
ISBN 0-7176-2205-3

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